
cholcombeok. looks like you can't specify the series in the config.yaml.  It has to be on the cmd line00:02
Budgie^SmorelazyPower so I am running into a problem with my infra-in-a-box maas environment right now hence why I haven't come back to the issues with the k8s cluster :-/00:04
Budgie^SmoreI am thinking of switching out the virt tech I am using for it00:05
=== thumper-dogwalk is now known as thumper
lutostagCynerva: any charm out there using a debug-layer currently?00:50
lutostag(one I can easily test-deploy to see if new feature in crashdump works with it)?00:50
lazyPowerlutostag: kubernetes-master/worker/etcd00:51
lazyPowerhowever etcd may not have landed yet.... i'd need to check the charm store00:51
lutostaglazyPower: that'll work, thanks00:55
KeyboardSquidAnyone online? Looking for some help troubleshooting a bootstrap issue03:12
KeyboardSquidJuju Version: 2.0.2-xenial-amd6403:14
KeyboardSquidWhen running "juju bootstrap lxd lxd-juju" I get the following error:03:14
KeyboardSquiderror: cannot load ssh client keys: open /home/keyboardsquid/.local/share/juju/ssh: permission denied03:14
stormmoreKeyboardSquid, what's the output from ls -la /home/keyboardsquid/.local/share/juju/ssh ?03:17
KeyboardSquid"Cannot open directory /home/keyboardsquid/.local/share/juju/ssh"03:17
KeyboardSquidlooks like the owner is listed as User: Root, Group:root03:18
KeyboardSquidlooking online, this seems to be an issue in earlier versions of juju, but was supposed to be fixed after version 1.8.003:19
KeyboardSquidI am connected to this machine via SSH if that matters03:20
stormmoreyou can do a "chown -R keyboardsquid. /home/keyboardsquid/.local/03:23
stormmoreyou can do a "chown -R keyboardsquid. /home/keyboardsquid/.local/"03:23
stormmorethat should fix the permissions for all the folders in the directory and should fix your problem03:23
KeyboardSquidok, i can try that. Is there any reason .local would be owned by root in the first place?03:24
stormmorenothing in your home dir should really be owned by root03:24
stormmoreroot can walk in regardless anyway03:24
KeyboardSquidBoom, looks like im good to go. Thanks!03:25
stormmoreno worries :)03:25
kjackalGood morning Juju world!08:14
=== frankban|afk is now known as frankban
eeemilHow does Juju decide which subnet to use within a specific space? I'm deploying to MaaS where each machine has 2 NIC:s, one NIC is exposed to Internet and one NIC is for internal communication. I want to deploy openstack-base. If I have 2 separate spaces (one external, one internal), Juju seems to become confused. If I have 1 space with both external and internal subnet, I can't communicate with some units as08:52
eeemil they get internal IP:s listed as public...08:52
cnflazyPower: so it seems socks support missing isn't a bug ^^;10:12
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anrahHas anyone been able to bootstrap controller with 2.1 using OpenStack as cloud provider?10:55
Zichello, is NGINX Ingress Controller deployed by CDK support this https://github.com/nginxinc/kubernetes-ingress/tree/master/examples/customization#using-annotations ?11:04
cnfhmm, wow11:09
cnfcan you bootstrap a juju controller manually?11:09
cnfbecause if you use maas, it claims an entire machine for this11:10
zeestratcnf: regarding juju controllers with maas. to reduce footprint on smaller deployments, we've used kvm's on maas controllers to colocate juju controllers11:44
cnfand you set the power mode to manual?11:45
zeestratwe use the Virsh power mode. see https://docs.ubuntu.com/maas/2.1/en/installconfig-add-nodes#kvm-guest-nodes11:46
cnfhmm, interesting11:46
zeestratno problem11:47
cnfcan you use a local socket as the power address?11:50
cnfhmm, maas GUI really doesn't give a lot of feedback when it doesn't like some entry :P11:53
zeestratcnf: not sure, I've only used qemu+ssh with an IP.11:53
cnfzeestrat: ssh to the localhost?11:53
zeestratyeah, can do that too I imagine.11:54
zeestratthe #maas guys can probably help you more if you get into the nitty gritty :)11:55
cnfyeah, i'll ask there :P11:56
cnfi haven't used kvm in ages, either11:56
cnfzeestrat: how did you create the kvm guest node? and make it pxe boot?12:31
Zic-> to anwser my question of earlier, the nginx-ingress-controller used by CDK does not support Annotations like the one from NGINX Inc., but it's not important, I used this howto and it works: https://github.com/kubernetes/contrib/tree/master/ingress/controllers/nginx/examples/custom-configuration12:52
ZicTL;DR, just use a ConfigMap instead of Annotations12:53
cnfhmm, i always get stuck on "Fetching Juju GUI 2.4.2"13:38
=== frankban|afk is now known as frankban
cnfwhere is that gui downloaded? is that a remote command?13:43
cnfhow do i tell it to use a remote proxy?13:43
cnfdoes juju expect direct ssh access to hosts it creates?13:50
marcoceppicnf: you can set the proxy values when bootstrapping, so it can use that during bootstrap13:52
marcoceppicnf: ssh access is needed during the bootstrap process, at the moment13:52
cnfthat's just not feasable here13:52
