
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
laralauerGood morning, Is there already an Unity8 snap for Mir? I'm running Ubuntu Core 16 on QEmu08:36
laralauersorry, disconnected08:43
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=== dandrader|afk is now known as dandrader
=== dandrader is now known as dandrader|afk
=== dandrader|afk is now known as dandrader
kgunn_mterry: on zesty lockscreen, i don't see cursor residing in the password input14:10
mterrykgunn_: uh oh -- like by default or even if you click in there you can't see the cursor?14:11
=== jjb is now known as oao
=== oao is now known as jjb
Saviqlaralauer, there is a unity8-session, --edge --devmode at the moment, we're still working hard on getting it done proper, expect breakage :)14:27
=== dandrader is now known as dandrader|afk
josharensonSaviq: Have you had any chance to look at polish-greeter? I can send you information re: the bugs it resolves in an e-mail if that would be helpful.16:27
Saviqjosharenson, duh, let me do that now - is there a silo or shall I grab packages from the MP16:29
josharensonSaviq: there was a silo a few weeks ago, don't know what kind of shape its in. I'll check that out in the meantime16:30
Saviqyeah CI is from two weeks ago, too, need a newer build16:30
josharensonSaviq: I'll clean up that silo, but the polish-greeter branch just changes 1 qml file fwiw16:32
josharensonSaviq: makes the sessions list the right size/colors but doesn't really touch on keyboard nav as I received no input from design16:33
josharensonSaviq: I removed all the other branches (as they've already been merged) and kicked off a build. Same silo number (2320)16:43
Saviqjosharenson, yeah already applied the diff locally, some feedback incoming16:43
Saviqjosharenson, https://code.launchpad.net/~josharenson/unity8/polish-greeter/+merge/313720/comments/829533 the highlight seems to stay on the first item?16:45
josharensonSaviq: taking a look16:49
josharensonSaviq: oh thats intentional16:49
josharensonSaviq: the first item is the currently selected session16:49
Saviqjosharenson, yeah but if I select another one, it stays at the top16:50
Saviqjosharenson, shouldn't it highlight the one whose icon is shown?16:51
josharensonSaviq: This is where some feedback from design would be helpful... If you press escape, or otherwise abort, it should launch the highlighted one at the top. If you click a new session, or press enter, it will launch that session, but the list will close so you'll never see the updated highlight..16:51
josharensonif that makes sense16:51
josharensonSaviq: oh, yes...16:51
Saviqjosharenson, well, yeah, I can't get it to highlight any other, always the top one16:51
josharensonSaviq: I wonder if one of the recent fixes broke that... I'll take a look. Can you see that in the mock or do you need the full greeter to reproduce it?16:52
Saviqjosharenson, which try* do I use?16:52
josharensonSaviq: wideView16:52
Saviqor a few, need to build ;P16:54
=== dandrader|afk is now known as dandrader
josharensonSaviq: I see the issue in the mock. I'll patch it17:10
kgunnmterry: on the current lockscreen (ala unity7) should the cursor blink?19:54
mterrykgunn: I think so19:55
kgunnok...it blinks on this machine (xenial+overlay)19:55
mterrykgunn: does for me19:55
kgunnbut doesn't on zesty (other machine)19:55
kgunnmterry: so who would catch that bug?19:55
kgunnlike what project19:55
mterrykgunn: desktop team?  probably a gtk issue (or unity team if they're doing something weird) -- you're talking about lockscreen, not greeter right?19:56
kgunnmterry: well...lockscreen? what's the diff between greeter and lockscreen for u7?19:57
mterrykgunn: lockscreen is what comes up when you go to indicator and choose "lock" or press ctrl+alt+L19:58
mterrykgunn: it's drawn by unity719:58
mterryGreeter is what first welcomes you or when you try to switch to a different user19:58
mterryThat's drawn by a separate binary (though they intentionally look similar)19:58
kgunnmterry: mmm...what is shown on boot?20:00
kgunni assume greeter20:00
kgunnb/c if i lock...it seems to flash20:00
mterrykgunn: greeter is shown on boot, yeah20:01
mterrykgunn: ok then unity-greeter is the project and I guess that bug would fall to me or robert ancell20:01
mterryBut I think that is technically owned by desktop team?20:01

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