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mupPR snapd#2921 closed: releasing package snapd version 2.22.6 <Created by zyga> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2921>06:57
mupPR snapd#2922 opened: many: merge 2.22.6 back into master <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2922>07:03
_prasen_while building this snapcraft filw07:36
_prasen_i get a error of property does not match the schema07:37
_prasen_Issues while validating snapcraft.yaml: The 'parts/move/filesets/sensortag-in' property does not match the required schema: 'bin/sensortag-in' is not of type 'array'07:39
mupPR snapd#2893 closed: tests: bail out if core snap is not installed <Created by zyga> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2893>08:21
mupPR snapd#2917 closed: osutil: remove duplicate build_id from other branch <Created by zyga> <Closed by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2917>08:21
zyga_prasen_: probably outdated repo, snapcraft is changing over time08:37
_prasen_how do i fix this?08:44
_prasen_should it be of type string?08:44
_prasen_is this a problem of vim?08:44
zyga_prasen_: no, this is not related to vim08:47
zyga_prasen_: I don't know, sorry, just waking up after long evening work08:47
zyga_prasen_: I'd suggest yu ask mectors to correct this repository08:48
_prasen_i am like starting my day08:48
_prasen_though its well past noon08:48
_prasen_working with yaml for first time08:48
_prasen_so saw that there could be errors due to ansi indent08:49
_prasen_zyaga: will do that08:49
_prasen_zyga: ty _/\_08:49
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zyga_prasen_: good luck :)08:51
zygamvo: do you think you could do a 2nd review of https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/284808:54
mupPR snapd#2848: cmd/snap-update-ns: add compare function for mount entries <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2848>08:54
zygamvo: it's been out for 9 days and I'd like to push forward08:54
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mupPR snapd#2477 closed: interfaces/builtin: first cut at repowerd interface <Created by afrantzis> <Closed by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2477>09:29
mupPR snapd#2818 closed: Allow specifying another store via commandline option for the download command <Created by morphis> <Closed by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2818>10:45
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mupPR snapd#2847 closed: tests: enable docker test <Created by mvo5> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2847>10:57
ppisatiwhat am i doing wrong?11:01
ppisatiogra_: i know you are not the right person but, do you know who's the snapcraft/store guy here for this ^?11:04
ppisatimvo: you too ^11:04
ogra_ppisati, fgimenez11:05
ppisatifgimenez: ^11:05
ogra_he's the master of tests :)11:05
mvoppisati: sergiusens is usually the goto person for snapraft* but let me have a look11:05
ppisatiyeah, it's more like 'it explodes while trying to download a snap'11:05
mvoppisati: this looks like the store was giving a connection reset during the tests11:06
mvoppisati: so a simple retry, sometimes we have these problems (store or cdn, one of those)11:06
mvoppisati: I can restart the job for you if you want11:06
mupPR snapd#2848 closed: cmd/snap-update-ns: add compare function for mount entries <Created by zyga> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2848>11:06
ppisatimvo: can i do it myself? so i won't bother anyone next time11:07
mvoppisati: I'm not sure, it may well be that you can't and only people with certain privs in the snapcore group can. I restarted it now11:08
ppisatimvo: ta11:08
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niemeyerjdstrand: Easy one, maybe: snapd#285511:15
mupPR snapd#2855: interfaces/builtin: add intel realsense udev rules into camera interface <Created by swem> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2855>11:15
mupPR snapd#2836 closed: release: assume higher version of supported distros will still work <Created by mvo5> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2836>11:18
mupPR snapd#2857 closed: interfaces/builtin: add /boot/uboot/config.txt access to core-support <Created by mvo5> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2857>11:21
mupPR snapd#2817 closed: many: switch channels on refresh if needed <Created by mvo5> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2817>11:27
_prasen_working behind corporate proxy, while running snapcraft a part needs npm to install a sdk. to pass the proxy variables to npm we need to set proxy and https-proxy var's in .npmrc file11:45
_prasen_and for npm install we have to pass the flags : --without-ssl , --insecure11:46
_prasen_how do i tell snapcraft to take these flags11:46
mupPR snapd#2839 closed: debian/tests: map snapd deb pockets to core snap channels for autopkgtest <Created by fgimenez> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2839>11:58
fgimenezogra_, ppisati hey :) for snapcraft-related issues about tests and CI elopio is the right person to ask12:06
mupPR snapd#2923 opened: cmd/snap-update-ns: add function for sorting mount entries <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2923>12:13
mupPR snapd#2870 closed: tests: failover test for rc.local crash <Created by fgimenez> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2870>12:32
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jdstrandniemeyer: ack12:38
jdstrandmorphis: hey, is there a slot implementation of upower-observe?12:39
zygajdstrand: o/12:40
jdstrandhey zyga :)12:41
mvoppisati: looks like your test is green now12:41
morphisjdstrand: yes, we added that recently12:44
jdstrandmorphis: right. I mean, do you have a snap that slots upower-observe12:45
morphisyes we do12:45
morphisjdstrand: but not yet in stable12:46
morphissnap install --candidate upower12:46
jdstrandmorphis: great, thanks!12:46
morphisjdstrand: any specific reason you're asking for or just for reference?12:47
