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bluesabrerobert_ancell, is that new lightdm what I think it is? :D01:27
robert_ancellbluesabre, hopefully! Please test01:27
bluesabreWill do01:27
jbicharobert_ancell: I added appstream metadata to wine1.6/xenial-proposed but instead of using the Name I specified, it used the name from wine-winecfg.desktop instead02:58
robert_ancelljbicha, might be better to ask Laney about the appstream generation, I only really know the part that GNOME Software reads, not so much about the generation.02:59
jbichaFJKong: if you're interested in doing another SRU, there's gnome-calculator 3.18.4 for xenial to fix bug 156651303:27
ubot5bug 1566513 in gnome-calculator (Ubuntu Xenial) "Complex numbers are exponentiated incorrectly" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/156651303:28
FJKongjbicha: ok03:43
FJKongI will do it03:43
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desrthappy wednesday!08:05
didrockshappy friday desrt :)08:28
* didrocks is off on thursday/friday08:29
flocculantdidrocks just rubs it in ...08:29
desrtwell, it's like pseudofriday for me08:30
* desrt is also off tomorrow08:30
desrtalthough i feel like it's still going to be a lot of work08:31
* desrt is going to be getting drunk from ~10am tomorrow08:31
desrtthese kölsche jecke...08:32
* flocculant wanders off muttering about lucky people ...08:32
didrocksfrom or to ?08:33
desrtsee... you can't just go out in the night... this is carnival08:34
desrtyou have to start early08:34
desrt(mascha's friend is throwing a pre-pre-party)08:34
didrocksahah, this needs planning it sounds like08:34
desrt...and costumes.  lots of costumes.08:37
didrocksenjoy it!08:40
* desrt gets in the mood early08:40
flexiondotorgMorning Laney09:03
desrthi LANEY :D09:03
flexiondotorgMorning desrt didrocks flocculant hikiko09:03
desrthey flexiondotorg  :)09:03
hikikohi all09:03
desrthappy (something), hikiko09:05
hikikohappy ra day :p09:05
hikikohappy wednesday desrt09:05
desrtoh.  that's the one?  cool.09:06
hikikoin which timezone you are?09:06
desrt-1 from you09:06
willcookemorning all09:08
hikikogoodmorning willcooke09:08
didrockshey flexiondotorg, Laney, hikiko, willcooke!09:11
hikikohi *09:13
desrtO(n^2) ftw09:13
willcookeHI DESRT!09:14
desrthey willcooke omg how are you today like really09:14
willcookeHI DESRT!09:14
* desrt scratches her head09:14
seb128hey desktopers09:15
willcooke:DDD hey seb12809:15
hikikodesrt, do you know the erlang movie?09:15
desrtno.  such a thing exists?09:16
desrtmust have been a big hit in theatres...09:16
hikikoit has a part where they demonstrate a project in erlang in a phone center09:17
hikikolike 10 minutes of09:17
hikikocalls like:09:17
hikiko"hi dave" "hi robert" "hi joe" "hi X"09:17
hikikoit's a great plot you have to watch it :p09:18
flexiondotorgMorning seb128 willcooke09:27
seb128hey flexiondotorg!09:29
seb128duflu likes to blame gtk for weird behaviours under unity8 it seems09:31
dufluseb128: You could probably take Unity8 out of that sentence and replace it with "Mir"09:31
dufluseb128: I say GTK is winning though. It's apparently software rendered and runs smoother than many of our GL/Qt apps09:32
dufluIn terms of raw fill rate, GL-based toolkits like Qt will win. But for that to be useful we need to fix some bugs like poor scrolling and resizing in Qt apps09:38
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dufluWhich apparently happens in the same Qt apps under X too09:39
willcookeLaney, your XPS - did you have any issues with the super key being disabled?09:50
willcookeThe internet is a liar09:50
willcookeLaney, what about switching workspaces with ctrl-alt-<arrow>09:50
willcookedid that all work ok?09:50
seb128is that "out of the box" experience we talk about?09:51
Laneyyes, I do it quite often09:51
seb128like the pre-installed ubuntu?09:51
seb128or ubuntu on the xps?09:51
Laneythere are multiple XPSen though09:51
willcookeThe person asking me  is using the from-the-factory install09:52
willcookeXPS13 which is 2 weeks old09:52
seb128which I guess Laney is not09:53
seb128Laney, did you upgrade or reinstall?09:53
ricotzXPS13 - 9350 or 9360 is quite a difference09:53
ricotzhey desktopers09:53
seb128hey ricotz09:54
LaneyI reinstalled, but not after using it for a while on the stock install to see how it was09:55
Laneyuntil after*09:55
Laneybut it's not what they are currently selling09:55
