
eightfoldnacc: darn. so there00:01
eightfolds nothing to do really00:01
eightfoldbut leaving feedback to devs00:01
nacceightfold: you can edit their source and see if it fixes it, but they do pretty clearly ask you to file an issue00:02
nacceightfold: and don't use enter as punctuation :)00:02
eightfoldnacc: accidental enter00:03
eightfoldnacc: thank you for your help.00:04
lernerin what channe can I get help about 'at'?00:05
lerneri mean the command00:05
reisiolerner: here is fine00:05
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lernerat 0106 -c 'firefox -p' , this should work, right?00:06
lernerit did not00:06
dennywhat is snap in ubuntu00:08
dennyhow can I remove it?00:08
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k1lits an alternate package system.00:08
Guest82803can I remove it?00:09
k1li guess removing snapd00:09
Guest82803first of all I have this snap core00:10
Guest82803that I want to remove00:10
reisioyou'll unfortunately probably have to determine what is depending on it, too00:10
Guest82803it mounts as loop after boot00:10
reisiobut my guess is that if you have it at all, you installed the "wrong" thing00:10
k1lsnap core? what ubuntu is that exactly?00:10
Guest82803I wanted to try the ubuntu live kernel patching thingy00:11
k1lso no ubuntu snappy core install on some arm board or such00:11
naccGuest82803: livepatch requires snaps00:11
k1lthe livepatching service needs to run with snapd.00:11
Guest82803ubuntu server 16.04 on x8600:11
Guest82803I disabled it00:11
k1lthen remove snapd00:11
naccand yes the 'core' snap is present by default with snapd00:11
naccreisio: k1l: confusing naming there :/00:12
k1lnacc: yes, some of the naming is suboptimal00:12
reisiodon't ask me00:12
reisioit's true dpkg/apt-get is archaic, but the present approach to add a million worse things on top of it is beyond me00:12
reisioGuest82803: /nick soguy00:13
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naccGuest82803: so what's your question then?00:13
soguyhow can I remove it?00:13
soguyis there an apt-get remove command?00:13
k1lsoguy: remove the snapd pacakge00:13
soguygot it :)00:14
stinger910Anyone interested in helping a complete noob set up their vncserver for desktop environment00:14
soguyI really hate this snappy things00:14
soguywell... thanks guys00:14
c|onemanstinger910: I use thinlinc00:14
c|onemanit has sound and shit.00:15
k1lreisio: its about removing the snapd package with apt. not uninstall snap with snap.00:15
reisiok1l: what is?00:16
mikeymopthere is no ubuntu documentation that doesn't use a2enmod00:18
mikeymopcan soeone explain what a2enmod php7.0 does00:18
mikeymopi'm asking because it says it's already enabled and it's ubuntu specific00:19
k1la2enmod enables apache2 modules00:19
k1lhttp://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/trusty/man8/a2enmod.8.html  for more details on that command00:19
k1lmikeymop: so its already enabled php? what is the issue then?00:20
mikeymopk1l: when i run a php file it 404s me00:21
mikeymopi added a vhost for */wp/00:21
mikeymopand all of wordpress is in */wp/00:21
k1lmikeymop: that doesnt sound like an php issue. did you restart apache?00:24
naccmikeymop: a 404 is typically debugged by looking at apache's logs00:25
naccmikeymop: and a 404 usually is a configuration issue with apache, not with php00:25
dsnydersHi all!  I have set up  rsync to do a backup.  It sits at "sending incremental file list" for a long time.  Is there any way of getting it to show its progress? Note: I already have --progress set.00:27
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Kazutonacc: Finally have some free time, wiping my server now. Thanks again for your help earlier :)00:38
naccKazuto: np, gl!00:50
hillCownTreedid ubuntu remove chromium from the software center recently?00:52
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bazhang!info chromium-browser00:53
ubottuchromium-browser (source: chromium-browser): Chromium web browser, open-source version of Chrome. In component universe, is optional. Version 55.0.2883.87-0ubuntu1.16.10.1330 (yakkety), package size 58374 kB, installed size 225463 kB00:53
hillCownTreestrange, was not showing up on a new install after update && upgrade00:54
hillCownTreepersisted after rebooty00:54
Bashing-omhillCownTree: universe repo enabled ?00:56
hillCownTreesystem is all defaults so I would assume universe was caught.  I just sent the system to reboot and it showed up again00:57
hillCownTreestrange that it was not availabe from the start00:57
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mikeymopwill apt-purge apache reset all the directories in root I mucked up00:59
mikeymopor do i have to manually remove them00:59
compacthi. i have vsftpd, working fine. i enabled SSL however clients not using SSL cannot login anymore01:00
compactany idea?01:00
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donofriowhat's the package to install a full gui xfce desktop from apt-get thought it was one master packge for the whole show?01:20
cfhowlettdonofrio, sudo apt install xfce401:22
cfhowlettDE only01:22
donofriowhat about all the 'other' packages that make a full desktop experence?01:22
cfhowlettso what you actually want is the xubuntu metapackage: sudo apt install xubuntu-desktop01:23
Bashing-om!info xfce4-goodies | donofrio Maybe to :01:24
ubottudonofrio Maybe to :: xfce4-goodies (source: xfce4-goodies): enhancements for the Xfce4 Desktop Environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.12.3 (yakkety), package size 3 kB, installed size 10 kB01:24
Kazutonacc: Re-flashed it. Now's the time to re-add everything relevant. I'm going to consider this practice for a future sysadmin job ;)01:27
donofrioI'm playing with https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/commandline/wsl/user_support01:29
donofrioopps meant - https://msdn.microsoft.com/commandline/wsl/install_guide01:29
mikeymopthis failed me01:31
mikeymopdpkg -r couldn't remove the package either so I couldn't do that to get it to become an installation candidate again01:32
nacc!ubuwin | donofrio01:33
ubottudonofrio: Canonical and Microsoft have announced that Windows 10 will be able to run Ubuntu programs without needing porting/recompilation. This functionality is still in beta and is not supported in #ubuntu. For discussion and support, see #ubuntu-on-windows.01:33
jon__so I took a dd copy of an install of ubuntu 14.04 before updating to 16.04...16.04 is all jacked up, what's the easiest way to revert to that dd copy? boot to a cd and dd it back onto the drive?01:34
jon__(I think that's the only way?)01:34
reisiojon__: that's the "simplest" way, yes01:34
reisiobut since you clearly have time on your hands to allow the system to be unproductive, I'd say figuring out how to make 16 work is a better us of that time01:34
reisiobetter use*01:34
jon__I think the issue is that dell mucked with 14 a bit too much01:35
jon__and then updating to 16 got me stuck on drivers, etc, that don't update because their repo was disabled by the update01:35
cfhowlettjon__, are you using the standard ubuntu or the dell image?01:35
jon__the dell image01:35
donofrionacc, that channel doesn't exist on freenode01:35
jon__I wonder if I would have better luck with a vanilla 16.04 install01:36
reisiojon__: that was your mistake01:36
reisioyes you would01:36
naccdonofrio: uh, yes it does01:36
cfhowlettjon__, standard image works fine on most Dell's.01:36
jon__there's a lot of potential for driver nightmares01:36
jon__it has one of those wacky video cards that switches on and off, and a usb-c dock01:36
cfhowlettand yet it takes only moments to test this for yourself ...01:36
donofrionacc, you should put a space before the period, throws off the hyperlink - lol01:37
naccdonofrio: sounds like a bug in your IRC client01:37
jon__I honestly have no idea how to resolve the issues with 16.04 short of reinstalling -- the machine randomly hard freezes, particularly when attaching and removing display devices (though sometimes just on its own)01:37
naccdonofrio: as channel names aren't hyperlinks, that's something your client is interpreting.01:38
cfhowlettget 16.04.2, make a bootable USB, boot it up.  if all works, install.01:38
jon__you think that I might have substantially better luck with that vs the upgraded copy? ie. this is not a waste of time01:39
jon__it'd be nice if Dell said exactly what they did >_<01:39
cfhowlettI think it's worth the few minutes of your valuable time to conduct this experiment.  do it for science.01:39
jon__the lack of support from dell has been kind of frustrating for a "supported" laptop, but I'll give this a shot01:40
donofrionacc, probably I'm using hexchat from xfce on cygwin64 on win701:41
mikeymopi took it down to see if that helped01:42
mikeymopcan someone help me out of dependency hell01:42
mikeymopor whatever i did to apt01:42
naccmikeymop: yes01:43
naccmikeymop: what did you do?01:43
mikeymopwas trying to get wordpress installed01:43
naccmikeymop: `apt install wordpress`?01:44
mikeymopmessed around with apache01:44
mikeymopi did it from wordpress-latest.tar01:44
naccmikeymop: why??01:44
mikeymopanyway, in playing around in manually installed libapache2-mod-php7.001:44
mikeymopnacc: online tutorial01:44
naccmikeymop: not a great reason, but ok01:44
Oderushey. having issues installing a package. anyone able to tell me the issue? https://paste.ubuntu.com/24087512/01:44
mikeymopfigure it was best practice since it was bleeding edge01:44
naccmikeymop: ok, so you installed the php7.0 module for apache01:44
naccmikeymop: only if you know what you're doing.01:45
mikeymopbut id didn't use hte metapackage01:45
naccmikeymop: why would it?01:45
mikeymopi didnt01:45
mikeymopi should have01:45
naccmikeymop: ok, so install 'libapache2-mod-php'?01:45
mikeymoplibapache2-mod-php7.0 == x from now on01:46
naccmikeymop: huh?01:46
mikeymopdpkg -r libapahce2-mod-php7.0 fails01:46
mikeymopi'm having this issue01:46
naccOderus: where did you get that package from?01:46
naccmikeymop: with a different verison of php7.0 i assume (not 7.0.8)01:46
* jamesd notes there is a reason to test things out on a vm or perhaps a docker container.. a lot easier to recover. 01:46
naccjamesd: or just use the packages01:46
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naccjamesd: but even then, test them pre-production, yes01:47
naccmikeymop: you're getting that same exact output?01:47
Oderusnacc: an added ppa01:47
mikeymopseemed logical that manually downloading the apt archive and replacing the sytem file in the anser wouls fix it01:47
naccOderus: right, so talk to that ppa's owner01:47
jpugarte1hello fellas, is there anyone here willing to help me with a problem with broken dependencies? I am new to Ubuntu, and have tried different solutions I found out there, but nothing has worked so far.01:47
mikeymophowever apt-get -f install still fails with OP's error01:47
mikeymopcan i safetly rm -rf /usr/lib/php01:47
Oderusnacc: ok sorry. thank you.01:48
naccmikeymop: without removing the packages? it will probably break apt01:48
jamesdi didn't know it was dependency hell day in ubuntu land.01:48
naccmikeymop: in that apt will be unsure what you did01:48
naccmikeymop: can you just remove all the php packages you have installed?01:48
mikeymopit thinks they're not installed01:48
mikeymopeven dpkg does01:48
naccmikeymop: can you pastebin the exact command and message?01:48
naccmikeymop: i will have to step away shortly, but will be aroudn again tmrw01:50
naccmikeymop: should just be `command | pastebinit`01:50
mikeymopi was ammending three together idk that would pipe it01:51
naccmikeymop: that's *not* the same error01:51
nacc"Error: The new file /usr/lib/php/7.0/php.ini-production does not exist!"01:51
naccis what hte ubuntu help said01:51
mikeymopi had that too, since replaced it01:52
naccmikeymop: right, but i can only help what i see01:52
naccmikeymop: so in any case01:52
naccmikeymop: can you install 'libapache2-mod-php' (you shouldn't install the version-specific pacakges generally)01:52
mikeymopit'll do everything and get stuck with the same error, waiting for pastebinit01:54
naccmikeymop: if that doesn't fix it, you should look at /var/lib/dpkg/info/libapache2-mod-php7.0.config and see why it's failing01:54
mikeymopit didn't exist sthat could be the problem01:55
naccmikeymop: is there anything in there with that prefix? /var/lib/dpkg/info/libapache2-mod-php7.0*01:55
naccmikeymop: oh sorry, it was the .postinst that failed01:56
Bashing-omjpugarte1: Pastebin an example command and the resulting output ; we see what we can make of it .01:56
jpugarte1thanks, bashing-om... coming right here https://paste.ubuntu.com/24087532/01:56
mikeymopnacc: a little01:56
mikeymopconffiles list md5sums ponstinst postrm prerm01:57
naccmikeymop: right, so it's the postinst file that failed01:57
mikeymopif i remove it will apt pull it in?01:57
naccmikeymop: well, removing it doesn't really achieve anything01:57
naccmikeymop: gtg -- ping me tmrw?01:57
mikeymopok thank you01:57
mikeymopsorry to keep ya01:57
naccmikeymop: np01:57
xheartalong side with Ubuntu 16.04lts?01:58
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xhearthi everyone, Can I install Kubuntu along side with Ubuntu 16.04lts?01:58
bazhangxheart, kubuntu-desktop package01:59
bazhangthen select in login01:59
bazhangyou want kubuntu and ubuntu right?02:00
bazhangkubuntu-desktop, install it02:00
xheartsudo ???02:00
reisiosudo tracebustah bustah02:01
bazhangignore what reisio just said02:01
xheartthanks reisio02:01
xhearti meant thanks bazhang02:02
xheartwhat would be the correct command?02:02
reisioto do what?02:02
chuI think (without testing) it is: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop02:03
Bashing-omjpugarte1: Where does libglapi-mesa come from ?  show ' apt list libglapi-mesa ' .02:04
xheartit worked chu02:04
jpugarte1Bashing-om: see updated pastebin https://paste.ubuntu.com/24087615/02:06
DarkAceZany idea why when I try to install WINE, my package manager wants to remove 5 unrelated packages? (a2jmidid ardour blender jackmeter simplescreenrecorder)02:06
jpugarte1unrelated: how do you address someone in particular? 'nick:' didn't seem to do the trick, neither '@nick'02:07
kostkon!paste | DarkAceZ02:07
ubottuDarkAceZ: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.02:07
xheartit is asking to install "lightdm" or "sddm" I do not know what that means02:08
gnomethrowerxheart: what are you trying to install?02:08
gnomethroweroh, KDE?02:09
xhearti have ubuntu 16.04lts and want to install kubuntu alongside02:09
gnomethrowerxheart: I recommend LightDM02:09
bazhangxheart, that is not alongside, it's just a different DE02:10
bazhangxheart, which you then select at login02:10
xheartok thanks guys i am installing right now.02:10
Bashing-omjpugarte1: Look'n . back soonest .02:11
jpugarte1Bashing-om: I think the file came from 'xorg-edgers/ppa'. Doing a ppa-purge right now02:11
Bashing-om!info libglapi-mesa xenial | jpugarte102:12
ubottujpugarte1: libglapi-mesa (source: mesa): free implementation of the GL API -- shared library. In component main, is optional. Version 12.0.6-0ubuntu0.16.04.1 (xenial), package size 22 kB, installed size 175 kB02:12
jpugarte1Bashing-om: After the ppa-purge, I could installed VLC. I think libglapi-mesa might have been installed either with an old game that included a GPU driver installation (since these files include OpenGL libraries)... I wonder if doing the ppa-purge messed up another software (could be that game, but could also be ROS [robotic operative system])... I will find out soon, I guess. Thanks for your help :)02:14
jpugarte1*I meant after the ppa-purge, I succesfully installed VLC02:15
jpugarte1gotta go now, thanks again @Bashing-om02:16
Bashing-omjpugarte1: Good deal . that PPA is depreciated ( maybe no longer even exist ) .02:16
jpmhI have a server, running 14.4, been fine for a couple of years.  Today I note that fail2ban-server is taking 95%+ of the cpu time.  Nothing in the fail2ban.log shows up.  Any ideas?02:22
mikeymopi've been following this, the script told me to go to local host to setup wordpress02:28
mikeymophowever i still get hte apache index page02:28
jpmhmikeymop: you may do better in the #httpd room02:30
mikeymopthey wont help with distro specific things actually02:32
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efu_any one here02:55
Bashing-omefu_: Throw some bait out, see what bites .02:56
efu_any one know how to install wine?02:57
efu_i have some problem02:58
Bashing-om!wine | efu_02:59
ubottuefu_: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu02:59
efu_i've tried02:59
efu_okke thanks03:01
cybervking[m]sudo add-apt repository ppa: ubuntufine/ppa03:01
cybervking[m]Sudo apt get update03:01
cybervking[m]Sudo apt get install wine03:02
efu_if you've tried ?03:02
efu_have you tried ?03:03
mikeymopso apt get install apache2 says its installed03:08
mikeymopbut no apache2 directories were created in /etc or /var03:08
mikeymopcan someone look at this error?03:13
Jordan_Umikeymop: Please pastebin the output of "dpkg -l | grep apache".03:21
Jordan_Umikeymop: systemctl status apache2.service03:24
chullhi! my husband's computer running Ubuntu 16.04 is giving an error message: Not enough free disk space The upgrade needs a total of 40.0 M free space on disk '/boot'. Please free at least an additional 22.0 M of disk space on '/boot'. Empty your trash and remove temporary packages of former installations using 'sudo apt-get clean'.03:25
chullcan someone guide us please?03:25
jon-macwhat would cause commands to start throwing "operation not permitted" errors on io other than permissions? I cant seem to open or copy this file but the permissions are right...03:26
jamesdchull: which directories are full    df -h03:26
chalcedonyjames ty looking03:27
Jordan_U!details | jon-mac03:29
ubottujon-mac: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.03:29
chalcedonyjamesd, looks like /dev/sda1                    236M  207M   18M  93% /boot03:30
chalcedonyor shall i pastebin the output? jamesd ?03:31
jamesdno, dpkg -l  | grep linux-kernel03:32
jamesdif you see more than one version showing.. you can remove older kernels that aren't booted03:32
jamesduname -av  to see the version of the current kernel03:32
jon-macJordan_U:  it's 16.04 ... https://pastebin.com/XBt3kmJc03:33
chalcedonydidn't show anything03:33
jamesdoops   dpkg -l  | grep linux-image03:33
craptalki got this error code:03:34
craptalkclnt_create: RPC: Port mapper failure - Unable to receive: errno 11303:34
craptalki was trying to connect to my nfs server which is on centos03:34
craptalkwhich also in my vware03:35
chalcedonyjamesd, ok i see bunches of them03:35
craptalkwhy is it happening03:35
craptalki enabled, rpcbind, nfs-server.service, nfs-common03:35
jamesdchalcedony: compare the version that is currently running and delete the older ones....   apt-get remove   linux-image-xxxx not being used03:37
b-yeezicraptalk, is port 111 open?03:37
Jordan_Ujon-mac: What filesystem is this file on?03:39
jon-macJordan_U: whatever the default is? ext4?03:39
Jordan_Ujon-mac: lsattr03:40
jon-macmachine is restarting, one sec03:40
jon-macJordan_U: lsattr is failing on that file too03:41
jon-mac"operation not permitted while reading flags on file.vdi"03:41
craptalkb-yeezi: 111/tcp open  rpcbind03:42
craptalkthat is open, on my machine03:42
b-yeeziwhat about the centos server?03:42
jon-macJordan_U: could the fs be corrupt? this machine has been hard freezing and had to be hard shutdown several times03:42
craptalkb-yeezi: it also open03:43
craptalki think, maybe i missed some service03:44
chalcedonyjamesd, http://pastebin.com/4X0RmYKS03:44
