
=== jam1 is now known as jam
ybaumyjamespage: its working with maas and juju openstack-base bundle. the only thing i had to fix was the network interface name which was ens192 to eth1 in neutron gateway machine06:53
ybaumyjamespage: i had to change udev rules and reboot06:54
ybaumyjamespage: then it automatically fixed it06:54
ybaumyjamespage: i now can go from there06:54
jamespageybaumy: great!06:56
jamespageybaumy: yeah we where discussing the configuration for the external networking last week06:56
jamespageybaumy: at a minimum we might stop attempted auto config of that and make a note in the bundle README that thishas to be set afterwards06:57
jamespageybaumy: you can config it via the data-port option on the neutron-gateway charm - so br-ex:ens192 for your case06:57
gabrielI guys, I have a quick question. Is there any existing interfaces in neutron-gateway charm to restart neutron-l3-agent and neutron-dhcp-agent openstack services ?10:02
BlackDexgabriel: use juju run --application neutron-gateway 'service neutron-l3-agent restart ; service neutron-dhcp-agent restart'10:03
gabrielBlackDex: thanks for your quick reply. I want to do this operation in a charm. For the moment, I have something like:10:06
gabrielfor service in ['neutron-dhcp-agent', 'neutron-l3-agent']:10:06
gabriel  hookenv.status_set('maintenance', 'Restarting %s' % service)10:06
gabriel  host.service_restart(service)10:06
gabrielis it the best way to do so ?10:06
BlackDexthat is a bit out of my lueage :p. Didn't do that much in charm dev10:07
gabrielBlackDex: ok thanks ! :p However, it really close to your way to restart these services, just from a different point of view10:08
BlackDexis it a subbordinate charm? Or an external charm which needs to communicate with neutron-gateway?10:10
BlackDexfor a subbordinate there are examples i think, but i don't know for external10:11
gabrielyes it is a subordinate charm10:11
gabrielbut I did not seen any interfaces to do such10:12
gabrielfor example, in neutron-openvswitch charm, you have the neutron-control interface to restart the services10:13
gabrielin fact, i think that it's quite similar :p10:15
BlackDexah :). Well i only did some small changes to existing charms, and that did not include stuff like that10:42
gabrielBlackDex: ok, no problems and thanks again! :)10:45
BlackDex:) Good luck!10:47
BlackDexmaybe there are some people at openstack-charmers which can help you a bit more :)10:48
BlackDexi mean #openstack-charms10:48
gabrieloh ok thanks! :)10:49
=== tinwood is now known as tinwood_swap
cnfhmz, maas is giving me a headache12:00
dgonzoI've spent a couple days working to familarize myself with juju and charms. I'm still failing to understand how best to write a simple layers charm. The tutorials appear to be rather opinionated but quite variable. I'm coming from a docker/docker-compose background. I'd like to add GPU support to kubernetes worker. I've been following along SaMnCo article:12:08
dgonzohttps://insights.ubuntu.com/2017/02/15/gpus-kubernetes-for-deep-learning%E2%80%8A-%E2%80%8Apart-13/ but not getting to a working nvidia-smi12:08
dgonzoany pointers on how best to write a layer that would just be adding a rather picky driver?12:08
SaMnCodgonzo: I will let the dev team answer on the later part but can you detail what is not working for Nvidia? What version of my layer do you use? What cloud and what Nvidia card (Latest gives you 375.26 and works for me for Pascal, but will not on k20 from AWS, which require 367 and I didn't model that12:19
SaMnCoSo look at the layer code, try to run it natively on the host, and see if it fails saying that the card is legacy and requires 36712:19
SaMnCoIf yes, just find out the versions you need. These are set at the very beginning of the layer script12:21
SaMnCoAnd easily manageable12:21
dgonzoSaMnCo: It doesn't appear that the drivers are installed. Minimum install required to get GPU availability is going to be something like https://github.com/NVIDIA/nvidia-docker/wiki/Deploy-on-Amazon-EC2#gpu-instance-creation12:27
dgonzolast run of your nvidia-cuda layers I got a driver error or driver missing -- sorry it was a few iterations ago12:29
SaMnCoSo if you use the g2 instances, you are stuck to 367 and the charm will not work. You can check out the commit history and the version just before the last will work12:29
SaMnCodgonzo: if you use p2, you will be fine12:30
SaMnCoWe are working with nVidia to make that better12:30
SaMnCoGo back in time to 367.xx essentially12:31
dgonzoare you saying there's a specific commit with the 367.xx drivers or I that I should fork and modify to peg at 367.xx?12:33
dgonzo... I am using the g2 series ec2 for cost considerations -- I'm not running these for training but rather for evaluation nodes12:33
dgonzoSaMnCo: I see the driver versions in the last commit. Thanks.12:38
SaMnCoYes, previous commit is 367 I think12:45
SaMnCoCheck it out12:45
SaMnCoOr fork the repo and edit the reactive/cuda.sh12:45
