
inetprogood mornings05:40
paddatrappermorning inetpro, everyone06:17
nsnzerogood morning all06:49
nsnzerohttp://za.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial Release06:52
nsnzerogetting 404 error when updating06:52
LangjanG'morning all07:05
LangjanHow are you doing Kilos? 07:05
nsnzeromorning Langjan 07:06
Langjanhi nsnzero 07:06
magespawngood morning07:06
Langjannsnzero, you keeping well?07:07
Langjanhi magespawn 07:07
Kiloshi Langjan im still kicking ty and how are you?07:12
Kilosmorning every one else07:12
Kilosand inetpro 07:12
Kilosnsnzero change server to neology07:13
Kiloschange repo that is07:13
LangjanI'm fine thanks Kilos just wondered how you're doing health-wise 07:13
Kilosstill surviving ty07:14
Kilosvit c still trying to do its work07:14
Langjanok, did you try to kick hard for a few days, like triple or quadruple dose? 07:15
Kilosnot enough of them07:15
Kilosi got a 1 month supply07:15
chesedomorning inetpro paddatrapper nsnzero Langjan magespawn Kilos07:16
Kiloshi chesedo 07:16
Langjanno man just do it, that kick has residual effect07:16
Kilosand magespawn 07:16
Langjanhi chesedo 07:16
Kilosok ill take 3 today07:16
Langjanand tomorrow07:17
Kilosok 07:17
Kiloslemme count them07:17
Langjanspace them morning noon and evening07:17
Kilosi been taking morning and evening07:17
Langjanwhats the recommended dosage?f 07:18
Kilos1 a day i think i read07:18
magespawnyour body cannot store vit c, so anything it does not use will be flushed out.07:18
Kilos1 or 2 daily or as directed. no-one directed07:19
magespawni have always found that it is better to space them about 12 apart07:19
Langjanmagespawn, google food state07:19
paddatrapperhi chesedo, Langjan, Kilos 07:19
Kilosi got 12 left07:20
Langjanwe dont want to store the stuff, just let it do its job07:20
Langjanhi paddatrapper 07:21
LangjanOK Kilos you been good to take two, take three or four per day until the stock is gone then see how soon you can get some more07:23
Kiloslol ok will do07:24
Kilosty for that info oom07:24
Kilosyou have a good day07:24
LangjanGood man! Strongs and best wishes 07:24
Langjanyou also enjoy the day and have a good meeting07:25
Kiloswhat meeting07:25
Kilosoh my07:25
Kilosty for reminding me07:25
LangjanDont you have irc tonite or tomorrow?07:25
thatgraemeguymorning peoples07:25
Kiloshi thatgraemeguy 07:25
Langjanhi thatgraemeguy 07:25
LangjanOk will leave you at it, go well my friend07:26
Kilosgo well sir07:26
LangjanMaybe I must go to kde so I can visit more often to sort out probs? lmga07:27
LangjanBye now07:28
andrewlsdMorning peeps. :-D08:36
Maazandrewlsd: By the way, nsnzero on freenode told me "tell andrewlsd -> Durban Time : Your Time + 2 , lol" 16 hours, 6 minutes and 18 seconds ago08:36
andrewlsdThanks Maaz08:36
* andrewlsd pops in to visit #ubuntu-us-az 09:03
andrewlsdtyping AZ requires real intention. I keep typing ZA.(muscle memory)09:03
nsnzerohi andrewlsd 09:04
andrewlsd\o nsnzero09:05
nsnzerocant download ktorrent cos the ubuntu-za repository is malfunctioning 09:18
* theblazehen wonders why you can't define fallback mirrors for apt09:23
theblazehenYou could probably run a local haproxy / nginx for it09:24
andrewlsdapt-proxy is able to do some URL-equivalence rewriting. but if using https for apt_transport, then not sure if that would still work.09:26
nsnzerotheblazehen: i think its for security reasons 09:31
nsnzerofree book for those who love the command line http://linuxcommand.org/tlcl.php09:31
theblazehennsnzero That's what signed packages are for09:31
theblazehenandrewlsd yeah, running apt-cacher-ng at home09:31
theblazehenStill slow to install packages :/ due to storage speed. Takes like 8 min to launch a container, install config management, and have it install my stuff09:32
theblazehenMight be due to the fsync's that apt does from what I read09:32
nsnzerotheblazehen: aaaaaaaah 09:33
nsnzerodoes apt check signature though ?09:33
theblazehenAnd it's a bit of a pita to not check it IIRC09:33
nsnzeroi am looking for a simple qt based email client - kmail not required 09:37
theblazehenKonsole + mutt? /s09:39
theblazehenKonsole + emacs + Gnus?09:40
