
knomenow that missing file...00:06
knomeaaand that should be done00:08
knomebluesabre, plz double-check stuff, then proceed to uploading00:08
knomeand didn't i say midnightish UTC :P00:08
bluesabrethanks knome00:09
* knome proeeds to eating carrots00:11
knomefrom the fridge00:14
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xubuntu-artwork:: [zesty] r321 Update the Plymouth wallpaper... (by Pasi Lallinaho)00:24
bluesabreknome, looks good to me00:27
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xubuntu-artwork:: [zesty] r322 Update elementary-xfce, update plymouth text theme to 17.04,... (by Sean Davis)01:30
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xubuntu-artwork:: [zesty] r323 And include all the new icons (by Sean Davis)01:30
=== Perigee1 is now known as Perigee
=== Perigee is now known as Testing
pleia2Perigee: they asked me to chime in re: videos/screencasts, I think it's a good idea but I haven't had time to brainstorm exactly what folks would want05:15
PerigeeI figured I can come up with a list to start and email back the dev list05:16
pleia2that would be fantastic05:16
PerigeeI feel Xubuntu could do really well for newbies, so basic functions everyday tasks would be a good start. Could always get into the heavier stuff later on.05:17
* pleia2 nods05:17
PerigeeAlso, as a side note... I've spent most of the evening here tweaking a Hexchat theme using the Xubuntu colors from the Terminal05:19
pleia2nice :)05:19
PerigeeShould I send that to the dev list?05:19
pleia2go for it05:20
PerigeeLooks pretty nice if I say so myself05:20
flocculantsigh ...09:15
flocculantbluesabre: sowwy :( icons missing from sgt games menu bug 167060509:15
ubottubug 1670605 in sgt-launcher (Ubuntu) "Icons missing from game menu's" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/167060509:15
flocculantknome: ooooh blue \o/10:05
bluesabreflocculant, they might have been dropped, the newest sgt-puzzles moved to gtk311:06
bluesabretry launching that game via command line11:07
flocculantbluesabre: same deal - no icon - for any of them11:18
bluesabreflocculant, indeed then, they were dropped with the gtk3 migration11:19
flocculantdidn't think about that - changed bug to -puzzles11:21
bluesabreflocculant, thanks... probably won't get fixed since menu item icons are deprecated11:39
bluesabreflocculant, ochosi, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfce4-notifyd/0.3.5-111:40
Unit193Except: https://git.xfce.org/apps/xfce4-notifyd/commit/?id=f8691b209d17748a768a5ce199a2f05890acd78e - https://git.xfce.org/apps/xfce4-notifyd/commit/?id=16660fa212641ea15871e792744cc97f03c91968 - https://git.xfce.org/apps/xfce4-notifyd/commit/?id=415cd921717dff745eaf8dc01d32f1c1772dee42 - https://git.xfce.org/apps/xfce4-notifyd/commit/?id=1e1b6b9cf9cee1e5355a3e5746950a63c16a15bd11:47
bluesabreUnit193, those look handy12:08
bluesabreochosi, bugfix release inbound?12:08
ochosibluesabre: yeah, i plan to do one very soon. i presume it would help to do it very soon..?12:49
ochosi(if so, what's the ideal timeline)12:57
flocculantas the kids apparently say now 22:42
flocculantakxwi-dave: you about at all? I know work has been a bit meh - want to change qa page to the draft - waiting on you buddy ;)22:43
flocculantis what I meant to say :D22:43
bluesabreochosi, before the 20th would be best23:29

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