jdstrandmorphis: I am preparing a PR to mediate socket(PF_NETLINK, ...) and saw that upower uses udev, and I need to add 'socket PF_NETLINK - NETLINK_KOBJECT_UEVENT' to its PermanentSlot policy and want to test that it is enough12:49
morphisah ok12:50
jdstrandmorphis: there are a few slots that you guys wrote that I've made adjustments to and will ping you in the PR12:54
morphisjdstrand: thanks12:55
zygajdstrand: did you see that error I reported for zesty yesterday?13:03
mupPR snapd#2922 closed: many: merge 2.22.6 back into master <Created by mvo5> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2922>13:04
jdstrandzyga: I did. I commented in the bug13:04
zygajdstrand: it's not an urgent thing but I'd like to fix it as zesty freezes and it breaks all the tests13:04
zygajdstrand: thank you!13:04
zygajdstrand: I'll try the kernel that jj recommended13:05
mupPR snapd#2833 closed: many: allow core refresh.schedule setting <Blocked> <Created by mvo5> <Closed by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2833>13:27
mupPR snapd#2810 closed: snap: use snap-confine from the core snap <Created by mvo5> <Closed by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2810>13:28
mupPR snapd#2874 closed: kmod: added Specification for kmod security backend <Created by stolowski> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2874>13:28
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mupPR snapd#2878 closed: data/selinux: merge SELinux policy module <Created by Conan-Kudo> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2878>13:45
Son_Gokuzyga: this means that now proper snapd selinux integration can begin13:46
Son_Gokusince we have "official" labels for things :)13:46
zygaSon_Goku: :-)13:46
zygaSon_Goku: I'm happy to see this13:46
zygaSon_Goku: I'm sleepy after 2AM release last night13:46
zygaSon_Goku: but with the main fire out I think next week will see some releases13:46
Son_GokuI'm thinking that we should regenerate the packaging from gofed13:47
zygaSon_Goku: though I'm on holidays since Tue13:47
zygaSon_Goku: all of it?13:47
zygaSon_Goku: for snapd or for deps?13:47
Son_Gokuthere's been a lot of churn and I don't know what things are anymore :(13:47
zygaSon_Goku: we can, I think that's ok13:47
Son_Gokunow that the SELinux policy is merged into the repo, I can start rebasing my packaging on that13:48
Son_Gokuzyga: do we have a file that declares what our deps are in snapd?13:49
Son_GokuI'm not completely familiar with how this works in golang13:49
zygaSon_Goku: yes, it's called...13:49
zygaSon_Goku: vendor/vendor.json13:49
Son_Gokuah, so it's in the vendor directory13:50
mhall119jdstrand: I tried to push a php-based snap to the store and got this:14:18
mhall119found errors in file output: unusual mode 'rwx-wx-wt' for entry './var/lib/php/sessions'14:18
mhall119I didn't do anything special, and php is installed via stage-packages14:19
jdstrandmhall119: what is the name of the snap?14:21
jdstrandmhall119: can you request manual review in the store?14:25
mhall119I can, but I also want to make sure this doesn't happen for every php-based snap if we can avoid it14:25
jdstrandmhall119: I understand. I will fix the review tools for that14:25
jdstrandrwx-wx-wt is unusual, but it doesn't hurt anything14:26
mhall119jdstrand: requested14:27
ppisatifgimenez: can you help me with some snapcraft tests?14:44
fgimenezppisati, i can try but probably better to ask elopio, i'm not actively working on them14:46
ppisatifgimenez: k14:47
ppisatielopio: ^14:47
mupPR snapd#2924 opened: interfaces: specs for apparmor, seccomp, udev <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2924>14:53
mupPR snapd#2891 closed: interfaces/udev: added spec <Created by stolowski> <Closed by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2891>14:54
mupPR snapd#2890 closed: interfaces/apparmor: add spec <Created by stolowski> <Closed by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2890>14:55
mupPR snapd#2883 closed: seccomp: added Specification for seccomp backend <Created by stolowski> <Closed by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2883>15:00
fgimenezhey kyrofa :) i'm trying to do some tests on the nextcloud image, have a minute for some questions?15:01
mhall119jdstrand: do you need a bug report for that unusual file permission?15:02
zygajdstrand: can I add the snippet that will make the zesty regression no break all the PRs for snapd?15:07
zygajdstrand: (along with a note and a bug reference)15:07
zygajdstrand: note that this is just for jailmode on classic snaps so pretty isolated15:07
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Son_Gokusergiusens: hey15:46
Son_Gokuhave you made any progress on the repo refactor thing?15:46
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kyrofafgimenez, ah, sorry, responded to your internal ping first, heh15:54
fgimenezkyrofa, np! thanks :)15:54
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loolppisati: hey!16:00
loolppisati: so https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1652504?comments=all is apparently hitting one of the demos for MWC16:01
mupBug #1652504: Recent updates broke Ubuntu on Raspberry Pi 3 <armel> <kernel-da-key> <regression-update> <xenial> <yakkety> <flash-kernel (Ubuntu):Confirmed for fo0bar> <linux (Ubuntu):Confirmed for fo0bar> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1652504>16:01
loolppisati: I'm not sure they need video output (checking with them), but they've just passed this bug to me16:01
loolppisati: ok, it's not critical, they're just giving us a heads up16:04
mupPR snapd#2925 opened: [WIP] interfaces: migrate existing intarfaces to use new kmod and seccomp spec <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2925>16:04
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ppisatilool: i thought ryan fixed that already16:10
loolppisati: do yo know where the fix is?16:11
ppisatilool: actually, it doesn't break video, your board won't boot at all16:11