craptalkb-yeezi: i followed the instruction to set up NFS on my centos server03:46
craptalki think i made it right, but not in my ubuntu03:46
jamesdchalcedony: you have a typo.. the corect one would of been linux-image-extra-3.3.0-59-generic03:48
Jordan_Ujon-mac: That's a possability. Is all of your important data backed up?03:48
jon-macwell, i took an image of this machine about a week ago before updating to 16.0403:48
jon-macit's just this one file that seems to be problematic -- which is a windows vm disk03:48
jon-macseems like i should just cut my losses03:49
Jordan_Ujon-mac: I would recommend booting from a LiveUSB and using fsck to check the filesystem.03:49
jon-macwell i was going to boot to usb to do a dd anyway, so i'll try fscking to see if i can coax it off03:49
b-yeezicraptalk, have you configured specific folders to use nfs? and that the target host has access to it?03:50
Delphinhow can I find out what is my imap server I'm using? thanks!03:52
jon-macJordan_U: fsck /dev/deviceidentifier right? it seems to say everything is right (says "clean"), but it seems suspiciously fast03:54
jon-macfsck should take some time to run, right? this is running near instantly03:54
b-yeezicraptalk, if not, see https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux/3/html/Reference_Guide/s1-nfs-server-export.html03:56
craptalkb-yeezi: i created folder x on my centos Server, added it into mode 777 equally, i put a line on /etc/exports, saying '/x my_centos_server(rw,sync,no_root_squash)'03:56
craptalkwhat else did i miss?03:56
b-yeezithe target system. For instance, I do /music (rw, sync, no_root_squash)03:57
b-yeeziThat allows access for the entire subnet03:58
carlyannaGuys! need help again :(04:00
carlyannatryng to get my bluetooth driver to work - just reinstalled ubuntu entirely today onto an old lenovo ideapad (n585)04:01
chalcedonyjamesd, with pasting the name http://pastebin.com/G8tGMxuW04:01
carlyannaI tried following these instructiions and said ' nope - need to go tak to my peeps cause this isnt right '04:01
carlyannaanyone know how i can update my bluetooth driver for my lenovo04:01
Ben64carlyanna: what does 'rfkill list' say04:03
carlyannaben64 how do i- fi-nd that for you04:04
carlyannaand i-sn't there an eas-ier way to address you, li-ke typi-ng 2 letters of ur name04:04
Ben64carlyanna: my name is 5 characters long. you type it into a terminal and pastebin the output04:05
carlyannai- know -it was just fun, when -i knew how to do i-t04:05
carlyannalet me try to search the termi-nal for what you need?04:05
kortuzianhey guys, i have a question regarding partitioning on a fresh install. if i choose the delete disk and install ubuntu option, it only creates efi partition, and one single partition for root and home, and then one for swap04:07
carlyannano idea how to find what you need in this mess of a terminal04:08
kortuzianis it possible to create partitions so /home is separate, specifically, when i want to install the next LTS, the partitioner doesn't format the /home partition?04:08
chalcedonykortuzian, choose the custom installation04:09
kortuzianif i do so, which option do i have to choose for it to not format my /home partition04:09
kortuziannext time i install04:09
jon-mackortuzian: you can do lts to lts without a reinstall04:09
tetotronicCan somebody help with a question on Kino (video editor)04:09
carlyannacan anyone help me run some commands to update my bluetooth driver?04:09
kortuzianjon-mac: i know i can upgrade, but that the fresh install is preferred. but on a fresh install, is there any way to keep /home?04:10
chalcedonyim getting an error trying to make room by deleting unused kernels on hubby's ubuntu 16.04. maybe jamesd went to bed?  with pasting the name http://pastebin.com/G8tGMxuW04:10
wgupHey everyone, I was wondering, if it's possible to install firewalld on ubuntu server?04:11
aroonii'm pretty tired on my lenovo laptop of resume almost never working (caps lock flashes coming back from resume) on ubuntu 16.04;  .. have a lenovo t420 laptop.  any suggestions? upgrade to 16.10 ?  something else?04:12
plgoswhats a good simple fast window manager for ubuntu04:12
carlyannaAROONI - i dont like the 16.104:12
carlyannait was a bad bad decision for me04:12
carlyannai dont suggest04:12
Bashing-omchalcedony: Try as the package manager suggest " Use 'sudo apt autoremove' to remove them. " . Do in terminal ' sudo apt autoremove ' and pastebin the result .04:14
jayjoif I do sudo service <servicename> start - will this restart on reboot?04:14
carlyannaany other suggstions for additional things to do with the new install would be so greatly appreciated04:15
aroonicarlyanna: what happened04:15
carlyannaarooni it was just not the same man, lots of complaints and just had many many issues i could not fix04:16
carlyannacame here, was told to go ahead and jump back to 16.404:16
aroonicarlyanna: well thats good to know.  maybe 17.04 will be better04:16
arooniis there a way to upgrade my kernel04:16
Camronsetting up ubuntu server 16.04 and cant get the static ip to work correctly04:16
arooniwithout upgrading to 16.10?04:17
Delphinwhenever I run sa-learn --dump magic I get an error http://pastebin.com/raw/NzdxKPCA  Please someone help!04:17
b-yeeziarooni, if you are on 16.04, you can upgrade to the 16.10 kernel04:18
tgm4883arooni: you could install the HWE04:18
arooniwhats the hwe04:18
b-yeezitgm4883 is exactly right04:18
aroonib-yeezi: will that break anything i have now?04:18
tgm4883!hwe | arooni04:18
ubottuarooni: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack04:18
b-yeeziIt should not, however there is a chance. For instance, I have an Asus X205ta with a known bug in kernel 4.804:20
aroonitgm4883: b-yeezi ; can i always downgrade from that latest kernel if it doesnt work ?04:20
b-yeeziyou should be able to boot to grub and choose the old kernel.04:21
arooniseems like others have the same problem with resume as i do https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/156630204:21
b-yeeziMake sure you do a backup before just in case.04:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1566302 in linux (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu 16.04: Suspend freezes the system after upgrade to linux image 4.4.0-16" [Medium,Won't fix]04:21
aroonibut apparently in that thread someone says : "The kernel from 16.10 does not fix Mint 18 and Ubuntu 16.04, so I think it is not a kernel code regression."  so maybe no hope :\04:22
YounderBy kernel do you mean 3.13.04:24
YounderI mean there us a 4.0 as well now04:25
lopataryumhi guys. when partitioning during install, is it okay to just set the efi partition, i dont have to manually set any boot flags and ubuntu takes care of it?04:26
Bashing-omchalcedony: Did you see my xx:14 entry ?04:26
craptalkb-yeezi: am i missing some configuration>04:26
Younderlopataryum, UEFI install is tricky. I tried 4 times before I got it to work.04:26
b-yeezicraptalk, yes, like I has, you need the target host between the directory and the options04:27
tgm4883lopataryum: yes that should be fine04:27
carlyannaGuys need some info on where to update drivers for lenovo via ubuntu - any ideas?04:27
b-yeezicraptalk,  For instance, I do /music (rw, sync, no_root_squash)04:27
carlyannaPS - anyone willing to give me pointers on awesome stuff for newly installed ubuntu desktop is welcome to pm me! All of the info in here is so fantastic04:27
Younderlopataryum, But then I had custom partions04:28
mikeymopa2enmod php says it doesn't not exist04:28
mikeymopi installed php packages and it says they're installed04:28
lopataryumso basically, i chose something else for my partitiong, gave 512 mb to efi, 40gb to root, 400 someting to home, and 4gb to swap04:28
mikeymopcan anyone help me04:28
lopataryumis that ok?04:28
tgm4883mikeymop: that doesn't appear to be an apache module04:28
tgm4883lopataryum: yea that sounds fine04:28
Youndercarlyanna, Have you seen the magazine Ubuntu user. It has a tot of ptograms and tips04:28
mikeymoptgm4883: i read some guide that anticipate a php.conf in /etc/apache204:29
mikeymophowever i dont have this04:29
lopataryumthanks tgm4883: so ubuntu installer should take care of all flags, and as i set it to efi, it formats and flags appropriately?04:29
mikeymopi followed the ubuntu documentation for installation,04:29
carlyannayounder - no i would love to!04:29
tgm4883lopataryum: yep, that's how I do it04:29
tgm4883mikeymop: what guide?04:30
lopataryumgreat! tgm4883: thank you very much04:30
tgm4883mikeymop: what documentation, I'm not sure what you're trying to do04:30
mikeymoptgm4883: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WordPress04:30
mikeymopi just want wordpress to work04:30
mikeymopi've been going at this since 3pm04:30
carlyannaYounder: is there any way i can like download the IRC and have it on my desktop somehow???04:30
mikeymopapache is serving the sites however it's not parsing in php04:31
mikeymopphp is installed04:31
tgm4883this feels like a bad way to run wordpress, but it's been years since I've ran a wordpress installation04:31
mikeymopi tried setting up ubuntu the classical way04:32
mikeymopand it was a mess04:32
mikeymopie. without the lamp stack, just manuall installing dependencies04:32
Youndercarlyanna, No, you subscribe to it. http://www.sparkhaus-shop.com/row/magazines/ubuntu-user.html?SID=fffadie922241ckmm0thcogrb704:33
YounderAnd yes there are digital isses04:34
tgm4883mikeymop: what's the output of 'dpkg -l | grep php | nc termbin.com 9999'04:34
mikeymopnc termbin.com?04:34
tgm4883yes, you should get a link04:35
tgm4883I've got to run in 5 minutes04:35
aroonihow do i get something to auto start on startup for instance 'sudo tlp start' ;04:35
mikeymopi think i have to just nuke the server and start from .iso again04:35
aroonito my understanding; startup programs cant run things via sudo04:35
mikeymopapt is just too messed up04:35
tgm4883arooni: they wouldn't need to...04:36
mikeymoptgm4883: do i need a package to do that04:36
tgm4883mikeymop: nc should already be installed04:36
mikeymopit is but no output04:36
mikeymopnest in quotes?04:36
mikeymopwas in stdout for some reason04:37
aroonitgm4883: ok but how can i have sudo tlp start; happen on startup04:37
Youndersudo apt install .. is your friend. Compared to Debian Ubuntu is very lean. You need to know your lib's04:38
tgm4883mikeymop: looks good. what does your virtual host file look like?04:38
tgm4883arooni: what is tlp?04:38
mikeymopcan i pipe cat into termbin04:38
tgm4883mikeymop: yea04:38
aroonitgm4883: http://linrunner.de/en/tlp/docs/tlp-linux-advanced-power-management.html ;; hopefully will let me resume from suspend04:39
mikeymoptgm4883: http://termbin.com/300y04:39
mikeymopthe filesmatch tags were added by me to try to get it to parse php04:39
tgm4883arooni: right in that page it says "TLP will start automatically."04:39
chalcedonyBashing-om that worked great! thank you :)04:40
Bashing-omchalcedony: Verify there us no other issue ' dpkg -l | grep linux- ' that there are but 2 kernels now in residence .04:41
Youndersudo apt autoremove04:42
aroonitgm4883: apparently its time for me to go to sleep lol04:42
tgm4883mikeymop: that looks wonky. I've got to run, honestly, I'd start over and use the server guide https://help.ubuntu.com/16.04/serverguide/wordpress.html04:42
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mikeymopok thanks04:42
tgm4883good luck04:43
Youndergood for removing them old kernels04:44
chalcedonyBashing-om, i have a whole bunch to remove, i think04:44
Youndersudo apt uninstall ..04:45
Bashing-omchalcedony: Then autoremove is broke . Show us that dpkg output in a pastebin . see what we need to do .04:45
chalcedonyBashing-om, ok :)04:46
Younderdpkg and apt and apt-get can sometimes conflict.04:47
chalcedonyBashing-om, http://pastebin.com/1uGn2XJE04:48
Younderif you do a 'dpkg -i' it does not necessarily fit into the Ubuntu directory tree04:49
Bashing-omchalcedony: Look'n at your http://pastebin.com/1uGn2XJE . standby .04:49
ner0xGood afternoon all, I'm looking for a software suite that would allow me to write paper that I could organize, link videos, pictures, sources. etc. Anywhere know a good place I could start? Thanks in advance!04:50
chalcedonyty Bashing-om :)04:50
Younderner0x, I use LaTex, but FrameMaker or LibreOffice offer a more WYSIWYG feel.04:52
Bashing-omchalcedony: Looking good ! Now all those packages with the leading 'rc' we can deal with. I like it squeaky clean behind me .04:53
lotuspsychjener0x: tomboy is also pretty usefull for short text organize04:53
sohithany indian04:53
lotuspsychje!in | sohith04:54
ubottusohith: #ubuntu-in is the channel for Ubuntu in India04:54
Bashing-omchalcedony: While there is no built in way to remove all of your configuration information from your removed packages you can remove all configuration data from every removed package. To purge all removed but not yet purged packages, where The state is rc, the package is removed, but the config files are not removed....with the following command. dpkg --list |grep "^rc" | cut -d " " -f 3 | xargs sudo04:54
Bashing-omdpkg --purge .04:54
chalcedonyBashing-om, is there a way to set it to automatically clean behind it? so if it adds one it deletes them?04:54
sohithi am new to this channel04:54
chalcedonysohith, welcome04:54
lotuspsychje!support | sohith04:55
ubottusohith: The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org and http://askubuntu.com04:55
sohithanyone learn me how to hack fb,gmail etc.,04:55
reisiosohith: #dragonwallpaper04:55
reisioI mean #kali04:55
floating_rainare Ubuntu's softewares latest? I mean whom installed by "sudo apt-get install"04:55
Bashing-omchalcedony: Yes ,, In do believe in 16.04 one can .. gimme a bit to check . ( as it might be 16.10 ) .04:55
YounderAh you want kali-linux04:56
chalcedonyBashing-om, sure thanks!04:56
YounderPenetration testing is fine, breking other peoples systems is not04:56
sohithin kali-linux need for hacking04:56
sohithubuntu not supports hacking right!!!04:57
lotuspsychjesohith: you can install penetration software on ubuntu also04:58
YounderDepends what you mean by supporting. Enables, then yes. Encourages, then no.04:58
lotuspsychjesohith: but hacking topics we dont encourage04:58
sohithlotuspsychje what is penetration software bro,pls help me i am tottaly new to this04:59
lotuspsychjesohith: do you have ubuntu installed right now?04:59
sohithyes bro,i am using ubuntu04:59
lotuspsychjesohith: wich version?04:59
YounderHacking is more the domain of l00pt or soething05:00
Bashing-omchalcedony: This ?? " Use the unattended-upgrades package to regularly run autoremove for you. Edit the autoremove setting in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades from 'false' to 'true' " .05:00
chalcedonyBashing-om, looking05:00
chalcedonyty much05:01
Bashing-omchalcedony: Open source -- we are all in this together .05:01
sohithi am using old version bro,present update is there for me05:03
chalcedonyBashing-om, youre awesome05:03
sohithbro i am using 14.04 version05:05
Younderbro is a packet logger. Useful for logging penetration attempts wil the assistance of Snort of Surricat for example05:05
sohithyounder thanks for info05:06
lotuspsychje!manual | sohith start here to learn the terminal commands05:06
ubottusohith start here to learn the terminal commands: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/05:06
sohithok i will05:06
lotuspsychjesohith: after you learned to install software with apt, you can test out pentesting yourself05:07
YounderSecurity Onion has a pretty neat setup for intrusion detection. Kalin Linux for penetration testing.05:07
lotuspsychjeYounder: kali isnt recommend for a starter, lets also not discuss that here :p05:08
sohithok lotus and younder bro's,thanks for your info05:08
YounderYou will want to run virtual machines for this though as Security Onion needs Ubuntu 12.0405:09
sohithi will start learning bro05:09
Bashing-omchalcedony: Naw not me .. nacc is awesome ! For our peace of mind now U want that you ean ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade ; sudo apt -f install ; sudo dpkg -C ' any errors reported ?05:10
Bashing-omwant you to run **05:11
chalcedonyBashing-om, im way behind you, did i need to do other stuff first?05:11
sohithany one help me to get learn java05:11
Bashing-omchalcedony: does not matter . just at some point insure the package manager is in a happy state from that last sequence .05:12
lotuspsychjesohith: best learning experience, is searching yourself05:13
chalcedonyBashing-om, i just did the:  dpkg --list |grep "^rc" | cut -d " " -f 3 | xargs sudo  error: sudo: account-plugin-twitter: command not found05:15
ner0xYounder: I've been trying to use LibreOffice but the formatting of the layout seems to be really messy. What LaTex packages do you use?05:15
Younderner0x, It is a text based format. Kinda old school , but us mathematicians love it05:16
Bashing-omchalcedony: Does not compute . run it again and show that in a pastebin .05:17
ner0xYounder: I used to use it a while back when I was doing debunk papers and needed to source stuff. Just forgot how to do it.05:17
chalcedonyBashing-om, l@vir:~$ dpkg --list |grep "^rc" | cut -d " " -f 3 | xargs sudo05:18
chalcedonysudo: account-plugin-twitter: command not found05:18
chalcedonyim not sure what it has to do with twitter. its what it says05:18
ner0xYounder: What suite do you use?05:18
Younderner0x, Lesly Lamports's book is the way to go here.05:19
Bashing-omchalcedony: We;; . is it installed ' dpkg -l account-plugin-twitter ' ?05:21
Younderner0x, http://tug.org/texlive05:21
chalcedonyBashing-om, looking05:25
Younderner0x, anyhow there is a #latex group here05:27
Bashing-omchalcedony: The command is incomplete . ! ' dpkg --list |grep "^rc" | cut -d " " -f 3 | xargs sudo dpkg --purge '05:27
reisioso fugly05:27
chalcedonyBashing-om, http://pastebin.com/RXbST0qS05:28
Younderner0x, perhaps I can answer your questions there?05:28
chalcedonytrying new command Bashing-om :)05:28
Bashing-omreisio: Uh huh .. I have seen messier . This one at least runs clean .05:28
reisioteh humanity05:29
Bashing-omchalcedony: I see - maybe - the break in the line got us in my original post .05:30
chalcedonyah its still purging05:30
Bashing-omchalcedony: :)05:31
chalcedonyBashing-om, http://pastebin.com/k3Nd7u2a05:34
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Bashing-omchalcedony: Pretty is as pretty does . and that is prestty . Now is the package manager all happy ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade ; sudo apt -f install ; sudo dpkg -C ' any errors reported ?05:38
chalcedonyBashing-om, super .. looking :)05:38
chalcedonyBashing-om, seems happy: Reading state information... Done05:41
chalcedony0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.05:41
memekacan anyone help with this: https://paste.ubuntu.com/24088463/ ?05:41
Bashing-omchalcedony: outstanding and ' dpkg -C ' just returned to terminal with no sass or backtalk ?05:42
chalcedonyBashing-om, yes works great05:43
chalcedonyok Bashing-om so those other commands?05:48
Bashing-omchalcedony: Now I am the one behind " so those other commands " . what is the reference here ?05:49
chalcedonyBashing-om,  the unattended-upgrades package ?05:51
chalcedonyalso he seems to have lost his upgrade path.. he cant make it find the packages, computer wants a reboot too05:51
Bashing-omchalcedony: Oh .. sure .. unattended upgrades and autoremove . should workie to set from false to true .05:53