theblazehenDoes anyone even use the systemd remote stuff? https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux/7/html/System_Administrators_Guide/sect-Managing_Services_with_systemd-Remote.html10:26
theblazehenApart from possibly journald logging10:26
theblazehenWhich is different10:26
chesedonsnzero: the first four might inspire you -> http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/?s=email10:34
Kilosguys give me a command to delete a directory off mt desktop please10:35
Kilosrm says its a directory so cant rm it10:36
Kilosmy ssd is full so need to make space quick10:36
Kilosi forgot i wasnt on a large drive and made a /home backup on desktop10:37
theblazehenKilos rm -r10:47
nsnzerothanks chesedo 10:50
nsnzerocant install beause i cant update the repositories - going to reboot10:52
nsnzerono joy - i will try later10:56
nsnzerorr:9 http://za.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial InRelease                                   10:57
nsnzero  Cannot initiate the connection to za.archive.ubuntu.com:80 (2c0f:fe40:8001:10::2). - connect (101: Network is unreachable) [IP: 2c0f:fe40:8001:10::2 80]10:57
* chesedo sees nsnzero is lucky enough to be on an IPv6 network11:03
nsnzeromy secret is out 11:08
magespawnwould it make that much of a difference?11:14
nsnzeromagespawn: the ip6 ?11:16
theblazehennsnzero use archive.ubuntu.com ?11:20
theblazehennsnzero What's your ipv6 address?11:20
theblazehenIs it in the fe80 range?11:21
nsnzeroyip - starts with fe8011:21
Kilosnsnzero maybe symmatria is working on it or upgrading11:22
Kilosuse neology man11:22
theblazehennsnzero That's a auto configured address11:23
theblazehenLink local*11:23
theblazehenSo you won't get an internet connection11:23
theblazehenDisable ipv611:23
nsnzeroit my router giving me a local ip6 address -> NAT11:24
theblazehennsnzero Nope11:26
theblazehenkind of like ipv4's
theblazehenLAN only, but you're trying to use it for internet11:27
theblazehenUntil we get ipv6 here, gotta disable it :/11:27
* chesedo is under the impression that IPv6 does not use NAT...11:29
theblazehenchesedo it shouldn't, yes11:30
nsnzeroi have dual addresses ip4 and ip6 11:34
theblazehennsnzero From your isp? Or just in ifconfig / ip a11:35
chesedonsnzero: so you are tunneling?11:35
* chesedo is off to lunch11:36
nsnzeroexternal is ip4 internal is ip4 and ip6 11:36
theblazehennsnzero So you use ipv6 in your home network?11:36
nsnzeroits also been this way - and i wont touch it as long as it works11:37
theblazehenWell, if you use NDP / RA (not too familiar with ipv6) you wouldn't get a link local address11:37
theblazehenI think?11:38
theblazehenSo, default linux would give you a link local ipv611:38
theblazehenBut for some reason it thinks it has an ipv6 internet connection11:38
theblazehenBrowsers normally handle it fine11:39
andrewlsdnsnzero: I came across a simple QT mail client last week. only does Imap.11:39
theblazehenThey do A and AAAA lookups, and try both, if ipv6 works, yay, otherwise use ipv411:39
andrewlsdnsnzero: http://trojita.flaska.net/11:39
theblazehenSo you should just tell it not to use ipv6 for dns, or just not ipv611:39
andrewlsdnsnzero: via http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2017/02/install-trojita-email-app-ubuntu11:40
andrewlsdsorry nsnzero I didn't see that theblazehen already sent you that.11:41
theblazehenOr get ipv6 via a tunnel broker if you wanna play with ipv6 I suppose11:41
andrewlsdFYI, DSL in ZA pretty much doesn't support ipv611:41
theblazehenandrewlsd yeah, waiting on telkom for it11:41
theblazehenDSLAM needs to support it IIRC11:41
andrewlsdso I do this to avoid paying attention to AAA records: `echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/default/disable_ipv6`11:42
theblazehenSorry, BRAS I think?11:42
andrewlsdtheblazehen: IIRC yes.11:42
theblazehenYeah, BRAS https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Broadband_remote_access_server11:42
andrewlsdalternative version systcl -w net.ipv6.conf.default.disable_ipv6=111:43
theblazehenAnd throw it in /etc/sysctl.d11:43
andrewlsdtheblazehen: https://bin.snyman.info/mmmmdrt411:44
andrewlsd... useful for containers. so that the container's bridge doesn't support ipv6, so containers tend not to attempt ipv6.  YMMV11:45
theblazehenandrewlsd fyi net.ipv6.conf.all.<stuff>11:46