ppisatilool: wait wait16:11
ppisatilool: that bug, was because ryan's image didn't have the correct address for the dtb16:11
ppisatilool: if you are hitting that bug, your board won't boot at all16:12
ppisatilool: but you mention a problem with video output16:12
loolppisati: that's what they said16:12
loolI'm proxying here16:12
ppisatilool: ok, if you want to loop me in any conversation16:13
loolppisati: so the workaround/fix is to correct DTB addr and we'll land that soon and can be applied manually in the mean time?16:13
ppisatilool: i can test if that bug was fixed in the meantme16:13
loolppisati: we're on their slack16:13
loolI've invited folks here16:13
ppisatilool: let me reinstall the image, so i can check what's the status16:13
loolppisati: thanks man16:14
mupPR snapcraft#1158 closed: packaging: snapcraft as a snap <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1158>16:23
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mdye@ppisati hi there, @lool passed on the word that we had trouble with video after updating our ryan's pi3 image to kernel 4.4.0-1042-raspi216:29
nothalmdye: No such command!16:29
mdyebad slack habits :)16:30
loolmdye: Hey!16:31
mdyelool: ahoy!16:31
ppisatimdye: fb or mir?16:31
loolppisati: ^ mdye is setting up a jetson tx1 + pi3 boards demo for MWC; he's also a really awesome guy  :-)16:32
mdyeha, thx16:32
mdyeppisati: so the jist is we build a pi3 image from ryan's base in a chroot; I use FLASH_KERNEL_SKIP=1 to get kernel updates installed successfully in the chroot16:33
ppisatimdye: ok16:33
mdyethe config.txt on the updated pi3 has device_tree_address=0x100 and device_tree_end=0x8000 (which I think are the original addresses from earlier images)16:33
mdyethe result is a system that will boot the kernel, but the kernel command line "console=tty1" isn't applied such that the console never outputs messages after uboot hands control over to the kernel16:35
ppisatimdye: uhm, that is weird16:37
ppisatimdye: is you did a dist-upgrade, you should get a new firmware too16:37
ppisatimdye: that would move the dtb address around, and your board wouldn't boot then16:37
ppisatimdye: i'm reinstalling an image to check, hold on16:37
mdyeok, thx16:38
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mupPR snapd#2861 closed: [WIP] interface hooks: expose attrs to the interface API, snapctl enhancements (step #4) <Created by stolowski> <Closed by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2861>16:43
mupPR snapd#2896 closed: httputil: copy some headers over redirects <Created by chipaca> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2896>16:43
mupPR snapd#2925 closed: [WIP] interfaces: migrate existing interfaces to use new kmod and seccomp spec <Created by stolowski> <Closed by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2925>16:43
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mupBug #1667359 opened: After a reboot store was not accessible <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1667359>16:55
mupPR snapd#2923 closed: cmd/snap-update-ns: add function for sorting mount entries <Created by zyga> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2923>16:57
zygajdstrand: hey16:59
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mupBug #1667385 opened: devmode flag disappears after disabling+re-enabling a snap <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1667385>17:04
zygajdstrand: can you please have a look at https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/282717:05
mupPR snapd#2827: cmd: add helpers for mounting / unmounting <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2827>17:05
zygajdstrand: I think it is good to land now17:06
zygajdstrand: and I waaaaant it to land :)17:06
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zygajdstrand: the new patches are: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2827/commits/6573f698a22db592006cf6af7d5284cf66a891e4 and https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2827/commits/9e24bee9f0cb94aef73c23667fd80364db66d3bb17:08
mupPR snapd#2827: cmd: add helpers for mounting / unmounting <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2827>17:08
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mupPR snapd#2872 closed: tests: do not use core for "All snaps up to date" check <Created by fgimenez> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2872>17:14
slunatecqoHi - question about ubuntu Core. I have a working machine in KVM, and when I want to ssh into it, it asks key passphrase. When I enter it correctly, it asks users password, which I don't know... any ideas?17:14
kyrofaslunatecqo, you uploaded your SSH public key to your SSO account, etc.?17:14
slunatecqokyrofa: yes - the key is set up - after I enter its passphrase it asks for user password17:15
naccslunatecqo: is the 'it' ssh? ssh -vvv may help see if it rejected your key, if so17:15
kyrofaslunatecqo, which implies to me the key you're using doesn't match up to a key authorized on the device17:15
kyrofaslunatecqo, indeed, try nacc's advice17:16
jdstrandzyga: I'll add it to the list. not sure it will be today, but will be able to first thing next week (off tomorrow)17:17
slunatecqonacc: yeah... thats it.. the passphrase should be blank, but for some reason ssh says "debug2: no passphrase given, try next key"17:17
zygajdstrand: I'm off next week17:21
zygajdstrand: if you can I'd appreciate it, the diff is tiny17:21
* zyga back to other things17:21
zygaslunatecqo: it means that it tried your ssh key (which was encrypted) but they it tried password auth17:21
zygaslunatecqo: the key associated with your account is not the key you've used17:22
slunatecqozyga: yeah. I understand.... thanks17:22
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mupPR snapd#2873 closed: tests: several improvements to the nested suite <Created by fgimenez> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2873>17:29
mupPR snapd#2926 opened: cmd/snap-update-ns: move test data and helpers to new module <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2926>17:30
