
powersjmagicalChicken: https://jenkins.ubuntu.com/server/job/cloud-init-integration-x/103/console00:03
powersjLooks like the qemu migration tests were running at the same time as the integration tests. And the integration tests attempted to delete a snapshot. Why would cii do that?00:04
magicalChickenpowersj: a couple things here...03:21
magicalChickenthe reason the snapshot is being used is as the backend of the 'launch container from existing container' lxd feature03:22
magicalChickenit looks like there was already an image using one of the ones being cleaned up by the cloud tests03:23
magicalChickenactually, i guess it was during the image being created originally, not during a launch03:24
magicalChickenmaybe there was a uuid collision between images?03:24
magicalChickenthe old version of the tests have bad logic for naming images, and don't check existing names for uniqueness or use any namespacing, and we had run into collisions once before I on jenkins I think03:25
magicalChickenthe fix is in the merge proposal for the new tests03:25
magicalChickenalso, this could be connected to cloud tests deleting the image it uses by default instead of preserving, maybe it tried to remove an image that was being used by the qemu tests03:26
magicalChickenmy guess is that its a image name collision though, somehow03:26
magicalChickenin any case, I think the new version of the tests may fix it03:27
magicalChickeni can try to reproduce the issue otherwise03:27
magicalChickenthe attempted delete was just due to lxd trying to clean things up, the original failure was that an image already existed that it tried to overwrite03:28
=== rangerpbzzzz is now known as rangerpb
smoserrharper, well it shoudlnt be trying to rename network devices at 'init'14:18
smoserbut only in init-local14:18
rharpersmoser: hrm14:45
smoserrharper, its to late to run at init time ... networking is already up15:17
rharperI completely understand15:17
rharperI don't know why it triggered the rename path a second time15:17
rharperI'll get a cloud-init.log for your here in a bit15:18
rharperthere are multiple calls to apply_network_config in main ;  I've not sorted out if we're taking a path that this then multiple times15:18
rharpersmoser: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24084999/;  when 'init' runs, it checks the network config, in doing that, it validates that interfaces are named properly, but this time the mac of the interface to be renamed matches a bond; then we attempt to bring it down and fail.  basically with bonding, we have a mac that points to two interfaces (one physical, one virtual (the bond))16:19
smoserright. i was about to type that. it does try to rename, but should have come up with "nothing to do"16:20
rharperright, it should16:23
rharperbut when it looks up the interface by mac16:23
rharperit finds bond016:23
rharperfor what it thinks is interface016:23
rharperwhich is true; they share a mac due to how bonding works16:23
rharperso then it thinks it needs to rename bond0 -> interface016:23
rharpersince we only rename 'physical' interface (we fetch only 'physical' items from the config; however, when we look up the phys interface by mac, we get two answers (bond0, interface0) ;  but it gets bond first (sorting I guess)16:24
rharperhowever, we should reject virt interface names when we're looking for interface info for renaming16:25
=== rangerpb is now known as rangerpbzzzz

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