[00:20] I quite agree. [00:21] knome: In that case, did you see my lament about base-files? [00:21] no [00:26] Unit193, feel free to also blacklist that for us [00:39] Well that sounds nice, I'd pretty much keep the comment intact for reference. [00:39] bluesabre: Oh, gonna bump -artwork? :P [00:40] Unit193, yeah, need to [00:40] also pending wp update [00:40] You'd know better than me about the icon themes and all. [03:52] ls [03:52] test [03:53] whois [03:54] Toodles. [11:23] bluesabre, Unit193: hey, would be really nice if we could get libxfce4ui 4.13 into https://launchpad.net/~xubuntu-dev/+archive/ubuntu/xfce4-gtk3, as it is e.g. a requirement for building xfce4-settings from master [11:25] It's in Zesty proper. [11:26] hmmm right [11:26] * ochosi is still on yak [11:27] xfce4-settings is in there too. :> [11:27] gtk3? [11:28] in zesty? [11:29] PPA. [12:06] ochosi, zesty is nice and stable, using it as a daily driver with no issues [12:24] ochosi: same here :) [12:25] It usually is pretty decent, our stuff is pretty much never complicated. :) [12:26] yea - to be fair I think most of the issues I find are mostly otherbuntu or I've broken something :D [12:29] still no idea why my otherzest refuses to play some mkv files - but once the partition is aa beta1 we'll never know :D [13:58] can confirm here as well Zesty playing really nice as daily.. Day of Defeat:Source runs even better than before [17:58] knome: is this supposed to be dead now? http://xubuntu.org/news/category/faq [19:15] flocculant, it [19:16] eh [19:16] flocculant, it's supposed to be at http://xubuntu.org/news/tag/faq/ [19:16] if we link to the old address somewhere, feel free to fix or tell me to ;) [19:50] knome: was just picking up from #xubuntu [19:51] and if I'd found it I would of course have probably tried to fix it - if I could log in :) [19:51] :) === SwissBot_ is now known as SwissBot [20:52] flocculant: do you still have a gtk2 panel around? [20:52] i'd just need a very quick test (<30s) [21:00] ochosi: umm not sire [21:01] No PPA contains the GTK3 panel. [21:01] ochosi: yea I have a gtk2 panel around :D [21:01] Unit193: thought so - but you were quicker than me and firefox and ppa list :p [21:02] so basically the test case is this: 1) go to the panel prefs, set hiding to "intelligently" [21:02] 2) then open a left-click menu (e.g. whiskermenu) and close it [21:02] (while keeping the mouse-cursor over the panel area and while having a window partly cover the panel so it would go back into hiding without mouse-focus) [21:03] 3) after closing the menu, is the panel still there or is it hidden? [21:03] umm - intelligently hiding isn't hiding at all [21:03] it only hides when you have e.g. a maximized window [21:03] or when you move a window over the panel's location [21:03] it "ducks" :) [21:04] aah yea I remember now ... [21:04] yeah, it's a tricky feature [21:05] panel hides [21:05] oh [21:06] hang on - having trouble parsing what you said :D [21:06] take your time ;) [21:08] panel hides with some window half over panel and ending whatever left click panel menu [21:09] also - is panel supposed to unhide if desktop gets focus from window half over panel? [21:09] it unhides as soon as some 'new' window gets focus [21:10] or rather mouse over desktop fails to unhide but click on desktop does [21:11] ok, so: [21:11] 1) panel hides if the focused window covers it (even just partly) [21:11] ochosi: also see the same behaviour with a right click menu btw [21:11] 2) panel should remain visible if a menu is opened [21:12] 3) what happens if the focused window does not overlap the panel and you close the menu [21:14] if the focused window doesn't overlap - intellihide doesn't trigger [21:16] for me it still flickers for a split-second when opening and closing whiskermenu [21:16] it remains there, but it flickers [21:17] not with every plugin though it seems [21:17] or the flicker isn't always visible is probably more accurate [21:17] definitley no flicker I can see [21:17] (i'm testing intellihide with gtk3, as you probably guessed) [21:17] which plugin do you see it with? [21:18] yea :) saw mention in xfce-dev [21:18] ftr I was using whisker, places, sound [21:20] ochosi: also, if it makes more sense to ping me for these things in #xfce so other people there can see the results then please do so :) [21:20] ok sure [21:21] I'm easy - you choose when it suits which channel :) [21:21] same here [21:22] :) [21:22] andrzejr is luckily hanging out here too ;) [21:22] :) [21:23] so reading #xfce-d, seems that gtk3 works the same way as gtk2 ? [21:24] yeah, apart from the small flicker i noticed, it seems to work alright [21:24] ochosi: so which plugin(s) do you see it with? or any? [21:26] seems pretty much any [21:26] ok, now this is better. [21:26] 1) maximize a window [21:27] 2) bring a small window that does *not* cover the panel to the front/focus [21:27] 3) click to open a menu and then to close it [21:27] for me, the panel jumps out and in again in this case [21:27] very noticably in this setup [21:30] in that setup here - panel never hides because maximised window doesn't gain focus [21:31] right, then that's a regression of the gtk3 version [21:31] as soon as max window gets focus it hides - all seems to work as I'd expect [21:32] I guess only way for me to be sure I'm seeing the same is for me to build gtk3 panel [21:32] andrzejr: ↑ [21:34] flocculant: it's in git master now, so no weird branches or anything [21:34] Unit193, which part ↑ are you referring to? [21:36] ochosi: and point me at that then :p [21:36] http://git.xfce.org/xfce/xfce4-panel/ [21:36] just build normally with ./autogen.sh && make && sudo make install [21:36] that'll make it go to /usr/local so you can cleanly uninstall [21:37] however, it will take down your panel settings [21:37] so be sure to back that up with xfpanel-switch before you try that [21:37] yup [21:37] and before that - this is a clean install no git or anything ... [21:37] (simply because the panel doesn't find your plugins, for that you would have to install with a different --prefix, but that's irrelevant for this test) [21:40] ochosi: to be sure I'm cloning git://git.xfce.org/xfce/xfce4-panel ? [21:40] yup [21:42] oh lord here we go ...The required package ... [21:43] :> [21:43] you need the xfce-gtk3 ppa [21:43] mostly [21:43] and apt-get build-dep xfce4-panel [21:44] got ppa, got build-deps [21:44] garcon-gtk3-1 it wants [21:46] libgarcon-2-0-dev from the ppa. [21:46] which I installed but it still complains [21:47] Unit193: yea [21:55] http://paste.ubuntu.com/24086547/ [21:56] I'm lost there then :) [22:32] got past that install libxfce4ui stuffs and then libwnck stuff [22:36] indeed, that is odd [23:06] evening all [23:06] Howdy. [23:06] hullooo bluesabre [23:07] uh oh [23:07] bluesabre: Didja look into ffe'ing notifyd? :P [23:07] quick responses, you guys were lying in wait [23:07] ...Yes. [23:07] yes indeed [23:07] Unit193, need to do that tonight... but a bit tied up the past few days [23:07] *been [23:07] literally? [23:07] :P [23:07] Sure it's fine, just figured I'd aa... [23:07] ..sk. [23:07] * bluesabre won't say [23:08] (: [23:11] anything else I need to be aware of? [23:11] knome, I'll happily beta test your wallpaper [23:11] haha [23:11] Nope. I uploaded some plugin that had a bugfix release, uploaded something to PPA. [23:12] cool [23:12] bluesabre, i might get something for you to test tomorrow :P [23:12] knome, awesome, looking forward to it [23:12] but test, not upload ;) [23:12] :D === triode is now known as Guest61573 === Zren_ is now known as Zren