
bluesabreflocculant, robert uploaded a new lightdm that resolves the issue for him01:36
Unit193bluesabre: Have you filed the thunar SRU yet? ;301:36
bluesabreUnit193, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/thunar/+bug/151212001:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1512120 in thunar (Ubuntu Yakkety) "[SRU] thunar crashes on file renaming" [Undecided,New]01:37
bluesabreyakkety uploaded a bit ago01:37
bluesabreworking on xenial now01:37
Unit193Sweet, thanks.01:37
bluesabrenp :)01:37
Unit193I wondered if we'd want to FFe notifyd, but...01:38
knomewhen was FF?01:39
bluesabrelast week01:40
bluesabreI'm not opposed to it01:40
knomeme neither; we're far from an LTS, so we should have some wiggle room01:40
knomethough you should ask QA too01:40
Unit193Well, I'm not in charge of any answers so suits me. :D01:42
knometime to go to bed02:11
bluesabrenighty knome02:12
bluesabrewas going to test thunar in xenial, but apparently xenial doesn't like kvm02:33
flocculantbluesabre: xenial liked kvm for me for a whole cycle ... 07:13
flocculantbluesabre: re lightdm - grabbed from -proposed. From Lock not managed to break it there. From Suspend, if I'm a bit quick then I get knocked back to unlock from desktop but second try works07:14
flocculantwill report that on bug for Robert07:14
flocculantbluesabre: re xenial - I'll update my hardware jobby and get thunar there and do all the mad back and forth stuff I did when testing the patches07:15
flocculantonce I see the verification- tags show up07:32
flocculantbug 166680307:33
ubottubug 1666803 in Light Display Manager "Password required twice returning from suspend" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/166680307:33
flocculantqa likes notifyd changes ... 07:50
Unit193bluesabre: ↑ Figured he'd been testing it from xfce4-gtk3 too. :D07:51
flocculantmorning Unit193 07:51
flocculantthat was a busy start to my day ... 07:52
flocculantlocking and unlocking repeatedly ... 07:52
flocculantbluesabre: in Settings in menu I currently see 3 entries for Disks - that's been reported on bug 1666693, so it's obviously not l-d-s - what is the likely suspect? gnome-disk-utility itself? I kind of assume so ...08:22
ubottubug 1666693 in lubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu) "gnome-disks shows three icons in menu of lxpanel " [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/166669308:22
bluesabreflocculant, gnome-disk-utility seems to be at fault, commented on bug11:28
bluesabreflocculant, suspending with lock is kind of a pain... I wonder if there is something more we can do on the xfce side to make that a bit more secure/reliable11:30
bluesabreflocculant, since you're a fan of the notifyd changes, and none of us seem to be against them, we can probably start working on the FFe to get that in11:31
flocculantbluesabre: okey doke to all that - re suspend with lock, if I let the login screen settle down it unlocks fine12:03
flocculantalso 12:03
flocculantof course - I am suspend - reboot - unlock - suspend - reboot - unlock12:03
flocculantwith no patience - which is unlikely to be normal behaviour :)12:04
flocculantwill respin our images later to get lightdm12:06
bluesabreflocculant, great, thanks!12:09
flocculantdoing now - package available - will mail testers later12:10
flocculantbluesabre: so yea just quickly - I think the suspend thing for me - is I'm rapidly testing it 12:11
flocculantnot that it should be a problem - but unlikely anyone would do that in normal life I guess12:12
bluesabreyeah, it seems like a less common use case12:12
flocculantI'll hassle jbicha re Disks when I see him about later :p12:15
=== DalekSec_ is now known as DalekSec
flocculantbluesabre: just fyi - my seeing double password from suspend appears to depend on nouveau - nvidia 'appears' slower and I can't seem to break it20:00
ali1234double password?20:03
flocculantali1234: unlock from suspend = see desktop - flung back to unlock screen20:03
ali1234ah that20:04
ali1234i think the lock screen is shown on another vt20:04
flocculantanother cycle - another lock issue20:04
ali1234so it has to switch - after unsuspend20:04
flocculantvt8 iirc20:04
ali1234lightdm handles it all iirc20:04
ali1234so nouveau has KMS which means it can switch between VTs and the console without resolution switch20:05
flocculantpart of an ongoing conversation since pre-beta yakkety - which stopped while it worked for a bit - then started again a few weeks ago - when it stopped unlocking again20:06
wxlflocculant: have you guys had any problem with oem mode?20:06
ali1234the proprietary driver does not have KMS so when it switches between VTs it changes the screen mode, which takes longer to process, so the picture disappears for longer and you dont see what it is really doing20:06
flocculantwxl: no - when I've tested it - it works as expected20:07
flocculantwxl and changed package in the 3 Disks bug20:07
knomewe've just begun testing/looking into it seriously otoh20:07
knomesauna, bbl20:07
flocculantknome: yea20:07
wxlflocculant: great thanks. re: oem we've got this http://launchpad.net/bugs/163847320:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1638473 in oem-config (Ubuntu) "Blank screen after running oem-config" [Undecided,Confirmed]20:07
flocculantwxl I've definitely looked in the last week20:08
flocculantali1234: right20:08
wxlflocculant: in kvm?20:08
flocculantwxl: yea20:08
wxlflocculant: might be vbox specific20:09
flocculantnot tried on hardware - not got vbox anymore - kvm works ok20:09
flocculantsecond drive to hospital - back later20:12
ochosiflocculant: so the unlock bug has been resolved in lightdm..?21:38
ochosior did i misinterpret the update on the report21:38
flocculantochosi: pretty much sorted yep :)22:16
Unit193bluesabre: That did not work.22:20
Unit193ls -1 ~22:21
Unit193Plain Text.txt22:21
Unit193OpenDocument Spreadsheet.ods22:21
Unit193OpenDocument Text.odt22:21
flocculantochosi: I think I might revisit that testing of gtk3 settings manager in a vanilla install here23:02
flocculantI'm rather lost about what I've got that was gtk2 and is now gtk3 and what I've got because I built it locally and/or ppa23:03
bluesabreUnit193, oh no23:03
flocculantevening bluesabre 23:04
bluesabreflocculant, hiya23:04
bluesabreUnit193, will take a look tonight... shoulda worked though :\23:09
flocculantbluesabre: nicely we have all green on the tracker23:25
flocculanthope to get enought time to sort the release note out a bit more before tomorrow evening23:25
Unit193bluesabre: :D23:29

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