=== JanC is now known as Guest13435 === JanC_ is now known as JanC === zsombi_ is now known as zsombi [11:20] greyback: did you ever discover why libubuntu-app-launch3-dev is stuck in Z-proposed? [11:22] alan_g: yep, it causes a breakage some reverse dependencies [11:22] I'm told kenvandine was working on fixing it [11:22] greyback: ok, thanks [12:46] Hello! Is this a good place to talk about unity8 design? [12:57] brunch875: it is the channel for all things unity8 development so fire away [12:59] davmor2: Oh nice! I was just wondering if there's any initiative behind making unicode smileys very accessible [12:59] kind of how they've got their own keyboard layout on the utouch [13:02] brunch875: it's a keyboard layout so should be in there by default not sure how the layout would work though. [13:06] neat === tedg_ is now known as tedg