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pittiGood morning07:05
sarnoldhey pitti :)07:06
pittihey sarnold, wie gehts?07:06
sarnoldpitti: sehr gut danke, und dir?07:06
pittiprima, danke! had a nice and relaxing weekend with some gardening and long walks, yay spring weather07:06
sarnoldsehr schoen :D07:07
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=== maclin1 is now known as maclin
willcookehi gang08:56
didrockshey willcooke, Sweet5hark09:01
willcookemorning didrocks, how are you doing?09:01
=== lan3y is now known as Laney
willcooke:) mornnig Laney09:02
seb128hey willcooke Laney Sweet5hark09:03
willcookeMy computer is very slow this morning.  Just worked out my backup is running.09:03
seb128had a good w.e?09:03
davmor2Morning all09:03
Sweet5harkhey, everyone!09:03
* Sweet5hark had a good weekend: Shyly singing "ode to joy" with some 400 other people at the #pulseforeurope in my city on Sunday was a nice experience.09:05
davmor2Laney: why did you go from sup to sus to spu?09:08
Laneyhi willcooke hi seb128 hi Sweet5hark hi davmor09:09
didrockswillcooke: really really busy and lack of sleep, but good! Yourself?09:10
didrocksmorning Laney, davmor2, re seb12809:10
davmor2Laney: man seriously you couldn't hit tab to complete my nick ;)09:11
Laneywe had some late night pub times on friday, some friends got engaged09:11
Laneythere were shots09:11
Laneyand a one armed press up contest for some reason09:12
Laneydavmor2: you should be happy about the promotion to davmor109:12
davmor2Laney: davmor1 was in use when I installed SuSE Linux 6.3 waaaaaay back or I would of been from then on in davmor2 kinda stuck :)  it was SuSE that gave me the nick :D09:13
pittihey gang, much more life here than this morning!09:14
didrocksgood morning pitti!09:14
davmor2Laney: their manual said to use the first 3 letters of your firstname, the first 3 letters of your surname and a number and davmor1 was already taken :)09:15
Laneysounds like some company's username policy ended up in their manual09:15
Laneyhey didrocks, ahoy pitti09:15
pittisounds very close to "didroc[ks]" :)09:15
desrthappy monday!09:16
davmor2Laney: it was more a suggestion of a good username I assume more than a directive :)09:16
Laneytake surname, add a y09:17
Laneyif that sounds weird, try an i instead09:17
Laneyif *that* sounds weird, you're on your own09:17
seb128hey desrt, pitti, happy monday09:19
pittiLaney: "pitti" doesn't sound too bad indeed! :)09:19
desrtmorning seb12809:19
pittibonjour seb128, hereux lundi à toi aussi !09:19
desrthihi pitti, Laney, didrocks09:19
desrtlarsu says "hi"09:20
Laneyhi coworking space09:20
desrtLaney: good job09:20
Laneygood weekend?09:21
desrtQuite good yes :)09:21
desrt+ you?  what went down?09:22
Laneyapart from the aforementioned drinks: went to the library, went climbing, went to a film screening / meal about food sustainability at the 'small food bakery' down the road09:25
desrtsmall food?09:26
desrtlike, tiny little croissants?09:26
Laneyi think it's more like local suppliers09:27
Laneyor possibly 'small' refers to the number of companies in the chain09:28
desrtor the size of the batches?09:28
Laneybut also the actual size of the place too :-)09:28
desrtshortening the food chain would involve the place being vegan :p09:29
desrtthey are curiously selective about which products they list the origins of09:32
Laneynot really my project to have a debate on09:33
Laneyyou can probably find her contact details on the website09:33
desrtnot really interested in raining on her parade :p09:33
didrocksmorning desrt, say "hi" back to larsu09:34
desrtit's bad enough when vegans go around telling other people about why they should be vegan... much worse when a non-vegan is doing this :p09:34
desrtdidrocks: hey.  getting used to your new life well?09:34
didrocksdesrt: depends, feel we got some regressions with the new features from lastdays :)09:35
didrocksso, still in stabilization period09:35
desrtupgrades suck.  pin that shit :p09:35
didrocksyeah, everyday he grows some09:35
didrocksnot sure we want to09:35
desrtya.. that would be pretty weird i guess09:35
desrtsounds like you enjoy the adventure, in any case :)09:35
didrocksindeed :-) and the term is well used!09:36
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GunnarHjseb128: In "Security & Privacy" in u-c-c two tabs (Security and Search) are missing. Is that intentionally?13:33
seb128GunnarHj, hey, what ubuntu version?13:33
seb128but no, if tabs were present and are not anymore it's a bug13:33
GunnarHjseb128: Updated zesty13:33
seb128GunnarHj, btw xenial langpacks update finally worked13:33
seb128I was just looking at it13:34
GunnarHjseb128: Hey, great! :)13:34
seb128GunnarHj, I'm not using zesty, check with Laney if we can confirm maybe13:34
seb128open a bug on launchpad in any case13:34
GunnarHjseb128: Ok, I'll open a bug.13:34
seb128it's on a activily-log-manager I think13:35
seb128that's what provide that panel iirc13:35
