
nick__Hi i am trying to log into a server with remmina am logged in with terminal but can't with remmina07:15
nick__got in with remmina but i land up at terminal i want to get into terminal which has windows07:34
pawel09hey everyone! just a quick "thank you" for the product! i love ubuntu mate!10:29
pawel09i hope the developmetn will continue and support for GTK3, 4... whatever it may be will be available :10:30
hetiihi :)11:11
gebruikeranyone know how to enable panel shadows when using compiz?11:58
Akuliif you can't think of anything else you could make a wallpaper that shadows like that12:07
Akulii found this https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=155026412:08
gebruikerI tried the delay suggestion from the github issue tracker suggestion and the arch wiki. it is a bug from 2014 still not fixed in 201712:14
gebruikergoing to try xfce12:14
popohi have this errore ubuntu mate 16.1012:21
popo vdpauinfo12:21
popodisplay: :0   screen: 012:21
popoFailed to open VDPAU backend libvdpau_i965.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory Error creating VDPAU device: 112:21
popothank for help12:21
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Guest51101name  is  softvar22:50

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