
bluesabreUnit193, look good to you? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfce4-notifyd/+bug/166882102:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1668821 in xfce4-notifyd (Ubuntu) "[FFe] xfce4-notifyd 0.3.5 for zesty" [Undecided,New]02:12
Unit193Sure, perhaps get someone from studio to ACK.02:23
bluesabreSeemingly lubuntu as well02:28
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xubuntu-artwork:: [shimmer-themes-debian] r18 Update packaging for Numix theme (by Sean Davis)02:28
bluesabreWho are our normal contacts for those now?02:29
Unit193wxl, krytarik, sakrecoer: ↑02:29
bluesabregoing to wander off for a bit now02:31
Unit193Cool, have fun.02:31
flocculantochosi: built gtk3 panel in vm - using default panel location I *do* see the panel flicker you talk of - but I need to be almost out of the top of the panel to trigger it - also confirm there not being able to move plugins08:07
* flocculant normally has panel in bottom left corner - shrunk down to 1 pixel auto resize08:09
flocculantyou must have wondered how I wasn't see something so pronounced ;)08:26
ochosiflocculant: ok, it's just one more (minor) thing i have to fix09:22
Unit193cyphermox: I don't suppose you'll be doing a late devscripts merge? :>  Some delta has been fixed upstream.10:12
bluesabreflocculant, akxwi-dave, wxl, sakrecoer, if you would like to review https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfce4-notifyd/+bug/1668821 and potentially ack it for zesty :)12:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1668821 in xfce4-notifyd (Ubuntu) "[FFe] xfce4-notifyd 0.3.5 for zesty" [Undecided,New]12:20
flocculantbluesabre: done by me12:22
bluesabresuppose I'll go ahead and sub -release12:23
flocculantbest to I guess :)12:23
bluesabreUnit193 already did12:24
flocculantsneaky :p12:24
flocculantyou only look a bit silly :)12:24
* bluesabre is happy with his dev team12:24
* flocculant thinks he should install any gtk3 stuffs in the vm 12:29
PerigeeHi everyone, I would like to help out with Xubuntu development. I'm thinking QA testing to start. Could someone help get me setup to do so?14:47
slickymasterWorkhello Perigee, the best place for you to start is to have a read at the QA section of the Xubuntu contributors documentation: http://docs.xubuntu.org/contributors/qa-tester.html14:49
flocculanthi Perigee - quick first question 14:49
Perigeeflocculant: Shoot14:49
flocculantPerigee: can you test on hardware - running the dev version (which is pretty much completely stable now) or do you intend to test thing in a vm? 14:50
flocculantthis late in the cycle - I'd prefer people who are brave enough to do some real world testing :)14:51
PerigeeI can do either. I have a few different laptops I can test on, and at least one desktop, maybe two 14:51
flocculantso best way to start is grab the daily and install that - we have a few official ppa's we use to14:52
Perigeeok, what do I need to do about the ppa's?14:53
flocculantfor a bit more detail - you can look at the dev docs which slickymasterWork posted (there are actually 3 'tester' chapters - first one deals with setting up 14:53
PerigeeOk will do14:53
flocculanthttp://docs.xubuntu.org/contributors/ chapters - 4 to 614:53
flocculantI'm pretty much around for a few hours now - akxwi-dave is the other qa lead - so either of us will be able to help with specifics - anyone is likely to help with less specific stuff14:54
PerigeeGreat, I'll read through that and get the basics setup.14:55
flocculantokey doke14:55
flocculantPerigee: dual booting is a useful half-way - I kind of do that - if dual booting can be used to describe having 6 options :D14:58
Perigeeflocculant: Been there myself with the hexabooting at times. :) I remember back in my Gentoo days (2004 era or so) I had a huge list... just trying to get things to work15:00
flocculantgood choice of word there too :D15:01
cyphermoxUnit193: what would it bring us? I'm not sure it's that big of a deal...15:09
cyphermoxUnit193: tbf, before looking at the merge, we should fix that issue with the autopkgtests not passing on some architectures15:11
cyphermox(because otherwise it wouldn't transition anyway)15:11
=== Zren_ is now known as Zren
