
diddledannew hard thingy coming in the morro00:46
diddledanit's a replacement so I don't actually benefit from getting 3 more because I'm replacing half of a mirrored pair00:47
daftykinsyou get to watch it rebuild!00:57
diddledandas blinkenlights01:20
diploMorning all08:16
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.08:22
JamesTaitGood morning all! Happy Wednesday, and happy World Thinking Day! 😃09:40
diddledanI wonder when my disk is gonna arrive....10:47
diddledanprobably last thing this afternoon >.<10:47
diddledanI has a disk (unless it's something else.. haven't opened the box yet)11:03
diddledandas blinkenlight ist blinken flashy!11:32
diddledan6 hours to completely resilver11:41
andylockranhowdy guys :)19:50
andylockranFinally got a home computer back :)19:51
andylockranOld school Dell Optiplex 980 SFF19:51
andylockranGot a eSata cable to connect up my old ubuntu SSD coming tomorrow19:51
zmoylan-piold school would be a bbc micro connected to irc via a rasp pi :-P19:52
zmoylan-pior... would that be vintage now...19:55
Laneygot loads of sprouts to peel20:07
Laneyworst kitchen job20:07
zmoylan-pisee... if you learned morse you could stay on irc AND peel sprouts as you tap out morse by foot... :-)20:33
diddledanzmoylan-pi: I want to run a website off a BBC20:41
diddledanzmoylan-pi: the best retro I can hope for is to hook-up my brother's old AMSTRAD PC1640 with an 8bit ISA network card (if such things exist) to run a site off20:42
diddledanI've heard of people running Commodore 64 with network thingies20:43
zmoylan-piconnecting them to internet with network cards with nore cpu than the c64 :-)20:44
zmoylan-pi8bit network isa cards... i suspect i know were there are a few of those lying about...20:45
zmoylan-pico ax though instead of cat 520:46
diddledancoax don't count20:46
diddledanmy secondary school had a network using coax20:47
zmoylan-pidon't diss coax... legen tells of a major computer company in uk that in late 90s had one massive lenght of coax connecting many many computers in their hq without grief20:47
diddledanso quantum entanglement.. could we conceivably use a group of entangled particles which are distributed around the world at key internet exchanges to remove the large distance + speed of light latency issue between continents, I wonder20:50
zmoylan-pionly if you can program working thread support in vb.net :-P20:51
diddledani.e. London telehouse has one half of the entangled pairs and New York has the other so that when you want to communicate across the atlantic you encode your message onto the London side and then read the message off in New York before putting onto normal optical cables20:52
diddledanzmoylan-pi: I should program a User Interface in Visual Basic to track his IP20:53
zmoylan-pia moment in tv infamy...20:54
diddledanI've not seen this one before - it's Xander from Buffy! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DNLB7bFA_U420:55
zmoylan-pimy favourite bit of computer screen interaction on tv will always remain... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fYAlB1Kxayc taranshula...21:00
diddledanthat's a classic21:05
zmoylan-piit remains beautifully timeless21:05
diddledandaftykins: what did you say I should do with this WD Greenie that I suspect to be wonky? Write zeroes all over it?21:06
m0nkey_Question for the Brits... When I come over to the UK, is it still easy to pickup a pre-paid SIM card? Do they still give them out for free? Can I pick one up at Gatwick airport?21:27
popeypretty sure you can get them most places now21:28
popeysuper markets etc21:28
diddledanI think they're still available everywhere21:29
diddledancan't say I've looked lately tho21:29
m0nkey_I got my old Nexus 4 to use while I'm over there21:32
m0nkey_Otherwise I've got to pay $50 just to get my old Note 4 SIM unlocked21:33
zmoylan-pi$50 would probably get you a mifi with a sim in tescos... wifi all the way :-)21:37
m0nkey_That I'll be happy with21:38
m0nkey_Then I just use my VoIP provider21:38
zmoylan-pibut a sim on prepay and using data should still be cheaper21:39
zmoylan-pibut me been a tightfisted git would use an offline map and opera browser as it compresses data21:40
daftykinsdiddledan: yeah zero that sucker22:24
daftykinsm0nkey_: how long until you arrive? you can sign up with giffgaff and they post them to Canada so you're ready to rock on landing22:24
m0nkey_I'm not coming until August. So got some time to go :)22:27
m0nkey_What?! They charge 2p/min to call Canada from the UK?!22:44
m0nkey_We are royally ripped off over here22:45
m0nkey_Costs $1/min to call the UK.22:45
zmoylan-pithat's so you get the bestest most fantastic service :-P22:46
m0nkey_A basic plan on a Tier 1 provider will cost $75.22:47
daftykinsonce you have an internet connection, why would you still want to pick up a phone?22:48
zmoylan-pii'm on tesco prepay in ireland.  i spend €5 every 2-3 months for credit22:48
m0nkey_daftykins, wont always have an internet connection, plan to go out a lot and it's mostly so we can stay in touch with my family while i'm there22:49
zmoylan-pithen have them send emails, tweets or whatever and get back the same way on free wifi when you can find it...22:50
daftykinsright so get on wifi in public and use any number of free alternatives, or just accept you have to be home and arrange times to talk to folks22:50
daftykinsacting like the high rates are the only way to do it seems odd22:50
awilkinsNexus 4 4tw23:05
awilkins(old? mine is still my daily driver....)23:05
daftykinswith non-stock OS i take it, since it's been abandoned for years :)23:09
m0nkey_i still like my old N423:12
zmoylan-piit does the job why change it23:13
zmoylan-piif ancient phone is good enough for american president... :-P23:15
daftykinsbecause of many glaring known security vulnerabilities23:16