slunatecqoOk - one more. I just installed docker in fresh UbuntuCore. running any container gives me "container command XXXX could not be invoked"17:31
zygaslunatecqo: not sure about that, what is your environment?17:32
slunatecqoI am running ubuntu-core-16-amd64.img using qemu-KVM17:33
zygaslunatecqo: can you please report that17:33
zygaslunatecqo: I'm sure people will want to look at it and fix it17:33
slunatecqowhere? launchpad bugs?17:35
zygaslunatecqo: yes please, on launchpad.net/snappy17:35
mupBug #1667408 opened: docker container command XXXX could not be invoked <docker> <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1667408>17:41
kyrofaslunatecqo, lool might have some thoughts if he's around17:41
slunatecqokyrofa: is it ok to ask directly him? on some IRCs it is not...17:42
loolslunatecqo: which docker is this?17:42
loolslunatecqo: 1.13?17:42
kyrofaslunatecqo, I sorta did ;)17:42
loolslunatecqo: 1.13 is known broken unfortunately17:42
slunatecqolool: Docker version 1.11.2, build v1.11.2-snap-38fd0d317:42
kyrofaslunatecqo, not the best to directly ping people for generic questions, but in this case I know lool is The Docker Guy17:43
slunatecqokyrofa: thank you :-)17:43
loolslunatecqo: are you on classic or on core?17:43
slunatecqoKVM image from here https://developer.ubuntu.com/core/get-started17:44
slunatecqolool: so I guess core :D17:44
loolslunatecqo: how are you installing and running?17:46
loolslunatecqo: my whole knowledge is recap-ed in https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JHa6tkuR9PtpnAVVmAJIAKuyKBy8E9ZkvG5Wbc6HZSY/edit#heading=h.j2sflymhgsj817:47
loolwhich might be slightly out of date17:47
loolit's also possible that some regressions occurred17:47
slunatecqohttps://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/+bug/1667408 here is the bug reported17:47
mupBug #1667408: docker container command XXXX could not be invoked <docker> <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1667408>17:47
slunatecqobasically just snap install docker17:47
slunatecqoah - that will be it... the image is armhf?17:48
slunatecqono... doesnt solve the problem..17:49
slunatecqolool: have to leave now for few minutes. Could you write ideas to the bug on launchpad?17:53
loolslunatecqo: I suggest you open a bug against github.com/docker/docker and link it back on Launchpad18:09
loolslunatecqo: docker is directly publishing the snap18:09
loolslunatecqo: I wont have time to debug this this week and am travelling the next 2.5 weeks18:10
pmcgowanis there any way to determine when the next refresh check is scheduled?18:10
loolslunatecqo: I dont have a clean Core environment handy, but I did give this a try on classic and it worked there: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24054379/18:11
loolslunatecqo: so it's probably specific to core18:11
mupPR snapd#2927 opened: cmd: add .indent.pro file to the tree <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2927>18:31
zygapmcgowan: hey, there are some controls for that coming18:56
zygapmcgowan: it's mostly implemented18:56
zygapmcgowan: but not released yet18:56
mupBug #1606674 changed: Unable to drive Adruino over USB from Arduino IDE snap <isv> <snapd-interface> <snapd:Triaged by zyga> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1606674>18:56
zygapmcgowan: you can set schedule in a very detailed way18:56
pmcgowanzyga,ok, it seems one of my systems runnign xenial isnt doing refreshes18:56
pmcgowanzyga, wondering how to debug18:57
zygapmcgowan: what's the version of snapd?18:57
pmcgowanits got core 16.04.118:57
pmcgowan2.22.3 snapd18:57
kyrofajdstrand, raw-usb doesn't seem to cover /dev/ttyUSB*, right?18:57
zygapmcgowan: what does "snap info core" say?18:57
pmcgowanzyga, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/24054592/18:58
pmcgowanrefresh --list shows 8 snaps18:58
zygadon't refresh yet please18:59
zygaone sec18:59
zygapmcgowan: can you pastebin snap changes19:00
pmcgowanzyga, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/24054598/19:00
pmcgowannot very interesting19:00
jdstrandkyrofa: correct. it allows access to /dev/bus/usb/*, not /dev/.... /dev/ttyUSB* is covered by the serial-port interface19:01
zygapmcgowan: can you run journalctl -ux snapd19:01
zygaanything broken?19:01
kyrofajdstrand, which again is gadget only19:01
jdstrandtoday, yes19:01
kyrofajdstrand, talking about bug #1606674 here19:01
mupBug #1606674: Unable to drive Adruino over USB from Arduino IDE snap <isv> <snapd-interface> <snapd:Triaged by zyga> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1606674>19:01
zygakyrofa: we need hotplug19:02
kyrofazyga, yes. But I don't see that on the horizon19:02
pmcgowanzyga, http://paste.ubuntu.com/24054608/19:02
kyrofaAnd this has been an issue from the beginning19:02
pmcgowanzyga, assume you meant -u19:03
kyrofazyga, we need something to unblock19:03
jdstrandkyrofa: I think it is on the horizon. it was discussed as important in The Hague. best to ask JamieBennett on the priority19:03
zygapmcgowan: -ux is for failures but this is good19:04
pmcgowanzyga, ah, yes no matches19:04
jdstrandkyrofa: niemeyer said in The Hague that he would design hotplug and then present it for review. I don't know where that fell in the prioritization discussions after19:04
zygapmcgowan: systemctl status snapd.refresh.timer19:04
zygakyrofa: I think we need to work on hotplug and not to stopgaps19:05
jdstrandkyrofa: also, this should work in devmode. https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapd/+bug/1606674/comments/219:05
mupBug #1606674: Unable to drive Adruino over USB from Arduino IDE snap <isv> <snapd-interface> <snapd:Triaged by zyga> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1606674>19:05
pmcgowanzyga, I did have it off at some point but its been on a wile now http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/24054611/19:05
zygapmcgowan: how about snap list19:05
