
blabsczesc, jest jakis skrypt ktorym mozna sprawdzic czy dany adres email istnieje? :]11:32
gjm"python check if mail exists"11:34
blabs@gjm: thx ;)11:35
confluencyCzyli skrypt do wysyłania mailów? Bo inaczej nie da się sprawdzić.11:35
confluencyNiech sobie sprawdza.11:36
gjmCiekawe, czy kliknął "Pomógł".11:36
kristian_on_linuis there an "off topic" sister channel? :D18:48
kristian_on_linuI seem to remember this channel being friendly with general tourist questions?18:51
Ashirenalthough its kind of strange to discuss tourist things in linux-focused channel :v18:52
Ashirenbut who am i to judge. i mostly post cat pictures18:53
kristian_on_linuI don't know about that ... I find these channels generally friendly and informed18:53
* kristian_on_linu is not only trying to flatter the denizens18:54
kristian_on_linuI'm going to Warsaw in a month, I really look forward to it18:54
kristian_on_linuheavily considering taking a week in Georgia, too18:56
kristian_on_linuI'm actually going to BachoTeX, so it is kinda, sorta Linux related :)18:56
confluencykristian_on_linu: I always recommend the Łazienki gardens; specifically, I recommend that you find the well-hidden snack shop where you can buy puffed rice, and then feed it to the peahens. They eat out of your hand.18:58
kristian_on_linuoh, Enlightenment era parks ... neat!18:59
kristian_on_linuPoland is a treasure, I was in Gdansk a few years ago, Krakow before that ... beautiful cities19:00
confluencyIf you have time to travel around a bit, Malbork is pretty cool. It's a gigantic Teutonic castle.19:00
kristian_on_linuI was there when in Gdansk19:00
kristian_on_linubut I talked to some reenactment guy a few days ago and told him to visit Malbork ;)19:01
confluencyMy uncle is an architecture and history nerd, so whenever I go I visit a lot of interesting places.19:02
kristian_on_linuI am an art historian ... I *should* know a few things :)19:03
kristian_on_linuhave you been to Georgia?19:03
confluencyOoh, have you been to the Palace of Science and Culture before? It's a somewhat controversial building, but I'm quite fond of it. There's a huge technology museum inside. Or at least there was the last time I looked.19:04
confluencyNope. I've been to very few places in Europe; I live on the other side of the world. :/19:04
kristian_on_linunever been to Warsaw19:04
kristian_on_linuthe style is called "Stalin's birthday cake", I believe :)19:04
kristian_on_linuconfluency, where do you live?19:05
confluencyThen you can probably have a lot of fun just running around the city centre with a map.19:05
confluencykristian_on_linu: South Africa.19:05
kristian_on_linuI see19:05
kristian_on_linuI am in Denmark ... many Polish people here19:05
confluencyNot that many down here.19:06
kristian_on_linuI think my town is historically heavy on Poles and Jews for some reason19:06
kristian_on_linuI'd imagine19:06
confluencyI've got to go -- I hope you enjoy your trip! I'm sure you won't run out of things to see. :)19:06
kristian_on_linuthanks, and take care!19:08
kristian_on_linudrathir, where do I know you from?19:08
Ashirenmaybe WoW19:09
kristian_on_linuabsolutely not19:12
kristian_on_linuI really can't figure out this discount airline stuff ... they always try to sneak in upgrades19:15

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