cnfwhy can't is just respect my ssh config13:53
marcoceppicnf: not sure about the ssh portion - as in if it does use a config or not13:53
marcoceppiAlso, I'm not sure why we even need SSH on first launch13:54
cnfi am about 4 hops separated from direct ssh access13:54
marcoceppicnf: what provider are you using?13:54
marcoceppilet me check13:54
cnfmy main goal is to install and manage openstack13:54
marcoceppisounds reasonable13:54
cnfit's been a rocky road so far...13:55
marcoceppicnf: lets see if I can help curb that14:01
cnfthat would be nice :P14:01
cnfmarcoceppi: btw, https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+bug/1668727 is also mine14:05
mupBug #1668727: juju does not support socks5 as a proxy <juju:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1668727>14:05
marcoceppicnf: There's a Juju Show later today, I'll make sure to bring it up14:06
cnfoh, nice14:06
cnfmarcoceppi: if you need ssh, it'd be nice if i could specify an ssh wrapper, or at least get my ssh_config used14:13
marcoceppicnf: yeah, I think so14:14
disposable2have 4 machines ready in MAAS. i want to control it by juju BUT i don't want to sacrifice 1 of the 4 machines to be the controller. is it possible to have the controller in lxd?14:14
cnfi'm going to take a break, and think on how i can bypass this temporary14:15
disposable2s/control it/control maas14:15
cnfdisposable2: i'm putting the controller in kvm on the maas machine14:16
cnfwell, i;m trying to, juju isn't cooperating much atm :P14:16
cnfdisposable2: maas can work with KVM just fine14:16
cnfdisposable2: https://docs.ubuntu.com/maas/2.1/en/installconfig-add-nodes#kvm-guest-nodes14:17
disposable2cnf: thanks, but the question is somewhat different. i want to know if the controller HAS to be in the same 'cloud' as the cloud it is controlling14:17
cnfit has to run somewhere14:18
cnfif you don't want it on the metal, AND you don't want it on the MAAS controller14:18
cnfwhere would you put it?14:18
disposable2cnf: into lxd 'cloud'14:18
cnflxd is just a local instance14:18
cnfon your laptop14:19
cnfor on something running14:19
disposable2i'm not going to sacrifice a 60K server with 1TB ram to be a controller.14:19
marcoceppidisposable2: the controller has to be reachable by other machines14:19
cnfthe only thing running is the maas controller14:19
cnfdisposable2: so, as i said, run it in KVM on the MAAS controller14:19
cnfdisposable2: you said you have a MAAS working, run it on the same machine the MAAS controller is on14:19
marcoceppi^ +114:20
marcoceppiI run three KVM on my 5 node maas cluster to just get more density14:20
disposable2marcoceppi: so if my lxd machines are using a bridged interface on a common network, then bootstrapping my maas-controller in lxd will work?14:20
cnfdisposable2: you have nothing to run lxd on, atm14:21
disposable2marcoceppi: my main problem is with the extremely superficial juju documentation."man juju" doesn't clearly explain what i can or cannot do with 'juju bootstrap'14:22
marcoceppidisposable2: it's possible, but if you bootstrap lxd juju will expect lxd as your model, let me chekc if you can bootstrap one cloud and point at another14:22
disposable2marcoceppi, cnf: i guess, i can add a cheap node to maas and run kvm on it if that's the only solution.14:22
cnfdisposable2: ...14:23
cnfdisposable2: use the MAAS server...14:23
cnfyou already HAVE that14:23
cnfdisposable2: what is the maas controller running on, atm?14:23
disposable2cnf: i understand what you're trying to say, my question was meant to be a generic one - i.e. "can the controller of 1 cloud backend be running on another cloud backend?" (if networking isn't an issue)14:26
marcoceppidisposable2: I know you can do things like, regions across a controller cloud14:27
marcoceppidisposable2: not sure about cross controller, trying now14:27
rick_hmarcoceppi: no, can't do that atm14:28
marcoceppiah :(14:28
rick_hmarcoceppi: too much chance for things to go boom with networking and dupe 10.XXX addresses and such14:29
rick_hyou can do manual machines if you want to14:29
rick_he.g. add-machine ssh... and point at a machine on another cloud but it's kind of a mess14:29
marcoceppirick_h: right.14:30
disposable2rick_h, marcoceppi: thanks14:33
aisraelrick_h, how is manual provider a mess right now? iow, what should we be keeping an eye out for?15:23
rick_haisrael: I just mean that mixing a manual machine into an AWS model15:24
rick_haisrael: e.g. it's not as nice as "juju add-unit"15:24
aisraelrick_h, Gotcha. It's "complicated". :D15:24
rick_haisrael: since to get a machine from another cloud you'd need to get that instance, setup SSH, and then add-machine your new GCE instance into your AWS model so that you can cross cloud bits15:24
rick_haisrael: yea, it's a messy UX I guess. Sorry for the confusion there.15:25
brandor5Hello everyone: I've tried asking my question in #openstack-charmers and #openstack but haven't gotten any replies, so I'm going to try here... I'm trying to set up an openstack POC using maas/juju and I'm hitting a snag when trying to use vlan networks (for floating and provider networks)... flat networks work fine but when using a vlan network for a floating external pool, i don't see traffic jumping from the router namespace out to15:51
