
superflypaddatrapper: ouch!00:55
inetprogood mornings everyone06:01
inetproincluding Kilos even06:01
inetproand superfly as well06:01
inetprowhat did paddatrapper do now?06:02
Kilosmorning inetpro superfly paddatrapper and  others06:03
Kilosraining hard here now06:03
Kilosfrogboots really messed up06:04
Kilosconnect car battery wrong way around06:04
Kilosmaybe needs new glasses06:04
* Kilos wonders where padroni is now06:05
KilosMaaz seen padroni06:05
MaazKilos: padroni was last seen 1 year, 14 days, 19 hours, 29 minutes and 53 seconds ago in #ubuntu-za on freenode [2016-02-18 10:35:58 GMT], and has been offline on freenode since 2016-02-18 13:04:05 GMT06:05
Kilosholy moly06:05
magespawngood morning06:34
paddatrappermorning everyone06:34
nsnzeromorning all06:35
Kiloshi magespawn 06:35
Maaznsnzero: By the way, theblazehen on freenode told me "tell nsnzero look at rsync, and how it get work with links. One of the ways must work for you" 10 hours, 53 minutes and 30 seconds ago06:35
Kiloshi nsnzero 06:35
nsnzerohi Kilos 06:35
nsnzerothis plasma neon is working out great - but is really comes as a bare system06:47
nsnzerobut kubuntu 17 is due in april with all the same features plus the extras if anyone planning on getting neon i suggest waiting for that06:49
paddatrapperOr Debian testing at the moment. Has what's in kubuntu and, thanks to freeze, stable enough to run nicely06:56
chesedo-morning inetpro Kilos Maaz magespawn paddatrapper nsnzero and all others06:58
paddatrappermorning chesedo- 06:59
=== chesedo- is now known as chesedo
nsnzerohi chesedo paddatrapper 07:10
paddatrapperhey nsnzero 07:10
nsnzerosorry paddatrapper - work but debian is great except they really test everything out throughly which delays things07:46
=== smile|gone is now known as smile
nsnzerohi smile 07:55
thatgraemeguymorning persons08:10
nsnzeroMorning thatgraemeguy 08:11
Kiloshi chesedo thatgraemeguy 08:11
Kilosand smile08:12
KilosMaaz coffee on08:12
* Maaz washes some mugs08:12
Kilossjoe major lag08:12
nsnzeroKilos: and i thought its my usual monday lag - > need a couple cups of coffee to get in the work mood08:13
chesedoMaaz: tea please08:14
MaazAs soon as the kettle boils chesedo I will pour boiling water into your cup if you have the tea bag in already08:14
chesedomorning thatgraemeguy08:14
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!08:16
nsnzerodoes anyone now the blue text color code used in  fedora's terminal ?08:20
thatgraemeguyscreenshot it and use a coloour picker tool in something like gimp08:29
nsnzerothatgraemeguy: good tip thanks 08:33
chesedonsnzero: also check the profile setting (in the terminal)08:41
nsnzeroi am trying to mimic the fedora terminal - but to my dismay all google results shows white fonts so far08:43
theblazehennsnzero /me is currently running 17.04, works great09:05
theblazehenHi all09:05
nsnzerohi theblazehen 09:06
nsnzerotheblazehen: do you have plasma 5.9 ?09:06
theblazehenThat's the latest one right? Yeah09:07
nsnzeroyip 09:07
theblazehenYup. If you run the dev releases then you at least get the latest software09:07
thatgraemeguymmmm I haven't done the KDE thing in a couple of years, perhaps its time for a fresh install for something different09:09
Kiloskde rocks thatgraemeguy just a bit heavy09:10
nsnzerothe included apps makes it heavy - like the PIM suite 09:11
theblazehenthatgraemeguy tried https://lumina-desktop.org ? Quite decent09:11
nsnzeroif you dont use kmail or kontacts removing the PIM takes a few seconds of boot time 09:11
thatgraemeguyyeah I use gmail, don't need that stuff09:14
nsnzeroits quite snappy once it loads thatgraemeguy - bit high on memory take 125 megs and 100 megs shared memory and thats just the plasmashell09:17