flocculantknome akxwi-dave - updating of http://xubuntu.org/contribute/qa at https://xubuntu.org/?p=4279&preview=true16:27
flocculantknome: 5 attempts to login today before I had more than my profile - really must talk to IS about that :p16:28
knomethat's weirdish16:34
knomei'll try to debug it with you later today to see if $something helps16:34
flocculantaah ok 16:34
knomebut it's not "much" i can do16:34
knomeand i believe there's not much more IS can do...16:35
flocculantit worked first time before 16:35
flocculantso 'something' has changed :D16:35
knomeanyway, coffee time, bbl16:36
Perigeeflocculant: I've gone through the doc chapters, signed up for the various resources. I just got a VM running the daily ISO + PPA's. Is there a rigid testing regimen that needs to happen each day/week and be reported somewhere as success/failure? I understand the bug reporting aspect.16:54
geniimmm coffee16:54
flocculantPerigee: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/369/builds alphabetical - right at the bottom16:59
flocculantthe only thing we do specifically is iso testing this cycle17:00
flocculantsometimes we do package testing - mostly when dev wants something testing or it's lts cycle17:00
flocculanthi genii :)17:01
Perigeeflocculant: Ok I see now. Is that what I should focus on then? Running those test procedures for the various ISO's and reporting via the tracker there? (On various hardware of course)17:03
geniiflocculant: Salutations17:03
flocculantPerigee: to be honest - the greatest value for 'me' is people that run the dev version daily in use 17:04
flocculantmuch of the iso stuff is common - so if there's an issue - it would be *buntu not just us17:04
flocculantparticular things like lock breaking are issues we keep seeing - but that's not likely to break again this cycle17:05
Perigeeflocculant: Got it, and doing that throughout my day would be reported just with bug reports if any are found, right?17:05
flocculantyup - though check for dupes first 17:05
Perigeeflocculant: Ok then, makes sense.17:05
flocculantPerigee: and check upstream https://bugzilla.xfce.org/ too17:05
flocculantcould be it's reported there and not on lp 17:06
flocculantI tend to find issues just doing what I do normally ... 'mmm that didn't do that last week' 17:07
PerigeeOk, I'll certainly get my main laptop running the daily17:07
flocculantPerigee: that would be great :)17:08
flocculantPerigee: this late in the cycle little is going to change - and oops moments are unlikely17:11
Perigeeflocculant: Ok, you should see me on the Launchpad team and elsewhere in Ubuntu-land as "crouthamela / Andrew Crouthamel".17:11
flocculantif you stick around (which I hope) starting using the dev cycle on release+ 1 day like I do can see a few hiccups - hence the multi-boot scenario but rarely am I more than a short while outside17:12
flocculantok cool - nice to meet you :)17:12
flocculantbut to be honest - the times that packages landing completely breaking are few now - changes in the way packages land and testing by canonical are different than they were I believe17:14
PerigeeSo they're more careful now?17:14
flocculantseems so17:14
knomethere have been several instances where uploading after freezes have been made much "harder" (for justified reasons), and i think this has started paying off17:15
flocculantwell - not perhaps careful, but proposed is usually disabled - you could break your system more often by using that repo if you wanted too17:15
flocculantknome: ack17:15
knomeso developers aren't maybe any more careful, but the archive admins and release team are more cautious about late uploads ;)17:15
flocculantI think in the last couple of cycles - lock has been problematic - but not unusable17:16
flocculantmore likely to see issues actually during install than anything else17:16
knomeflocculant, around?19:29
knomeslickymaster, around?19:33
flocculantknome: yea19:36
flocculantfor a while - then bbl19:36
knomegive me 5 mins19:36
flocculantactually - bbl later noq, was waiting for M to return :)19:37
chatter29hey guys19:37
knomehello chatter29 19:37
chatter29allah is doing19:38
knomeflocculant, ok, so look at https://temp.knome.fi/xubuntu/contributor-docs/contributor/C/19:38
