
Error|404Hi all00:00
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egonsen_ubuntu boots into the black screen where i can enter my credentials rather than starting lightdm. when i login and do "$ sudo systemctl start lightdm", the graphical environment opens and everything is fine. why doesn't ubuntu boot into the graphical environment by itself?00:04
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Dragon64egosen -- check the following for references to lightdm /etc/X11/default-display-manager00:07
Dragon64should see something like /usr/sbin/lightdm00:08
tgm4883Dragon64: he's gone. He waiting less than 1 minute for an answer00:14
Dragon64good things come to those who wait00:15
Dragon64and sometimes beer00:16
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SemiNusI rented a virtual server with Ubuntu as Operating System00:44
SemiNusthe FTP server is "proftpd" and my ftp client is "filezilla"00:44
SemiNushow can I find out, why files wait some time before they even start uploading?00:44
SemiNussometimes it takes 10 seconds (sometimes way longer) until they _start_ uploading00:45
tgm4883SemiNus: not an answer to your question, but use SFTP instead of FTP00:45
SemiNusis that faster or only more secure?00:45
tgm4883more secure00:46
Ben64it might start instantly00:47
SemiNushow would I use sftp with filezilla+proftpd?00:48
Ben64you don't00:49
Ben64you use a client that can do sftp (filezilla might) and the server is ssh00:49
tgm4883filezilla supports SFTP00:49
SemiNusI am sorry!!  I had to unplug my pc as my screen freezed00:54
tgm4883SemiNus: Filezilla supports SFTP and SSH would be the server.00:57
SemiNusssh is running on the server00:59
SemiNusI had to create a system user so that proftpd can give access00:59
tgm4883SemiNus: how many people need access?01:00
Ben64one of the many good things about sftp is that it 'just works' with users01:00
tgm4883SemiNus: Then I'd just forget about proftpd01:00
tgm4883I'd forget about it with more than 1 user too01:01
SemiNushow comes?01:01
Ben64ftp is ancient and bad01:01
SemiNusI thought this was more the less the standard?01:01
tgm4883SemiNus: if you have SSH working, then you already have SFTP working01:01
tgm4883SemiNus: FTP is bad01:01
tgm4883SemiNus: it's the standard way to pass your credentials in plaintext01:01
fr13nd1guys.. i need the name.. need your name01:02
fr13nd1need a name*01:02
bazhangfr13nd1, this is ubuntu support01:02
fr13nd1i need help01:02
tgm4883SemiNus: I can't think of a single reason to use FTP over SFTP01:02
fr13nd1can you?01:02
bazhangfr13nd1, then ask01:02
SemiNusok then I will use sftp01:03
bazhang#ubuntu-es fr13nd101:03
fr13nd1necesito investigar un nombre01:03
tgm4883!es | fr13nd101:03
ubottufr13nd1: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.01:03
tgm4883SemiNus: good call01:03
SemiNusplease tell me how I can tell filezilla to connect via sftp rather than to proftod01:13
tgm4883SemiNus: use port 2201:13
SemiNusthat's all?  wait01:14
SemiNustgm4883, that works AWESOME!!!!01:16
pennTellerguys does anybody know if its possible to hide the bootup text in ubuntu?01:16
SemiNustgm4883, that's faster! way faster!01:16
tgm4883SemiNus: and secure too :)01:17
SemiNuswhy do all the providers use proftpd then?01:17
SemiNusand ftp at all?01:17
SemiNusthat seems to be the #1 way to transfer files?01:18
tgm4883SemiNus: IDK, maybe they don't know what they are doing?01:18
SemiNuslike me ^.^01:18
Ben64all the providers? nah01:19
Bashing-ompennTeller: In the desktop  install that is the defaukt . Have you changed " GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash" " kine in the /etc/default/grub file ?01:21
raynoldahh it's a wonderful day01:25
azizLIGHThi again01:25
azizLIGHTi have encountered an issue while trying to upgrade to HWE stack, while on 14.04.5 x64 LTS: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24070775/ then i did ' sudo dpkg -i --force-overwrite /var/cache/apt/archives/libgl1-mesa-dri-lts-xenial_11.2.0-1ubuntu2~trusty1_amd64.deb ' successfully: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24075194/ and then tried to do the HWE stack multiarch command again but this happend:01:26
azizLIGHThttp://paste.ubuntu.com/24075210/ ... so how do i go about fixing all this so i can get HWE?01:26
azizLIGHTmore background info: i attempted to do the same HWE stack multiarch command earlier but had xorg-edgers ppa installed and it replaced xorg packages with ppa versions of them instead of ubuntu repo versions, and it also ended up removing a bunch of my packages. i fixed all of that with the help of eric and bashing-omm and was able to restore all packges back to ubuntu repo versions, reinstallled all packages01:27
azizLIGHTthat were removed, ppa-purged all traces of xorg-edgers ppa, did ' sudo apt-get autoclean ; sudo apt-get autoremove ; sudo apt-get clean ; sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade ; sudo apt -f install ; sudo dpkg --configure -a ; sudo dpkg -C ' successfully and was generally in a good spot (was able to boot successfully to gui after reboot) that i thought i could re-attempt the HWE stack upgrade. but now i have01:27
azizLIGHTthis above isssue in the pastebin where some packages have been removed, and some installed and some dependency issues happening. im in limbo with the command partially complete and partially incomplete. how should i proceed? should i undo the HWE stack package installs and reinstall my packages with old versions? should i push forward and try to fully upgrade to HWE? i have not shut down my computer or01:27
azizLIGHTrebooted since I attempted that command.01:27
pennTellerBashing-om, thanks for the tip I will try that01:27
pennTellerBashing-om, my install already has "quiet splash nomodeset" but I still see the logo and some text on boot/shutdown/restart01:29
Bashing-ompennTeller: That ^ is default . If you change the grub file remember to run ' sudo update-grub ' to propagate the change .01:29
pennTellerBashing-om, what im saying is that it was already setup as: "quiet splash nomodeset"01:30
pennTellerBashing-om, do you think I should still change something?01:30
Bashing-ompennTeller: Why nomodeset ? As that parameter defeats Kernel Mode Setting .01:30
pennTellerBashing-om, once I had to add that for my nvidia graphics card to work, I can remove it if needed01:31
Bashing-ompennTeller: Once the nvidia driver is installed, that parameter will only interfere .01:32
pennTellerBashing-om, ok let me remove it and restart, I will report back once im back online01:32
Bashing-ompennTeller: K, ' sudo update-grub '  after the file is saved .01:33
pennTellerBashing-om, yes on it01:33
adie_I have a very vague problem... but my ubuntu desktop performance is just terrible.01:33
Azure_Chaosso how is kde now in 16.04? is it still broken?01:34
cfhowlettadie_, don't be vague.  ask your questions01:34
adie_I don't know what my questions are...01:34
adie_does xorg have problem with high resolution or something? idk what the problem is01:34
dureya hello, I am setting up an ubuntu server for the first time and am fairly new to this. Currently I think I have downloaded it right, but when I do "sudo apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade" it throws a few errors, 1: xenial-security inRelease temp failure resolving 'security.ubuntu.com', 2: xenial inRelease along with the same temp failure msg, 3: xenial-updates inRelease, 4: xenial-backports inRelease. this laptop has a working wifi01:34
dureyacard but when I connect via ethernet, it still wont connect to the net :(01:34
cfhowlettdureya, ask #ubuntu-server01:34
dureyacfhowlett, already did, just waiting for someone to answer. Hoped I could get a quicker answer here.01:35
adie_according to the system monitor, I have high CPU usage, but it's not showing any processes using more than 4%01:36
Bashing-omadie_: How much ram is installed on that box ? unity takes some hosses to run well .01:36
adie_I've got 16GB of ram, 4GB of VRAM on a GTX 980, and I'm running on an i501:37
adie_using nearly 40% on all cores01:37
adie_but, no processes using more then 3-4%01:37
tgm4883adie_: what resolution? Do you have the prop drivers installed?01:37
adie_I installed the restricted nvidias drivers.01:37
adie_I'm running four monitors, one of which is 4k01:38
Bashing-omadie_: :) should have no difficulties .01:38
adie_I'm using firefox, and with like 4 or 5 tabs open, it becomes so slow that I can't even highlight text anymore01:38
cfhowlettadie_, on the chance that it is something as simple as the Desktop environment: an experiment: sudo apt install lxde.   logout, choose LXDE session, login.  if your performance improves measurably, suspect unity issues.01:40
pennTellerBashing-om, I can confirm that the system behaves the same after updating grub and restarting01:40
tgm4883adie_: also, if the problem is reproducible, could try removing some of those monitors01:40
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adie_also, my frickin' desktop tears01:41
adie_That's just01:41
adie_com on, ya know?01:41
Bashing-ompennTeller: Sorry, I know of nothing else that effects the boot/shutdown messages .01:43
pennTellerBashing-om, thanks for your help my friend01:43
azizLIGHTfeelin up to help me with my HWE problems Bashing-om ?01:44
Bashing-ompennTeller: Well, no help .. but I did give it my shot .01:45
adie_hi I have a question01:46
cfhowlettadie_, did you try my experiment?01:46
adie_I opened a fullscreen game with wine, and it's not working01:46
adie_and now I can't figure out how to kill it01:46
adie_cuz it's just a black screen01:47
Bashing-omazizLIGHT: I have no idea how to fix it - I did look - . Question, why re-install HWE when we worked so long and hard to remove it ?01:47
adie_cfhowlett, no not yet01:47
azizLIGHTBashing-om: we removed it because of the interference of xorg-edgers ppa01:47
azizLIGHTonce xorg-edgers ppa was obliterated, it was supposed to be safe for me to go HWE01:47
Soul_Sampleadie_: try running "wineserver -k" from the terminal01:47
Soul_Sampleadie_: that should kill wine and all running apps01:47
adie_it didn't :C01:48
Soul_Sampleadie_: then run "top" and see what is the PID of the game and kill it by typing "kill <PID>"01:48
Soul_Sampleadie_: if it still won't die, run "kill -9 <PID>"01:49
Soul_Sampleadie_: as far as your system performance goes, are you sure that nvidia drivers installed correctly?01:50
adie_well I went to the "restricted drivers" window and clicked "enable"01:50
adie_so, knowing ubuntu, probably not01:50
* adie_ makes snarky comment at the expense of the OS01:51
Soul_Sampleadie_: can you find nvidia-settings in your dash?01:51
Soul_Sampleif you run it, does it display any errors?01:51
adie_nope, works fine01:51
Soul_Sampleadie_: which driver version do you have?01:51
dureyaanyone here work with ubuntu server?01:52
Soul_Sampleadie_: well I'd recommend trying a newer version of the driver, and also trying a different desktop as cfhowlett suggested01:53
Soul_Sampleadie_: adie_ I use this repository http://www.webupd8.org/2016/06/how-to-install-latest-nvidia-drivers-in.html and am currently running 378, works splendidly01:54
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adymitrukdell xps 13 battery life on linux 4.10 http://i.imgur.com/d812qDY.png02:09
OerHeks4.10 what?02:10
X_how to fix GDBus error :O02:11
ubottuPlease elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.02:12
adymitrukOerHeks: yup02:13
limberahello, what are the essential upgrades/packages that you would recommend any 16.04 app server have installed02:14
limbera(or even removed from stock)02:14
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OerHeksadymitruk, or you installed that kernel from mainline ( then you are on your own) or you use nect release 17.10 Zesty, then you should join #ubuntu+102:14
cfhowlettlimbera, perhaps #ubuntu-server  has suggestions02:14
limberathanks cfhowlett02:15
cfhowletthappy2help! limbera02:15
adymitrukI did install it from mainline02:16
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=== starry is now known as starrynight
starrynightCan I reboot my computer and resume with everything open exactly as it is before I reboot?02:35
starrynightI mean resume from where I am now where when I reboot everything opens up just as it is.02:36
starrynightHibernate isn't a true reboot, if that's what you are thinking.02:36
OerHeksstarrynight, short answer: no.02:37
starrynightOerHeks, And why is this?02:37
OerHeksstarrynight, why would it?02:38
OerHeksstarrynight, there is a tweak, to do so > https://www.howtogeek.com/203952/how-to-automatically-remember-running-applications-from-your-last-session-in-ubuntu-14.04/02:38
starrynightRebooting would be much more convenient of Ubuntu took a snapshot of all my open programs and then executed them in the new session.02:38
starrynightof Ubuntu = if Ubuntu02:38
OerHeksnobody wants that behaviour standard.02:39
starrynightOerHeks, That's a good link.02:39
OerHekshave fun :-)02:39
starrynightBut it should be an easy option. Lots of people would want that.02:39
starrynightOerHeks, I have reboot my computer about once weekly for updates alone.02:40
cfhowlettYOU want it.  "Lots of people ..." is your claim.  Most of us manage quite well without it.02:40
OerHeksbrowser tend to give that option, iirc02:40
starrynightcfhowlett, Generally.. if I want something, lots of others want it as well.02:40
starrynightcfhowlett, In fact, that's how I made my first fortune. I figured if I wanted X, so did millions of others.02:41
OerHeksi am not sure tweaking that option gives a choise to skip save-state ...02:41
starrynightSo I gave the world what I wanted.. and sure enough, the money poured in.02:41
cfhowlettand now we are officially trolling.  welcome to my /ignore list.02:41
starrynightcfhowlett, Money talks.02:42
memphisw_hey guys, I have a GTX950 drive installed on my ubuntu 16.10. and then have this display problem: when new images updated on my screen, it didn't cancel the old graph. and they both displayed on my screen. i have search the internet, couldn't find any good solution about it. does anyone know something about it?02:43
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FRWB__can i put a terminal command directly into crontab? rather than writing it in a script then having crontab run the script?02:44
Adiehi is there a way to get ubuntu to stop trying to automatically set my refresh rate?02:44
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AdieI have to set the refresh rate manually in the nvidia configuration every time I change any resolution options02:45
coder-btsAdie: depends on your graphic card02:46
coder-btsi guess02:46
Adieo ok02:46
coder-btsi do not have an independent graphic card and i didn't try02:46
Adieo ok02:46
coder-btsplz try and if it is not working then contact me with e-mail02:47
coder-btsi will try my best to help you :)02:47
coder-btsFRWB__: Sure you can02:48
OerHekscarefull with email, this chanel is logged (spambots love you)02:48
FRWB__sweet so rather than the directory just put the command there?02:48
coder-btshmmm.. hold on02:48
coder-btssaying it is ok but...02:49
coder-btsi do not recommend02:49
memphiswAdie: your Nvidia works fine on second screen? it perform weird when im working with two screen02:49
coder-btsbetter write it in a scirpt02:49
Adiememphisw, it works fine with my 4 screens02:49
Adiethe problem I have is with refresh rates02:49
coder-btsdirectly write it in crontab only make it inefficient02:49
AdieUbuntu thinks two of my monitors should be at 60.02hz rather than 6002:50
Adieidk how to permanantly fix that02:50
coder-btsAdie: you used command or graphic operation?02:51
Adienvidia has GUI options that allow me to do that, but if my resolution or desktop configuration changes, those settings get overwritten with "auto"02:52
Adieand 60.02 is bad bad bad02:52
FRWB__coder-bts: how so? if it's like a 15 character command i wouldn't have to rely on the script file being messed with02:52
coder-btsoh.. i see, and no options like "remember my operation"?02:52
coder-btsFRWB__: you need better way of managing your scripts02:53
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memphiswAdie: here is the screen i got now: http://picpaste.com/beary2104432341-1VwotvW9.jpg, have you ever meet this problem?02:54
Adienope :P02:55
coder-btsthat's bad :(02:55
FRWB__coder-bts: doesn't everything in cron get put through sh?02:55
* coder-bts 02:56
* coder-bts leaves for a while02:59
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pennTellerGuys anybody know how to fully hide the bootup text on ubuntu 16.04?03:01
srulii cant open firefox, in .mozilla/firefox/ i only have 1 dir "Crash Reports", when i try running "firefox -P" i get a GUI error "you firefox profile cannot be loaded. it may be missing or inaccessable" i have removed and reinstalled it a few times but did not help, how can i get a new firefox profile?03:03
cfhowlettsruli, delete .mozilla should reset all mozilla's apps back to factory fresh03:04
srulicfhowlett: and reinstall after reoving?03:05
cfhowlettsruli, no.  .mozilla contains all settings and configs.  if firefox launch fails again, try purging and reinstalling03:05
memphiswoh i fix it by command 'sudo apt-get purge xserver-xorg-video-nouveau', searched from internet and i still don't know why. it is used it fix another users anothoer problem. and suprisely works for me. XD lol03:05
srulicfhowlett: apr remove --purge firefox?03:06
cfhowlettsruli, apt-get remove --purge03:06
codepython777is there any way I can download all that is needed in 15.10 and then try to upgrade to 16.04 LTS? I've an intermittent connection, and the upgrades seem to roll back03:07
srulicfhowlett: does it make a difference if i use apt or apt-get?03:07
cfhowlettsruli, none03:07
cfhowlettcodepython777, intermittent connections?  torrent 16.04 and clean install03:07
srulicfhowlett: still fails, i dleted .mozilla, purged, rebooted, reinstalled same error, but that creates.mozilla/firefox/Crash Reports dir03:10
cfhowlettsruli, above my paygrade then.  sorry.  workaround would be to install chromium or another alternate browser03:11
cfhowlettmight want to ask #mozilla about this03:11
codepython777cfhowlett: you dont recommend upgrading?03:11
srulicfhowlett: never had a problem with FF in the past, will ask there, thanks03:11
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cfhowlettcodepython777, a hot upgrade with an intermittent connection will fail repeatedly, as you have no doubt experienced.  clean install the new version to save your sanity03:12
curlhelpHi. Does anybody know what is wrong with my curl request? I'm getting the following errors:  JSON_PARSING_ERROR: Unexpected character (t) at position 4. curl: (3) Illegal characters found in URL curl: (3) [globbing] unmatched close brace/bracket in column 12  Im doing this on an Ubuntu server. http://pastebin.com/zMaeF8Hh03:14
australopithecusHello I am running ubuntu MATE 16.1 and have plugged in a mac harddrive (it might be failing idk) and it isnt detected by the operating system03:15
australopithecushow can I make it mount?03:16
yeatscurlhelp: you're missing an opening curly bracket at the beginning of the JSON03:17
yeats(or an extra closing bracket at the end)03:18
curlhelpyeats: where does the opening braket need to go exactly? and do i need a closing one?03:18
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codepython777cfhowlett: can i reinstall 16.04 on top of 15.10 as if it was a fresh install?03:27
cfhowlettcodepython777, a "clean install" would replace 16.04 but you can use the same partitions.  be careful to NOT format your /home03:28
coder-btscodepython777: sure you can03:28
coder-btswe call that "covering"03:28
cfhowlettreplace 15.1003:28
coder-btsand you can keep your documents03:29
curlhelpHi. Does anybody know what is wrong with my curl request? I'm getting the following errors:  JSON_PARSING_ERROR: Unexpected character (t) at position 4. curl: (3) Illegal characters found in URL curl: (3) [globbing] unmatched close brace/bracket in column 12  Im doing this on an Ubuntu server. http://pastebin.com/zMaeF8Hh03:29
cfhowlettcurlhelp, ??? yeats already told you - you're missing a curly bracket03:30
curlhelpcfhowlett: i used ctrl+f and i found an even amount of curly braces though03:33
curlhelptwo { and two }03:33
cfhowlettcurlhelp, sounds legit.  yeats??03:33
coder-btsso that's the problem03:34
coder-btscheck the position 403:34
coder-btsand check column 1203:35
* coder-bts now sleeping but still answering your questions03:35
=== daniel is now known as Guest69319
wiggmpkWhy can't my bluetooth headphones just connect and actually play sound through them 98% of the time?03:58
okwahosame problem here03:59
okwahonever was able to get them working properlly...with different laptops04:00
okwahoseems a bug that is not adressed04:00
wiggmpkit is literally like throwing darts at a board while blind folded04:00
okwahoafter being spun04:00
wiggmpkUbuntu is just going down hill fast04:01
okwahoid ont agree with that, but the bluetooth issue IS annoying04:01
cfhowlettless similes and metaphors, more details MIGHT lead to solutions.  otherwise, please vent/complain to #ubuntu-offtopic04:01
okwahoalready did04:01
wiggmpkcfhowlett: what do you need from me? Beats Studio wireless, gnome3, connected, paired, trusted, doesn't show audio output device04:02
cfhowlettwiggmpk, read /msg ubottu bluetooth for the troubleshooting routine.  start there.04:03
wiggmpkcfhowlett: I have tried the relevant troubleshooting steps several times04:05
wiggmpksometimes it works, other times I just get the proverbial finger04:06
cfhowlettsometimes it works?!  nice.  so it's solvable.  replicate and save those settings!04:06
arunsk1l, For update: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24071570/ ; for apt-policy :http://paste.ubuntu.com/24071575/04:06
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wiggmpkcfhowlett: it isn't a solution, it is random, turning off the headset, removing it, resyncing, etc etc04:07
wiggmpkcfhowlett: it powers on, connects every single time once it is paired, never fails04:07
wiggmpkcfhowlett: I just don't have any sound output from the headset04:07
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cfhowlettwiggmpk, never? /msg ubottu sound04:08
wiggmpkas in never fails to connect once paired04:12
redrabbithi, i'm trying to control the fans on my p5q-e04:12
redrabbitit works with speedfan but i can't seem to even make speed change on linux04:13
redrabbitchip is a winbond w83667hg04:14
redrabbittried to mess with /sys/class/hwmon/ as well04:15
Guy1524hey guys, Ubuntu 16.04.2 comes w/ the 4.8 kernel right04:25
Guy1524if so, then why do I have linux 4.4 w/ Ubuntu 16.04.2: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24076324/04:26
OerHeksbecause it is LTS, aimed at stability. only fresh installs get 4.8, but there is a fix http://askubuntu.com/questions/882896/old-kernel-with-ubuntu-16-04-2-update04:29
Guy1524ok, thanks04:30
CrazyTuxCan Ubuntu be installed without a swap partition?04:37
lotuspsychje!swap | CrazyTux04:37
ubottuCrazyTux: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info04:37
lotuspsychjeCrazyTux: can you tell us why you need that?04:38
OerHeksDidi you try?04:38
CrazyTuxI have a laptop which has 4GBs of RAM.04:38
CrazyTuxNo. I didn't try.04:38
CrazyTuxI saw this article on the web.  https://www.redhat.com/en/about/blog/do-we-really-need-swap-modern-systems04:44
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lotuspsychjeCrazyTux: you are the boss of your machine, you can choose how much swap you want yourself04:48
OerHeksif + if + if = yes else no04:49
freecoderhi. i am just starting out with kernel debugging on ubuntu 16.04.1 with kgdboe. i have linux-image-$(uname -r)-generic-dbgsym package installed and can connect to the target machine using "target remote .." command.05:07
freecoderhow do i load the debug symbols into gdb?05:08
CrazyTuxdoes installing more DE on Ubuntu slow it down?05:08
freecoderusually i would pass the vmlinuz file as an argument to gdb if i had compiled a vanilla kernel05:08
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kubancHello. Is it possible for Ubuntu to use local username and password for authentication over Firefox?05:46
gnomethrowerkubanc: Not sure what you mean05:46
gnomethrowerdo you mean you want to log into sites using your Ubuntu username and password?05:47
kubancgnomethrower, yes,because I've added same username and password to access apps on server..05:47
gnomethrowerI'm not sure you can do that05:47
gnomethrowerand if you could, you're not really meant to reuse passwordss05:47
anddamat times the Unity network manager won't list my home wifi network anymore05:49
kubancgnomethrower, In Windows you can use for User Authentication to use "Automatic logon with current username and password"...05:49
anddamdisabling wi-fi and networking, and then re-enabling those some times fixes the connectivity but the network is not shown as well05:50
lotuspsychjeanddam: ubuntu version plz?05:50
anddamlike now I'm using this "ghost" connection05:50
