
knightwiseMorning guys09:00
diploMorning all09:00
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.09:01
davmor2Morning all09:06
=== JamesTait is now known as Guest52630
=== Guest52630 is now known as JamesTait
JamesTaitGood morning all! Happy Tuesday and, of course, happy Pancake Day! 😃09:53
diploAnyone have any thoughts on why smtp.office365.com resolves and sometimes doesn't on a *nix box, only that address fails09:54
diploIt appears to do some sort of round robin to different addresses ( not sure if that is the correct terminology )09:55
diploIf I hardcode it to one of the addresses that resolves in /etc/hosts it works fine from then on, but I don't like that solution09:56
diploDo wonder if it's an issue with Poco libraries we use and not like the round robin09:57
=== JamesTait is now known as Guest48538
=== Guest48538 is now known as JamesTait
davmor2JamesTait: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dU0iyBsdxCA easy10:03
diddledanwhen you attach the wrong resume: http://pbs.twimg.com/media/C5slbU6WAAAwj9y.jpg16:55
davmor2pancake overload18:31
diddledanwell done!18:36
daftykinswell holy moly, one Sky Q TV setup in and working at long last18:44
daftykins(for a client) as evil as the company are and as much as i wouldn't touch broadcast TV services myself, the mini boxes working over LAN to get the picture from the main unit and iOS/Android devices getting to watch live TV over the network as well is quite impressive18:45
zmoylan-pido sky offer an evil channel now?18:50
daftykinsthey all are!18:53
zmoylan-pieven the cartoon channels?18:53
daftykinsundoubtedly :)18:54
zmoylan-pii'll never see spongebob squarepants the same way again!!18:55
daftykinsclients' 3 year old seems to be all about Peppa Pig18:56
zmoylan-pii stopped watching that when it got all political :-P18:57
daftykinsthen all 1984? :)18:58
zmoylan-pishould have stuck with trotskyist manifesto18:59
daftykinsi got really interested in PBX and SIP malarkey last night, so i've decided to buy - https://www.amazon.com/Linksys-PAP2T-NA/dp/B000Q7PDW219:00
davmor2zmoylan-pi: he has square pants come on that has to be evil19:01
daftykinswell, not that exact one because that's a rip-off - but £15 on ebay. my understanding is it'll connect to my landline phone socket then with an IP phone on the desk and a VM running FreePBX i can have an office style setup :>19:01
diddledanALERT: AMAZON IS DOWN. REPEAT. AMAZON IS DOWN. https://twitter.com/awscloud/status/83665655421237248019:17
MartijnVdS🚨 🚨 🚨19:23
zmoylan-piwere's your cloud now?? ::insert manical laugh::19:31
davmor2zmoylan-pi: over head and leaking wet stuff19:31
zmoylan-pithat's merely weather...19:32
davmor2zmoylan-pi: it's weather coming from a my cloud though19:33
davmor2zmoylan-pi: see my cloud is working fine19:34
MartijnVdSyou run your own openstack? ;)19:34
daftykinshe must have an office with a window...19:35
zmoylan-pior an office so big clouds can form inside...19:38
daftykinsooh the new Apple UFO :P19:39
zmoylan-pii think nasa has a building clouds have formed inside https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vehicle_Assembly_Building#Capabilities19:41
diddledanzmoylan-pi: my cloud is in the sky19:43
zmoylan-piin ireland we expect them at ground level19:47
daftykinsavis: ?22:36
avishi daftykins22:37
daftykinsis it a guessing game?22:37
avisa former friend of mine coded that22:37
avisi care about ubuntu they help me other don't22:37
daftykinsi think that's just "i go where i get what i want"22:38
avishe passed away22:38
avisredhat 7.3 is great in usa22:38
daftykinsdoes crossing the border make it behave differently?22:40
diddledanyeah, it's terrible in canadia22:56
zmoylan-pimoose infestations in your sock drawers...22:56
=== layke is now known as Guest24208

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