andrewlsd? theblazehen11:49
theblazehenandrewlsd So you don't need it for each interface afaik11:50
andrewlsdYeah. I was nervous about disabling ipv6 on localhost11:50
andrewlsdapparently it can cause unexpected results. which is why I had _default_ set to 011:50
theblazehenWhat's the worst that can happen? You need to reboot?11:50
theblazehenSays the guy with 60+ days of uptime11:51
nsnzerosorry got busy12:12
nsnzeroandrewlsd: thanks12:18
nsnzeroi will read up on ip6 later - but it works so i wont interfere 12:19
chesedonsnzero: when you read later, you can use 'ping6 2001:4860:4860::8888' to test if it works (it is the ipv6 equiv of ping
nsnzerowill try it chesedo 12:35
nsnzerochat later guys - take care 12:43
Kilossorry guys bad mobile signal here16:18
nsnzerogood evening all17:04
paddatrapperevening nsnzero 17:05
nsnzerohi paddatrapper 17:06
paddatrapperDon't forget meeting in 1.5 hours everyone17:14
nsnzerothanks paddatrapper - i will be on 17:25
* nsnzero is online18:23
theblazehenhey nsnzero, paddatrapper18:26
paddatrapperHey theblazehen 18:26
nsnzerohi again paddatrapper . theblazehen 18:26
nsnzeroquick question - i have /var on a seperate 10G partition is that enough ?18:27
theblazehennsnzero Yeah, just watch /var/cache and /var/log18:28
paddatrappernsnzero: Depends what you're doing, but yeah18:28
theblazehenCheck your log rotation settings18:28
nsnzerodf tells me that 13% is already used and this system is 1 week old 18:28
theblazehenConsider using filesystem quotas?18:28
nsnzeroi had quotas installed on the other system but wasnt set up 18:29
paddatrapperwhat are you using it for? Mine is 2.4G and it's been going about a year18:29
chesedoevening all18:30
paddatrapperhi chesedo 18:30
nsnzeronothing intensive . just web and a few terminal apps 18:31
nsnzerohi chesedo 18:31
chesedoseems like we may have low attentance tonight18:31
paddatrapperAlrighty, meeting time?18:31
paddatrapperoom Kilos-, you around?18:31
chesedoKilos- inetpro magespawn smile  spinza superfly theblazehen meeting about to start18:32
smileI will be listening 18:32
paddatrapperMaaz: start meeting about Ubuntu Monthly Meeting - February 201718:32
* Maaz gets out his memo-pad and cracks his knuckles18:32
paddatrapperWelcome all and thanks for joining in on our monthly meeting18:33
paddatrapperOur bot maaz does the minutes as usual so please introduce yourself to it using `Maaz: I am <firstname lastname>` eg.18:33
paddatrapperMaaz: I am Kyle Robbertze18:33
Maazpaddatrapper: Alrighty18:33
chesedoMaaz: I am Pieter Engelbrecht18:33
Maazchesedo: Righto18:33
paddatrapperThe agenda for today is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZATeam/Meetings/2017022818:33
paddatrapperthe agenda is short so any last minute addition are welcome18:33
nsnzeroMaaz : nasan zero present 18:33
Maaznsnzero: Sorry...18:33
theblazehenMaaz I am Jeandre Le Roux18:33
Maaztheblazehen: Righto18:33
nsnzeroMaaz: i am nasan zero18:34
Maaznsnzero: Sure18:34
paddatrapperEveryone happy with the agenda?18:34
paddatrapperMaaz: agreed All happy with agenda18:34
MaazAgreed: All happy with agenda18:34
paddatrapperMaaz: topic Review minutes of previous meeting18:34
MaazCurrent Topic: Review minutes of previous meeting18:34
paddatrapperprevious meeting minutes is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZATeam/Meetings/2017012418:34
paddatrapperAll good with the previous minutes?18:35
nsnzeroyes - from myside 18:36
chesedoseems so yes18:36
paddatrapperMaaz: agreed All happy with previous minutes18:36
MaazAgreed: All happy with previous minutes18:36
paddatrapperMaaz: topic Plans for 201718:36
MaazCurrent Topic: Plans for 201718:36
paddatrapperAny updates on tareq, magespawn's and Kapanda's membership?18:36
chesedonope, although I may know where to find tareq now18:37
Kilos-Maaz I am Miles Sharpe18:37
MaazKilos-: Righto18:37
paddatrapperchesedo: Haven't seen him18:37
Kilos-sorry im late guys18:37
paddatrapperno problem18:38
nsnzeroapology accepted Kilos- 18:38
chesedoi see magespawn's wiki is still blank too18:38
chesedonp Kilos-18:38
Kilos-tareg been offline for months18:38
Kilos-remove that paddatrapper 18:38
Kilos-Maaz hi18:38
* Maaz waves to Kilos-18:38
paddatrapperMaaz: agreed stop tracking tareg's membership application18:39