anddamlotuspsychje: 16.04, is that a known, version-specific bug?05:50
lotuspsychjeanddam: lsb_release -a plz?05:50
kubancgnomethrower, https://addons.mozilla.org/en-Gb/firefox/addon/integrated-auth-for-firefox/ I found this addon05:50
anddam16.04.2 LTS if that's what you meant05:52
lotuspsychjeanddam: yeah thats what i wanted to know, great05:52
anddamlotuspsychje: does that suggests anything particular?05:52
lotuspsychjeanddam: can you try a sudo service network-manager restart ?05:52
anddamwhy not systemctl?05:53
lotuspsychjeanddam: 16.04 had some network bug like that in the start, should be fixxed by now05:53
lotuspsychjeanddam: yeah sure try the systemd way05:53
anddamoh funny, there it is05:53
anddamand I *should* be still online05:54
anddamACK pls05:54
lotuspsychjeanddam: wich chipset are you on make?05:54
anddamlotuspsychje: wireless do you mean?05:54
lotuspsychjeanddam: yes05:54
anddamI don't really know, I bought a laptop that was as light as possible05:54
lotuspsychjeanddam: sudo lshw -C network will show05:54
anddamit's a Skylake i5 , I figure it's some integrated Intel thingy05:55
lotuspsychjeanddam: chipset model + driver= would be interesting05:55
anddamI'd have gone lspci for that05:55
anddamWireless 3160 - Intel Corporation05:55
gnomethrowerkubanc: interesting.05:56
anddamneed to go afk for few minutes05:56
gnomethrowerkubanc: never mind me then :P05:56
anddamlotuspsychje: thanks for the restart trick meanwihle05:56
lotuspsychjeanddam: no sweat05:56
anddamnot really, the sun's not out yet so it's chilly05:57
SubCoolStupid Q-06:01
SubCoolIf i stick a 4.5A charger into a device that requires 2.0amps - will i kill it?06:02
anirbaanI am having problem connecting to irc/freenode with ufw enabled, what rule I have to set in ufw for irc?06:02
lotuspsychjeSubCool: try ##hardware mate06:03
N0Lif3sometime ago, I downloaded some software from ubuntu's software repository that generated random design images and then you could click on a design and it would show you more random designs like it. Does anybody know the name of this?06:03
N0Lif3i'm trying to find it again06:03
lotuspsychjeanirbaan: perhaps the ##netwfilter guys might know that06:03
lotuspsychjeN0Lif3: can you refind it with apt-cache search *keyword perhaps?06:04
N0Lif3I did a reinstall since then06:04
lotuspsychjeanirbaan: netfilter sorry06:04
SubCoollotuspsychje, thanks.06:05
SubCooli know its stupid, but i bluew up a USb adapter by accident, soooo - just in case.06:05
lotuspsychjeN0Lif3: what kind of package was it exactly06:05
N0Lif3it's what I described it as, I'm trying my best to search for it again on packages.ubuntu.com using words like "math" "art" and "generate" but can't06:08
SubCoollotuspsychje, as i thought, thanks.06:08
lotuspsychjeN0Lif3: what did you use this package for exactly, can you give us little more details?06:09
lotuspsychje!yay | SubCool06:10
ubottuSubCool: Glad you made it! :-)06:10
N0Lif3I liked looking at the random lines of color and shapes it would produce06:10
N0Lif3it would allow you to save the ones you like06:11
anirbaanand I am having issues in libreoffice-writer with pasting something over an existing text, it just repeats the existing/deleted text in xenial06:14
lotuspsychjeN0Lif3: paint art or something?06:14
lotuspsychjeanirbaan: try the libreoffice channel mate, they might know it06:14
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N0Lif3I found it06:18
N0Lif3it's Evolvotron06:18
lotuspsychje!info evolvotron06:19
ubottuevolvotron (source: evolvotron): Generator of textures through interactive evolution. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.3-5 (yakkety), package size 399 kB, installed size 2392 kB06:19
lotuspsychjeN0Lif3: nice, wich category would this package belong in?06:19
kubancis the command "kill all firefox && firefox &" OK to kill firefox and run it again?06:20
N0Lif3I found it in graphics and that sounds about right to me.06:20
Mrbuenas noches06:20
lotuspsychje!es | Mr06:21
ubottuMr: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.06:21
lotuspsychjeN0Lif3: ok tnx and enjoy!06:21
catbeard#ubuntu-es for support en espanol06:23
N0Lif3thank you for being so willing to help06:23
lotuspsychjeN0Lif3: no sweat, you found it yourself at the end :p06:23
anirbaanlotuspsychje: from #netfilter, <Jefe>anirbaan, we don't really support ufw here.  You might want to join #ubuntu or something like that.  If you want help using iptables without ufw, this is the place.06:27
lotuspsychjeanirbaan: ok just re-ask your ufw question here then once in a while06:29
lotuspsychje!ufw | anirbaan can this help also?06:30
ubottuanirbaan can this help also?: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has built-in firewall capabilities. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | GUI frontends such as gufw and ufw-kde also exist. | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo06:30
OerHekssudo ufw allow out 6660:7000/tcp06:30
anirbaanOerHeks: Thanks, done, time to check, wbb :)06:33
anirbaanOerHeks: yay, it worked, thanks again :)06:36
tripelbI am installing 14.04 over a 16.04 partition. In the "Edit partition" dialog box, Use as Extra journaling file system. DO I FORMAT the partition? (check box)  - last is Mount point   /      Thanks. I just "Don't know" about formating.06:47
tripelbI thought it would naturally erase the partition. At the header that lists the structure, I guess.06:49
tripelbOerHeks: hi. Now installing. (No internet.)06:50
azizLIGHTi have encountered an issue while trying to upgrade to HWE stack, while on 14.04.5 x64 LTS: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24070775/ then i did ' sudo dpkg -i --force-overwrite /var/cache/apt/archives/libgl1-mesa-dri-lts-xenial_11.2.0-1ubuntu2~trusty1_amd64.deb ' successfully: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24075194/ and then tried to do the HWE stack multiarch command again but this happend:06:51
azizLIGHThttp://paste.ubuntu.com/24075210/ ... so how do i go about fixing all this so i can get HWE?06:51
tripelbN/M loves. I started too late. @mañana06:52
kubancI created a shell script to check if Firefox process is not running, then it should start the Firefox, but later on, also the command "START /proc/cpuinfo:" starts07:24
sobersabrehi. what's the best way to work with ubuntu remotely and graphically (preferrably with rdp client)?07:37
sobersabreI am currently using xrdp, and xfce.07:37
sobersabreit gets stuck for people.07:38
ducassesobersabre: you might want to try vnc instead of rdp07:41
dennis___can you guys help me?07:48
coder-btsdennis___: yes07:48
coder-btsand what is your matter?07:49
dennis___@coder-bts i don't know how i managed to do it but I'm stuck in between trusty and xenial07:49
dennis___lsb_release says its ubuntu 16.04(which it was) but all the reps are trusty07:49
dennis___and whenever i try to do anything its all sorts of conflicts07:49
coder-btsif i am right07:50
coder-btsyou mean you are now stuck in 2 versions of ubuntu?07:50
dennis___@coder-bts basically yeah07:50
coder-btsi guess you originally want to cover 14.04 and trying to install xenial?07:51
coder-btsif it is, reinstall it, fully cover the trusty07:51
dennis___no i was originally on 16.04(denial)07:51
coder-btsso where is the trusty from?07:51
dennis___i added a rep trying to install pcp and everything messed up07:52
ducassedennis___: pastebin /etc/apt/sources.list please07:52
ducasse!pastebin | dennis___07:52
ubottudennis___: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.07:52
dennis___now for some reason the reps are saying trusty and the ubuntu version is xenial07:52
dennis___@ducasse atm its blank07:53
ducassedennis___: the file is empty?07:53
coder-btshmmm.. it is weird07:53
coder-btscheck log07:54
dennis___@coder-bts which log?07:54
ducassedennis___: are there any .list files in /etc/apt/sources.list.d ?07:54
dennis___@ducasse yeah pcp.list and new relic.list07:54
ducassedennis___: see which of them contains a trusty repo07:55
dohelpmewhere can I seek help on depression?07:55
dennis___ok the pcp.list is where the trusty is coming from07:55
ducasse!alis | dennis___07:55
ubottudennis___: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"07:55
ducasse!alis | dohelpme07:55
ubottudohelpme: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"07:55
ducassedennis___: sorry, that was not for you07:55
dennis___@ducasse its all good07:56
dennis___its the pcp.list file that has trusty in it07:56
ducassedennis___: ok. first of al you need to restore your sources.list, or you won't be able to install updates and packages07:56
coder-btsi guess it is not the matter with the system itself but the process of reconization...07:56
dennis___@ducasse is there a default sources.list somewhere?07:56
ducassedennis___: no, but hang on a sec.07:57
dohelpme!alis | dohelpme07:57
ubottudohelpme, please see my private message07:57
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ducassedennis___: try this - https://repogen.simplylinux.ch/07:59
dennis___@ducasse i think that fixed it :)08:01
dennis___whats the recommended monitoring software? most of my software runs inside docker08:01
ducassedennis___: if you have a trusty repo, you need to get rid of it, or you will badly break your system at some opint.08:04
dennis___@ducasse i removed that08:06
dennis___it was just due to the php repo08:06
dennis___pcp repo*08:06
ducassedennis___: you can also get rid of the @, not necessary on irc. for monitoring there are tons of options, depending on what you want.08:07
ducassedennis___: they range from monit (simple) to nagios (complex)08:07
madm1keI tried a 4.10 mainline kernel to see if nouveau MST is working for me. No luck :( Do I need custom xserver-xorg-video- packages/drivers as well?08:10
srulii am trying to add a language in ubuntu-gnome, each time i try to add the language panel quits08:10
dennis___@ducasse whats the recommended one though? cause my setup is weird since everything is ran inside docker08:12
dennis___i know netflix uses pcp+vector a lot of sites use munin but i couldn't get munin to work08:13
littlI have set alias but if i do su - <user>08:13
ducassedennis___: there is no recommended one, it all depends on what you need.08:13
littli have also tried adding alias to /etc/bashrc and ran source bashrc08:13
littlalias is not working08:13
littlwhat is the fix08:13
dennis___@ducasse the very basics of just tracking resource usage and when i should be upgrading08:14
anirbaanwhat is the root file system check command? is it "mkdir /enforce" ? I had a bad shutdown.08:15
ducassedennis___: monit might do what you want. and you still don't need the @ in front of nicks, clients highlight them anyway.08:15
littlcan any one help08:16
kubancHello. I have a question. Any Idea why when I put command "firefox &" after taht command "START /proc/cpuinfo:" starts automaticly08:16
dennis___ducasse, alright just used to it08:16
anirbaanlittl: what kind of help do you need ?08:16
ducasseanirbaan: if the fs is unclean it will be checked on boot08:16
littli hav set the alias if i do su - <user> its not working for another users08:16
dennis___is there any reason why i would use munin and nagios over monic?08:17
ducasse!patience | littl08:17
ubottulittl: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/08:17
ducassedennis___: they're more suited for big environments, like server farms08:17
littlubottu: since anirbaan asked i had to reply him08:17
ubottulittl: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:17
anirbaanducasse: but still I am having issues with files like some file still is locked as it is in use by user "unknown"08:17
anirbaanafter reboot08:18
anirbaan*some files08:18
dennis___@ducasse so monit would do everything i need for a vps/few vpses?08:18
ducasseanirbaan: try 'touch /forcefsck' - it should still work afaik08:18
anirbaanducasse: thanks, on it08:19
ducassedennis___: i can't tell you, i don't know your setup. you need to test.08:19
dennis___does monit do everything cloud watch would?08:19
grekhi i have problem with free space - http://pastebin.com/dEVp4UbD08:20
ducassedennis___: no idea.08:20
grek100% but where08:20
ducassegrek: at the very top, the root fs08:20
anirbaanlittl: ubottu is an utility bot, please ask about the thing you need help :)08:20
littlanirbaan: do u hav any idea abt my question :)08:21
greki dont know how fix it08:21
geirhagrek: cd / && sudo du -haxd1 . | sort -h08:22
geirhacd into the largest dir, and repeat08:22
ducassegrek: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/653096/how-to-free-inode-usage#938741508:22
dennis___ducasse, what if i want to track resource usage and growth trends?08:23
ducassegrek: /web is 22g08:23
ducassedennis___: then maybe munin08:23
anirbaanlittl: sorry, didn't noticed you already asked the issue, I can only suggest that have you checked about that user being in sudoers file?08:23
geirhacd web && sudo du -haxd1 . | sort -h08:24
littlanirbaan: yes he is there08:24
geirhahum, you have .git dir in / ?08:24
geirhaoh wait, you didn't cd to / first. Nevermind08:25
grekhere is from /08:25
greklib is 17 gb08:25
grekcan i quick remove some cache or sommething to ulock system - now its stop no space left on /08:26
ducassegrek: /var/lib is used for containers/vm's by default08:26
grekapt-get autoremove -f = error unable to create `/var/lib/dpkg/updates/tmp.i': No space left on device08:27
geirhasudo apt-get clean08:28
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geirhaah, but it probably requires tempfiles at some point, so might not work08:28
grekgeirha this work but i have only 65.5 kB disk space will be freed.08:28
anirbaanlittl: I am afraid my knowledge is limited about it :)08:29
hateballgrek: do you have a bunch of old kernels in /boot ?08:29
littlanirbaan: i have fixed it08:29
littldoes anyone can tell me what is the difference between pkill and killall command08:29
anirbaanlittl: how ?08:30
littladded the entry for alias in bash.bashrc08:30
ducasselittl: read the man pages, they explain it08:30
anirbaanlittl: you fixed that?08:30
littlanirbaan: yes08:30
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grekok i move /var/php/sessions to other disk - /have raid - i think php sessions can by in other disc - its temp files08:38
grekyes ?08:38
ikevingrek, yes08:40
allanargamerhello all08:40
grekok thanks08:40
allanargamerI was wondering if someone could give me some help on installing ubuntu 16.04 to an external drive?08:41
motieallanargamer: As a live session?08:42
allanargamerif possible. I really just have one question08:42
ducasse!ask | allanargamer08:43
ubottuallanargamer: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience08:43
allanargamerok thanks08:43
Serg_Penguinhi ! logrotate fails on me - `logrotate -f /etc/logrotate.d/STAR_my_web_sites` says logs need no rotation, but they are huge and not rotated very long time. How to fix ? PS. Logs timestamps are appended on every write, because PHP script re-opens them every time.08:44
Serg_Penguintimestamps are _updated_ on every line08:45
allanargamerI am installing ubuntu 16.04 on an external hard drive as a solo operating system. When it gets to a certain point I always get the error The partition /dev/sda1 assigned to / starts at an offset of 3584 bytes from the minimum alignment for this disk, which may lead to very poor performance.  Since you are formatting this partition, you should correct this problem now by realigning the partition, as it will be difficult to change08:45
Serg_Penguinor what is more proper channel to ask ?08:46
motieallanargamer: Are you installing GRUB on the external drive?08:46
allanargameras far as I know I'm not very experienced at ubuntu08:47
ikevinSerg_Penguin, can you pastebin your logrotate config file?08:47
motieallanargamer: You should propably have a small FAT32 partition with GRUB and boot files on, and the the system on a ext4 partion. But maybe it's much easier to run it all as a live session?08:48
ducasseallanargamer: before you install, partition the drive with gparted and make sure the partitions are aligned08:49
motieallanargamer: Make a >4Gb FAT32 partition and use 'startup disk creator' to make the disk08:50
allanargamerI can't get gparted because for some reason I can't get the root-system-bin file I need to go root08:50
Serg_Penguinikevin, http://pastebin.com/WnHaaEMw08:50
grekthis is normal that i have more of 1 mln php session files ?08:50
ducasseallanargamer: that makes no sense08:51
motieallanargamer gparted are installed on a live session.08:51
motieyou can easily run it from a USB pen ( or disk08:51
Serg_Penguingrek, that depends on your project, generally not08:51
allanargamerI am running the live session off a flash drive. maybe I have a corrupted file or something08:52
greki think it not that big now, php self remove old sessions ? ok i look in google08:52
ducasseallanargamer: write it again on a different usb stck. which ubuntu is this?08:52
ikevinSerg_Penguin, it said you it don't need to be rotated every week?08:52
motieallanargamer can you not start gparted from the live session08:52
Serg_Penguingrek, go to #php , ask how to disable sessions for guest/unregistered users, how to tune garbage collection in PHP08:52
ducasseallanargamer: 'regular' ubuntu desktop?08:53
FinalXphp sessions are changed in ubuntu and debian, by its package maintainer08:53
allanargamerno it tells me I have to be root to do it and it won't let me and yes, regular ubuntu desktop08:53
FinalXso it's ubuntu specific..08:53
ducasseallanargamer: can you open a terminal?08:53
FinalXgrek: php in ubuntu comes with a session cleaner cron job08:53
ducasseallanargamer: type 'sudo gparted'08:54
Serg_Penguinikevin, "considering log /var/log/acmeweb_v1/example.tld/application.log \n log does not need rotating", and so for every site08:54
allanargamerGod I feel stupid I was just typing gparted08:54
scott404guys how do I check if my email is registered here on freenode?08:54
ikevinSerg_Penguin, it's a weekly task, if you run logrotate every day it's normal there's no need to rotate08:55
ducassescott404: ask in #freenode08:55
grekok i understand now - i found this cron - run it and have /usr/lib/php/sessionclean: line 35: php7.1: command not found08:55
scott404ok tnx friend08:55
allanargamerok I will see what I can do from here thanks to all of you for the help08:56
Serg_Penguinikevin, no, it's 150 Mb and all 'rotated' files are empty08:56
ikevinSerg_Penguin, in the example you've pastebin, you have "weekly" option08:56
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Serg_Penguinyes, but my 'weekly' turns to 'every week make an empty rotated file and leave old in place'08:57
yao_ziyuani have a Dell 22" 1920x1080 WLED display bought in 2011. in ubuntu 16.10, it can't adjust brightness, etc. if i try to adjust them, a lock icon will show up at the center of the display. anyone know how to work around that?09:02
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srulimy system keeps on crashing in the last few, days, if i am fast enough to go to tty1 before the complete freeze, i get the following output http://imgur.com/a/ZNmk6 (this output takes about 5-10 minutes from first to last line09:02
yao_ziyuanvideo card is GeForce GTX 960/PCIe/SSE209:03
yao_ziyuanvideo driver is nvidia-36709:04
Serg_Penguinfrom root, i run `logrotate -f -v STAR_acmeveb` and it says: '/var/log/acmeweb_v1/example.tld/performance.log.1 to uid 500 and gid 502: Operation not permitted' why ? Root has no right ?09:06
ducasseyao_ziyuan: this is when you use the on-screen controls?09:06
yao_ziyuanducasse: yes09:07
ducasseyao_ziyuan: then you need to ask dell09:07
yao_ziyuanducasse: i have windows 10 installed side by side, but haven't bothered to try this in windows.09:07
ikevinSerg_Penguin, try adding -d option09:08
ducasseyao_ziyuan: you probably should09:08
ikevinyao_ziyuan, do you have a fn key?09:09
yao_ziyuansolved! http://www.urtech.ca/2013/07/solved-how-to-unlock-the-onscreen-display-osd-on-a-dell-monitor/09:09
adc__hi my computer was updating and suddenly restarted. Now it does not boot up. I tried using recovery mode with older kernels but it restarts.. Help Please...09:12
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ikevinadc__, edit the grub command to disable splash screen and see what happend09:12
adc__ikevin: how do i edit grub command I can get to grub command prompt by pressing c, now what. (novice here)09:13
ikevinadc__, when you are on the menu where you can select the kernel to boot, highlight the last one, then press "e", on "linux" (or initrd) option, remove "quiet" and "splash" options, then do ctrl+x to boot09:15
kierqueenmmy bar , of vpn or other things, have changed, since I installed i3-wm?09:15
kierqueenit's not in purple anywhere, as if a new ubuntu feature is installed?09:15
kierqueenwhatdo I do now09:15
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ducassekierqueen: which desktop/wm are you using?09:18
srulimy system keeps on crashing in the last few, days, if i am fast enough to go to tty1 before the complete freeze, i get the following output http://imgur.com/a/ZNmk6 (this output takes about 5-10 minutes from first to last line09:18
ikevinsruli, this look like a disk problem09:19
kierqueenunity ducasse09:19
ducassekierqueen: which bar are you talking about and how has it changed?09:19
sruliikevin: its a ssd, i ran fsck multiple times they all came back ok09:19
adc__ikevin: threre is no splash or quiet option, initrd option has "/boot/initrd.img-" writted in front of it09:19
ikevinsruli, perhaps a controller problem09:20
kierqueenwhen the vpn comes, at the top right side, or any other thing gets done there is a rectangle shaped thing, that when you move your mouse it lightens it's color, or when something some task is completed it says it's done, at the right side, in the mid air, it doesn't have a window09:20
sruliikevin: how can i get to the bottom of it?09:21
ducassesruli: it could be an fs error, looks like the superblock is corrupt. you can tell fsck to use another copy.09:21
ikevinadc__, can you pastebin your /boot/grub/grub.cfg ?09:21
kierqueenit also says encrypted vpn is starting, that bar,  ducasse I don't know what we call it09:21
ikevinsruli, try to change your ssd to another sata port or use another sata cable09:22
adc__ikevin: can i get to shell atleast somehow so that i can copy my important files to my usb drive and then i can reinstall it all over09:22
ducassekierqueen: try 'sudo apt purge dunst', see if that helps09:22
adc__ikevin: also then i can copy and pastebin the grub.cfg09:23
kierqueenbut how do I check, since it's not here, how do I bring it back09:23
kierqueenI do calibre book conversion some times, and then too that bar comes09:23
sruliikevin: ok, will do that, thanks09:23
ikevinadc__, you can boot to live usb disk09:23
sruliducasse: how do i tell fsck to use another copy?09:24
ducassekierqueen: sorry, i have no idea what you mean09:24
kierqueenit's a notification daemon09:24
ducassesruli: it's in the man page, i'm a bit busy09:24
Serg_Penguinprobably solved logrotate problem: `find -name 'application.log' | xargs -L 1 chmod 660` in proper dir. Will observe09:24
adc__ikevin: yes i do have a puppy linux somewhere, thanks let me find it first and tehn i will get back to you, thanks a lot09:24
anddamthe single one thing I haven't been able to do with my ubuntu desktop is printing, I have a Brother MFC-250 for which there seems to no driver, in the dialog from System Settings > Printers > Add09:24
kierqueenyeah, you know what I mean, I want to make it as if it was before installing i309:25
anddamhow should I proceed09:25
anddamhow should I proceed?09:25
ducassekierqueen: yes, then do as i said, and you get the old one09:25
ikevinadc__, you welcome09:25
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anddamoh nvm, brother has binary drivers in deb format09:29
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anddamwith Ubuntu should I be looking for CUPS or LPR drivers?09:30
ducasseanddam: iirc the cups driver depends on the lpr driver09:31
kierqueenducasse: hi09:31
kierqueensee it's dark blue still09:32
kierqueenIt's different thant the default, where can i find more info, on why does ubuntu change it09:32
ducassekierqueen: empty page09:32
kierqueenducasse: ?09:32
kierqueenwhat's empty page?09:32
ducassekierqueen: there's no image there09:32
anddamducasse: confirmed per Brothers not-so-clear informations09:33
anddamI'm going dirty, they have an installer utility09:33
ducasseanddam: no, install the debs09:33
anddamhow so?09:33
ducasseanddam: that's all you need, and they don't mess stuff up09:34
anddamok, about the scanner features they have "Scaner driver", both in 32 and 64 bits, and "Scanner Settings", arch independent09:35
anddamI *guess* the settings are needed, not sure why they are in a separate, 1.5 kB package tho'09:35
cappesnap for ubuntu seems broke, it states a socket error. is there a workaround on this?09:36
ducassecappe: restart snapd09:36
anddamah it's an udev rules package09:37
anddamdid the udev hier changed from 13.10?09:37