cnfmarcoceppi: so any suggestions on how to get going for now?16:00
dakjHello guys, I need help. I try to deploy Landscape Dense-Maas on Ubuntu 14.04Lts but I've received that error on haproxy: "Status: error - hook failed: "config-changed"16:15
dakjIP address: none16:15
dakjPublic address: none". Someone can help me, please?16:15
hackedbelliniHey guys! I have a setup here using lxd. I'm trying to make some changes to cloud-init's user-data (more specifically, add a dns search option in it), but it doesn't seem that the it is being propagated16:39
hackedbelliniI'm doing the changes like this: lxc config edit juju-449b90-616:40
hackedbelliniafter that, I try to restart the lxc (I even tried restarting the host itself), but it is still using the old config16:40
hackedbelliniwhen I look at /var/lib/cloud/instance/user-data.txt, it is still in the old version too16:41
hackedbelliniam I missing something here?16:41
jrwreni do not think you can change user-data once a system is booted. its a one time thing AFAIK.16:42
jrwrenlxc is behaving like other clouds in this regard. AFAIK you can't change it on AWS, Azure or GCE either.16:42
hackedbellinijrwren: hrm, so is there any other way of doing that?16:43
hackedbelliniI really need to make those changes16:43
jrwrenhackedbellini: there is some way to copy cloud-config to a host and make cloud-init evaluate and execute its modules based on it. I don't recall how, but IIRC it is on stack overflow.16:44
hackedbellinijrwren: ok, I'll check it. Do you have any idea of what kind of keywords I should use for the search? I just don't know how exactly to describe the problem to search it on google =P16:45
jrwrenhackedbellini: run cloud-init with cloud-config after boot?16:46
jrwrenhackedbellini: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6475374/how-do-i-make-cloud-init-startup-scripts-run-every-time-my-ec2-instance-boots#10455027 :)16:47
hackedbellinijrwren: oh thanks! I'll take a look16:47
hackedbellinijrwren: I don't know if those will help me. Let me ask you a question and maybe the answer to it will point me in the right direction:16:58
hackedbellinithe config from /etc/hosts are generated by cloud-init. They are based on /etc/cloud/templates/hosts.tmpl. When I look at that template, I see that cloud-init will use the fqdn/hostname from its configuration. In this case, how can I change the hostname?16:59
hackedbellinisince my changes are not propagated, what would be the way to change it? Changing it on /var/lib/cloud/instance/user-data.txt would do the trick?17:00
jrwrenyes, I'd overwrite that file.17:01
hackedbellinijrwren: ok, I did. So, how can I "trigger" the update of /etc/hosts now? I updated that file and restarted the lxc, but nothing17:01
hackedbellinibecause if I know how I can trigger that I probably can trigger the dns changes if I make them on that file too17:02
dakjAnyone can help me?17:03
lazyPowerdakj: what substrate and juju version are you using?17:05
dakjLazy power: 2.017:05
lazyPowerdakj: and what cloud?17:06
dakjlazypower: MAAS17:06
lazyPowerdakj: can you pastebin the logs from haproxy?  juju ssh haproxy/0 && pastebinit /var/log/juju/unit-haproxy-0.log17:06
dakjI've opened a post here (http://askubuntu.com/questions/886533/deploy-landscape-status-error-hook-failed-install-ip-address-none-public)17:07
lazyPowerdakj: ah actually your debug-log --replay command would work as well17:08
dakjlazypower: on post I had a problem with postgresql, but re-make everything the same issue is on haproxy17:09
lazyPowerdakj: is it possible the vm is configured without proper networking?17:09
dakjlazypower: look that http://askubuntu.com/questions/881208/deploy-landscape-gui-via-juju-gui-on-ubuntu-14-04lts-server17:10
hackedbellinijrwren: btw, if I change /var/lib/cloud/instance/cloud-config.txt or /var/lib/cloud/instance/user-data.txt, when I restart the container, it gets reverted to the previous version...17:10
dakjLazy power: all node are configured well on MAAS and their status is correct17:10
jrwrenhackedbellini: right. its not really designed for this. you are off the rails. Maybe better to find a different way to acomplish what you need?17:13
hackedbellinijrwren: ok, but now I'm even more lost hahaha17:14
jrwrenhackedbellini: when you first asked your question, I didn't realize you were using juju, I thought this was lxcontainers irc channel, so I gave a very poor response for a juju context.17:15
jrwrenhackedbellini: I thought you were using lxc/lxd directly.17:15
hackedbellinijrwren: oh, probably my fault, I think I wasn't very clear about that. So, since I'm using juju, that makes what I want to do easier or harder?17:17
jrwrenhackedbellini: neither, it just makes it different, or possibly unsupported.17:19
jrwrenhackedbellini: I think the juju-way would be to use a juju charm to do whatever custom server config you desire.17:20
