
fossfreedom_Please can anybody sponsor our (Ubuntu Budgie) bug-fix package?  Reason - would be useful to get some early confirmation testing.  TIA - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/budgie-desktop/+bug/166714414:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1667144 in budgie-desktop (Ubuntu) "v10.2.9-3ubuntu3 bugfix release of budgie-desktop" [Low,In progress]14:06
rbasakfossfreedom_: have you build tested it etc?14:28
fossfreedom_rbasak: yes I have.14:28
fossfreedom_rbasak: much appreciated.  Is the 64bit LP builders having a bit of a strange time?  the amd64 build has failed but there is no build log -  every single other build has passed.15:03
rbasakI pressed the retry button.15:19
fossfreedom_rbasak: thanks.  just monitoring the build - still no buildlog output - very weird - https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/budgie-desktop/10.2.9-3ubuntu3/+build/1207139715:24
fossfreedom_yay! buildlog output !15:26

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