
esdwdfttythe same user: exit and entrance to the account  (padlock), does not accept the password when logging in the same user. In Lubuntu 17 is fixed. I use a VirtualBox linux Guest.01:06
esdwdfttyalways doesn't accept the password01:07
esdwdfttyXubuntu 17.04 64bit01:07
esdwdfttyyou have the same bug01:13
esdwdfttyyou have the same bug as Lubuntu 17 and maybe Ubuntu01:14
esdwdfttylubuntu fix01:14
esdwdfttylubuntu fix it i say him01:15
esdwdfttydev. lubuntu fix it, i said about it on the channel Lubuntu01:20
esdwdfttyeng not my lang01:21
esdwdfttyXubuntu ru01:21
=== WildSoft_ is now known as WildSoft
Wayward_VagabondYou guys know a good place to find printer drivers, or maybe a guide to well supported printers?03:27
genius3000Wayward_Vagabond: I think I found one on Wikipedia before (with Google)...though I also just hope for the best with some on sale HP printer usually :P03:38
Wayward_VagabondI think I might've found a driver for the thing, seeing if it'll actually install03:39
Wayward_VagabondI've two printers at the house that don't work- a dell all-in-one, and a cheap print only  HP, but this one seems to be a midline HP03:40
zuldrahHello Globe.03:44
=== flux242_ is now known as flux242
=== azeam_afk is now known as azeam
=== DalekSec_ is now known as DalekSec
puffI'm running xubuntu 16.04 LTS.  I make heavy use of alt-tab to switch between windows, but sometimes window switching gets weird.  The normal behavior is that alt-tab switches to the window you were on before you alt-tabbed to the current window.  Or you hold the alt key down, tap tab key once and get a popup list of the windows, then keep tapping tab key until you get to the window you want.18:41
puffHowever, sometimes, as at the moment, it acts weird.  For example, I have ten windows open. The first three in the list are emacs, chrome, and intellij idea.  If I alt-tab from emacs to chrome, I'm at chrome, alt-tab again, I go back to emacs.18:43
puffHowever, if I "alt-tab, tab" from emacs to IDEA, then alt-tab to go back to emacs.. instead I go to chrome.18:44
puffI've seen some references to a "project settings" dialog.  Is this separate from the File/Settings (aka ctrl-alt-s) dialog, and if so, where do I find it?19:17
bgздрасти има ли българи тука20:21
bekks!ru | bg20:21
ubottubg: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.20:21
bekksOr was that Bulgarian?20:21
Unit193geoip says the latter, yes.20:22
Wayward_VagabondSo, this sounds stupid, but it I'm finding it hard to print things out. Only one peice of software for images I have installed seems to be able to print, and it doesn't do page setup or anything like that to get it right22:11
skaftaHello to all of you. I dont get xrandr running as i want it to. i want to create two launchers to toggle between laptop screen and hdmi projector output. anyone advice about the needed command?22:39
knomeso what are the commands you are trying now?22:39
knomeand how do they not work?22:39
skafta1/ xrandr --output LVDS1 --auto22:40
skafta2/ xrandr --output LVDS1 --mode 1440x90022:40
skaftawhat should be the name of the laptops screen?22:41
knomexrandr -q tells you the names you have available22:41
skaftalvds-1 and dvi-d-122:43
knomethere you go then22:43
skaftado i need to add smth if i want the other monitor to turn of?22:44
knomeyes, --output NAME --off22:45
skaftathus for laptop screen: xrandr --output LVDS1 --auto --output DVID1 --off22:47
skaftaor LVDS-1 and DVI-D-1?22:47
knomewhatever xrandr -q tells you your display names are22:48
knomeand yes, that looks correct22:49
skaftatick "run in terminal"?22:50
knomei don't think that's required22:50
skaftaknome, toggling works. for the resolution he works only with 'auto' but i want to reduce for the projector23:01
skaftaknome, if i ask a specific resolution for the projector, altough available, he doenst switch23:12
skaftaam i supposed to specify the rate?23:13
knomedid you also use --on with --mode?23:15
skaftai wnat this to work: xrandr --output DVI-D-1 --1440x900 --output LVDS-1 --off23:16
knome--1440x990 isn't a valid parameter23:16
knometry --mode 1440x90023:17
skaftahave it :-)23:17
knomeif that doesn't work, add --auto before that23:18
skaftaworks as i want, thank you so much and sorry for my maybe stupid questions23:18

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