
kaifwhats going on here00:26
kaifis there anybody or I'm the only mad here00:27
loulaomg im so rude02:54
loulathanks for your help knome!02:54
kaosineWoohoo just revived a old Dell with xubuntu :D04:05
kaosineNow to fix it up tomorrow with stuff she can make use of for school04:05
jnprhello folks, my bluetooth keyboard isn't connecting correctly to my computer. it pairs but shows as an unknown device.05:53
jnprdoes anyone know of any good reference or solutions?05:54
ubottuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup05:56
moetunesjnpr:  ^^05:56
jnprmoetunes, it connects though06:17
jnprit's just an unrecognized type of device06:17
moetunesthat's all I know about bluetooth ...06:18
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Dr_CokeHey there seems to be a bug in changing themes and getting the theme to apply correctly with xubuntu 16.04.0214:45
Dr_Cokeor multiple bugs14:46
Dr_CokeLike I'm using numix14:48
Dr_Cokebut had to change the theme to a different theme and remove some stuff and then add it again to the panel14:48
Dr_Cokewith the nofications area14:48
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=== Justanick1 is now known as Justanick
xubuntu33wHi there, does anyone know when/if thunar 1.6.11 land on xubuntu 16.04.2? I've been having crashes after crashes when renaming files16:15
m3n3chm0hi I realized that in xubuntu 16.10 I can't restore the GUI with Ctrl-Alt-F7 any help ??16:18
xubuntu33wsudo service lightdm restart doesn't work?16:19
m3n3chm0mmmm I used always the mentioned short key16:21
m3n3chm0after upgrade to 16.10 it does not work .. in 16.04 and before versiones it worked like a charm16:21
m3n3chm0I have to use now chvt 7 in command line16:21
m3n3chm0and then I can get back to GUI but I want to enable ctrl+alt+f716:22
xubuntu33wsomething might have messed up, so you're saying "sudo service lightdm restart" doesn't work when you're on tty(x)?16:23
m3n3chm0I did not say that16:24
m3n3chm0with sudo service lightdm restart it works16:24
m3n3chm0but i need to know how to re enable again the usual shortcut ctrl+alt+f716:25
m3n3chm0I guess something is missing up in Keyboard mapping options16:25
m3n3chm0I do not know what is the shortcut to create in there16:25
xubuntu33wthis happened to me back on ubuntu 12.04, got a black screen on boot, restarted the display manager and did a sudo dpkg-reconfigure from the terminal and it worked after wards. This normally happened when I upgraded the nvidia drivers but that was a couple of years ago16:27
xubuntu33wAlso just a note, I never update to LTS-STS, I always Update the LTS to point releases and do a fresh install on a new lts16:28
flocculantxubuntu33w: re thunar16:37
flocculantwe've prepared the SRU - just needs to go through - at some point in the nearish future bug 1512120 will be looking for verification16:38
ubottubug 1512120 in thunar (Ubuntu Yakkety) "[SRU] thunar crashes on file renaming" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/151212016:38
kaosineMan this broadcom driver is a load of crap. Logged in to my sisters account and it just doesn't like our network password still >_<21:40
kaosineI had trouble with it last night setting it up last night and now it just hates me....21:41
diogenes_kaosine, have you tried rebooting the router?21:42
kaosinediogenes_: my phone and real computer connect just fine, it seems to be a problem with this computer since wiping vista and putting xubuntu on it21:43
diogenes_kaosine, you're not the first one with such issue, I personally had same issue when all my devices were able to connect but one single pc and after rebooting router all was fine21:44
kaosinediogenes_: well I wonder if it's a problem with the computer the driver I installed the broadcom driver last night but I could be looking at the password wrong21:45
diogenes_kaosine, are you able to see your network name in systray?21:46
kaosinediogenes_: yeah and it finally connected.....just wanted to be a pain in my butt21:48
diogenes_kaosine, it just got scared of rebooting21:49
kaosinethere's one character in the password that I can't tell if it's a L or a | it looks too similar21:49
kaosinediogenes_: I really need to stop using apple's password generator. There's some really crappy passwords in there that use letters and such that shouldn't be ok to be in a password >_<21:53
diogenes_kaosine, keep in mind, all that start's with or deals with apple is just crap21:55
kaosinediogenes_: IDK they were pretty good about dealing with me while my last computer was in warranty to the point of replacing it after three repairs. I'd love to get a completly new computer but I'm too busy trying to build a retro pc and maybe fix my windows 98 machine(the latter needs a new PSU and HDD, along with new cables for everything). I've got a lot of mini projects I need to work on with computers I'm trying to avoid putting in e-21:59
diogenes_kaosine, windows 98? then you have to travel back to jurasic park22:01
kaosinediogenes_: not as bad as building a dos pc XD22:02
kaosine(which I'm also trying to do)22:02
diogenes_that's extreme indeed22:02
kaosinethe bad parts so far are the video and motherboard those are crazy with prices22:03
kaosineeverything else isn't that bad22:03
kaosinediogenes_: plus I'm probably going with options to modernize things.....or at least putting in sd/cf to ide converter and FD emulator to make sure things last for as long as possible22:07
diogenes_kaosine, or here is another idea, try to replace a modern thinkpad keyboard with the classic one, hack into firmware, do reverse engineering and that's it22:09
kaosinediogenes_: where's the fun in that? XD22:09
diogenes_kaosine, the process itself22:09
kaosineplus I've already bought the motherboard to build the computer22:09
kaosineok may have a issue the mouse disappeared22:09
diogenes_no module loaded22:11
kaosinediogenes_: apparently it's a known issue https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/157345422:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1568604 in xserver-xorg-video-intel-lts-xenial (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1573454 Mouse cursor lost when unlocking with Intel graphics" [High,Confirmed]22:21
diogenes_kaosine, could be22:21
kaosinediogenes_: it's definitely similar symptoms to say the least. I don't know if all the drivers are installed though. I know I installed the network one last night but I don't know what else I need to install on the thing22:25
diogenes_kaosine, if everything works then it's done22:27
kaosinediogenes_: I'm just a  little weirded out by that issue even if there's a supposedly related bug on launchpad22:28
diogenes_kaosine, have your tried with live cd?22:29
kaosinewell it's just that mouse part that's bugging me22:30
diogenes_kaosine, the best way is to load a live session from usb/cd and see if the mouse works22:30

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