thatgraemeguymmm i think my laptop has 4GB09:17
thatgraemeguyoh no it has 8 apprently09:18
nsnzerothatgraemeguy: thats plenty to run plasma 09:18
nsnzeroand a couple vm's09:19
thatgraemeguyI'll find some time to do a fresh install09:19
thatgraemeguyyeah it had 4 when I got it and I remember I asked our hardware guy for another 4 because I mess around with VMs every now and then and it was a bit painful with 409:19
thatgraemeguylaptop about 3.5 years old already and still snappy, amazing what a difference ssd makes09:20
nsnzeroi have a small netbook with mint on it - its an atom cpu with 512mb ram - works well  09:27
andrewlsd_nsnzero:  benefit of KDE Neon is that it is 16.04 (LTS) for OS, with latest KDE for GUI.09:28
andrewlsd_theblazehen: was it LXD on 17.04 that borked?09:28
theblazehenandrewlsd_ Dunno if latest version is released for 16.10 yet, but yes. Bugs are fixed now though09:29
andrewlsd_Hi thatgraemeguy nsnzero theblazehen Kilos squish102 smile paddatrapper nuvolari_ inetpro chesedo pavlushka :-)09:29
nsnzerogreeting andrewlsd_ 09:29
andrewlsd_theblazehen: that is why I'm sticking to 16.04 for now.09:30
=== andrewlsd_ is now known as andrewlsd
Kiloshi andrewlsd 09:30
Kilosandrewlsd you need to set ssl and sasl in your irc client09:31
theblazehenandrewlsd It should have been a stable release afaik, so you should have it?09:31
andrewlsdwhere are you seeing that?09:31
andrewlsdie, Kilos how can you see that I'm not.09:31
Kilosi see when you login you give your ip addy then change host09:32
andrewlsdah, yes. 09:32
* andrewlsd goes to look up SASL + freenode09:32
Kilosi gave the link here the other day09:32
nsnzeroisnt the ip address shown is the ip of the router not your pc ?09:34
nsnzeroall router have NAT enabled which maskes your actual ip 09:35
andrewlsd^ done. set QuasselCore to use SASL.09:35
theblazehenandrewlsd damn, that lxd version is ancient. You're missing out on cool stuff09:36
andrewlsdtheblazehen: `2.0.9-0ubunt amd64`  what am I missing out on?09:41
theblazehenandrewlsd The networking stuff, and the very new (heh) storage stuff09:42
theblazehenSome work on migration stuff a bit as well09:42
nsnzeroip4 protocol doesnt have enough unique addresses - so NAT was created - ip6 has enough addresses for all 09:42
andrewlsdtheblazehen:  url?09:42
andrewlsdnsnzero: me likes ipv4. coz me can remember ipv4 addresses. and me likes hiding true IP behind other IP NAT.09:43
andrewlsd(but ipv6 has better multicast and security features too)09:43
theblazehenandrewlsd https://linuxcontainers.org/lxd/news/#lxd-29-release-announcement-15th-of-february-2017 https://linuxcontainers.org/lxd/news/#lxd-23-release-announcement-27th-of-september-201609:43
andrewlsdtheblazehen: I meant URL with news about newest LXD features. Thanks 09:43
nsnzerothats going to be a thing of the past once ip6 becomes mainstream - every thing that connects to the internet will have a unique address - like a phone number09:44
nsnzeroandrewlsd: i know that because of the numbers of addresses and ports - port scanning will be near impossible 09:47
paddatrapperhi andrewlsd 09:51
andrewlsd\o paddatrapper09:53
theblazehenhi paddatrapper09:56
andrewlsdtheblazehen: you using/going to be using  LXD + ceph? or LXD+ZFS or LXD+btrfs  or something else?09:58
paddatrapperhi theblazehen 09:58
theblazehenandrewlsd currently lxd + btrfs, might do ceph rather than mdadm+bcache+lvm on my iscsi target though09:58
theblazehenMaybe get around to writing a ceph lxd storage provider one day09:59
theblazehenandrewlsd https://github.com/lxc/lxd/issues/287510:00