seb128willcooke, basically it's difficult to say what's the state of the stock oem image preinstalled on those without having a new machine to poke at, they could have some xorg input driver/keyboard handling issue or some weird default config09:57
willcookeseb128, yeah, figures.  I've pointed them at the settings for hot keys and will see what comes back.09:57
willcookeno biggy09:58
LaneyI think we'd know about it if the super key was broken for everyone09:58
willcookegood point09:59
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flexiondotorgTrevinho you fixed a heap of indicator and icon related issues for snaps last week.10:15
flexiondotorgI think those have all landed in Zesty now, right?10:15
flexiondotorgDo you have bugs that track those as SRUs for 14.04 and 16.04?10:16
flexiondotorgTrevinho I've found a nice group or SRUs bugs for Xenial :-)10:27
Trevinhoflexiondotorg: oh, yeah.. http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/pending-sru.html should track them11:59
TrevinhoI've verified them, so I hope they'll hit -updates soon11:59
Trevinhomdeslaur: I've pushed a MP that fixes the security issue we were talking yesterday...12:01
TrevinhoLaney: if you want to test that in your HiDPI hw, feel free, but I already did it simulating my hw...12:01
Trevinhoxrandr --scale is my friend ;-)12:01
mdeslaurTrevinho: awesome, thanks12:06
jbichagood morning12:06
Trevinhomdeslaur: you don't need the link, don't you? :-)12:06
mdeslaurTrevinho: not really, will it eventually make it's way to the releases?12:07
Trevinhomdeslaur: well, zeisty just needs a code approval then it's there12:08
Trevinhomdeslaur: as for the others, i've to do an SRU...12:08
Trevinhowhich... actually i think it's time to do now12:09
Trevinhowell, for xenial12:09
mdeslaurTrevinho: do you have other things pending?12:09
Trevinhotrusty... I won't cover that, so if you want, code should apply there easily12:09
Trevinhomdeslaur: quite a lot yeah12:09
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=== DalekSec_ is now known as DalekSec
abeatoLaney, hey, I have noticed that gst-plugins-bad1.0 1.10.3-1ubuntu3 has been released, but I do not see that revision number in the changelog in lp:~ubuntu-desktop/ubuntu/+source/gst-plugins-bad1.015:35
Laneyabeato: Well, it wasn't uploaded by me, looks like the uploader didn't push it15:37
Laneyabeato: You can download it (and ubuntu2), and then use gbp import-dsc to import them15:38
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Laneygbp import-dscs /path/to/ubuntu2.dsc /path/to/ubuntu3.dsc15:39
abeatoLaney, I've noticed because I have this MP in a silo and got a conflict: https://code.launchpad.net/~alfonsosanchezbeato/ubuntu/+source/gst-plugins-bad1.0/+git/gst-plugins-bad1.0/+merge/31731515:39
abeatoah, interesting command15:39
Laneyit's not automatic and most uploaders don't bother to check vcs for ubuntu uploads15:40
Laneywe have this a lot with desktop components15:40
Laneyabeato: so yeah I'd do that and then rebase your stuff onto that15:41
Laneythen I'll pull up to that revision + the tags in the ubuntu-desktop repo15:41
Laneyif you let me know when it's pushed to yours15:41
abeatook, will do15:41
abeatoLaney, aha, the change is just a no-change rebuild15:53
abeatoso nothing to import15:53
abeatoI can just bump the version in the silo15:53
Laneyit should still get merged into the VCS IMHO15:55
abeatoI can take the changelog entry15:55
Laneyximion: yo, I made reading files much safer in libmo master now, feel free to give it a go16:03
Laneyhave you got any idea how to set up the coverity submission stuff from travis if the build happens in docker?16:03
Laneynext I'll add a mo_file_new_from_bytes, and that will be the end of the API additions for now16:08
Laneywill add a testsuite and call it 0.116:08
Laneybut this is weekend work for me16:08
ximionLaney: nice, thanks! :)16:16
ximionI haven't tried that yet  (Docker and coverity)16:16
ximionbut I should really set that up16:16
Laneythe examples are just for plain builds without docker16:16
ximionin run my code through coverity manually every once in a while, but didn't do that for the last few AppStream releases16:16
LaneyI forgot why I was using docker in the first place ¬_¬16:17
ximionLaney: in theory, downloading the coverity tarball manually and running it & uploading the result should work16:17
ximionwell, if Travis wouldn't use a Ubuntu release from the stoneage, one could skip Docker :P16:18
Laneyit has xenial16:18
LaneyI think I needed a newer meson16:18
Laney# the meson build requires a newer meson and glib16:19