anddammmm they suggests a dpkg --force-all09:38
anddamI'm going to try and see if I can manage without09:38
cappeI get this error on trying to start snapd service09:39
cappecappe@silver:~$ sudo systemctl restart snapd09:39
cappeFailed to restart snapd.service: No such method 'RestartUnit'09:39
sruliducasse: how do i tell fsck to use another copy?09:41
anddamhttps://gist.github.com/anddam/e4831fb9ef9304358da8843df18abf39 I can create the /var/spool/lpd but who shold be the owner?09:42
ducassesruli: 'man fsck.ext4'09:42
ducassesruli: see -b09:42
ikevinsruli, read -p option too09:43
ducasseanddam: install lpd, and it should create it09:45
anddamlpd, not lpr or lprng?09:45
anddamthere's no lpd package09:45
ducasseanddam: lpd is part of either of those09:45
anddamlpr is BSD, I figure it's old-school since the other is "ng"09:46
anddamlpr takes 90kB while lprng 2.7MB, are they much different feature-wise?09:46
anddammmm the real issue is lpr want to remove cups-bsd package09:47
anddamwhile lprng wants to remove all these: bluez-cups cups cups-bsd cups-client hplip indicator-printers printer-driver-gutenprint printer-driver-hpcups printer-driver-postscript-hp printer-driver-splix09:47
anddamis there anything bad with this removal?09:48
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ducasseanddam: maybe cups-bsd contains what you need, so lpr isn't needed, i'm not sure09:49
anddamcups-bsd conflicts with both lpr and lprng, but I'd like not to screw up ubuntu's defaults09:49
anddamthat lprng removal notice seems a bit extensive09:50
ducasseanddam: see which user cups runs as, and create thie dir with that as owner09:51
tatertotsi've got two brother multifunction printers on my network.....install was fairly straight forward and painless both times on both models for me....obviously YMMV09:51
anddamducasse: but do I need cups-bsd at all?09:52
anddamducasse: I just dropped lpr in place removing cups-bsd09:52
anddambut I don't know if it'll be "integrated" with the system09:53
ducasseanddam: i think cups-bsd _might_ have been enough, not sure09:53
ducasseanddam: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/cups.html09:53
anddambut cups-bsd didn't have the lpd setup09:54
anddamanyway now I can just remove lpr and reinstall cups-bsd, if need be09:54
ducasseanddam: no, it has cups and the lp clients, it seems09:55
anddamthings I don't quite get about Unity, sometimes I have to type ctrl-W to close a window, sometime I need alt-f409:56
anddamducasse: the printer is there in the Settings, is there a way I can see the print queue for the printer?09:56
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ducasseanddam: read the last section of the page i pointed you to09:58
ducasseanddam: above that09:58
anddam(yes I read about the web interface, thanks)09:58
horsewhipanddam: The grinds my gears too.09:58
anddamhorsewhip: the glitches in interface?09:59
ducasseanddam: you can use the web interface to configure printers, manage jobs and queues09:59
OerHeksnot helpfull, horsewhip10:00
anddamyep, my jobs appears as processed, yet the printer did nothing10:00
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anddamthe status of the printer says     Idle - "Sending data to printer."10:01
ducasseanddam: that generally indicates the printer is not properly connected10:02
anddamI wouldn't know how to connect it better10:03
ducasseanddam: unfortunately, cups is a pita to debug10:04
ducasseanddam: how is it connected?10:04
anddamUSB cable, I changed the port10:05
anddamwihle refreshing the Printers page in CUP webui10:05
anddamI saw it going to off, then to Idle again10:05
anddamso I figure it's being recognized10:05
anddamupon printing it changes the printer status to "Idle sending data to printer10:05
ducasseanddam: go to admin/maintenance, try to print a test page10:06
anddameven the test page did the same path, job gets accepted, it is removed frmo the queue (via Settings) and it appears as completed in job list in CUPS webui10:06
ducasseanddam: try asking in ##cups10:07
anddamI will thanks10:07
OerHeksmaybe a restart of cups ..10:08
anddammm worth a try10:08
anddamjust the service or the whole system?10:08
ducassethe service should be enough10:08
anddamcups.service ?10:08
anddamI'll also remove and add back the printer10:09
ducassesometimes you get a selection of local printers to choose from10:10
ducasse(although they are all the same physical printer)10:10
anddamin fact I picked the local printer and thenit added the usb:// URI10:12
anddamthis is one dark area for end-users10:15
ducasseanddam: you can also add the printer in the webui, it often does a better job of things.10:15
anddamducasse: I did that already10:15
anddamgoing to try a drop-in of cups-bsd in place of lpr package10:15
anddammeanwhile I have the macbook for printing10:16
anddamsometimes a man just has to print10:20
anddamthat was odd10:23
h1n1good morinig10:26
pavlushkah1n1: Good Morning :)10:31
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littlm getting this error Error refreshing state: 1 error(s) occurred:  * InvalidClientTokenId: The security token included in the request is invalid.         status code: 403, request id: 66088148-fccc-11e6-a2bf-0fb74201719e10:34
littlif i do a terraform apply10:34
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Guest95561Hey. If a laptops touchpad doesn't work on 16.04 LTS, is it likely going to work if I change away from LTS to the newest stuff?10:48
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tatertotsGuest95561: only one way to find out....boot the livecd of the "newer stuff" you speak of and find out10:51
ramsub07Hi, how do i remove previously entered commands from history ?10:51
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k1lramsub07: they are stored in the .bash_history in the users home10:53
Guest19252also the commands entered while using sudo?10:54
ramsub07k1l:  if i remove the log from useradd and the bash history, could someone find out whether i have added a new user or not ?10:54
k1lramsub07: yes he can.10:54
Guest19252whats if its a she?10:54
ramsub07k1l: by listing the users that exists currently ?10:55
ramsub07Guest19252: i really don't want to talk feminism here. Go to appropriate channel10:55
Guest19252who is talking feminism?10:55
k1lramsub07: you cant hide a user from the system because the system needs to know about the users to work.10:55
Guest19252you dont have to hide it from the system you have to hide it from the users10:57
ramsub07can i elevate the privilege and go with it without grabbing attention?10:57
k1lramsub07: they need to be in the passwd for the system to be able to work with the users10:57
ducasseramsub07: why the need to avoid attention?10:58
Guest19252and any user can access passwd?10:58
k1lGuest19252: you can easily check the permissions on your ubuntu system10:59
Guest19252if you need root to add remove users only root should access it11:00
Guest19252or at least only wheel users11:01
causativemy computer is way slower than it used to be on the same app 6 months ago, for no obvious reason, i.e. processor usage, memory, etc all seem ok, but it keeps graying out and freezing, what could cause this, how do I diagnose?11:01
causativeit's not just that particular app11:01
k1lcausative: you could look at "dmesg" for obvious issues11:02
Guest19252could you please advise?11:02
causativenothing suspicious in dmesg11:03
Guest19252if i understand correctlly for you to login you need to have the logging program run as root11:03
k1lGuest19252: this is #ubuntu. ubuntu doesnt have a wheel group11:04
Guest19252so why should regualr users have access to passwd?11:04
Guest19252wheel = user able to use sudo11:04
Guest19252regular users shouldnt be able to use sudo11:05
k1lGuest19252: not on ubuntu11:05
Guest19252so all users in ubuntu can use sudo?11:06
k1land the passwd is worldreadable because it includes user account informations needed by other users. it doesnt contain the passwords. so there is no issue in that. i dont know what issue you are trying to make up here11:06
Guest19252regular users shouldnt be able to list other users accounts11:07
k1lGuest19252: no. but dont talk about other OS setups. this is not relevant in here. ubuntu doesnt use wheel group or other setups. it uses the sudo group, which is set in sudoers file to grant all that group members sudo permissions.11:08
k1lGuest19252: if you think so, remove world readable and see what breaks. have fun11:08
craptalki set the file mode by chmod 2400 file.txt, number 2 here is special permission in which i added for guid. Lets say i am running as x user, what can i be different with that file behaviour?11:11
Guest19252is there any reason a user should be on the sudo group if that user isnt supposed to use sudo?11:11
k1lGuest19252: no, only the first user on the system is in that sudo group. others need to be put in manually.11:11
craptalkmy guid is 100011:12
craptalki mean, i read the special permission, but can anyone please give me the real case for this?11:12
craptalki want to the difference, cause i usually set it into 011:13
craptalki want to know*11:13
k1lcraptalk: so you use Set-Gid?11:17
Blessedhello please i need help.  ON one laptop i use live Ubuntu usb and i want to share 170GB big folder with other laptop which uses Windows 10. Both are connected with ethernet to Router. SO i installed samba, shared folder and i see it on Windows 10 but i cant open it. It ays Windows cannot access \\UBUNTU\Music... WHY?11:18
ducassecraptalk: http://www.techrepublic.com/blog/it-security/understand-the-setuid-and-setgid-permissions-to-improve-security/11:18
Guest88990Hi, what's the command to update the smart disk database on 16.04? The regular script doesn't seem to exist11:20
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littlhow different killall is from pkill11:24
ducasselittl: see the man pages11:25
littlducasse:  A killall process never kills itself (but may kill other  killall  pro‐cesses).11:26
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hanshenrik_my mariadb server refuse connections from remote IPs11:52
ben|debplease help. I just installed ubuntu mate from a flashdrive i found. I don't know if i installed the 32 or 64 version. How can i tell?11:53
ikoniahanshenrik_: can you connect to the port, but not the database, or can you not connect to the port11:53
ikoniaben|deb: uname -a11:53
ikoniaben|deb: paste the output please.11:53
ben|debLinux Elite 4.4.0-31-generic #50-Ubuntu SMP Wed Jul 13 00:06:14 UTC 2016 i686 i686 i686 GNU/Linux11:54
ikoniaben|deb: thats 32bit11:54
ben|debikonia: ok :(    can i upgrade with a command? or do i need to reinstall?11:54
ikoniaben|deb: re-install, sorry11:54
ikevinis there a way to read ufw rules without enabling it?11:54
ben|debikonia: ok. pitty. THanks for the help. will reinstall11:54
ikoniaunless I"m not understanding what you are asking11:55
ikoniaikevin: there are no rules until you enable it11:55
ikoniaben|deb: sorry, just how it is11:55
ben|debyepp thanks11:55
ikevinikonia, rules can be added without enabling ufw11:55
ikevinand, i want to see what i've added11:56
ikoniaikevin: ahh, you mean not applying the rules11:57
ikoniaikevin: the gui should list them11:57
BluesKajHowdy folks11:57
ikevinikonia, i don't have screen, it's on a server11:58
OerHekssudo ufw show added11:58
ikoniathere you go, thank you OerHeks11:58
OerHekssudo ufw status11:58
ikevinOerHeks, perfect, thx :)11:58
ikevinufw status show them only when ufw is enabled11:58
OerHeksbut this gives rules is on my enabled ufw, i disable ufw now and see if they can be listed11:59
ikevinshow added give what i need (i won't enable it for now to prevent mistake)12:00
OerHeksyes, ufw rules are shown when ufw is disabled.12:00
JasetHi. I have installed restricted-extras but .mp4's still don't play on my firefox browser. They play well in Vlc...etc though12:00
Jasetcan someone help?12:01
OerHeksJaset, what is in that mp4? drm content?12:01
JasetOerHeks: nope12:01
OerHeksdoes it play in google-chrome? ( not chromium)12:02
The_Mythhello guys. i've been tryingo to upgrade my vps. i've done do-release-upgrade -d to upgrade from 15.04 to 15.10.. but when i've tried to upgrade from 15.10 to 16.04.2 it says: The user `syslog' is already a member of `adm'. any hints?12:02
ikevinmp4 is a container, playing in browser depend of codec inside12:02
JasetOerHeks: i dont have google-chrome, im on 32bit12:02
The_Mythobs: it's stuck there like almost 1h12:03
ikevinJaset, see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Supported_media_formats#Browser_compatibility12:03
hateballJaset: you can get media info in VLC, tell us what codec it uses12:03
rhumbothi all, I would like to create an sftp connection, using aptana studio 3 to a webserver from 1and1 but received the error "no suitable key exchange algorithm could be agreed".12:04
OerHeksJaset, did you enable dvd playback? sometimes a mp4 is coded like dvd-drm12:04
rhumbotI tried this: https://nikinuryadin.wordpress.com/2015/05/19/aptana-studio-3-sftp-key-exchange/ but it did not work ...12:05
Jasethateball: vlc is using h264 - mpeg-4 AVC (part 10)(avc1)12:06
ikevinJaset, does firefox show you an error in the dev console?12:06
ducasserhumbot: ask the developers/community, see their website for support options12:07
OerHeksThe_Myth, ask your vendor a fresh image, normally it is hard to upgrade vps stuff, protected12:08
Jasetikevin: it says HTML5VideoCheckLoad, true, true, undefined apparently12:09
The_MythOerHeks: that's what i've done now. waiting for an answer. Thanks :D12:09
ikevinJaset, can you share the file?12:09
Jasetikevin, the link is http://a9-19.clients.cdn13.com/006/675/6675539.mp4?cdn_creation_time=1488197280&cdn_ttl=14400&cdn_bw=150k&cdn_bw_fs=983k&cdn_cv_data=
hateballJaset: that's quite NSFW12:12
ikevinJaset, it play fine in my ff12:12
hateballIt played fine in Chromium as well12:12
Jasetlet me send you a screenshot of what i get12:13
Jasetone min12:13
ikevinJaset, try installing gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad and gstreamer0.10-plugins-base12:13
ikevinfirefox use gstreamer12:13
OerHeksJaset, ahh the new firefox feature, you are not 21+12:13
ikevinoh, a porn file :x12:14
Jasetikevin: http://i.imgur.com/xQSdPs0.png12:14
Jasetthis is what i see when i open any .mp4 file12:15
Jasetnothing plays12:15
ikevinJaset, try to install gstreamer plugins12:15
Jasetikevin: i already have them12:15
Jasetikevin: ahhh wait12:16
ikevinJaset, see on the "network" tab of the dev tools if firefox try to download the file12:16
Jasetikevin: apparently i have gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad installed, but not gstreamer0.10-plugins-base12:16
hateballJaset: can you play something like http://distribution.bbb3d.renderfarming.net/video/mp4/bbb_sunflower_1080p_60fps_normal.mp4 ?12:17
hateballthat's big buck bunny, a tad more safe for work...12:17
Jasetnope hateball12:18
Jasetikevin: gstreamer1.0-plugins-base is installed though, im on 16.0412:19
ikevinJaset, Mozilla's doc say that since firefox 26 mp4 (h264/aac) use gstreamer12:19
Jasetikevin: why isn't then any video playing? could this be a permission problem?12:20
ikevinyou can try gstreamer1.0-plugins-good too12:20
Jasetikevin: .avi's and the rest play fine12:20
hateballJaset: you could try running Firefox from a terminal and then playing video, see if it spits out anything to stdout12:20
ikevindo you restart firefox after installing gstreamer plugin?12:20
hateballor press F12 in the browser to get dev tools, they may say something12:20
Jasetikevin: that was already installed before12:21
Jaseti must remind you that i have flashblock installed, so when i open a .mp4 file, i need to allow flash to run12:21
hateballIt doesnt use flash12:22
Jaseta flash popup automatically comes up12:22
ikevintry to disable flashblock12:22
Jasetikevin: well that was pretty simple12:23
Jasetit worked12:23
ikevinhave good porn now :p12:23
Jasetthanks ikevin and hateball!12:23
Jasetand ofcourse ;p12:23
ikevinyou welcome12:24
OerHeks.... sad :-(12:24
Neural_oDanyone here have issues with host speeds when setting up ubuntu as a kvm host. I can't seem to get better than 10MBit/s to host from external network12:26
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ikevinNeural_oD, no issue, which virtual network device settings you use?12:27
Neural_oDI've set up bridged networking, and if I do a lshw - I can see that the vnet(virtual) nics are reading only 10Mbit/s max12:28
Neural_oDikevin, the problem is that it appears to be a host issue. I've set the clients to use virtio12:29
Neural_oDbut the clients will only be able to use the max of what the host "gives"12:30
ikevinNeural_oD, try to use type "e1000"12:30
Neural_oDikevin,for the client's?12:30
Neural_oDcause I did a speed to the host, not to the clients, and am maxing out at 10Mbit/s12:31
ikevinoh, if the host is limited to 10Mb/s it's normal that client are limited to this speed too12:31
Neural_oDyes, understand that - but this is the problem - I can't figure out why the host is limiting the virtuual nics...12:32
Neural_oDI posted - maybe check my post, so you can understand a bit better:12:32
Neural_oDikevin, thanks for the help so far, appreciated, been really frustrated with this issue, and been scouring around. Maybe I'm looking at the wrong things12:33
ikevinNeural_oD, this append only when using bridge?12:34
Neural_oDikevin, didn't test it before, but the lshw recognises the physical nics correctly at 1Gbit/s12:36
Neural_oDso I assume that I'd max it out at that, or whatever my laptop card maxes out on12:36
ikevinNeural_oD, so vnet are 10Mb/s, can you pastbin your kvm command line?12:36
Neural_oDikevin, whihc kvm command line would you like?  I've set most of the client's up with virt-manager, but configured the server before12:37
=== KindTwo is now known as KindOne
zeroraxwhere is the iptables rules files in 16.04?12:38
ikevinNeural_oD, start a vm a do a "ps aux | grep qemu"12:38
zeroraxufw sucks i need to go hands on for what i'm doing12:38
Neural_oDkk - give me a sec12:39
OerHekseasy to find, zerorax https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo12:39
Neural_oDroot      1105  0.0  0.0  14224   932 pts/3    S+   14:39   0:00 grep --color=auto qemu12:39
Neural_oDlibvirt+  2179  6.2 25.8 18748284 17034140 ?   Sl   Feb26  76:48 qemu-system-x86_64 -enable-kvm -name Exchange -S -machine pc-i440fx-xenial,accel=kvm,usb=off -cpu IvyBridge,hv_time,hv_relaxed,hv_vapic,hv_spinlocks=0x1fff -m 16384 -realtime mlock=off -smp 8,sockets=8,cores=1,threads=1 -uuid e6837230-6bce-4473-a3f4-75b57772b30f -no-user-config -nodefaults -chardev socket,id=charmonitor,path=/var/lib/libvirt/qemu/domain-Exchange/monitor.sock,server,nowai12:39
Neural_oDt -mon chardev=charmonitor,id=monitor,mode=control -rtc base=localtime,driftfix=slew -global kvm-pit.lost_tick_policy=discard -no-hpet -no-shutdown -global PIIX4_PM.disable_s3=1 -global PIIX4_PM.disable_s4=1 -boot menu=off,strict=on -device ich9-usb-ehci1,id=usb,bus=pci.0,addr=0x6.0x7 -device ich9-usb-uhci1,masterbus=usb.0,firstport=0,bus=pci.0,multifunction=on,addr=0x6 -device ich9-usb-uhci2,masterbus=usb.0,firstport=2,bus=pci.0,addr=0x6.0x1 -device12:39
Neural_oDich9-usb-uhci3,masterbus=usb.0,firstport=4,bus=pci.0,addr=0x6.0x2 -device virtio-scsi-pci,id=scsi0,bus=pci.0,addr=0x8 -device ahci,id=sata0,bus=pci.0,addr=0x9 -device virtio-serial-pci,id=virtio-serial0,bus=pci.0,addr=0x5 -drive file=/var/lib/libvirt/images/Exchange.qcow2,format=qcow2,if=none,id=drive-virtio-disk0 -device virtio-blk-pci,scsi=off,bus=pci.0,addr=0xa,drive=drive-virtio-disk0,id=virtio-disk0,bootindex=2 -drive file=/var/lib/libvirt/images12:40
Neural_oD/SW_DVD9_Windows_Svr_Std_and_DataCtr_2012_R2_64Bit_English_-4_MLF_X19-82891.ISO,format=raw,if=none,media=cdrom,id=drive-sata0-0-1,readonly=on -device ide-cd,bus=sata0.1,drive=drive-sata0-0-1,id=sata0-0-1,bootindex=1 -drive file=/var/lib/libvirt/images/virtio-win-0.1.126.iso,format=raw,if=none,media=cdrom,id=drive-sata0-0-2,readonly=on -device ide-cd,bus=sata0.2,drive=drive-sata0-0-2,id=sata0-0-2 -netdev tap,fd=25,id=hostnet0,vhost=on,vhostfd=2812:40
Neural_oD-device virtio-net-pci,netdev=hostnet0,id=net0,mac=52:54:00:d6:21:44,bus=pci.0,addr=0x3 -netdev tap,fd=27,id=hostnet1,vhost=on,vhostfd=30 -device virtio-net-pci,netdev=hostnet1,id=net1,mac=52:54:00:c6:ac:b5,bus=pci.0,addr=0xb -chardev pty,id=charserial0 -device isa-serial,chardev=charserial0,id=serial0 -chardev spicevmc,id=charchannel0,name=vdagent -device virtserialport,bus=virtio-serial0.0,nr=1,chardev=charchannel0,id=channel0,name=com.redhat.spice.12:40
OerHeksdon't paste like that12:40
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:40
zeroraxOerHeks, I msut have been using the wrong search strings, i googled many times12:40
tatertotseww...who barfed in the room12:40
OerHekszerorax, it is where *you* store them, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo#Saving_iptables12:41
Neural_oDcontrol -rtc base=utc,driftfix=slew -global kvm-pit.lost_tick_policy=discard -no-hpet -no-shutdown -global PIIX4_PM.disable_s3=1 -global PIIX4_PM.disable_s4=1 -boot menu=on,strict=on -device ich9-usb-ehci1,id=usb,bus=pci.0,addr=0x6.0x7 -device ich9-usb-uhci1,masterbus=usb.0,firstport=0,bus=pci.0,multifunction=on,addr=0x6 -device ich9-usb-uhci2,masterbus=usb.0,firstport=2,bus=pci.0,addr=0x6.0x1 -device ich9-usb-uhci3,masterbus=usb.0,firstport=4,bus=pci12:41
Neural_oD.0,addr=0x6.0x2 -device virtio-serial-pci,id=virtio-serial0,bus=pci.0,addr=0x5 -drive file=/var/lib/libvirt/images/ubuntu16.04.qcow2,format=qcow2,if=none,id=drive-virtio-disk0 -device virtio-blk-pci,scsi=off,bus=pci.0,addr=0x7,drive=drive-virtio-disk0,id=virtio-disk0,bootindex=1 -drive if=none,id=drive-ide0-0-0,readonly=on -device ide-cd,bus=ide.0,unit=0,drive=drive-ide0-0-0,id=ide0-0-0 -netdev tap,fd=28,id=hostnet0,vhost=on,vhostfd=31 -device12:41
Neural_oDvirtio-net-pci,netdev=hostnet0,id=net0,mac=52:54:00:b0:ff:53,bus=pci.0,addr=0x3 -chardev pty,id=charserial0 -device isa-serial,chardev=charserial0,id=serial0 -chardev spicevmc,id=charchannel0,name=vdagent -device virtserialport,bus=virtio-serial0.0,nr=1,chardev=charchannel0,id=channel0,name=com.redhat.spice.0 -vnc -device qxl-vga,id=video0,ram_size=67108864,vram_size=67108864,vgamem_mb=16,bus=pci.0,addr=0x2 -device intel-hda,id=sound0,bus=12:41
Neural_oDpci.0,addr=0x4 -device hda-duplex,id=sound0-codec0,bus=sound0.0,cad=0 -chardev spicevmc,id=charredir0,name=usbredir -device usb-redir,chardev=charredir0,id=redir0 -chardev spicevmc,id=charredir1,name=usbredir -device usb-redir,chardev=charredir1,id=redir1 -device virtio-balloon-pci,id=balloon0,bus=pci.0,addr=0x8 -msg timestamp=on12:41
Neural_oDthink I've been locked out by drone :P12:41
Neural_oDoerheks -sorry - I'm new to irc channels.... sorry12:41
zeroraxOerHeks, I hate when technology changes... can i have my 386 with msdos 5.0 back please12:41
tryandtryHi, i have a process, which i like to run it on Core #0 without any context switch.12:41
OerHekszerorax, but but but ... there are no 16 bit malware anymore12:42
Neural_oDubottu, thanks - and sorry guys... newb here12:42
ubottuNeural_oD: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:42
tryandtryi mean i need to allocate statically core #0 to it, is it possible?12:42
cpaelzertryandtry: check out isolcpu (kernel parm) and task set12:42
zeroraxthanks OerHeks i'll look at those links, but i actually did find those pages, maybe i missed it because i have brain damage(i actaully do that's not sarcasm)12:42
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tryandtrycpaelzer, how it can be done in C language programming?12:43
cpaelzertryandtry: see https://codywu2010.wordpress.com/2015/09/27/isolcpus-numactl-and-taskset/ for some basics on it12:43
tryandtryi'm on it.12:44
zeroraxokay.. I'm really confused... the port is open, i can connect from localhost, i can use other services from the server using the domain name and port, but this port won't open and i made the firewall rules12:45
Neural_oDikevin, here's the link to the pastbin.... http://paste.ubuntu.com/24077938/12:45
zeroraxanyone wanna help? what should i run first to give info?12:45
zeroraxlike, it's only accepting localhost connections on these ports it seems12:46
zeroraxi did ufw allow 6002/tcp12:46
zeroraxand restarted ufw12:46
zeroraxI still can't connect from another computer on the network12:46
zeroraxbut from the serer i'm ssh'd into at the same domain with no problem, i can connect to the port with telnet and it establishes12:47
codepoetni forgot my password12:48
codepoetnwhat should i do12:48
zeroraxcodepoetn, log in in single user recovery mode which gives you root shell, and use passwd12:48
=== dragly_ is now known as dragly
zeroraxthen use passwd <username> for each user other than root12:49
ikevinNeural_oD, try to change the network virtual device to e1000 (-device virtio-net-pci to -device e1000)12:49
zeroraxwait, don't make a root password12:49
zeroraxjust the user ones12:49
ikevinNeural_oD, or use the gui to change de device, then restart the vm12:49