chalcedony[00:00:15] <Bashing-om> chalcedony: This ?? " Use the unattended-upgrades package to regularly run autoremove for you. Edit the autoremove setting in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades from 'false' to 'true' " .05:54
chalcedonyok ill do that05:54
carlyanna603hey guys i just got quassel set up and I am wondering if anyone nows of any good channels for me to join?05:54
pakistanigeek: )06:03
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craptalkplease help, i got this error code clnt_create: RPC: Port mapper failure, i was trying to begin NFS06:23
craptalkmy server is centos on my VmWare06:23
craptalki am accessing it via ubuntu, which is my host computer06:24
craptalkdone few things already06:24
craptalkport 2049, and 111 are both status open06:24
craptalkdoes it have some additional configuration for debian based connect to centos? i just dont think so, by anyway, enlighten me on this06:25
lernerwhat do I need to read epub files?06:49
OerHeks!info calibre06:49
ubottucalibre (source: calibre): e-book converter and library management. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.60.0+dfsg-1build1~1 (yakkety), package size 22966 kB, installed size 50057 kB06:49
lernerOerHeks, any other options?06:50
OerHekslerner, there are always options, but this one handles the most common ebooks.06:50
reisiofbreader, lucidor06:50
lernerfbreader seems familiar06:51
reisiocalibre is nice, but it is indeed beastly06:51
reisioand Qt-y06:51
reisioand (not coincidentally?) Qt-y :p06:51
OerHeksand free06:56
lernercalibre is a bit overkill06:58
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vishalhello, i have got acer aspire e 15 e5-553-t4pt , i tried all the methods in the forums and various sites but i failed to get touchpad scroll working07:47
invvingvishal: hmmm07:47
vishaltouchpad is not found in mouse and touchpad settings and synclient commands have no effect07:47
vishalcan anyone here help me07:49
swastiknew here07:49
CountrySafeI am a rookie at GNU/Linux. Currently running the latest Ubuntu LTS 16.04. I don't know how to install many things. At the moment I am trying to install Node.js . Can someone help? I don't know where to start. The Readme file mentions nothing about installing it.07:52
ikevinCountrySafe, hi, take a look on package manager and search for "node-"07:55
Jan\anyone know where to find a squid VM image ?07:55
CountrySafeikevin, thank you. I will take a look.07:56
ducasseCountrySafe: the packagename seems to be 'nodejs'07:56
CountrySafewhat is package manager?07:56
CountrySafeIs that the same as synaptic package manager?07:57
ducassefor example.07:59
PipeItToDevNullSo a realtime kernel is worse for battery life on a laptop right? Based on my rudimentary understanding of it.08:04
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ikevinJan\, http://osb.unveiltech.com/08:09
Juniper_My keyboard doesn't work during grub and I need to reinstall ubuntu, How can I fix this?08:13
Jan\ikevin: ty08:16
ikevinjunke1991, wireless keyboard?08:16
ikevinJan\, you welcome08:16
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JP____glad to see movement here, in most other rooms ppl are still sleeping08:32
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CyberJacobsomebody ping me?09:01
CyberJacobor just a spammer?09:01
EriC^^CyberJacob: /lastlog CyberJacob09:03
sveinseI'm running 16.04 and gnome shell and the middle button does not paste in terminal (it only inserts one character). What could be wrong?09:14
sveinseThat is, it's only related to the terminal. Marking a text does not automatically copy it.09:19
zambadoes the inode count also include network mounted filesystems?09:28
geirhain what context?09:30
angel-sweHi. There is an Email icon top right of my ubuntu and Phone Calls and SMS in it.. I don't use it. Possible to remove it from there?09:36
B105PH3REangel-swe: remove the associated gmail account from your pidgin09:38
B105PH3REif you want to remove the mail icon all together then you have to modify you indicator panel09:39
angel-swecan I remove the pidgin totally? B105PH3RE09:39
B105PH3REangel-swe: you could but it may break the indicator09:39
angel-sweB105PH3RE, what indicator?09:40
B105PH3REthe system tray panel/indicator09:40
angel-sweB105PH3RE,  I don't think I have pidgin installed either09:45
B105PH3REanyone know how to make your system reboot after three failed logins attempts via console, lightdm?09:45
B105PH3REangel-swe: what gui shell are you using gnome, kde, xfce?09:45
ikevinB105PH3RE, perhaps fail2ban can do this kind of things09:45
B105PH3REwhat handles logins, could I do a policy change or something09:46
B105PH3REikevin: thanx I will look into that but isn't that more network oriented09:47
angel-sweB105PH3RE,  How do I get this information?09:48
ikevinB105PH3RE, it's network oriented, so you can add your own actions09:48
ikevinB105PH3RE, like adding "reboot" action instead of iptables one09:49
B105PH3REangel-swe: whats your release version ubuntu or xubuntu?09:49
aarannnHi, I am studying for a test and it says ifconfig can be used to Network interfaces may become active or inactive, The routing table may change, and IP addresses may change. can someone give me an example of changing the routing table using ifconfig ?09:50
ikevinaarannn, you can't09:52
angel-sweB105PH3RE, ubuntu 16.1009:52
aarannnhmm so this test is incorrect?09:52
B105PH3REangel-swe: so your using unity/gnome shell09:52
B105PH3REaarannn: what I think he/she is asking for is is an example of ifconfig and route table change commands09:53
angel-sweB105PH3RE, and how to remove that mail icon and phone calls and sms icon from there?09:53
angel-swestill possible09:53
B105PH3REex: ifconfig | route add -net gw
B105PH3REangel-swe: do you have any messagers installed or did you add your gmail to unity or anything that?09:54
yeevehey chat, I'm trying to chown all .git folders using this but it's not working: `sudo -u www-data find -type d -name .git -writable -exec chown -Rf ${USER}.${USER} {} \;` Am i missing something? Is there a way to debug this? If I print or ls the files everything looks fine, it just won't chown them09:54
geirhaifconfig is supposedly deprecated though. You're supposed to use ip now a days09:54
aarannnheres the question http://www.aiotestking.com/comptia/which-of-the-following-may-occur-as-a-consequence-of-using-the-command-ifconfig/09:54
angel-sweB105PH3RE, polari and hexchat09:55
B105PH3REangel-swe: no I mean xmmp messenger likes yahoo messengers not irc09:56
yeeveThe majority of the .git folders are only 1 level deep so bash globbing using **/.git would work for 90% but I'd like to get the find command working09:56
angel-sweB105PH3RE, No I don't09:57
B105PH3REaarannn: A,C,E are all correct09:57
geirhayeeve: what's the goal?09:57
aarannnhow is E correct ?09:58
yeeveto have all .git folder which are writeable by www-data to be recursively chown'd to ${USER}.${USER}09:58
yeevemost of the .git folders aren't served but some are, I'd like to eventually get a few snippets I run to lock down .git, .htaccess files and remove or lock certain .txt files09:58
InvisibleRastahello guys, i just installed ubuntu and the only way i can get X to work is by appending modprobe.blacklist=nouveau at kernel setting. is there a way to sort this out? i am using a msi gaming laptop09:58
B105PH3REaarannn: if you have example interface eth0 set as and you have a route in your routing table for and you change eth0 to 1.2 you change your routing table09:59
geirhayeeve: that's what your current command should do. What happens instead? any error messages?09:59
geirhayeeve: Ah wait, only root is allowed to chown09:59
yeevegeirha, no errors and the folder and all it's content are still owned as ${USER}.www-data09:59
k1l_InvisibleRasta: did you install the nvidia driver in the system settings?09:59
aarannnoooo so it changes as a result of using ifconfig rather than using ifconfig to change it directly09:59
geirhayeeve: right, because you told chown to not output errors with the -f09:59
yeevegeirha, does that mean it won't work or I need a sudo prefixing the --exec chown?09:59
B105PH3REaarannn: of if you down the eth0 interface your loose the routing related entrys09:59
yeevegeirha, oh shit that's just my bad habit xD10:00
B105PH3REaarannn: yes correct on your last10:00
InvisibleRastak1l_, no i did not, do i have to uninstall or set something up?10:00
aarannnOk I got it now thanks10:00
k1l_InvisibleRasta: no. go to systemsettings > software & updates and the install the nvidia driver there10:00
B105PH3REangel-swe: you can edit your panel and remove the indicator for messenger if you don't want to see it but be carefull10:00
InvisibleRastak1l_, do i have to keep nouveau blacklisted?10:01
yeevegeirha, I think that means I need to log in as root to do most of this then right?10:01
k1l_InvisibleRasta: you should not touch anything with nouveau manually10:01
B105PH3REyou would lose email notifications I believe as well angel-swe10:01
yeeveif I do -exec sudo chown ... then it prompts for www-data pass which isn't going to work10:01
B105PH3REyeeve: if your doing this through apache you need to use sudo for those commands to work10:01
InvisibleRastak1l_, so after inlstall of nvidia i remove blacklistnouveau?10:01
k1l_InvisibleRasta: after nvidia is installed you should not set the manual kernel settings there10:02
yeevegeirha, if I log in as root this works `find -type d -group www-data -name .git -exec chown -R ${USER}.${USER} {} \;`10:03
yeevethanks for your time geirha :thumbs-up: and B105PH3RE thanks for the input :)10:04
geirhayeeve: could use -user www-data as filter too10:11
geirhayeeve: and you probably want chmod g+s on them too10:15
yeevegeirha, I always get confused about the extra bits, does g+s mean that any sub dirs/file which are created inherit ownership?10:17
geirhayeeve: yes, new files will get the gid of the group (with g+s) instead of the primary group of the user10:19
geirhathough, doesn't help for the ownership10:19
yeeveAh ok that should be enough though :)10:20
geirhabut as long as you avoid running git clone/pull as www-data, you should fine10:20
geirhayeeve: Also, in case you're unaware, git supports having the working tree and the git-dir separate. The .git dir doesn't have to be inside the work-tree10:21
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yeevegeirha, that's the plan, I want secure permissions but with enough flexibility to run my tools as my main user10:21
yeevegeirha, I wasn't aware so I'll look it up to see if it'll help out with this (if I can move them in a nice, easy and clean way I'm up for that)10:22
geirha--git-dir is the keyword to look for10:22
yeevegeirha, I think this will work perfectly for me :)  http://stackoverflow.com/a/17913726 the gitdir: section seems to be exactly what I need10:23
geirhaah, that might be even easier10:25
rizmutI have a problem when trying to install a ISO created by PinguyBuilder10:26
rizmutanyone here familiar with Ubuntu remastering?10:27
k1l_Bamboo: this channel is english only. for chinese you can join #ubuntu-cn10:50
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vltHello. What do I need to install do get also Thunderbird's Lightning module in my local language?11:01
vltThunderbird is localized but everything in Lightning is English.11:02
k1l_vlt: the translations from lightning are often a bit behind.11:07
=== Ubuntu is now known as Guest31667
Guest31667how can i add a script to post run to an existing ubuntu iso11:14
Guest31667* after installation11:14
Mercuryhi, can i add any script to existing ubuntu ISO which runs post completion of installation of the ISO ?11:17
newieHello. Please tell me how to make the Partitions for my Ubuntu 16.04 Install along with Windows 7.11:17
Mercurynewie: Select something else from the list of installer, there you can add partitions to free space manually11:20
newieMercury: yes exactly. How to make partitions from now? Two are already for my Windows.11:20
newieMercury: I read few sites they all suggest different things.11:21
Mercurynewie: select + button on the left and then you can choose which partition you want to create11:21
EriC^^newie: did you shrink the windows partition from windows?11:21
EriC^^!customlivecd | Mercury11:22
ubottuMercury: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !LiveCD or !Alternate installer? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization - Or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/11:22
newieEriC^^: Yes i already created a free space. Now i got two partitions for Windows and one Big Free Space which i intend to use for Ubuntu.11:22
EriC^^newie: ok, great, let the installer do its thing, press back, then press on install alongside windows11:23
newieMercury: i mean how much i need to give for swap, for root, for etc etc11:23
OerHeksuck is discontinued11:23
newieEriC^^: Alongside windows............................................11:24
EriC^^newie: yes, what about it?11:24
Mercuryubottu: I already saw these links, i just need to add a script to execute after installation of bootloder completes during the default ubuntu installation, just after everything is complete11:24
ubottuMercury: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:24
OerHeksnewie, let ubuntu calculate that, it has an option to use the free space11:24
ubottuFor help with partitioning a new install see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowtoPartition | For partitioning programs, see !GParted (recommended) or !PartitionManager. Other partitioning topics include !fstab, !home, and !swap11:24
OerHeksor go wild on the wiki11:25
EriC^^Mercury: the links dont say how to add stuff?11:25
newieEriC^^: OerHeks : Ok i will give it a go. It will not cause any problem to my windows ? Will it do other stuff like GRUB on it's own??11:25
EriC^^newie: yes sure11:26
Mercurynewie: that depends on your choice, i usually give 250MB for boot(/boot), size of your RAM = SWAP and remaining to root (/)11:26
EriC^^newie: grub will get installed and windows' bootloader will disappear11:26
newieEriC^^: thanks.. :-)11:26
EriC^^newie: no problem ;)11:27
newieMercury: Thanks !!!!!!!! :-)11:28
EriC^^newie: if you do partition /boot isn't needed really, if you want one 500mb would be a little better11:29
Mercurynewie: make sure you install your bootloader on your drive and not on partition (/dev/sda and not /dev/sda1) so as to tell windows to be included in grub11:30
newieEriC^^: But that will be possible only if i choose 'something else' ???11:30
MercuryEric^^: nopes, it says about customisation of OS which i have already done including packages,cronjobs,everything. Now i want to add a script that runs at user's 1st login or after completion of installtion11:31
Mercuryanyone 111:31
Mercurynewie: without using something else, default installer creates LVM for installation11:32
newieMercury: thanks11:32
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MercuryEric^^ any suggestions for my case ?11:37
mach20xGood morning for all those who it is morning for11:39
mach20x4.4.0-62-generic works for my system but 63 and 64 freeze after login (mouse freezes)11:41
mach20xnothing on the desktop loads nor does the GUI11:42
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geirhasounds like a graphics driver problem11:44
mach20xI just downloaded and installed some updates to that effect just now, so I will try to see if it works and report back11:45
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sorinello_Hello. Does Ubuntu come with dnsmasq out of the box ?11:48
ppfsorinello_: yes11:48
sorinello_ppf, dunb question: why ? I don't see it used11:48
ppfit's used e.g. by network-manager11:49
sorinello_ppf, I am using DHCP to setup my interface, but I don't see no dnsmasq in the background running11:50
mach20xno dice, I just updated some graphics related components, but it is still freezing11:50
k1l_mach20x: does the guest account work?11:50
ppfsorinello_: are you using network-manager?11:51
mach20xI can try that, give me a moment11:51
sorinello_ppf, yes11:51
ppfsorinello_: pgrep -a -f dnsmasq11:51
sorinello_ppf, nothing. (I use Xubuntu ,not Ubuntu)11:51
ppfsorinello_: which version?11:54
tatertotssorinello_: what are you trying to accomplish specifically? if you are unsure or not at liberty to say https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Dnsmasq and i'm sure there's plenty of documentation available elsewhere also11:54
BluesKajHey folks11:56
mach20xGuest user loads up fine, mind you it won't connect to wifi12:01
Mercury_anyone can i add any script to existing ubuntu ISO which runs post completion of installation of the ISO ?12:03
mach20xany inklings on what I need to edit in the login items to make sure it runs right?12:04
k1l_mach20x: were you here yesterday already?12:06
akik_Mercury_: try cubic. it seems to be for that job: http://askubuntu.com/a/74177012:07
theparadoxer02i am not able to open postgresql12:07
theparadoxer02here is the paste12:07
theparadoxer02someone help !12:07
k1l_mach20x: when on lightdm, change to ctrl+alt+f1 and login to your user. then run "mv .config .config_backup" then change back to ctrl+alt+f7 and login on the lightdm again and see if that worked.12:08
sorinello_ppf, latest version of Xubuntu. tatertots the link you gave me does not fulfill my curiosity. I am curious why dnsmasq is included in the OOB Ubuntu if it it not used12:09
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SpeirosHey all:)12:11
mach20xok I will check that12:11
ppfsorinello_: in /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf12:13
ppfwhat's it say about dns?12:13
k1l_sorinello_: because network-manager needs it to offer some options?12:14
sorinello_ppf, #dns=dnsmasq12:14
ppfmaybe dnsmasq isn't the default on xubuntu, but nm offers to use it12:14
sorinello_k1l_, I see, so only the DNS part is used OOB in Ubuntu12:14
sorinello_because of dhcp I knew that dhcpd was taking care of business12:15
k1l_sorinello_: or when you set other connection types in network manager.12:15
sorinello_k1l_, ppf thanks for the info ! andsorry for the odd question :)12:16
theparadoxer02anyone is looking into my error ?12:16
ppftheparadoxer02: what's the answer to the question the error message is asking?12:17
Speirostheparadoxer02 Do you know if it is running on that server, or not sure, or is the answer no?12:19
k1l_backbox: this is the ubuntu irc channel. backbox is not ubuntu and not supported here12:19
theparadoxer02Speiros, when i am starting and restarting the server , it is done normally12:20
theparadoxer02also the server is running properly12:20
ppftheparadoxer02: file /var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.543312:20
Speirostheparadoxer02 Is that error message question though, is it a yes/no/not sure?12:20
backboxcan smone help me to learn english12:21
SpeirosYeah, is that one, that ppf mentioned the correct place?  theparadoxer0212:21
Speirosbackbox Try ##british.  It is a help room for practicing English:)12:21
theparadoxer02Speiros, not sure!12:21
SpeirosOk.:)  Thanks theparadoxer0212:22
k1l_backbox: join ##english12:22
theparadoxer02ppf ,Speiros, it showed no file or directory!12:23
ppftheparadoxer02: systemctl status postgresql12:23
ppftheparadoxer02: are you on xenial or later?12:23
theparadoxer02ppf, http://paste.ubuntu.com/24089735/12:25
theparadoxer02here it si12:25
theparadoxer02ppf, i am currenly on updated version, how do i check whether it is xenial ?12:26
Speirostheparadoxer02 Which year is it?  Is it say 16.4, or 16.10, etc?12:27
Speiros16.04...(sorry Ben64:D)12:28
ppftheparadoxer02: cat /etc/*-release12:28
k1l_lsb_release -sd12:28
theparadoxer02i am on 16.04 LTS12:28
OerHekshis error looks like  systemd >  http://askubuntu.com/questions/810008/after-upgrade-14-04-to-16-04-1-postgresql-server-does-not-start/81000912:29