hackedbellinijrwren: hrm I see. Just to be sure, one last question then: What I'm doing right now is hardcode changing the templates in /etc/cloud/templates. I need some changes on /etc/resolv.conf and /etc/hosts. Are you sure there's no way to change those variables anywhere easy?17:23
jrwrenhackedbellini: AFAIK there is no juju easy way. Depending on the behavior of your models, you could do things like use `juju run` to keep them up to date.17:26
jrwrenhackedbellini: I think resolvconf may be what is overwriting /etc/resolv.conf editing an /etc/resolvconf/ template may be enough to persist that. the /etc/hosts file, I'm surprised is overwritten.17:27
hackedbellinijrwren: I see. Thanks anyway =P. And yeah, it is on every boot17:28
jrwrenhackedbellini: to what end are these changes important? does this effect the workload of those units and the charms which they run?17:28
hackedbellinijrwren: kind. The hosts one is because the "localdomain" domain that juju used was being rejected by out mail server. It was expecting a certain domain or no domain, and because of that I needed to change it. The dns one is because we have a local dns server here and we need to use it for search or else some of our services will not find some hostnames using17:32
hackedbellinisome local domains17:32
jrwrenhackedbellini: is there a reason DHCP isn't pointing you to local DNS by default?17:36
dakjLazy power: sorry a lost the connection17:40
dakjlazyPower: any sugget17:41
hackedbellinijrwren: It is pointing to the host machine, but the dns server is running on another one17:42
jrwrenhackedbellini: maybe the host machine is misconfigured then? its DNS upstream could be that important other one.17:43
hackedbellinijrwren: hrm, probably. Is it something I can configure on /etc/default/lxc-bridge?17:44
hackedbellinithis is my current content:17:44
jrwrenhackedbellini: I'm not sure. does `dpkg-reconfigure -p medium lxd` ask about DNS at all?17:46
hackedbellinijrwren: no, but there's a "Path to an extra dnsmasq configuration file" in that file. Maybe it is for that?17:47
jrwrenhackedbellini: sounds great, yes. then find the dnsmasq config to point to upstream DNS17:48
hackedbellinijrwren: lets see if that will do the trick17:52
lazyPowerdakj: not sure, sorry. Sounds like there's an issue with one of the units config in maas though. if its consistent but changes application on each deployment18:01
lazyPowerdakj: i suspect you need to assign the networks the unit is part of18:01
lazyPowereg: edit the unit in question "precipitating-petunia.maas" for example, and check those interfaces, then assign each interface to a fabric.18:01
bdxbrandor5: hey, whats up18:11
brandor5bdx: hello :)18:11
bdxbrandor5: I don't think vlan type networks are supported as external provider network type in openstack18:11
brandor5bdx: that's weird, I'm pretty sure that in a hand rolled (not maas/juju) install I had them working without issue :/18:12
bdxbrandor5: I have tried to get that working a while back (mitaka), as I couldn't find any info on it either, and had no luck18:12
bdxbrandor5: when you create an "external" network in openstack .... you can't also set it as type vlan18:13
bdxthe api commands just won't take ....18:13
bdxbrandor5: please let us know, if you get this working, as I think many in the community have difficulty here18:14
bdxbrandor5: I'll give it a shot again if  have time in the next day or so18:14
brandor5bdx: I'm almost 100% that I've done it in the past when not using the charms18:14
bdxbrandor5: the "charms" have nothing to do with the way openstack networking works once it is setup really18:15
bdxbrandor5: the charms let you specify at a higher level what traffic should go over what interface, so that when openstack is deployed you have the capability to jump right in and start using it18:16
brandor5bdx: when you say 'external' you mean network that provides floating ips?18:16
bdxbrandor5: yes, in the context of an traditional openstack "external" network18:17
brandor5bdx: ok, that's fair enough. I can't remember if I had an external network using vlans... but I did definitely have 'provider' networks using vlans... is that supported with the charms?18:17
bdxbrandor5: yes, out of the box, the openstack charms support vxlan,gre,vlan, and flat network types using neutron-openvswitch/neutron-gateway18:20
brandor5bdx: maybe that's what is causing some of my confusion? I'm not able to get provider vlan networks functioning either18:20
bdxbrandor5: are you specifying that network type when you create your networks via openstack api?18:21
brandor5bdx: yes18:21
bdxbrandor5: can I see that command?18:21
brandor5neutron net-create --provider:network_type vlan --provider:segmentation_id 4002 --provider:physical_network physnet1 --router:external dtint18:22
hackedbellinijrwren: it worked! Btw, in the process, when I was trying to rerun my cloud-init config, I tried something that made my juju agent get lost. The container is working, I can even "juju ssh" to it, bu on "juju status" while others show as "started" it shows as "down". Is there something I can do about that?18:25
