
chatter29hey guys07:22
chatter29allah is doing07:22
chatter29sun is not doing allah is doing07:22
chatter29to accept islam say that i bear witness that there is no deity worthy of worship except allah and muhammad peace be upon him is his slave and messenger07:22
krytarikchatter29: Howdy.07:22
sorinello_he's spamming a lot of IRC channels07:33
Unit193He does that.07:34
flocculantbluesabre: verification-did for xenial - not done yakkety - would have to do an install first16:22
flocculantbluesabre: done yakkety20:58
flocculantnot too positive about 1 person commenting being enough though ;)20:58
flocculantmaybe we should do some shouting out on various outlets? 20:59
knomebluesabre, ping?22:09
* knome points ochosi and bluesabre at http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~xubuntu-art/xubuntu-artwork/zesty/revision/32022:22
knomebluesabre, plz check if i messed something up ;)22:22
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xubuntu-artwork:: [zesty] r320 Add wallpaper for 17.04.... (by Pasi Lallinaho)23:19
krytarikknome: You forgot to update the Plymouth one. :>23:21
knomedid i?23:21
knomeat least i had the export path ready there...23:21
knomewill do that nexty next23:22
bluesabreevening all23:37
knomehello seany23:42
flocculanthi bluesabre :)23:42
bluesabrehi pasi23:42
bluesabreheya flocculant 23:42

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