brit411_hi , where I can get new android software for  samsung s6 edge plus ?12:31
k1l_brit411_: ask samsung or android. this is not related to ubuntu12:31
brit411_Thank you12:32
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ppfOerHeks: without more info impossible to tell12:33
mach20xok, so I tried to login using ctrl+alt+f1 but it locked up all the same12:36
mach20xthis time it gave me a wall of text to decypher12:36
mach20xone of the messages contained the words: dhclient tainted12:38
BluesKajmach20x, did you try ctl+alt+F212:38
mach20xanother was end:   kernel panic - not syncing: Fatal exception in interrupt12:39
mach20xHaven't tried f212:40
theparadoxer02didn't help12:40
mahakalGuys,while installing grub on an sdcard i am getting an    error "can not find EFI directory"/12:40
theparadoxer02OerHeks, did not helped!12:40
mach20xI'll try again with f2 instead12:41
SandalotHow hard is it to make a mirror for the ubuntu 16.04 package repo? Long story short I started a course this week and we don't have access to the internet and everyone needs their packages12:43
mahakalGuys someone here please help me ....12:44
mach20xf2 didn't seem to do anything for me12:47
mach20xstill unable to load12:47
mach20xis there some way to run the mv .config .config_backup command in 4.4.0-62-generic or would that just mess with the .config on this init ramdisk?12:49
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mach20xThanks for all help rendered, and any help is always appreciated12:53
hateball!info apt-mirror12:54
ubottuapt-mirror (source: apt-mirror): APT sources mirroring tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.1-1ubuntu1 (yakkety), package size 13 kB, installed size 63 kB12:54
hateballSandalot: ^12:54
SpeirosHi hateball12:54
angel-sweHi. There is an Email icon top right of my ubuntu and Phone Calls and SMS in it.. I don't use it. Possible to remove it from there?12:55
hateballSpeiros: hello12:55
brunch875angel-swe: it's not just for emails, but for more notifications12:55
JuJUBeeGood morning.  I am a teacher and want a program that will allow me to draw on top of any screen but be able to switch back and forth between drawing and using the mouse12:55
angel-swebrunch875,  It has "Phone Calls" and "SMS" as submenu. I have no defined phone number up there or email.. what program uses it?12:57
hateballJuJUBee: There used to be such a desktop effect, but I cant recall its name or if it is still in Unity (I dont use it)12:57
hateballJuJUBee: So you could hold say ctrl+alt and trace your mouse movement12:57
brunch875angel-swe: I have no idea. Are you using the newer unity or the default one?12:58
brunch875perhaps you have your phone paired via bluetooth?12:58
Jakey3my ubuntu installation, 16.04 is very very slow. 30seconds to load up FF and chrome is also slow to. Computer is Latitude E6420 with Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2520M CPU @ 2.50GHz with memory 16gb12:59
Jakey3any ideas?12:59
mach20xLooks like there is some work going on here http://askubuntu.com/questions/886374/ubuntu-16-04-kernel-4-4-0-64-generic-freezes-after-login-screen13:00
Jakey3new install aswell13:00
JuJUBeehateball, something to do with compiz plugin iirc13:00
Jakey3tested memory and harddrive is Samsung ssd 85013:00
Jakey3no obvious error there13:00
elias_aJakey3: Was there another OS before? Did that work ok?13:01
Jakey3elias_a, yes there was lubuntu was super fast then for some reason, could be when i went to 16.04 slowed right down, now on stock ubuntu 16.04 and its so slow its barely useable13:02
brunch875lubuntu was built to be lightweight13:02
hateballJakey3: Is bootup slow as well, or just when you are in X?13:02
SandalotThanks hateball13:02
JuJUBeeJakey3, have you tried xubuntu?13:03
brunch875 it could be that unity (defai13:03
brunch875(default DE) is slow on that computer13:03
hateballThere's no reason such a machine should need a different DE to be usable... but perhaps it is not using a proper GPU driver13:03
Jakey3hateball, bootup seems 'normal' more when I enter into the desktop environment, however i have noticed when I do sudo apt-get update / upgrade its slower then what i remember13:04
Jakey3JuJUBee, nope13:04
elias_aJakey3: I'm also betting on graphics driver prob.13:04
hateballJakey3: What GPU/driver are you using?13:04
brunch875I remember when I installed ubuntu on my father's computer, it would be barely usable. The animations were super-slow. Then I installed lubuntu on it and it became blazing fast13:04
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JuJUBeeWorks well on lower resources...  Might help13:04
hateballIf Firefox tries to use hw accel and you have a broken driver, then things are going to be unfun. As well as for all of Unity13:05
hateballJakey3: "lspci -k", pastebin the VGA section13:05
mahakalguys i made a bootable usb with grub2 actuallly its an sdcard..but while booting this option is not shown by CMOS when interrupting the boot process with F12..plz help13:06
Jakey3hateball, is this what your looking for https://paste.ubuntu.com/24089856/13:07
hateballJakey3: yea. No nvidia GPU in the machine?13:08
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hateballJakey3: I'm using a similar CPU myself with no issues running KDE Plasma... so hmmm13:09
mtottenhHi, I seem to have a problem where autotools seems to create a makefile using --push-state/--pop-state in the linker args, but my linker doesn't seem to recognize those as valid options. Any idea how I can fix this?13:09
hateballJakey3: any weird errors if you run "dmesg" ?13:09
elias_aJakey3: I've had the same problem and it was the graphics driver.13:09
elias_aJakey3: Have you updated after installation?13:10
Jakey3elias_a, yep13:10
Jakey3hateball, will have a look13:10
hateballJakey3: What you *can* do is use the HWE to get newer mesa and kernel13:11
ubottuThe Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack13:11
hateballJakey3: in short: sudo apt-get install --install-recommends linux-generic-hwe-16.04 xserver-xorg-hwe-16.0413:11
Jakey3thanks, will give a try.13:12
Jakey3would be interesting to see if ubuntu 14.04 has the same issue13:12
Jakey3hateball, nothing crazy in dmesg13:14
angel-sweHi. There is an Email icon top right of my ubuntu and Phone Calls and SMS in it.. I don't use it. Possible to remove it from there?13:15
Jakey3hateball, elias_a wierd in the ubuntu gui setting has graphics as Intel® Sandybridge Mobile13:15
hateballJakey3: Why is that weird?13:16
Jakey3hateball, was wondering if that corresponds to VGA compatible controller13:17
hateballJakey3: Yes, Sandy Bridge is intels name for that generation cpu13:18
Jakey3hateball, more the fact is said mobile13:19
hateballJakey3: You're on a laptop are you not?13:19
hateballJakey3: thats what the M in i5-2520M stands for. 2XXX is the generation13:20
macchenhello wprld~~13:21
Jakey3hateball, ah ok, thanks13:21
craptalkwhy do i have to disable firewall-cmd to make NFS?]\13:23
aadiHi all13:24
craptalki tried to add nfs service on both client and server but it is not running at all13:24
craptalkit works after i disabled firewalld.service13:24
aadiCan anyone tell me how can i find the source code of my gnome calculator?13:24
akik_craptalk: nfs server needs an export in /etc/exports13:24
hateball!source | aadi13:25
ubottuaadi: You can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html13:25
aadiThanks ubottu, also is there a way to find a package name?13:27
akik_aadi: http://packages.ubuntu.com/13:28
hateballaadi: or apt search whatever13:29
hateball!info gnome-calculator13:29
ubottugnome-calculator (source: gnome-calculator): GNOME desktop calculator. In component main, is optional. Version 1:3.22.2-1ubuntu0.1 (yakkety), package size 258 kB, installed size 2180 kB13:29
cfoch-al1does someone here use Skype Alpha For Linux?13:29
aadiThanks hateball, akik_ , ubottu :)13:30
cfoch-al1I don't know where to ask about it :)13:30
cfoch-al1aadi: I think ubottu is bot13:30
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aadicfoch-al1, I am kinda new :"(13:31
aadiMy machine is saying - You must put some 'source' URIs in your sources.list13:32
aadi So, what URI is to be added?13:32
meandrainHi. Any idea how to list files installed by a package ?13:39
meandrainI've tried this: https://dpaste.de/9xwu13:40
meandrainOk, so I had a typo, but any idea how to list files using apt ? (and not dpkg) ?13:41
elias_aaadi: Did you install skype using software center?13:52
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bagushow to install skype?13:54
elias_abagus: Enable partner repository in software sources. Then you may install it using software center or in terminal: sudo apt-get install skype13:55
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baguselias_a: thxs. going to try13:56
aadielias_a, nope, btw why?13:58
elias_aaadi: Because it is the easiest way.14:02
elias_aHow did you install skype?14:03
elias_aSkype is available in the partner repository. I just installed it.14:06
akik_elias_a: there's a newer skype version available but it's an alpha version14:07
elias_aakik_: Well, I would not use it as it is alpha.14:12
Southern_Gentlemelias_a, if noone tests the alpha how is it going to become beta and then final?14:15
Southern_Gentlemno testers they push and then everyone screams14:15
elias_aSouthern_Gentlem: I did not say no one should test it. I am saying I would not use it since it is proprietary and I rather test and support development of FLOSS.14:20
pragma1Hello folks, running Ubuntu 16.10 here on a Dell XPS 15 9560. Having issues connecting my bluethooth mouse. Bluetooth is on, but searching for devices yields nothing. I checked rfkill list, looks good. Any thoughts?14:20
akik_elias_a: the older version of skype is proprietary too14:21
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elias_aakik: Yes. I have not supported their development at alpha stage before.14:23
elias_aakik: And especially after MS bought Skype I won't have the slightest compassion. :)14:23
ikoniamore fool you then14:23
elias_aOh, come on. They can afford the testing if they just want to.14:25
ikoniathey are doing testing14:25
ikoniait's called a public test14:25
ikoniaalong side private testing14:25
ikoniaand if you think they are not doing private testing, again, more fool you14:25
elias_aThe real question is will the new version ever be production version or even beta. My guess is: no.14:26
ikoniabad guess then14:26
elias_aikonia: Seen it before. :)14:26
ikoniawith what microsoft product14:26
elias_aikonia: Silverlight linux support ring a bell?14:27
angel-sweHow can I install GIMP on my UBUNTU 16.10?14:27
ikoniaelias_a: it never got an official linux port14:27
ikoniaangel-swe: open the package manager, search for gimp, click install14:27
elias_aikonia: But it was planned.14:27
ikoniaelias_a: no, as microsoft retired silverloight,14:28
elias_aikonia: That is not exactly what I've been told but all the same.14:29
ikoniaelias_a: no "no" then14:29
k1l_angel-swe: sudo apt install gimp14:29
ikoniaelias_a: I'd be pretty confident the Skype Linux port will get an official release some point in the near future14:30
elias_aikonia: I have problems in understanding you.14:30
elias_aikonia: Well - let's get back to the issue when it happens. ;-)14:30
angel-sweikonia, no result when you do it14:33
angel-swesudo apt install gimp seems to be working14:34
john_ramboI am trying to convert a video.... I am using Avidemux.....FOr Video I am using "Copy" and for Audio I have selected MP3.....The encoding process completes without any error but WHen I play the output file there is no audio file14:38
akikelias_a: i don't really know which is worse, a skype client from 2012 or that alpha version :P14:38
dannyLopezI try to change the $JAVA_HOME to /opt/jdk/jdk1.8.0_121/ but echo $JAVA_HOME don show me nothing14:39
EriC^^dannyLopez: where did you change it?14:39
dannyLopezEditing /etc/profile and add 5 lines14:40
EriC^^dannyLopez: did you log out and back in?14:40
dannyLopezLogout to all system?14:41
EriC^^dannyLopez: yes logout as the user and back in14:41
dannyLopezOh, no, this works for me http://pastebin.com/i30jRBCi14:41
ace_mesome security guy configured server S2 and S1 so that I cann connect to S! through SSH from my IP and then from S! I can ssh to S2 where is a mysql I want to manage. Now I ask if I can connect for example workbench or similar tool directly to mysql ?14:41
claudio_Hello everboy14:42
ace_meis there any way to cascade 2 ssh tunnels ?14:42
elias_aakik: Well, that is true. But if a user needs to ask what he/she has to enter into some configuration settings I'd say that user shouldn't use alpha stage sw. :)14:42
claudio_anybody may help-me14:42
craigbass76Anyone use win-sshfs? I went to a newer ubuntu a few days ago, and can no longer mount up the directory. I'm guessing because the ssh key is different, but win-sshfs isn't popping up a dialog about it, just crapping out. I know this is more of a windows question, but does anyone know where I can wipe the key I have stored on the Windows box? I've looked in the registry, C:\Users\me\appdata C:\Program Files*  Nada14:42
ace_meanybody may help you14:42
EriC^^dannyLopez: yes bash -l makes a login shell14:42
EriC^^dannyLopez: if you dont want to logout you can use it until the next time you logout then it'll work without it14:43
dannyLopezWorks to all system and users?14:43
claudio_i installed de unbuntu on my macbook pro ...14:43
dannyLopezOh, EriC^^ thank you very much14:44
claudio_but the kernel not recongized all cpus...14:44
EriC^^dannyLopez: no problem14:44
ace_mecan I get in one command a connection to mysql from local->server1->server2->Mysql-server2 ?14:46
ace_mecan I get in one command a connection to mysql from local -> ssh server1 -> ssh server2 -> Mysql-server2 ?14:46
SchrodingersScatlocal -> login to ssh1 -> login to ssh2 -> run command14:47
ace_mein one command ?14:47
SchrodingersScatoh, you did say that, yeah probably14:47
SchrodingersScatchain it14:47
ace_messh root@IP1 < ssh root@IP2 ?14:47
craigbass76ace_me: I was able to, in PHP, hit two databases. I don't remember how but the server is sitting in a box here, so I can check. Or are you trying from bash?14:48
ace_mehow to chain it ?14:48
ace_meboth would help me14:48
ace_meboth versions *14:48
ace_meplease check craigbass7614:48
ikevin<ace_me> can I get in one command a connection to mysql from local -> ssh server1 -> ssh server2 -> Mysql-server2 ? <== do a ssh tunnel :)14:49
craigbass76ace_me: It will be a while. The box is full of computers. I don't know which one and they all look the same. Have to wait until lunch break. If ypou want to PM your email, I can send you my php scripts when I get my hands on them14:49
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lucas__Hello everyone14:50
ducasseace_me: look up "ssh bastion host"14:50
ace_methx ducasse14:51
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ace_meducasse what file is referred here http://blog.scottlowe.org/2015/11/21/using-ssh-bastion-host/ "The appropriate SSH configuration... " ?>15:00
ducasseace_me: ~/.ssh/config, typically15:01
ace_meok I will try15:01
rhqqhi there. is there any way to setup a virtual display without any monitor connected?15:06
ducasserhqq: x.org has something called 'virtual outputs', but i've never used them.15:09
rhqqbasically my use case is a desktop hidden in the closet acting as steam machine with streaming.. and i need a display in order to.. display games that get streamed :/15:09
ducasserhqq: check out xvfb15:10
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rhqqducasse: thanks, looking into it15:11
ngomes anyone knows how to change splash screen of the bios ?15:14
ducassengomes: ask in ##hardware15:14
ngomesok thanks15:15
nicomachuswell, do you mean BIOS or grub?15:16
kasadhello, can anyone tell me where does 16.04 mount windows shares mounted from nautilus15:37
kasadso I can access them from command line15:37
k1l_kasad: if you used your filebrowser to mount them (that is gvfs) its most likely under /media/username/15:38
w9qbjfrom the command line try 'df' to see what's mounted where, and how much space is used/available15:38
Southern_Gentlemthe mount command should tell you but i dont think you can from the CLI (fuse)15:38
kasadthanks, lemme check (I used file browser yes, and mounted) dunno what is gvfs15:38
kasadI got it as smb://foo/bar in nautilus, but I wanna access it from cmdline, do I have to mount it from command line cifs or smb? it's open share (NAS) which I want to backup to remote host (prefferably via rsync, and need to figure out how to make it run only during night)15:40
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kasadit's not under /media/username, df doesn't show it15:43
Southern_Gentlemkasad,  try /run/user/youruserid/gvfs15:44
Southern_Gentlemthere should be another subdirectory which is the mount15:46
kasadSouthern_Gentlem: that's it, thank a bunch! <315:46
ace_meducasse ssh -t root@ip1 ssh -t root@IP2 -L 3306: -N but I get bind: Address already in use15:46
kasadI tried find but it said access denied (I forgot i was root, not the user which I mounted as)15:46
Southern_Gentlemkasad,  i had actaully been neding to figure that out myself just never sat down to do it15:46
kasadkinda same, I wanted to avoid mounting it from cmdline15:47
KatronixGreetings all! I'm helping running a server with 16.04.2 and php 7.0.15. I have mysql installed but I seem to be missing something that is needed for php and mysql to talk to each other. Any suggestions on how to find out what is missing? or is it more that my php is to new?15:47
kasadthanks again Southern_Gentlem15:48
kierqueenwhen I download tor, I get-- SIGNATURE VERIFICATION FAILED You might be under attack, or there might just be a networking problem. Click Start try the download again. but I tried it 4 times, and get that error?15:50
wlp1s1kierqueen: how do you download tor?15:53
KatronixDoes my question make sense? or do I need to provide more information?15:53
k1l_!lamp | Katronix15:54
ubottuKatronix: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process.15:54
k1l_Katronix: did you a2enmod php? did you restart apache afterwards?15:54
k1l_Katronix: did you install the php and mysql moduls/packages15:55
Katronixk1l_ no I didn't I did install the lamp meta package thought that did everything, let me try that15:55
wlp1s1kasad: /run/user/<uid>/gvfs/<proto>:host=<host>,user=<user>15:55
wlp1s1aka /run/user/1000/gvfs/smb:host=,user=root15:56
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wlp1s1kasad: is that what you wanted?15:56
Katronixk1l_ does it matter which directory a2enmod is ran from? I told it to a2enmod php from /root and it came back it didn't have a php module15:59
kasadwlp1s1: I found it under /run/user/uid/gfvs/smbbmount-hostname-sharename15:59
wlp1s1oh ok16:00
k1l_Katronix: yes it doesnt matter.16:00
kasadI just typed the smbmount-hostname-sharename aproximately16:00
k1l_Katronix: what command did you use? and what was the output?16:01
kasadI'm connected remotely and someone is working there atm and just minimized my screen, didn't had chance to setup router to fwd port 22 yet, so I am using teamviewer atm16:01
kierqueenwhen I download tor, I get-- SIGNATURE VERIFICATION FAILED You might be under attack, or there might just be a networking problem. Click Start try the download again. but I tried it 4 times, and get that error?16:01
kierqueenwlp1s1: using the dash board, tor16:02
kierqueenapt-get install torbrowser , after installing that on my 32 bit, I just run it, and it downloads for me16:02