MaazAgreed: stop tracking tareg's membership application18:39
paddatrapperAnyone else need help with membership, launchpad ID, etc?18:39
=== Kilos- is now known as Kilos
nsnzeroi am good 18:40
paddatrapperAny update on Ubuntu for Hope?18:40
chesedomay i propose that we rename this section (Plan 20xx) to Next Steps?18:40
paddatrapperI second that18:40
Kilosnsnzero when you applying18:40
chesedoas in next steps for new users and establishes ones...18:40
Kilospaddatrapper thats your field isnt it18:40
paddatrapperMaaz: agreed rename Plan 2017 to Next Steps18:40
MaazAgreed: rename Plan 2017 to Next Steps18:40
Kilosoh no chesedo 18:40
nsnzeroapplying for Kilos ?18:41
chesedoKilos: what have i done???18:41
paddatrapperKilos: what is my field?18:41
KilosMaaz seen superfly 18:41
MaazKilos: superfly was last seen 21 hours, 46 minutes and 42 seconds ago in #ubuntu-za on freenode [2017-02-27 20:54:58 GMT], and has been online on freenode since 2017-02-22 03:09:03 GMT18:41
Kilosthe ubuntu for hope18:41
Kilossomeone here was involved18:42
* paddatrapper learns a new thing everyday :)18:42
chesedowe can move it to events?18:42
Kilosit was with karl wasnt it18:42
chesedoit is an (ongoing) event after all...18:42
paddatrapperIf no-one knows who/what, maybe we strike it until someone who knows appears18:42
Kilosso much has happened i forget what went where18:43
paddatrapperYeah or move it to events with Ubuntu education18:43
* chesedo kmf and other Prt guys are involved there18:43
chesedoalthough only kmf has done stuff so far...18:43
paddatrapperMaaz: agreed Move Ubuntu for Hope to events18:43
MaazAgreed: Move Ubuntu for Hope to events18:43
Kilosim trying to remember who18:43
nsnzeroi am in the education field i  can help out there 18:43
chesedoKilos: karl is correct18:44
paddatrapperI work at/attend educational institutions, but we generally use Debian18:44
chesedothe initial talks of it was about general PC edu at schools...18:45
nsnzeroubuntu for hope - can only find a facebook page for it 18:45
paddatrapperMaaz: agreed nsnzero is willing to help out with Ubuntu for Hope18:45
MaazAgreed: nsnzero is willing to help out with Ubuntu for Hope18:45
Kilosinetpro ping18:45
Kiloschesedo you sure it wasnt you?18:45
Kilosoh maybe pieter18:45
Kilosforget his nick as well18:45
paddatrapperWe probably should put more info out about it? Is it on the trello board?18:45
chesedonsnzero: https://ubuntuforhope.org/18:46
Kilosnsnzero teach me not to forget18:46
chesedonsnzero: https://gitlab.com/ubuntuforhope/ubuntuforhope.org18:46
chesedoKilos: i am pieter18:46
nsnzerochesedo: thanks18:46
chesedopaddatrapper: good idea and no18:46
paddatrapperMaaz: agreed paddatrapper to add links to next meeting's agenda for Ubuntu for Hope18:47
MaazAgreed: paddatrapper to add links to next meeting's agenda for Ubuntu for Hope18:47
paddatrapperand trello board *18:47
paddatrapperMaaz: topic Events18:47
MaazCurrent Topic: Events18:47
inetprogood morning everyone 18:47
paddatrapperrubyfuza was earlier this month18:47
paddatrapperhi inetpro 18:47
inetproMaaz: I am Gustav H Meyer 18:47
Maazinetpro: Righto18:47
Kiloslo pro18:48
* chesedo will contact kmf as well... maybe we can get a few fb posts and tweets out...18:48
inetproAm I on time again? 18:48
paddatrapperinetpro: of course :)18:48
Kilosinetpro apologise for being late18:48
Kilosi did18:48
chesedopaddatrapper: you can add that too ^^18:49
Kilosmakes the young ones feel good to say accepted18:49
inetprothanks paddatrapper ;-)18:49
paddatrapperMaaz: topic Plans for 201718:49
MaazCurrent Topic: Plans for 201718:49
inetprooops, sorry Oom Kilos 18:49
paddatrapperMaaz: agreed chesedo to contact kmf and organise a few fb posts18:49
MaazAgreed: chesedo to contact kmf and organise a few fb posts18:49
chesedoinetpro: see now we are starting all over again :P18:49
paddatrapperSorry my connection is a little slow at the moment18:50
paddatrapperOk, shall we move on?18:50
* chesedo just using it to tease inetpro18:50
paddatrapperMaaz: topic Events18:50
MaazCurrent Topic: Events18:50
Kilosno answer from server for 2 mins18:50
paddatrapperany feedback from rubyfuza?18:50
Kilosim lagging bad guys18:51
Kiloshi williamk 18:51
inetprohy lag baie hard? 18:51
