
* nacc takes a deep breath and walks away from virtually punching UserUS in the face00:22
Bashing-omsometimes, that is just what we do --- walk away .00:30
lotuspsychjegood morning to all02:37
OerHeksheya lotuspsychje ...02:39
lotuspsychjehey OerHeks02:39
OerHeks2 hrs early ?02:39
lotuspsychjeyeah i had enough sleep so it seems, bright n shine02:39
OerHeksDrabber is barking @ you ..02:40
* lotuspsychje throws a frolic to drabber02:40
OerHekswatching episode 3/59 of Elementary02:41
lotuspsychjedont know that102:41
OerHeksex drug addict cop  & female surgeon that killed a patient helps police with solving crimes02:43
lotuspsychjesounds a bit like the killing02:46
naccamerican remake of sherlock :)02:46
OerHeksenglish accent in NY ;-)02:46
nacclotuspsychje: so it's a little different than the killing :)02:46
nacclotuspsychje: have you see 'the fall'?02:47
nacclotuspsychje: or 'top of the lake'? both are very killing-esque02:47
lotuspsychjenacc: no, didnt see both02:48
lotuspsychjecrime solving series are always a hit02:49
nacclotuspsychje: if you enjoyed the killing, i recommend those both, interesting but unique each02:49
lotuspsychjenacc: tnx, ill try them02:49
OerHeksI like the Oscars :-D02:49
lotuspsychjeanyone seen robot s2 ?02:49
nacclotuspsychje: about halfway through now02:51
nacclotuspsychje: takes an (even) darker turn02:51
naccso my wife and I dont' overindulge :)02:51
naccOerHeks: the Oscars were pretty great to watch live this year02:51
lotuspsychjenacc: ill watch it too then :p02:53
OerHekshilarious, i do not watch such events, but read the news .. 2 envelopes???02:53
naccOerHeks: yeah :)02:54
lotuspsychjenacc: did you see who am i, the german hacker movie?02:58
Bashing-omAs I fear too much of a good thing, terminate now. G nite04:54
ducassemorning all07:06
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lordievaderGood morning.09:42
EriC^^i just /join #goldfish , nothing there so i joined #fish11:29
EriC^^then i'm like great i found something11:30
EriC^^EriC^^> hey guys11:30
EriC^^<EriC^^> i have 2 goldfish, even though i just change the water, they keep going to the surface and gulping for air, they started doing it, they weren't at first11:30
ducassedidn't expect shell users? :)11:30
EriC^^then i read the topic, and it says fishshell.com and it hits me :D11:31
EriC^^lol no, such a facepalm moment11:31
EriC^^i said 'oh my god' 'nevermind' nobody responded though11:31
ducasseprobably thought you were trolling :)11:32
EriC^^haha yeah probably11:32
EriC^^i cant figure out the goldfish problem though11:32
EriC^^i had to put a couple tuberwear plastics at the surface so they dont gulp for air anymore11:33
ducasseEriC^^: but when they go to the surface like that, i thought that was pretty normal.11:33
EriC^^they can get swim bladder disease if they keep gulping11:33
EriC^^no, they're supposed to just do it if the water doesn't have much oxygen or very dirty or overcrowding11:33
EriC^^there swim bladders fill with air and then they can't swim right anymore and stuff if they do that11:34
ducasseah, ok.11:34
ducasseshouldn't you have a pump to circulate air in the water?11:35
EriC^^yeah it would help, i'm changing the water daily though in the morning and at night, with a pump it should go for like a week maybe i guess11:36
EriC^^they're doing it with fresh water though immediately, at first thehy only did it when the water was old like at midnight if i didnt change the water i saw them gulping and change it11:36
ducassewell, at least you've managed to keep them alive for a few days so far :)11:37
EriC^^maybe they're bored or something?11:37
EriC^^i'm also not letting them eat right now cause they overate or something and they had buldgy organs11:38
ducassedon't ask me, my goldfish knowledge is severely limited :)11:38
EriC^^maybe that's it, they're hungry as hell and doing that11:38
EriC^^hehe it did start after the fasting though11:38
EriC^^i'll feed them some veggies, it's good for their tummies11:39
ducassethey will eat anything you put in there, it's not like they stop when they're full11:39
EriC^^yeah that's right11:39
ducassethat's about all i know :)11:40
BluesKajHI folks11:46
ducassemorning BluesKaj11:47
BluesKaj'Morning ducasse11:47
pauljwHi everyone14:06
Bigbootyjudyim drunk whats going to happen to me at work tomorrow with a hangover?14:34
pauljwno worries, there's always another fast food joint hiring...15:02
BluesKajsuggest, go home and sleep it off :-)15:04
BluesKajan drunk this early in the morning??15:05
BluesKajwhat's  new pauljw ?15:06
pauljwnot much, wet here today.  how about you?15:06
BluesKaj cloudy and threatening rain15:08
BluesKajtrying debian again ..kinda like it15:08
ducassedebian is nice, but the ubuntu release cycle suits me better15:09
ducassenew software every six months is just right :)15:11
BluesKajstill have kubuntu zesty beta 1 installed for testing , but i'm not spending much time on it atm15:11
pauljwi prefer the lts releases, i'm not into constant upgrades.15:12
BluesKajyeah, usually keep a stable version as the main OS, but even debian stretch testing is already very solid15:15
BluesKajthere's also a good support bunch in their chat15:18
ducassetheir mailing lists are also excellent15:19
BluesKajsome familiar nicks from the past15:19
BluesKajand a couple of jerks, which is par for the course :-)15:20
Bashing-omOK, back , I am ready to have fun :D20:04
Th3_ghostBashing-om: Hi20:04
Bashing-omTh3_ghost: Hello, to what do I owe the honor of adressing ?20:05
daftykinsmust be new blood!20:06
Th3_ghostyep :)20:06
daftykinswelcome, welcome20:06
Th3_ghosti'm new in IRC world20:06
Bashing-omTh3_ghost: Well, me too then .. Welcome to our world . We do what we can - either fix you up, or drive you crazy - which ever happens 1st :)20:08
Th3_ghostwhat version of ubuntu are u using?20:11
OerHekshostnamectl status20:11
OerHeks16.04.2 it says20:11
Bashing-omTh3_ghost: Well, I multi-boot . I am presently on 16.04 (x)ubuntu release .20:12
Th3_ghostI was wondering when chromium 56 will release for 16.0420:13
Bashing-omTh3_ghost: Not at all 'til the MOTU have tested, and passed it on to us .20:18

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