bdxbrandor5: what is the result of that command?18:25
brandor5bdx: it creates a network18:25
jrwrenhackedbellini: restart the juju machine agent. there should be a juju service for it.18:25
bdxoh ... interesting18:25
bdxbrando5: have you ensured all of your physical routing up to the interface is correct, e.g. the vlan is getting there?18:26
hackedbellinijrwren: probably it is worse than that. I restarted the server hosting the lxcs18:26
hackedbellinijrwren: Let me tell you what I did18:26
bdxbrandor5: the interface to which physnet1 is assignedb18:26
brandor5bdx: yes, i have... tcpdump at multiple locations18:27
bdxbrandor5: so, what is not working?18:27
brandor5bdx: I would except that when I spin up an instance that's attached to that network that I would be able to see traffic and communicate with out real-world systems on it18:28
brandor5expect, rather18:28
rick_hREMINDER juju show coming in 33 minutes!!! Some big stuff coming!18:28
rick_hhatch: bac arosales marcoceppi lazyPower mbruzek kwmonroe and anyone else reminder ^18:30
hackedbellinijrwren: I was trying to find the answer on stackoverflow that I followed. Buyt well, I removed the "/var/lib/cloud/instances/juju-449b90-6/" directory and run "cloud-init init" again. After that the problem started. Like I said, the container is working fine, but juju is not able to connect to its agent18:30
bdxbrandor5: you spin up instances in an internal network which uses that same router as its gateway right?18:30
hatchoh I'll be there :)18:30
bdxbrandor5: I'm not aware that the dhcp mechanism is running on the external network by default18:30
jrwrenhackedbellini: that... might be very bad. rahter than try to recover can you remove that juju unit and add a new one for that application?18:31
brandor5bdx: sorry, I've sent you the wrong command above... that's from when I was trying to set up a vlan external network18:31
hackedbellinijrwren: and one even stranger thing. I was trying to do a restart on the service but it doesn't seem to exist. There's only a "juju-clean-shutdown" service, it should have 2 more for the machine and the unit18:32
bdxwhich should be ok though ... as there is nothing stating that creating vlan external provider networks isn't a thing18:32
brandor5bdx: now I'm confused18:32
hackedbellinijrwren: as a last resort I can do that, but I would rather not have to. The service is easy to deploy, but the data migration would take me some time to do18:32
jrwrenhackedbellini: right, and its the juju defined cloud-config which creates those, but if you someone removed that... you are really off the rails :)18:33
bdxbrandor5: I haven't been able to do it, but I'm finding docs that say its a thing18:33
jrwrenhackedbellini: ah, the data is local to the unit? ugh.18:33
hackedbellinijrwren: yeah, unfortunatly. Its a jenkins unit btw, lots of configurations for lots of jobs18:34
brandor5bdx: you just told me that i can't create an external network that is of vlan type18:34
hackedbellinijrwren: can I copy some file from other container and maybe make that work? hahaha18:34
brandor5bdx: sorry for the delay there, wanted to scroll back up and make sure I'm not really losing it... :D18:34
=== frankban is now known as frankban|afk
bdxha, brandor, I tried very hard to get that working .... it very well may be possible, but its an area that entirely stumped me .... its possible that it wasn't supported in kilo/mitaka and now it is though18:36
bdxits an amorphous beast18:36
mimizonehi all.18:37
brandor5bdx: like I said earlier, I'm almost 100% that I've at least done provider networks that way... and I'm also fairly confident that I had external networks set up like that too... and this would have been on kilo and liberty18:38
arosalesrick_h: unfortunately I wont be able to make the live show today18:38
mimizoneis there a way to give a hint to juju 2.1 on which IP to use for the node/machines? instead of trying to guess by connecting to all interfaces, and then be at the mercy of timing.18:38
rick_harosales: booo :P ok, thanks for the heads up18:38
hackedbellinijrwren: you know what, I'll recreate that machine :)18:38
rick_hmimizone: on maas you can use endpoint bindings for this18:38
rick_hming: what substrate are you looking at currently?18:39
arosalesrick_h: looking forward to the reply18:39
bdxrick_h: when are you guys going to rev the beta controller?18:40
mimizonerick_h: not sure what your mean.18:40
rick_hbdx soon, there was an email yesterday about if we should go forward with 2.1 controllers. so I think it's getting ready to happen18:40
rick_hjuju show hangout url: https://hangouts.google.com/call/w3ojiephyrbslk44jhq4wbfb2me and the streaming url: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RdWCtGk_4rU18:42
bachey rick_h, is it almost time for the Juju Show?18:48
hatch12m bac :)18:48
rick_hbac: yes, links above ^18:48
lazyPowerbac: in case it was missed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RdWCtGk_4rU18:53
rick_hwell that was rude google18:53