LaneyFROM ubuntu:yakkety16:19
Laneyshould probably backport these16:19
Laneybut then it'll turn out the base travis thing doesn't have backports16:20
ximionI think I needed a newer GLib back then16:20
ximionoh, it has xenial? I though the last thing was an optionalk unstable trusty16:20
Laneywell my thing says "dist: xenial"16:20
ximionLaney: https://github.com/travis-ci/travis-ci/issues/5821 seems to be still open16:21
ximionthe base is still precise, AFAIK, and you can optionally get trusty16:22
Laneyclick "system_info"16:22
LaneyBuild dist: xenial16:22
LaneyDescription:Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS16:22
ximionbut I am not up to date on this, the CI is something I set up once and when it's working I stop worrying about it or keeping up top date with what's new in Travis16:22
Laneyso yeah, need to figure out how to get that working inside docker still16:23
Laneyah well, that's a future task16:23
ximionheh ^^16:23
gQuigsI'm trying to find a (possibly internal) discussion regarding dropping evolution from main re: https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntu.xenial/revision/240316:51
gQuigsLaney: any chance you remember?  ....was over a year ago16:52
LaneyWe asked the OEM team (or something) and they confirmed16:52
gQuigsLaney: got customers using evolution (or wanting to) and want to have a story to tell them why we like thunderbird better16:53
gQuigswait, why did OEM team ever care about evolution?16:54
LaneySTS maybe16:55
LaneyI don't remember exactly16:55
Laneybut we asked and it was confirmed16:55
LaneyIsn't it the same answer as to why any other piece of software isn't in main?16:56
jbichagQuigs: did you read the commit message for the commit your posted?16:57
LaneyThat explains why we wanted to drop it, but we wouldn't have done that if Canonical had a business requirement to keep it in main16:58
gQuigsjbicha: yup, but that's redundant, I want to know *why* - evolution had an exception # still supported for business environment16:58
Laneyare we going around in circles?16:58
LaneyWe asked. and were told. that it was okay.16:59
jbicha(evo uses webkit2 as of 16.10)16:59
gQuigsLaney: true, we are going in circles..17:00
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mdeslaurgQuigs: we switched to thunderbird on the default media a long time ago. We couldn't in good conscience leave evolution in main knowing it used an unmaintainable webkit as its rendering engine.17:01
mdeslaurgQuigs: now that it's switched to webkit2, it may be possible to get it promoted again, assuming that the webkit2gtk developers continue doing abi compatible security releases and don't get bored17:02
gQuigsmdeslaur: awesome to know, thanks!17:03
willcookeright, I'm off, night all17:52
Laneynn also18:22
flocculantrobert_ancell: many thanks - got new lightdm in my iso's now - seems to be working fine for the most part, I reported a niggling issue from suspend earlier - but nothing as horrid as what we had :)20:11
flocculants/my/Xubuntu ...20:11
robert_ancellflocculant, great news!20:11
flocculantyea - absolutely - I didn't even get to wake up properly before work - testing lightdm instead :D20:12
flocculantthanks again :)20:12
robert_ancellflocculant, I'm away for two weeks, so I'm not sure if I'll get the other issue fixed today but if not will pick up when I get back.20:13
flocculantrobert_ancell: seems to me that I only manage to get an issue if I am suspend/reboot/unlock/suspend/reboot/unlock quickly - and on nouveau. Normal use of suspend/unlock works22:18
flocculantnot convinced it's a major issue - certainly nothing like we've seen - where I was ready to not release our Beta22:18
robert_ancellok, thanks22:18
flocculantrobert_ancell: have a great 2 weeks :)22:20
jbichaximion: hi, do you have time to help with getting the Name field correct for wine1.6/xenial? see the last few comments on bug 157181622:50
ubot5bug 1571816 in wine-development (Ubuntu Yakkety) "Gnome Software catalog entry missing for Wine" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/157181622:50
jbichait's using the Name field from wine-winecfg.desktop instead22:53
ximionjbicha: which component exactly?23:37
ximion(does have the wrong name)23:37
jbichaximion: wine1.6 on xenial-proposed, GNOME Software shows it as "Configure Wine", I want it to just say "Wine"23:38
jbichawine1.6 does not ship a .desktop that exactly matches the appstream id I used23:40

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