[00:00] ash_workz: you would have to find the source for the paralle that is referred to in the online manpage and compare to the source used in the ubuntu package [00:00] tangled_z: Sure they are symlinks . but I have lost thought process connectivity . No idea of what command you ran to get the output . [00:00] UserUS: I'm thinking now he has an ext4 formatted dos partition [00:00] ash_workz: but why are you using an online manual if you have the man page locally? [00:00] blobaugh: what is the output of "lsb_release -sd"? [00:00] nacc: erm... let me explain [00:00] nacc: I was looking at wooledge for parallel processing [00:01] nacc: they gave an example `find . -print0 | parallel -0 command | ...` [00:01] genii: I just read what he said, and I think so too [00:01] Pumamori: What is the resuly of just: mount ( please pastebin) [00:01] Ok lol I actually need help. When adding mhddfs#/mnt/disk1,/mnt/disk2,/mnt/disk3,/mnt/disk4,/mnt/disk5 /mnt/virtual fuse allow_other,mlimit=20G 0 0 to /etc/fstab it takes me into emergency mode. [00:01] nacc: when I checked the usage locally, I don't have the -0 flag... or hardly any of the flags that are potentially used where parallel is concerned. [00:01] k1l: Ubuntu 15.04 [00:02] blobaugh: then run "sudo do-release-upgrade -d" [00:02] genii: http://pastebin.com/FpKRf89E [00:02] ash_workz: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/xenial/man1/parallel.1.html that is the same [00:02] k1l: I keep seeing that, and that it is not recommended cause it will put me in a dev release. In this case will it work out properly? [00:02] nacc: I figured I must have a different version of parallel or some random package similarly named... but I am inept at discerning this from my package manager [00:03] ash_workz: there is a parallel from moreutils too [00:03] ash_workz: `apt policy parallel` [00:03] hello, I am having trouble keeping my bluetooth mouse and keyboard connected [00:03] ash_workz: and yes, different ubuntu releases have different versions of parallel installed. i really thought you knew about the stable release scheme of ubuntu by now. [00:03] nacc: and likewise inept at discerning what I'm looking at when I am pointed to the docs in question (in other words, suppose I did find out exactly what parallel I have... I would also need to know what to look for to see what parallel docs I'm looking at) [00:03] i am running 14.04 and my mouse disconnects when the computer is idle. They both fail to auto-connect on boot [00:03] k1l: do-release-upgrade -cd show 15.10, do-release-upgrade -c shows 16.04.2 [00:04] Bashing-om: Oh that was the output of the ls -l command, I think? [00:04] blobaugh: it only works with -d. you need to upgrade to 15.10 first. then again upgrade to 16.04 (without -d then) [00:04] k1l: great. Thanks for the help! :) [00:04] blobaugh: np :) [00:04] Bashing-om: ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid/ gives me the 5 symlinks! or is that not the command you wanted me to run? [00:04] ash_workz: i'm not sure i follow? `man parallel` and search for refernces to the null character [00:05] ash_workz: in that particular case, it seems the parallel man page does not have a reference to the version you are using [00:05] nacc: I did, there isn't any [00:05] ash_workz: you also haven't provided the apt policy outpu tyet [00:05] UserUS: Meh, EFI [00:05] ash_workz: what ubuntu are you on exactly? [00:06] ash_workz: or `dpkg -S $(which parallel)` [00:06] genii: Exactly what I was thinking, but I have an EFI dual boot and I did run into a problem similar awhile back. Grub boot repair solved the problem. But it wasn't external. I even had to add the digital signature to the EFI boot devices. So many things it could be. [00:07] tangled_z: We want that command to point to the strange UUID . ' ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid/44f3493e-30f0-46c5-af38-ce8dcc8e8ebc ' where replacing this UUID with yours results in what ? [00:07] Bashing-om: Oh! Right [00:07] genii: All and all, the grub.conf and xorg.conf will tell all [00:07] Pumamori: Unfortunately, right now I'm too tired to decipher the problem correctly, and have to leave work also. But i think UserUS or possibly another helper who has been observing can keep trying to get your issue sorted [00:07] nacc: https://gist.github.com/ash-m/556c4c6fd77813ee5ea670beacfb9ad9 [00:08] ash_workz: right, so you're using parallel from moreutils probably === Guest15688 is now known as CrazEd [00:08] ash_workz: so you are not even reading the manpage from your ubuntu? [00:08] ash_workz: `apt policy moreutils` [00:08] genii: I understand, sorry for keeping you up if I did. === CrazEd is now known as Guest86960 [00:08] ash_workz: look at this:http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/xenial/man1/parallel.1.html [00:08] Pumamori: Have you checked grub.conf? [00:09] Bashing-om: hmm all of the 5 uuids produce normal output (no errors) [00:09] UserUS: I'll be on again tomorrow, more rested, if you still need help then I'll be glad to take another look [00:09] UserUS: No, I have not! That was one of the first suggestions, (using: "GRUB_DISABLE_OS_PROBER=true") [00:09] nacc: yeah, it's from moreutils [00:09] nacc: in fact, it says that when I run man [00:09] But I wasn't sure whether that would really get rid of the terminal, or that it might only remove the selection after I exitted out of it [00:09] nacc: but, I don't really know what the implication is when I see that. [00:10] I have it open now though! [00:10] Bashing-om: doesn't seem like any of them are strange. Im not sure what the actual UUID was that the earlier warning mentioned as that warning message has disappeared now, sorry! [00:10] ash_workz: uh, you were looking at the "GNU parallel" manpage and "moreutils parallel" is not "GNU parallel"? [00:11] UserUS: Should I upload the contents to pastebin, or do you only need a specific line? [00:11] ash_workz: it doesn't really make sense -- but it happens to be the case that there are two packages that provide the same command, but they are different [00:11] ash_workz: you also see the moreutils version has not been updated since 2009 [00:12] nacc: where did you see that? [00:12] ash_workz: where did I see what? [00:12] 2009 [00:12] ash_workz: at the bottom of the manpage [00:13] oh [00:13] ash_workz: also, if you actually install parallel, you will see a diversion is introduced [00:13] ash_workz: and there is /usr/bin/parallel and /usr/bin/parallel.moreutils [00:13] Pumamori: I'll take a look if you upload it [00:13] ash_workz: with corresponding different manpages [00:13] UserUS: http://pastebin.com/w3hpQjTD [00:14] ash_workz: so install the package that corresponds to what you actually want and you'll be happy [00:14] tangled_z: "cryptsetup: WARNING: found more than one resume device candidate" // And we have a lot to consider ; cryprsetup - encryption at some level ; dm-0 -> part of the device mapper in the kernel, used by LVM . Now I have not a clue what you have done to arrive at this condidition . [00:14] nacc: well, I am trying to figure out what I need to do to understand my state of affairs. I clearly lack quite a bit of common sense so the 'tip offs' are not something I care to rely on; though, thank you for point them out [00:14] ash_workz: what tip offs? [00:15] nacc: but what I mean is, I am not versed enough to just know that moreutils parallel !== gnu parallel [00:15] ash_workz: there's no need to be quite so dramatic. it's a confusing circumstance. Two packages provide the same named program. [00:15] ash_workz: it's not about being versed [00:15] ash_workz: why would you assume they are the same? [00:15] It seems like: GRUB_TERMINAL=console is what I'd want? Does this just skip ahead to the menu where I choose between Ubuntu / Windows? I'd love to have it boot up windows without the stick and Ubuntu with it automatically - in my current situation, I can't even recover the regular Windows booting, because bootable media doesn't start due to grub. [00:15] Pumamori: Please boot into an Ubuntu LiveUSB, run boot info script from here: https://github.com/arvidjaar/bootinfoscript and pastebin the RESULTS.txt that it produces. [00:15] ash_workz: also, the online man page you referred to said quite explicitly "GNU parallel" -- your local manpage for the moreutils version does not mention GNU one time [00:16] Pumamori: The way that I fixed the error when I got it (assuming you are using EFI) was to mount the drive, get root, add the digital signature to the /boot/EFI...etc configuration file. I'll try to find the file. This is indicated by the line "Uncomment if you don't want GRUB to pass "root=UUID=xxx" parameter to Linux". So basically it is saying grub will pass "digital signature" paramater to linux to boot [00:16] because afaik ubuntu comes with many gnu tools? (perhaps a wrong notion) [00:16] ash_workz: so you assumed all tools are gnu tools? [00:16] nacc: no... [00:16] ash_workz: let's take a step back. state clearly what you would like to learn? [00:17] I'm not even sure what EFI means, sorry! I'll look it up [00:17] (I need to learn what's wrong with me ¬.