jdstrandfwiw, I agree with zyga on focusing on hotplug instead of stop gaps cause that will unblock a lot19:06
kyrofajdstrand, devmode is not the answer when you're done developing and want to ship something19:06
pmcgowanzyga, http://paste.ubuntu.com/24054612/19:06
jdstrandkyrofa: of course, but the bug talks about it not working in devmode19:06
zygapmcgowan: ok, can you, just for debugging, save /var/lib/snapd/state.json somewhere19:06
zygapmcgowan: and then sudo snap refresh19:06
zygaand hold your fingers croessed19:07
zygamaybe you will uncover why this happens19:07
pmcgowanzyga, I think that works, but then it doesnt update again for days19:07
kyrofajdstrand, indeed, though it was clarified in the comments that was a normal permission issue19:07
jdstrandkyrofa: I suggest escalating this via the snappy team's stakeholder process19:07
zygakyrofa: yes, +1 on that process19:07
jdstrandkyrofa: yes, that is the comment I gave the url to :)19:07
zygakyrofa: it's rally the best thing we can do19:07
jdstrandkyrofa: JamieBennett holds a weekly stakeholder meeting iirc. he can help you participate in the process19:08
pmcgowanzyga, yeah its getting everything19:08
zygapmcgowan: including core?19:09
zyga(let's see what we get)19:09
pmcgowanbtw why did the versioning go from 16.04.1 to 16-219:09
zygapmcgowan: $reasons, we want something we cannot yet get so this is a stub19:09
zygapmcgowan: we'll get 16-$snapd_version19:10
zygapmcgowan: when snapcraft can19:10
niemeyerpmcgowan: Heya19:17
pmcgowanniemeyer, hey19:18
niemeyerpmcgowan: So what happens when you type "snap refresh core"?19:18
niemeyerSorry if I missed that in the backlog19:18
zyganiemeyer: we have a copy of the old state19:18
zyganiemeyer: for forensics19:18
pmcgowanniemeyer, snap refresh got everything (except devmodes)19:18
zygapmcgowan: I'd appreciate if you send that to us in private19:18
pmcgowanniemeyer, it always manually works19:19
pmcgowanzyga, can email to you19:19
niemeyerpmcgowan: What happens when you run, more specifically?19:19
niemeyerpmcgowan: "snap refresh core"19:19
pmcgowanniemeyer, it already refreshed but quite sure it would work19:19
zygapmcgowan: please19:19
zygado you think it is worth aborting and checking just core19:20
niemeyerpmcgowan: So manually it works, but it wasn't running automatically?19:20
zyganiemeyer: the timer was set and enabled19:20
zyganiemeyer: but last ran ... 21 days ago19:21
pmcgowanat some  point I had disabled the timer19:21
pmcgowanbut it was on since a week I think19:21
zygapmcgowan: but it was meant to run in two hours based on your pastebin above19:21
zygais it possible that the timer no longer works for whatever reason19:21
zyga(e.g. runs as real root)19:21
niemeyerThe systemd timer is no longer respected..19:23
niemeyerIt's internal now..19:23
zygain 2.21.3?19:23
niemeyerOr am I mixing that with code that is yet to come?19:23
* niemeyer looks19:23
zyganiemeyer: I think we live on the ege, let's see what was on 2.21.319:23
pmcgowanzyga, I had 2.22.3 fwiw19:24
zygaright, sorry19:25
mupPR snapd#2920 closed: wrappers/services: RemainAfterExit=yes for oneshot daemons w/ stop cmds <Created by ssweeny> <Merged by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2920>19:25
zyga22 is the only version with further point releases19:25
niemeyerzyga: Nevermind.. the logic I'm talking about hasn't landed yet19:27
niemeyerpmcgowan: What do you have on "snap changes" by now?19:27
zyganiemeyer: omg19:28
zyganiemeyer: it's not doing refreshes in that version19:28
zygajust the timer can do that19:28
niemeyerpmcgowan: Also, please: "systemctl cat snapd.refresh.service" and "systemctl cat snapd.refresh.timer"19:28
niemeyerzyga: Not sure I understand what you mean19:29
niemeyerzyga: Yes, just the timer can do that, and it's the timer that does that.. ?19:29
pmcgowanniemeyer, http://paste.ubuntu.com/24054719/19:29
zyganiemeyer: sorry, I misread your earlier statement, I thought we managed to release a version that doesn't refresh internally and ignores the timer19:30
zygapmcgowan: snap version19:30
zygapmcgowan: is it 2.22.6?19:30
niemeyerWe actually never released a version that ignores the timer19:30
pmcgowanzyga, yes19:31
niemeyerThis is up for review and pending high-level conversations19:31
pmcgowanniemeyer, zyga lets see if it works now, I don't want to waste your time19:31
pmcgowanzyga, niemeyer earlier today I saw that the system time was storing local to the rtc, and I suspected that messed up the timer19:32
pmcgowansince the local time was set after snapd ran19:32
pmcgowanbut I fixed that, so maybe I then just didnt wait long enough19:32
zygapmcgowan: what's the delta between local and utc?19:32
pmcgowan5 hours19:32
niemeyerpmcgowan: journalctl -u snapd.refresh.service19:32
zygaso you only had 1/6 of chance to update19:32
pmcgowanniemeyer, no entries19:33
zygaor am I reading it wrong?19:33
niemeyerpmcgowan: That means the timer has never ever run19:33
niemeyerWell, sorry, that's actually not true.. your system might not be persisting the logs19:34
pmcgowanniemeyer, maybe I somehow have the service disabled19:35
niemeyerpmcgowan: systemctl status snapd.refresh.timer?19:35
zyganiemeyer: default journal is not going across boots I think19:35
niemeyerYeah, it requires a mkdir19:36
pmcgowanis the service just not started?19:37
zygapmcgowan: the service is just a oneshot AFAIR19:37
zygapmcgowan: runs snap refresh19:37
pmcgowanwell maybe it was the time thing, in which case it should start working19:38
zyganiemeyer: set your system to local time (like windows)19:38
zyganiemeyer: and see what you get19:38
zyganiemeyer: just let it sit for 24 hours19:39
zyganiemeyer: I think you're almost as far from UTC, right?19:39
Pharaoh_Atemniemeyer is on my timezone, I think19:39
niemeyerpmcgowan: That log says the timer was started 3h ago19:39
zygatimedatectl set-local-time true (AFAIR)19:39
pmcgowanniemeyer, yes19:40
pmcgowanalthough  it spits out two lines of adding hh:mm:ss19:40
niemeyerpmcgowan: And there are logs19:40