k1l_kierqueen: using any vpn or proxy?16:03
kierqueensorry apt-get install torbrowser-launcher16:03
k1l_or company network? that are transparent proxies who ruin ssl16:03
kierqueenthen that launcher downloads it for me, and fails the signature verification, and says that I am under attack, nad yeah my network is just fine16:04
Katronixk1l_ I used a2enmod php and it replied back it didn't have a php module16:04
kierqueenI run home network16:04
k1l_Katronix: sudo apt install libapache2-mod-php16:04
Katronixk1l_ already the newest version16:05
paulo23hi, please someone advise me, i just reinstalled ubuntu 12.04, i need it to be 12.04 not 14 or 16, my system cant handle the new versions, i have unchecked in update manager all the updates versions, will this affect not only my ubuntu version but all the stuff like firefox skype etc ?16:05
littlegirlHey there, is anybody in here good with networking commands?16:05
littlegirlI'm updating my Static IP page and wrote a rather lengthy command for getting my private network class and was hoping maybe one of you would know of a less lengthy and more elegant one.16:06
kierqueenwlp1s1: are you still there , sorry for the late reply, but I hope now you'll tell me16:06
littlegirlThe one I wrote: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24090930/16:06
wlp1s1kierqueen: hi16:06
wlp1s1ok so you said apt throws that error?16:06
k1l_kierqueen: try "gpg --homedir "$HOME/.local/share/torbrowser/gnupg_homedir/" --refresh-keys --keyserver pgp.mit.edu"16:06
wlp1s1if it does blame 1) firewalls, 2) your ISP, 3) your country16:07
dbrasspaulo23, can you run another flavour of Ubuntu instead of 12.04?16:07
wlp1s1kierqueen: does apt throw that error?16:07
bolovanosI have txt file, by doing "cat file.txt | grep xyz | less" i will get only subset of "less -> / -> xy"16:07
paulo23dbrass yes i can but the system run badly with them, heat problem16:08
bolovanoshow is that possible?16:08
dbrasspaulo23, because 12.04 will be out of support in 2 months16:08
kierqueenwlp1s1: no I apt-get install torbrowser-launcher package just fine, when I run the launcher and download tor then the problem comes k1l_ ok wait a sec16:08
paulo23dbrass yes i know but i would love to keep it, is like what i said will affect any 3rd part software ?16:09
k1l_Katronix: "sudo a2enmod php7.0"16:09
Katronixk1l_ okay16:09
ducasselittlegirl: you do know that just because your ip address is 192.168.x.x that does not mean you are on a class c network, right?16:09
dbrasspaulo23, yes, you won't receive updates for firefox and other softwares16:10
paulo23dbrass i uncheck everything in upgardemanager=>softwares sources=>updates16:10
kierqueenk1l_: I did but > is what I get and a newline, your comand is wrong16:10
ducasselittlegirl: what you want to check is the netmask16:10
littlegirlNo, I didn't, ducasse.16:10
Katronixk1l_ "considering conflict php5 for php7.0: Module php7.0 already enabled"16:10
dbrasspaulo23, you'll be running with the current version of software that you have and will be open to many security vulnerabilities16:10
k1l_Katronix: restarted apache?16:11
paulo23dbrass any advise whata to do, i just wanna keep 12.0416:11
kierqueenok it's right16:11
ducasselittlegirl: a class c network has a subnet mask of, class b is and class a is
Katronixk1l_ thanks! that did the trick!16:12
dbrasspaulo23, my advice is at tha point not to stay on 12.04. You can either switch to debian stable (Jessie) and run a light desktop environment or update to a newer ubuntu release with a ligh desktop environment16:12
dbrasspaulo23, if you have old hardware debian stable should be fine and safe16:12
littlegirlOkay, thanks, ducasse. Then I'll rewrite that part of the script, but would still love to find a more elegant way of coding it.16:13
rhqqducasse: xvfb is a no-go. it uses software rendered and i can not make it use discrete gpu16:13
dbrasspaulo23, You need to find what is causing to much load on newer versions16:13
k1l_dbrass: the LUbuntu desktop is targeted at slow and old hardware. but we cant tell you to run old ubuntu releases that dont have support anymore. 12.04 is only supported until april16:14
paulo23dbrass all new ubu release have no light envirs, too much heat from my lap16:14
ducasserhqq: then check out virtual outputs, i imagine that is part of xrandr. i don't know if that will work, but it's the only other idea i have.16:15
dbrasspaulo23, no light environments? Lubuntu, Xubuntu, Ubuntu mate16:15
dbrasspaulo23, all those are relatiely light DE16:15
rhqqducasse: yeah, i tried to setup my own xorg.conf with virtual display, but i never managed xorg to actually pull it :/16:15
pavloslittlegirl, hostname -I will give you the ip, but if you type ifconfig, you can find more about the network16:15
k1l_!lubuntu | paulo2316:16
ubottupaulo23: lubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.16:16
ducasselittlegirl: ask in #bash, i'm sure someone in there will give you a more elegant solution or at least tell you how to do it :)16:16
dbrassk1l_, that's why I'm telling him not to stay on 12.04 but to find alternative with newer releases16:16
k1l_dbrass: yes. lubuntu has presets for zram etc.16:17
paulo23dbrass can i switch from ubu 14 to lubuntu easily ?16:17
dbrasspaulo23, yo ucan do what you want but know that staying on older releases of Ubuntu that are getting out of support is a terribly bad idea16:17
k1l_paulo23: you can make your ubuntu to a Lubuntu by installing "lubuntu-desktop"16:18
dbrasspaulo23, from 14.04 you can unstall lubuntu-desktop16:18
paulo23dbrass im using desktop version for personal use only whats dangerous in it16:18
dbrasspaulo23, remote exploits, spam machine, botnet... the list goes on16:18
ducassepaulo23: are you connected to the internet? then it's dangerous.16:19
dbrasspaulo23, if your computer is connected to the internet then it's irresponsible to run old unpatched software16:19
paulo23i see16:19
paulo23whats the lightest distro to switch easily to from ubu please guys16:19
paulo23with  command lines ?16:20
paulo23no need to download burn ?16:20
dbrasspaulo23, also, any remote exploitation of your machine will slow it down and might slow donw your internet speed16:20
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k1l_<k1l_> paulo23: you can make your ubuntu to a Lubuntu by installing "lubuntu-desktop"16:20
dbrasspaulo23, try lubuntu 16.04 first16:20
paulo23dbrass do i need to download burn install ? or just by comand line right from ubuntu16:21
dbrassupdating from 12.04 to 14.04 and then to 16.04 will leave a lot of crust on your system16:21
dbrasspaulo23, I would suggest a clean install16:21
dbrasspaulo23, you can try a live session first16:21
k1l_paulo23: you can just install Lubuntu the way i told you16:21
k1l_paulo23: and you can use the online update16:21
dbrassk1l_, yes but updating could be problematic16:22
dbrassk1l_, he'll need to remove the ubuntu-desktop package16:22
dbrassk1l_, otherwise he'll get unity and the kitchen sink installed whie updating16:23
k1l_dbrass: upgrades are automated tested.16:23
dbrassk1l_, they are tested from clean systems but I don't know the state of his machine16:23
paulo23no way to go from 12 to lubuntu directly ?16:23
dbrassk1l_, does he have unstable PPAs16:23
paulo23need 14 first ?16:23
k1l_paulo23: i told you now 3 times.16:24
dbrasspaulo23, you can install the lubuntu-desktop package16:24
dbrasspaulo23, it is a metapackage that will pull all of lubuntu16:24
pavloslittlegirl, this will give you the mask ...  m=$(ifconfig | awk -F: '/Mask:/ {print $4}' ); echo $m16:24
paulo23kll installing lubuntu desktop over ?16:24
dbrasspaulo23, sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop16:25
paulo23i see thanks a lot guys16:25
k1l_paulo23: if you install the package i named to you 3 times now, you will make your system a lubuntu. you can upgrade before or afterwards. its your choice16:25
paulo23doing the security updates right now16:25
dbrasspaulo23, reboot and log into lxde and then sudo apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop16:25
dbrasspaulo23, but I can't comment on the stability of the system after you remove ubuntu-desktop before upgrading. It may break on major upgrades16:26
dbrasspaulo23, gotta go good luck with your upgrade16:27
k1l_dbrass: should not be an issue. i dont know why you keep telling that.16:27
paulo23The following packages have unmet dependencies:  lubuntu-desktop : Depends: lubuntu-core but it is not going to be installed E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.16:27
dbrassk1l_, you have not heard the Leo Laporte story when peoples told him to convert his ubuntu install to xubuntu and to remove ubuntu-desktop16:27
dbrasspaulo23, you need to re-enable the updates16:28
dbrassk1l_, he then ranted about linux when his install broke on the next upgrade16:28
k1l_paulo23: what repos do you have enabled?16:28
paulo23kll new install of 12.0416:28
dbrasspaulo23, yes but you disabled some software repositors in the update manager16:29
paulo23ok now16:29
dbrasspaulo23, you need to reenable them16:29
k1l_paulo23: -updates and -security need to be enabled16:29
k1l_and universe, of course16:30
paulo23i rechecked them now its loading16:30
dbrassk1l_, good luck to both of you16:30
paulo23ty dbrass16:30
paulo23kll is this lubuntu light and fast ? wont use lot of cpu ? ubu 14 was causing a lot of heat16:31
k1l_!lubuntu | paulo2316:32
paulo23_kll lubuntu installed, now apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop ?16:36
k1l_paulo23_: yes. after that "sudo apt-get autoremove"16:37
paulo23_kll sudo apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop unity && sudo apt-get autoremove ?16:37
paulo23_googled a bit16:38
nomichow to disable tool tips on panel on mate desktop16:40
paulo23kll_ hi again , did how i posted last , still have the ubuntu login screen and desktop as before16:45
ducassepaulo23: choose lxde on the login screen16:45
kierqueenhey guys16:49
kierqueenwhat's the procedure to install tor on uubntu?16:49
paulo23_kll_ done , now should i upgrade to lubuntu 16 ?16:49
kierqueenI don't like the /var/apt/sources way16:50
kierqueenI liek the ppa way, plain and simple16:50
kierqueenhow do I know the current version I am on, I did apt-get dist-upgrade ?16:52
Franco63hi all .. i'm new  in ubuntu, after 30 years of windows 2 monts ago decided  the  great change. Now  something  strange happends when i  try  to launch ubuntu.  The  sistem require the  password.. that i tape as usual,  and so often  yhe system say that the  password is  wrong , and  reconnaize  it as  corret  only the second time that i  tape... I'm thinking  that someone hacked me ....is  this  possible? and  in case16:54
Franco63what i have to do? ty for attention-16:54
digbychickenkierqueen, lsb_release -irc16:55
kierqueensudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/tor-browser && sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get install tor-browser, and after that how do iI remove that? What's the procedure to remove any ppa? nad their packages16:55
scottjlwell you would have to remove the packages on your own16:57
scottjlto remove the ppa, just remove the file from /etc/apt/sources.list.d16:58
scottjlor the entry in /etc/apt/sources.list16:58
nicomachusyou could always use ppa-purge16:59
scottjlor you can add-apt-repository --remove16:59
nicomachus!info ppa-purge16:59
ubottuppa-purge (source: ppa-purge): disables a PPA and reverts to official packages. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.8+bzr63 (yakkety), package size 6 kB, installed size 24 kB16:59
cryptic0Does anyone know what the '|' symbol indicates in diff output?17:00
mahakalid divide your two files for better vies17:00
mahakalguys i am on a live usb ubuntu distro.if i install it now will it affect the data of my previous OS17:02
mahakal current  version is 14.0417:03
jayjoI'm trying to start a service (systemd unit file) so I can have jupyterhub - an ipython tool - to run a server constantly. I followed these steps https://github.com/jupyterhub/jupyterhub/wiki/Run-jupyterhub-as-a-system-service but when I do sudo service jupyterhub start - i get no error or output whatsoever, but the server is not running. How do I investigate this further?17:04
scottjlmahakal: if you tell it to install on your existing partitions it certainly wil.17:05
mahakalwill i lost the apps and MOVIES etc that i installed on 14.0417:05
scottjlif you tell it to overwrite your existing partitons you will lose your data, yes17:06
guestmahakal: there is an option during installation for which type of installation you can do. Read it carefully.17:06
scottjlif you make new partitions, and keep your old ones, you can have both installed17:06
guestmahakal: If it was me, I would back up my entire home directory to an external drive first anyway17:06
mahakalguest: but copying home directory does not copy the apps that you have collected in your arsenal17:07
noraatepernosCan anyone suggest a persistent nosql data store that shards easily?  I need a sharded/partitioned kv store that can handle 12k writes per second.  Someone suggested a new trendy one and I forgot the name.  It wasn’t CouchDb.17:07
scottjlmahakal: you can always just do an upgrade instead of a fresh install17:08
mahakalscottjl: but you know that "those upgrade " sucks17:08
scottjli've upgraded many machines from 14.04lts to 16.04lts without problem17:08
guestmahakal: correct17:09
guestmahakal: you can upgrade17:09
scottjlbut it is always good to have a backup anyway17:09
KatronixIf the IP for a site works, but the domain name says the connection was refused is that just apache not knowing about the domain name?17:09
guestKatronix: no, "connection refused" is a networking thing17:09
guestKatronix: What do you mean "the IP works" ?17:09
k1l_mahakal: that is not true. ubuntu has automated testings for upgrades since long time.17:09
guestKatronix: I see17:09
mahakalok Guys ..i think you all are right upgrade is best option17:10
guestKatronix: If you use this command "host mydomain.com" do you see the IP you expect?17:10
scottjlmahakal: make a backup just in case!17:10
mahakalscottjl: yup you are right17:10
KatronixI see the IP changed, okay I know what to do now thanks!17:10
mahakalguys there is one more problem..My BIOS is not showing the USB stick ..if you have ever encountered this problem ?17:11
paulo23kll_ are u there plz17:13
publiomahakal: It may not support USB booting. Try a CD17:18
cryptic0Anyone knows what the pipe symbol means in diff output?17:20
mahakalpublio: no it show me once but when i use fdisk to make it a bootable ,After that it is not showing17:21
scottjli've never see a | in diff output17:21
scottjlare you just diff'ing 2 files?17:21
scottjlare you using a strange version of diff?17:22
scottjlsure the | isn't actually in one of the files?17:22
cryptic0scottjl on RHEL17:22
publiomahakal: If it's now showing in fdisk, it may be dead? I'm not sure.17:22
cryptic0I think I may have figured it out.  Pipe means lines are dissimilar17:23
mikeymopnacc: idk if you're online, but I fixed a few dependencies one by one17:23
mikeymopeventually got so bad I just nuked the system, but I appreciate the help you gave me. If you know of an easy way to fix apt after it's broken that would be valuable17:23
mahakalpublio: is there any way to cure it17:23
scottjlmahakal: when you plug the usb drive in, check dmesg. is the system even seeing the drive?17:24
publiomahakal: USB disks are the least things I know.. But there may be a chance ^^17:24
publioDoes the default encrypted LVM install use RAID 0 by default? Or will I have to do an advanced install?17:26
mahakalscottjl: that usb is not shown in the BIOS only .Actually i am using it normally on lapy and just boot 16.04 live with it.But what i want is to create a multiboot usb and for that i need to set the boot order in BIOS17:27
mahakalbut BIOS not showing it17:27
mcnesiumon 16.04 mate simple-scan started on command line returns WARNING **: Error retrieving accessibility bus address  and the gui part reports no scanner found, though lsusb shows the scanner being there. any ideas what could be the problem? it worked a while ago17:27
cryptic0sed -n '1~4p' file > output  <- Will this extract every fourth line starting with the first line from the file?17:29
publiomahakal: There may be a confusion of meaning here. You should be able to set BIOS boot order without a USB drive. If it's not there, you can't boot via USB17:30
scottjlcryptic0: yes17:30
cryptic0scottjl thanks17:30
scottjlit won't print line 1 though, line 4, 8, 12, etc.17:30
mahakalpublio: and what i wanna tell you is that "BIOS once showed me the USB while adjusting boot order" but i did not change it because i decided to check web for more information.After gettin info. from web that i reboot again  the BIOS did not show me any usb option17:32
scottjlmahakal: you might need to enable legacy support for usb or something like that. it really depends on the bios17:33
scottjlsorry but this isn't a good place for bios support.17:33
mahakalscottjl: ok thanks17:33
invvingHehe windows almost forced Linux out the door with uefi17:34
invvingIt probably will happen soon.17:34
MkllTechUbuntu ubuntu17:35
altrortlai have a question17:35
MkllTechwhat is your question?17:36
altrortlaI have installed ubuntu 10.04 and seems to work quite well. now i try to use simple scan or xsane to acquire immages... scanner seems to work but no immage is taken17:37
MkllTechDId you mean 16.04?17:37
scottjlgod i hope you don't mean 10.0417:38
altrortlano 10.04 old generation17:38
publio :)17:38
altrortlapentium 417:38
MkllTechUse Debian stable instead.17:38
MkllTechOr at least lubuntu17:38
altrortlasure is my best choice for this hardware17:38
MkllTechalt dm me17:39
ducassealtrortla: 10.04 is eol17:39
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades17:39
altrortlaAll news that I know17:39
naccmikeymop: sorry, am around now17:39
k1l_altrortla: you cant use 10.04 anymore. even 12.04 loses support in april. best bet is to try 14.04 Lubuntu17:40
MkllTechaltrortla, check my messages.17:41
altrortlaDone all this trying17:41
MkllTechThank you17:41
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice.17:41
invvingscottjl: you have problems?17:42
altrortlaScanner seems to work (do the scan) but images result17:42
scottjlproblem is you're using 3yo software (when it was eol'ed). maybe it's a bug that's been fixed in the last 3 years? who knows.17:42
kissboygood evening17:43
altrortlaScanner seems to work (do the scan) but NO images result17:43
invvingFolder permission or application permission or port permission. altrortla scottjl17:44
scottjlaltrortla: who knows what the cause could be. old bug? old software? broken scanner?17:44
invvingscottjl: wrong!17:46
publioWhen installing with RAID, should I use the alternate installer, or install regularly, then resize using LVM?17:46
kissboyplease we ask you help me is my computer17:46
semitones_rexHey y'all... dd can't copy over USB at 150 MB/s can it? What happened here? Did I data destroy? http://paste.ubuntu.com/24091457/17:49
PipeItToDevNullSo. I want to curl a web page, and start printing at "% TOR" then only print the next 9 lines. What tool do I need to manpage?17:49
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k1l_semitones_rex: is sdb the usb? and did you run "sync" afterwards to make sure the writing is completed and not kept in the cache?17:51
ducasse!fr | kissboy117:53
ubottukissboy1: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.17:53
kissboy1join #ubuntu-fr17:53
BluesKajkissboy1, /j #ubuntu-fr17:54
SD_Eclipticakissboy1: /join not join17:54