zeroraxany ideas on troubleshooting this issue guys?12:49
ubottuForgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords12:50
Neural_oDikevin, will give that a go, but do you think that it this would also effect the host network speed?12:50
raubzerorax: iptables -L shows the port open?12:50
Neural_oDmaybe because of the bridging and bonding?12:50
codepoetni forgot the password to sign into freenode12:51
OerHekscodepoetn, oh, join #freenode for that12:51
zeroraxyes raub12:51
codepoetni want to see whats my password for signing into this ubuntu forum, how can i see it?12:51
zeroraxbut it shows a DROP ALL rule before, shouldn't that be at the end after you specify what stays open?12:51
UbuUserhow can i install ubuntu-tweak or unity tweak ? i tried running apt install unity-tweak-tool but without success12:51
ducassecodepoetn: this is not a forum12:52
akinodehey, this is probably a very dumb question but I have a shell script that after the initial #!/bin/bash just says cd ../ , but when I run it from terminal with bash /PATH nothing happens. what am i doing wrong?12:52
codepoetnokay irc!12:52
raubzerorax: if you turn the service off and listen using netcat, can you connect?12:52
ducassecodepoetn: then ask in #freenode12:52
zeroraxlet me try12:52
raubakinode: it changed directory *inside* the script. Once script ends it should go back to wher eit was12:53
Neural_oDikevin, gonna try with the one virtual machine, but worried that the others could then effect it too, regarding the bridging....the slowest will dictate the max12:53
UbuUseralso i want to install synaptic or some package manager that allows me to see different information. i dont like ubuntu software12:53
UbuUserubuntu 16 lts12:53
akinoderaub so how do I make it so the script executes the ../ as if i typed it into terminal?12:54
llutzakinode: type "source /path/to/your/script"12:55
llutzakinode: or ". /path/to/your/script"12:55
zeroraxnope raub, it's still timing out12:55
zeroraxi did get some unicode characters i can't read from using -v on netcat though, but i don't know what that means if anything12:56
raubllutz: I understood akinode wanted the script to change the directory and the return with the directory changed12:56
akinodellutz oh okay, thanks. but when i tyepd bash /path/to/script it still executed echo commands, just not cd ../12:57
akinodewhy is that?12:57
zeroraxsorry, i got disconnected, raub did you respond?12:57
raubzerorax: So you did nc -l 6000 (I think that was the port) on the server and then nc -v server 600012:57
ducasseakinode: it executes it in a new shell and returns to the one it was started from on exit12:57
zeroraxno i tried to telnet to it, but the result would have been the same12:58
zeroraxand port is 600212:58
llutzakinode: the cd ../ will be executed too, but in a subshell, so it won't affect your actual session12:58
zeroraxi need to accept on 6001 and 6002 tcp12:58
Gaby78shut the fuck up12:58
Gaby78i joke lol12:58
Gaby78i love u12:58
Neural_oDikevin, nope still getting this: 00:09 [11.2MiB/s] [11.2MiB/s]12:58
akinodellutz but why is echo executed in my main shell and cd ../ in the subshell?12:58
Gaby78i eat the pussy of u mom12:58
zeroraxI think UFW might have put the rules in the wrong place in iptables, because there's a drop all incoming before the rules i made, is that a possibility raub?12:58
Gaby78shut up12:59
tryandtrycpaelzer, so i can dedicate exactly 100% of cpu to my process?12:59
llutzakinode: the echo is shown in your terminal, but also was run in a subshell12:59
akinodeso echo will be sent to all instances of bash?12:59
raubzerorax: that could make sense. I've never uses ufw. Straight iptables made more sense for little me12:59
Neural_oDikevin, that's why I'm thiking that it's something on the host....12:59
tryandtryis it really possible?>12:59
raubakinode: echo is sent to the terminal12:59
cpaelzertryandtry: yes12:59
Neural_oDI can try set up another bridge, only connect one vm to that and try that too12:59
llutzakinode: it sends output to STDOUT, unless you tell different. and that is your terminal13:00
cpaelzertryandtry: the solution I suggested was explicitly towards your requirement of "no ctx switch"13:00
zeroraxraub, can I link my iptables.rules file and you can look or are you busy?13:00
cpaelzertryandtry: that is where isolcpu helps13:00
akinodeoh ok, thanks13:00
tryandtrycpaelzer, just one process switch can destroy my application, you are you sure about this solution?13:00
raubzerorax: sure. jsut make sure it is defanged13:00
cpaelzertryandtry: yet if anything makes your process sleep you will not get 100%, but only "as much as you can consume"13:00
zeroraxdefanged? what's that?13:00
cpaelzertryandtry: it will ensure that the scheduler doesn't force you to context switch13:01
zeroraxI'm a total noob lol13:01
raubImeant in case it has something sensitive you might wan tto change the IP addresses13:01
cpaelzertryandtry: you still have to ensure that you don't cause a switch, but given that you set isolcpu it will only sleep on that cpu and then get back to you from the sleep13:01
tryandtrywhich event can sleep my process?13:01
tryandtryfor example scanf?13:01
cpaelzertryandtry: as nothing else is eligible to run there13:01
tryandtryso only the registered process can execute there?13:02
cpaelzertryandtry: if you block yourself it might still go to idle and back to you13:02
cpaelzertryandtry: so "not sleeping" is sometihng you have to solve13:02
zeroraxruab, i pm's you the link13:02
cpaelzertryandtry: but isolcpu at least gets the scheduler out of your equation13:02
gamblor3i have 1.4gb left but it says i have no more space13:04
raubzerorax: waiting for it to load13:04
raubgamblor3: inodes?13:05
zeroraxit's timing out on http for you raub?13:05
raubtiming out13:05
zeroraxI get it right away and it's not on my home network13:05
gamblor3what is inodes?13:05
zeroraxraub, you didn't try to use https did you?13:06
zeroraxbecause i don't have https enabled13:06
zeroraxThis is strange... let me try disabling ufw completely13:06
raubActually iy stay sserver not found13:06
raubzerorax: don't disable FW13:06
ikevin<Neural_oD> I can try set up another bridge, only connect one vm to that and try that too <== what do you use for test speed?13:07
zeroraxraub, i meant just for a second to test if ufw is the problem13:07
gamblor3i have 1.4gb left but it says i have no more space. anyone know whats wrong. thanks13:07
zeroraxserver not found is probably because I just changed the IP of the domain and it hasn't propigated to whatever dns you're using13:07
zerorax139.193.127.95, can you connect to that?13:08
raubNope. It is staying unable to connect13:08
zeroraxok, gonna turn off ufw one sec13:08
zeroraxtry now?13:09
zeroraxif that doesn't work i gotta call the hosting provider13:10
raubzerorax: nope. If all else fails, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/13:10
zeroraxraub. i just realized this might be because of me trying to set up a vpn and falling asleep while i was working13:11
zeroraxis that likely?13:11
Neural_oD<ikevin> I'm using nc for a speed test, I also tried iperf3 with the same results13:11
raubThat might cause some heartaches depending on who is using which interface13:11
ikevinNeural_oD, i tryed on another vm that use default virtio driver, and i get 99mb/s over internet13:12
zeroraxraub, I'll just reinstall my os, it'll be faster than troubleshooting this(it will take under 10 minutes with this provider to get a fresh image up, and running.13:12
raubzerorax: Ok. Make sur eyou saved everything you wanted.13:13
raubWhen you are ready, let me know how your iptables looks like and what you are trying to accomplish13:13
zeroraxraub, there is nothing i wanted. I spent all day yesterday dealing with domain name bullshit and never set up the server13:13
Neural_oDikevin: yes that's why I'm thinking there's an issue on the host..13:14
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zeroraxand before the domain stuff i had just ordered the server, other than wasting bandwidth installing a lot of stuff, no harm done13:14
zeroraxthanks for your help raub, may I highlight you in 20 mins if i'm still having a problem so you can help me get more info to give to my hosting provider?13:15
raubI might take a bit to reply but I will be here13:15
zeroraxOk, thanks man13:15
zeroraxI really appreciate when people on IRC help me, i have brain damage and finding the right info myself is really hard since it happened13:15
zeroraxI can read the right doc completely and not see the answer because I'm not processing what I'm reading13:16
zeroraxirc small paragraphs are easy to follow13:16
raubzerorax: The smart man knows his limitations and work around them13:16
raubSo you are doing allright13:17
zeroraxthe smart man doesn't do MMA sparring at full strength with guys way above his weight class either though13:17
zeroraxwhich is what caused this13:17
raubzerorax: it still beats a "hold my beer" moment13:18
raubi.e. the redneck death anthem13:18
zeroraxdid you know wearing padded gloves actually makes the head trauma worse? they use them because if you hit bare fist you will bleed too much and that ruins the sport because the show is over as soon as your eyes swell shut13:19
zeroraxsorry that's offtopic, let me work on my vps13:20
raubSo when I try to login on my 16.04 LTS ubuntu  box, I am getting the "failed to start session at login" error. Using xfce; did not install ubuntu-desktop becaus eof too much cruft13:20
raubzerorax: no worries.13:20
raubthe solutions I am finding online pretty much say to install ubuntu-desktop13:21
tatertotslol well yeah13:21
ioriaraub, you're on ubuntu 16.04 without ubuntu-desktop ?13:21
raubioria: why not?13:22
raubInstall server and then add a windows manager13:22
ioriaraub, you install via mini.iso ?13:22
raubioria: server13:22
ioriaraub, ah, ok13:22
raubWould have done mini if I was smart ;)13:22
ioriaraub, using lightdm ?13:23
CrazyTuxhello, I am not able to share folders in Virtual Box. What can I do?13:23
raubioria: yep13:25
okwahocrazytux: did you install vbox guest additions?13:25
raubCrazyTux: what did you do to share folders?13:25
zeroraxraub, can you just try doing anything to that server, ping, http request, ssh, i don't care13:25
CrazyTuxyes. I have installed.13:25
zeroraxjust see if you can reach it now13:25
zeroraxI can, but I could before13:26
Gaby78any french here ?13:26
okwahooui moi13:26
Gaby78BAH TG13:26
ioriaraub, you can check /var/log/Xorg.0.log and (if exists) ~/.xsession-errors13:26
CrazyTuxUnable to insert the virtual optical disk /home/User/.config/VirtualBox/VBoxGuestAdditions_5.1.6.iso into the machine Sparky Linux.Would you like to try to force insertion of this disk?13:26
okwahocrazy tux i would say yes13:27
ioriaraub,  alternatively , you can install again with xubuntu-desktop13:27
FenrizDrone: can you ban Gaby78: he insult other in french13:27
Gaby78okwaho tu peut m'aider13:27
raubzerorax: Time to live exceeded13:27
CrazyTuxthis is the message I am getting when I try to insert Guest Additions.13:27
zeroraxraub, what does that mean?13:27
okwahovasy gaby7813:27
Gaby78aiden is a pedophile go ban please !!!!!!!!!!!13:27
aiden95nique ta mere  fdp13:27
aiden95vive les blanc13:27
CrazyTuxthere are only two options available Cancel and Force Unmount.13:27
Fenrizhow to ruin a tchat :/ sry bro13:27
Gaby78shut up13:27
aiden95the name of your gang nigga13:28
raubzerorax: I think you are still having DNS issues. Thought I entered the IP13:28
okwahocrazytux: force eject then13:28
zeroraxthe ip worked?13:28
zeroraxDNS takes time to propigate so that's fine I set it up 10 minutes before we started13:28
raubI entered the IP13:28
Gaby78crazytux shut up13:28
aiden95pirate my ip pls13:28
zeroraxand it worked raud?13:28
okwahocrazytux: you should see on the bottom shred folders settings...right click on it tell me what you see13:29
Gaby78aiden95 i,  a PEDOPHILE13:29
aiden95theo@theo-System-Product-Name:~$ ifconfig13:29
aiden95eth2      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 20:cf:30:20:09:a413:29
aiden95          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
aiden95          inet6 addr: fe80::22cf:30ff:fe20:9a4/64 Scope:Link13:29
aiden95          UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:113:29
aiden95          RX packets:24857 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:013:29
raubzerorax: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/24078117/13:29
CrazyTuxthis is the detailed error message.13:29
zeroraxok raub, I'm gonna call the hosting provider13:30
Gaby78theo@theo-System-Product-Name:~$ ifconfig13:30
Gaby78<aiden95> eth2      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 20:cf:30:20:09:a413:30
zeroraxis the ip you're connected from your real ip? just so i know what info to tell them so they can fix the problem easier13:30
Gaby78<aiden95>           inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
Gaby78<aiden95>           inet6 addr: fe80::22cf:30ff:fe20:9a4/64 Scope:Link13:30
Gaby78<aiden95>           UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:113:30
Gaby78<aiden95>           RX packets:24857 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:013:30
raubzerorax: that would be my home box13:31
raubI can use a direct IP too13:31
Fenrizip of Aiden95: 46. 218. 140. 78.13:31
Gaby78hack him13:32
Gaby78theo@theo-System-Product-Name:~$ ifconfig13:32
Gaby78<aiden95> eth2      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 20:cf:30:20:09:a413:32
Gaby78<aiden95>           inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
Gaby78<aiden95>           inet6 addr: fe80::22cf:30ff:fe20:9a4/64 Scope:Link13:32
Gaby78<aiden95>           UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:113:32
zeroraxcan you try another ip? maybe it's just you, also, are you somewhere where the government would block access to political activists?13:32
theparadoxer02i am not able to upgrade from 15.10 to latest version!13:32
theparadoxer02I tried the following command "sudo do-release-upgrade"13:33
raubzerorax: Don't know who is
EriC^^!ltsupgrades | theparadoxer0213:34
zeroraxYeah your government might literally be blocking it because it's m13:34
in98I can't boot with this on my vm, what am I doing wrong? UUID=xxx /tmp ext4 defaults,noatime,mode=1777 0 013:34
EriC^^!eolupgrades | theparadoxer0213:34
ubottutheparadoxer02: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades13:34
zeroraxlet me get other people to test it out, and see if anyone else has problems reaching it13:35
theparadoxer02EriC^^, Then how do i upgrade ?13:35
EriC^^in98: are you sure it's mode=1777 or umask=1777 ?13:35
zeroraxI can reach it fine, but I'm located physically close to the server13:35
theparadoxer02my error log files are http://paste.ubuntu.com/24078136/13:35
EriC^^theparadoxer02: did you put the releaseupgrade archive in the sources.list?13:36
EriC^^theparadoxer02: try "echo $PATH" and paste it also "which rm" and "which chmod"13:37
theparadoxer02EriC^^, how do i put the relaseupgrade archive in sources.list ?13:40
musician_pro<musician_pro> Hi everyone13:40
musician_pro<musician_pro> There is a terrible bug in Mozilla FireFox working on Lubuntu 32-bi13:40
musician_pro<musician_pro> When I click in a hyperlink contente an email (like mailto:name@domain.excetera) mozilla oper a tab with the name of email in the searchboard FOREVER13:40
musician_pro<musician_pro> if you try to close Mozilla he reopen and open tab that you can close because open every second!13:40
musician_pro<musician_pro> 4 or 5 for second!13:40
musician_pro<musician_pro> I'm using on Lubuntu (maybe 14.04 32bit)13:40
EriC^^theparadoxer02: paste the info above, as well as cat /etc/apt/sources.list13:41
equipmentGood day all, I just bought a laptop asus x441s I'm using ubuntu mate 17.01, my sonic master internal speakers can't be recognized any idea how to get it work? thanks13:42
theparadoxer02EriC^^, http://paste.ubuntu.com/24078190/13:44
theparadoxer02and other info here http://paste.ubuntu.com/24078195/13:44
raubzerorax: i tried from Europe and US13:46
EriC^^theparadoxer02: type "lsb_release -dc"13:46
raubzerorax: You will need to test from a machine in a diff location13:46
theparadoxer02Description:Ubuntu 15.1013:47
theparadoxer02EriC^^, Codename:wily13:47
EriC^^what's the codename?13:47
EriC^^theparadoxer02: sudo sed -i 's/xenial/wily/g' /etc/apt/sources.list13:48
theparadoxer02EriC^^, done13:49
vapaequipment: you mean 17.04 Beta 1 ? This is unstable software, so anything could happen.13:50
EriC^^theparadoxer02: sudo apt-get update13:50
ubottuUbuntu 17.04 (Zesty Zapus) will be the 26th release of Ubuntu.  It is due to be released in April 2017. Discussion in #ubuntu+113:50
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theparadoxer02EriC^^, i am getting many 404 errors13:52
EriC^^theparadoxer02: it's odd i didn't find wily in the list of releases there, though it's listed in the info13:52
EriC^^anybody know about this? vivid isn't there too13:53
OerHeksEriC^^, he should just use the eolupgrade trick13:53
EriC^^list of stuff http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/13:53
EriC^^OerHeks: that's what he's trying to do13:53
EriC^^it's not there though13:53
EriC^^after utopic there's nothing13:53
ducasseEriC^^: iirc, wily is still in the regular repos for some reason13:54
EriC^^ducasse: aha13:54
ducasseEriC^^: at least it was for a very long time13:54
EriC^^theparadoxer02: type "sudo sed -i 's/old-releases/archive/g' /etc/apt/sources.list13:54
OerHeksnow it is malformed > missing /ubuntu/ >> deb http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ CODENAME main restricted universe multiverse13:54
gambl0rehi guys, i cant log into ubuntu. http://i.imgur.com/NMkV1rt.jpg13:55
gambl0recan anyone help? thanks13:55
EriC^^OerHeks: where did you get that from?13:55
OerHeksgambl0re, error says disc full, or it is RO ?13:56
gambl0rewhat is ro?13:56
OerHeksEriC^^, from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades#Upgrading13:56
EriC^^OerHeks: ah i see mine has /ubuntu too13:56
gambl0rei had 1.4gb disc space last time i checked13:56
theparadoxer02EriC^^, done!13:56
gambl0rei dont know if its read only13:56
EriC^^OerHeks: his sources.list is good though13:56
gambl0reits running inside a virtualbox13:56
EriC^^theparadoxer02: ok, so try sudo apt-get update again13:57
theparadoxer02again same errors!13:57
OerHeksEriC^^, no, it is not.13:57
EriC^^OerHeks: yes it is http://paste.ubuntu.com/24078190/13:58
EriC^^theparadoxer02: paste cat /etc/apt/sources.list13:58
OerHeksoh, i was looking at the output on http://paste.ubuntu.com/24078240/.. you are correct then.13:59
EriC^^OerHeks: :)13:59
EriC^^ducasse: you're right, wily is in the normal repos, with vivid as well13:59
EriC^^theparadoxer02: you made a typo earlier somewhere14:00
EriC^^theparadoxer02: anyways type "sudo sed -i 's/archives/archive/g' /etc/apt/sources.list14:00
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regdudeHi! Ubuntu (at least 14.03) has a UPS monitor built-in at the notification area. Does anyone know how it is called? Or is it a precompiled extension for Unity?14:01
The_Mythhow do i upgrade the kernel?14:01
theparadoxer02EriC^^, i ran the following command now "sudo sed -i 's/archives/archive/g' /etc/apt/sources.list"14:01
EriC^^The_Myth: type "uname -r" and paste here14:02
The_MythEriC^^: 2.6.32-042stab108.814:03
OerHeksThe_Myth, looks like an openVZ or redhat kernel14:04
EriC^^theparadoxer02: ok, try sudo apt-get update again14:04
equipmentvapa: thanks for the note14:04
The_Mythso, i cant upgrade it?14:04
theparadoxer02doing the same!14:04
zeroraxraub, I can connect from 12,400 IP's... I just used my friends botnet to test it14:05
EriC^^theparadoxer02: pastebin the output of it14:05
zeroraxalso, don't tell my friend i hacked is botnet14:05
EriC^^theparadoxer02: as well as cat /etc/apt/sources.list14:05
zeroraxfor a hacker, he really likes to reuse passwords and share them with friends14:05
theparadoxer02EriC^^, updating/downloadin now, how long will it take ?14:06
EriC^^theparadoxer02: like minimum 2 hours maybe on a 4mbps connection if you dont have too many programs installed i guess?14:07
The_Mythis it possible to update it, or i need to request it to the DC?14:07
EriC^^theparadoxer02: or an hour-ish14:07
EriC^^theparadoxer02: make sure you dont connect any hdmi or disconnect any while it does it (don't ask how i know :D )14:08
EriC^^The_Myth: easiest would be to request it i think14:08
theparadoxer02cool! EriC^^14:09
hateballmusician_pro: iirc you can set what program handles mailto links in firefox, so you could change to something like evolution or thunderbird14:10
theparadoxer02EriC^^, some duplicate entry list found error14:11
The_MythEriC^^: so, i cant upgrade it just for my vps?14:11
majaany one recomend a way to do a vedio of my screen while i speake over the top of it ? i need to show some one how somehting is done14:11
zeroraxto confirm raub the probelm, other than you not reaching me, is fixed with the wipe and reload, so most likely related to me trying to set up openvpn server while intoxicated and awake for almost 3 days14:11
theparadoxer02EriC^^, http://paste.ubuntu.com/24078356/14:12
zeroraxand by intoxicated I mean I had a panic attack and took valium, i wasn't partying14:12
EriC^^The_Myth: possibly, i've no idea though14:12
OerHeksmaja, video? recordmydesktop perhaps?14:12
EriC^^The_Myth: if nobody knows here the guys in #ubuntu-server might have an idea14:12
OerHeks!info recordmydesktop14:12
ubotturecordmydesktop (source: recordmydesktop): Captures audio-video data of a Linux desktop session. In component universe, is optional. Version (yakkety), package size 47 kB, installed size 121 kB14:12
ducasseThe_Myth: you need to ask your provider, if this is openvz you might be stuck with that kernel14:13
EriC^^theparadoxer02: looks like a harmless warning, anyways try sudo apt-get update again, does it still do it?14:13
The_Mythi guess it's openvz14:13
ducasseThe_Myth: if it's a cheapo provider, that is highly likely14:14
The_Mythducasse: it's a cheap one yes.. lol14:14
theparadoxer02EriC^^, again i am getiing the same error14:14
ducasseThe_Myth: the very, very cheap ones often use openvz, which is really more of a container system as the kernel is shared14:15
The_Myththen, i'm stuck, i guess14:16
majaOerHeks: i can record sound with that as well ?14:16
majaOerHeks: you know what i want todo is say click here enter this do that, ext14:16
ducasseThe_Myth: as i said, ask them. or see if there is a faq on their site.14:16
OerHeksmaja, sure, sound from youtube + mic14:16
The_Mythducasse: i've opened a ticket. let's see :D14:17
majaOerHeks: will give it a try thnks :)14:17
The_MythOerHeks: what about kazam? is good too?14:17
EriC^^theparadoxer02: ah there are duplicates in the sources.list14:18
theparadoxer02so should i remove them manually ?14:18
OerHeksThe_Myth, that works too14:19
EriC^^theparadoxer02: yes, type sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list and remove the first 3 lines that start with "deb"14:19
The_Mytherm.. now i have a small problem and i dont remember how to do it properly: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24078380/ how do i set it to en_US.UTF-8 global and persistent?14:20
theparadoxer02EriC^^, done !14:21
theparadoxer02now its updated!, no error now !14:21
theparadoxer02what next ?14:21
ducasseThe_Myth: /etc/default/locale14:21
EriC^^theparadoxer02: try sudo do-release-upgrade14:22
KristjanRKas siin naisi ka on14:23
The_Mythducasse: file is empty. how do i generate allt he locales? :x14:23
The_Mythall the*14:23
ducasseThe_Myth: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24078399/14:24
krizoekim trying to disable ubuntu cpu scaling. i did many things, like this`rm -f /etc/rc?.d/S99ondemand` and this `for CPUFREQ in /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpufreq/scaling_governor; do [ -f $CPUFREQ ] || continue; echo -n performance > $CPUFREQ; done` and this `cpufreq-set -g performance`, but still the cpu scaling is only at 90%:  https://bpaste.net/show/6a13fc7e081c14:25
krizoeki mean, it was lower than 90% before, but now it ended up at 90%14:26
krizoeki'd like for the scaling to become 100%. any ideas?14:26
gambl0rehi guys, i cant log into ubuntu. http://i.imgur.com/NMkV1rt.jpg http://i.imgur.com/JXHde3c.png14:27
gambl0reit says disk full but i have 1.6gb remaining14:27
ducassegambl0re: what does 'df -i' say?14:28
OerHekslast imgur does not exist14:30
ducassegambl0re: you've run out of inodes14:31
OerHeksgreat, 2 pics without space ..14:31
gambl0rethe pics dont work?14:31
ducassegambl0re: http://askubuntu.com/questions/231585/running-out-of-inodes#23161514:32
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ducassegambl0re: read the link14:35
theparadoxer02EriC^^, http://paste.ubuntu.com/24078426/14:38
The_Mythducasse: still have some in pt_PT.UTF-8.. is there a way to set them all at once with en_US.UTF-8? any CLI command?14:38
ducasseThe_Myth: did you log out/in?14:39
The_Mythyes, i did14:39
The_Mythducasse: done now14:41