daftykinsyou keep trying to apply old dumbphone preferences and familiarities to a vastly changed market23:16
zmoylan-pias long as you don't connect to the internet, don't take calls and epoxy the 5.25" floppy drive... :-P23:17
m0nkey_What about one of these open firmwares? Anything for the N4?23:17
zmoylan-pioh and deffo disable the sms abilities23:17
daftykinssure, but you'll often have to sacrifice call, touch or camera quality23:18
daftykinsalternative ROMs just don't get the focus stock ones do23:18
m0nkey_what about that cyanogenmod replacement? .. what was it called?23:18
m0nkey_line... something23:18
daftykinsit's not a replacement, it's the new name for it since they can't keep calling it cyanogenmod anymore23:19
daftykinssame stuff, new label23:19
zmoylan-pilineage os23:20
awilkinsUsing Chroma Marshmallow on mine23:21
awilkinsI Lineage-OSed my 2012 Nexus 723:21
awilkinsIt's pretty nice but a bit crashy (unofficial build so I guess the device drivers could be a bit... off)23:22
m0nkey_What about this Ubuntu Phone, would that work? lol23:22
zmoylan-pibut it's still better than running it's default os now security wise23:22
awilkinsI think there's an Ubuntu Mobile build (maybe an old one) for Nexus 7 201223:23
awilkinsDunno about Nexus 423:23
m0nkey_There is a build for N423:23
awilkinsReluctant for the same reason I eventually abandoned my N90023:23
awilkinsIt's really nice and cool n'all to have a Free Software phone23:23
awilkinsBut you just can't get all the apps you want23:23
m0nkey_All i need to do is make calls, text and maybe a few emails23:24
awilkinsI use Google Maps, a lot23:25
awilkinsNavigation is the killer phone app for me23:25
zmoylan-pii do have a java app to access googlemaps including streetview for dumbphone but i prefer offline map on android tablet.23:25
daftykinsm0nkey_: don't screw with that works before travelling! :D that's always a bad move23:26
zmoylan-pilast minute changes follow the 90 90 rule.  the first 90% of the task takes 90% of the time, the last 10% takes the other 90%23:27
daftykinsgranted you've got some months, but meh23:28
zmoylan-pijust more time to spend searching ancient forums for fix to a problem you just installed :-)23:29
zmoylan-pifinding a forum covering months with the exact problem and then a final 'sorted it' message with no explanation how...23:29
daftykinsi sometimes hop on IRC and see someone has come in with a problem then leaves saying it's sorted, with no answer23:30
zmoylan-pii mean sometimes it was understandable.  i remember in the early days of linux you didn't push people who got tv cards working on linux as they often had a look on their faces like they'd stared into the abyss and survived... :-)23:33
m0nkey_I'll most likely just get my Note4 SIM unlocked before I go.23:34
* awilkins remembers writing kernel patches for his TV card23:34
* awilkins twitches23:34
m0nkey_But I am totally curious about Ubuntu on the N423:35
daftykinsweirdos wanting TV anywhere near a PC :D23:35
m0nkey_I need a Ubuntu machine.23:35
daftykinsyou have a very odd definition of 'need', sir23:35
m0nkey_I had to give my Ubuntu laptop back to the wife and put Windows back on it.23:35
zmoylan-piand even better was when they took a working tv card setup and crossed a small puny border and had to start all over again...23:35
* awilkins remembers building custom kernels for his TV card.... on Gentoo23:36
* awilkins twitches23:36
m0nkey_I remember installing Gentoo 0.123:36
daftykinsawilkins: it's ok you've reformed from your ricer ways23:36
zmoylan-pia usb drive with a live distro on it for linux needs on windows hardware23:36
m0nkey_that was an absolute bitch23:36
daftykinsright which you can't update the kernel on ;)23:36
awilkinsGentoo was good for 1 thing - really teaches you shitloads about Unix if you do a Stage 1 install23:36
m0nkey_Meh, it really didn't do that so much.23:37
zmoylan-piand making sure you got your monies worth out of the faster cpu you bought :-P23:37
awilkinsdaftykins, I've written kernel patches for Ubuntu too though23:37
m0nkey_It pretty much taught you how to compile a kernel, everything else was bootstrapped.23:37
m0nkey_If you want to learn Linux, I recommend Linux from Scratch.23:37
m0nkey_I did it once.23:37
awilkinsNot sure it was around back then23:38
m0nkey_Be prepared to spend a few days on that.23:38
daftykinszmoylan-pi: Linux doesn't give you that on a laptop :P23:38
awilkinsI must have spent WEEKS watching compiler scrollback :-)23:38
daftykinsa lovely clean Windows install will do that just fine over a factory mess :>23:38
zmoylan-piyou could get a rasp pi zero. install linux onto that and then ssh in via your n4 for all your linux needs... 8-)23:39
daftykinsall your very very basic needs23:41
zmoylan-piit'll run a full linux distro for variable levels of /run/...23:41
zmoylan-piyou can even vnc if you want desktop experience...23:41
daftykinsa lovely insecure mess of a protocol :>23:42
zmoylan-pino proper hacker would touch vnc... it would make their ocd flare up... :-P23:42
daftykinswhat's the protocol behind the default in desktop ubuntu these days?23:46
zmoylan-pithe default?23:46
daftykinsyeah there's a built in remote desktop feature23:47
daftykinsthat's MS...23:48
zmoylan-piwhen i set up my pi many moons ago i think that's what it defaulted to23:48
m0nkey_xrdp, super handy23:51
zmoylan-pii kinda remembered as i used to have problems with rdp on windows and hoped on linux those wouldn't happen23:52
daftykinsworked fine for me for years :)23:58
daftykinscan't count on 100 peoples digits and toes how many folk come in trying to remote to Linux boxes...23:58
daftykinsthen some fool tells 'em to run everything plain over VNC, oof23:58

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