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semitones_rexk1l_, sdb is the usb, but I didn't try sync17:55
xarvisHi all.17:55
xarvisI have an upstart script running17:56
xarviswhich is for a node server17:56
semitones_rexk1l_, so I guess now it's good? I'll try :)17:56
xarviswhen I go to the directory where the application is based and run, node server.js17:56
xarvisit works great, but when I run the `service myapp start`, the status is always stop/waiting17:56
semitones_rexIs there any way to verify that the data on /dev/sdb matches /file/xxx.iso?17:56
xarvisand when I try to do the `service myapp stop` it will show that there is no instance17:57
EriC^^semitones_rex: md5sum /dev/sdb and md5sum the iso17:57
k1l_semitones_rex: md5sum17:57
=== kissboy1 is now known as kissboy
semitones_rexthanks :) didn't know you could md5sum /dev files, but that makes sense if devices are files!17:58
EriC^^semitones_rex: np, the iso is the copy of the disk right? not vice versa18:00
cyberspectreIs there a way, using any DE, to see all displays on one?18:00
k1l_cyberspectre: can you rephrase that?18:01
kissboysory I not speak English very well18:01
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cyberspectrek1l_, I have a computer with three monitors. Two monitors are in another room. I want to see all of them on one monitor so I know which windows I'm moving onto them18:02
k1l_cyberspectre: on unity: super+s18:04
Sepherhey guys. Does anyone know how I could select the wifi gateway to login to from a terminal?18:05
MonkeyDustSepher  type   iwlist18:05
ducassecyberspectre: i know enlightenment at least used to have a pager that rendered all desktops in real-time18:06
SepherMonkeyDust Thanks bro18:07
altrortlaI have installed ubuntu 10.04 and seems to work quite well. now i try to use simple scan or xsane to acquire immages... scanner seems to work but no immage is taken.18:09
altrortlaFirmware is where snapscan folder is ... and scanner is an epson perfection 2580 photo, lucid is fully upgraded.18:09
altrortlascanimage -L see the scanner usb, and also sane-find-image18:09
altrortla 18:09
ducassealtrortla: 10.04 is not supported here, you need to upgrade18:10
MonkeyDustaltrortla  type this to know what's supported      /topic18:12
fribhow can I install ubuntu 16.02 on a usb thumb drive?18:14
k1l_frib: what OS are you on now?18:14
acousticpanichi guys18:15
acousticpanicquick question about a file bug18:15
fribk1l_, ubuntu 1618:15
altrortlaok thanks a lot ... I suppose to find any technician :-) sorry18:15
ducassealtrortla: just upgrade to a supported release and we'll help18:16
acousticpanicI'm trying to use openconnect to establish a vpn session to my client18:16
acousticpanicthe path has a "/" in it18:16
acousticpanicie https://domain.com:9443/duo18:16
acousticpanicthe /duo makes it not work18:17
acousticpanicfound this bug in launchpad18:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1495924 in network-manager-openconnect "openconnect network manager config file can't read "/" in gateway address" [Medium,Confirmed]18:17
acousticpanichas anyone found a work around?18:17
k1l_frib: if you are using ubuntu right now just use the ubuntu startup creator18:17
fribk1l_, but i dont want to make a startup usb i want to install ubuntu on the usb18:18
naccacousticpanic: did anyone files the bug upstream?18:18
acousticpanicnacc: no idea...18:18
k1l_frib: then run the installer in a VM or boot to the installer and choose the usb as the destination18:19
naccacousticpanic: seems like the workaround is to use the cli as mentioned in that bug18:19
acousticpanicnacc: it looks dead in the water from what I can tell, but I've never filed a bug before or chased one through the process18:19
fribk1l_, the website says minimum harddrive space for 16 is 25g18:19
fribmy usb is 1618:19
acousticpanicnacc: haha.  I read the following posts but not the OPs latter half18:20
acousticpanicnacc: yeah, let me try that :)18:20
k1l_frib: it should work with something about 10GB18:20
EriC^^frib: 16 will be fine, but you should know usb's seem to die quickly with an os on it at least for me and few i've seen18:20
fribk1l_, ok i made a mistake its actually 3218:20
naccacousticpanic: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=76597118:20
ubottuGnome bug 765971 in VPN: openconnect "openconnect network manager config file can't read "/" in gateway address" [Normal,New]18:20
fribEriC^^, i only plan to use it very rarely18:20
fribEriC^^, but thanks for the heads up. the information on it will be very valuable18:21
naccacousticpanic: if you can reproduce it, the original reporter has not responded there18:21
EriC^^np frib18:21
acousticpanicnacc: "Failed to Obtain WebVPN cookie"18:23
naccacousticpanic: i don't know much about the vpn stuff, just was an fyi18:23
acousticpanicnacc: thanks.  I think I might need to put a wrapper on it18:24
EriC^^or chocolate chips18:24
hitman1Hi, I am unable to boot my PC right now.18:24
EriC^^hitman1: what happens when you try?18:25
hitman1I don't know what happened. I was using chrome last time when my PC got freezed. Then I pressed restart button.18:25
hitman1And now I am getting - "Reboot and select proper boot device or Insert proper boot media in selected boot device and press a key"18:26
EriC^^hitman1: try to boot a live usb and run a fsck on the partitions18:27
hitman1I booted a live arch image and tried to run fdisk but it isn't showing any drive.18:27
EriC^^does dmesg show anything hitman1 ?18:28
hitman1I also used smartctl.18:28
EriC^^is it a laptop or desktop?18:28
EriC^^it's unlikely but check the power supply if it's getting power18:29
EriC^^and dmesg18:30
fribwill this menuentry work? http://paste.ubuntu.com/24091635/18:30
hitman1Eric^^, Yes I am checking ..18:30
Apachezany of you who have dug into replacement of visio in ubuntu?18:32
pavloshitman1, sometimes, disconnect/reconnect the sata cable inside the desktop (from disk drive to mb) may work18:32
pavlosApachez, have you tried dia?18:33
hitman1Also there is no hard drive option showing when I press F11 to select boot device.18:33
k1l_hitman1: if the bios doesnt see it thats a hardware failure18:34
hitman1pavlos, How to reconnect.18:34
hitman1k1l_, hardware failure - but why it happened ?18:34
k1l_hitman1: hardware fails. there doesnt need to be a reason.18:35
pavloshitman1, unplug the sata connector from the mb, reconnect it to another sata slot and see if it boots and finds the disk18:35
k1l_could be a faulty powersupply, or cables. or disk. or mainboard.18:35
hitman1k1l_ should I try to reconnect it as pavlos is suggesting ?18:36
k1l_hitman1: yes. worth a try18:37
hitman1Or should I purchase new hard drive ?18:37
pavloshitman1, dust might be an issue ...18:37
hitman1But what if I only have 1 sata slot ?18:38
pavloshitman1, then blow on the sata connector and mb, reconnect to the same sata slot18:38
hitman1Ok I am trying and will tell you after 5-10 min. Thanks18:39
pavloshitman1, try another sata cable ... do we know the disk died? can you connect it external via a pata adapter and it should show up in the live cd18:40
aotaointbinso, ubuntu 14.04, what user does apache run as by default?18:40
aotaointbinit's not www-data, it seems, since that user didn't get created during install.18:40
scottjlaotaointbin: that user should have been created if you installed with apt.18:41
scottjlif you install from source or something else, well, that's all up to you then18:41
craigbass76aotaointbin: really... I was on Mint 17, which I thought was equivalent of ub 14, and I had such a user.18:41
hitman1pavlos, No don't know what PATA adapter is ?18:42
hitman1I don't know that much hardware side stuffs.18:42
aotaointbin`apache2ctl status` yields "chown: invalid user: 'www-data'"18:42
intenseis it possible to configure grub settings from the debian-installer in the ubuntu server install?18:42
pavloshitman1, it's one of those adapters that allow you to connect an IDE/SATA drive external to a usb port18:42
hitman1Eric^^, What to check in dmesg ??18:42
Apachezpavlos: unfortunately it doesnt support importing nor exporting visio format18:42
intensei need to change a setting before i boot into the system for the first time18:42
aotaointbinand i don't see a www-data user in /etc/passwd nor /etc/shadow18:42
scottjlaotaointbin: how did you install apache?18:42
aotaointbinansible script that installed apache2-mpm-worker using apt-get.18:43
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scottjlguessing your script didn't do everything it should have then18:45
scottjlcreate a www-data user and group then, 33:33.18:45
scottjl(not your script as in you created it, as in you ran it)18:45
aotaointbinit did install apache2 (as a dependency for apache2-mdm-worker), though, according to dpkg log.18:46
aotaointbinit didn't explicitly do any user management tasks, which is why i was asking if this package handled user creation itself.18:46
scottjlwww-data should have been created when apache2 was installed18:46
pavlosApachez, you can convert vsd (visio, proprietary) -> svg (vector graphics) and import http://dia-installer.de/vsd2svg/index.html.en18:46
aotaointbinis user addition/deletion logged anywhere?18:47
scottjlmight be in messages, just grep www-data /var/log/*18:47
Apachezpavlos: ooh nice18:48
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intenserelated question: i cannot modify grub params during ubuntu server install because the install shell does not have update-grub or grub-mkconfig. any ideas?18:50
scottjlintense: short of rolling your own install image, nope.18:53
causativeI am getting an authenticate popup, but I didn't take any action manually that would require it... should I be concerned?18:53
causative"Authentication is needed to run /usr/lib/update-notifier/package-system-locked"18:53
ouroumovintense, you can still edit the boot command. Then you'll change grub after you're done installing, just edit the boot command again n first boot18:53
scottjlaotaointbin: i just installed a new 14.04 box. minimal install. no apache. but www-data is created as a user.18:54
scottjland the group is there too.18:54
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causativecan I tell what process prompted the authenticate popup?18:54
scottjlcausative: ps and look back thru the list. maybe it was automated updates?18:56
kierqueenwhy does my ubuntu keeps on getting stuck always? and I need to do emergency shutdown always18:56
causativeI run my updates manually18:56
fribi successfully installed ubuntu on a usb thumb drive but after selecting the drive at boot it hangs with "_"18:57
scottjl/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/10periodic is all 0's?18:57
ouroumovkierqueen, what is your processor model?18:57
scottjlsorry ouroumov kier got stuck ;-)18:57
fribduring setup I partitioned the usb as 1gb swap and the rest as ext4 with mount point / and set the drive to be location for boot partition18:58
fribwhat did I do wrong?18:58
intensescottjl: ouroumov: my first boot shows a blank screen unless i add Ubuntu Desktop at tasksel for some reason. I think i might need to disable GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT_QUIET. going to try to use preseed/late_command18:58
nicomachusfrib: what type of port do you have it plugged into? USB 2.0 or 3.0?18:58
fribnicomachus, 318:59
nicomachusfrib: try a 2.0 if you can. Idk live USBs always hang on 3.0 ports, but they do for some reason.18:59
nicomachusidk why*18:59
fribnicomachus, i have another usb installation from a while back that runs on the same ports18:59
fribnicomachus, did I Install it correctly though?18:59
nicomachusgive it a shot anyway18:59
fribnicomachus, i don't have any usb 2.0 ports19:00
nicomachuswell I've never heard of anyone putting a Swap partition on a USB... but it should work I guess.19:00
scottjlfrib: no reason that shouldn't work, but depends on bios, jump drive, etc.19:00
fribnicomachus, isn't a swap necessary for any disk with os on it?19:00
scottjlfrib: no19:00
kierqueenwhy does ubuntu keeps stucking out?19:00
scottjlswap isn't necessary at all for a system to run19:00
fribscottjl, it could use the internal disks's swap space you mean?19:00
ouroumovkierqueen, what is your processor model?19:00
nicomachusfrib: no19:01
scottjlfrib: you could, or have no swap at all.19:01
nicomachusfrib: your machine has RAM for that.19:01
BluesKajthink a swap file would probly work better, if you really need swapiness19:01
fribi'll try again19:01
scottjlswap is only needed if you are going to run more than available RAM. if you have 16G ram and don't run that much in processes, you don't need any swap at all19:01
causativeso is there a way of finding out which process caused the authentication popup?19:01
scottjlcausative: yes, use ps, and trace back thru the list.19:02
kierqueenouroumov: don't know which cmd? lscpu ?19:02
causativewell I tried pstree but it doesn't show any processes in the tree apart from polkit processes19:02
ouroumovkierqueen, lshw -C cpu, inxi -C, lscpu19:02
kierqueenmy processor is fine, I think corei5 hp19:02
kierqueen https://ptpb.pw/3qO219:03
causativeI assume none of those are what I'm looking for19:03
cyber37Hi guy's, I was in Ubuntu 16.04 with a gqrx version build from sources, it was working well, I updated to 16.10 and now i have a problem. The software can't start because it requiered an OLDER library: gqrx: error while loading shared libraries: libboost_system.so.1.58.0 but me I have now : /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libboost_system.so.1.61.019:04
vltHello. Nearly everything on my Ubuntu 16.04 desktop is localized/translated, also Thunderbird but not its Lightning module. What do I need to install do get also that in my local language?19:04
cyber37How to resolve this ? Maybe i have to install an older version of libboost ? But how to do it ? Libboost in installed with "apt-get install libboost-all-dev"19:05
nacccyber37: boost1.58 is not available in 16.1019:05
nacccyber37: you will need to rebuild it from source using the new liboost19:05
kierqueenhey ouroumov19:06
kierqueen https://ptpb.pw/P5BT19:06
kierqueenI hope that works ouroumov ?19:07
fribi lost grub on main disk after installing ubuntu to usb. how can I reinstall it?19:07
cyber37nacc, Thanks i'm trying to rebuild gqrx.19:07
aotaointbinokay, it turns out whoever provisioned this vm did something weird with www-data before apache was installed or anything.19:07
aotaointbinscottjl: ah, maybe that's the issue...19:08
tripkinI am back19:08
tripkinOops, wrong chan. But just in case you were wondering.,..19:08
aotaointbinare you saying that the minimal install pre-creates www-data even with no apache?19:08
scottjlaotaointbin: yes. i just spun up a 14.04 box. minimal install. no apache. yet www-data was present.19:08
aotaointbinand that would suggest that apache install doesn't create www-data on its own, expecting it to already be there?19:09
mikeymopnacc: it's cool, just wanted to thank you for the time you gave me19:09
kierqueenhey ouroumov19:09
aotaointbinsee, i was given a 14.04 vm that was "secured" by a relatively incompetent guy. i'm guessing he didn't think through the implications of half the things he did, like deleting www-data.19:10
ducassevlt: looks like it has en-us only19:10
scottjlaotaointbin: i could swear i've seen apache do a check for www-user during install and create it if it wasn't, but that could be on a different distro (I use too many, sorry)19:10
scottjlaotaointbin: ugh. :-(19:10
kierqueenouroumov: I don't knkow how shall I interpret your silence?19:10
scottjlkierqueen: maybe he's AFK?19:10
kierqueenscottjl: kk19:10
aotaointbintrying to dig through syslog to see what his 'provisioning' process looks like. seems to do something with www-data at the least.19:10
kierqueenbut why does it keeps getting stuck19:11
mikeymopnacc: also can you confirm this is the guide you followed https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WordPress19:11
vltducasse: hmmm ok19:11
kierqueenubuntu is crap, arch never stucks19:11
scottjlaotaointbin: if something is set up in a minimal install, i'd just leave it there.19:11
Mutterhow to save mdadm on pc after creating raid0?19:11
scottjlkierqueen: then go back to arch?19:11
kierqueenwhat's up with ubuntu, and whenever I play the flighgear game it stucks, not I want uubntu19:11
kierqueenwhat's wrong with ubuntu19:11
scottjlthe list is very long.19:11
semitones_rexIf I use dd to write foo.iso to /dev/sdb, then should md5sum foo.iso match sudo md5sum /dev/sdb? Because they don't :(19:11
kierqueendon't you experiecne the same thing when you play the flightgear game,?19:12
aotaointbinscottjl: he fancies himself a "security guru".19:12
scottjlaotaointbin: condolences19:12
aotaointbinit's sad when developers are better admins than the actual sysadmin guy :\19:12
aotaointbinblind leading the blind. either way, thanks for the help, that definitely illuminates things for me.19:13
scottjlaotaointbin: hire better admins!19:13
intenseso apparently if you modify /etc/default/grub in the install shell, you can affect changes on first boot without the need for update-grub. i managed to change the grub params i needed and now i have some output on boot. My output stops at the mounting of my swap space. Don't see an error19:13
aotaointbini think this guy was a political hire.19:13
scottjlaotaointbin: i'd blow away that box and do a clean install of 14.04 (or 16.04, even better). who knows how bad he screwed it up19:14
scottjla minimal install on its own is fairly secure anyway.19:14
scottjldo an update after the install of course19:14
aotaointbini don't have access to the vm host.19:15
aotaointbini'll just add user/group checks in my ansible script prior to apache install.19:15
causativeso is there any way to find out what is causing the popup?  I'm assuming some other process is asking policykit to launch the popup even though policykit is the process owner19:16
scottjlwww-data/www-data 33:3319:16
aotaointbinand i'll play dumb with him being like "hey, i installed apache in your vm but it's not working. plz halp."19:16
scottjlif he's a super-admin should be easy for him to figure out (what he screwed up)19:16
aotaointbinit took him two weeks to create a "secure" 14.04 base image.19:16
aotaointbinand now that he can finally stand up vms for us, they don't even work. well, at least i know _my_ job is secure :P19:17
scottjlso you're saying the CEO hired his kid? lol19:17
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:17
UNIcodeXtrying to update my kernel to 4.9.13 remotely. also have amdgpu-pro and rtl8812au wireless LAN drivers installed, which were built manually. i've removed amdgpu-pro and obtained the kernel *.deb files for amd64 from here -- http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v4.9.13/ -- I'm trying to make sure that when I reboot, that my wireless LAN drivers will be loaded up and that I will be able to SSH back in. pointers??19:19
scottjlhave a backup way in.19:20
=== KindTwo is now known as KindOne
fribI installed ubuntu to a usb thumb drive, without error, but can't get the drive to boot19:22
fribwhat can I do to fix it? thanks!19:22
Southern_Gentlemfrib, do you have another linux machine or OSX machine that you can plug it in to19:23
BluesKajfrib, which method did you use to copy the image to the USB?19:23
fribSouthern_Gentlem, that's what I'm on right now19:23
fribBluesKaj, i ran the livecd as an ISO through grub on my main disk19:24
friband installed it directly to the usb19:24
Southern_Gentlemfdisk -l and see if the usb is marked bootable19:24
fribSouthern_Gentlem, i created 2 partitions: EFI (bootable in fdisk) and ext4 (not bootable)19:24
