
=== curunir is now known as ribo
=== ribo is now known as ribo123
ribo123this is my first day with ubuntu mate00:02
=== st0m is now known as Guest15040
=== jaythelinuxguy_ is now known as jaythelinuxguy
LilmateCan someone help out on a cloud question?02:54
LilmateI just install an open stack cloud using conjure up, but did not get the url ip for the horizon login02:55
anirbaanIn libreoffice-writer having problem with table to table data copying, the pasted data turns into undefined symbols, I am on Ubuntu-Mate 16.04.03:48
CalismoonelfCan we update to 17.4 via CLI or software updater? Otherwise, will the live image update my system, not wipe it?05:25
chatter29hey guys07:04
chatter29allah is doing07:04
chatter29sun is not doing allah is doing07:04
chatter29to accept Islam say that i bear witness that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah and Muhammad peace be upon him is his slave and messenger07:04
niakhosSalut je voulais savoir s'il y a un équivalent du menu démarrer de windows sur Ubuntu MATE. Genre pour faire des recherches rapides...08:53
BiofobicoI want to try ubuntu mate, but on the site I see 3 versions to download. Can someone explain me the differences between the 3 of them?14:57
alkisgBiofobico: what pc do you have?15:13
alkisg64bit = normal modern pc, 32bit = 15 year old pc, raspberry pi = tiny board15:14
Biofobicosorry for not being clear, but my doubts are related to the versions. which one should I download?15:56
alkisgYou mean 16.04 vs 16.10? Go for 16.0415:56
Biofobicoyes. and there is also a 17.0415:58
Biofobicothe main goal is to install it on a i3 laptop with 6gb ram to learn php and maybe laravel or wordpress later15:59
alkisgYes select 16.04 64 bit16:02
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=== jesusalva is now known as Guest98693
vltHello. I seem to have a broken ~/.conf/dconf/user file. When I log in I only see the background image and an empty task bar: http://imgur.com/BYdFT5w17:31
vltWhen I remove that file I get the standard MATE desktop but without my personalized settings.17:31
vltAny idea how to repair that file?17:31
vltMore info: When running in that broken mode the upper two or four lines of pixels look flashing and the top cpu consuming processes are mate-panel, marco, mate-maximus, and mate-settings-daemon (all around 50%).17:35
alkisgvlt, you can use the commands "dconf" and "gsettings" to do a binary search on them17:52
alkisgFirst make a backup, then clear half of them, see if it works, then clear the other half of them etc17:52
alkisgUntil you arrive to the key that breaks it17:52
alkisgE.g. gsettings list-recursively, gsettings reset-recursively etc17:53
vltalkisg: Thank you, I’ll try that.17:59
vlt3,646 lines of settings o_O18:02
alkisgThat should take 7 steps with binary search :)18:04
alkisgEh, 12 steps18:05
elsasaludos mundo hispanoparlante19:34
hackstinkanyone on?20:19
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:20
finexbeerhow can you now you dateless of your pc20:50
vltalkisg: Yes, it’s one of those 12-step programs ;-)22:01

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