
rick_haxw: howdy01:16
axwrick_h: heya!01:16
rick_haxw: question for you, I've gotten your prometheus work going on a controller and I'm pairing it with my repeated/parallel deploy thing I'm hacking on01:17
rick_haxw: and I'm looking to put together a kind of "ootb stuff to watch" setup and curious if you have feedback on the most important/basic items to track out of the available prometheus data points01:17
rick_haxw: especially stuff that might cause things to go boom? or things to keep an eye on?01:18
* axw thinking01:19
rick_haxw: all good, and maybe I should do this over email and such01:19
rick_haxw: but was sitting here and figured I'd try to catch you01:19
axwrick_h: I guess I don't really know, because if I knew what to look for we wouldn't have the problem :)  I'd probably focus on mongo-related metrics to start01:20
axwrick_h: so you might want to set up the mongodb exporter on your controller as well, if you haven't already01:21
axwrick_h: we do show the txn ops executed by juju, but that doesn't tell you about growth of mem/cpu etc. in mongo01:21
rick_haxw: no, haven't set that up. Didn't run across that in any of the emails/notes/docs01:21
rick_haxw: is that baked in or something extra to install/setup?01:21
axwrick_h: it's a separate thing altogether01:22
axwrick_h: https://github.com/dcu/mongodb_exporter01:22
rick_haxw: ok cool ty. I'll take a look at that01:23
axwrick_h: another thing that would be helpful is periodic CPU and memory profiles01:25
axwrick_h: have you done that before?01:26
rick_haxw: yea, in my first test I setup munin and used that to generate graphs across the testing time. https://goo.gl/photos/7Cj1FuSRgQeAt79Y801:26
axwrick_h: sorry, I mean pprof profiles01:27
rick_haxw: but not done that with prometheus. This was my first foray into it01:27
axwrick_h: pprof will give us source-code level information01:27
rick_hoic, pprof no, but recall some notes/docs around those in the past01:27
* rick_h has to go for boy reading time01:27
rick_hty axw, lots to think over there01:27
axwrick_h: on the controller machine, just use the command "juju-heap-profile" to get a heap profile01:27
axwrick_h: periodically. that'll be good enough to start with01:28
axwrick_h: enjoy :)01:28
wallyworld_menn0: have you seen an issue where after running upa juju model with squid-deb-proxy in place, the squid process sits on 6-10% CPU and you need to restart squid-deb-proxy to reset it? happens everytime for me03:38
menn0wallyworld_: no I haven't seen that and I use squid-deb-proxy03:39
menn0wallyworld_: have you checked the squid-deb-proxy logs?03:39
wallyworld_nothing obvious03:39
wallyworld_menn0: do you use an apt proxy at all then?03:40
wallyworld_never mind03:40
wallyworld_i see your answer03:40
menn0wallyworld_: strace of the squid process?03:41
menn0something is obviously keeping it busy03:41
wallyworld_yeah, i'll look into it03:42
wallyworld_after another deployment blows it up03:42
anastasiamacwallyworld_: the work to bring in new aws regions on 2.1, did it include brining in new instance types as sizes too? do we pull it from AWS file or have our "copy" still?03:51
wallyworld_we doesnload the aws json file and process it03:51
wallyworld_we should have used the latest info03:51
wallyworld_at the time03:51
wallyworld_are there any instances types that are missing?03:52
anastasiamacwallyworld_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+bug/166830703:52
mupBug #1668307: support latest AWS instance sizes and types <juju:Incomplete> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1668307>03:52
anastasiamacwallyworld_: just checking what to say03:53
anastasiamacwallyworld_: thnx03:53
anastasiamacwallyworld_: and since u've already answered, ty x203:53
wallyworld_anastasiamac: i don't see that we support i3 as he wants03:55
wallyworld_maybe those were a very recent additon to aws, would need to check03:55
wallyworld_yeah, 4 days ago03:56
wallyworld_according to google03:56
wallyworld_we should aim to fix that for 2.1.103:56
anastasiamacwallyworld_: u blow my mind \o/ I should not ask u anything at release call :D must b lack of coffee - ur answer back then was 2.203:59
anastasiamacwallyworld_: if u can take it on for 2.1.1, feel free to update the bug and milestone plz03:59
anastasiamacwallyworld_: this morning. it's even in the minutes! :D03:59
wallyworld_lol, i don't even recall04:00
anastasiamacwallyworld_: yep, m blaming it on coffee :D04:00
wallyworld_did we really discuss that? i guess we must have04:01
axwjam: I am here, but need to eat, so will not be at the standup04:50
jamaxw: how goes?06:38
jamYou're right that we can create the test, I just have to understand how to plug all the test stuff together. It can give errors so I'll give it a go06:38
jamunfortunately, while most attributes of ServerError are public the actual *error* attribute is private..06:39
axwjam: sorry was afk. goes ok, still working on tests for the storage regression06:59
