
triode13hi, i'm new to IRC? is this working?00:06
triode13thanks. i've been using Linux for over a year now exclusively and want to learn more and get involved.00:09
knomewe have a brief introduction on things you can help with at http://xubuntu.org/contribute/00:11
triode13do i need to register my nickname?00:11
knomeit's not necessary, but you'll likely want to do that at some point00:11
knomedo you have something in mind you'd like to contribute to?00:11
triode13i was thinking static testing in a VM and documentation.00:12
triode13is there a specific command i need to perofrm to register my nickname?00:12
knomein that case you'll want to join #xubuntu-devel where a lot of the development discussion happens00:12
=== marvin is now known as Guest92889
jrose152can i just download to a usb and boot from it live with no special setup or config?05:09
jrose152I have a laptop with a dead SSD05:09
sorinello_Hello. Does xubuntu ship out of the box with dnsmasq ?11:45
sorinello_it doesn't seem to be used, yet I have it installed11:45
sorinello_I ma just curious11:45
Unit193Used with resolvconf.11:58
sorinello_but resolvconf is just a file12:31
sorinello_Unit193, ?12:48
=== Zren_ is now known as Zren
brycemlI believe it does come with dnsmasq by default for caching dns lookups.16:26
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
xubuntu04dhello all22:49

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