chesedonope, only know of unloadable that might have had for the docker event...18:52
chesedohi williamk18:52
paddatrapperOk, then the Docker roadshow?18:52
nsnzerooff topic does ubuntu for hope have a letterhead or something similar ?18:52
williamkHi All18:52
nsnzerohi there williamk 18:52
paddatrapperhi williamk 18:52
chesedonsnzero: nope, it is very simple18:52
inetprohi williamk 18:52
williamkMaaz: I a William Kinghorn18:52
Maazwilliamk: *blink*18:52
Kilosmaak reg willie18:53
chesedonsnzero: you might also want to talk with williamk as he is in the know on education too18:53
paddatrapperMaaz: agreed no-one has info on the docker roadshow or rubyfuza18:53
MaazAgreed: no-one has info on the docker roadshow or rubyfuza18:53
chesedopaddatrapper: seems that unloadable may have forgot...18:54
paddatrapperLots happening this month though18:54
nsnzerome moves closer to williamk 18:54
Kiloshe does the books thi k18:54
paddatrapperscaleconf, devconf and FreeBeerSessions all in the beginning of march18:54
williamkKilos: still trying18:54
paddatrapperAnyone planning on attending any?18:55
Kiloswilliamk maybe nsnzero can help18:55
chesedoall are a bit out of my reach18:56
paddatrapperI'm planning on going to the CT FreeBeerSession18:56
paddatrapperShould be pretty cool18:56
williamknsnzero: just joined so don't know what you talking about18:56
nsnzerofreebeer i am guessing since its open source you get the recipe and make it yourself ?18:56
* chesedo rofl18:57
paddatrappernsnzero: that would be libre beer sessions :)18:57
chesedothen the instruments also has to be open source i guess18:57
inetpropaddatrapper: I think it was unlaudable who was talking about docker 18:57
paddatrapperinetpro: ack18:57
nsnzerowilliamk: sorry i am alitle lost also - we chat after the meeting 18:58
paddatrapperscaleconf was looking for helpers, but I think they're now sorted18:58
williamkFor you beer lovers, in the repos - Brewtarget and qbrew18:59
paddatrapperMaaz: agreed paddatrapper is attending the free beer sessions CT18:59
MaazAgreed: paddatrapper is attending the free beer sessions CT18:59
paddatrapperMaaz: agreed scaleconf - 9-10 March, Johannesburg; devconf - 9 March, Johannesburg; FreeBeerSessions - 2 March, Cape Town/Johannesburg19:00
MaazAgreed: scaleconf - 9-10 March, Johannesburg; devconf - 9 March, Johannesburg; FreeBeerSessions - 2 March, Cape Town/Johannesburg19:00
paddatrapperany other events coming up?19:00
paddatrapperMaaz: topic Miscellaneous19:01
MaazCurrent Topic: Miscellaneous19:01
Kiloswilliamk they were talking about education stuff like ubuntu for hope and then you arrived just in time19:01
paddatrapperthis may be a topic for nsnzero, williamk: Ubuntu education project19:01
inetprochesedo: any developments after your discussion with superfly yesterday? 19:01
inetprore the bots with news  etc 19:02
Kilosyes where are the new bots paddatrapper 19:02
chesedoinetpro: about trying to split tasks and job listings?19:02
* chesedo almost forgot19:02
Kilosyou guys are slow you know19:02
paddatrapperKilos: new bots? I just fix Maaz 19:03
paddatrapperIs there a wiki-page/trello item that we can track progress on?19:03
Kilosfly rather goes and plays in the snow19:03
* paddatrapper hasn't looked at the trello board lately19:03
paddatrapperKilos: and sick kids19:03
chesedopaddatrapper: may i have a (late) section after this one?19:03
paddatrapperchesedo: cool19:04
KilosMaaz ddg weather19:04
MaazKilos: Excuse me?19:04
paddatrapperKilos: next release of ibid19:04
Kilosthe new ibids man19:04
chesedowilliamk: what is your book about?19:04
Kilosits about supplying education books to needy kids like me19:05
chesedowhich subject?19:06
chesedoand how is it going?19:06
williamkchesedo: Wanting to start Documentation Project, Not only for FLOSS, but also creating Textbooks for schools, only using FLOSS software19:06
williamkSubjects wii19:07
Kiloswilliamk didnt you have some links on the project19:07
paddatrapperI heard a KDE developer talk about an open source set of textbooks they were developing, but I'm struggling to find a link19:07
chesedowilliamk: if i remember correctly, the issue last time was having a web space to co-ordinate things?19:08
paddatrapperfound it: https://www.wikitolearn.org/19:08
