
hasyimhow to install driver VGA ?03:34
hasyimgeforce 930m?03:37
mate99hi.im using ub mate 16.4.2,is t07:49
mate99hi.im using ub mate 16.4.2,is it safe to upgrade mate 1.16 from ppa?07:49
Astro7467yes, should be fine. I'm running 16.04.2 with 1.16 on a few systems with out issue07:53
MmikeAstro7467, which ppa are you  using?07:58
=== robert_ is now known as Guest47879
Guest47879die AMI's Machen das Internet Kaputt08:31
ubottuIn den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!08:32
ubottuThe main Ubuntu IRC channels are English only.  For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList08:32
gebruikerUbuntu mate artwork package on launchpad is missing certain icons I.e redshift white icon. What package contains these white panel icons? After installing the mate artwork package I am seeing the white volume control applet icon on the bar but the redshift icon is the regular one. I am trying this out on another distrobution.08:41
pacman123112I need some help.12:04
KingstonDataTravO 'ello...12:12
bhawkI'm trying to install Flash on my system so I can use pandora... I think it's installed but the pandora opening menu says I need to install Flash Player v.10 or better12:57
bhawkwhat might I be doing wrong?13:00
Astro7467have you looked in the Software Boutique. shld be there13:04
Astro7467unsure of version tho13:04
bhawkyes that's where I installed from13:13
bhawkyou're correct it does say which version is in the boutique13:13
bhawkany other ideas?13:21
bhawkOK rebooted now it works13:25
=== DalekSec_ is now known as DalekSec
TwoNotesWHat is the easiest way to make U-M on Rpi run with RO HD card?  I have an external drive for /var and /home15:11
alkisgOnly put /boot in the card15:17
alkisgAnd the whole /usr, /var, /home etc to the HD15:17
TwoNotesThen all I need to edit is /boot/cmdline.txt?15:24
=== Tacoder is now known as DarkPsydeLord
TwoNotesSoftware Updater says "not all updates can be installed", lists several possible reasons, but not THE reason.  ??21:31
TwoNotesis there a log file somewhere?21:36
jack_If I install a new Linux distro is there a way to not have to re-install my Steam games?21:37
=== ergosomnic11 is now known as ergosomnic
mate|62296can you help me22:39
mate|62296hello communtiy can you help be me problem22:39
mate|62296i have problem22:40
mate|62296be my headphone22:41
Astro7467!ask | mate|6229622:41
ubottumate|62296: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience22:41
linux_Hey all... I had sound working and now it doesn't. Any tips on troubleshooting?22:45
linux_Awesome! Any help is appreciated.22:46
linux_still there?22:47
mate|62296as Awesome! Any help is appreciated. ??22:48
mate|21493can you help be my headphone22:54
mate|21493my headphone will not play22:55
Astro7467mate|21493: what hv you tried? ur setup? hv you changed the output device in Pulse audio? pls provide specific info if you want help23:09
mate|21493can you help software for the headphone23:10
DarkPsydeLordwhere you from?23:12
mate|21493i will software me headphone23:13

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