[10:57] morning [11:11] I use yumi... Man, im so far behind in the conversation [11:11] But I use it as an all purpose boot disk, like not just for linux, but I have repair tools, security tools, etc on there as well [11:20] If I had checksummed my distro, I would not have had so much trouble making a usb drive [11:20] YUMI showed a percentage of completion and spotted two broken files [11:23] rufus and UUI did not [11:24] normally, if i get the image from the site itself, i don't bother with checksums, though the linuxmint issue from last year should probably rethink that [11:26] It was a good lesson for me...leave nothing to chance [11:32] Why not? Surprises are fun! ^_^ [11:33] Especially when they take days to correct...ach! [11:38] Hopefully this channel can help me avoid some 'suprises'. [11:43] Thanks for the chat, be back this afternoon/evening. [12:46] Any ideas as to what comes after Zesty Zapus? [13:01] There's a wiki page about all the current guesses [13:01] Can't remember where it's at though [13:03] https://blog.cloudflare.com/incident-report-on-memory-leak-caused-by-cloudflare-parser-bug/ [13:47] ProTip: If you have a publicly facing Linux machine, install fail2ban. If you use fail2ban, make sure you have the recidive jail enabled. [13:47] The recidive jail took me from multiple hacking attemps every minute, to sometimes going up to two hours without a hacking attempt. [14:44] Max, you can change the ports as well. For example SSH on port 2222 reduces hacking to almost nothing. [14:45] @AdamOutler, From my experience, changing the SSH port offers a minimal increase in security. [14:46] Multiple per minute to maybe 1 per hour. It is substantial. [14:46] Most of the attempts are not full port scans. They are looking for n3wbs with a root:root login [14:46] Setting up a port knocking system is a pain in the @$$ but it works the best [14:47] No, that's just too much work. ssh -p 2222 me@myserver [14:48] I also have email set up so I know when a login occurred. [15:03] Damn @AdamOutler - you really need to update your sshd [15:41] What do you mean? [15:41] Check your SSH Login Folder [15:42] Har har [15:42] ? [15:43] Unfortunately you didn't get the secret key right. [15:44] The email is keyed [15:44] Give me credit for trying... at least it made you give it a 2nd look [15:44] Yeah. [15:44] I am sure you were thinking "Oh Shit" when you saw it, until you opened the email [15:44] Yep [15:46] I did get your IP though, thanks for that. [15:47] It is the IP for my personal VPN, not really a secret [15:47] Ah [15:59] AdamOutler, I run my web project on differing ports, but I prefer to keep my ssh on 22 for ease. [16:00] We where playing with ansible to deploy and destroy VMs on our hosting provider and had one hacked because we hadn't really worked out any of the security. [16:00] The bash logs showed them trying to get access to other machines, but it was isolated, nowhere to go, nothing to do, and as an unprivileged user. [16:00] @maxolasersquad This is one occasion where I endorse security by obscurity. It adds an extra layer which weeds out the "ssh commonUser:commonPass@host" spam. [16:01] Security through obscurity isn't bad when added on as a layer, and not relied upon. [16:02] In a battlefield I'd rather be a well hidden bag of meat, than in an orange colored tank with florescent, "I'm here", signs. [16:03] Security Tip #1 : Using a short 2 letter password increases security exponentially as many brute force password cracking tools start at 3 letters [16:03] haha. Word. As a security professional, I encounter "security by obscurity" as a bad word continuously. But it does have its place. [16:03] ahhahah [16:13] https://danielmiessler.com/study/security-by-obscurity "Obscurity is a Valid Security Layer" [16:13] One sec, looking for an article [16:27] https://usnews.today/2017/02/24/computer-security-tips-to-help-you-keep-safe-online/ [16:41] Wrong gloves, keith [16:42] BTW, refresh it f you dont see Tip 5 [16:42] Everyone knows hackers wear fingerless gloves [16:43] The social bar on your site is mesing with my ability to read. [16:43] and ability to type, apparently.\ [17:35] Btw did you guys see the cloud flair situation [17:35] I did