rick_hjuju show hangout url: https://hangouts.google.com/call/w3ojiephyrbslk44jhq4wbfb2me and the streaming url: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RdWCtGk_4rU18:53
rick_hI got booted and had to relogin/etc again18:53
mimizoneso I am not clear on how network bindings would help picking the right network interface/IP when adding machines to a juju controller.19:00
rick_hmimizone: sec, starting the show but can chat after19:01
mimizoneoh ok sorry19:02
zeestratrick_h: Any updates to the Juju charm store to show the bindings available now that they need to be set explicitly for containers in 2.1?19:13
stormmoreo/ juju world19:13
zeestratrick_h: bindings for each charm that is19:13
hackedbellinihey guys! Any reason why my mediawiki deployment is listed like this on juju status: mediawiki/1*                  blocked   idle   13    80/tcp              Database required19:14
hackedbelliniit is saying that "Database required", but it is working fine19:14
lazyPowerheyo stormmore. You're just in time for the juju show https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RdWCtGk_4rU19:16
stormmorewonder if the "work across multiple clouds" will come to regular juju19:18
mimizoneusing juju 2.1, I see error as such in one of the machines, blocking the creation of lxd containers.19:19
mimizonecontainer provisioner for lxd: setting up container dependencies on host machine: not found19:19
mimizoneERROR juju.worker runner.go:210 exited "1-container-watcher": worker "1-container-watcher" exited: setting up container dependencies on host machine: not found19:19
lazyPowerHooo look at that hot kubernetes action19:20
mimizoneERROR juju.provisioner container_initialisation.go:116 starting container provisioner for lxd: setting up container dependencies on host machine: not found19:20
stormmorelazyPower, now now, no need to get a big head :P19:20
lazyPowerstormmore: i'm not entirely certain thats possible... my head is already pretty big19:21
stormmorelazyPower, ah but there is physical and egoistical size :P19:22
mimizonegood stuff I see on the show by the way :)19:24
stormmoreI wish I was working with juju and not maas right now :-/19:24
lazyPowerstormmore: pack a 1/2 punch and do both19:29
stormmorelazyPower, I am but I am fighting an inconsistency in the maas installer :-/19:29
stormmorelazyPower, yeah it is weird one where installing maas doesn't register the rack controller with the region controller intermittently19:34
stormmorehmm youtube / canonical disconnect?19:37
rick_hstormmore: ?19:38
stormmoreI lost connection to the video and can't get it back19:39
rick_hkwmonroe: any link for your CI thing to note?19:44
rick_hkwmonroe: docs, CI charm, etc19:44
kwmonroerick_h: the latest cwr charm has the workflow documented in the readme (CWR on Charm Source Pull Requests):  https://jujucharms.com/u/juju-solutions/cwr/19:45
kwmonroerick_h: a better synopsis/blog is coming this afternoon, but it's not quite ready yet19:46
rick_hty kwmonroe19:46
rick_hkwmonroe: k, will look out for that and update the readme later on. This is enough to get a first drive at19:46
stormmoree2e sounds really cool19:47
stormmorewhen is nagios going to die!19:49
rick_hstormmore: hah, one day19:50
rick_hmimizone: ping, so where were we?19:50
mimizonerick_h: thanks for coming back to me :)19:51
mimizoneI have 2 issues.19:51
rick_hmimizone: so https://jujucharms.com/docs/2.1/network-spaces is the basics of it19:51
rick_hmimizone: basically, you can tell Juju to place an application on a machine that has access to different network spaces. Juju then makes sure that the machine that it's placed on has devices on the right spaces, and handles making sure the charm is given the right information about what network device to use for communication/etc19:52
mimizonethanks I 'll into the spaces stuff. FYI. I am deploying the OPNFV bundle called JOID. It creates the bundle itself with a bunch of spaces/bindings  already for the application.19:53
mimizonemy question regarding that is more about the dns-name showing up in the juju-status I guess19:53
rick_hmimizone: ok, aisrael might be able to help with that bundle. He's got some experience with it more.19:53
rick_hmimizone: ok, so what's up with the dns-name?19:53
mimizoneit picks one of the IP address of the machine (they have 7 IPs in my setup).19:54
mimizoneI would like it to be predictable and pick only for instance what we call the admin network IP.19:54
rick_hmimizone: so I think there is to set the default binding19:55
mimizoneright now for instance, some of the machines have a dns-name sitting on the 1G nic card, and others on the 10G ports.19:55
rick_hmimizone: so that the default interface used is the one on the admin network you're looking for19:55
rick_hmimizone: check out https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/juju-dev/2017-February/006313.html19:56
mimizonerick_h: cool I read that.19:57
mimizonerick_h: can I bug you on the second question/issue?19:57
rick_hmimizone: what's up?19:59