knomeflocculant, does the QA ToC structure make sense like this?19:38
knomeflocculant, and: would you rather see even more subsection titles there (under testing infra etc.) or is this good enough?19:39
akxwi-dave:-) that looks good knome19:45
knomeoh obviously akxwi-dave needs to ack too19:46
knomeok, i'll look into getting things sorted so that the different subsections can still have their own pages but appear as subitems like this19:46
akxwi-daveactually it 19:46
knomeit what? :)19:46
akxwi-davelooks really good19:47
knomeheh, ok, good good19:47
knomei'm planning to land some more stuff on documentation, likely also subsections, so need to do this in order to keep things clean19:47
akxwi-daveand evenin19:47
knomehullo hullo!19:47
knomeahh great, incremental config for contributors <319:51
flocculantknome: yea - as akxwi-dave says looks good 21:24
knomenow to beat docbook as long as it does what i want...21:31
* flocculant hands knome the beating stick21:31
knomei have my hammer out...21:31
flocculantpossibbly too much :p21:31
knomei might need bigger tools21:32
Unit193cyphermox: And ah fun.  Didn't see anything that'd fix the gpg2 fun.21:36
flocculantknome: as far as subsections goes - the fewer the better imo21:38
knomei've almost got what i want...21:40
knomebut not quite21:40
knomenow i'm at least getting the subsections i want printed21:43
knome(and nothing more)21:44
knomehow important do you think it is to be able to get the subsections into separate pages?21:47
flocculantto print?21:47
knomelike, http://docs.xubuntu.org/contributors/qa-testing.html21:48
flocculantoh you mean like when dev finishes and docs starts? I'd ay quite21:48
knomenope, the subsections of *qa*21:48
knomei understand this will be quite a long page if they are all in one...21:49
knomebasically, whole qa stuff would appear on one html page21:49
flocculantmmm - better if they do - but *I* would be more likely to print the whole of it - others maybe not21:49
knomei'll look into it then21:49
slickymasteram now, knome :)21:55
slickymasterevening all21:55
knomeso basically see the discussion with flocculant aboce21:55
knomeabove too21:55
slickymasteralready saw21:55
slickymasterand I do agree with flocculant 21:56
knomeabove too21:56
knomehmm, oops21:56
slickymasterregarding avoiding large html pages21:56
slickymasterand do +1 your subsections idea, knome 21:57
knomehmm, so every sect1 should be a chunk...21:59
slickymasternot sure I understand what you mean, knome 22:00
slickymasterto what do you refer by sect1?22:01
knomeyou don't have to22:01
knomei'm just saying it aloud for my personal reference later :P22:01
flocculantknome: not sure how the sub-sectioning is working but Dispute Resolution on strategy should be a section - not sub-section of development22:02
flocculantunless we think dev cause all the issues :p22:02
knomewell that's a content issue, not a technical one22:02
knomei'm mostly poking the technical stuff today22:03
flocculantassumed as much - just making sure now rather than in 6 months :D22:03
knomeactually i think the issue is just that "Development" is a clumsy section title; it should be more like "contributing" or sth22:04
knomebecause if you look at the content/context, it all is general for everything, not just code contributions22:04
flocculantor communication - cos that's what the majority is about - then sub-section comms would need another name22:06
flocculantbluesabre: did I say that seek in parole was a bit broken? 22:07
flocculantknome: next time I'm trying to login to x.org I'll grab utc time too - then I'll go see IS and report it - having an actual time should help22:10
flocculantin the meantime - I'm off - night all 22:10
slickymasternight flocculant 22:10
cyphermoxUnit193: if there's something you need though, it's a different story22:24
knomebecause if you look at the content/context, it all is general for everything, not just code contributions22:34
Unit193cyphermox: Better handling of buildinfo files (for when one is building Debian packages) and git-deborig looked interesting, but not enough for you to drop everything else for 'em.22:34
knomeoops again22:35
knomei'll move the irc window elsewhere...22:35

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