
* desrt yawns07:35
desrtmvo: good morning :)07:50
desrtslow morning =)08:28
desrtdidrocks: hej :)08:28
didrockshey desrt ;)08:28
didrocksactually, already working for ~1h, just didn't connect until now :)08:28
* desrt has been up with mascha since 6, started working ~708:29
didrocks6! you early birds :)08:30
desrtshe has this sprint-type thing at work this week... very early to very late08:30
didrocksnow that Julie doesn't wake up at 6:30, 7:30 is early enough for me :)08:30
desrtwtf.  3rd email i've gotten in the past week or so from random trivial accounts i have (membership programmes, etc.) about "you need to reset your password now"08:34
sarnoldperhaps all of them were using cloudflare?08:37
desrtthanks for giving me the correct thing to google :)08:37
desrtthey were all saying stuff like "you might have heard the news..."08:38
desrtprobably also explains why irccloud burned my sessions a few days ago08:38
seb128hey desrt sarnold, re didrocks08:42
desrtmorning, seb :)08:43
sarnoldmorning seb128 :)08:43
willcookemorning all08:57
seb128hey willcooke, how are you?08:59
willcookehey seb128!  The sun is out again!08:59
seb128lucky you08:59
seb128it was pourring down here this morning09:00
seb128it stopped now but it's grey&windy09:00
seb128they forecast the same for the rest of the week09:00
willcookeI wonder, is it that everyone is quite happy to talk about the weather or has hanging around with Brits made you do it09:02
willcookeDon't get me wrong, it is a favoured topic for me :)09:02
seb128I think it's not only the Brits09:02
seb128hey Laney09:02
seb128how are you?09:02
seb128got some climbing action yesterday? ;-)09:02
Laneynope, I went sunday so stayed home last night09:03
Laneyalthough now I realise that I won't get to go today09:03
Laneybecause i'll be eating pancakes09:04
Laneyhow are you?09:04
seb128I'm good!09:06
seb128looking forward the pancakes eating tonight :-)09:06
davmor2Laney: won't we all :D  hmmmmmmm pancakes09:06
davmor2Morning all09:06
seb128no tennis for me this week though, winter lessons cycle is over and it's raining/windy so not nice to go play with someone09:06
seb128hey davmor209:06
davmor2seb128: take up badminton09:08
seb128davmor2, tennis can be played indoor as well, it's just that the club I'm going to doesn't have the facilities09:09
davmor2seb128: yeah true09:10
Laneypitti: BTW I think maybe slangasek is noticing/asking about https://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-release/+git/autopkgtest-cloud/tree/worker/worker#n341 in that bug09:24
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pittiLaney: ah, maybe -- I forgot about that part09:25
Laneyme too09:26
Laneywell, my spidy sense was tingling but I couldn't grasp why09:26
pittiLaney: so maybe he did mean that, but hten his example was bad09:27
pittihttp://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/l/linux should pretty much always have the kernel from -proposed09:27
pittierr, no, I'm all confused09:27
pittinoted so in the bug09:29
Laneypitti: and more importantly, good morning :-)09:30
pittiindeed, good morning to you to!09:30
seb128duflu, hey, do you do you zesty/gtk-mir testing using the zesty version of gtk or the zesty-proposed one?09:33
seb128lut pitti, comment ça va ?09:33
dufluseb128: Pure zesty, not proposed09:33
dufluseb128: Although I think dinamic (pixel) uses proposed09:34
seb128duflu, could you test with proposed, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtk+3.0/3.22.7-1ubuntu3 has a stack of changes/fixes and it would be more relevant to know what's the status of that than from the old known-to-be-buggy version09:34
seb128just wanted to point that ^09:35
seb128it's been blocked in proposed for a while due to some transitions09:36
seb128jbicha, Laney, did you see bug #1666833 (seems an issue with new nautilus or gtk from the description)09:47
ubot5bug 1666833 in overlay-scrollbar (Ubuntu) "Nautilus GTK overlay scrollbars never appear at small window sizes" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/166683309:47
Laneyno, but it does happen to me too09:52
seb128thanks for testing09:56
Laneythere's something about shrinking views in 3.20.409:56
Laneythat is on my list to update to anyway09:56
