
wgwHello, first day with Ubuntu-Mate: I was trying to download a program and it asked for my password, but I can't for the life of me remember it? Any help?01:26
wgwWhen i installed the program I remember it saying something about install as superuser. Don't know what that is.01:27
alkisgvlt: if you're on LAN, fat clients are the way to go... all these remote screen technologies will never be good enough for LAN, because you just can't fit 2.5 gbps per client on a normal gigabit lan05:50
alkisgLTSP may even completely drop thin client support in version 605:50
=== james is now known as Guest88389
vltHello. Nearly everything in my Ubuntu 16.04 MATE system is localized/translated, also Thunderbird but not its Lightning module. What do I need to install do get also that in my local language?11:04
hugomonizdoregoHello All15:15
dbrassAnyone knows how to identify which software is responsible for an unlabelled notification icon in the notification tray in ubuntu-mate?16:03
douglas_can I also run unity 8 desktop in addition to mate on ubuntu mate 16.10?17:36
sixwheeledbeastYou could use the Munity panel17:57
sixwheeledbeastor maybe install Ubuntu and then install the DE's you want to try.17:58
vltHello. Nearly everything in my Ubuntu 16.04 MATE system is localized/translated, also Thunderbird but not its Lightning module. What do I need to install do get also that in my local language?19:01
Akuliis it translated on windows?19:01
vltI don't know.19:03
Akulithen it's possible that there are no translations for it19:03
Akulimaybe not in your language, maybe not in any language19:03
alkisgvlt, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lightning-sunbird/+bug/54577819:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 545778 in thunderbird (Ubuntu) "xul-ext-lightning is only available in English" [Medium,Triaged]19:16
alkisgvlc, debian sid does have proper packages, so we'll see them in ubuntu in the future, https://packages.debian.org/search?keywords=lightning19:22
alkisgvlt ^19:28
vltAnd again: Thank you, alkisg!23:08

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