theparadoxer02EriC^^, are you still here ?14:42
ducasseThe_Myth: you may need to run locale-gen14:44
EriC^^theparadoxer02: yeah14:44
EriC^^theparadoxer02: seems ok i guess14:45
EriC^^theparadoxer02: hit yes and see the packages it removes14:46
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mircea789on ubuntu 16.04 i remove ubuntu-software and later i reinstalled ubuntu-software,but now don't work!please help!14:46
theparadoxer02when i tries installing curl, i am getiing the same errors14:48
mvvvvmircea789, can you launch gnome-software ?14:49
theparadoxer02the same error is occuring whenever i tried install any app14:49
EriC^^mircea789: try launching it from the terminal14:49
r_riosHello, all. I can't connect to my ethernet network for some reason. It just keeps trying to connect, but never succeeds14:52
r_riosI found someone saying that I should disable the WakeOnLan functionality on Windows 10. I did that and it didn't work14:52
r_riosMy ethernet adapter is an nvidia onboard adapter.14:53
hateballr_rios: can you run "lspci -v" and pastebin the ethernet bit?14:56
scamr_rios, why would your windows 10 setup have anything to do with your ubuntu install for ethernet?14:57
scamare you running it in VM in windows?14:57
TakumoHi all, I've got a bit of a weird issue with a filesystem14:58
TakumoI've run out of inodes (whoops!) and I found most of them are being used up by obselete linux-header packages14:59
Takumobut I can't purge them due to a dependency on a version which fails to install14:59
Takumohow can I force the removal of the hold linux-headers packages?14:59
Krissmanany girls, that want to chat with a charming 33 year old Estonian man? e-mail: kriss5@mail.com15:00
ikoniaKrissman: no15:01
ikoniaKrissman: please don't ask again, that is not what this channel is for15:01
KrissmanI am not pointing you15:01
OerHeksKrissman, read the topic, wrong channel dud15:02
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nicomachusur a dud15:04
compdocits not Krissman's fault. we have better looking women in here than in any other channel15:04
mvvvvTakumo, use an ax : http://askubuntu.com/questions/652802/how-do-i-remove-old-kernels-despite-100-inode-use-in-usr15:05
r_riosscam: I don't know, but some people with the same issue as me said that this was the problem15:05
EriC^^theparadoxer02: try sudo apt-get -f install15:05
EriC^^theparadoxer02: any backstory to the pc?15:05
scamr_rios, send us the info hateball wanted to see15:06
EriC^^theparadoxer02: type "dpkg -S /usr/bin/sa-compile"15:07
r_rioshateball: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24078524/15:07
mvvvvr_rios, and paste also : journalctl -p4 | cat15:08
scamr_rios, did you try this ? https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=96376515:09
thebwthey folks, I'm trying to find the debug symbols for php5-mcrypt (a 14.04 box), anyone know where to find them?15:09
thebwtI assume it's a dbgsym package. In fedora we have to enable a second repo for them, does ubuntu do this differently?15:09
OerHeksthebwt, this page might be your help >> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Debug%20Symbol%20Packages15:12
thebwtthat was my starting point15:13
r_riosscam: I think I did, but I'll try it again15:14
finexbeerhow can  i send file to you guys15:25
OerHeksfinexbeer, text or picture?15:25
tgm4883Using KRDC on 16.04, when I RDP to a Win 10 VM I get no audio devices. Is there something additional I need to install to be able to hear the win 10 audio?15:28
z1haze_workI need some help with web server permissions15:30
ikoniajust ask15:30
z1haze_workI have apache installed, www-data:www-data but i am installing a web application with php's composer, and there are console commands that get executred to clear caches in files, and everytime i do this, i resets permissions for my vendor folder and i have to go back and chmod again15:30
z1haze_worki need a correct way to go about this so that doesnt happen15:31
ikoniaz1haze_work: you shouldn't be running composer in the web root15:31
ikoniayou should be moving in a a dependency matched application15:31
ikoniaif this is a non-production (development process) just change the ownership of the webroot to the user you are working with15:31
z1haze_workcomposer is always run in the doc root..15:31
ikoniaz1haze_work: no, it's not15:32
ikoniaz1haze_work: you really think production applications will allow a process to pull a load of things directly from the internet ?15:32
z1haze_workthats how composer works15:32
ikoniaz1haze_work: no, thats how you are using it15:32
z1haze_workenlighten me please15:32
ikoniaz1haze_work: your composer dependencies should be met outside of your host, and shipped to your production host as part of the application install, eg: a deb,15:33
ikoniaz1haze_work: or you should be using a satis server (toran)15:33
z1haze_workthat would require all of vendor to be in version control.15:33
z1haze_workthats silly15:33
ioriatgm4883, yes, there is a 'Sound' Host Config Panel, but i think you already set it : https://www.jucktion.com/tech/krdc-remote-desktop-application-ubuntu/15:33
ikoniaeven then it should not be pulled directly into the web root15:34
z1haze_workanyway, this is not production, its development. can you help with that15:34
ikoniaz1haze_work: nothing siller about it at all15:34
ikoniaz1haze_work: yes, I just told you, change the owner of the document root to the user you are working as15:34
z1haze_workthe problem is web server permissions15:34
ikoniaz1haze_work: yes, and I've just told you how to fix it on a non-production host15:34
z1haze_workthe console commands are being run by the logged in user15:34
ikoniaz1haze_work: right, so make that user the owner15:35
tgm4883ioria: Yea, I already have that set to "On This Computer"15:35
ikonia(or group)15:35
z1haze_workcan you chill and understand the situation15:35
ikoniaI am chilled15:35
z1haze_workits not the user who is having permissions issues15:35
z1haze_workits the webserver15:35
ikoniayes, I understand that15:35
z1haze_workso making the user the owner of the files solves nothing15:35
ikoniaso there won't be web server permission problems15:36
ioriatgm4883,  you can try rdesktop, to double check15:36
ikoniaz1haze_work: it will, as that user will create files that are owned by / group owned by the same user running the web server15:36
ikoniaas www-data is a non-interactive user, it will always cause problems for you while you are updating as a real user15:36
ikoniahence why composer should not be run in the web root on a production machine15:36
ikonia(for example)15:36
tgm4883ioria: installing it now15:36
z1haze_workusually what i do is su into www-data and run the commands15:36
z1haze_workbut that requires permission in itself and not everyone can do that15:37
ikoniaz1haze_work: thats bad15:37
ikoniaz1haze_work: as www-data is a non-interactive user15:37
ikoniathe whole purpose of that user is not be locked out to users15:37
z1haze_workyea i know but that way at least all of the files installed with composer were owned by the web user15:37
ikoniaz1haze_work: right, which is why I'm telling you, you are doing it wrong, and how to fix that if you insist on doing it wrong15:38
z1haze_workthe issue comes about when running symfonys console commands to clear cache and such, it clears vendor files and stuff and since those commands are run by a different user, it changes permissions for vendor, thus the web sever throws errors15:38
z1haze_worklook dude15:38
ikoniaI understand the problem, you don't have to keep giving examples of it15:38
z1haze_workthe application has console commands built into it15:38
ikoniaso ?15:38
z1haze_workthey HAVE To be run from the web root15:38
z1haze_workHAVE TO15:38
ikoniathat has nothing to do with file system permissions15:39
ikoniafix the permissions15:39
ikoniabut its up to you if you do15:39
ikoniano you don't HAVE TO15:39
z1haze_worklol i think im just not understanding15:39
finexbeerwhat ubuntu are you useng15:39
ikoniaz1haze_work: it's not a hard concept,15:39
z1haze_workim not trying to be mean i just dont think we're seeing things the same way15:39
z1haze_worki have 10 users, the web server cant be owned by 10 different users15:39
ikoniaz1haze_work: change the owner of the web server (or group) to be the users (or group) you are using15:39
ikoniaz1haze_work: it can, thats why there are groups15:39
z1haze_worki kinda did it the other way15:39
z1haze_worki added the users to www-data15:40
z1haze_workbut it sitll didnt fix it15:40
ikoniano, because thats not an interactive user15:40
z1haze_workso i add www-data to the user groups?15:40
ikoniaa.) fix file permissions mask b.) sort out group permissions on www-data15:40
z1haze_workok.. so check this - if i add z1haze group to www-data as you suggest15:40
ikoniaz1haze_work: there needs to be a group that owns that directory, your users need to be in that group, the web server needs to be run as that group, or the current owner needs to be in that group15:41
z1haze_workthen you're saying to change ownership of the website to z1haze, right?15:41
ikoniaz1haze_work: no15:41
ikoniare-read what I said15:41
z1haze_workwhat happens in johnsmith logs in and wants to work on the web server.. he doesnt own files by z1haze15:41
z1haze_workthere needs to be a group that owns that directory, your users need to be in that group, the web server needs to be run as that group, or the current owner needs to be in that group15:41
tgm4883ioria: that's a bit better. It's using alsa, but I at least have some sound now. Doesn't recognize my mic though15:42
z1haze_workits owned by www-data:www-data, users has group www-data15:42
ioriatgm4883,  i see ....15:42
z1haze_workand i see you are talking about an interactive user, whatever15:42
z1haze_worki still dont see how that fixes permissions15:42
z1haze_workyou're saying create a new group? add that group to www-data and the users?15:42
z1haze_workwell im lost then15:43
z1haze_workbecuase i think the issue lies with the permissions that is being set from the commands15:43
z1haze_workits probably 644 or something15:43
z1haze_workso even if they belong to the group15:43
ikoniawhich is why I said fix the file creation mask first15:43
z1haze_workits not going to help15:43
z1haze_worklike u+x?15:43
ikonialike "whatever it needs to be"15:44
ikoniathe easy answer is to stop running this in the web root15:44
ikoniarun it outside and just copy it in15:44
z1haze_workit has to be run in the web root thats how magento works15:44
z1haze_worki didnt make it15:44
ikoniano it doesn't15:44
finexbeerikonia what  ubuntu are u useng15:44
ikoniafinexbeer: why ?15:45
finexbeerjust asking15:45
ikoniamultiple versions15:45
finexbeerwho want to try my new program??15:46
z1haze_workhow are you saying thats not how it works?15:46
z1haze_workare you a magento2 developer too?15:46
ikoniafinexbeer: no-one15:47
ikoniafinexbeer: thats not what this channel is for, please don't ask15:47
OerHeksfinexbeer, you ask for a txt paste site, and never returned...  please don't advertise in here, this is ubuntu support only15:47
OerHeksjoin #ubuntu-offtopic for that please15:47
scamfinexbeer, why would i want to run your software...15:47
BluesKajheh, good luck with that finexbeer , this isn't place for trying to get gunea pigs for your software15:47
finexbeerok sorry15:47
ikoniaofftopic doesn't want to hear about it either15:47
z1haze_workikonia: you are telling me that the console commands for the application do not have to be run in the site root. which is clearly wrong15:47
z1haze_workid like you to explain yourself if you dont mind15:47
finexbeerwhat channel can i got15:47
z1haze_workunless the official docs are wrong, im going to learn toward you being wrong15:48
ikoniaexplain what ?15:48
ikoniaok, then ignore my info and carry on15:48
z1haze_workjust asking for a justification.15:48
z1haze_workno need to get mad15:48
ikoniaI'm not mad15:48
z1haze_workso justify it15:48
ikonia"you don't need to do it"15:48
ikoniathere you go15:48
RonWhoCaresI'd like to change my terminal color so the background is black and typing in the command line is white15:51
RonWhoCaresIs there a way to do this?15:51
ikoniaxset ?15:52
finexbeeryes the is15:52
ikoniayou're better off doing it through the menu though so it gets saved into the terminal config via the window manager15:53
OerHeksRonWhoCares,  that sounds like gnome-terminal standard colours ?15:53
ducasseRonWhoCares: depends on your terminal how to set it15:53
RonWhoCaresHow do I get them back?15:53
ikoniaget them back to what ?15:54
ducasseRonWhoCares: look in the preferences15:54
OerHeksgnome-terminal > edit > profile-pref > colors15:54
RonWhoCaresthank you15:55
RonWhoCaresHow do I get the default system theme colors back?15:56
RonWhoCaresRight now the bars at the top of whites are white15:56
ikoniathere is an option that says "use default colour scheme"15:56
ikoniaor words to that effect in the perferences15:56
RonWhoCaresYes, I found that.l  Implemented15:56
quadrupleHi, I have a >70 GiB /var/lib/docker/aufs/diff directory and I need some help cleaning up my system. I guess I am starting/stopping/changing the container in a wrong way but first I would like to know how to safely remove the commits? (sry for writing in #ubuntu but in #docker tehy are pretty silent)15:57
ikoniaquadruple: it's as safe as your setup, we don't know what you are using/not using15:58
ikoniaquadruple: you need to look at docker --help to get the syntax to remove unneeded stuff, but we don't know what you still need/don't need15:59
craptalki am running gnome 16.04 on my lenovo IP 310, and my screen blank after hibernation, why is it?15:59
craptalki dont have the answer for this15:59
finexbeerwhat is the code to install java programing in the terminal15:59
ikoniafinexbeer: do you mean the java jvm ?16:00
ikoniaso you need to look for the package containing the version you want, and then apt-get install $package_name16:00
ikoniaor use the gui16:00
ikoniathere are multiple jvm versions16:01
helodoes ubuntu backport python security patches? e.g. security fixes for python 2.7.13 will be ported to 2.7.12?16:01
ikoniahelo: dependss on the fix16:01
ikonialooking at the debian change logs should give you an idea16:01
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raubioria: sorry for taking so long to reply. I saw no recent errors in /var/log/Xorg.0.log or ~/.xsession-errors even as I was trying to login again16:11
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raubI've never installed xubuntu-desktop per se. Just did xfce (and later lxde which I prefer)16:14
prajwal_i want some help can anyone help me16:19
nicomachusprajwal_: do you have a support question?16:19
prajwal_i'm unable to run my php project16:19
prajwal_web project16:20
nicomachus!details | please prajwal_16:20
ubottuplease prajwal_: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.16:20
prajwal_i have already setup lamp every thing works properly16:20
prajwal_but when i try to run my web project it won't load in browser16:21
nicomachusprajwal_: again, going to need more details please. start at the beginning.16:21
prajwal_browser goes empty16:21
prajwal_nicomachus are you a person or computer software?16:22
nicomachusi'm a person16:22
nicomachusbut I have no idea what your issue is because all you've said is, basically, "my php project won't load". So as of now I'm just going to say it's not an Ubuntu issue, and you need to talk to some PHP folks.16:23
prajwal_then try to understand.I m unable to explain my problem16:23
prajwal_i dont know whats wrong16:24
prajwal_so where can i find them?16:24
nicomachustry /join ##php16:24
prajwal_ok thanks16:25
ems36Just tell him what you want to do how you are doing it and what happens16:25
z1haze_workhi again - what permissions would be needed to run chmod g+w on a directory? i have the user executing the command in the same group as a filesystem owner, and permissions for files 644 and folders 77016:26
z1haze_worki feel like ive done it correctly, but keep getting no permission16:26
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pavlosprajwal_, https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/how-do-i-test-php-installation-with-a-phpinfo-page/16:28
__Yiotasomeone please help me, I provisioned a node with 16.04 I started seeing errors with python virtualenvironments complaining that the locale wasn't set, so I monkeypatched it by exporting LC before creating one, but now my entire java/maven build is wonky, it set the default encoding as ASCII, I think this happened during the time when java was installed. this is on a google cloud engine image16:29
__Yiotawhich seems to be the default, IBM's softlayer ubuntu image also has the same issue, the locale isn't set, but on 14.04 it is16:29
bonsonhow can i check journal? is it true that journal is not enabled by default?16:32
pavlos__Yiota, do you need to set LC_ALL=C ?16:33
k1lbonson: what do you mean by journal?16:33
bonsonk1l: /var/log/journal/*16:34
bonsonthere's no such a thing on ubuntu16:34
bonsoni had it on arch16:34
k1lno, that is not that way on ubuntu. ubuntu uses /var/log for the logs16:35
vrachhi there can anyone recommend a cli download manager? (a real one not just a tool like rsync)16:35
stevensup, run a command that crashed apt now every time I wanna use it it says dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. - which I cant cos when I wanna configure it it freezes16:35
k1lvrach: pyload16:36
stevenso can I kinda rollback the broken upgrade=16:36
vrachthanks matre16:36
z1haze_workbecause u suck.16:36
ioriabonson, "By default, the journal stores log data in /run/log/journal/. Since16:36
ioria       /run/ is volatile, log data is lost at reboot. To make the data16:36
ioria       persistent, it is sufficient to create /var/log/journal/ where16:36
ioria       systemd-journald will then store the data:"16:36
setuidsteven: dpkg --configure -a does what?16:36
stevenz1haze_work: its not me, its the custom kernel that sucks16:36
k1lz1haze_work: that is not appropriate in here16:36
stevenhe loves me, I he doesnt mean it16:36
__Yiotapavlos, that's what I did16:36
ioriabonson, http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/xenial/man8/systemd-journald.service.8.html16:37
__Yiotabut ubuntu 14.04 has it by default, it's so strange16:37
z1haze_workhaha im just teasing him16:37
stevenanyway setuid it just freezes cos I wanted to isntall something that requires kernel modules that I dont have  :)16:37
bonsonthanks ioria16:37
stevenso I gotta roll it back, install the stock kernel, and move on with my life :)16:37
setuidsteven: try apt-get -f install16:37
ioriabonson, ok16:37
setuidnothing else, just that16:37
=== Spontex is now known as Guest75496
setuidor use dpkg -P and remove the offending package16:37
bonsonioria k1l i wanted to check the output of journalctl from the previos boot, but i see it's not enabled by default16:38
__Yiotaactually, I take that back, LC_ALL isn't set on 14.04, but it doesn't break the configuration16:38
ioriabonson, nope16:38
stevenah here we go, dpkg -P is what I was looking for, fanks setuid16:38
bonsonioria: what "nope"?16:39
ioriabonson, 'it's not enabled by default'16:39
pavlos__Yiota, can you pastebin output of 'locale' ?16:39
=== u1n1k0n1o1w1n is now known as u1n1k1n1o1w1n
rellisAnyone here know anything about this linux-aws package from the ubuntu kernel team?16:41
bonsonioria i mean logs from the previous boots are not stored16:41
rellisI just installed it but I'm still seeing the old 2.12.1-k version of the ixgbevf driver (intel 10gb nic driver)?16:41
ioriabonson, not by default16:41
ioriabonson, you need to enable that service16:41
bonsonioria: ok, now i know everything16:42
rellisi thought it looked like it provided both the Amazon ena driver and the ixgbevf driver and newer versions16:42
bonsonthx for your help16:42
ioriabonson, you're welcm16:42
=== u1n1k1n1o1w1n is now known as u1n1k0n1o1w1n
naccrellis: you can use apt-file to list what it contains16:45
pavlos!it | paco_16:45
ubottupaco_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)16:45
naccrellis: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24078919/16:45
naccrellis: not sure if it would be more recent; but also if all you did was install it, i think you need to reboot16:46
rellisnacc: Indeed, i did review that and reboot16:46
rellisthat's why im so confused, the changelog talks about newer versions but modinfo disagrees16:46
rellisi'll reboot once more just to confirm16:46
rellisnacc: My uname -a looks right... Linux code2 4.4.0-1004-aws #13-Ubuntu SMP Mon Feb 20 13:41:47 UTC 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux16:46
naccrellis: yeah, that looks correct16:47
naccrellis: if you stil have issues, i'd ask in #ubuntu-server or possibly a kernel channel16:47
rellisalright i will, thanks nacc16:47
naccrellis: specifically #ubuntu-kernel, that is16:47
rellisthanks again16:48
z1haze_workis operation not permitted typically a permissions issue? I cant figure out why my chmod commands are getting operation permitted.. file system owned by www-data, user executing command in group www-data file permission 664, folder permission 770.. chmod g+w is giving operated not permitted. please advise16:48
llutzz1haze_work: what filesystem are the files to be changed on, non-unix-fs maybe?16:49
gambl0reim trying to run this command "sudo find . -xdev -type f | cut -d "/" -f 2 | sort | uniq -c | --buffer-size=10G"  but im getting "--buffer-size=10G command not found"16:49
z1haze_workwhen i run it with sudo it works16:50
gambl0rewhat am i doing wrong16:50
pavlosgambl0re, before the buffer you pipe16:50
Picithats not even a valid argument to uniq16:50
naccgambl0re: it's a nonsensical command?16:51
gambl0re"sudo find . -xdev -type f | cut -d "/" -f 2 | sort | uniq -c | --buffer-size=10G"  but im getting "--buffer-size=10G command not found"16:51
z1haze_workllutz: i do not know.. how can i check? like i said runnign with sudo it works fine16:51
Picigambl0re: what are you tryin to accomplish?16:51
gambl0resomething like that ?"sudo find . -xdev -type f | cut -d "/" -f 2 | sort | uniq -c | --buffer-size=10G sort -n"16:51
pavlosgambl0re, buffer-size seems to be a parm of sort so it has to be in the sort section16:52
llutzz1haze_work: only the owner and root may change permissions, not group-members16:52
gambl0resomething like that ?"sudo find . -xdev -type f | cut -d "/" -f 2 | --buffer-size=10G sort | uniq -c | sort -n"16:53
gambl0relike that?16:53
theparadoxer02i am not able to install anything16:53
theparadoxer02here is the log http://paste.ubuntu.com/24078958/16:53
naccgambl0re: no16:53
naccgambl0re: each piped string must be a valid command16:53
naccgambl0re: is '--buffer-size=10G sort' a valid command?16:53
Franco63hi all16:53
naccgambl0re: no, it is not.16:54
naccgambl0re: it starts with an option16:54
naccgambl0re: try to run that from the terminal, on its own16:54
gambl0resudo find . -xdev -type f | cut -d "/" -f 2 | sort --buffer-size=10G | uniq -c | sort -n"16:54
pavlosgambl0re, find . -xdev -type f | cut -d "/" -f 2 | sort -n --buffer-size=10G | uniq -c16:54
naccgambl0re: and why are you calling sort twice?16:54
gambl0rethats what i did16:54
Franco63i'm very starting to use ubuntu...bored   with  windows ...  everything seem to be ok ..  just if  i try ro use tor browswer have same problems... a  windows appear > SIGNATURE VERIFICATION FAILED! YOU MIGHT BE UNDER ATTACK, OR THERE MIGHT BE A NETWORKING  PROBLEM... i don think have any netwqorkk problem because  i can use  crome normally...  sambody can help me?  ty16:56
Franco63ciao !16:57
gambl0reFranco63, dont use linux16:57
gambl0reunless you've been using it since you were born16:57
tizzjawrong chat innit?!16:57
Franco63why not?16:57
gambl0reits too hard to learn16:57
gambl0reespecially if you are used to windows16:58
ducassegambl0re: don't say that16:58
naccgambl0re: FUD. please don't spread that16:58
Franco63yes i used  windows for about 30  years16:58
gambl0resame with me16:58
DJonestizzja: No, this channel is support for Ubuntu only, general chat is in #ubuntu-offtopic, or ##chat16:58
naccgambl0re: you have not yet said what error you get with a valid command, if any16:58
gambl0relearning ubuntu is like learning a new language16:58
z1haze_workllutz: thank you - noted. So even if a user has the same group of the file owner, he cannot change the permissions? only the actual owner or root. I will remember that16:59
tizzjaDJones I was called in another channel and I wrongly wrote her16:59
llutzz1haze_work: correct. group-members may do what the permission say (rwx) but not change permissions17:00
Franco63ops  sorry.. ty17:00
DJonestizzja: No problem17:00
theparadoxer02i am getting sa-compile error help me please !17:00
ducasseFranco63: just hang around, someone will help you17:00
nacctheparadoxer02: your user is not able to run `rm` or `chmod`?17:01
ioriaFranco63, it's the same issue ? http://askubuntu.com/questions/881082/tor-installation-error-signature-verification-failed17:02
theparadoxer02nacc, i am not able to install anything17:02
