
ABEDIN87HI there.. I'm Absolutely New To a forum... apologies in Advance for any Obvious question May occur... i have a very Serious Problem and you guys are my Ultimate hope if Nov salvation for this very uncommon issue:03:23
ABEDIN87Hi there,   I'm a PBell customer and i have a major issue with my Netbook dot s(Running win7) :basically i've  tried to install Lubuntu over win7 From a usb  and everything was Running correctly(following the instructions From the web ) then at the Moment of the installation Process when I've been ask whether i  wanted a side by side installation or overwrite win7,  i've  chosen to format the HHD and overwrite the current OS : I've 03:23
ABEDIN87_Hi there,   I'm a PBell customer and i have a major issue with my Netbook dot s(Running win7) :basically i've  tried to install Lubuntu over win7 From a usb  and everything was Running correctly(following the instructions From the web ) then at the Moment of the installation Process when I've been ask whether i  wanted a side by side installation or overwrite win7,  i've  chosen to format the HHD and overwrite the current OS 03:29
=== HI is now known as Guest8981
Guest8981I'm currently running Ubuntu 16.04.2 on a mid-2010 macbook pro and was looking to switch over to lubuntu and was wondering if i would have issues with gpu drivers? Will Lubuntu pull drivers from the same repository as Ubuntu did or will I have to manually install gpu drivers to get it to work properly? Thanks!03:58
tsimonq2Guest8981: It should manually pull the right drivers.04:33
tsimonq2Guest8981: If not, say so and stick around, and we can help you fix your problem. Or, if you still have problems, hop in #ubuntu and ask them what package is missing, and then install it.04:34
tsimonq2Guest8981: And yes, Ubuntu and Lubuntu share repositories.04:35
* tsimonq2 goes to sleep o/04:35
Guest8981tsimonq2: thanks for the help! Teveryone else, no need to manually install gpu drivers the nouveau drivers work out of the box! yay05:40
Nonobonsoir c'est Nono j'ai un souci avec toutou linux quelqu'un peut'il m'aider18:46
wxl!fr | Nono18:46
ubottuNono: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.18:46
=== dzho_ is now known as dzho

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