babbageclunkwallyworld_: sorry, never got back to you. Finding the deserialization stuff pretty slow going - will hit you up for next tasks tomorrow.07:34
jamaxw: ping about checking the error08:07
jamIf we're going to check, 404 seems a very generic error08:07
axwjam: it means not found, isn't that what we care about? that the resource does not exist?08:08
axwjam: I'm not *too* fussed, I just feel that looking into the message is a bit brittle. do we have a guarantee that that won't change? I guess it's unlikely to, since it's only for old versions of MAAS08:10
jamso, we may start calling a different api, and an old server would give us a new URL that it doesn't support08:10
jamaxw: what about "Unknown API Endpoint ... /static-routes/" ?08:14
jamjust check for those two strings?08:14
jamat this point, I don't really care, mostly thinking about "what should our error checking actually look like"08:14
jamand not really wanting to treat 'any error' as the error we think we might get08:14
jamand how specific should we be around that08:14
axwjam: I'm probably being overly optimistic about what URLs we would try and how well services adhere to HTTP status code meanings. "Unknown API Endpoint ... /static-routes/" sounds fine08:15
jamI can hypothetically see us getting a 404 from not having a *specific* route, rather than not implementing the API at all, for example08:16
axwjam: sure, but that should be a different URL though? /static-routes/<foo>, rather than /static-routes/08:17
jamaxw: hence my point of checking the URL rather than just the 40408:18
axwthough to be fair, lack of an endpoint resulting in 404...08:18
axwjam: anyway, I don't really care that much. your proposal is fine08:18
jamaxw: sure. it feels like the typo of tech-board weigh in, more from a "how specific should we be about errors from outside"08:18
axwjam: sure, we can discuss tomorrow08:19
axwjam: btw why did the meeting move?08:19
axwbit of a crappy time for you?08:19
jamsorry, I meant to chat with you specifically, but yeah. I talked to tim/ian/menno on Monday08:19
axwjam: no worries, just curious08:20
jamI can't ever make exactly 7:00 cause that's when I'm downstairs taking my son to the bus08:20
jamso 30min later means I won't be late every week08:20
* axw nods08:20
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rick_hjam: want to chat today?11:35
jamrick_h: sure, brt11:35
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redirjam: yt?17:22
redirjam: lemme know if you want to chat about kvm at all17:22
jamhi redir.. not really :)17:22
redirjam: at your leisure17:22
jamgive me a few to post this17:23
redirjam no worries I'm here all day17:26
redirwell your night17:26
jamthough only just today, right?17:26
redirjam: correct17:27
jamsinzui: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/7048 tested on finfolk17:53
sinzuithank you jam17:54
cholcombeIs aws bootstrapping having issues currently?  https://juju-dist.s3.amazonaws.com/tools/streams/v1/com.ubuntu.juju-released-tools.sjson not found18:00
rick_hcholcombe: aws is having s3 outages in us-east atm18:05
rick_hcholcombe: twitter screams in outrage when us-east is effected by something heh18:06
cholcomberick_h: ok18:07
cholcomberick_h: that's odd because i'm trying to bootstrap us-west-2.  does it always pull from us-east?18:07
rick_hcholcombe: not sure, just noticed your s3 url and I've just been looking into the outage notes so far18:07
cholcombeok i'll hold off18:08
* redir lunches20:00
babbageclunkMorning thumper - could you take another look at https://github.com/juju/description/pull/120:17
thumperbabbageclunk: morning, and yes20:17
babbageclunkthumper: thanks!20:17
thumperbabbageclunk: all good20:21
babbageclunkthumper: cool cool, thanks20:21
* thumper dives into code for 35 minutes before first call20:21
babbageclunkthumper: ooh, does $$merge$$ work on that repo?20:22
thumperprobably not...20:22
thumperbabbageclunk: do you have merge access?20:23
thumperbabbageclunk: I'm assuming all the tests pass :)20:23
thumperif so, I can just click the merge button20:23
babbageclunkthumper: no merge access - yes, all the tests pass :)20:26
thumperbabbageclunk: I've merged it, and I'll look to get automated landing setup20:28
babbageclunkthumper: cheers20:29
babbageclunkwallyworld_: review plz? https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/704922:13
babbageclunkwallyworld_: I'm looking at 7041 now22:18
thumperwhat is that github git helper folk use?22:19
babbageclunkthumper hub22:26
babbageclunkthumper: it's annoyingly underdocumented22:26
thumperbabbageclunk: found it22:27
thumperbabbageclunk: how do I set up my creds for it?22:27
babbageclunkthumper: huh, they have a man page for it, but I guess that doesn't get installed when you `go get` it.22:29
* redir has trouble focusing today23:00
anastasiamacredir: :(23:01
thumperredir: don't blame you23:05
=== thumper is now known as thumper-dogwalk

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