GunnarHjseb128: Ack.13:35
GunnarHjseb128: But not the Security part, right? Password at suspend etc.13:36
seb128you mean? the panel "security & privacy" or whatever it's called in english13:37
seb128it's one set13:37
GunnarHjseb128: Yes. Ok, so the whole thing is provided by the package you mentioned. Got it.13:38
LaneyI know about it13:38
LaneyYou don't need to file a bug13:38
GunnarHjLaney: Thanks for stopping me. :) Is it going to be fixed? (It was a docs team member who asked.)13:39
LaneyThanks for reporting though!13:40
seb128GunnarHj, seems like the ppa cronjob only updated "en", I need to look at that it feels buggy13:45
GunnarHjseb128: I see. Btw, langpack creation seems to still be disabled for zesty. Related?13:46
seb128wgrant said he would enable it today13:47
seb128export should happen tomorrow13:47
GunnarHjseb128: Thanks for letting me know.13:47
seb128it was the free slot in https://dev.launchpad.net/Translations/LanguagePackSchedule13:47
GunnarHjseb128: That schedule looks confusing to me. Waiting til you have sorted it out.13:49
seb128GunnarHj, what is confusing you? (out of the fact that it's missing zesty)?13:50
GunnarHjseb128: Well, after having looked at it again: Nothing.13:51
LaneyGunnarHj: Well, you moved my brain state, so I just uploaded a fix for that bug. :P13:54
GunnarHjLaney: Great, thanks for letting me know. :)13:55
* Laney updates face state14:06
Laney...that means I'm getting food14:06
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davmor2yay for having spare machines that reproduce kvm issues so devs can poke at is to their hearts content \o/14:58
davmor2seb128, Laney: xps13 reproduced the no apps listed issue and Trevinho is poking at it now \o/15:00
seb128where did you discuss it?15:00
seb128if there was a discussion between you and Trevinho on the topic I would have expected it to be on this channel15:00
davmor2seb128: could give out access details on a public channel otherwise I would of :)15:01
seb128you can discuss the issue on a public channel and send the cred on the side in a query you know? ;-15:02
davmor2seb128: which is what I just did :P15:02
davmor2seb128, Laney, Trevinho: I ran the cd checker on the usb pendrive that came back clean and I ran the md5sums on my image to make sure that matched both came back matched, so the image and install should be good15:05
=== hikiko|ln is now known as hikiko
davmor2Trevinho: https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity-lens-applications/+bug/1666495 this was the original bug I filed so we just need to spread the love around to zeitgeist then right?15:29
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1666495 in unity-lens-applications "[Zesty] No default apps shown on first start in kvm oem end user" [High,Incomplete]15:29
Trevinhodavmor2: yeah...15:29
Trevinhodavmor2: someone asked to review that zeitgeist change some time ago, but... I don't remember who mhmhm15:30
davmor2I'm just glad you could tinker and find the fault :)15:31
LaneyTrevinho: which change?15:32
Laneythe systemd thing?15:32
TrevinhoLaney: yep15:33
TrevinhoLaney: that pre-start script fails on first run15:33
TrevinhoLaney: because of15:34
Trevinhom.vala:38: Impossible to open database `/home/tester/.local/share/zeitgeist/activity.sqlite': unable to open database file15:34
Trevinhoso... this causes the lenses not to work15:34
Laneyso just make it exit 0 in that case15:34
TrevinhoLaney: yep15:34
TrevinhoLaney: that's enough in fact15:34
Laneythat's what I would expect in the 'nothing to vaccum' scenario15:34
Trevinhowho did that upload so that can fix it quickly?15:34
Laneydunno, just post a patch on the bug and I'll review it15:34
TrevinhoLaney: actually I'd create also the stamp file, so that the first time it shows up there's no vacuum to do, maybe15:35
davmor2Laney: see I find all the funniest bugs15:35
FJKongLaney: I have modify diff of pygtk and open-vm-tools15:35
LaneyFJKong: thx15:35
LaneyTrevinho: what stamp file?15:35
davmor2Laney: we also discovered one for scaling in vnc desktop sharing too :D15:36
TrevinhoLaney: it creates a stamp file not to do the vacuum all the times15:36
Laneyin the wrapper15:36
Trevinhowhich... works after restarting I think, but not all the times15:36
LaneyI would have expected a fix in the program itself15:37
Laneythen the wrapper will make the stamp file anyway15:37
davmor2Trevinho: if you want a fresh install to double check things just let me know and I can set everything back up to the broken state and ping you back15:38
Trevinhodavmor2, Laney: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/zeitgeist/+bug/1666495/comments/615:50
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1666495 in zeitgeist (Ubuntu) "[Zesty] No default apps shown on first start in kvm oem end user" [High,In progress]15:50
Laneywhat happened to checking if the file exists?15:50
davmor2Trevinho: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vino/+bug/166830915:51