theblazehenCeph looks kinda hard though :( And looks like it's not the most efficient with SSD caching, seems like it loads files into ssd cache then serves it if it's not already in the cache10:02
theblazehenAnd not sure how it would behave if I have a planned shutdown of some nodes and bring them back up (eg, reboot) if I have replication set to allow losing 1 disk etc10:03
andrewlsdtheblazehen: yeah. using Ceph is more of an "attach volume" type use case for me, or allow some app running in LXD to retrieve object from ceph (which would not require a Ceph/LXD integration, as app would just be retrieving network-based storage object)10:11
* andrewlsd has forgotten what that small lightweight S3-compatible object storage is called.10:13
andrewlsdit is minio.io10:13
andrewlsdI was looking for min.io10:13
* andrewlsd wonders about ceph vs minio.io10:14
chesedoevening theblazehen andrewlsd10:15
chesedowell afternoon actually10:15
andrewlsd\o chesedo10:15
theblazehenhey chesedo10:29
pavlushkaHello andrewlsd 10:29
andrewlsd\o pavlushka10:29
pavlushkaand howdy theblazehen :)10:33
theblazehenhey pavlushka10:33
pavlushkatheblazehen: you use mysql-workbench on arch?10:34
theblazehenpavlushka I use http://dbeaver.jkiss.org/10:35
* theblazehen really likes it10:36
* pavlushka noticed the reason why :)10:37
andrewlsdthanks theblazehen. I had never seen dbeaver before.10:38
pavlushkaandrewlsd: me neither, only seen beavers10:39
inetproyikes! You guys talk too much :-)10:55
inetprois it Friday?10:56
nsnzerolol 10:56
* pavlushka quietly replies to inetpro "NO"11:01
theblazehenAnyone got any storage recommendations? Need to use RAID 5/6 or erasure coding, and support SSD caching (writeback), all I need is for it to expose an iscsi target. If snapshots work well, then nice, otherwise it's not a big deal. Currently using mdadm + bcache + lvm + SCST11:22
Kilosat least its not me this time11:22
Kilosyou guys talk too much11:22
andrewlsdtheblazehen:  you tried a nexenta server as a SAN perhaps? (it's ZFS)11:23
theblazehenandrewlsd On 2 GB ram? heh. ZFS is nice though11:23
paddatrappertheblazehen: 2GB does make ZFS tricky...11:24
paddatrapperXFS? I'11:24
theblazehenAnd too many of my disks are still on normal PCI..11:24
andrewlsdnooo.. 2GB of RAM for storage  .  um. n11:24
paddatrapperI've heard good things about it, but never tried it myself (XFS)11:24
andrewlsdlol, your storage is "PCI-compliant"11:24
theblazehenpavlushka indeed. I can max out the cpu with iperf and a 1500 MTU :/11:24
theblazehenpaddatrapper isn't xfs just file system? I need multi device + ssd caching11:25
theblazehenOr do you mean zfs?11:25
andrewlsdstorage I/O is needing RAM for caching. Seems you need more cash too. (to buy more RAM)11:25
andrewlsdsounds like a cache-22 situation11:26
theblazehenAt that point cheaper to get some SAS drives to directly attach the storage than motherboard + cpu + ram upgrade11:27
theblazehenUsing normal sata drives now11:27
paddatrappertheblazehen: XFS with mdadm for RAID... Not sure about SSD caching - never really been on my radar11:27
theblazehenpaddatrapper Well, better to use block device (with lvm) than a file on a filesystem to just share a iscsi target11:28
theblazehenI've got btrfs on iscsi on lvm on bcache on mdadm11:29
andrewlsdtheblazehen:  creating LVM-based raid6 volumes to be exported via iSCSI sounds half decent11:36
andrewlsdo... although, I guess we're back to ZFS zraid (and more RAM)11:36
theblazehenandrewlsd Yeah. Thing is I want the other half of decent too11:36
andrewlsd+1 theblazehen11:36
andrewlsdtheblazehen: hows your search for infiniband going?11:37
theblazehenandrewlsd meaning new motherboard + cpu + ram + pcie sata controller11:37
theblazehenandrewlsd settled on 10 gig ethernet11:37
