
RFlemingHellooooo Canada!16:49
* genii slides RFleming a large Timmies17:51
RFleminggenii: For you I did it...17:51
RFlemingI installed Neon, and used it for a month17:52
RFlemingI hated it17:52
RFlemingbut I tried17:52
geniiWell, different desktops for different people and their workflow :) Important thing is we have a world of choice of desktops in Linux17:53
RFlemingBut it's come a long way since the poop they released when 4 came out.17:53
RFleminggenii: I thought I'd give it an honest go.  I've been using XFCE for ages, and started looking for a new DE as they all evolve17:53
RFlemingI used MATE for a bit, but it wasn't pretty enough.17:54
RFlemingused Budgie for a while, but I was nit-picky about it.  It's still developing so I'll try it again in a year or so17:54
geniiThere's a new Ubuntu flavour which a lot of people seem enthusiastic over but I have not tried, myself, Budgie17:54
RFleming(it'll be interesting as they de-couple from GTK+ and GNOME and move to the QT libraries)17:54
geniiHm, yes17:55
RFlemingIt'll still be for GNOME, but not use the underpinnings17:55
RFlemingI'm paraphrasing, but the developer said something about spending too much time trying to convince the underpinning layers that Budgie is GNOME-Shell17:56
RFlemingand when the GNOME group makes changes to the APIs and such, lots of stuff breaks; so they're moving to a more 'mature' framework... but still will be all about GNOME apps and such17:57
RFleming... speaking of GNOME; it surprised me17:58
RFlemingI've (unbelievably) switched17:58
geniiI run different desktops on different machines here, they all have their merits for different things18:07

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