willcookeWhere did the d_idrocks privacy options go in control centre?10:06
seb128willcooke, that was discussed yesterday afternoon here, L_aney said he uploaded a fix ... try upgrading?10:07
willcookeoh wow10:07
desrtomg british peope10:07
desrtgood morning :D10:07
willcookePhysic developers10:07
seb128willcooke, https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/zesty-changes/2017-February/008485.html10:07
seb128I think10:07
willcookethanks seb128 - will try10:07
willcookemorning desrt10:08
seb128yw, thanks to L_aney!10:08
Laneyit's not out of proposed10:08
willcookeI'm living on the edge10:08
willcookewell, the edge of Xenial10:08
LaneyI didn't analyse that, but I would guess that it's because of ual10:08
willcookeLaney, was the fix for Z?10:09
Laneythat bug doesn't affect x10:09
willcookeWhere were the settings in X then?  I can't find it for some reason10:09
Laneysecurity & privacy10:10
willcookeam I blind, stupid, or something else10:11
* willcooke hopes it's something else10:11
davmor2willcooke: I'm about to install x I'll see if I can confirm it10:11
willcookethx davmor210:12
Laneyactivity-log-manager: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/unity-control-center-1/panels/libactivity-log-manager.so10:12
Laneydo you have that?10:12
willcookeoh, no I dont10:13
seb128doooh :-)10:13
willcookeit's fine on this other X VM10:13
dufluseb128: Sorry was in a meeting. Now it's EOD and I need to plough through email. I can't commit to much more right now10:13
willcookehow the heck did I break that10:13
seb128duflu, no worry, I'm not asking anything for you to do, just pointing out that testing outdated versions might not be what you want10:14
Laneycheck apt log for when it got removed10:14
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dufluI just want zero emails before EOD :)10:14
seb128duflu, it makes your work less useful10:14
Laneyyeah that patch totally fixes the bug10:25
Laneyit's your lucky day10:25
davmor2willcooke: I see Security and Privacy here10:26
willcookedavmor2, thanks.  It's something I've done.  As usual.10:27
willcookesorry for the noise10:27
LaneyI do wonder why it would get removed tho10:29
Laneyyou should probably do the ol sudo apt install ubuntu-desktop^10:30
davmor2willcooke: out of interest you didn't force an upgrade on that vm did you?10:30
didrocksread the output! :-)10:31
willcookeso maybe I uninstalled zeitgeist10:31
seb128there you go10:31
willcookesorry :)10:32
Laneygot an appointment, back in 30 ish10:33
willcooketa ta10:33
dufluAnd ta ta (sp?)10:33
TrevinhoLaney: what you want to do with that zeitgeist thing?11:24
TrevinhoLaney: I mean if we update to latest zeitgeist version (as per jbicha debdiff), that won't change much11:24
LaneyTrevinho: dunno11:35
Laneyget upstream to decide? :-)11:39
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TrevinhoLaney: well, sure... Upstream has decided for now :-), but in the mean time we should fix the issue for ubuntu13:34
Laneyyou're claiming to be upstream? https://code.launchpad.net/~zeitgeist/zeitgeist/+git/zeitgeist/+ref/master13:34
Laneywell, whatever, prepare a diff doing your thing and I'll upload it13:34
=== tedg_ is now known as tedg
seb128gnome-software :-(15:23
seb128opened it from the dash, typed "record" in the search bar at the top, having an empty view with a spinning cursor for 30s now15:24
willcookebeep bepp bepp15:30
willcookestupid fingers15:30
willcookeit's too cold in here15:30
willcooke#startmeeting Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-02-2815:30
meetingologyMeeting started Tue Feb 28 15:30:40 2017 UTC.  The chair is willcooke. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.15:30
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick15:30
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | requests paired with a pink killer will be given preferential treatment | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-02-28 | Current topic:
willcookeRoll call:  andyrock, attente, desrt,  dgadomski, fjkong, flexiondotorg (out), happyaron, hikiko, laney, qengho, seb128, sweet5hark, themuso (out), tkamppeter (out), trevinho, robert_ancell (hols)15:30
=== happyaro1 is now known as happyaron