andrewlsd^ do you have that now?11:37
andrewlsdback-to-back conns, or switched?11:37
theblazehen10 gig ethernet free, but 10 gig infiniband normally cheaper than 10 gig ethernet11:37
theblazehenandrewlsd Just direct connection between storage and server11:38
andrewlsd+1.   it's the switches that cost a fortune11:38
theblazehenGot 4x 2 port fiber channel cards as well11:38
* andrewlsd (jokinging) looks for a Mustek 5 port 10GbE desktop switch11:38
andrewlsdtheblazehen: you server could connect to storage over FC then.11:39
* theblazehen is almost considering upgrading my "desktop" to 10 gig. GPU really slow, might as well use vnc to server11:39
andrewlsd... send the storage over FC, and use Ethernet for the _other_ networking stuff.11:40
theblazehenandrewlsd Yeah, but don't have anything to connect them with, and IIRC they're just 2.5 gbit or something11:40
andrewlsdmultipath theblazehen11:40
theblazehenandrewlsd other networking stuff between my storage server and actual server? lol11:40
andrewlsdconnect them directly. I'm sure you can get fibre between server and storage.11:40
theblazehenandrewlsd 10 > 2.5 * 211:40
andrewlsdindeed. but 10 + 2.5*2 is nice.11:41
theblazehenBut actual storage maxes out at like 3.5 gbit / second :(11:41
andrewlsdespecially since FC probably has lower latency than Eth.11:41
andrewlsdaah. dang physics of your drives.11:41
andrewlsdtheblazehen: create a new software-defined storage project: Improbability Drive11:42
theblazehenandrewlsd haha nice11:42
andrewlsdan impossibly fast storage array that defies physics. (and reliable data transmission/storage too)11:42
theblazehenTested ping -f, getting around 0.059 ms average latency from server -> storage server11:42
andrewlsd500microsecnds is way to high ;-P11:43
* andrewlsd goes to lurk for a bit11:43
theblazehenIndeed. I can access memory way quicker than that ;)11:43
theblazehenSeriously, with my current storage I can only index around 15k documents / s in elasticsearch, with 3 nodes11:49
theblazehenThat was with a lvm snapshot though... Should be faster now11:50
theblazehenStill, only running a single ssd11:50
nsnzerowhat you running a website theblazehen ?12:09
theblazehennsnzero nah, just playing with stuff at home12:10
nsnzeroah a fellow tinkerer ... 12:11
theblazehennsnzero Yeah :) You seen a pic of my setup at home? Not too much in terms of number of computers / servers, but server has decent specs at least12:12
nsnzeroyes i have - tinkering is a good way to learn 12:14
nsnzerobut its costly 12:14
theblazehenYeah :) What are the specs of what you're running?12:15
nsnzeroi use laptops - no space for a desktop :(12:16
theblazehenOuch :/12:16
theblazehenTried running some kind of kubernetes or something across them?12:17
theblazehenWith glusterfs / ceph / swift for storage12:17
nsnzeroi have 2 hp g250 i5 1 hp 350 i5 1 gigabyte i5 with discreet nvidia for games 1 hp 250 celeron and 1 window 8 10 inch touch tablet pc 12:18
theblazehenAh. Was hoping for like at least 10 spare laptops. Heh12:19
nsnzerowhen i build my nas i will experiment with them - looking for a mini pc case to house drives 12:20
theblazehenhttps://linx.li/t8wlckd8.txt <- current storage performance over iscsi, reads12:23
nsnzeroi see python - isnt python slow 12:27
theblazehennsnzero Well, it's just testing disk speed12:27
theblazehenhttp://ark.intel.com/products/64590/Intel-Xeon-Processor-E5-2650-20M-Cache-2_00-GHz-8_00-GTs-Intel-QPI I'd say I have plenty of cpu performance anyway :p 12:28
theblazehenHave 2 of those12:28
nsnzeroyeah the xeon 8 core rocks 12:29
nsnzeroposted a link about building a 16 core 32 thread beast with 2nd hand xeons12:29
theblazehenlink where? Yeah, this one has hyperthreading, 32 cores is fun :D12:30