BluesKajfrib, that did not make the USB bootable19:24
fribBluesKaj, i set the mount point of the efi partition to /boot and the ext4 partition to /19:24
fribBluesKaj, what should I do?19:25
* Southern_Gentlem walks away quickly 19:25
aotaointbinscottjl: CTO hired his former coworker, but yea, basically.19:25
aotaointbini'm the only one on the team that's not his former coworker.19:25
aotaointbinso maybe my job isn't so secure :P19:25
frib Southern_Gentlem what should I do differently? please help thanks19:26
BluesKajfrbcopy the iso to the usb formatted to fat32 with dd19:26
fribBluesKaj, i want to install the os directly to the disk, not copy the livecd image19:26
fribas i have done with antoher usb19:26
stonedIs there a minimal ubuntu netinstall cd image (250mb or so) for install?19:26
stonedI don't want to download large image of packets i will never used19:27
stonedplease, thank you19:27
BluesKajfrib, copy the iso to the usb using dd19:28
BluesKaj!info dd19:28
ubottuPackage dd does not exist in yakkety19:28
fribBluesKaj, i can't use that method19:28
dannyLopezIm touching ay of update-rc.d and hope know if I can remove any script put here?19:28
fribBluesKaj, I want to install the OS onto the disk19:28
sumit_frib: first make ur pendrive bootable using unetbootin or by using other tools then u can install easily19:29
BluesKajunetbootin is an option , but it's unrelaible IME19:29
ducasse!mini | stoned19:29
ubottustoned: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD19:29
ducassestoned: afaik it doesn't work with uefi, though19:30
scottjlfrib: are you trying to make a live usb or just boot off usb to install?19:30
fribscottjl, the latter19:30
BluesKajfrib, your method doen't make the usb bootable in order tio install to the disk from it19:30
fribi'm trying to install the OS onto the disk.19:30
stonedducasse: I have core 2 pc, 9 year old, legacy bios19:31
stonednot have efi19:31
stonedI also like to use xmonad, and I like a zfs kernel please19:31
fribBluesKaj, i am not trying to use the usb as an install tool19:31
scottjlfrib: are you sure your bios supports usb booting? can you hit f10 or something to select a boot drive?19:31
intensestoned, ducasse: isn't there only 1 option for netbooting? http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/netboot/19:31
fribscottjl, yes because ihave another usb that i boot ubuntu from19:31
intense1 option per version19:31
fribscottjl, i made it a long time ago and I don't know how to do it again19:32
stonedapparently there is a 'minimal' cd which is equivalent to debians inetinstall cd19:32
stonednetboot is differnt than netinstall19:32
carol3is it a good idea to use ubuntu, and will it do it's job ?19:32
intensecarol3: nope19:32
stonednetboot is just ramdisk image and kernel, whereas a netinstall is a base system on a cd19:32
scottjlcarol3: maybe? maybe?19:32
carol3what are the obstacles?19:32
BluesKajstoned, there's no ubuntu netinstall image afaik19:32
scottjlcarol3: many19:32
stonedI want to be stable, so probbly LTs19:32
BluesKajminimal perhaps19:33
intensecarol3: just install gentoo, it's easier19:33
ducasseintense: stop that, please19:33
carol3i want an os i can understand19:33
scottjlintense, carol3: carol3 should install linux from scratch, that way she gets exactly what she needs.19:33
fribscottjl, do you know how?19:34
stonedI am buildin gmy own ubuntu sytem like I do w/ debian19:34
scottjlfrib: i've just done a general install onto usb and it's worked for me without issues, but it is sort of hardware dependant.19:34
ducassecarol3: don't listen to them, ubuntu does things well enough19:35
scottjlfrib: try making sure there's a separate /boot partition and it's first. it could be that. but not usually.19:35
stonedhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD <- then just need xorg, xmonad, pulseadio, chrome, vim, and some music software, and I'm done.19:35
stonedbuntu has too much stuff i dno' tneed.19:35
carol3i am a bit puzzled about your answers19:36
stonednothing is problem19:36
BluesKajfrib, it makes no differnce what you intend, in order to make a bootable image on a usb you have to use dd or unetbootin , a live image which you can run as an OS still needs to be bootable.19:36
scottjlcarol3: you do realize your questions are horribly vague and situational dependent, right?19:36
carol3i want to know, if you have a good feeling using ubuntu19:37
k1l_carol3: yes, its good to use ubuntu. just start using it.19:37
scottjlcarol3: yes. or i wouldn't be hanging out in this chat19:37
intensecarol3: yes, ubuntu gives me a feeling19:37
k1l_(if it was that what you wanted to hear :) )19:37
carol3i want to hear your opinion, not what you think i want to hear19:38
intensecarol3: pretty sure this is a bot19:38
ducassecarol3: ask clearer questions, you'll get clearer answers19:38
stonedis ubuntu only release based? or does it have a rolling structure like debian testing?19:38
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scottjl6 month releases19:38
intensestoned: release. stick with a LTS. i suggest 16.0419:38
scottjl 2 year ltr's19:38
stonedI see.19:39
scottjlcarol3: tell us, how do you feel about considering ubuntu.19:39
stonedHow is the upgrade from one LTS to another>19:39
carol3i will download ubuntu and install it, if it will not work, i come back and  tell yout that ;-)19:40
scottjlstoned: mixed bag. i've had previous (8->10, 10->12) crash and burn during upgrades. but the 14->16 servers i've upgraded have generally been good19:40
intensebe sure to download more RAM as well ;)19:40
scottjlintense: i installed ramdoubler and all my memory issues went away.19:40
ckrushercarol3: I can't wait19:41
greetergreetings. i'm having an issue and i'm not sure where to begin troubleshooting. i recently updated my xubuntu 16.04 and now whenever i try to connect via wireless my computer crashes with what appears to be a kernel panic19:41
BluesKajstoned, kde/plasma 4 to kde/plasma5 is a bit clunky.  Make sure ALL your packages are up to date before upgrading from 14.04 to 16.0419:41
intensesudo rm -rf / && apt-get install ramdoubler19:41
ckrusherintense: fuck off19:41
gmhBest <$200 (second hand) 15 inch laptop for Ubuntu? Mainly for web development, office work etc.19:42
BluesKajstoned, assuming you're on kde , otherwise never mind :-)19:42
scottjlstoned said he wanted a minimal system, don't think he'll be running kde.19:42
greeterbasically, i think the best way to fix my problem is to go back to the previous kernel i had, but i have no idea how to do that19:42
carol3actually i want an os and a community i can complain about malfunctions19:42
ducassegmh: no spam please19:43
intensexfce4 is minimal but i would recommend gnome cause xfce4 doesnt seem as well maintained19:43
scottjlcarol3: i'd avoid computers entirely then.19:43
gmhducasse: ?19:43
BluesKajscottjl, I seen him in other chats talking about kde iirc19:43
carol3why that??19:43
ducassegmh: sorry, i thought you were trying to sell :)19:43
scottjlBluesKaj: ah. he was discussing a minimal install earlier here.19:43
ducassegmh: misread on my part :)19:44
BluesKajscottjl, think he has me on ignore :-)19:45
carol3what are the differences between 16.04 and 16.10 ?19:45
pavlos6 months ;)19:46
scottjl16.04 is a LTS (long term support) release, 16.10 is a general release.19:46
carol3no functional differences?19:46
semitones_rexHey y'all i'm having a problem with dd. I'm asking it to write an iso to a USB, but afterwards, the md5sums don't match up. Is that normal?19:47
ducassecarol3: 16.04 is supported for 5 years, 16.10 for 9 months19:47
scottjlwell LTS releases update slower and are generally more stable, without getting all the latest/greatest updates/features.19:47
carol3ducasse: ok, thx19:47
greeterhmm, well i'll see if i can fix it, if not i'll be back...19:47
andypaxohello i have installed 16.04 onto Pi 3B and performed a "sudo rpi-update" and now i get a kernel module.load failed entry when booting.  Can someone point me where to look to solve this please?19:48
ducasseandypaxo: try #ubuntu-arm19:49
BluesKajandypaxo, joiin #raspberrypi chat19:50
pavlossemitones_rex, md5sums should match19:50
ckrusherNo ops on here? ban kiltzman. Sheesh19:53
andypaxoducasse: thanks for help19:53
intensei installed desktop 14.04 on one system, and netboot server 14.04 on another, and then upgraded the server by adding Ubuntu Desktop to tasksel. however the netbooted system had inferior resolution. im thinking i need a display related package or maybe Xorg configuration. any other ideas?19:55
intense(identical monitors)19:55
carol3does ubuntu trace user activities?19:55
ckrushercarol3: only if you ask it to19:56
carol3so not per default, right?19:56
ducasseintense: probably not a monitor issue, i'd suspect graphics driver first19:56
scottjlcarol3: no19:56
ckrushercarol3: any reason you want me to answer the same question twice?19:56
scottjlcarol3: unless you count .history files19:57
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intenseducasse: ok, according to lspci my nouveau is not in use on that system, thx20:01
ducasse!ask | Guest5183520:01
ubottuGuest51835: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:01
scottjlducasse: 2 slow20:02
ducassescottjl: not really, as he/she quit after my message20:03
scottjlnot according to my log. shrug.20:03
ducasse6 seconds in mine, but pointless discussion :)20:04
fribhow can I determine if i installed ubuntu in legacy or uefi mode?20:04
ducassefrib: run 'ls /sys/firmware/efi' - if it returns anything you are in uefi mode20:05
fribducasse, is there a way if i am not currently booted on that disk?20:06
ducassefrib: you can check the efi partition to see if ubuntu has installed an efi bootloader20:06
fribducasse, i didn't create an efi partition on it20:07
fribjust ext4 as /20:07
crobertshas anyone hit where they are using terminal sshed to a box and it just locks up, no broken pipe message or anything. ubuntu 16.0420:11
pavlosfrib, sudo gdisk -l /dev/sda (or whatever the device is20:18
ckrushercroberts: your link will have gone down. You can break the link20:20
ckrushercroberts: "Enter~." does it20:20
ducassepavlos: that will only tell you the type of partition table and list the partitions20:21
\9croberts: maybe you suspended the output with ctrl+s?20:22
crobertsah that could be it20:22
pavlosducasse, the 1st partition labeled EFI system, doesnt that imply EFI install?20:23
crobertscool ty20:23
ducassefrib: he's saying he didn't create an efi partition, but that doesn't need to be on the same disk necessarily20:25
fribducasse, i'm going to try using an image from a usb install20:28
semitones_rexpavlos, is there a more reliable way than dd to copy the iso to the /dev/sdb? or is there a way to troubleshoot and find out why they do not match?20:32
EriC^^semitones_rex: iso to /dev/sdb wont match cause sdb will be larger probably20:33
semitones_rexoh ok. thanks EriC^^ :)20:34
pavlossemitones_rex, there is also ddrescue which shows progress and errors20:34
semitones_rexSo is there a way to at least find out if the beginning of the /dev matches the beginning of the iso?20:34
semitones_rexI've been having trouble booting from this usb, so want to make sure it's writing ok20:35
Citizen_Hi, how can I swap left-right stereo sound in Ubuntu 16.04?20:36
EriC^^semitones_rex: dd if=/dev/sda count=<something x 512bytes that'll give you the iso size>20:37
diogenes_jason_-, you can also try rename .config folder20:48
jason_-well I just ran the thing EriC^^ said20:49
jason_-still can't login20:49
EriC^^jason_-: pastebin /var/log/Xorg.0.log20:49
k1l_jason_-: does guest account work?20:49
k1l_jason_-: if that works its not a driver issue20:49
aotaointbini mean, if he's seeing a graphical login prompt, then wouldn't that itself imply that it's not a driver issue?20:50
k1l_aotaointbin: no. its only basic 2d for that. for login ti needs 3d so the basic driver can serve the login screen20:51
jason_-EriC^^, http://paste.ubuntu.com/24092388/ http://paste.ubuntu.com/24092389/20:51
aotaointbindidn't think lightdm would switch drivers between login prompt and full desktop.20:51
jason_-(the second is greped for errors)20:51
k1l_but if he uses guest account and it works then we know its a user setting20:52
k1l_aotaointbin: it doesnt switch drivers. but the fallback drivers can serve 2d only loginscreens20:52
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arunsHi, running RVM 1.29.1 on Ubuntu 16.04, need to set GEM_HOME env variable.20:53
arunsBut not sure whether this should be $HOME/.rvm/.gem or $HOME/.gem20:53
jason_-EriC^^, the machine has a k40 GPU and I think installing the drivers for it screwed something up. It doesn't actually have an display output, so I need to use the integrated graphics for my monitors.20:53
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EriC^^!find libnvidia-tls.so.304.13520:55
ubottuFound: W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W: (and 19 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libnvidia-tls.so.304.135&searchon=names&suite=yakkety&section=all20:55
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jason_-I suppose I can try installing nvidia-304?21:00
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finexbeeris better 2gb of ram or 4gb ram21:21
k1l_finexbeer: the more the better21:22
diogenes_finexbeer, what is ram?21:22
k1l_diogenes_: memory21:22
deependhow do I create a complete backup of a ubuntu install?21:22
deependuse dd?21:22
diogenes_i asked him :)21:22
deependdo i need to boot from a live usb or something for it to work?21:23
finexbeerfor a compiuter whit install ubuntu??21:23
deependyeah got an ubuntu install iwant to save the setup and all the files etc to an image21:23
deependthen gonna nuke the install21:23
deependbut want to be able to get it back just as it is at a later date21:23
scottjldd will be a byte level copy of the disk.21:23
deependof the partition, right?21:23
scottjlso if you have a comparable disk, just dd the whole source to a destination21:24
k1l_finexbeer: the more ram the machine has the better it is for the system. but ubuntu can run with 2gb or 4gb.21:24
scottjlwell disk (/dev/sda) or partition (/dev/sda1)21:24
deependbut to create that, will I have to boot from a live usb?21:24
deependor can i just unmount the filesystem?21:24
scottjlif you do a dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb you would be able to boot from the copy disk.21:24
deependright but can I create that copy while the system is running?21:25
scottjlyou could, but i wouldn't advise it. boot from a live disk and do the copy. if it's a large disk. it will take hours. even worse over usb21:26
deependokay thanks21:26
scottjlyou're doing a byte by byte copy.21:27
scottjldo the full disk though, not partitions. if you're going to go the dd route21:27
deependhow would you do that?21:28
scottjldd if=/dev/sd(source disk) of=/dev/sd(dest disk)21:28
heloi'm trying to install mariadb-server-10.1 without being prompted for the password for mariadb "root" user... i've tried set-selections and setting noninteractive frontend, but it still prompts21:28
deependso instead of /dev/sda1 you would use /dev/sda ?21:29
fribi am trying to full install ubuntu to usb drive and make it efi bootable. can't seem to make it work, please help!21:29
scottjldeepend: yes. you'd tell it the whole disk and not a single partition21:29
deependshould I just use clonezilla for this?21:30
scottjldeepend: you could.21:30
deependalright that might be the simplest route21:30
fribinitially i was getting black screen but then i tried reinstalling and selecting "Do not use this partition" For the efi partition on my main disk ( i think it was interfering) and after that booting from the usb gave me grub rescue prompt21:30
fribbooting "From efi file" using the efi option that becomes available after installing to the usb has no boot options in it21:32
finexbeerbut is better buying a pc whit 2gb or 4gb21:32
naccfinexbeer: you've been told already21:33
k1l_finexbeer: 4gb21:33
LjLwho buys a PC with 2GB RAM in 2017?21:33
scottjlfinexbeer: bigger is better!21:33
k1l_finexbeer: or buy a pc with 20gb.21:33
LjL4GB minimum, 8GB enough for most people, more than that, justified by specific needs21:33
LjL2GB acceptable if buying a cheap netbook knowing its use cases will be extremely restricted21:34
scottjlbuy as much as you can afford, especially if you can't add to it later (fixed amount). more memory now extends the lifetime of using the system21:34
compdocmy pc has 16G, and its enough21:35
aritsunehey, i hooked up my integrated graphics to one of the inputs on my monitor, but X doesn't seem to be starting for it when i switch to that input, do i have to do anything special to get it to do so?21:36
ilmaisintried to install the cups package now in proposed, now my package management is totally broken21:38
jnoob22ilmaisin, eh sounds terrible21:40
jnoob22ilmaisin, what kind of error you gettin?21:40
k1l_yes, pproposed is used for automated testings and not meant for enduser.21:40
ilmaisink1l_: so no for manual testings?21:41
scottjlwell manual testing means it might not always work (as in your case)21:41
ilmaisinjnoob22: some dependency conflicts21:41
k1l_ilmaisin: well, not if you dont know how to handle that and not to run general updates on all packages etc21:41
scottjlback the install out, turn off proposed, and install the mainline package21:41
ilmaisinscottjl: it fails21:42
scottjlshow us the errors!21:42
ilmaisinscottjl: just a moment21:42
ilmaisinscottjl: http://pastebin.com/tdMWr0xB21:43
scottjlilmaisin: apt-get purge cups libcupsimage2 libcupsmime1 libcupsppdc1 printer-driver-foo2zjs21:45
ilmaisinscottjl: now it's broken different way http://pastebin.com/ryDsEZb921:46
ilmaisinif this update gets to the main archive it can be literally spell the end of ubuntu and canonical21:49
scottjlilmaisin: dpkg purge cups libcupsimage2 libcupsmime1 libcupsppdc1 printer-driver-foo2zjs21:50
naccilmaisin: lol, that's hyperbole.21:50
scottjlwell stuff in proposed gets thoroughly vetted before it makes it into mainline. proposed is essentially beta.21:50
jnoob22ilmaisin, it's a good idea to help others who are helping you. hint.21:51
naccscottjl: i think you meant -P or --purge21:51
jnoob22otherwise dont waste these guys' time. they're doing this for the love it, mate :-)21:51
naccscottjl: dpkg doesn't take command arguments (iirc)21:51
scottjlyeah --purge.21:52
scottjlthanks nacc21:52
naccscottjl: np21:52
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ilmaisinscottjl: the --purge helped something, now cups-daemon is ina "very inconsistent state"21:53
scottjldid you turn off proposed yet?21:54
ilmaisinscottjl: yes i did21:54
scottjltry an apt-get install -f21:54
scottjlsee if it can repair itself yet21:54
ilmaisinscottjl: http://pastebin.com/imJrfbYh21:55
scottjldpkg --purge cups-daemon21:56
scottjli'd dpkg --list | grep cups and purge anything doing with cups21:56
scottjlclean it off. then reinstall it from mainline21:56
scottjlyou dont want mixed pieces from proposed & mainline21:57
naccexcept when testing/verifying a bugfix :)21:57
ilmaisinscottjl: it won't help a slight since the cups-daemon needs to be reinstalled before a removal21:57
naccas that's explicitly the instruction for doing :)21:57
scottjli think ilmaisin is already bugged21:58
ilmaisinhmm, i just remembered i've been testing a my own printer driver on this machine, perhaps i'll remove it and then continue21:59
naccif need be, should be able to reinstall the correct version of cups-daemon manually21:59
ilmaisinthose files are already removed22:00