nacctheparadoxer02: yes, i understand. Can you, e.g. `touch /tmp/foo; rm /tmp/foo` ?17:02
theparadoxer02the error i am getting is http://paste.ubuntu.com/24078459/17:03
EriC^^theparadoxer02: hey17:03
theparadoxer02EriC^^, finally you came17:03
nacctheparadoxer02: the paste you provided earlier indicates your system is rather broken, but maybe EriC^^ has context17:04
pavlosgambl0re, you can move the uniq before the sort so the output is in Ascending order17:04
theparadoxer02due to this error i am not even able to upgrade!17:04
EriC^^theparadoxer02: try "dpkg -S /usr/bin/sa-compile" and see what it says17:04
akishi all. i am wondering how can i check xfce4-weather-plugin version on my xubuntu 16.04.2 system and how can i update it?17:04
gambl0repavlos, i got it working. thanks17:04
Franco63ty  ioria17:04
pavlosgambl0re, np17:04
EriC^^nacc: yeah he wanted to upgrade from 15.10 to 16.04 but it broke some packages for him17:04
ioriaFranco63, ok ...17:04
naccakis: `apt-cache policy xfce4-weather-plugin`17:04
naccakis: and to update it, `apt update; apt full-upgrade`. If there are updates for it, that will insta it17:05
naccEriC^^: ah ok17:05
theparadoxer02EriC^^, sa-compile: /usr/bin/sa-compile17:05
harukoHello, Ubuntu 16.10 is working great on my Lenovo Yoga 710, except that the battery lasts just 3 hours (compared to more than 2-3x on Windows). What could be causing this? I suspect that either the CPU or the GPU are not idling correctly. Is there a way to measure the power consumption by hardware part? Like $ top. Btw, I'm booting with acpi=noirq17:06
brimestonehey guys... I've been using Ubuntu server since the early days.. and i was wondering if i could do the same Server stuffs on the desktop version? or is that recommended..17:06
ducasseharuko: try powertop and/or tlp17:06
brimestonebe nice to have a GUI when you need it.17:07
ducassebrimestone: both have access to the same packages17:08
EriC^^!info sa-compile wily17:08
brimestoneand stability?17:08
ubottusa-compile (source: spamassassin): Tools for compiling SpamAssassin rules into C. In component main, is optional. Version 3.4.1-1 (wily), package size 13 kB, installed size 110 kB17:08
ducassebrimestone: the only difference is what is installed by default17:08
EriC^^theparadoxer02: maybe reinstalling sa-compile will fix stuff17:08
naccEriC^^: the specific errors from sa-compile are about rm and chmod, though? is that typical?17:09
EriC^^nacc: yeah i found a thread about somebody upgrading from 12.04 to 14.04 and he got the same error, nothing about how to solve it though17:09
brimestoneSo, I have a recipe of packages.. I can essentially create my server on the Desktop version, yes?17:09
naccEriC^^: hrm :/17:09
naccbrimestone: yes17:09
EriC^^i'm thinking maybe use dpkg to extract the deb, and manually copy the binary over or so17:09
brimestoneand would you guys recommend it?17:10
naccEriC^^: that is probably reasonable (as much as it can be)17:10
akisnacc: system respond that xfce4-weather-plugin is already the newest version (0.8.6-1) but 11 days ago there is a new one version. how can i update the existing version to the new one?17:10
theparadoxer02EriC^^, i tried the "sudo apt-get remove sa-compile"17:10
naccakis: where do you know there is a newer version?17:10
EriC^^theparadoxer02: try "apt-cache show sa-compile" and go to the line that has /ubuntu/main/something....deb and please paste it here17:11
ducasseakis: ubuntu packages aren't updated to later versions17:11
akisi was informed from here https://git.xfce.org/panel-plugins/xfce4-weather-plugin/17:11
brimestonenacc, ducasse: you would guys recommend it?17:11
naccakis: that's upstream, not hte packages17:11
nacc!latest | akis17:11
ubottuakis: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.17:11
kierqueenhow do i see th e version of a executable without pip --version but dpkg or apt, but I want to see it on the installed pakcage, not the one that is remote17:12
kierqueenlocal packages version coommand17:12
nacckierqueen: an executable's version is usually `executable --version`17:12
nacckierqueen: if you mean the package's version `apt-cache policy <pkgname>`17:12
harukoducasse: according to powertop, idling doesn't seem to be the issue. Any ideas?17:12
theparadoxer02EriC^^, http://paste.ubuntu.com/24079178/17:13
ducassebrimestone: depends, it's ok for development or home use17:13
akisnacc: i understand this but developers informed me that newer version solves some problems. what do i have to do?17:13
naccakis: build a version in a PPA? or ask them to? did you file a bug?17:13
brimestoneso, for work/production that implies a No.17:14
kierqueenapt-cache is for locally installed? but there are several pip's one is in my virtualenv, and not in the /bin/pip nacc17:14
nacckierqueen: apt-cache will show you both local and remote, if you used apt to install (generally)17:14
ducassebrimestone: a gui vastly increases the attack surface17:15
nacckierqueen: packaging (dpkg or apt) can only know what is installed via itself, generally17:15
nacckierqueen: what are you specifically trying to do?17:15
brimestoneEnough said.. thanks Ducasse17:15
kierqueennacc: kk17:15
caeneI'm new to Ubuntu and I think I messesed up. I'm using Ubuntu 16.04. I messed around with the themes settings. Everything worked fine. I noticed I didn't have a "extension" option or shell-theme option in my gnome-tweak-tool. Being noob, I thought installing gnome-shell-extensions would solve something. After restart I can't even get into X.17:16
akisnacc: there is a warning on Installed version: 0.8.6-1 : Met.no LocationforecastLTS API states that this version of the webservice is deprecated, and the plugin needs to beadapted to use a newer version, or it will stop working withina few months.Please file a bug on https://bugzilla.xfce.org if no oneelse has done so yet. Also from some time ago (maybe 2 months) there is no update for sunrise and sunset time and under 'Astronomical Data' th17:17
akisere is the notice that: 'Data not available, will use sane default values for night and day'.17:17
caeneI removed/purged gnome-shell-extentions hoping it would solve something, it didn't.17:17
returnthisI am trying to run plantuml.jar (yes, I know) but openjdk aborts and dumps core.17:17
EriC^^theparadoxer02: wb17:18
theparadoxer02yeah i am here17:18
theparadoxer02was rebooting my system17:19
akisnacc: but they announced that were fixed on newest version. So i am wondering how can i update to it if it is recommended it.17:19
naccakis: ok, did you file a bug with ubuntu as well?17:19
EriC^^theparadoxer02: something odd is going on, the package version you have is 3.4.1-3 instead of 3.4.1 which is the wily one, the other is the 16.04 one17:19
EriC^^theparadoxer02: yeah i think the repos are mixed up17:20
theparadoxer02listen i tried installing curl17:20
akisnacc: you mena if i reported it?17:20
theparadoxer02now the error coming is _17:20
EriC^^what's spamassassin anyways? it's not required for dpkg is it? anyone know?17:20
llutzEriC^^: spamfilter software/daemon, email17:21
theparadoxer02EriC^^, http://paste.ubuntu.com/24079215/17:21
EriC^^llutz: ah, so dpkg works normally without it right?17:21
llutzEriC^^: sure17:21
EriC^^cool, thanks17:22
EriC^^theparadoxer02: try dpkg -P --force-all sa-compile17:22
theparadoxer02EriC^^, when i tried upgerading the upgation showed me that some of the files are not upagraded !17:23
naccakis: yes, to ubuntu, not upstream17:23
naccEriC^^: e-mail spam filtering on the server17:23
EriC^^theparadoxer02: try ps aux | grep dpkg and paste it17:23
theparadoxer02but when i click on about this computer it is showing version 16.1017:23
EriC^^nacc: aha17:23
akisnacc: no.17:23
EriC^^theparadoxer02: 16.10? O.o17:24
naccakis: then it is unlikely to get fixed in ubuntu17:24
nacc!bug | akis17:24
ubottuakis: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.17:24
theparadoxer02EriC^^, dpkg: error: dpkg status database is locked by another process17:24
theparadoxer02sorry 16.0417:24
EriC^^theparadoxer02: ok, try ps aux | grep dpkg17:24
theparadoxer02EriC^^, abhi      3241  0.0  0.0  14224   936 pts/1    S+   22:54   0:00 grep --color=auto dpkg17:25
ducasseakis: the xfce developers have a ppa with updated packages, but i know nothing about the stability of those.17:25
EriC^^theparadoxer02: ok, type sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock17:25
ubbyI find many outdated tutorials, some from the eth0 and init.d era17:26
ubbyI ethernet interface with dhcp - but want to force using another DNS server.17:26
ubbyhow can I do this in latest ubuntu lts?17:26
theparadoxer02EriC^^, done@17:26
naccubby: are you on a desktop?17:26
ubbynacc: VM on terminal17:26
ubbyyes, desktop, you could call that17:26
theparadoxer02EriC^^, ran the command "sudo dpkg -P --force-all sa-compile"17:27
naccubby: then use network manager17:27
theparadoxer02it executed proparly17:27
ubbynacc: I installed it - can I use from CLI?17:27
ubbyservice is also started for it17:27
naccubby: network-manager? nmcli17:27
EriC^^theparadoxer02: ok, i think try to install something and see how it goes17:28
_bartHello, my script is run on both shutdown and startup, this is my configuration: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/36615fd6c3b602408c61d25b2882156d Any hints on what the problem is?17:28
whoever_hi all , aftor runing dist-update, i goot undesirable results, so how do i do a roll back17:28
_bartI want it to only run at startup17:29
theparadoxer02i ran sudo apt-get auto remove17:29
ubbynacc: nmcli shows connection, but none is ens33 :/17:29
theparadoxer02now its removing too many files17:29
theparadoxer02i fear ,my lappy wouldn't boot up after this17:29
EriC^^_bart: put it in a crontab as @reboot /path/to/script17:30
EriC^^theparadoxer02: ok don't let it17:30
whoever__bart: than add it to auto-star  under startup addp17:30
naccubby: does `ip a` show ens33?17:30
theparadoxer02EriC^^, on thing i am continously getting now is17:31
theparadoxer02N: Ignoring file '50unattended-upgrades.ucf-dist' in directory '/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/' as it has an invalid filename extension17:31
EriC^^theparadoxer02: can you paste what it said about removing stuff?17:31
ubbynacc: 2: ens33:  [...]17:31
ubbybut not in nmcli :O17:31
_bartEriC^^: I can see how that could work, but it should work just using a symlink too right? run level 2, 3, 5 are not shutdown levels?17:31
ubbyubby: nmcli three wired connections17:31
naccubby: is NM managing that connection?17:32
naccubby: or are you using /etc/network/interfaces or something?17:32
theparadoxer02EriC^^, http://paste.ubuntu.com/24079261/17:32
ubbynacc: hm, I guess not? can I let it manage it?17:32
ducasse_bart: you could also put it in rc.local17:32
ubbynacc: I never used it until now17:32
nacctheparadoxer02: you can just delete that file, iirc17:32
ubbyubuntu minimal terminal for my dev stuff, so there is no desktop, gui or other things17:32
nacctheparadoxer02: and/or ignore the message, it's justa  warning17:32
naccubby: oh, i just asked if it was a desktop, and you said yes17:32
ubbynacc: do I need a full desktop GUI for this?17:33
ubbycan I do this with nmcli, too?17:33
stevenanother one, how can I reconfigre (more like is there an ubuntu ish way to) reconfigure the OS to use stock kernels?17:33
EriC^^theparadoxer02: aha17:33
EriC^^theparadoxer02: installing curl did that?17:33
naccsteven: what kernel are you using that's not stock?17:33
theparadoxer02yeah it installed!17:33
naccubby: well, typically, NM is used with a desktop17:33
ubbyI see17:33
EriC^^!info gstreamer xenial17:33
naccubby: if not, you can use /etc/network/interfaces17:34
ubottuPackage gstreamer does not exist in xenial17:34
stevenI dont know, the server hsoting company ships with an ubuntu build and a custom kernel which sucks so I wanna install (and did install) the custom kernel17:34
EriC^^!info gstreamer1.0-clutter xenial17:34
ubottugstreamer1.0-clutter (source: clutter-gst-2.0): Clutter PLugin for GStreamer 1.0. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.18-1 (xenial), package size 26 kB, installed size 81 kB17:34
ubbynacc: ah right, but the issue is that /etc/network/interfaces doesn't accept a dns server entry when the connection is dhcp.17:34
_bartducasse: rc.local is a good idea, will do that. Is there also an easy option to run something only on shutting down?17:34
EriC^^!info gstreamer1.0-clutter wily17:34
ubottugstreamer1.0-clutter (source: clutter-gst-2.0): Clutter PLugin for GStreamer 1.0. In component main, is optional. Version 2.0.16-1 (wily), package size 26 kB, installed size 104 kB17:34
steveneh the stock one ofc, now I gotta tell ubuntu to use that one instead of what ever custom stuff is installed nacc17:34
EriC^^theparadoxer02: it seems to have removed some packages, they were 16.04 packages though17:34
tfittsthis might not be specific to ubuntu but I'm wondering if there is a way to write a script that can start a program and enter commands in the program.  It's an old program and as far as I know doesn't have a way to pipe commands in like normal.17:35
EriC^^theparadoxer02: are all the packages 16.04 right now?17:35
nacctfitts: expect17:35
naccsteven: so reboot?17:36
stevenI did :)17:36
spooky_hi, anyone of you use apt instead of apt-get ?17:36
tfittsi'll check it out.  thanks17:36
naccspooky_: yes, of course17:36
stevenI guess its some place hardcoded but I couldnt find it nacc17:36
naccubby: i think you can, tbh, but i don't know the incantation17:37
naccsteven: what do you mean?17:37
naccsteven: you rebooted and it didn't go to your kernel?17:37
naccubby: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StaticDnsWithDhcp ?17:38
stevenops, someone get rid of invving, the guy pm17:38
stevens users asking political stuff17:38
nicomachussteven: please report it in #ubuntu-ops17:38
spooky_nacc: maybe you had similar situation like me. Well at work we use linux ofc, and ubuntu. When we tried update package lists on Ubunut 16.04 with apt update, nothing happens... well it updateds but apt didn't see new version. After apt-get update apt search shows newer version. Any ideas?17:38
naccspooky_: doesn't make sense to me, apt and apt-get update the same file lists, afaik17:39
nicomachusyea that's spooky17:39
EriC^^theparadoxer02: wb, so i was saying the packages it removed are16.04 ones17:40
naccspooky_: we would need to see it in practice to debug, i think17:40
spooky_nacc: yea its same command but still we tried few times apt update and nothing :D17:40
akisducasse: actually the provide the new version 0.8.9 here: https://git.xfce.org/panel-plugins/xfce4-weather-plugin/ .17:40
nicomachusspooky_: might be worth checking apt logs17:40
stevennacc: it adds -jb1 to the kernel (no idea what thats supposed to mean) so dunno. maybe they have a custom repo and just install custom stuff. its weird17:40
spooky_hmm well i will check it now one sec.17:41
theparadoxer02Eric^^ was rebooting17:41
spooky_i hope server is still online17:41
theparadoxer02tell me now !17:41
ducasseakis: that is a source tarball17:41
EriC^^theparadoxer02: wb, so i was saying the packages it removed are16.04 ones17:41
akisducasse: what does this mean?17:42
naccakis: it is not for ubuntu directly17:42
naccsteven: sorry, not following17:42
naccsteven: you installed a new kernel, rebooted17:42
naccsteven: did you tell your server to boot to that kernel?17:42
caeneI have my Xorg log uploaded. Does anyone have time to check it out and see what's making me not be able to start display manager at boot?17:42
nicomachuscaene: can't hurt to link the paste here.17:43
caeneNo info in the log that is sensitive?17:43
ducasseakis: you want a .deb package17:43
stevenI did, I did. and now its the latest kernel but has a suffix -jb1. I assume its their custom stuff cos I havent seen it before on any other server (that is, using uname -a)17:43
nicomachuscaene: usually not in xorg17:43
caenealright :)17:43
naccsteven: -jb1 is not the Ubuntu kernel17:43
steventhats what I assumed17:44
naccakis: as i have said a few times, file a bug with ubuntu and ask the ubuntu developers to provide a fix17:44
theparadoxer02Eric^^ was rebooting my system17:44
steventhats why I said its a custom one which I want to get rid of17:44
theparadoxer02what do i do!17:44
ubbynacc: wouldn't it be easier using the network manager? well, maybe it isn't17:44
naccubby: i mean, in theory, it's a one-line change17:44
ubbynacc: isn't that article outdated because it doesn't use the new ens33 thing?17:44
naccubby: ens33 is just a name17:44
caeneMy Xorg log, can't boot display manager. Stuck at terminal. https://transfer.sh/14vJW7/help5.txt17:45
ubbynacc: ok17:45
theparadoxer02EriC^^, should i update ?17:45
akisducasse: ok, i understand. there are some installation's details on this archive but does not regard to ubuntu distros?17:45
stevenso I inastalled linux-image-virtual and rebooted nacc and now its the latest version of the kernwl with the jb1 suffix17:45
EriC^^theparadoxer02: no don't do anything yet, and dont run any command if it asks to install/remove etc bunch of stuff17:45
spooky_nacc: /var/log/apt/term.log nothing show how it was updating17:45
akisducasse: i found also this: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfce4-weather-plugin17:45
naccsteven: `apt-cache policy linux-image-virtual` please17:45
stevengonna check for custom repo17:45
ducasseakis: it will give you problems later. the xfce ppa i mentioned is your best option.17:45
EriC^^theparadoxer02: first things first did it actually update fully or what, try cat /etc/issue and lsb_release -a17:46
naccakis: yes, that's where you report the bug17:46
EriC^^does it say 16.04 in both, do you remember after you ran sudo do-release-upgrade the first time, did it download a bunch of stuff for a while and then installed them all?17:46
EriC^^theparadoxer02: ^17:46
stevennacc: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24079327/17:46
theparadoxer02EriC^^, No LSB modules are available.17:47
naccsteven: pastebin `ls -ahl /boot`17:47
ubbynacc: Hm, how can I find out what DNS servers are now used?17:47
naccubby: `cat /etc/resolv.conf` ?17:47
akisnacc: here? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfce4-weather-plugin/+bugs?field.status:list=NEW17:47
theparadoxer02EriC^^, for "cat/etc/issue" output is "Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS \n \l"17:47
ubbynacc: hm, not the DNS servers I specified in /etc/network/interfaces :(17:48
EriC^^theparadoxer02: let's check the main package, try dpkg -l libc617:48
EriC^^which version is installed?17:48
naccubby: did you restart networking?17:48
nacc!bug | akis17:48
ubottuakis: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.17:48
naccakis: and yes17:48
ubbynacc: I restart again, maybe I rstarted it not correctly17:48
naccsteven: and `uname -a` ?17:48
akisducasse: which is this ppa? and will it be updated with this new version?17:48
theparadoxer02EriC^^, http://paste.ubuntu.com/24079334/17:48
ubbynacc: still :(17:49
naccubby: probably becuse of network manager17:49
naccubby: which means that it's running a dnsmasq on the localhost17:49
=== Richard is now known as Guest31421
EriC^^theparadoxer02: ok, that's the 16.04 one17:49
naccubby: if you don't need network manager you can remove it again17:49
akisnacc: ok, thanks. No one reports this problem.17:49
EriC^^theparadoxer02: so let's make the sources.list xenial again17:49
ubbynacc: yes, removed it :)17:49
stevennacc: Linux j93410.servers.jiffybox.net 4.4.27-x86_64-jb1 #1 SMP Thu Oct 27 13:51:17 CEST 2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux17:49
naccsteven: taht is none of hte kernels in /boot17:49
ducasseakis: i don't know, but it is very likely. ask in #xubuntu for the development ppa, but as i said - i don't know how stable those packages are.17:49
stevennacc: I know :D17:50
theparadoxer02EriC^^, how should i ?17:50
naccsteven: so you should look at the grub configuration17:50
naccsteven: /boot/grub/grub.cfg for the entry you chose to boot17:50
naccsteven: keep in mind, if you're using a hosting company, they can restrict you in any way they see fit17:51
EriC^^theparadoxer02: run sudo sed -i 's/wily/xenial/g' /etc/apt/sources.list17:51
stevenits a vps17:51
Bashing-omcaene: What is up that you still boot with 'nomodeset' when the nvidia driver apprears to be installed ?17:51
stevenshouldnt be, but who knows.17:51
naccsteven: shouldn't be what?17:52
theparadoxer02EriC^^, done!17:52
stevenshouldnt be resitrcted17:52
nacc!who | steven: as well, it's really hard to follow along if you don't highlight me directly :)17:52
ubottusteven: as well, it's really hard to follow along if you don't highlight me directly :): As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)17:52
ubbynacc: ok, I restarted resolvconf, force update, too - it is still
ubbynacc: ifdown ens33; ifup ens3317:52
ubbyno avail :(17:52
akisducasse: ok, i understand. do you think that it is likely for ubuntu repos to include an update for this plug in at recent future?17:52
EriC^^theparadoxer02: ok, sudo apt-get update , then sudo dpkg --configure -a17:52
naccubby: see what's lisetning on ?17:52
ubbyit is a new ubuntu installation, nothing really exotic about it17:52
stevensure thing nacc17:52
ubbynacc: dnsmasq17:53
naccakis: only if you file the bug!17:53
ubbyhm, maybe because of virtualbox? but why should it change that? it doesn't make sense.17:53
stevenanyway imma take a look at the grub conf, maybe they just did some weird config change I havent noticed. fanks for the time nacc17:53
naccubby: did you reboot after removing network manager?17:53
akisnacc: ok. thank you for advises.17:53
theparadoxer02EriC^^, done!17:53
ubbynacc: ok, I will reboot the whole damn thing - maybe this solves it. should take some minutes17:53
naccubby: well, just reboot the VM17:54
EriC^^theparadoxer02: ok, sudo apt-get dist-upgrade17:54
ubbynacc: I reboot the whole thing, yes17:54
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theparadoxer02EriC^^, http://paste.ubuntu.com/24079350/17:54
=== MrSicSScam is now known as sicsscam
theparadoxer02EriC^^, 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.17:55
ubbynacc: restarted the system, still in resolv.conf17:56
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EriC^^theparadoxer02: that looks good17:57
ioriaubby, nmcli dev list eth0 | grep IP417:57
theparadoxer02EriC^^, i think everything is okay now!17:58
EriC^^wondering about those packages it removed, they're mostly libs17:58
ioriaubby, sorry, nmcli dev list <your interface> | grep IP417:58
chris32Does AMD or Nvidia has better drivers on linux? I need an energy efficient card but if drivers of Nvidia aren't good I may choose an AMD one17:58
theparadoxer02thanks you so much , i can't tell you how helpful it was!17:58
EriC^^yeah seems good, there's one called libusbmuxd there, i think its for usb tethering17:58
EriC^^theparadoxer02: no problem, sure thing17:59
=== Guest31421 is now known as Richard|Fastly
Bashing-omchris32: Depends on what your immediate meeds are . In the furure AMD will be the way to go . AMD/ubuntu with growing pains presently .18:01
stevennacc: yeah the changed the boot process, I have to log into the web UI and tell em to not boot their kernel first, THEN they read my menu.lst file ( z1haze_work stupid eh?)18:01
Bashing-omcamako: Paying attention ?18:02
theparadoxer02EriC^^, was there the error at sa-compile ?18:02
camakoto what?18:02
theparadoxer02or any other place ?18:02
Bashing-omcamako: Sorry, I was not .. the OP left and you got highlighted :(18:02
EriC^^theparadoxer02: yup in sa-compile18:03
camakono worries18:03
chris32Bashing-om, i'd like to ask you more questions but i'm worried it may sound commercial. may i pm you?18:04
Bashing-omchris32: Yeah .. go ahead with the PM .18:04
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=== Richard|Fastly[a is now known as Richard|Fastly
caeneWhich Firefox version on Ubuntu can use HTML5 player on Twitch? Because I'm trying out Firefox 51, and it's not working for me.18:33
davidjAnyone have thoughts on why 'esc' results in ubuntu systems returning from suspend better, whereas mouse clicks make it turn to crap?18:34
davidj(Whenever I use a mouse click, it almost seems as though lightdm/unity/whatever has to restart at least once)18:35
ljasdkdahsdhjasi need some help18:45
ljasdkdahsdhjasi cant open a .deb file18:45
ljasdkdahsdhjasit asks for the password18:45
ljasdkdahsdhjasthen never opens18:45
ljasdkdahsdhjasplease help18:45
ducassedavidj: are there any differences in dmesg when you resume with keypress vs mouse?18:46
davidj@ducasse Good idea! I'll try that the next time I see it.18:46
ducasseljasdkdahsdhjas: it's probably trying to install it and waiting for your user password18:46
davidjljasdkdahsdhjas: try using super-w to see if any windows popped up asking18:47
davidjI find it sometimes pops 'under' for me :/18:47
ducassedavidj: run 'dmesg -w', then suspend/resume and save the last output18:47
jgasgsghdinternet crashed18:49
jgasgsghdsorry its not a deb18:49
jgasgsghdi already installed it18:49