williamkSubjects will be dependate on who wants to write what, and when teachers join19:08
chesedowow, some site that paddatrapper19:08
paddatrapperwilliamk: similar to the Shuttleworth Foundation's (I think) Maths and Science textbooks from a few years back?19:09
nsnzerolittle info here - seems like the DOE likes to change textbooks every year - i have to get new books with the updates -costs a small fortune19:09
paddatrapperMaaz: wikiToLearn is https://www.wikitolearn.org/19:09
Maazpaddatrapper: Got it19:09
paddatrapperMaaz: KDE education project is also https://www.wikitolearn.org/19:10
Maazpaddatrapper: I'll remember that19:10
williamkSomething more like http://flossmanuals.net/19:10
Kilos2 min lag here guys19:10
chesedowilliamk: will it be for sa schools (or aimed at)?19:11
chesedonsnzero: that site does not exist19:12
williamkWhere we have a book creation colloborative app , and a website where people can download to the finnished books19:12
williamkchesedo: Yes for SA school, but others can adapt to their needs19:13
chesedooh boy, that thing does not even have a dns record for when the www is missing19:13
chesedowilliamk: so which next step is needed?19:14
paddatrapperMaaz: agreed williamk wants to start a documentation project, Not only for FLOSS, but also creating Textbooks for schools, only using FLOSS software19:14
MaazAgreed: williamk wants to start a documentation project, Not only for FLOSS, but also creating Textbooks for schools, only using FLOSS software19:14
superflySorry I missed the meeting, it's in the middle of my morning19:15
nsnzeromorning superfly 19:15
paddatrappernp superfly, morning19:15
superflyor are we still in it?19:15
inetproyep 19:16
superflyMaaz: I am Raoul Snyman19:16
Maazsuperfly: Okay19:16
nsnzeroif i have some time i will work on leads to help out williamk 19:16
chesedonp superfly, you are just in time to further yesterday's discussion... we are almost there19:16
paddatrappersuperfly: talking about Ubuntu education projects19:16
paddatrapperalright, chesedo you have the floor19:16
chesedothanks paddatrapper19:17
chesedoyesterday superfly shared the structure of their meetings over there and it sparked 3 ideas...19:17
chesedoto have a news and/or jobs listings sections?19:18
chesedoto divide these meeting sections to peers?19:18
inetprobye zaki19:19
nsnzerolike sub committees  to report back ?19:19
chesedolike blaze always seems to be in the know on the latest stuff if he would like to share the highlights...19:19
* Kilos pricks ears19:19
theblazehenchesedo sounds good19:20
chesedoand hilton (from sulug) has posted a lot of jobs listing in the past... and then there is also the jobs listings at each's own works that others my find interesting...19:20
paddatrapperchesedo: and the third thing?19:21
williamkDBE has the National Curriculum Statement http://www.education.gov.za/Curriculum/CurriculumAssessmentPolicyStatements(CAPS)/CAPSFET.aspx19:21
chesedopaddatrapper: i went blank :D19:21
williamkWe have to put that into manuals19:21
paddatrapperchesedo: lol :)19:21
Kilosold age19:22
inetpro1. news, 2. jobs and 3. blank 19:22
* Kilos feels good19:22
paddatrapperI like the job listings, I'm not sure how the peers idea would work in practice19:22
inetpronext time fill in the blank 19:23
chesedoeither point one was two things, or there was another...19:23
paddatrappernews is also good :)19:23
chesedoand sounds like theblazehen is up to it...19:24
inetprosuperfly: help 19:24
nsnzeroubuntu 17 beta 1 is released 19:24
superflyinetpro: I have no idea, it was chesedo's ideas, I just shared the logs from the most recent AZLoCo meeting,.19:24
superflychesedo: I also mentioned weekly meetings, but I think that's a bit much for Ubuntu-ZA19:24
chesedopaddatrapper: i can try to reach hilton to discuss his input (or find his methods)...19:25
superflypost on the mailing list?19:25
paddatrapperchesedo: Ok, but in principle I'm game19:25
magespawngood night all19:25
chesedosuperfly: things like news and the positions can became stale in a month so we may have to see about that19:26
nsnzeronight magespawn 19:26
paddatrapperMaybe they should be plugins/knowledge we add to Maaz?19:26
superflymaybe a mini meeting once a week and a maxi meeting once a month? irrunno19:26
