kaosine | can someone help me? I'm tyring to install server but it goes straight to this when I tell the computer to boot from flash drive it's telling me that "lvmetad is not active yet, using direct activation during sysinit" and just hangs there | 00:01 |
=== Darkman802_ is now known as Darkman802 | ||
xpistos | Hey all. how do I run a cron job the last day of every month? | 04:13 |
darsparx | ok how do I forward a port on this? I'm trying to get it to where I can access my quassel core remotely with the external IP.... | 04:17 |
xpistos | I figured it out. It is a little messy but if I make 2 jobs one for february for the 28,29 and then one for the rest of the months as 30,31 | 04:19 |
jak2000 | hi friends... where configure reverse DNS? | 04:23 |
PhoenixMage | xpistos: Have you tried setting the day to -1? | 04:24 |
xpistos | PhoenixMage: Yes, but it doesn't work | 04:24 |
xpistos | PhoenixMage: I just did one job for february 28,29 and one for the rest of the months 30,31. I am sure there is a better why but this works | 04:25 |
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC | ||
lordievader | Good morning | 08:56 |
cpaelzer | hi lordievader | 09:08 |
lordievader | Hey cpaelzer, how are you? | 09:09 |
cpaelzer | Fine, I hope you as well | 09:09 |
lordievader | Jup, doing good here :) | 09:10 |
=== rxc is now known as Guest15998 | ||
zioproto | Hello there. I am following the progress of this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1660634 I see that for Xenial the status is Fix Committed. It means that the patch is in a review queue ? If yes, how can I find the patch and the review queue in launchpad ? it looks like it is not linked anywhere on that page. Thank you | 11:57 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1660634 in linux (Ubuntu Yakkety) "Enable CONFIG_NET_DROP_MONITOR=m in Ubuntu Kernel" [Undecided,Fix committed] | 11:57 |
rbasak | zioproto: try looking at https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/kernel-team/. The kernel team follow an upstream-like patch workflow. | 12:15 |
rbasak | zioproto: or, failing that, try asking in #ubuntu-kernel | 12:16 |
=== lukasa_ is now known as lukasa | ||
=== DalekSec_ is now known as DalekSec | ||
ddstreet | coreycb hi, ping | 15:49 |
ddstreet | coreycb when you get in, small request from me, related to the pull-uca-source merge, i have a improvement to pull-lp-source, if you have time to merge it also | 15:50 |
ddstreet | in bug 1453330 | 15:50 |
ubottu | bug 1453330 in ubuntu-dev-tools (Ubuntu) "pull-{lp,debian}-source not getting source for binary because DDE is dead" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1453330 | 15:50 |
ddstreet | i have this bzr branch which should be mergable: https://code.launchpad.net/~ddstreet/ubuntu-dev-tools/lp1453330 | 15:50 |
ddstreet | thnx! | 15:50 |
Village | Good time, what packages are with perl ? | 19:05 |
compdoc | I think there are many perl packages, and they install automatically when some program needs them | 19:12 |
Village | no automatically | 19:13 |
Village | i need instal something like this but this not exists - libperl-dev perl-dev | 19:13 |
bekks | !info libperl-dev | 19:14 |
ubottu | libperl-dev (source: perl): Perl library: development files. In component main, is optional. Version 5.22.2-3 (yakkety), package size 2312 kB, installed size 8622 kB | 19:14 |
sarnold | libperl-dev does exist.. | 19:14 |
Village | so i need intall " perl " package ? | 19:15 |
bekks | Village: For libperl-dev, you need to install libperl-dev ... | 19:15 |
compdoc | install the packages you need | 19:15 |
compdoc | http://packages.ubuntu.com/source/perl | 19:16 |
Village | ok i installing it, i miss that it's don't exist | 19:16 |
Village | and i think so it's getting off | 19:17 |
jamespage | cpaelzer, when you're around - need some help with bug 1667033 | 20:17 |
ubottu | bug 1667033 in nova (Ubuntu) "nova instance console log empty" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1667033 | 20:17 |
kaosine2 | ok I'm a little confused and having some trouble. I did ufw allow on my server for 4242 but I can't seem to connect on the outgoing IP for my server. But I was perfectly fine last night on the internal one....I'm using ubuntu server 16.04 | 21:35 |
=== kaosine2 is now known as darsparx_ | ||
genii | bekks: I was getting ready to slap the guy earlier. ( j4f-shredder__ ) | 21:48 |
coreycb | chiluk, hi, is this ready to promote from proposed -> updates? https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-archive/+bug/1650067 | 22:01 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1650067 in Ubuntu Cloud Archive liberty "qemu core dumps when unable to allocate ram for new virtual machine" [Critical,Fix committed] | 22:01 |
coreycb | chiluk, oh yes it is. i can read. | 22:01 |
coreycb | beisner, jamespage: can you please promote qemu from kilo-proposed and liberty-proposed --> updates? | 22:02 |
jamespage | rharper, are you around? need some know-how on https://launchpad.net/bugs/1667033 | 22:06 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1667033 in nova (Ubuntu) "nova instance console log empty" [Critical,Triaged] | 22:06 |
jamespage | but cpaelzer is probably asleep | 22:06 |