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1668309 in vino (Ubuntu) "Scaling on xps13 means only a part of the screen is visible at any time." [Undecided,New]15:51
TrevinhoLaney: well the path is actually something that could change and in general we can't rely on that... Failing is fine for that tool. We've just to care the problem15:51
Trevinhonot* to care ...15:51
Laneyit calls an internal function to get the path15:52
Laneyif that's returning the wrong thing something is quite off15:52
TrevinhoLaney: the tool is returning the right stuff, but it's fine to fail if the file isn't there I think...16:03
Trevinhook, we control both the script and the tool, but imho the tool should fail if called and there's no DB (if you consider it as a standalone thing that you also might run manually)16:04
Laneywell, that's a difference then, I would expect it to succeed personally (maybe while printing a message)16:07
Laneyyou should be able to write a script "#!/bin/sh\nset -e\nzeitgeist-vaccum\nzeitgeist" and have that work on first run16:07
Trevinhomh, if you prefer so... but in general, if you call a tool that has to do something in a file... And that file isn't there, is quite normal that it fails, unless you don't pass to it a flag to force on failure16:08
Laneydepends how you expect it to be used16:09
jbichaTrevinho: did you see my ping about bug 1665902 ? since it seems loosely related to the current topic16:09
ubot5bug 1665902 in zeitgeist (Ubuntu) "Update zeitgeist to 1.0" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/166590216:09
Laneyif you think calling it before the first run is normal then it's fine to treat that as a normal code path16:09
Trevinhojbicha: ah, right... I actually saw it, but I wasn't able to find it again in the backlog16:12
jbichaI only pinged by subscribing you to the bug16:12
LaneyTrevinho: jbicha: You can move the script into the packaging (make it call zeitgeist --vacuum instead of zeitgeist-vacuum) and then the patch is just modifying the dbus service file and systemd unit16:14
TrevinhoLaney: so I think merging jbicha change is better, then we should just update the script to call that command; using "-" in exec is still needed thogh16:14
pittijbicha, Laney, seb128: hm, I must say, not a fan of enabling tracker by default; it's a ridiculously heavy hammer for typeahead serach16:15
Trevinhojbicha: can you take care of that?16:15
pittihow expensive can it be to readdir() a single dir for typeahead search?16:15
LaneyTrevinho: If you don't care for my input then do what you want16:15
pittiLaney: on -desktop@ (22.02.17 14:45 Jeremy Bicha      Nautilus 3.24 and dropping type-ahead search, adding tracker)16:15
Laneypitti: We have a patch for that currently and it broke16:15
Laneyso... either someone updates it or we do without16:15
TrevinhoLaney: I do care... But if you see the "--vacuum" option is still returning non-zero if fails, so...16:16
seb128pitti, hey, right same here16:16
Laneyand in the latter case then either we have tracker or we don't16:16
pittiseb128, Laney: right, I was mostly curious whether you actually plan to enable tracker by default or not16:16
seb128Laney, right, which is what pitti votes -1 for16:16
LaneyI understand that16:16
seb128if I understand what he said correctly16:16
LaneyI'm just explaining16:16
pittinot that I care personally still (pcmanfm works quite nicely), but IMHO this is absurd16:16
LaneyIt's not a case of readdir being expensive, more a maintenance issue with the patch16:17
Laneyin Ubuntu's case anyway16:17
pittiLaney: right, I'm mostly blaming upstream's design here16:17
seb128Laney, what are you discussing?16:17
Laneycan't speak for upstream16:17
pittiI do appreciate that maintaining this patch is too expensive16:17
pittiAFAICS, the choice is mostly between "enable tracker by default" and "disable typeahead search by default"16:18
seb128unsure what we are debating over16:18
jbichaseb128: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-desktop/2017-February/004849.html16:18
seb128how typeahead is working or not?16:18
finexbeerwhat makes ubuntu so special than adear linux distribution??16:18
seb128jbicha, thanks that I knew16:18
seb128but pitti point seemed mostly about tracker16:18
pittiseb128: well, "debating", I was curious whether you plan to enable tracker by default or not16:18
seb128not about typeahead16:18
seb128but Laney started explained the status of the typeahead patch16:18
seb128so I was wondering16:18
pittiyeah, and that's related16:18
LaneyI thought it was relevant?16:19
Laneynot trying to start any trollish debate or anything if that's what you thought16:19
pittijbicha's mail sounds like "if we drop the patch (understandable) and not enable tracker,then there's no typeahead search any more"?16:19
pittiI could have misunderstood it; jbicha?16:20
pittii. e. I'm not trying to tell you "maintain that patch, d***it", but more like into an upstream direction of "what were you thinking!?" :/16:20