jgasgsghdits just an app on my desktop18:49
jgasgsghdcalled vpnoneclick18:49
jgasgsghdi double click it18:49
jgasgsghdand it asks for password cuz it need admin privlages18:50
jgasgsghdso i put pass18:50
jgasgsghdthen it never opens18:50
ducasse!enter | jgasgsghd18:50
ubottujgasgsghd: Please try and keep as much of your info as possible on ONE line - easier to follow for everyone.18:50
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jgasgsghdwhats !enter18:50
ducassejgasgsghd: just a trigger to make ubottu say that18:51
jgasgsghdso any fixes?18:52
chris32jgasgsghd, when you installed ubuntu you probably entered a password18:55
k1ljgasgsghd: use "sudo dpkg -i /path/to/file.deb"18:56
VileGentk1l: it timed out18:57
KinuI need help18:57
VileGentKinu: state your issue18:58
Kinuyesterday i installed lubuntu in my lappy and was able to use the bluetooth properly18:58
VileGent!lubuntu | Kinu18:59
ubottuKinu: lubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.18:59
Kinubut today when i tried to connect to my android phone my lappy was not detecting the devices18:59
KinuYes lubuntu18:59
VileGentand where did it tell you to go for support19:00
KinuNo it did  not tell me to goto any support19:00
ducasse!flavors | VileGent19:00
ubottuVileGent: Recognized Ubuntu flavors build on Ubuntu and provide a different user experience out of the box. They are supported both in #ubuntu and in their flavor channel. The current list is: !Edubuntu, !Ubuntu-GNOME, !Kubuntu, Ubuntu !Kylin, !Lubuntu, !Mythbuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, !Xubuntu, and Ubuntu !MATE19:00
VileGentducasse: sorry i had understood it the other way19:01
KinuI though some one must have came across the same problem and must have fix the issue19:01
Kinucan some one help me out19:02
Ro|3Kinu: what's up?19:02
Kinuhi whats up19:03
tgm4883Kinu: people can only help you if they know the answer19:03
Ro|3I'm not "Mr. what's up" ;-)19:03
Ro|3I meant "how can I help you" :)19:03
ducasse!bluetooth | Kinu see if this helps19:03
VileGentKinu:  is your bluetooth icon on, on your desktop and your laptop19:03
ubottuKinu see if this helps: For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup19:03
Kinuyes its there19:03
Kinubut when I try to make it visible to nearby devices it freezes19:04
Kinuyesterday it was working and today it started giving me the problem19:05
ducasseKinu: does 'hcitool dev' return anything?19:05
tgm4883Kinu: what changed between yesterday and today?19:06
k1lKinu: what does "rfkill list" show? please put to pastebin and link here19:06
Kinuit shows blank19:06
Kinueven with sudo19:06
Ro|3CU guys, have a great evening19:06
Kinurfkill list19:07
Kinu0: phy0: Wireless LAN19:07
KinuSoft blocked: no19:07
KinuHard blocked: no19:07
Kinu1: hci0: Bluetooth19:07
KinuSoft blocked: no19:07
KinuHard blocked: no19:07
ducasse!pastebin | Kinu19:07
ubottuKinu: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:07
k1lKinu: use paste.ubuntu.com and link it here19:07
acresearchpeople i need help, i have a USB stick that just stopped working, not appearing anywhere, what can i do? i do not need to recover any data just format it so i can use it properly19:08
ducasseacresearch: 'lsblk' does not show it?19:10
Kinucan someone tell me where the problem lies19:11
acresearchducasse: does not show19:12
ducasseacresearch: have you tried different ports?19:12
acresearchducasse: yes19:12
ducasseacresearch: do other sticks work?19:12
acresearchducasse: yes19:13
acresearchi have two of the same stick, one works, this one does not19:13
ducasseacresearch: remove the stick, open a terminal, run 'dmesg -w' and press enter to get a few blank lines. now insert the stick, any output?19:14
acresearchducasse: no19:15
ducasseacresearch: then i would say it is dead.19:16
acresearchducasse: how can it die? what did i do wrong? i use it for backup, so i barely used it less than 10 times, and always eject before taking it out. what did i do wrong?19:16
acresearchducasse: when i hook it, a light comes out then goes away19:17
jayjoI run jupyterhub (a python data tool) on my machine each day. Can I set this up with ubuntu to run automatically when my machine runs, and to have a dedicated internal IP address so other machines can access on my network, or I can access if I VPN or ssh into the network? I will do the research to get this done, but what do I look for? Am I starting a daemon on launch? And restart on failures?19:17
rodney77hello, does anyone know how I can get my bluetooth keyboard to connect on boot? I'm running 14.0419:17
ducasseacresearch: don't think you necessarily did any wrong, some usb sticks simply can not take much and die quickly19:17
A1Gardhi dears19:19
acresearchducasse: i have a lot of work data to back up, i try to keep double copies just for this issue, but it happens a lot, what can i do to save my backups???19:19
ducasseacresearch: the best place for backups is a disk imo, preferably a remote one if possible19:20
ducasseacresearch: another option - several copies19:20
ducasseacresearch: in my opinion19:20
acresearchducasse: i do keep several copies, but dam they still fail,,, my data is around 100GB so cloud backup is expensive,19:21
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ducasseacresearch: you could look at a service like tarsnap or rsync.net19:22
acresearchducasse: interesting, i did not know about them19:23
ducasseacresearch: iirc you can store terabytes there for a few dollars/month19:23
Guest21150hi i wanna to know how this work as i new to linux19:23
ducasseacresearch: never personally used them, but considering them myself19:24
acresearchthanks ducasse19:25
ducasseacresearch: np19:25
johkwaddup pimps19:25
z1haze_workwhere can i edit my $PATH ? i accidentally added something to it with export that i dont want in there19:28
ducassez1haze_work: you added it in your shell or in a file?19:28
z1haze_worki just did export $PATH= ...19:29
z1haze_worki guess it was just the shell huh19:29
sebokieis it possible to reconstruct a RAID array if I lost the root filesystem where its configuration was stored?19:29
ducassez1haze_work: so just do 'export PATH=whatever'19:29
z1haze_worki added something that i want to remove19:29
z1haze_workwhere is this actually stored19:30
ducassez1haze_work: in the environment, so just set PATH to what it was before19:30
z1haze_worki dont know what it was before19:31
ducassez1haze_work: 'echo $PATH', then just set it to what is left when you remove what you added19:32
pavlosz1haze_work, can you look at your previous commands and see what you modified PATH to? the default sits in .bashrc19:32
z1haze_worki li added something to $PATH i didnt replace it.19:33
z1haze_worki just want to remove a thing that was added19:33
naccz1haze_work: just open a new terminal, then19:34
z1haze_worklol i didnt think this would be such a complex question.19:34
z1haze_workso is this not stored in a file somewhere?19:34
naccz1haze_work: no19:34
z1haze_workits not persisted?19:34
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z1haze_workok thanks thats all i needed19:34
naccz1haze_work: well, not if you didn't persist it19:34
johkwaddup pimps19:35
ostekakeHello dear people! Any one know how I assign an IP-adresss to a iSCSI portal (only doing this to teach myself, this is NOT a production system)19:35
naccostekake: what do you mean specifically?19:35
A1Gardany one know about openvpn here?19:35
ducasse!ask | A1Gard19:36
ubottuA1Gard: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:36
johkcan anybody see my messages :/19:36
ducassejohk: yes, we've seen you19:36
ostekakenacc, I created a new portal using targetcli, then cd'ed into "portals" and wrote "create", but it creates it on a pre-defined IP adress. I want to set a costum19:36
ostekakenacc, https://hastebin.com/ferohosofe.hs <- the command I ran19:37
naccostekake: i mean, it can presuambly only use the IP of the server it's running on19:38
Apachez2nd time I encountered an ubuntu installation where /etc/apt is missing19:38
naccostekake: i don't have targetcli installed, but i'd check `man targetcli` otehrwise19:38
ostekakenacc, yes I guess so, but I'm following a book I got at the library tellin me to put a specific IP there19:38
Apachezare there no easy way to restore the default structure and sources.list etc within /etc/apt ?19:38
A1GardI cant connect openvpn server in Ubuntu but in windows is possible what is the reason ?19:38
ostekakeI'll do that :)19:38
naccostekake: i've not used targetcli myself, i've used tgtadm/tgt-admin19:39
naccostekake: i'm guessing they are the same19:39
naccostekake: but either way, the portal definition is unrelated to what disks are defined (afaict)19:39
naccostekake: the portal is defined by the tgt server you are talking to19:39
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ostekakehmm thanks, I'll look into it. reading the (very large) man now19:41
pavlosostekake, seems the create command accepts an ip and port, ... /iscsi/iqn.20...19:46
ostekakeyes it does pavlos, but it failed.19:46
ostekakepavlos, https://hastebin.com/hunavozade.pas19:47
pavlosostekake, page 46, http://www.linux-iscsi.org/Doc/LIO%20Admin%20Manual.pdf19:47
naccostekake: right, is that an ip on your server?19:47
naccostekake: again, it can't make a portal appear on a route it can't find19:47
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ostekakeno it's not, but the task in the book says it HAS to be that IP-adress. I presume to teach me something, is it not possible?19:50
Dethfullanyone using crond in androed?19:50
ostekakeso I'll have to virtually create it inside of icsi or something?19:51
naccostekake: what? the book says it must be some specific IP address?19:51
the_mxHi, I have msi gs40 6qe installed 16.10 updated. even installed prereleased updates but I can not use intel graphics it freeze on login. Thanks.19:51
ostekakeyes nacc19:51
ducasseDethfull: you mean android? if so, ask in #android...19:52
naccostekake: that doesn't really make sense. what book is this?19:52
ostekakeit's in Norwegian "Linux systemadministrasjon, en introduksjon.". it's an intro book to learn linux sysadmin tasks19:52
Dethfullducassen i am banned, because i disknow this word. is unix, i configured crond today, now i am using my tasker .19:53
naccostekake: does a previous chapter instruct you to create a local network?19:53
Dethfullducasse i am banned, because i disknow this word. is unix, i configured crond today, now i am using my tasker .19:53
ostekakenacc, it's a later chapter it seems19:54
ducasseDethfull: we don't support android here. you could try ##linux19:54
naccostekake: seems like an odd order19:54
caeneIs there a noticable difference in performance while gaming, between proprietary and open source nvidia drivers? Thinking CSGO and normal games on Steam that are Linux native.19:54
ostekakemaybe I should change book, but I'm 80% done with the task and really wanted to complete it19:54
ducasseostekake: du kan også bruke #ubuntu-no for support på norsk :)19:55
ostekakegot everything except the portal with correct ip up19:55
ostekakeducasse, sikkert flere som kan iscsi her tenkte jeg : )19:55
Dethfullducasse , my crond is done. the freenode's #android, recused me banned me. i don't need them anymore.19:55
backboxhi guys19:55
Dethfullcrond in androed is a mirror, identical than ubuntu. nothing changed.19:56
naccostekake: while the book might be useful, it helps in this case to think of what you're doing. You're setting up your system to be an iSCSI server. Unless that IP *means* something, it is nonsense for it to be the portal19:57
ostekakeFair enough, thanks for the help! I'll just say Ḯm done with the task, google showed me a new and better looking (and free!) book I can change too :)19:58
naccostekake: seems reasonable :)19:59
johksup guys19:59
ducasse!ask | johk20:00
ubottujohk: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:00
=== the_mx1 is now known as the_mx
johkcan somebody help me my ubuntu crashes everytime when i run dis one command20:05
raubHave 16.04, installed the nvidia-367 package. I am now no longer able to setup both of my monitors as a single one. And xorg -configure tells me that "(EE) [drm] Failed to open DRM device for pci:0000:01:00.0: -1920:06
geniijohk: If you copy the command you are running and the results of what happens when you run it, and put it into a pastebin, giving us the address of the pastebin, perhaps someone might look at it and give a suggestion20:07
genii!pastebin | johk20:07
ubottujohk: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:07
johkok so some body once told me to run this command http://paste.ubuntu.com/24080134/ to fix issue whit the networking protokol and its just making my pc lag like crazy shit20:10
ducassejohk: that wouldn't fix any networking issue, and i strongly suspect you knew that...20:12
zorin_Anyone online ?20:14
stratocastornmjust got here20:14
zorin_Okay so I've been looking for a new distro20:14
zorin_Ive previously used Ubuntu but its just too ugly and buggy20:14
geniiducasse: Conceivably they didn't know it was a forkbomb, but I'm more inclined to suspect they're just trying to get someone in here to run it20:14
zorin_I dont particularly like unity20:14
zorin_So any recommendations ?20:15
ioriazorin_, gnome-shell20:15
zorin_I tried still too ugly.20:15
zorin_Currently Im using Zorin 12 Ultimate20:15
k1lzorin_: that taste polling better suits into #ubuntu-offtopic20:16
zorin_Im looking for a Ubuntu derivative20:16
kusti85don't go derivative, go straight debian20:17
stratocastornmI just got to say, set up dual boot last night ubuntu 16.04 windows 7, and man, its so easy compared to back in the day20:17
xangua! Flavors | zorin_20:17
ubottuzorin_: Recognized Ubuntu flavors build on Ubuntu and provide a different user experience out of the box. They are supported both in #ubuntu and in their flavor channel. The current list is: !Edubuntu, !Ubuntu-GNOME, !Kubuntu, Ubuntu !Kylin, !Lubuntu, !Mythbuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, !Xubuntu, and Ubuntu !MATE20:17
k1lzorin_: then choose mate, gnome-shell, kde, budgie, xfce,... its your choice. we cant help you on that on the technical side.20:17
xanguaThere's a new official Ubuntu flavor coming, don't remember the name20:18
stratocastornmOn a more technical note, anyone here get folding at home running on ubuntu? I've got an odd python dependency problem20:18
k1lxangua: budgie is already a flavor20:18
geniixangua: Budgie maybe?20:18
xanguaThat is, yes20:18
ducassek1l: not until 17.04, aiui20:19
zorin_Budgie doesnt a battery percentage indicator does it?20:19
xanguaBudgie supports Ubuntu indicators20:19
zorin_I couldnt find the battery one20:20
caimlashello, is there anyone here who might help me figure out what's breaking with systemd to, essentially, cause a VM system to be inoperable? I've got an up-to-date 16.04.2 VM. Several times today, I've "lost" resolvconf and the ability to connect; dmesg shows "systemd-journald[357]: Failed to create new runtime journal: No such file or directory" at/around the time of the issue occurring but I've not been able to find any logs as to what20:23
caimlasmight actually be going on.20:23
k1lducasse: you are right. it got granted flavor status but 17.04 is the first release iso.20:26
ducassecaimlas: you can enable persistent logging, look at this link, a bit down - http://askubuntu.com/questions/763638/no-more-boot-logging-since-16-0420:26
Guest24425Hey all! Does anybody have SSL_ERROR_BAD_MAC_ALERT and ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR in browsers for Linux Mint 18.1 x64 with latest updates?20:28
arooniis it bad practice to try to sudo su www-data ?  on ubuntu it looks like this results in an error because there is no login shell for www-data...20:28
caimlasducasse, yeah, I was aware of that. Unfortunately, as you can see from the message I pasted, journald appears to be f*cking off. Any logs it might provide are unavailable...20:28
ducassek1l: i vaguely recalled the announcement saying that :)20:28
ducasse!mint | Guest2442520:28
ubottuGuest24425: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org20:28
akik_arooni: you can tell su the shell to use with -s20:29
ducassecaimlas: my thinking was that if you enable persistent logging you might actually be able to read more info then you can now, as it will be stored on disk20:30
ducasse*than you can now20:30
ducassecaimlas: since now the logs are discarded when it dies...20:31
caimlasducasse, yeah, perhaps. we'll see.20:32
arooniakik_: without giving it a login shell?20:32
naccarooni: it's bad practice (afaict) to `sudo su` period20:33
naccarooni: there are more correct ways to use flags to sudo20:33
ducassecaimlas: then when the system goes screwy, you can ask for the logs pertaining to resolvconf.service from the last hour, for example20:34
Guest24425Guys, is anybody have SSL_ERROR_BAD_MAC_ALERT and ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR errors in browsers with latest updates of Ubuntu 16.04?20:34
Ben64Guest24425: mint still  isn't supported here, don't try to be tricky20:34
Guest24425Chrome and Chroimum don't work. Firefox works, but sometimes it doesn't load resources due to the SSL_ERROR_BAD_MAC_ALERT error20:34
Guest24425Well, I don't trying. Looks like it is an error in libnss320:35
caimlasducasse, right, fair enough. I've somehow managed to avoid munging with systemd breakage all too much so far.20:36
k1lGuest24425: mint handles updates and security updates differently. so ask them.20:36
Ben64Guest24425: you're running mint. get support from the mint channel at #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org20:36
Guest24425Thanks. Yes, I'm running mint and I've already contacted this channel20:37
Guest24425But looks like the error is not only in mint20:37
Ben64but _your_ error is in mint so it has no place here20:37
Guest24425Anyway, thanks for help20:37
arooninacc: what should i be doing instead?20:38
Guest24425Ben64: the only reason I'm asking is because I want to know the error affects only me or someone else20:38
ducassecaimlas: you can also do 'journalctl -p 4 --since today' to see messages of priority 'warning' or higher. smaller number = higher priority. journalctl is actually very nice.20:38
Ben64Guest24425: either way that doesn't affect anything20:38
naccarooni: what are you trying to do? i've often used `sudo -s -H`20:38
azizLIGHTi have encountered an issue while trying to upgrade to HWE stack, while on 14.04.5 x64 LTS: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24070775/ then i did ' sudo dpkg -i --force-overwrite /var/cache/apt/archives/libgl1-mesa-dri-lts-xenial_11.2.0-1ubuntu2~trusty1_amd64.deb ' successfully: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24075194/ and then tried to do the HWE stack multiarch command again but this happend:20:39
azizLIGHThttp://paste.ubuntu.com/24075210/ ... so how do i go about fixing all this so i can get HWE?20:39
deathSong[ND],  A1Gard: Salam pori20:40
deathSongA1Gard: salam20:40
arooninacc: edit some files within the web root directory that nginx is serving one of my sites from (wordpress).  i'm annoyed that as my ssh user i can't create/edit any files within this web root directory without sudo; and when i do; its not set to www-data so i have to do a sudo chown www-data:www-data -R each time i'm done20:41
naccazizLIGHT: where did you get nvidia-358 from?20:41
azizLIGHTnacc: from semi official ppa https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa20:41
Ben64arooni: www-data doesn't need to own the files, it just needs to be able to read them20:41
naccazizLIGHT: you might be best-served disabling nvidia during the update; but even so, 358 is now longer listed as current from that ppa20:42
arooniBen64: nacc is there a way to guarantee every file i create with my ssh user gets group ownership of www-data ?20:42
aroonior do i have to basically run a sudo chown -R :www-data when i'm done20:43
Ben64arooni: unnecessary20:43
Ben64again, www-data only needs to be able to read the files20:43
naccarooni: just change the permissions to be readable?20:43
azizLIGHTnacc: yes its now not listed in the ppa anymore, its old now (i had issues with newere ones so i resorted to using this old one)20:43
naccazizLIGHT: i'm guessing that is an incompatible situtation -- using an old package with trying to run the latest package from the archives20:43
Ben64azizLIGHT: you gotta stop doing things manually20:43
Ben64all of your problems are because you decided to do something weird20:44
arooniBen64: nacc but i need to give it permisions somehow; and i dont want to give global +rx permissions to it; so shoudlnt i be oding it thru the group20:44
Ben64like hey i'm gonna remove xorg, or i'm gonna force install this package from hwe, and an outdated nvidia package from a ppa20:45
Ben64arooni: global read is fine20:45
naccarooni: why does global read matter?20:45
naccarooni: and you don't need to execute anything in php20:45
naccarooni: it's an interpreted language20:45
azizLIGHTall im trying to do is have updated kernel and updated graphics20:45
* nacc kind of feels if you don't understand that, then you shouldn't be running PHP code20:45
azizLIGHTi have to resort to ppa for that what can i do20:45
Ben64azizLIGHT: but you're not using the ppa20:46
arooninacc: Ben64 ;; so nginx only needs read permissions ?20:47
arooniwhat about execute on the say upload directory20:47
Ben64every directory needs execute20:47
naccbut directories aren't being created/chagned, so that doesn't really matter here20:48
azizLIGHTnacc: so how should i go about disabling nvidia ?20:48
naccazizLIGHT: i don't know, i would have suggested ppa-purge, since you're not technically using the ppa -- and then maybe re-adding it later20:50
ducasseazizLIGHT: right now, you should probably run 'apt-get -f install' to fix your dependencies, at least see what it wants to do20:51
platzhirschI have a HP program running apparently, I have a small icon on the top bar and I don't know how to get rid of it21:01
platzhirschany idea how to find out which process that is21:01
k1lplatzhirsch: sounds like hplip? the printer driver?21:02
mokkaHello dear people! I'm doing a school assignment target towards teaching us linux/ubuntu. It wants me to create user accounts, and that is no problem. But it specifies to store their email address. I have no idea how to add the email adress to user accounts and google told me nothing, is there something easy I'm missing? :) (currently tried adduser and useradd)21:03
platzhirschk1l: yes it is, but I uninstalled that21:03
naccmokka: maybe look at `man chfn`21:05
naccmokka: or `man usermod` and teh comment field21:05
mokkanacc, I already looked at it but it has no option for emailk21:05
naccmokka: well, of course not, users don't need an e-mail address21:06
mokkahmm so I'll just need to make a new field21:06
naccmokka: you can't, trivially, make a new field in, e.g., /etc/passwd21:06
naccmokka: at least not without possibly breaking every program out there that assumes it can parse it as-is21:06
ducassemokka: just use the 'other' field21:06
naccducasse: i was hoping they'd figure that out on their own :)21:07
ducassenacc: ;)21:08
caeneWhat a joke. Netflix not working on Firefox natively?21:10
jarlathIt works. But you need the right user agent. There's a soln. on askubuntu.21:12
nacccaene: you're blaming Ubuntu for a decision Netflix made?21:12
nacccaene: what is your support question, then?21:13
nicomachuscaene: yea.. that's a DRM issue. Blame Netflix, not firefox or Ubuntu.21:13
nicomachuscaene: AFAIK, if you want Netflix on Ubuntu you have to use Google Chrome.21:15
caenedamn you guys are sensitive, never uttered a single word towards Ubuntu or Firefox.21:22
caeneAngry little people will be angry little people, I guess. ;)21:22
nicomachusk bye21:23
jarlathSee the comment from Hi-Anger on user agent spoofing.21:24
pavlosostekake, yes ...21:25
pavlosostekake, was away for a couple of hours21:26
BHSPiMonkeyUsing Ubuntu 16.04 (standard flavor with Unity) and my screen never auto-locks, despite my "Brightness & Lock" settings having Lock "ON" and set to "Lock screen after: 1 minute"21:26
BHSPiMonkeyWhat process/daemon is supposed to regulate screen auto-lock?21:27
SemiNusI just experienced something weird.21:30
SemiNusmy laptop (running Ubuntu 16.10) and my Tablet (Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.5) use the same internet connection21:30
SemiNusspeedtest.net  tells me my laptop had a download speed on 1,5 - 3 Mbit  (I ran multiple tests)21:31
SemiNusand my tablet rocks it with 55 Mbit21:31
SemiNuswhat is going on?21:31
chris32SemiNus, maybe you don't have the best drivers21:32
nicomachusSemiNus: what type of wifi receiver does the laptop have?21:32
nicomachusif it's only 802.11b/g/n and the tablet is 802.11ac that could be the difference.21:32
BHSPiMonkeySemiNus: could be anything. The devices might not be using the same wifi spec (A/B/G/N/AC) or different bands (2.4GHz/5GHz)21:32
SemiNusnicomachus, I have no idea, there was one in the laptop already when I bought it21:32
