
Rush8733Hello all, I am interested in your events. Is there anything planned in the next 60 days especially with 17.04 right around the corner?02:37
floridagram<KMyers> @Rush8733, I don't know if we have anything planned for the 17.04 release yet. What are are you located?02:41
floridagram<AdamOutler> Does anyone have any theories about the naming convention after zesty?04:54
floridagram<AdamOutler> Or knowledge?04:55
floridagram<KMyers> Ubuntu comes to a close. The experiments is over05:17
sintregood thing i have plenty of iso's downloaded05:19
floridagram<KMyers> that winner will be chosen at random to receive the Ultimate Prize.05:28
sintreis this like highlander?05:30
KinuI installed lubuntu 16.04.2 yesterday16:57
floridagram<AdamOutler> Hi16:57
floridagram<KMyers> Morning16:57
KinuLater I tested bluetooth and it was working fine16:57
Kinubut today I am not able to detect any device on my lappy or either way around16:58
Kinuso can any one help me to fix this problem16:58
floridagram<KMyers> Ubuntu has come a long way in the past few years in which Bluetooth and WiFi simply work out of the box16:58
floridagram<KMyers> Are you talking about connecting to another Bluetooth Device?16:59
Kinulike yesterday i was able to connect to my android phone16:59
Kinuand was also able to send and receive a file on both of these devices17:00
floridagram<KMyers> And today you cant?17:00
floridagram<AdamOutler> Did you unplug it and plug it back in?17:00
Kinuwhat blutooth?17:00
Kinui  restarted the services for the bluetooh17:01
Kinubut didnt work17:01
floridagram<KMyers> Can you post the result of17:02
floridagram<KMyers> hcitool dev17:02
Kinuwait a sec17:02
floridagram<KMyers> Ok17:02
Kinukinu@Grey:~$ hcitool dev17:03
Kinuit is showing blan17:03
floridagram<KMyers> Can you try with sudo17:03
Kinuyes i tried it still it is showing blank17:04
floridagram<KMyers> Try running sudo /etc/init.d/bluez-utils restart17:04
Kinuwait let me try17:05
floridagram<KMyers> Ok17:05
floridagram<KMyers> It is strange because you should at least be getting something17:05
Kinuit says 17:06
Kinusudo: /etc/init.d/bluez-utils: command not found17:06
Kinulubuntu has diff blutooth manager I think17:06
Kinuits blueman17:06
floridagram<KMyers> I have not played with the one included in lxde, you should be able to install bluez which is a better bluetooth stack IMHO17:08
floridagram<KMyers> sudo apt-get install bluez bluez-alsa bluez-audio bluez-btsco bluez-compat bluez-cups \ …   bluez-dbg bluez-gstreamer bluez-pcmcia-support bluez-tools bluez-utils python-bluez \ …   bluewho indicator-bluetooth libbluetooth-dev libgnome-bluetooth11 libbluetooth3 \ …   python-gobject python-dbus17:08
KinuOk to do that i need to uninstall the present blutooth manager17:09
Kinuso how do i do that17:09
Kinuand also need to remove all its dependencies17:09
floridagram<KMyers> When you go to install it, it will prompt you to remove conflicting packages17:09
floridagram<KMyers> BRB, need to run to a meeting17:10
KinuOk no problem thank you KMyers17:10
KinuI will see to it17:10
floridagram<Ivoriesablaze> http://www.androidauthority.com/t-mobile-free-line-service-753326/17:31
floridagram<Ivoriesablaze> @KMyers17:31
floridagram<KMyers> I am at the limit on free lines17:31
floridagram<Ivoriesablaze> Ah, the watch was the last one?17:32
floridagram<KMyers> No. I am paying for that one17:32
floridagram<Ivoriesablaze> Oh17:32
floridagram<AdamOutler> Anyone know of good paying programming or security jobs?17:50
floridagram<KMyers> Depends, I may be in the market for a developer. Whats up17:51
floridagram<AdamOutler> Got a guy leaving for a development job.  He know his stuff. I'd like to see if I can help him go somewhere else.17:52
floridagram<AdamOutler> He's looking at Montana.17:52
floridagram<AdamOutler> I think he would stay here if the price was right.17:52
floridagram<KMyers> I am looking for someone local17:53
floridagram<AdamOutler> He is, he is moving because of work.17:53
floridagram<KMyers> Ah, what sort of salary would he be looking for?17:53
floridagram<AdamOutler> I think 80-90k. Not sure though17:54
floridagram<KMyers> Have him shoot a resume to KMyers@Arise.com, I will see if he may be a fit or not17:54
floridagram<AdamOutler> K17:57
floridagram<AdamOutler> Thanks17:57
floridagram<KMyers> I just had a developer put his 2 weeks notice last week17:58
floridagram<AdamOutler> Ok.  This dude just put in his today.   I'm not sure if he's willing to consider something local, but I really want to help him not have to move if he doesn't have to.17:59
floridagram<AdamOutler> He is moving to Montana just because he got a job there.  It's a great place to work from home, but the salaries generally suck because the cost of living is low.18:00
floridagram<chuckr> http://www.replicant.us/22:29
floridagram<ahoneybun> @chuckr you live!22:41
floridagram<chuckr> 😏22:44

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