[00:02] Welcome to the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, Issue 500 for the week February 20 - 26, 2017 https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue500 [00:03] :D [00:04] "Your submission could not be processed because a security token was missing. [00:04] sigh forums [00:04] no 500th issue for them [00:04] #sha1collision [00:04] XD [00:09] pleia2: Congratulations to you and the entire News Team on Issue 500! This is a great milestone [00:13] thanks, congrats everyone! [00:21] Oh my, yes. Congrats jose, pleia2! [00:22] congrats to pleia2! and thanks for all your work throughout the years :) [02:14] Issue 500! Yay! [02:14] pleia2: Eek, apologies on the mix up on my part. [17:17] tsimonq2: no worries, want to give the template a try with creating the Issue501 page? I can explain how it works [17:18] pleia2: I've done it before, I just forgot ;) [17:20] ah, ok