jbichacsoriano told me that search in nautilus is slow without tracker so he recommended that tracker be enabled16:21
pittiwell, slow is okay16:21
seb128Laney, no, I'm just not sure where you were trying to get at, it looked like you explained things that people here don't need explained so it felt weird16:21
pittieverything is slow with tracker, so at least penalize the operation that actually needs it :)16:21
pittiI was a bit afraid you were saying "it doesn't work at all any more"16:21
Laneyseb128: right, well this side discussion is derailing the main one so I'll step out now16:21
seb128Laney, k, I should so the same16:22
Laneybad 20 minutes for me, my zeitgeist idea was rejected and now this one16:22
* Laney goes back to polishing up a patch16:22
pittiok, sorry, seems I asked at a bad time16:22
seb128Laney, did I reject anything? :-(16:22
pitti(just saw jbicha's mail)16:22
seb128it's just that we have 2 issues there16:22
seb128- the typeahead patch needs ported or dropped16:22
Laneypitti: nope, just my attempt to be helpful wasn't in fact so I step out now16:22
seb128then jbicha proposal to enable tracker by default16:22
seb128we could enable indexing while still having typeahead afaik16:23
pittithis still sounds completely wrong16:23
seb128I'm against enabling tracker by default16:23
seb128it's a complex piece of code to maintain and has performances impact16:23
pittihow can a single readdir() be worse than even asking tracker for filtering on a single dir (not even considering the irresponsible overhead of tracker in the first place)16:24
seb128pitti, I think the issue is not readdir(), it's that nautilus search is recursive16:24
seb128so if you enter "deb" in your userdir it crawls through subdirs16:24
jbichateh tracker maintainer claims that tracker's performance impact is less of a problem now according to his comments on bug 166667616:24
ubot5bug 1666676 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "Enable tracker by default for Unity too" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/166667616:24
pittiseb128: well, an one-level typeahead search sounds quite enough? but oh well, I figure there's little point in trying to swim against the stream here..16:25
seb128pitti, well, I think the stream agree with you16:25
davmor2Trevinho: I take it you have finished with the xps13 so I can take down the open port right?16:25
seb128or at least I do and previous user feedback in launchpad suggests we are not alone16:25
Trevinhodavmor2: yeah16:25
jbichathere's a checkbox in zesty's nautilus to turn off "search in subfolders" but I'm not sure that turning it off by default is better for users16:26
davmor2no worries thanks16:26
seb128jbicha, it still reads everything on disk to index16:26
pittiyeah, there's a principal lower boundary of how efficient it can be16:26
seb128jbicha, if we turn it off then there is probably no need of tracker, as pitti said a readdir() should not be slow16:26
Trevinhojbicha: I'm trying to use your debdiff, but then quilt doesn't apply patches to me :o16:26
Trevinhoanyway if you can re-enable the script to call zeitgeist --vacuum instead and set the prestart script to that...16:28
Trevinhoit would be fine to me16:28
pittiseb128, jbicha: yeah, and who would expect a fully recursive search with typeahead? normally typeahead searches in the things that are actually displayed, and that's just the dir itself16:31
pittifully recursive is still the "find" (Ctrl+Alt+F or so?) thing, and that's okay to be slow, isn't it?16:31
pittiso mabye I just misunderstood the email16:31
seb128pitti, upstream argument is that the full search is sorting results and so you don't need typeahead anymore since validating the first result of the search is an equivalent in their mind16:32
seb128which I don't agree with16:32
seb128I should probably give it another try, but last time I did it was not working quite as well as typeahead, especially the screen layour/content keeps changing as you type which is disturbing16:33
jbichathe gnome3-staging zesty nautilus package has the broken type-ahead patch disabled but it still has the tracker patch16:36
jbichaso you could compare with XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=GNOME nautilus16:37
jbichabe sure to do 'pkill nautilus' or similar since nautilus like to keep running in the background16:37
seb128k, I'm going to give a try to current zesty this week and play with that as well while I'm at it16:39
seb128but I needs to step out for an hour or so now16:39
GunnarHjseb128: The langpack build seems to have worked for all the languages for touch.16:46
willcookenight all18:42
davmor2hey guys how can I figure out whay is triggering systemd-udevd to 100% all the time and why are the 22 of them running19:17
Kinucan some one helo me out19:26
KinuI am facing some problem with the Bruetoth19:27
KinuI have installed lubuntu 16.04.2 yesterday19:28

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