[02:57] I'm building a new computer for games and multimedia stuff, and looking around it looks like Ubuntu Studio is the best option. However, I also want a clean and fast interface, and Pantheon (the elementary OS DE) caught my attention. [02:58] I'd like to use ubuntu studio together with pantheon. Would it be better to install Ubuntu Studio and add the pantheon DE, or to install elementary and add the Ubuntu Studio repositories? [18:19] Hello everyboby [19:41] good evening folks [20:42] Hi, are you available? [20:57] Hello Krytarik [20:58] Howdy. [20:59] I amk Fine Thanks and how are you? [20:59] Not too shabby, thanks. [21:00] I just started using linux in December 2016. I need help. [21:01] I have installed Wine on Ubuntu 16.04 and upgraded to 16.10