mimizoneit's regarding one of the machines not creating the lxd containers. I see error in machine-1.log about missing dependencies. but I don't see any errors in cloud-init-output.log about a bad installation20:00
mimizonerick_h: stuff lke this ERROR juju.provisioner container_initialisation.go:116 starting container provisioner for lxd: setting up container dependencies on host machine: not found20:01
rick_hmimizone: hmm, anything else in there?20:02
rick_hmimizone: the lxd stuff won't be on the clout-init as containers are setup on demand20:03
rick_hmimizone: so it's juju's job. Now, is this on xenial? lxd is there ootb on xenial and I wonder if this is some issue working backwards on trusty?20:03
mimizoneyep xenial20:03
mimizonerick_h: lxd is there and running as a service20:04
mimizonerick_h: is there a way to retrigger a provisioning of the machine?20:05
mimizonea few more lines from the machine-1.log file in case it's useful20:07
mimizone2017-03-01 20:06:26 DEBUG juju.provisioner container_initialisation.go:185 release lock "machine-lock" for container initialisation20:07
mimizone2017-03-01 20:06:26 WARNING juju.provisioner container_initialisation.go:134 not stopping machine agent container watcher due to error: setting up container dependencies on host machine: not found20:07
mimizone2017-03-01 20:06:26 ERROR juju.provisioner container_initialisation.go:116 starting container provisioner for lxd: setting up container dependencies on host machine: not found20:07
mimizone2017-03-01 20:06:26 INFO juju.worker runner.go:262 stopped "1-container-watcher", err: worker "1-container-watcher" exited: setting up container dependencies on host machine: not found20:07
mimizone2017-03-01 20:06:26 DEBUG juju.worker runner.go:190 "1-container-watcher" done: worker "1-container-watcher" exited: setting up container dependencies on host machine: not found20:07
mimizone2017-03-01 20:06:26 ERROR juju.worker runner.go:210 exited "1-container-watcher": worker "1-container-watcher" exited: setting up container dependencies on host machine: not found20:07
rick_hmimizone: hmm, sorry not sure. Would have to file a bug and look into it. It works on other machines?20:09
mimizonerick_h: yes that the disturbing thing. same hardware, same config push by the same maas.20:09
mimizonewhat can juju do when a machine / app is in pending mode?20:10
mimizonecan it be reinstalled  without destroying everything?20:11
rick_hmimizone: so you can remove-machine.20:11
rick_hmimizone: and you can --retry-provisioning20:11
rick_hsorry, juju retry-provisioning20:11
rick_hmimizone: check the output of juju status --format=yaml20:11
rick_hmimizone: for that machine20:12
rick_hmimizone: or juju show-machine X where X is the machine number the container is on20:12
mimizonemachine is said to be running / deployed and all the containers are pending20:13
mimizonethink I can force a remove-machine and retry-provisioning? seems I can't retry if the machine is not in an error state20:14
mimizoneoh well, I force the remove-machine, but can't reprovision it then... :)20:18
hackedbelliniGuys, I'm trying to build a custom livecd inside a lxc container (on my jenkins deployment). I'm having some problems with mounts though20:29
hackedbellinifor example, when I try to do this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization#Prepare_and_chroot20:29
hackedbellinithis happens:20:30
hackedbelliniI found that the major problem is that the bind mount to dev is not working as it should20:30
hackedbellinifor example, I tried creating a /tmp/foobar and "mount --bind /dev /tmp/foobar". It works and I can see the content inside it, but they are all empty20:31
hackedbellinifor example, if I try to "cat /tmp/foobar/urandom" I get nothing instead of the random content that I get from "/dev/urandom"20:31
hackedbelliniam I missing something here?20:32
hackedbellininevermind, the problem was that I had to use "mount --rbind" instead of "mount --bind"20:48
lazyPowerarosales: I think i missed context? is this for charmbox?20:49
arosaleslazyPower: yes20:49
lazyPowerarosales: so long as its still published to pypi, we should have it https://github.com/juju-solutions/charmbox/blob/master/charmbox-setup.sh#L2620:49
lazyPowerhowever matrix would be missing20:49
arosalesya I was thinking the same that matrix would be missing20:50
lazyPowerarosales: do you happen to konw the official distribution pipeline for matrix? is it installable from pypi?20:51
arosaleslazyPower: pip install20:52
arosalessorry may be a clone, and not pypi20:52
lazyPowerarosales: thats fine, i'm installing charm-tools from MASTER in here as well, we can certainly add matrix as well20:53
=== beisner- is now known as beisner
lazyPowerwe're goign to keep bloating the base image size, but its an acceptable tradeoff20:53
arosaleslazyPower: I think Matrix is a worthy bit add20:54
arosaleslazyPower: I am going to confirm with cory_fu and tvansteenburgh on which bundletester release supports native 2.0 deploy and matrix20:55
arosaleslazyPower: from there perhaps I could work with you to make sure the latest bundletester is in charm box and install matrix20:55