scottjlanything that is showing up in dpkg --list | grep cups   isn't removed (or maybe just not purged)22:01
scottjlyou don't want newer config files around either because they could be incompatible with the older version of cups22:02
naccscottjl: good point22:02
ilmaisinnow i ran dpkg --purge --force-remove-reinstreq cups-daemon22:03
scottjltry an apt-get install -f and see if it's happy22:04
ilmaisinscottjl: i ran "apt install cups" and it seems to work22:04
ilmaisinthanks for everybody22:04
scottjlwell you jumped the gun a little. but glad it's working22:04
roadrunneratwasthey is there a gui tool to map keyboard combinations.  i spilled something on my direction keys and want to map ALT-IJKL to the up, left, down, right22:05
ilmaisinnext i'll need to figure out what caused it22:05
scottjlwell seemed like some depenency conflict because of proposed.22:06
scottjlstaaaay away from prposed.22:06
ilmaisinscottjl: so that the problematic packages will get to the mainline?22:08
naccilmaisin: were you testing proposed in response to a specific bug?22:08
scottjlilmaisin: not until any issues are worked out. proposed = beta software (or even alpha)22:08
scottjlthere isn't any reason a normal system should be using proposed.22:09
ilmaisinnacc: yes, i've been taking part to the troubleshooting of a bug22:09
ilmaisinnacc: that bug was fixed with a package that caused something like this22:09
naccilmaisin: ok, and did you use pinning to only install certain packages from proposed? or did you do an `apt upgrade` ?22:10
S0baitHello when I pass SIGINFO signal to DD command, I do see some output but how do I tell how much time is left?22:10
ilmaisinnacc: yes, i was trying to install only the cups package from proposed and it's requirements to see if it will work22:10
naccilmaisin: bug #?22:11
ilmaisini'll see22:11
ilmaisinnacc: the original one is 1598300 and fix to it caused 164296622:12
ilmaisini'll investigate it tomorrow22:12
Random832S0bait, math22:14
Random832(dd itself doesn't care how large the file is, so it doesn't do the math for you)22:15
nicomachusS0bait: most linux distros will NOT try to tell you how much time is left for a given operation. Some have a progress bar, but it's mostly guesswork. Windows has spoiled users with "progress bars" (that are 99% made up), and linux doesn't do that.22:15
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k1l_S0bait: pipe it through pv when you know the size22:16
O1O1how do i display which top files/directories using up my hard drive space in ubuntu command line?22:18
k1l_O1O1: look at "ncdu"22:18
nicomachus!info ncdu22:19
ubottuncdu (source: ncdu): ncurses disk usage viewer. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.11-1build1 (yakkety), package size 38 kB, installed size 94 kB22:19
nicomachusdidn't know about that one, thanks k1l_22:19
O1O1thanks guys22:19
O1O1let me go test it out22:19
k1l_yeah, its a nice litttle interactive "gui" for the cli22:19
* nicomachus likes ncurses and any package that's start with ncurses ....22:20
nicomachusbest of both worlds. gui in a cli22:20
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DJFSDFJSDFhey guys, I have struggle all the afternoon22:24
DJFSDFJSDFwith Ubuntu installarion22:24
DJFSDFJSDFcan someone help me?22:24
Bashing-omDJFSDFJSDF: Depends on your issue and our level of expreience . What is the issue ?22:25
feliwirhey, i am having trouble creating a bootable USB-Stick with usb-creator-gtk. When selectin my .iso file it won't allow me to press "Make startup disk"22:27
feliwirI tried with multiple .iso files and multiple usb sticks22:27
DJFSDFJSDFBashing-om: well Im not an expert but I know my way through the terminal. Well I have two disk: 1.) SSD = which I have formatted many times, 2.) HDD = which now is encrypted and I havent been able to format it. I boot Ubuntu from a USB drive (version 16.04 LTS). The problems I have been having are:  1.) I try to install Ubuntu and it goes everything smooth until de part of the User name when it stops and lags eternally or 2.) it says the US22:27
DJFSDFJSDFB drive is corrupted so I cant do anything. I'm a little bit desesperate because I need to use my pc and I havent been able :(. Please help me22:27
cfhowlettfeliwir, what is the .iso?22:27
feliwirAlso tried from cli: "usb-creator-gtk -i path/to/iso"22:27
feliwircfhowlett, it's windows 10 i want to install it on my other drive22:27
cfhowlettfeliwir, nope.  usb creator is for making UBUNTU usb22:28
feliwirwindows10 education to be precise22:28
feliwircfhowlett, so what to use? :O22:28
k1l_feliwir: that doesnt work with windows isos22:28
feliwirUNetbootin not working either22:28
bazhangfeliwir, try ##windows22:29
k1l_feliwir: ask ##windows how to create a windows usb withtout a windows os running.22:29
scottjlDJFSDFJSDF: you're installing to the ssd? is it possibble your usb drive is corrupt?22:29
feliwirkidding me? You can't tell me how to create bootable windows usb stick from ubuntu22:29
k1l_feliwir: its closed source.22:29
DJFSDFJSDFscottjl: yes, I have reinstall the OS Several times on two differentUSB one of 16 and the other of 8; the thing is after having an incorrect installation the uSB corrupts. Thats the strenage thing22:29
cfhowlettfeliwir, dial down the impatience, please22:29
scottjlfeliwir: try something like easy2boot22:30
compdocUNetbootin is terrible22:30
\9DJFSDFJSDF: if the USB systematically fails then maybe it'd be worth to try a CD?22:31
\9worth it*22:31
DJFSDFJSDF\9: may be mmm but how did it get corrupted I dont understand22:31
cfhowlettdvd perhaps.  ubuntu is too large for CD22:31
nicomachus\9: most OS's don't fit on a CD anymore.22:31
\9oh yeah. a DVD is required then22:31
scottjljumpdrives get corrupted if you look at them funny in my experience22:32
\9oh the times when ubuntu fit on a CD22:32
\9well a netboot might fit22:32
feliwirunetbootin won't allow me to select my drive22:32
feliwirit just lists nothing for USB Drives22:32
feliwiri wonder why that is even in the official repository22:33
scottjlworks for me. and easier. install it to a drive. drop iso images in folders. boot OS of choice22:33
scottjlinstall from there22:34
scottjlnew os? different version? copy iso onto drive. done.22:34
DJFSDFJSDFthis is what is says when I try to format my encrypted drive: http://imgur.com/a/Kcb3p22:34
DJFSDFJSDFhow can I fix this problem:http://imgur.com/a/Kcb3p22:35
scottjlyou need to unlock the drive22:35
scottjlwith whatever vendor utility locked it22:35
\9DJFSDFJSDF: "device or resource busy" means something else is using it22:35
\9make sure it's unmounted before formatting it22:36
DJFSDFJSDFhow can I do that?; the thing is its already unlocked. The thing is I cannot read or write anything on it ¿Does someone know how to give me permissions to read and write data on it?22:36
scottjlyou said it's encrypted, hardware encryption?22:36
scottjlcan you write a new clean partition table to it?22:36
scottjlif you can't write a clean partition table to it. it's hardware locked/encrypted. you need to use a manufacturer utility to unlock i22:37
compdocDJFSDFJSDF, d/l and boot gparted. you can change partition types and create or delete partitions. but, you should probably allow the ubuntu installer create new partitionsa22:37
DJFSDFJSDFI for got how to use it, but I think chown command will do the work to give me full access to the drive22:37
compdocchown sets file premissions, but you are wanting the whole drive paritions, so its a waste of time22:39
shalinsfinestGood evening ladies & gentlemen22:39
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shalinsfinestAnyone have any idea on how to get Hearthstone running in ubuntu?22:40
scottjltry wine?22:41
mikeynacc: are you there?22:41
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shalinsfinestI tried but no joy :(22:41
nicomachusshalinsfinest: you can do it through PlayOnLinux with wine22:41
scottjlinstall windows into a vm?22:41
shalinsfinestdependencies issues22:41
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shalinsfinestOh VM?! Forgot about that22:42
nicomachusshalinsfinest: check out this response. It's 15.04 but should work.22:42
nicomachusPlayOnLinux should resolve any dependency issues22:42
DJFSDFJSDFthis is what it says when trying yo create or fomat the hdd drive : http://imgur.com/a/DXC5v22:42
naccmikeymop: hey22:42
shalinsfinestTnx Nocomachus22:42
DJFSDFJSDF¿how can I fix this?22:42
mikeymopnacc: i tried following the ubuntu guide and still hit a roadblock22:42
mikeymopis this the one you followed?22:42
scottjlDJFSDFJSDF: some suggestions were offered. see if you can boot a gparted disk and re-partition your HD22:43
compdocboot gparted, or boot the ubuntu desktop and run gparted there22:43
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DJFSDFJSDFscottjl: im creating the partition how much must the minium size be?22:44
scottjlfor the OS? 8g should be good. 16G better. or as much as you can spare22:44
naccmikeymop: i didn't use it -- but i did the transition for php7 in ubuntu. mikeymop what is happening on your system?22:45
DJFSDFJSDFscottjl: the thing is I want to use this disk as an internal storage for my file not to boot the system22:45
mikeymopi fixed it, virtual hosts has a steeper learning curve than i thought22:45
naccmikeymop: yeah, vhosts take a bit of getting used to, imo22:46
naccmikeymop: but once you understand them, it's pretty nice22:46
mikeymopi set config-localhost.php for wordpress22:46
mikeymopbut since i'm headless, I'm using lan ip22:46
scottjlDJFSDFJSDF: well whatever space you can spare22:46
mikeymopso it was looking for confif-[ip].php i'm trying to understand what setting changes that22:47
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mikeymopi'm nervous for when i rsync all of this to my hosting provider22:48
naccmikeymop: so you are working now or not?22:48
naccmikeymop: as in, your site is working, i meant22:48
mikeymopnacc: yea it is22:50
mikeymopi try to do everything with my own variable to make sure i actually get it22:50
mikeymophad to rollback and stick to guide22:50
mikeymopis anyone here using dekko for mail?22:51
mikeymopnylas mail for linux is reaching vaporware status22:51
OerHeksdecco mail is just a client, nylas an cloud service22:53
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klenzohola,  conocen un  canal para bajar libros en español?22:54
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k1l_!es | klenzo22:54
ubottuklenzo: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.22:54
shalinsfinestNice one got Hearthstone working!23:00
shalinsfinestNow I need to know how to get unlimited tethering on GiffGaff, any idea peoples?23:00
scottjlnow go spend all your $ on card packs!23:01
shalinsfinestna, lol, i dont buy packs, kills the fun23:01
shalinsfinestyou play Scott?23:01
scottjlnot any more. i kinda lost interest after naxx23:02
shalinsfinestAh Naxx, my favourite exp.23:02
scottjli couldn't keep up with all the expansions.23:02
shalinsfinestIt's pretty good now, Mean streets of Gadgetzen is amazing23:03
shalinsfinestYeah i kind of get fed up with too many expansions myself. You play wow?23:03
scottjlbut i played MTG many many years ago23:04
bazhang!ot | shalinsfinest23:04
ubottushalinsfinest: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:04
shalinsfinestOh sorry, didn't know23:05
compdocyou can get those sprayed23:09
mikeymophow can I increase the filesize limit of the php plugin?23:09
naccmikeymop: you mean the upload size?23:11
naccmikeymop: it's in the php.ini iirc23:14
S0baitHello, I have the ARM Ubuntu installed on my rapsberyr pi and wish to hold all kernel updates; as there was a bug recently. I found this command online, will this hold kernel udpates for Raspberry Pi 3 image as well?23:15
S0baitsudo apt-mark hold linux-raspi2 linux-image-raspi2 linux-headers-raspi223:15
S0baitAlso, why doesnt whoami work23:24
rymax99I'm experiencing very poor game performance on ubuntu with an AMD 6870 GPU, any tips on where to look for drivers that don't blow?23:24
pavloswhomai gives your username23:24
bazhangrymax99, what drivers are in use now23:25
bazhangrymax99, what game, and what constitutes good performance in your view23:26
S0baitpavlos: Right so I want a script to check if it is being run by the desired person. i have if [ $(whoami) != 'foo'] then;  but even when I run it as that user it says I am not.23:26
rymax99bazhang,   configuration: driver=radeon latency=023:26
rymax99 23:26
bazhangrymax99, is that a newer card23:26
rymax99bazhang, CS:GO, 200 or so FPS on reasonable settings in Windows, now dropping to 30-40 a lot of the times even in 800x600 resolution23:27
rymax99(The hw's capable of playing the game at 1080p without any problems)23:27
bazhangrymax99, so newer card then23:27
rymax99bazhang, not a newer card, but a capable card for the game23:27
Azulflamerymax99: do you have the right drivers installed?23:27
bazhang!find amdgpu23:27
naccS0bait: can you use a pastebin and pastebin the output of `whoami` and then `bash -x yourscript` ?23:27
ubottuFound: libdrm-amdgpu1, libdrm-amdgpu1-dbg, xserver-xorg-video-amdgpu, xserver-xorg-video-amdgpu-dbg, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W: (and 23 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=amdgpu&searchon=names&suite=yakkety&section=all23:27
naccrymax99: what version of ubuntu?23:28
rymax99nacc, 16.0423:28
naccrymax99: updated and hwe enabled?23:28
nacc!hwe | rymax9923:28
ubotturymax99: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack23:28
naccrymax99: not saying it will help, but i wonder if it's newer hardware if you might not need the later x and kernel23:29
AzulflameSorry if off-topic, but what would be the appropriate channel for help with a RPi CUPS printer having margin errors that are OS dependant?23:29
naccrymax99: but even then, note that you probably will not match windows on FPS23:29
rymax99It's not newer hardware, it's a GPU from 09' iirc23:29
nacc!alis | Azulflame23:29
ubottuAzulflame: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"23:29
rymax99nacc, not looking to match it, but not even getting playable performance if I set resolution to something like 800x60023:29
naccrymax99: ok23:30
S0baitI got it to work but it keeps saying i am not user 'foo' when i am user fo23:30
naccS0bait: it's next to impossible to help you without what i asked for23:30
pavlosS0bait, replace single quotes with double, "foo" ... if [[ $(whoami) -eq "test" ]]; then23:31
tgm4883to be fair, foo  != fo23:31
naccS0bait: and it's not whoami failing, to be clear, it's presumably your script23:31
rymax99nacc, that being said, since it is an older GPU(albeit not ancient) hwe isn't relevant, right?23:31
naccrymax99: yeah, you're probably right23:31
kv102tanyone know how to ignoredisk from snmp.  have added line, but no dice23:32
naccrymax99: i have heard, mostly in this channel, that there is a class of hardware that is only realy performantly supported by 14.04.5 (+hwe) -- since it was really flgrx that did (and amdgpu in-kernel is nowhere near there aiui)23:32
rymax99 nacc any idea what hardware that was?23:34
naccrymax99: no, it's mostly hearsay :) but i think it was a known choice in the amd decision to switch to amdgpu23:35
naccrymax99: with the understanding that with time, admgpu would get better23:35
naccradeon is the legacy driver right, bazhang ?23:35
rymax99nacc, :( so there's not much hope to get any decent performance in 16.04?23:36
OerHeksif your card is AMDgpu capable, it would have been loaded standard23:36
naccrymax99: not saying that (yet) -- i'm not by any means a graphics expert, just relaying what i know23:36
naccOerHeks: yep, that's my understanding too23:36
bazhangnacc, the amdgpu is for the select newere cards, probably not available for rymax9923:36
naccbazhang: got it, thanks23:36
k1l_amd has a list "somewhere" what cards do work with the new amdgpu driver. but its fairly new cards only.23:36
rymax99yea doesn't sound like it'd apply to a 687023:37
naccI don't think the radeon driver was every particularly performant, but i'm not sure23:37
k1l_amd is known for dropping old cards very quick. but since amdgpu is now open source the community open source driver radeon will get a lot better23:37
bazhangI have the 290X something, and that just makes the cut, iirc23:37
OerHeksI use an ancient 5450, which plays 1080 fine, dual monitor too.23:38
Exterminadorguys, somerhing is wrong: fatal: unable to access 'https://github.com/anope/anope.git/': gnutls_handshake() failed: Error in the pull function.23:41
Exterminadorwhat could be causing the issue?23:41
Bashing-omk1l_: rymax99 :?? http://support.amd.com/en-us/kb-articles/Pages/AMD-Radeon-GPU-PRO-Linux-Beta-Driver%E2%80%93Release-Notes.aspx .23:41
k1l_Exterminador: that github repo is down. ask the maintainer of that software23:42
Exterminadork1l_: tks23:42
VystyHey! Anyone here use Kdenlive? I have a question specific to that.23:42
Exterminadork1l_: but we can still access via web to it?23:44
k1l_Bashing-om: iirc it was gcn2 got support. and maybe gcn1 (hd7700 and newer) will follow.23:44
k1l_Exterminador: what ubuntu is that exactly?23:45
naccExterminador: works fine here to clone that23:45
Bashing-omk1l_: Yeah. that is what I understand . Older cards do not have any love at this time .23:45
ExterminadorUbuntu 16.0423:47
Exterminadorthen maybe i messed up something23:47
k1l_Exterminador: all updates and -security updates installed?23:47
Exterminadori guess so23:47
k1l_Exterminador: sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade23:47
Exterminadori've done apt update and says all packagea are up to date23:48
Exterminadorall up to date23:48
Exterminadoreven wget gives me segmentation fault23:49
naccExterminador: `wget` giving you a segmentation fault is rathe serious23:49
Exterminadorwhat can i do?23:50
Exterminadorreinstall git and wget?23:50
k1l_did you manually change stuff?23:50
=== nodnarb is now known as _nodnarb
=== _nodnarb is now known as nodnarb_
Exterminadori've changed machine hostname23:51
Epx998Is theree 'vdfuse' for Trusty?23:51
Exterminadordont remember any other mods23:52
nacc!info vdfuse trusty | Epx99823:52
ubottuEpx998: Package vdfuse does not exist in trusty23:52
naccEpx998: is that a package name?23:52
Epx998yeah, wish i knew as to why23:52
naccEpx998: there is no such ubuntu package period23:52
Epx998vdfuse, it was in precise then it vanished23:52
naccEpx998: nope, not in precise either23:52
nacc!info vdfuse precise23:53
ubottuPackage vdfuse does not exist in precise23:53
Epx998!info virtualbox-vdfuse23:53
ubottuPackage virtualbox-vdfuse does not exist in yakkety23:53
Epx998!info virtualbox-vdfuse precise23:53
ubottuPackage virtualbox-vdfuse does not exist in precise23:53
BlahBlahBlahBlah!info virtualbox-fuse23:54
ubottuPackage virtualbox-fuse does not exist in yakkety23:54
=== nodnarb_ is now known as nodnarb
=== Guest59885 is now known as CrazEd
BlahBlahBlahBlah!info virtualbox-fuse precise23:55
ubottuvirtualbox-fuse (source: virtualbox): x86 virtualization solution - virtual filesystem. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.1.44-dfsg-1+deb7u1ubuntu1 (precise), package size 24 kB, installed size 158 kB23:55
BlahBlahBlahBlahEpx998: I think it's the name23:55
Epx998i cant find it for trusty23:55
=== CrazEd is now known as Guest39556
nacc  * Drop the virtualbox-fuse package as vdfuse fails to build with23:56
nacc    virtualbox 4.2.23:56
naccfrom 4.2.10-dfsg-1 in Debian23:56
naccEpx998: there you go :)23:56
Epx998all good, was able to build it for 4.3 just now on trusty23:58
naccEpx998: if it's still disabled in debian and does build aginst 5.1.14, may want to let them know23:58

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