niemeyerpmcgowan: Can you please try this again:19:40
niemeyerpmcgowan: journalctl -u snapd.refresh.timer19:40
zyganiemeyer: recall that in http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/24054592/ we saw the core snap was last refreshed on 2017-02-02 13:25:08 -0500 EST19:41
niemeyerzyga: That's irrelevant.. we don't fiddle with the systemctl timer I don't think19:41
zyganiemeyer: we don't fiddle with it no, but if it ran 3 hours ago then... what happened/19:42
pmcgowanwhy does it say adding 5h then adding 4h19:42
niemeyerpmcgowan: So how come it had no entries and now it does?19:42
zygapmcgowan: that's a systemd randomization thing19:42
niemeyerpmcgowan: Did you run "systemctl restart snapd.refresh.timer" by any chance?19:42
zygapmcgowan: did you reboot in the last three hours?19:42
pmcgowanniemeyer, the service had no entries19:42
niemeyer@pmcgowan Ah, sorry, gotcha19:43
nothalniemeyer: No such command!19:43
niemeyerpmcgowan: Did you reboot your system ~3h ago?19:43
pmcgowanzyga, up 3:1319:44
zygaso it could have ran earlier19:44
zygabut we don't have logs19:44
zygabut I think syslog is preserved19:44
zygamaybe there is a trace in syslog beore the boot19:44
zygacan you check at around that time?19:44
niemeyerpmcgowan: Okay.. my theory so far is that the timre was indeed not enabled, but it's hard to validate it19:45
niemeyerpmcgowan: Can you please enable the logs persistently by doing "mkdir /var/log/journal"19:45
pmcgowanniemeyer, sure19:45
pmcgowanzyga, what should I look for?19:46
niemeyerpmcgowan: and systemctl restart systemd-journald19:46
zygapmcgowan: for the service name maybe19:46
zygapmcgowan: not sure how it is logged19:46
zygapmcgowan: ideally for a trace that it ran and maybe for the output19:46
=== lamont` is now known as lamont
niemeyerUh oh, wait19:47
niemeyerpmcgowan: grep 'snap.*refresh' /var/log/syslog | pastebinit19:48
pmcgowanzyga, there is a failure in there http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/24054813/19:48
pmcgowanniemeyer, http://paste.ubuntu.com/24054819/19:49
zyganiemeyer: theory: related to exit code of refresh19:49
zyganiemeyer: maybe we refresh once, nothing to do, we return an error and systemd skips running this?19:49
zygaDNS error19:50
niemeyerzyga: I was wrong.. the snapd I have from edge is ignoring refreshes from the timer.. I'm about to figure when that started19:51
niemeyerCommit was on Feb 1st19:51
zyganiemeyer: 2.22.3 was on Date:   Fri Feb 17 21:04:27 2017 +010019:52
EEight_hey, i am trying to upload a snap to myapps.dev via jenkins, is there a way to use snapcraft login --username xxx --password xxx?19:52
niemeyerzyga: Nope, wasn't disable on 2.22.319:53
zygaEEight_: no but you can copy the auth data19:53
niemeyerwasn't disabled19:53
zyganiemeyer: look up in history19:53
EEight_zyga: can you give me more information (auth data)?19:54
zyganiemeyer: mvo probably commited it on Feb 1st but it landed later19:54
zygaEEight_: look at .snap/auth.json19:54
niemeyerzyga: Was never released19:54
niemeyerzyga: It's in master only19:55
niemeyerThus edge19:55
niemeyerpmcgowan: Were you on edge by any chance?19:55
zygaI see19:55
zyganiemeyer: it was tracking stable19:55
zyganiemeyer: there's a pastebin at the start of the converstation, let me pull it up19:56
EEight_zyga, where to find this file (no .snap in my home)19:56
zygaEEight_: snap login19:57
zygaEEight_: the it will be there19:57
zyga(sudo snap login)19:57
EEight_zyga, excellent got it, then how to pass that to snapcraft login for uploading my snap on myapp.devs...19:58
zygakyrofa: ^^^19:59
niemeyerpmcgowan: That syslog is a bit suspect19:59
niemeyerpmcgowan: How come the time goes back and forth and back and forth19:59
zyganiemeyer: wow19:59
zyganiemeyer: maybe ntp is not aware of local time19:59
niemeyerA crazy clock would be a great reason for timers not to work :)20:00
zyganiemeyer: and kicls in20:00
zyganiemeyer: and then ... some other component does the same20:00
pmcgowanniemeyer, thats the local time screwup20:00
zygapmcgowan: is this a VM?20:00
niemeyerpmcgowan: Ok, but it's not just a screw up20:00
niemeyerpmcgowan: It's going back and forth multiple times20:00
pmcgowanI think once each reboot20:00
pmcgowanor do you see otherwise20:00
zyganiemeyer: now that you menitoned it that clock is everything but monotonic20:00
niemeyerpmcgowan: I don't have reboot information there.. I just see that on Feb 23 alone it went 10, 15, 10, 16, 11, ...20:01
pmcgowanwhat I thought it was doing was booting to utc, then reseting to local time one the network was checked20:01
pmcgowanniemeyer, thats each boot, and the last boot I had local turned off20:02
pmcgowanthinking that was screwing with the refresh timer20:02
niemeyerpmcgowan: OKay, that may well be the case.. can you dig into an older syslog file with that same grep line20:02
zygapmcgowan local time is stored in the hardware clock20:03
zygapmcgowan: tha's what the systemd knob controls AFAIR (for compat with windows)20:03
niemeyerpmcgowan: syslog.1 or 2.gz20:03
zygapmcgowan: do you dual boot?20:03
pmcgowanniemeyer, sure which grep again?20:03
niemeyerpmcgowan: Well, not really.. the hardware clock stores *a* time.. it's the O.S. that gives it meaning, and that's configurable20:03
niemeyerSorry, that was for zyga20:04
niemeyerpmcgowan: Let me copy, just a sec20:04
niemeyerpmcgowan: grep 'snap.*refresh' /var/log/syslog.1 | pastebinit20:04
zyganiemeyer: yes, that's correct20:04
zyganiemeyer: I meant that the knob on systemd instructs it to store the local time into the clock20:05
zyganiemeyer: vs UTC as is done by default20:05
kyrofaEEight_, I'm afraid zyga is incorrect20:05
kyrofaEEight_, snapcraft login isn't the same as snap login20:05
kyrofaEEight_, but it's similar. Running `snapcraft login` saves a macaroon in .config/snapcraft/snapcraft.cfg20:06
zygakyrofa: ah, too bad20:06
pmcgowanniemeyer, no hits20:06
pmcgowanon .1 or .220:06
kyrofaEEight_, you can encrypt that file and use it in CI, though I recommend you create a store account for your bot20:06