rharper | y | 22:06 |
jamespage | rharper, some context in the bug report, but basically nova has switched things around for console output | 22:07 |
jamespage | rharper, to use virtlogd | 22:07 |
rharper | jamespage: have you adjusted the libvirt type to tcp ? | 22:08 |
jamespage | rharper, the xml that nova generates is in the bug report - does it need to be tcp? | 22:08 |
rharper | 8 | yes | yes | yes | tcp with logd | 22:08 |
rharper |  | 22:08 |
rharper | look at the table in that nova commit | 22:08 |
rharper | serial enabled, have virtlogd, is kvm, | 22:09 |
rharper | that says to me that we should be getting tcp in the devtype for libvirt xml | 22:09 |
jamespage | rharper, ah right that assumed serial-console is enabled | 22:09 |
jamespage | rharper, for this deployment its not | 22:09 |
jamespage | its using | 22:09 |
rharper | ah, ok | 22:09 |
jamespage | + # 4 | no | yes | yes | pty with logd | 22:09 |
jamespage | pty with logd | 22:09 |
rharper | ok, so now it's, is virtlogd working | 22:09 |
rharper | there were bugs related to libvirtd not enabling virtlogd on install/upgrade | 22:10 |
rharper | can you confirm via systemctl status on virtlogd ? | 22:10 |
jamespage | rharper, its definately running - I updated /etc/default/virtlogd to enable verbose output | 22:10 |
rharper | virsh console on the node show anything ? | 22:11 |
rharper | we'd like to confirm that you get console messages to the local pty | 22:11 |
rharper | then we can see if nova is extracting it | 22:11 |
jamespage | rharper, need to redeploy again | 22:12 |
jamespage | rharper, actually had one running :-) | 22:14 |
rharper | ok, if you can attach the xml, and the resulting qemu process with parameters | 22:14 |
jamespage | rharper, virsh console does give me a console | 22:14 |
rharper | ok, good | 22:14 |
rharper | next is if we're having virtlogd write to the log file | 22:14 |
rharper | /var/log/virtlogd/qemu/$GUEST.log or /var/log/libvirt/qemu/$GUEST-$DEVICE.log where device maybe serial | 22:15 |
jamespage | rharper, looking | 22:15 |
jamespage | rharper, shortcut to drop from console | 22:16 |
rharper | control-] | 22:16 |
rharper | IIRC | 22:16 |
rharper | like telnet | 22:16 |
jamespage | rharper, ack | 22:17 |
jamespage | rharper, have $GUEST.log | 22:17 |
rharper | any rotations? | 22:17 |
rharper | log.0, .1 gz ? | 22:17 |
jamespage | rharper, nope | 22:17 |
jamespage | rharper, http://paste.ubuntu.com/24049294/ | 22:17 |
jamespage | is the XML for the whole instance | 22:17 |
rharper | ok, so now the question is why nova can't get at the console data via the api | 22:18 |
jamespage | rharper, well this is odd | 22:19 |
jamespage | for the instance I connected to the console of | 22:19 |
jamespage | (which I then rebooted) | 22:19 |
jamespage | it now has written to /var/lib/nova/instances/20bc9ee9-183f-43e1-bbce-36fcfb8d3806/console.log | 22:19 |
jamespage | pretty much from the point that a logged in onwards | 22:19 |
rharper | huh | 22:20 |
rharper | so, activating the console via virsh | 22:20 |
rharper | did something | 22:20 |
jamespage | rharper, it would appear so | 22:20 |
rharper | hrm, indeed | 22:20 |
darsparx_ | ok I'm a little lost....trying to forward the port on a server I set up and I cleared the port to go out through ofw but I still can't get connected when using the external IP I get....I've even gone into the router and forwarded the port... | 22:22 |
jamespage | rharper, ok so I disconnected, rebooted in the instance via the API | 22:22 |
jamespage | no further log output | 22:22 |
jamespage | so it would appear that I only get output to the console.log file | 22:22 |
jamespage | when I'm also attached to the serial console | 22:22 |
rharper | jamespage: can you paste the qemu process and parameters | 22:23 |
jamespage | rharper, | 22:23 |
jamespage | rharper, http://paste.ubuntu.com/24049323/ | 22:23 |
rharper | k | 22:23 |
rharper | ok, looking at what it should be vs. what's there | 22:24 |
rharper | jamespage: which qemu version are you using ? | 22:33 |
jamespage | rharper, 2.8.0 from zesty, backported to xenial | 22:33 |
rharper | I can see similar behavior on my system with 2.6.1 | 22:33 |
jamespage | with libvirt 2.5.0 the same | 22:33 |
rharper | I wonder if somehow we're missing a commit then | 22:34 |
jamespage | rharper, might be | 22:34 |
rharper | let me upgrade my qemu | 22:34 |
rharper | to 2.8 and see what happens | 22:34 |
jamespage | rharper, ta | 22:40 |
rharper | i'll keep poking | 22:40 |
rharper | jamespage: ok, I think the xml isn't configured for logging serial to file; the xml has serial type=pty; I think it should be serial type=file, if I use that, I get everything in the file properly including messages; but that means without a pty serial device configure you can't get interactive console | 23:05 |
rharper | https://www.spinics.net/linux/fedora/libvir/msg142550.html is a recent thread about this | 23:05 |
rharper | jamespage: looks like we need a qemu patch, I updated the bug with discussion and link to patch | 23:16 |
darsparx_ | ok is there a way to reinstall server? I just get a black screen when I reboot the system.... | 23:33 |
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