
spacebearso if anyone around, theirs a serious firefox bug on 16.0414:53
chrisccoulsonspacebear, are you using xrdp?15:15
spacebearvlt, the bug has been set to confirmed on launchpad15:23
vltYeah, I have been notified by mail.15:24
vltspacebear: We are using LTSP clients to connect to our xrdp session.15:26
vltspacebear: What does your setup look like?15:26
spacebearI have a pretty vanilla xrdp set up, with compression and bpm=12815:26
spacebearusing the windows build in remotedesktop client to connect to it15:26
spacebearbut I had to do the nvidia driver fix for it (where you ln -s some libglx stuff)15:27
chrisccoulsonyou can work around it by setting LOGNAME in your environment15:31
vltspacebear: Ah, ok. We have no windows machines here.  What ist bpm=128?15:32
spacebearits a network rate I think, don't quiz me I just followed a guide online to speed up xrdp15:32
spacebearchrisccoulson, how would I go about doing that?15:33
spacebearI just don't recall seeing that in any of the xrdp config files15:33
chrisccoulsonLOGNAME=$USER firefox15:34
spacebearthat did not work15:35

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