nicomachusSemiNus: can you paste the output of 'sudo lshw -C network' to a pastebin and link here?21:33
SemiNuswhat steps do I need to undertake in order to find out more and check ti?21:33
SemiNusnicomachus, ok! 1 moment pls!21:33
SemiNusnicomachus, https://dpaste.de/VKEh/raw21:34
sk__hi all, i got a configure: error: Missing required libcurl >= 7.15.2 but ii  libcurl3-gnutls:amd6421:34
sk__any ideas?21:35
k1lsk__: what ubuntu exactly?21:35
llutzsk__: you need the -dev package21:35
nicomachusSemiNus: ahhhhh... that pesky rtl8188 driver21:36
ducasseSemiNus: RTL8188EE - good luck with that :-/ that's a thoroughly bad chipset with an equally crap driver21:36
sk__k11 Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS21:36
sk__llutz, the -dev pack is installed: ii  libcurl4-openssl-dev:amd6421:37
nicomachusthere's a fix for it... not sure if it works on 16.10 though21:37
SemiNushow can I find out what a good laptop is before I buy the next one?21:37
SemiNusI like toshiba sattelites21:37
sk__any good ideas for that?21:38
k1lsk__: can you show the complete errormessage on paste.ubuntu.com and link it here?21:39
naccsk__: that -dev doesn't match the library you used earlier, fwiw; k1l's suggestion is a good one to help further21:39
sk__here it is: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24080573/21:39
naccsk__: you can look into the config.log (iirc) to see what exactly configure is runing to determine that21:40
naccsk__: as it does find libcurl, but declares it unusable21:40
sk__nice tip21:41
sk__is seems something undefied on the function: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24080580/21:42
naccsk__: there should be more in the log after that21:42
naccsk__: to be sure that's what it decides in 'no' :)21:42
sk__its endless he last line is: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24080580/21:42
sk__collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status21:42
sk__this is the last line of the error log21:43
naccsk__: yes, it's long, but need the whole thing21:43
naccsk__: otherwise can't really help21:43
sk__give me a sec21:43
sk__i will paste it21:43
naccpastebinit | sk__21:43
k1lsk__: "cat /path/to/file | nc termbin.com 9999"21:43
sk__here it his the whole thing: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24080585/21:44
dannyLopezAnybody use Awesome WM?21:44
SemiNusnicomachus, will you give me any further advice, or did you leave me alone?21:44
UUID00is there a way to see the list of all installed iptables extensions?21:45
sk__nacc, k1l i really dont understand what's wrong, i thing to have not many skill for that.21:46
nicomachusSemiNus: I have the same driver on my laptop here. I picked up a wifi dongle from Panda that's just a USB and it works perfectly.21:47
nacck1l: does it look like it's trying to use the static libcurl, but not requiring static pthread, etc?21:47
nick321hello guys. I am using official libreoffice ppa and got myself recently 5.3, but can't find notebook bar settings, can anyone confirm or confute?21:47
nicomachusSemiNus: and then I disabled the rtl8188 device21:47
naccnick321: you should ask the PPA owner(s) probably?21:47
nick321it could be problem of my own, that's why I decided to ask here21:48
sk__nacc, im tring to compile the binary staticly21:49
SemiNushow can I disable my card?21:49
pavlosUUID00, iptables -L21:49
k1lsk__: libcurl4-gnutls-dev is installed?21:49
naccsk__: is there a raeson it needs to be static?21:50
sk__i tried to install libcurl4-openssl-dev and even libcurl4-gnutls-dev21:50
sk__nacc, portability is the main reason21:50
k1lsk__: "tried"?21:50
sk__if you install libcurl4-gnutls-dev it uninstall ssl and viceversa21:50
sk__even with libcurl4-gnutls-dev the error is still Missing required libcurl >= 7.15.221:51
k1llooks like cpuminer has a lot of issues with libcurl21:51
sk__seems so, i've read many things in that but i cant get handle this error understanding what he dont like... this is compiling option and not make.....21:52
sk__so the test should run correctly21:52
illmatixi'm stuck with a full /boot partition and usually we've just gone in and deleted the other images besides the first, previous and current ones. But this time i don't seem to have any of the linux-image files in this directory and apt just fails to do anything becuase of this21:52
naccsk__: it needs to verify it can use libcurl statically and it can't21:53
naccillmatix: ls /boot | pastebinit21:53
naccillmatix: or c&p21:54
sk__nacc, you are suggesting me to leave the thing?21:54
=== _Iriez is now known as Iriez
illmatix@nacc http://pastebin.com/Ck1iQhG921:55
naccsk__: i don't know what you mean? i'm saying that you might not be able to build it statically21:55
sk__yes i mean that, thankyou! :)21:55
naccillmatix: not sure what you mean? all those files come from linux-image* packages21:56
naccillmatix: have you run `apt-get autoremove`?21:56
illmatixnacc hrm.. yeah i've tried that too but it fails from the looks of it21:56
illmatix@nacc http://pastebin.com/K6Lni3DT21:56
illmatix-f install also fails to do anything21:57
naccillmatix: looks like you've messed up some packages21:57
naccillmatix: manually, that is21:57
illmatixoh fun21:58
naccillmatix: so you can probably remove linux-image-3.13.0-109-generic21:58
=== Iriez is now known as iriez
naccillmatix: but i mean, there are other ways to fix it21:59
naccillmatix: but let's start from the oldest21:59
illmatixdo you have any resources for other ways to fix it?21:59
k1lillmatix: please show a "dpkg -l | grep linux-image" a "uname -a" and a "ls -al /boot" in a pastebin22:00
naccillmatix: do *not* reboot until we're fixed up, but `apt-get remove linux-image-extra-3.13.0-1{09,10}-generic; apt-get autoremove`22:00
=== Zexxy is now known as Zewwy
Bashing-omnacc: illmatix :: " z-3.8.0-29-generic " before autoremove . so that it does not know how to deal with removing packages ??22:00
naccBashing-om: i think apt-get is stuck regardless of autreomve22:01
naccBashing-om: because of the broken pakages22:01
=== Squarism_ is now known as Squarism
illmatixhttp://pastebin.com/KFhskEVt  Linux chad.dev 3.13.0-107-generic #154-Ubuntu SMP Tue Dec 20 09:57:27 UTC 2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux and http://pastebin.com/Ck1iQhG922:04
illmatixpretty sure the machine has been rebooted 6 days ago22:04
illmatix@nacc that command didn't seem to do anything. Still says apt-get -f install to correct these22:06
naccillmatix: can you patsebin the output of the command?22:06
illmatix@nacc http://pastebin.com/WwVvQK2w22:07
k1lillmatix: sudo dpkg -r linux-image-extra-3.13.0-109-generic linux-image-extra-3.13.0-110-generic linux-image-3.13.0-100-generic linux-image-extra-3.13.0-100-generic"22:07
Bashing-omnacc: " iU  linux-image-generic-lts-raring  " no longer any support .. and now manually intervene to fix the package manager ??22:07
naccBashing-om: yeah i think that's what k1l is suggesting22:07
nacck1l: depending on the result, you might have to temporarily remove the meta-pacckage (linux-image-generic) adn then reinstall it22:08
k1lillmatix: and do run "sudo dpkg -r  linux-generic-lts-raring"22:09
illmatixk1l I got "dpkg: warning: ignoring request to remove linux-generic-lts-raring which isn't installed"22:09
naccillmatix: -^22:10
k1lillmatix: on what command did you get that?22:10
k1li guessed you have the lts raring metapackage installed.22:11
illmatixdamn, those commands still seem to fail. But i have to go help someone with something. I'll be back in a bit.22:14
FoeHammeredHow does one go about mounting or syncing (or whatever) a Dropbox or Google Drive folder so that a program here can use it?22:15
k1l!info nautilus-dropbox22:17
ubottunautilus-dropbox (source: nautilus-dropbox): Dropbox integration for Nautilus. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 2015.10.28-1 (yakkety), package size 86 kB, installed size 282 kB (Only available for amd64; i386)22:17
k1lFoeHammered: use this for integration into ubuntu22:17
FoeHammeredDoes it matter that I'm using Lubuntu, and nautilus isn't my folder manager thingy?22:19
crendelFoeHammered: what file manager are you using?22:19
crendelFoeHammered: you can use gvfs-google to provide google drive integration. i believe gvfs plays well with pcmanfm22:20
FoeHammeredOkay. Weirder question. How do I tell Google Drive I want to do that?22:20
naccFoeHammered: you don't afaict, you'll set up a gvfs mount locally22:21
FoeHammeredWow. Weird.22:21
nutzzIs there any standard class for generating permutations?22:21
crendelFoeHammered: i've not used the gvfs-google package myself, but when you're authenticating with it, it should walk you through authentication22:21
FoeHammeredVery neat.22:21
naccnutzz: do you mean to ask in a programming channel?22:21
crendelFoeHammered: I use the drive package which is cli only and I had to add an api key22:22
crendelbut it's quite straightforward22:22
crendelprobably even moreso with gvfs :)22:22
nutzznacc, sorry I thought I am in the java channel22:22
naccnutzz: np :)22:22
FoeHammeredHrng. How do I use gvfs-google? I don't see any packages with that name in Synaptic, and apparently it's not already on my box, though a lot of other gvfs is.22:23
noraatepernosCan I format an ext4 partition to support ~2 billion inodes without it being a 2TB drive?  I believe the lowest byte ratio is 1024 bytes.  I know ext4 supports over 4 billion inodes.  I’m trying to get something that will allow resize2fs on digital ocean’s ssd block storage.22:24
noraatepernosAlso considering just using btrfs22:24
k1lnoraatepernos: you can set the inodes on creation of the partitions22:25
crendelFoeHammered: i think it's "gnome-online-accounts" on synaptic...22:25
FoeHammeredOf course.22:25
crendelFoeHammered: you might need gnome-control-center for graphical configuration if that isn't already installed22:25
FoeHammeredHrm. I'm looking at gnome-online-accounts and not seeing gvfs-google.22:25
=== KindTwo is now known as KindOne
crendelFoeHammered: i believe it's contained in gnome-online-accounts :)22:26
crendelFoeHammered: apologies, i run arch now and am not totally familiar with the ubuntu repos anymore22:27
FoeHammeredHow do I search for it?22:27
FoeHammeredOh my, seems like everybody's using Arch nowadays, judging from where I'm finding reference to this.22:28
crendelFoeHammered: follow this: http://www.webupd8.org/2016/03/use-gnome-318-google-drive-integration.html22:28
crendelFoeHammered: arch is pretty great :) and the wiki is an amazing resource even for users of other distros22:28
Epx998Getting "ssh_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer22:28
Epx998" on a fresh 14 and fresh 16 install - what causes this error?22:28
crendelFoeHammered: gotta be willing to destroy your life a few times though22:29
FoeHammeredDamn. That's oldskool Linux style, right?22:29
FoeHammeredWhere you just get used to occasionally ****ing up and destroying everything, then start again?22:30
FoeHammeredWell, if I wanted to become a real proper Linux user, I'd definitely know where to begin, then.22:31
FoeHammeredAs is, I settled on Ubuntu because I grew up on Windows but had to make a change for the sake of assembling 64 bit systems. It hadn't yet become necessary or relevant, but I saw the writing on the wall, and didn't want to have to learn from scratch under pressure.22:31
FoeHammeredEventually moved to lubuntu because it seems to be as comfy as Ubuntu, not as confining as using Gnome, and at the time I started it still fit on a CD.22:32
naccFoeHammered: ok, you've veered offtopic :)22:32
k1lFoeHammered: the focus from Lubuntu is old and slow hardware. so you miss a lot of services. like you saw now with dropbox and nautilus integration22:33
FoeHammeredYep. I like to think of it as a nice blank slate upon which I can build as I please.22:33
FoeHammeredApply my own bloat as I go. I even learn a few things!22:33
k1lhave fun22:34
FoeHammeredSo far so good.22:34
crendelFoeHammered: admirable :)22:34
FoeHammeredI figured, if it got to be too much for me, I could always go back to xubuntu or Ubuntu.22:35
crendeli think with linux, pushing yourself further and further past the comfort zone pays off in the long run as long as you have a good therapist.22:36
FoeHammeredWhat I really should do, though, is force myself to rely more on the command line for a while.22:36
Epx998Anyone familiar with ssh_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer on a fresh install?22:37
FoeHammeredWeird. gnome-control-center says it can't find gnome-online-accounts, but gnome-online-accounts seems to be installed.22:37
naccEpx998: use `ssh -vvv` and see if maybe your key is being rejected?22:39
crendelEpx998: try verbose? -vvv22:39
FoeHammeredIn fact, all I've got is Language Support, Printers and Software & Updates.22:39
Epx998ill try22:39
FoeHammeredWell, I opened it by other means, so whatever.22:40
crendelFoeHammered: oh, so you can add the google account now?22:40
AurorasauraWould there be anyone here able to point me in the right direction? I have Ubuntu Server (no GUI) and have multiple hard disks I want to add. How would I go about making one big volume? (Like Windows "extended volume"?22:41
FoeHammeredSeems so, except that for some reason I apparently don't accurately remember my password.22:41
k1l!lvm | Aurorasaura22:41
ubottuAurorasaura: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto22:41
k1lAurorasaura: or use zfs22:42
AurorasauraI have tried that k1l but have a hard time finding a tutorial22:43
* FoeHammered frowns, apparently learning things.22:43
azizLIGHTnacc: if i do sudo apt-get -f install, this is what it wants tme to do: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24080870/22:44
k1lAurorasaura: details matter. "i tried to repair a car and its broken"22:45
azizLIGHTthis is in reference to failed HWE upgrade: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24075210/22:45
FoeHammeredWOW! This is awesome.22:48
FoeHammeredOkay, how do I symlink to my google-drive folder elsewhere so that I can use it as a place to put save games for a network game?22:49
k1lAurorasaura: i suggest using zffs with a raidz1 or raidz2 (depends on the amount of hdds). ubuntu got native zfs support for data partitions now22:52
Aurorasaurathank you k1l22:53
FoeHammeredgnome-online-accounts doesn't seem to have Dropbox as an option as it stands. Is there a fix for that?22:55
k1ldropbox doesnt work witht hat22:57
FoeHammeredWell, Google should do, I guess.22:57
crendelFoeHammered: it doesn't work with gvfs, but some FMs have dropbox addons22:57
crendelFoeHammered: i know thunar does... not sure about pcmanfm22:57
FoeHammeredHrm. So I should consider looking up whether PCManFM has a Dropbox addon.22:57
binary01hi all, i am interested in upgrading to a new computer. Will it work to transfer my physical SSD to my new computer without reinstalling Ubuntu?22:58
FoeHammeredWell, Thunar's was easy to find, that's for sure.22:58
naccazizLIGHT: i would first get to a fully clean apt and then add the hwe23:00
Xyphoid77Does anybody know how to change the font color of the window borders? I am using Compiz with the gtk-window-decorator. I tried changing color in Appearance, dconf-editor, gtk-color-chooser and gnome-tweak-tool, but non of them can change the window title font color23:01
Xyphoid77<Xyphoid77> I am also using Windos-10-dark window border.23:01
FoeHammeredWeird. I'm getting very inconsistent notions of whether mimeopen is installed. I'm'a restart.23:02
azizLIGHTnacc: and how do i do get a full clean apt23:02
naccazizLIGHT: as you are doing now `apt-get -f install` etc23:03
azizLIGHTnacc: this is what it says for that command. should i press Y http://paste.ubuntu.com/24080870/23:06
FoeHammeredOkay, at least now it's being consistent in not finding mimeinfo at all.23:06
naccazizLIGHT: yes, i think so23:07
FoeHammeredSon of a submariner, I have no gorram reading comprehension. Problem solved.23:10
crendelhappens :)23:10
FoeHammeredStep 4: Open Dropbox from the system tray. It should now open in PCManFM. ... From what?23:11
FoeHammeredHow do I do that?23:11
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k1lclick on the icon in the panel?23:11
FoeHammeredI don't see one.23:12
azizLIGHTnacc: hows this look now: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24081112/23:15
naccazizLIGHT: and if you run -f instll again, it says nothing to do?23:15
naccazizLIGHT: you at this point must either run the most current nvidia driver (update to the latest using the PPA explicitly), or remove it altogether (ppa-purge)23:16
azizLIGHTnacc: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24081127/23:16
azizLIGHTi can do latest i suppose23:16
azizLIGHTi wanna keep 358 around in case something goes wrong though23:17
azizLIGHTwill i still be able to downgrade to nvidia-358 if something goes wrong?23:17
naccazizLIGHT: I don't think you can realistically maintain binary out of tree drivers (actually do they use dkms, I have no idea) and the hwe kernel, but i have no idea23:17
naccazizLIGHT: you may want to ask someone more familiar with nvidia here before proceeding too much further23:17
FoeHammeredHrm. How do I interact with google-drive from the command line?23:18
azizLIGHTnacc: so id have to use noveau and 4.4?23:18
FoeHammeredSince I can't seem to figure out how to make a symlink.23:18
crendelFoeHammered: did you get the dropbox icon working?23:18
crendelyou might need to run it manually first from cli23:18
crendel`dropbox &'23:18
FoeHammeredAnnoyingly, it's suggesting nautilus-dropbox23:19
crendelyou'll need to add it to your startp applications (should have an option in preferences to do it automatically)23:19
naccazizLIGHT: i genuinely don't know -- i would suggest that using nouveau (which is in the 4.4 kernel aiui) and getting the hwe booted kernel first, is more relevant than a binary driver; but i have no idea what your use case is23:19
crendelhmm... if it didn't install dropbox as a dependency, you might need to install the dropbox package as well?23:19
crendelas far as google drive from command line, you could use the `drive` package, but i don't think that will play well with gvfs-google if you get it working23:20
FoeHammeredTempting to switch to Thunar just for this.23:20
azizLIGHTnacc: lets say i go to latest nvidia driver, then i run the hwe command?23:20
FoeHammeredI seem to have gvfs-google working, yeah.23:20
azizLIGHTwhats the next step23:20
naccazizLIGHT: what do you mean? those are two steps23:20
crendelFoeHammered: give thunar a go! it's nice and similarly lightweight23:21
azizLIGHTi meant what are the steps. 1) go nvidia latest or ppa-purge and use nouveau 2) do hwe upgrade command. is that right?23:21
FoeHammeredIs there anything I should know about how to go about that?23:21
FoeHammered'Cause PCManFM might be a little too light for my tastes. I've struggled a bit with it.23:21
crendelFoeHammered: i think you can just grab it off synaptic and make it your default23:22
crendelFoeHammered: pretty straightforward. it also uses gvfs, so you should be able to use what you've done for drive already23:22
crendelFoeHammered: then I think there's a thunar-dropbox package out there23:22
naccazizLIGHT: again, I am not an expert, i've not done it, but it does feel like you need to decide on 1) and do it, then do 2)23:23
azizLIGHThmmm okay23:23
FoeHammeredThere is, in fact, a thunar-dropbox package.23:24
crendelFoeHammered: whoo!23:24
FoeHammeredYeah, it's one of the reasons I was quick to say "maaaaaybe Thunar is the ticket."23:24
crendelwell, "FoeHammered", "hammer", mjölnir, Thor, "Thunar"23:25
crendelseems like a natural connection :)23:25
* FoeHammered laughs.23:25
FoeHammeredThat said, FoeHammer is Glamdring, which is Tolkien, which is different.23:25
crendelhot damn23:26
FoeHammeredYeah, I use Glamdring primarily from my phone.23:26
crendelget out of this channel and into my life23:26
* FoeHammered laughs.23:26
FoeHammeredo/~ and into my car o/~23:26
zleaphi does ubuntu one still exist23:27
Aurorasauracan multiple drives have the same mount point?23:34
Zambzzanyone help me please, tried switching to unity8 in 16.10 but now im stuck in a black screen, tried using startx but shows me no interface options, tried restarting lightdm but nothing, what doni need to type to revert bk to unity 7?23:35
Epx998hmm what the heck -> ssh_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer23:37
Epx998 dont understand why this is happening all of a sudden on new installs23:37
crendelEpx998: did you do ssh -vvv?23:37
crendelZambzz: does the blank screen happen before or after logging in with lighdm?23:38
Zambzzi have no login screen but then i think i put it to log me in automaticly23:38
uRockInstalling ubuntu server and at the screen to select services, am I correct in thinking "virtual machine host" means being set for VMs to run within it?23:39
Epx998crendel: yeah -> https://gist.github.com/anonymous/d5bacbe23a0fb9e71ef1733c1e68f8ac23:39
crendelZambzz: what's in ~/.dmrc?23:40
compdocuRock, yeah, using kvm23:41
uRockcompdoc, thanks23:42
compdocand virsh23:42
naccEpx998: did you look at the -vvv output as suggested earlier?23:42
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Epx998naac: I did, if there is an obvious error in the gist i pasted, I am not seeing it.  never had this happen before.23:43
naccEpx998: sorry, didn't see the gist earlier?23:43
Zambzzcrendel, it says Session=unity823:43
Epx998nacc: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/d5bacbe23a0fb9e71ef1733c1e68f8ac23:43
naccEpx998: i take it you're on a raspbian?23:43
Epx998maybe some firewall is happening23:44
crendelZambzz: hm, if unity7 is still installed, try replacing it with unity723:44
crendelZambzz: if i were you I'd try to figure out why unity8 is hanging though. try checking the lightdm logs and ~/.xsession-errors23:44
zleapi think you disable the firewall by using sudo service ufw stop (but don't quote me on that23:45
naccEpx998: i'm not sure, but i don't think that's ubuntu -- and it's hard to tell but i'd guess maybe a key mismatch?23:45
Epx998nacc: yes, but i've tried from different servers23:45
zleapif ytou disable the firewall and it works you know the firewall was possibly causing the issue23:45
Epx998nacc: I tried from a server thats never connected. hmm.23:46
Bashing-omZambzz: A thought; at the login box session dropdowm, can you not choose unity7 ?23:46
crendelEpx998: are you trying to connect with identity files? what's the command you're issuing23:46
ZambzzCrendel, errors just keep repeating "unity8-dash main process (2968) killed by ABRT Signal23:47
Epx998nacc: no identify files are benig specified23:47
naccEpx998: does the server indicate anything in its logs?23:48
Zambzzcould it be my vpn client interfering as launches the pass window as sooon as i startup?23:48
Zambzzits not the best coded vpn client,msecure and works but could be better23:50
Epx998nacc: nothing that I can see, checking to see if something pops up23:50
crendelZambzz: possibly... does that prompt actually pop up?23:51
Zambzzonly when i type startx, overwise i can see anything due to black screen23:52
azizLIGHTwhen i do  ' dpkg -l | grep xedgers ' i see a bunch of packages with rc in the front: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24081254/ . if i dont want any xedgers stuff lingering on my system, what should i do? it seems like some of it is installed even though it says rc? heres apt-cache policy of those packages: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24081262/23:53
Zambzzbtw changing the ~/.dmrc to unity 7 did nothing23:53
nacc!ppa-purge | azizLIGHT23:55
ubottuazizLIGHT: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html23:55
azizLIGHTnacc: i already have run ppa-purge on xorg-edgers23:55
crendelZambzz: hm. you could try reinstalling lightdm and unity8 from apt-get23:56
azizLIGHTthis is packages that have ubuntu repo versions but configs or something from xorg-edgers ppa lingering? im noit sure23:56
naccazizLIGHT: you have other ppas than xorg-edgers23:56
Bashing-omazizLIGHT: While there is no built in way to remove all of your configuration information from your removed packages you can remove all configuration data from every removed package. To purge all removed but not yet purged packages, where The state is rc, the package is removed, but the config files are not removed.... - dpkg --list |grep "^rc" | cut -d " " -f 3 | xargs sudo dpkg --purge - .23:56
crendelZambzz: and removing ~/.cache might help (possibly try that before)23:56
Epx998nacc: I wonder if my preseed is wrong all of a sdden23:56
azizLIGHTBashing-om: ma man23:56
Epx998nacc: its my dhcp server23:57
naccEpx998: hrm23:57
Epx998nacc: I am testing dnsmasq/tftp for 14 and 16, new setup - when i disable dnsmsaq and reable the legacy dhcp, it works23:58
Zambzzwhats then command to reinstall, im still beginnger when it comes to this stuff23:58
Epx998workmate wanted me to try a new dnsmasq.conf he wrote - day he left, that bastard.23:58
azizLIGHTBashing-om: that did the trick. thanks23:59

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