
tsimonq2For the individual that asked and left, we're not sure.02:10
=== edk is now known as e
bodiroIs it possible to assign a keyboard shortcut to the lubuntu menu?11:26
=== popey_ is now known as popey
=== ikonia_ is now known as ikonia
Bent0So im using lubuntu to start kodi on boot. Ages ago I configured this but I cannot figure out where I made Kodi start before the openbox loginscreen is presented. Thus without logging in. Any idea?17:56
jmssHi, I noticed there are two sites lubuntu.me and lubuntu.net, are they both official?19:22
wxljmss: no. only lubuntu.me.19:22
jmsswxl, OK, I realized I've always used the other one, this is the first time I noticed the .me one19:23
jmssand I've installed lubuntu a few dozen times perhaps19:23
wxljmss: if you search for lubuntu on duckduckgo, it comes up as the ofifial website19:23
wxljmss: lubuntu.net is maintained by the original co-creator of lubuntu who is no longer involved in development. we've struggled for many cycles to keep it updated and finally gave up and made a website we CAN keep updated19:24
jmssyeap. but still the .net appears on top19:24
wxlon GOOGLE19:24
jmsson duckduck19:24
wxloh that's strange19:25
wxlwell wikipedia comes up first over here but htat's not where i go to download isos :)19:25
jmssthe .me appears on the right, distinguished19:25
wxlyou can also see the title of .me shows "official"19:25
wxlif you go to the wiki page, twitter, ubuntu pages, everywhere else, they all point to .me19:26
jmssOK, thanks, at least the one I used before is not a scam/trojan one :)19:26
wxlyep, that's true19:26
wxlbut it's usually behind19:26
jmssthat's what I was afraid of19:27
wxlyeah no worries about that :)19:27
wxlthe links on both pages go to official ubuntu resources regardless19:27
=== BrAsS_mOnKeY is now known as g2

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