
lotuspsychjemorning guys, seems like ubottu is down in #ubuntu03:55
lotuspsychjejust letting you know03:55
=== Menzador is now known as Guest68041
ubottucfhowlett called the ops in #ubuntu (thegame kick/ban request)11:08
ubottuError: Your hostmask doesn't match or your password is wrong.11:30
=== k1l_ is now known as k1l
ubottuThe operation succeeded.11:31
=== Guest68041 is now known as Menzador
ikonia@mark #ubuntu RxMcDonald trolling questions - other users he does this with other questions on a regular basis14:01
ubottuThe operation succeeded.14:01
=== Menzie607 is now known as Menzador
k1l<RxMcDonald> Hello, anyone can help me increase the amount of Ubuntu inside of my CPU?15:38
k1lits him again15:38
geniik1l: Is this the guy that wanted to turn off some of his CPUs?15:45
k1lhe is trolling with that since weeks now15:45
ikoniahe's in irssi - he knows about computers15:46
ikoniahe's playing dumb in the other channels15:46
ikoniahe's making sure his irssi setup doesn't join channels without the cloak,15:46
ikoniait's %101 trolling15:46
k1lhonestly he is trolling since weeks with that "how can i put more ubuntu into my cpu". but since we seem to have a "dont provoke trolls" policy now, i did not ban or kick.15:50
ikoniait's fine, it's confirmed now15:51
ikoniahe's just gone from zero skill to fully understanding IRC, networking, IP and hiding them with cloaks in 15 seconds15:51
=== Menzador607 is now known as Menzador
=== mwsb is now known as chu
k1lviolencechildren> fuck you guys22:23
k1lwhat a welcome hello22:23

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