superflythat's a lot of work19:27
inetprocould work 19:27
chesedopaddatrapper: the peers idea is like say has a collection of news (that get shared with him) and some else the positions...19:27
paddatrapperchesedo: ah ok19:27
chesedothen they would quickly list them (like events) in the meeting and we move on...19:27
Kilosthanks for joining us superfly 19:28
chesedotheblazehen: are you up for it?19:28
Kiloswe know you yanks are rather busy19:28
paddatrapperOk shall we try it out next month and see how it goes? or try a mini weekly meeting?19:28
theblazehenchesedo:  yeah19:29
Kiloswb williamk 19:29
inetprosomeone would have to go through the list of news and reduce it to just the top 5 or so 19:29
chesedomaybe biweekly first, to test it and keep the load small19:29
chesedoinetpro: correct19:29
paddatrappersounds good, though my attendance in the evening for the next while is going to be spotty19:30
superflygood idea, chesedo19:30
williamkKilos : still here19:30
chesedoso the mini meeting will be about the news, positions and maybe education if we can start it19:30
paddatrapperwhat day of the week?19:30
paddatrapperI suggest a Wednesday or Monday19:31
chesedoi have no idea... guess there is a reason why it is Tuesdays?19:31
chesedoKilos inetpro superfly nsnzero ^^19:31
inetprotough one 19:32
chesedowilliamk your input too ^^19:32
Kiloswas to accomodate maia19:32
Kilosanyday ok with me if i can stay awake19:32
inetprobook the meeting and have it with those who can make it 19:32
chesedopaddatrapper: seems like your call19:32
* chesedo ok with both19:33
paddatrapperWednesday then? Mondays seem to be a little slow19:33
* theblazehen is good with any day19:33
chesedopaddatrapper: +119:33
Kiloscheck mailing list as well and see if you can get feedack form some new guys19:33
inetproya Mondays can be rough 19:33
williamkKilos : start the meet at 7:30 or 819:34
paddatrapperMaaz: agreed biweekly mini meeting about the news, positions and maybe education on Wednesdays19:34
MaazAgreed: biweekly mini meeting about the news, positions and maybe education on Wednesdays19:34
nsnzeroguys i am calling it a night - i will catch up tomorrow 19:34
nsnzerogood night all19:34
chesedonight nsnzero19:34
Kiloswilliamk the family gues prefer 8 or 8.3019:34
Kilosim easy19:34
inetpropeeps with kids need family time 19:34
williamknsnzero : do you still want to talk19:34
paddatrapperI'd go with 8:30, to keep it consistant19:35
paddatrapperMaaz: agreed Mini meeting start at 20:30 SAST19:35
MaazAgreed: Mini meeting start at 20:30 SAST19:35
Kilos2 weeks time19:35
chesedopaddatrapper: and theblazehen to handle the news section19:35
Kilosget list feedback19:36
chesedoKilos: right19:36
paddatrapperMaaz: agreed Starting in two weeks (14 March) theblazehen will handle the news19:36
MaazAgreed: Starting in two weeks (14 March) theblazehen will handle the news19:36
paddatrapperMaaz: topic Next meeting19:36
MaazCurrent Topic: Next meeting19:36
chesedopaddatrapper: that would be the 15th (Wednesday)19:37
paddatrapperThe next full meeting is 28 March 2017 @ 20:3019:37
paddatrapperchesedo: thanks19:37
paddatrapperMaaz: agreed mini meeting 15 March, not 14 march19:37
MaazAgreed: mini meeting 15 March, not 14 march19:37
Kilosthanks for attending everyone and well done paddatrapper 19:37
paddatrapperMaaz: agreed Next meeting is 28 March 2017 @ 20:30 19:37
MaazAgreed: Next meeting is 28 March 2017 @ 20:3019:37
paddatrapperMaaz: topic Elect chairperson for next meeting 19:38
MaazCurrent Topic: Elect chairperson for next meeting19:38
williamkThanks all19:38
inetproso we list the mini meetings in the topic as well? 19:38
paddatrapperI will probably not be here next month, so who wants to chair?19:38
* chesedo thinks paddatrapper did an excelent job19:38
Kilosyip 19:38
chesedoi will be here if no one else is19:38
Kilosyou on next meet chesedo 19:38
chesedoinetpro: you want another wack?19:39
Kiloschesedo +119:39
inetpro+1 for chesedo 19:39
inetpromy days are packed 19:39
chesedonp inetpro19:40
Kilosand im busy19:40
paddatrapperMaaz: agreed chesedo to chair next meeting19:40
MaazAgreed: chesedo to chair next meeting19:40
Kilosim getting like everyone else now19:40
paddatrapperThanks everyone for coming19:40