kyrofa(rather than giving it your macaroon)20:06
=== rumble is now known as grumble
niemeyerpmcgowan: Any hits on any of the other files?20:07
kyrofaEEight_, note that snapcraft has an `enable-ci` command20:08
EEight_kyrofa, snapcraft login, not possible to pass the username and password directly on the command line?20:08
kyrofaWhich does this for you20:08
kyrofaBut it only supports travis at the moment20:08
kyrofaYou might investigate adding support for jenkins20:08
pmcgowanniemeyer, http://paste.ubuntu.com/24054941/20:09
kyrofaEEight_, I'm afraid not20:09
EEight_kyrofa, ok, so the solution is to encrypt the macaroon and pass that to snapcraft?20:10
kyrofaEEight_, in CI, you'll need to un-encrypt that file and place it in ~/.config/snapcraft/snapcraft.cfg20:11
kyrofaEEight_, at that point, snapcraft will be "logged in" if you will20:11
kyrofaEEight_, note that encryption is not required here, but I assume you'll be storing it in a source tree somewhere, in which case note that macaroon is essentially a password20:12
kyrofaEEight_, i.e. don't share it in the clear20:13
ahasenackhi guys, do you know if /usr/bin/lsb_release was removed from the core snap?20:14
zygaahasenack: not sure but I'd recommend to use /etc/os-release instead20:16
ahasenackzyga: the tool is a convenient way to avoid having to parse the file (but parse the tool's output)20:16
alex-abreukyrofa, ping20:17
zygaahasenack: the file is easier to parse and you don't have to run a separate process20:18
alex-abreukyrofa, quick question, where do you see the configure hooks logs?20:18
ahasenackzyga: still, if it was removed in an update, sounds like an important change20:18
pmcgowanzyga, niemeyer it just did a refresh check20:18
kyrofaalex-abreu, you mean stdout/stderr? They belong to the task as I recall, which means you don't see them unless the hook fails20:21
kyrofaalex-abreu, note that you can run the hook directly with `snap run --hook`20:22
alex-abreukyrofa, yes20:22
kyrofaIf you're just talking about developing20:22
alex-abreukyrofa, the hook then runs in the same context as the one defined when running as part of snap-confine?20:25
niemeyerpmcgowan: Nice. I really don't know what to make from it.. the complete silence on the logs for several days hints at a manually disabled timer, which I think you said had happened, right?20:25
kyrofaalex-abreu, indeed20:25
niemeyerpmcgowan: That plus the crazy clock makes me feel like the environment is a bit unhealthy20:26
niemeyerpmcgowan: In either case, we're changing that timer mechanism and making it internal20:26
niemeyerpmcgowan: So one way or another, the problem will be fixed20:26
pmcgowanniemeyer, I can except it was my system setup20:26
pmcgowanI do suspect the rtc clock setting, I could try later to put it back and see what happens20:26
niemeyerpmcgowan: I'll remember to review the timer logic and consider what would happen in such skews20:27
niemeyerpmcgowan: The new logic, that is20:27
pmcgowangreat thanks for the help20:27
alex-abreukyrofa, mmmh ... a hook has access to SNAP_COMMON right?20:27
kyrofaalex-abreu, it should, yes20:27
kyrofaalex-abreu, though note that things in there are typically owned by root if you're running into permissions issues and aren't running `snap run` via sudo20:28
zygaahasenack: we don't guarantee it will be present there20:32
ahasenackzyga: ok, so after some debugging... We have a snap that calls /usr/bin/lsb_release20:32
ahasenackzyga: on existing systems that upgraded to the latest core snap, our snap keeps working somehow20:32
ahasenackzyga: but if these are rebooted, then our snap doesn't find /usr/bin/lsb_release anymore20:33
zygaahasenack: let me look20:33
ahasenackzyga: https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/+bug/1619420 is about the lsb_release removal20:33
mupBug #1619420: snappy removal of dpkg-query breaks lsb_release --all <cloud-init:New> <Snappy:Fix Committed by ogra> <livecd-rootfs (Ubuntu):Fix Committed by ogra> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1619420>20:33
zygaahasenack: on core systems?20:33
ahasenackit was indeed removed20:33
ahasenackzyga: no, ubuntu20:33
zygaahasenack: maybe it was removed on ubuntu20:33
ahasenackzyga: /usr/bin/lsb_release was removed from the core snap20:33
zygaahasenack: yeah, I just checked20:33
ahasenacksee comment #11 and #14 in that bug20:33
ahasenackzyga: ok, that broke our snap, we will fix it, but the question I have now20:34
ahasenackzyga: is why upgraded systems kept working20:34
ahasenackare they seeing the old core snap?20:34
zygaahasenack: no idea20:34
zygaahasenack: maybe20:34
zygaahasenack: snap info core20:34
zygaahasenack: if you have such a system around that would be good20:34
ahasenackwe just rebooted it20:35
ahasenackI think I have a snap list --all20:35
mupPR snapd#2924 closed: interfaces: specs for apparmor, seccomp, udev <Created by stolowski> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2924>20:36
zygaahasenack: I'll gladly help you figure out what's going on with the core snap but I think the fate of lsb_releaes is sealed20:37
zygait's a dead thing20:37
ahasenackit's ok20:37
ahasenackwhat I wanted to understand now is the dynamics of core updates, what happens to existing snaps when the core one is updated20:38
ahasenackwhat do they see20:38
zygaahasenack: nothing20:38
ahasenackit *looks* like they saw the old core filesystem, or perhaps a mix20:38
zygaahasenack: they see the old core till the machine reboots20:38
ahasenackor maybe it was just a case of a dangling fd20:38
zygaahasenack: unless the app is not running20:38
zygaahasenack: we persist the mount namespace across app runs20:39
ahasenackzyga: if the app snap is restarted, it still sees the old core?20:39
zygaahasenack: as long as it was not removed20:39
zygaahasenack: yes20:39
zygaahasenack: we keep three revisions of core around20:39
ahasenackzyga: ok, and if the app snap is updated?20:39
ahasenackit also keeps seeing the old core?20:39
zygaahasenack: yes20:41