willcookeFun fact - if you put in a holiday request for the past the system seems to auto approve it :)15:31
willcookeok, let's begin15:33
willcooke#topic andyrock15:33
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | requests paired with a pink killer will be given preferential treatment | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-02-28 | Current topic: andyrock
andyrockso mostly PTO for me15:33
andyrockI worked on the chromium + mir thing15:33
andyrockI'm debugging an issue with eglCreateWindowSurface15:34
andyrockthat prevent chromium to properly draw on mir15:34
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andyrockonce fixed that we should get chromium rendered on top of mir15:34
andyrockwithout input and event handling but better than nothing :D15:35
qenghoOh man. The event-handling in Ozone.15:35
* qengho shudders.15:35
willcookeandyrock, EOF?15:36
andyrockwell ozone on desktop if basicaly not ready yet15:36
willcookethanks andyrock15:36
willcooke#topic attente15:36
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | requests paired with a pink killer will be given preferential treatment | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-02-28 | Current topic: attente
attentejust looking at gtk bugs under u8 and migrating the backend away from old deprecated mir api15:37
willcookethanks attente15:37
willcooke#topic desrt15:37
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | requests paired with a pink killer will be given preferential treatment | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-02-28 | Current topic: desrt
seb128just curious but what's the status there?15:37
seb128oh, sorry :p15:37
desrthey.  short week, and not super-amazingly productive.  mostly chasing a bunch of small issues, reviewing, etc.15:37
willcookethanks desrt15:37
willcookeseb128, you want to chat to attente now?15:38
attenteseb128: i think some of these bugs should be fixed by the package that's blocked in -proposed right now15:38
seb128willcooke, well after meeting is fine, I just though it would be interesting to know where we stand with gtk-mir15:38
willcookeoki, lets do it after then15:38
willcooke#topic dgadomski15:38
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | requests paired with a pink killer will be given preferential treatment | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-02-28 | Current topic: dgadomski
dgadomski* verified bug #155098315:39
dgadomski* closed bug #166501815:39
dgadomski* reported bug and backported fix for bug #166691215:39
dgadomski* working on bug #164658515:39
ubot5bug 1550983 in One Hundred Papercuts "Fails to start with "Couldn't open libGL.so.1" (missing dependency?)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/155098315:39
ubot5bug 1665018 in cups (Ubuntu Trusty) "client tools ignore -h option without port number" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/166501815:39
ubot5bug 1666912 in network-manager-openvpn (Ubuntu Zesty) "Invoking openvpn removed option --tls-remote" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/166691215:39
ubot5bug 1646585 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "oem-config replaces /etc/resolv.conf symlink with a hard file" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/164658515:39
willcookethanks dgadomski15:39
willcooke#topic FJKong15:39
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | requests paired with a pink killer will be given preferential treatment | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-02-28 | Current topic: FJKong
FJKong* #1566513 gnome-calculator: [SRU] Complex numbers are exponentiated incorrectly,15:39
FJKong         it works on Xenial, so maybe should not do SRU.15:39
FJKong* still on going:15:39
FJKong    #1667355 merge gtk+2.0 2.24.31-2ubuntu115:39
FJKong    try to fix many trailing whitespace15:39
FJKong    #1667353 merge aptitude 0.8.5-1ubuntu115:39
FJKong* another bug:15:39
FJKong    System hangs at reboot/shutdown: A stop job is running for ifup for eth015:39
willcookethanks FJKong15:40
willcooke#topic happyaron15:40
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | requests paired with a pink killer will be given preferential treatment | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-02-28 | Current topic: happyaron
