
elachechewxl CrazyLemon Thanks for the Inkscape idea x) It's really easier to hack the poster using it, here is a preview of the event poster http://bit.ly/2lO3V3D14:54
CrazyLemonelacheche 403 :(14:56
elachecheCrazyLemon: http://i.imgur.com/wOjkDAt.png14:57
CrazyLemonelacheche ty.. nice poster - don't like the shadows but still nice :)14:57
elachecheCrazyLemon: there is 3 shadows in there, all of them are bad? I think I'll change the big Ubuntu logo to add to it logos of tech we'll present (raspberrypi and packaging and others)14:59
CrazyLemonelacheche the laptops text 14:59
CrazyLemoni don't mind others14:59
CrazyLemoni do mind preview text :D14:59
elachecheCrazyLemon: Yes, i hate that one too :D That was the 1st text I added, and was just  exploring the blur options x) I'll change that in the next version, yeah, the preview texxt is just so the university guys don't rush and print it before I finish it x)15:01
elachecheThe Gimp Source file is on our wiki since 2014, and I'll share the SVG source file for this one after I finish it15:03
wxlinkscape is a powerful tool for the budding graphic designer, elacheche. it has a large learning barrier, but it's worth it18:37
geniiIt's worth it just to have your stuff in vector graphics18:39
wxland the native file format is xml so it lends itself well to source control18:40
elachecheI tried many times to ask contributors in my loco to use SVG, because we can use source control software to keep track of files, but they don't want to.. And I'm not a designer x)18:45
wxlwhat do they use? gimp's weird little format?18:46
elachecheyeah.. 18:47
wxlproprietary formats are never good18:48
wxladmittedly i think svg doesn't contain the degree of information that gimp's format does, but the inkscape xml solves that18:48
wxlthat said, here's what i encourage: at your next event, do a presentation on inkscape18:48
wxlif the non-designer is showing them what to do, they'll probably want to catch up :)18:49
wxlthen when you find someone interested in it and they learn more, tell them to do a presentation on advanced usage18:49
wxlspecifically compare it to gimp and show its limitations when you do yours18:49
elachecheOur next event is already planned.. We'll have a prez about Ubuntu/Linux/GNU/FOSS/utn, Install party, a prez about RaspPi & OrangePi, and a Workshop about Ubuntu Packaging (or something similar, still waiting for confirmation from the contributor)18:50
wxlyou could always do a BoF :)18:50
elacheche:D x) 18:51
elachecheYeah, the university hosting us don't have design students, it's IT one..18:52
elachecheDev + Sys/Net Admin + Embded18:52
wxlall the more reason18:53

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