paddatrapperMaaz: end meeting19:40
MaazMeeting Ended19:40
MaazMinutes available at json: http://maaz.mene.za.net/logs/meetings/freenode-%23ubuntu-za/2017-02-28-18-32-52.json :: txt: http://maaz.mene.za.net/logs/meetings/freenode-%23ubuntu-za/2017-02-28-18-32-52.txt :: html: http://maaz.mene.za.net/logs/meetings/freenode-%23ubuntu-za/2017-02-28-18-32-52.html19:40
Kiloseven when sleeping they busy19:40
inetprothanks paddatrapper 19:40
Kilosdanke paddatrapper 19:40
superflyBy the way, apparently Makro now sells servers: https://www.makro.co.za/computing-and-mobile/servers-EAG/pg1?CategoryBusinessKeys=EAG&Division=General%20Merchandise&Category4=Desktops%20and%20Notebooks&Category3=Servers19:40
chesedoand thank you paddatrapper for a great job19:40
paddatrapperthanks guys, anytime19:40
Kilosyes paddatrapper well done lad19:40
chesedothey also sell hard drives for over R150k19:41
Kilosthose feet dont affect you much19:41
inetproanyone importing mobile phones? 19:41
paddatrapperKilos: lol, just need my hands to type!19:41
* chesedo would like to import and aquarius in the future, but not currently19:41
* inetpro wants a cheap Samsung A5 201719:42
inetproor better 19:42
superflyinetpro: anything that's not a Samsung is better19:43
inetproai! 19:43
Kilosthank you guys , and sorry i missed so many meetings19:43
paddatrappersamsung is solid, they just keep going19:43
chesedowilliamk: how did it go with the server that you wanted to setup last year?19:43
superflypaddatrapper: not in my experience. LG does a better job19:43
inetprothanks paddatrapper, I agree with you there 19:44
paddatrappersuperfly: I still have a S2 that is going strong (just needs a new battery)19:44
superflypaddatrapper: my S3 was a complete fail19:44
superflyMy LG G2 is still going strong19:45
paddatrapperS3 was dodgy, yeah...19:45
inetpromy son still using my old Note 2 from 6 years ago 19:45
paddatrapperI also still have a Note 2 - my dad is currently using it19:45
inetprook maybe not 6, but 5 years 19:46
inetproalmost 19:47
williamkChesedo: did not work out, still trying19:47
chesedowilliamk: what was the software you tried again?19:47
Kilosnight guys . sleep tight19:49
williamkBooktype, I eventually got it working, but on Debian, but could not create PDFs19:49
williamkNight Kilos19:50
williamkPressbooks ( WordPress plugin ) has a pay plugin for creating PDFs, but mow has a free plugin based on mPDF, so am going to try that19:52
chesedowilliamk: ah right... i can try to see if i can get it up on my server during the week19:53
williamkAlso going to try coko.foundation Pubsweet : https://coko.foundation/new-pubsweet-release/19:54
chesedowilliamk: what are the main features you are looking for?19:54
paddatrapperwilliamk: I'm a little hestant about booktype, mainly because I distrust sourcefabric. They abandoned their FLOSS radio scheduling software Airtime in favour of their hosted propriatary version. They can quite easily do the same here...19:55
paddatrapperWhat about LaTeX files in git?19:55
paddatrapperAll depends what you are looking for...19:58
paddatrapperalright I'm off. Night everyone19:58
paddatrapperMaaz: FLOSS Manuals is http://flossmanuals.net/19:58
Maazpaddatrapper: Got it19:58
williamkchesedo: create manuals for FLOSS software, textbooks for schools, FLOSS manuals for ECDL/ICDL Certification using FLOSS, created with FLOSS Software19:59
inetprogood night everybody 19:59
williamkECDL/ICDL Certification : eg.  Using LibreOffice instead of MS Office20:00
chesedowilliamk: by features i mean... allow collaboration... export to pdf...20:00
chesedofor the app to have that is...20:01
williamkYes collaboration20:01
williamkPubsweet is all about creating books/whatever collaboratively20:02
chesedook so far i have: it should be floss, have collaboration and support pdf and possible postscript for the textbook creation20:02
chesedoit seems nice too20:03
chesedowilliamk: i might try it first and will let you know20:06
williamkChesedo : Thanks, am also going to try, Will be using MariaDB with PressBooks20:07
williamkAlso possibly EPUB format20:09
chesedook, 5 items... got it20:09
chesedoi am off to bed... night guys20:11
williamkNight chesedo, all20:12

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