happyaron1. n-m captive portal detection preliminary setup and tests15:40
happyaron2. verification of n-m SRU, no regression found so far, also the reported regression was a false alarm according to the reporter15:40
happyaron3. dig in to a problem that when xkb module is enabled in fcitx, there's collisions with u-s-d's xkb settings, but we cannot disable xkb settings in u-s-d because fcitx cannot do that in login ui15:40
happyaron4. prepare fcitx component updates15:40
willcookethanks happyaron , good news on the false-positive regression15:41
willcooke#topic hikiko15:41
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | requests paired with a pink killer will be given preferential treatment | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-02-28 | Current topic: hikiko
willcookeoh hikiko is on a swap day15:43
willcookemy bad15:43
willcooke#topic Laney15:43
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | requests paired with a pink killer will be given preferential treatment | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-02-28 | Current topic: Laney
Laney• autopkgtest:15:43
Laney∘ spent a while coming up with an elaborate solution to #1630578, but then it couldn't work in reality because of something to do with threads and POSIX and the 1970s, so submitted a fix to do the dumb thing instead15:43
Laney∘ looked into trusty/armhf tests going missing; a forgotten apt update call15:43
Laney∘ helped apw get a system with a failing linux test to debug on15:43
Laney∘ some random investigations (e.g. looking at mariadb failures)15:43
Laney• more fwupd testing, another round of proposed confinement changes from upstream - found a bug, think it's fixed now15:43
Laney• look at new as-glib, find ABI break, fixed that upstream15:43
Laney• review/merge/urge to fwd a change to gst-bad in zesty15:43
Laney• nautilus 3.20.415:43
Laney• some reviews for FJ, still some more to do15:43
Laney• fix activity-log-manager for new XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP15:43
Laney• some packaging review for new packages that Kylin want to push, gave them back a few issues to fix (e.g. don't use WebKit 1)15:43
Laney• beta 1 release wrangling/publishing15:43
willcooke:)) thanks Laney15:44
willcooke#topic qengho15:44
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | requests paired with a pink killer will be given preferential treatment | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-02-28 | Current topic: qengho
qengho* Reviewed contributor's suggestion about a new-ish "field trials like official" build15:44
qengho flag. It was a rabbit hole, but he convinced me it should be ON.15:44
qengho* Delayed security release because of ^that. Tests seem good. Re-sending to #security.15:44
qengho* Gave feedback about Cr upstream Gtk3.15:44
qengho* Chromium arm64 work. Cr is wedged in Z proposed because of new weird arch FTBFS.15:44
qengho* to-do: Trusty linker failure.15:44
Laneyqengho: did you notice that chromium is failing on zesty/arm64?15:45
Laneyyou said that15:45
willcooke:) thanks qengho15:45
willcooke#topic seb12815:45
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | requests paired with a pink killer will be given preferential treatment | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-02-28 | Current topic: seb128
seb128joined a bunch of meetings & discussions about snaps and desktop work15:45
seb128• got a working xenial langpacks export \o/15:45
seb128• spent some time bug triaging15:45
seb128(note a fancy summary, but I basically spent a good part of the week reading through documents and mailing list discussions for some of the meetings)15:45
Laneyfsvo 'new'15:45
seb128bah, missing the first "• " again15:46
seb128(tomboy select/copy bug)15:46
willcookethanks seb12815:46
willcooke#topic Sweet5hark15:46
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | requests paired with a pink killer will be given preferential treatment | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-02-28 | Current topic: Sweet5hark
* Laney starts on a previous blank line due to that15:46