SaMnCoTo repoint to these12:46
=== scuttle|afk is now known as scuttlemonkey
Hetfieldhi all15:54
Hetfieldin https://jujucharms.com/docs/2.0/models-config i read i can use noproxy for local addresses, but  it seems not working15:55
Hetfieldjuju bootstrap --config noproxy= maas juju-controller --constraints tags=juju WARNING unknown config field "noproxy" WARNING unknown config field "noproxy"15:55
Hetfieldand the no_proxy defined in /etc/environment seems ignored too15:56
kwmonroeHetfield: did you mean to type noproxy there?  the config opt is no-proxy, and btw, --config will affect the bootstrap node, you can specify it again if you want your models to use it with "--model-default no-proxy=foo".16:04
kwmonroeHetfield: see more discussion about that here:  https://github.com/juju/docs/issues/167616:04
dgonzoSaMnCo: I built the resource with updated driver. I'm getting an error "hook failed: "install"16:10
dgonzoI'm still entering commands line-by-line as the template file in the repo doesn't yet work16:11
Hetfieldkwmonroe: yes, i need both, for bootstrap and later for day by day16:12
xpmaventrying to install Ubuntu OpenStack with Autopilot and receive the following JuJu Bootstrap Failure during installation "problem with juju bootstrap".16:29
SaMnCodgonzo: hmmm OK. I'll spin up a g2 when I can to reproduce and fix. These Nvidia drivers drive me crazy16:30
SaMnCoAt MWC right now so not before tomorrow16:30
xpmavenfrom the log file: wait 15s\nAttempt 5 to download tools from https://streams.canonical.com/juju/tools/agent/1.25.6/juju-1.25.6-trusty-amd64.tgz...\ncurl: (56) SSL read: error:1408F119:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_RECORD:decryption failed or bad record mac, errno 0\ntools from https://streams.canonical.com/juju/tools/agent/1.25.6/juju-1.25.6-trusty-amd64.tgz downloaded: HTTP 200; time 20.655s; size 770048 bytes; speed 37281.000 bytes/s Tools 16:30
xpmavenany help would be appreciated ;/16:31
=== vagarwal_ is now known as vagarwal
lazyPowerxpmaven: oo ssl decryption error? is there a proxy or anything between you and the url its attempting to fetch?16:39
xpmavenno proxy16:40
xpmavenwell, unless one considers the MaaS controller a proxy...16:41
dgonzoSaMnCo: no problem. Thanks for forging the way on this. Being able to manage a "hybrid" cluster with gpu resources is exactly what i've been trying to do "by hand" even with the frustrations you've got a solution that shows real promise16:47
lazyPowerxpmaven: nothing that would cause an ssl error that i'm aware of17:04
lazyPowerxpmaven: the only thing i coudl think of was mitm proxying your ssl query and failing validation. but that doesn't seem to be the case... i'm uncertain. I would certainly file a bug however so we can get the right people looking at it17:04
xpmavensubmitted: https://github.com/Ubuntu-Solutions-Engineering/openstack-installer/issues/103817:10
admcleodxpmaven: if you curl the directory (without the file) does it display an ssl error?17:13
xpmavenno it does not17:15
bdxanyone familiar with configuring the haproxy charm to do https redirects?18:03
jrwrenbdx: I am.18:04
bdxjrwren: so here, https://gist.github.com/jamesbeedy/fa588b242ccffe5ce52c1e41c895e274#file-haproxy-bundle-yaml-L1518:07
bdxI'm trying to add the redirect scheme to the service options, but am getting denied due to what looks like a unicode error bc of my "!" http://paste.ubuntu.com/24079429/18:09
jrwrenbdx: yeah, quote the whole thing.18:09
jrwrenservice_options: ['redirect scheme https code 301 if !{ ssl_fc }']18:10
bdxjrwren: I'll give this a whirl. thanks18:11
jrwrenbdx: that charm is deceptively awesome. I thought did didnt' support a bunch of stuff, but it turns out it supports almost everything. Its great.18:16
stormmorewish the maas team were as responsive as you guys!18:22
bdxjrwren: I've had similar mileage ... the more I dig in, the better it gets :-)18:23
kklimondais zsh completion for juju 2.0 available somewhere?18:23
bdxjrwren: I spoke to soon18:24
jrwrenbdx: that didn't work? It must be some yaml thing. In my case it works fine quoted, but when I don't use json array syntax (the [])  but instead use yaml list syntax18:25
jrwrenbdx: here is exactly what I use: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24079518/18:26
bdxjrwren: ahh nice, I'll give that a try18:27
bdxjrwren: sadly, same result using your config18:41
bdxjrwren: I'm wondering, are you using a trusty harproxy?18:41
jrwrenbdx: xenial18:43
rick_hjacekn: ping, trying to use your grafana charm but getting a failure to get wheeze from packagecloud?19:18
bdxjrwren: got it working, thanks19:31
jrwrenbdx: great!19:31
stormmorereally wish I could figure out what maas-enlist isn't working :-/19:38
h00pzhey guys I need to customize the charmstore openstack bundle, can someone point me in the right direction to start doing some charm coding etc20:20

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