
anirbaanHello everyone & Kilos :)08:13
anirbaanKilos: what is the root file system check command? is it "mkdir /enforce" ?08:13
Kiloshi anirbaan pavlushka and other lurkers09:08
Kilosi use fsck09:08
Kilossudo touch /forcefsck09:08
Kilosthen it checks while booting09:09
Kilosi dont know the involved commands but pavel will know09:09
anirbaanKilos: got it, and you know even pavlushka lurks :p09:10
Kilosyes hahaha09:10
pavlushkaKilos: ping11:02
Kilospavlushka pong11:02
Kiloswhats up11:03
pavlushkaKilos: once you mentioned a system migration tool for Ubuntu only, can you recall it?11:03
pavlushkaKilos: wow, I was testing you :p11:04
* pavlushka whispers nah11:04
Kilosmake a usb boot stick with exactly you working system to intall again or on another pc11:04
pavlushkaKilos: by the btw thanks :)11:04
Kilosyou welcome lad11:04
* pavlushka on the run11:05
Kilosrun fast11:05
pavlushkaWelcome NahidSultan and zaki  :)17:46
zakihey pavlushka17:53
zakihow are u doing?17:53
pavlushkazaki: nothing, overstuffed my tummy, now cant move17:54
pavlushkayeah, I was waiting for this :p18:26
Kilos-self inflicted punishment18:26
pavlushkaKilos-: nope, mom's inflicted punishment, kinda self inflicted coz I was trying to keep her every request on food :p18:28
Kilos-she didnt force food into your mouth'18:29
pavlushkatrue, but she served the plate and dont like it left overs18:30
Kilos-go for a walk it will help18:30
Kilos-just dont jump18:30
Kilos-hi NahidSultan 18:31
Kilos-Nahiyan 18:31
pavlushkaKilos-: I bunked last night's sleep, so I am dead sleepy18:31
Kilos-oh my18:31
NahiyanI was awake for18:32
Kilos-go sleep lad18:32
Nahiyan30 hours yesterday18:32
pavlushkaKilos-: I am in a state that you can kill me but you cant make me move18:32
Kilos-dont you guys sleep?18:32
NahiyanI had a lot of work yesterday18:32
Nahiyanproject stuff18:32
pavlushkaKilos-: I have some deadlines, So I'll think about the deadlines for a while and fall a sleep on the chair :p18:33
NahiyanI should probably go to sleep now18:33
NahiyanI've been awake for about 20 hours now X_X18:34
Nahiyansee ya guys tomorrow :)18:34
pavlushkasee ya18:34
Kilos-sleep tight guys18:34
pavlushkaKilos-: where you are going?18:35
Kilos-i thought you fell asleep on the chair18:35
Kilos-then i go play liberators18:35
Kilos-only thing fb is good for18:35

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