Sweet5hark- USN-3210-1/CVE-2017-3157 for precise, trusty, xenial (finally!)15:46
Sweet5hark- various upstream code cleanup, resolved some broken memory management (among other things: found a 5 line function which was called from exactly one location and also had ... 4 lines of dead code)15:46
Sweet5hark- reading https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperMembershipBoard/ApplicationProcess right now15:46
willcookethanks Sweet5hark15:46
seb128Laney, thanks for the hint, I should do that :-)15:47
willcooke#topic TheMuso15:47
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | requests paired with a pink killer will be given preferential treatment | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-02-28 | Current topic: TheMuso
seb128Sweet5hark, DMB \o/15:47
willcooke* An unofficial bug report from a member of the community about Mate panels not being accessible. I need to work out why at-spi is not being loaded properly in such isntances, but for now, I'm looking into adjust the systemd unit I added to at-spi2-core to work with Mate as well as Unity.15:47
willcooke* Discussions with Konrad about various PulseAudio bluetooth fixes we might want in Xenial.15:47
willcooke* Made more notes locally about possible things to look at fixing in tie for 17.04. Will look for bugs etc in the next week or so and tag appropriately.15:47
willcooke#topic tka,[[eter15:47
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | requests paired with a pink killer will be given preferential treatment | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-02-28 | Current topic: tka,[[eter
willcooke- ippusbxd: Some more tests for networking.15:47
willcooke- Google Summer of Code 2017: The Linux Foundation is accepted as mentoring organization for 2017. 6 students selected up to now for the Common Printing Dialog, one student of last year will work on the pdftopdf CUPS filter, so if all works nicely we have 7 students for OpenPrinting.15:47
willcooke- OpenPrinting Summit 2017: This year's Summit will be only a virtual meeting, via phone and WebEx.15:47
willcooke- Bugs.15:47
willcooke#topic Trevinho15:47
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | requests paired with a pink killer will be given preferential treatment | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-02-28 | Current topic: Trevinho
Trevinho· Some more improvements to the Remmina snap15:47
Trevinho· Fixed some crashes in unity from e.u.c15:47
Trevinho· Fixed a lockscreen (minor) security issue with custom option and scaling15:47
Trevinho· Debugged and found a problem in zeitgeist + systemd causing unity dash not to work (proposed fix done, but we're discussing on that)15:47
Trevinho· Debugging some problems with classic snaps + desktop-helpers15:47
Trevinho· Next-cloud client snap fixes15:47
Trevinho  /EOF15:47
willcookethanks Trevinho15:48
willcooke#topic AOB15:48
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | requests paired with a pink killer will be given preferential treatment | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-02-28 | Current topic: AOB
willcookeAnd we're done pretty much.15:48
willcookeAnyone got any other B?15:48
willcookegoing once15:49
qenghoLaney: The arch isnt new. What's new is the attempt to build desktop Cr on ARM64. No one else is trying. Upstream doesn't support it either.15:49
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | requests paired with a pink killer will be given preferential treatment
meetingologyMeeting ended Tue Feb 28 15:50:17 2017 UTC.15:50
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-desktop/2017/ubuntu-desktop.2017-02-28-15.30.moin.txt15:50
willcookethanks all15:50
Laneyqengho: I meant that the failure has been in z-proposed for a while (December?)15:50
willcookeseb128, attente - sorry to cut you off there, do carry on15:50
seb128attente, willcooke, I was mostly wondering if we have a list of feature gaps/known issues limitations in the mir backend (due to the backend or mir itself) and where we stand15:51
attenteseb128: status-wise, there are some pretty obvious bugs still. i'm not sure if you tried the ppa or the package in z-proposed15:51
attenteseb128: if you're wondering about big-ticket items, drag and drop is a big one15:51
