
nsnzeromorning all06:07
paddatrappermorning nsnzero, everyone06:25
nsnzerohi paddatrapper 06:27
theblazehenhey all06:51
andrewlsdMorning theblazehen nsnzero paddatrapper07:15
paddatrapperhi theblazehen andrewlsd 07:15
theblazehenhi andrewlsd07:15
theblazehenand paddatrapper07:15
andrewlsdpaddatrapper: you going to FreeBeer tomorrow?07:16
paddatrapperandrewlsd: yup07:16
theblazehenhttp://netsecfocus.herokuapp.com/ fyi if anyone is interested. A bit noisy though07:17
andrewlsdnsnzero: regarding your 10GB /var question: by default DBs install under /var/lib/${DB_app}  so I usually split /var and /var/log to avoid logs being affected by DB growing crazily and vice versa07:17
theblazehen+1 andrewlsd07:17
andrewlsdthat was re nsnzero's question yesterday 07:17
Kiloshi nsnzero paddatrapper theblazehen andrewlsd 07:17
Kilosand inetpro 07:18
theblazehenhi Kilos07:18
andrewlsd(i'm scrolling thru last night's meeting and backlog)07:18
andrewlsdHi Kilos07:18
paddatrapperhi Kilos 07:22
andrewlsdpaddatrapper: I wish I could go. Got stuff on tomorrow evening.07:22
paddatrappersounds like it's going to be quite fun07:23
andrewlsdonly topic I can see is highvoltage "Reason to use Debian". What else is on the program07:24
* andrewlsd goes away to do some OpenShift stuff07:25
nsnzeroandrewlsd: thanks - seems stable at 13% usage - cache is using 600megs - rest is just small logs07:38
andrewlsd+1 nsnzero07:40
=== andrewlsd is now known as andrewlsd_quasse
nsnzeroapprenty ubuntu will warn if space is running low 07:42
Kiloshaha yeah big popup07:54
Kilosyou have no more space on your drive07:54
chesedomorning nsnzero paddatrapper theblazehen andrewlsd_quasse Kilos and all others08:08
paddatrapperandrewlsd_quasse: the Joberg talks will be streamed live to the CT venue08:09
paddatrappermorngin chesedo 08:09
paddatrappermorning too08:09
=== andrewlsd_quasse is now known as andrewlsd
paddatrapperandrewlsd: Though I have no idea what those talks are on08:11
theblazehenhey chesedo08:11
andrewlsd\o chesedo08:11
andrewlsd\o Squirm_08:44
Kiloshi chesedo 08:49
Kiloshi Squirm_ 08:49
chesedohi Squirm_08:52
Squirm_Lots of welcomes :)08:53
Squirm_How're you all!?08:53
andrewlsdSquirm_: good thanks. What is news from the berg?09:05
* andrewlsd lurks09:41
* andrewlsd disconnects from QuasselCore10:00
nsnzerobought a usb to sata convertor -asked the sales man it will work with a 2.5 inch disk - yes he said 10:42
nsnzeroi should have looked for myself10:43
andrewlsdnsnzero: sounds like a 2.5" USB enclosure for SATA drive.10:58
nsnzerono andrewlsd - its just a plug with ide + sata connectors and a power supply 11:04
andrewlsdaah, I bought one of those a while ago11:05
* andrewlsd wonders where he put it11:05
andrewlsdI imagined I might need it one day to retrieve data from some of the IDE drives that still have some backed-up info of mine.11:05
nsnzeroi have re purposed the power supply to work with a usb 2.5inch casing that would only work with usb 1.111:06
andrewlsds/have/had/   by now I think.11:06
andrewlsdMaaz: coffee on11:06
* Maaz flips the salt-timer11:06
nsnzeroi had to dig up some leds from old towers to get the power connections right - i am glad i am a horder 11:07
MaazCoffee's ready for andrewlsd!11:10
nsnzeroplayed around with my zsh -> https://cdn.pbrd.co/images/E94TFiE82.png11:11
nsnzerogot a tooti fruity theme going 11:12
andrewlsdMaaz: coffee please11:13
Maazandrewlsd: There isn't a pot on11:13
andrewlsd+1 nsnzero11:14
* andrewlsd disconnects again11:15
nsnzerofyi - if you have a ssh connection to remote storage you can use the fish protocol to access it from your file manager11:42
nsnzerojust type fish://address of machine 11:43
nsnzeroin the file manager location bar11:43
nsnzerochat later guys - have a good afternoon12:26
chesedowe have a massive storm brewing... see later13:07
andrewlsdwish we could have a storm or two down in the South13:51
Squirm_andrewlsd: agreed14:05
paddatrapperCan someone update the topic? 15:54
paddatrapperMaybe add the mini-meeting time too15:54
chesedoooh paddatrapper, i see you already created the next agenda... thanks16:11
paddatrapperchesedo: Yeah I was on a roll last night, lol16:12
superflypaddatrapper, chesedo: What's the link? 16:38
paddatrapperchesedo: bit.ly?16:39
paddatrappersuperfly: long link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZATeam/Meetings/2017032816:39
=== superfly changed the topic of #ubuntu-za to: Please help oom Kilos! https://www.gofundme.com/ReunionRoadblock/ | Ubuntu South Africa https://ubuntu-za.org | pastebin: https://bin.snyman.info | picpaste: http://pasteboard.co | Logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Next Meeting: Tue, 28 March 20:30, Agenda: https://is.gd/kD55mu
superflyhrm, let me the order of things in the topic, I think the meetings should come earlier16:48
=== superfly changed the topic of #ubuntu-za to: Please help oom Kilos! https://www.gofundme.com/ReunionRoadblock/ | Ubuntu South Africa https://ubuntu-za.org | Next Meeting: Tue, 28 March 20:30, Agenda: https://is.gd/kD55mu | Logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | pastebin: https://bin.snyman.info | picpaste: http://pasteboard.co
paddatrappersuperfly: thanks17:05
superflypaddatrapper: you're welcome!17:15
chesedothanks superfly17:33
* chesedo thinks inetpro knows about the bit.ly part17:33
nsnzerohi all17:52
nsnzerodoes anyone know how to theme root apps ?17:56
paddatrapperhi nsnzero 17:56
nsnzerohi paddatrapper 17:57
Kilosthanks superfly 17:58
nsnzerohi Kilos 17:58
Kiloshi nsnzero paddatrapper 17:58
Kilosand chesedo 17:58
nsnzerook to theme root apps in plasma run kdesudo systemsettings5 set your theme and presto18:11
paddatrapperhi Kilos 18:27
* nsnzero playing around with luks and btrfs19:51
Kilosnight all. sleep tight19:56
Cryterionnight kilos19:57
nsnzeronight: Kiel 19:58
nsnzeronight kilos 19:58
nsnzerohi Cryterion 19:58
* nsnzero goes to bed as well20:00
nsnzerogoodnight all20:00

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