tvansteenburgharosales: 0.11.0 supports native 2.0 deploy20:56
lazyPowerarosales: sure20:56
arosalestvansteenburgh: awesome, cory_fu do you know if 0.11 supports matrix as well?20:57
tvansteenburgharosales: matrix support was added in 0.10.020:57
tvansteenburgharosales: it does20:57
arosalesah ok20:57
arosales0.11.0 has all the goodness then20:57
arosalestvansteenburgh: thanks20:57
lazyPowertvansteenburgh: i'm pretty sure thats whats in pypi right?20:57
tvansteenburghlazyPower: yep20:58
lazyPowersorry split-attention with a customer meeting. i could go look myself...20:58
arosaleslazyPower: so as long as you are pulling in bundletester >= 0.11 we should be good to add in Matrix20:58
lazyPowerarosales: sounds like we just need to fetch matrix and we're in like flynn20:58
arosaleslazyPower: agreed, current instructions are at https://github.com/juju-solutions/matrix#running-matrix20:58
arosaleslazyPower: but cory_fu said he would be open to putting Matrix on pypi20:59
lazyPowertvansteenburgh: i see matrix is python3, should we move deployer to python3 as well?20:59
arosalesdeployer for 1.x/20:59
lazyPowersorry, split attention21:00
arosalesah bundletester21:00
lazyPowermy mistake21:00
arosalesno worries :-)21:00
arosalesdo we need bundletester at py 3?21:01
arosalesor nice to have21:02
lazyPowerthats my open ? - its just moving between pip install and pip3 install21:02
lazyPowersimple on my end, just wanted confirmation21:02
arosalescory_fu: and tvansteenburgh ^21:02
arosalescory_fu: petevg if you guys do get matrix on pypi could you ping the juju list?21:03
arosalesI think for charmbox we can still clone and install from there for the time being21:03
* arosales thinks21:03
cory_fulazyPower: I don't think BT will work in py3 just yet, but it would be good to work toward that.21:03
lazyPoweri'll leave BT in py2 for now until otherwise notified21:03
petevgThere's a bug blocking it -- it's noted in a docstring inside of bundletester.21:04
petevgarosales: packaging matrix is on my list of TODOs for the near future. Will ping the list when I release it.21:04
lazyPowerkicking off a build locally to include matrix21:06
catbus1Hi, I am trying to juju bootstrap to openstack, when setting up simplestreams, juju metadata: unrecognized command. using juju 2.1.021:18
cholcombeis there a way to set the lxd profile with juju?21:19
jhobbscatbus1: can you show your full command and output?21:20
arosalespetevg: thanks!21:21
catbus1jhobbs: nm, apt-cache policy showed juju wasn't installed, but I could juju status fine. weird. I installed juju again, and don't get the error message anymore.21:23
skayskayhi, I'm seeing 'agent lost' messages, but juju show-status-log doesn't find any history21:29
skayskayand I've restarted jujud on my machines to no avail21:30
=== hatch changed the topic of #juju to: Juju as a Service Beta now available at jujucharms.com | https://review.jujucharms.com/ | https://jujucharms.com/docs/ | http://goo.gl/MsNu4I || https://www.youtube.com/c/jujucharms
=== hatch changed the topic of #juju to: Juju as a Service - Beta now available at jujucharms.com | https://review.jujucharms.com/ | https://jujucharms.com/docs/ | http://goo.gl/MsNu4I || https://www.youtube.com/c/jujucharms
jhobbsshould that be https://jujucharms.com/beta ?21:31
=== hatch changed the topic of #juju to: Juju as a Service - Beta now available at https://jujucharms.com/beta | https://review.jujucharms.com/ | https://jujucharms.com/docs/ | http://goo.gl/MsNu4I || https://www.youtube.com/c/jujucharms
hatchjhobbs thx ;)21:33
skayskayI thought restarting jujud on machine 0 would bring back the agent21:47
catbus1$ juju bootstrap demo-openstack demo-openstack-controller --config tools-metadata-url= --config network=8b53cb07-fdb0-4fc9-9b02-6ea4ccad141e21:48
catbus1WARNING unknown config field "tools-metadata-url"21:48
catbus1Creating Juju controller "demo-openstack-controller" on demo-openstack/RegionOne21:48
catbus1ERROR failed to bootstrap model: no image metadata found21:48
catbus1jhobbs: ^^^ do you happen to know what might go wrong?21:49
jhobbscatbus1: use image-metadata-url rather than tools-metadata-url22:09
jhobbsalso it's easier to put the metadata in a local directory than on a http server22:09
catbus1jhobbs: I tried both, image-metadata-url and --metadata-source <local file path>, now the error is no image metadata found22:10
catbus1oh wait22:11
catbus1I think I may get the keystone ip wrong in the cloud config22:11
catbus1no, I have it right.22:12
jhobbswhats the local path, can you provide the output of tree from it?22:14
catbus1jhobbs: I provided the wrong keystone ip in the simplestream index.json.22:20
catbus1jhobbs: I can confirm that it is the wrong keystone ip I put in both json files that caused the problem.22:25
jhobbscool catbus122:25
jhobbsglad you gat it sorted22:25
catbus1--debug is a good friend.22:26
jhobbsyeah it's absolutely necessary when using the openstack provider22:26
kwmonroewelp hatch, i'm never bootstrapping again :)22:29
cholcombeaxw you around?22:44

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