attentei'm still working on the migration away from some deprecated mir api, but the branch i have has some regressions and i'm not sure if it's because of gtk or if it's because of mir15:53
Laneyximion: ok if I upload the new asglib with the ABI fix?15:53
Laneyto exp?15:53
ximionLaney: to exp is fine15:54
ximionbtw, I recently fixed some corner-case bugs in AppStream - there will be an upload to unstable at some point, with the appropriate FFE15:55
ximion(definitely something Ubuntu will want too)15:55
Laneyk, requestsync is your friend there ;-)15:56
jbichaximion: wine1.6/xenial-proposed still shows up as "Configure Wine" instead of "Wine" in gnome-software :(15:57
jbichawhat's our plan with uploading newer gtk3.22 and content-hub/s390x?15:59
ximionjbicha: This is weird - the AppStream metadata looks 100% correct: http://appstream.ubuntu.com/data/xenial-proposed/universe/Components-amd64.yml.gz15:59
ximionjbicha: maybe ensure that you have no leftover metadata in /usr/share/appdata, /usr/share/metainfo and /var/(lib|cache)/app-info16:00
ximionand if there really is nothing interfering, it's probably a good idea to file a bug against GNOME Software, with a verbose log of GS loading attached16:01
ximion(killall gnome-software ; gnome-software --verbose)16:01
ximioncould be a bug in GS or appstream-glib#16:02
ximionor of course in the archive data not being equal to what asgen produced, I haven't tested that yet16:02
attentejbicha: i'm not sure about the u-a-l/upstart status, but there's a newer upstream release of gtk 3 that has all of the patches from the original upload. so maybe you want to remove them from debian/patches and use that instead16:06
jbichaattente: yes, that's done in our bzr branch, I'm just wondering whether I should go ahead and upload that now or if we want to disable mir for gtk3/s390x temporarily16:08
attentejbicha: upload the newer gtk? won't that still have the same problem with content-hub/s390x?16:11
jbichaor I could just keep waiting16:12
attenteyeah, i don't know... i guess it depends on if tedg thinks the u-a-l/upstart stuff might take a while16:13
attentei think Laney would vote to wait too though16:14
LaneyI would rather wait, but it sucks to keep your work out of the release16:15
attentei'm fine with waiting. there are other bugs to look at still16:17
LaneyI saw a branch, don't know if it's close to being ready yet16:18
Laneywould be good to know that to help us decide16:18
attentethis one, right? https://code.launchpad.net/~ted/ubuntu-app-launch/rm-rf-upstart/+merge/31803916:18
Laneysounds right16:18
* Laney was just stalking launchpad16:19
* attente sees lots of red and green chunks16:19
Laneydon't fear change16:20
Laneychange fears YOU in fact16:21
tedgattente: Laney: My hopes are that those will get finished up today, then review and QA, and out by the end of the week.16:28
tedgHand wavy timeline16:29
attentetedg: nice, thanks :)16:30
TrevinhoLaney: back to that zeitgeist thing, I didn't want to claim that I'm upstream, but that upstream has taken the same solution, so or we change it or we ignore the return value...17:18
LaneyTrevinho: Just do your thing if you want17:20
TrevinhoLaney: we can fix upstream too, eh... it's just matter of solving the problem17:21
TrevinhoLaney: I posted a debdiff with that, but if we also want to move to latest zeitgeist git (just few changes), I can prepare a new one unsing zeitgeist --vacuum instead17:22
LaneyYeah, one on top of 1.0 would be good17:22
Laneyyou can move the maybe-vacuum thing out of a patch to a file in debian/17:22
Laneythat will mamke it easier17:22
TrevinhoLaney: ok, the jbicha debdiff for some reason doesn't seem to apply to me, so I guess I've to redo the things17:25
TrevinhoLaney: also you might want to review https://code.launchpad.net/~3v1n0/unity/unity7-wants-ups/+merge/31851717:40
LaneyTrevinho: nice17:41
Laneywhy not the same for usd?17:41
jbichaximion: I did a rm -rf /var/lib/app-info/ so how do I get it to rebuild that directory?18:13
willcookepancake time!  Night all18:14
davmor2pancake overload18:31
ximionjbicha: just run sudo appstreamcli refresh18:49
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