[00:05] I have a feeling it did, but not 100% sure [00:06] it did make me a little nervous that the wiki had a note that that process was under revision [00:06] MaynardWaters: adding new functionallity only, what is there works fine. [00:07] fyi this is what i followed [00:07] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Ubuntu%20Studio%20Upgrade%20from%20Ubuntu [00:07] basically just took the sudo apt-get update .... under install packages [00:07] I have not done the install linux-rt [00:08] it says that that is no longer accurate [00:08] I think I need to study ardour more before I'm able to use it [02:32] MaynardWaters: That page looks good === DalekSec_ is now known as DalekSec [14:58] Hi