
=== JamesTait is now known as Guest95749
=== Guest95749 is now known as JamesTait
=== JanC is now known as Guest86538
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
dakerkalikiana_: morning, i did update the MR if you want to have a look https://code.launchpad.net/~daker/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/fix.1333228/+merge/31831110:57
dakeri still don't know why the label doesn't wrap10:58
ltinkldaker, tried setting "maximumLineCount" to something > 1?11:18
dakerltinkl: no, but i am suspecting that setting implicitWidth of the parent item doesn't make it ellipsis or wrap11:19
dakerit's like i am telling the item to stay at that fixed width11:20
tsdgeosMirv: what would you think of backporting this leak-fix (not very common) to our packages? https://codereview.qt-project.org/#/c/187028/2/src/qml/types/qqmldelegatemodel.cpp11:42
kalikiana_daker: Checking it here11:58
Mirvtsdgeos: I wonder if they'd like it for their 5.6 series? I guess 5.7 and even 5.8 are somewhat closed now13:33
Mirvbut sure, if it seems it'd be good for us, we could have it13:33
tsdgeosMirv: i had a conversation with tronical about it, he wanted "some extra work explaining why a memory leak needed to be backported"13:33
tsdgeosand i decided that given how they don't work much towards the community with not doing bugfix releases13:34
tsdgeosi'd let them backport it for themselves if they wanted13:34
Mirvtsdgeos: ok then13:51
MirvI know they're saying "critical fixes only" from now on in 5.6, which is a bit less LTS maybe than one could hope, but it's really their choice13:51
Mirvand it seems they might have LTSish releases starting from 5.9 if they get their CI in good shape. at least many point releases.13:52
tsdgeosyep, there's always hope13:52
Mirvtsdgeos: file a bug please so that I've something to point to in changelog13:52
tsdgeosi did13:53
tsdgeosi cc'ed you on it13:53
tsdgeoslet me find it13:53
Mirvoh, thanks :D e-mail, so old-fashioned13:53
tsdgeosMirv: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtdeclarative-opensource-src/+bug/166898213:53
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1668982 in qtdeclarative-opensource-src (Ubuntu) "Backport memory leak fix" [Undecided,New]13:53
Mirvyeah, found it, thanks13:53
tsdgeoswe'll not really CC'ed but "added you to notified of all changes"13:53
tsdgeosnot sure what that really does13:53
Mirvwell it adds me to bug CC and depending on how my filtering feels it shows up in correct folder (it did)13:54
kalikiana_daker: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24090227/14:25
dakerkalikiana_: ok, i'll add to the MR14:26
dakerkalikiana_: done14:38
kalikiana_daker: Please get rid of the clip: true that I used for testing, otherwise the focus ring doesn't work14:49
dakerkalikiana_: yeah sorry, i don't have a way to test it on this 14.04 machine, it's fixed now14:51
kalikiana_daker: You don't have a keyboard? :-o14:57
dakerkalikiana_: lol, no i mean i am on 14.04 on this machine :D14:58
kalikiana_Ah :-D15:00
kalikiana_Thanks for you work on this!15:01
dakerkalikiana_: \o/15:01
dakertwo bugs (y)15:01
=== Elleo_ is now known as Elleo

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