zygaahasenack: that's a bug I'm fixing for the past month20:41
zygaahasenack: or more now20:41
zygaahasenack: that won't change soon actually but we plan to change the mount namespace the app exists in20:41
ahasenackzyga: ok, is there a case where the app snap would see the new core, outside of a reboot?20:41
ahasenackit would have to be removed and reinstalled?20:41
zygaahasenack: technically when the app changes it will see its new self on top of the core it ran with when you stated it for the first time since last boot20:42
zygaahasenack: not at present20:42
ahasenackzyga: what if core got updated, say, 5x?20:42
ahasenackI have core v1, app snap v120:42
ahasenackthen core v2 removed lsb_release, app still sees it because core v1 is still there20:43
ahasenackand so on, but you said we only keep 3 revisions around20:43
zygaahasenack: yes20:43
zygaahasenack: once the rootfs is removed strange things will happen20:44
ahasenackzyga: at some point I will have core v3, v4, v5 (v5 being current)20:44
ahasenacknone with lsb_release (continuing on this example)20:44
ahasenackthen my app snap would fail outside of the reboot scenario?20:44
zygaahasenack: I'm working on snap-update-ns that goes into the snap's mount namespace and does updates20:44
zygaahasenack: I'm not entirely sure but I suspect so20:44
ahasenackthat's fine, I'm just trying to gather the failure scenarios for our bug20:45
ahasenackwhere we are working on parsing /etc/os-release instead of relying on the presence of /usr/bin/lsb_release20:45
zygaahasenack: which language are you using?20:45
zygaahasenack: there are libraries for this for anything out there20:45
ahasenackwe want to be sure we are on xenial20:47
ahasenacknever thought lsb_release would be gone, because, well, lsb stands for linux standards base :)20:47
zygaahasenack: lsb is as dead now as it was before20:49
ahasenackhehe :)20:50
zygaahasenack: thank you20:58
zygaahasenack: you made me realize we have a nasty bug20:58
zygaahasenack: anyway20:58
ahasenack"good" :)20:59
zygaahasenack: the core is okay, unless I can do what I think I did before when removal of the squashfs file made crazy things happen20:59
zygamaybe it was a kernel bug though20:59
zygabut what is buggy at present is that if your app was running20:59
zygaand you update20:59
zygaand even restart the app20:59
zygait will see the old core snap20:59
zygaI'll fix that ASAP20:59
mupBug #1667479: mount namespace is not discarded when core snap changes revision <snapd:New for zyga> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1667479>21:01
zygajdstrand: FIY, small omission /o\21:02
alex-abreukyrofa, we dont seem to run in a proper snap context when running snap run --hook ... my snapctl call fail21:05
zygaalex-abreu: yes, known issue21:05
alex-abreuzyga, ah do you have a bug # ?21:06
zygaalex-abreu: the context you get when your hook runs for real is special (kind of a transaction)21:06
zygaalex-abreu: no, pawel was handling that, I don't recall21:06
zygaalex-abreu: there's an unfinished branch that adds a generic context for all the run cases so that you can always use snapctl21:06
zygaalex-abreu: but still the run in a real (internal) run is special as we abort the transaction if the hook fails21:06
zygaalex-abreu: let me look if there's a bug for this21:07
zygaalex-abreu: I don't see one21:07
alex-abreuthank you21:09
zygaalex-abreu: please report it, I'll make sure pawel knows21:10
zygaalex-abreu: sorry for the inconvenience21:10
alex-abreuzyga, np, thank you for the heads up on that, ...21:10
kyrofaalex-abreu, ah, right, snapctl can't be called without snapd generating the hook context variable21:18
kyrofaalex-abreu, as zyga mentioned, pawel is working on making snapctl usable from apps as well, which will allow it to be used from snap run as well21:18
alex-abreukyrofa, yes, ... is there still a plan to expand snapctl to have systemctl like caps for like the current snap owned daemons etc.?21:19
kyrofaalex-abreu, snapd generates a cryptographic token for each hook run that ties it to a specific snap (i.e. so you can run `snapctl get` without also supplying the snap name)21:19
kyrofaalex-abreu, that's also probably pawel's domain these days21:20
alex-abreukyrofa, yes I saw that and tried to follow what snapd was doing around that21:20
alex-abreuah so pawel is the person to bother then21:20
zygakyrofa: pawel is a bit pulled around but I think he wants to go back there21:27
stokachudo i need to ask to have a track created?21:51
stokachualso how do i set my 2.1/stable as the default track users get when running snap install conjure-up --classic21:53
kyrofastokachu, yes, I believe you need to ask21:59
kyrofastokachu, who? I'm not quite sure22:00
stokachukyrofa, cool thanks22:30
mupPR snapd#2927 closed: cmd: add .indent.pro file to the tree <Created by zyga> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2927>22:38
mupPR snapcraft#1161 opened: channels: Add track support to commands <Created by josepht> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1161>22:38
ToyKeeperGah, I can't seem to get spread to respect my kill timeout.  It's defaulting to 15 minutes, which isn't long enough for this test to run, and ignoring my configured value.22:39
ToyKeeperI've got "kill-timeout: 60m" in tests/main/gccgo/task.yaml (in snapd), but it's having no effect.22:40
kyrofazyga, any ideas on that? ^^22:41
ToyKeeperI probably just need to set it at a project level instead of task level, if I can find the right place for it.22:42
mupPR snapd#2880 closed: tests: empty init (systemd) failover test <Created by fgimenez> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2880>22:45
mupPR snapd#2928 opened: tests: 2 workers on 14.04 and core 64, drop fixme system <Created by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2928>23:00
mcphail'error: snap "whatever" requires classic or confinement override' is a rather ugly and uninformative error message23:33

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