
=== mwsb is now known as chu
LocutusOfBorghello apw, do you mind merging this? https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-virtualbox/virtualbox.git/commit/?id=bcdf0a6d1924367b99cf5c30b5f0e8f9bd0cb07908:34
LocutusOfBorgbackground story: LP: #166980708:34
ubot5Launchpad bug 1669807 in linux (Ubuntu) "Allow Unity8 to run inside Virtualbox" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/166980708:34
apwLocutusOfBorg, will the next update to the dkms package contain that too ?08:35
apwLocutusOfBorg, oh it already does, so you want that resync'd ... ok08:39
=== shadeslayer_ is now known as shadeslayer
=== cachio is now known as cachio_lunch
=== cachio_lunch is now known as cachio
=== leitao_ is now known as recover
=== leitao is now known as Guest11414
=== recover is now known as leitao_
=== leitao_ is now known as leitao
=== mwsb is now known as chu

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