nsnzeroapparently facebook updated their hardware and flooded the 2nd hand market with xeon , the go for as little as $79 on ebay12:30
theblazehenOoh! Damn, that's awesome12:31
theblazehenI need some...12:31
nsnzerocheaper than buying an i7 12:32
theblazehenDamn. I wish I could justify buying one of those...12:33
theblazehenavg(q("sum:rate{counter,,1}:os.cpu{host=literal_or(d68d52fba89a)}", "1w", ""))12:36
theblazehenLess than 1% average cpu use :/12:37
nsnzerowhat language is that in ?12:39
theblazehennsnzero openTSDB12:40
theblazehennsnzero https://testlsdbosun.theblazehen.com/expr?expr=YXZnKHEoInN1bTpyYXRle2NvdW50ZXIsLDF9Om9zLmNwdXtob3N0PWxpdGVyYWxfb3IoZDY4ZDUyZmJhODlhKX0iLCAiMXciLCAiIikp12:40
nsnzerochat later theblazehen - home time 12:40
theblazehenAlright, cheers nsnzero12:40
andrewlsdMaaz tell nsnzero What timezone are you on?14:32
Maazandrewlsd: Got it, I'll tell nsnzero on freenode14:32
andrewlsdinetpro: thanks for the Slack message. I have (eventually) replied there. Only saw it a few moments ago14:47
* andrewlsd disconnects from Quassel-core15:24
nsnzeroafternoon all16:29
Maaznsnzero: By the way, andrewlsd on freenode told me "tell nsnzero What timezone are you on?" 1 hour, 56 minutes and 40 seconds ago16:29
magespawnlater all16:29
nsnzeroMaaz tell andrewlsd -> Durban Time : Your Time + 2 , lol 16:30
Maaznsnzero: Sure, I'll tell andrewlsd on freenode16:30
nsnzerolater Magespawn16:30
nsnzeroevening all17:43
superflynsnzero: that's why I use Debian unstable, you get the latest features fairly quickly18:05
superflynsnzero: also, I run KDE on a laptop with 2 gigs of RAM, and it runs fine. My biggest problem is my browser. Firefox works the best, all the WebKit/Blink based browsers just hose my system18:06
nsnzerohi superfly 18:07
inetprogood mornings superfly18:45
inetprooh and hi everyone else18:46
superflygood evening inetpro18:58
chesedoevnorning superfly 19:05
chesedoinetpro: could you send out a tweet about tomorrow's meeting?19:05
nsnzerogood night guys19:07
superflyinetpro, chesedo, Kilos-: This is what an AZLoCo meeting looks like: https://bin.snyman.info/mmm4kymz19:08
superflyAnd they have one once a week19:08
chesedothat smart bot has idea...19:09
inetprosuperfly: but you didn't say a word there19:12
superflyinetpro: I can't get a word in edgeways19:13
inetprotoo much AI19:13
chesedoI like some of the things they have there...19:14
chesedoand all wrapped up in 30 mins...19:15
superflyyes, cause no one actually says anything19:15
* chesedo can easily see blaze being able to give the current news like that19:15
chesedosuperfly: which do you prefer?19:15
superflyI think it would be better to have the top 5 stories and then just a "for more news, go to https..."19:16
superflychesedo: a mix would be better19:16
superflyI think if we included a jobs segment that would improve attendance19:16
* inetpro agrees about the news19:17
inetprotoo much news would make things boring19:18
chesedosomeone from sulug always had a few jobs listing that were interesting... i guess we can also have those of the companies for each member here as well...19:19
chesedosuperfly: i was more referring to the interaction?19:19
chesedoit seems that tasks were also nicely splitted up with about 5 peeps each handling a section which might improve things like the jobs segment quality wise...19:21
chesedohi Mzolisto19:32
chesedofirst time I've you here?19:32
chesedo*I've seen19:33
chesedoNight all19:53
chesedoAnd thanks for the share superfly 19:54
Kilos-night all. sleep tight20:54
Kilos-havva good day superfly 20:54
superflyhe's too fast for me20:54

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