¬) [00:17] ash_workz: i was going to say without being dramatic :) [00:18] ash_workz: nothing is wrong with you -- but this situation is not surprising or confusing to me, and it is to you, so I need you to help bridge the gap [00:18] Pumamori: What Jordan_U said will need to be done for either of our fixes. You need a livecd (or usb) that's above it so to speak, to edit the configuration under it [00:19] Bashing-om: That's strange! I definitely did not set up encryption here and I don't remember using LVM, this is the guide that I followed to partition my disk: ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid/ [00:19] I need to think about it. [00:19] ash_workz: ok, i'm usually around :) [00:19] Bashing-om: I do have an extender partition, but that's not the same thing as an LVM is it? [00:20] Pumamori: From there you can run grub repair and look at log files...etc [00:20] tangled_z: By the way . why 5 symlinked UUIDs ? I see only a need for 4 . [00:20] I see. I am sorry for being ignorant - but how is it going to run? I've been trying to recover the Windows settings through a recovery usb, but it just lead me to the grub menu, completely ignoring it. After choosing windows, it just went straight to the login screen, rather than executing whatever's on the autorun usb [00:20] ash_workz: program names are not always unique: there is the ubuntu desktop "unity" and a video game engine called "unity". [00:20] Bashing-om:Oh, one's a spare partition. I'm going to install NixOS there eventually (it's empty for now tho) [00:20] I almost lack the vocabulary to describe my ignorance. I would say that I don't really know what something means to be GNU, BSD, etc... [00:21] ash_workz: that refers to who provides it, generally, and oftentimes to whose standard something is written [00:21] Bashing-om: also, sorry, this is the link to my partition guide: http://askubuntu.com/questions/343268/how-to-use-manual-partitioning-during-installation [00:21] and I don't understand their nature with respect to unbuntu [00:21] -n [00:22] ash_workz: just read about the gnu vs linux naming drama and you will get to know :) [00:22] ash_workz: to understand the issue you ran into, you don't really need to know any of that, though [00:22] ash_workz: at least, afaict [00:23] Pumamori: No worries, don't be sorry for asking for help. A login screen for what? grub logon screen? [00:23] I just couldn't make a ubuntu boot out of a flash drive. I did a DVD and it is working just fine. [00:23] tangled_z: No not the same . and 'extended' partition is but a container to hold ( up to 128 ) logical partitions (your sda5 sda6 and sda7) , Now normally we expect that the root partition be sda1, and swap to be sda5 . Why it is not standard in your install . only you can say . [00:23] I wonder if that could be because of the format of the flash driver. [00:23] well, I just need to know some thing reliable... judging from our previous convo, I would say that ubuntu has no control over what is put in gnu man pages... [00:23] bigode: First question I asked [00:23] the DVD is Joliet formated, while the flash driver is FAT [00:24] ash_workz: huh? [00:24] ash_workz: the content of the manpage is unrelated to the problem you hit [00:24] ash_workz: you were looking at the manpage for an unrelated command [00:24] bigode: Yeah rufus does FAT32 defualt, that's what he used [00:24] ash_workz: (locally) that happened to have the same name [00:24] Bashing-om: that guide i linked suggested that putting swap first will make it faster? I sort of blindly trusted that claim without verifying it though [00:24] ash_workz: and that you happened to have installed [00:24] right, my problem is just discerning concretely that [00:24] UserUS: rufus? [00:25] ash_workz: well, your first hint was that your manpage didn't match :) [00:25] UserUS: I am using that unetbooting [00:25] Bashing-om: do you think having swap as my first partition might be the cause of my inability to resume? [00:25] I'll try to explain better - the "easy" fix to my solution was to boot a Windows 10 recovery CD / USB and just restore the boot settings from there, (so something similar to what you're suggesting with Ubuntu), but ever since I started having the grub terminal popping up at reboot, I didn't get my bootable sticks to work at all. It *always* jumps t [00:25] o the grub terminal, rather than executing my recovery stick. If I choos either Ubuntu or Windows, it continues to ignore their existence, haha. [00:25] UserUS: so FAT32 works? [00:25] bigode: ohh sorry misread nevermind [00:26] UserUS: so FAT32 works? [00:26] Pumamori: Easy, Change your boot order in system setup, save and reboot [00:27] bigode: for bootable ubuntu, you'd want NTFS [00:27] nacc: right, I did in fact understand that something was off from that :) but when I say that ubuntu doesn't control gnu man pages... what i mean to say is I could envision a scenario where a parallel command is provided by a moreutils package that was created by gnu; so I wouldn't say I could rely on the fact that GNU is missing from the docs that that means it is not gnu parallel [00:27] UserUS: Mmmmmm.. so that is it! [00:27] Yet I can't even open the bios or boot settings since grub "appeared". I've mashed pretty much every single F button before boot (before the grub terminal) and after choosing windows, to no effect. (Also tab, delete...) [00:28] tangled_z: Well, not all guides are 100% trustworthy, but no, having swap as primary on sda1 should not cause a problem . ( Me I want my root partition 1st as sda1 !) . [00:28] ash_workz: moreutils is not a GNU package [00:28] ash_workz: http://joeyh.name/code/moreutils/ [00:28] ash_workz: GNU is typically quite verbose in their own manpages and will tell you if you are using a GNU tool [00:29] ash_workz: as, just like the case you are finding, it matters to know that [00:29] nacc: right, I know that now; but I'm must trying to convey the lack of concreteness when I am trying to discern these things in general [00:29] ash_workz: you undersatnd that very rarely does ubuntu create any manpages, they all come from upstream sources [00:29] Pumamori: OK. So can you currently boot any OS on this machine? [00:29] like, sometimes I'll have a command, and there is no man at all [00:29] Bashing-om: Yeah I probably should've stuck with convention in hindsight! [00:29] ash_workz: such as? [00:30] Jordan_U: Yes, both Windows and Ubuntu (when the stick's plugged in.) [00:30] I dunno; I can't think of one... I [00:30] My problem is the grub terminal, that's even there when the stick's not in. [00:30] type startx into the terminal [00:30] I've run into the instance where `help command` had had information in lieu of man, or sometimes I'm sol, but that's happened maybe 3 times total [00:30] Pumamori: OK, then please boot into Ubuntu, run boot info script from here: https://github.com/arvidjaar/bootinfoscript and pastebin the RESULTS.txt that it produces. [00:31] tangled_z: Believe me it is all a process of learning and adapting ! Now each and every install I do is different . But I have learned what is and what I want . You too will :) / [00:31] Pumamori: Try to run the command startx too, to get the desktop [00:31] ash_workz: i've been actively using and developing on linux for a while now, and i've not run into that situation myself anytime recently (yes a long time ago it was common). So i'd need a specific case to help [00:32] ash_workz: in the case of parallel, say, you could have done a `apt-file search /usr/bin/parallel` and seen that it's in two packages [00:32] ash_workz: and then looked at those packages descriptions and seen that one says it provides GNU parallel and the other provides a bunch of utilitieis [00:33] Pumamori: Careful with 'startx' has limited applications in today's systems . [00:33] nacc: well, that's not exactly my point... I think what I need to do is learn 2 things: 1) how to find out where a command came from and 2) understand the the references for documentation on the upstream command. [00:33] I'm a tad confused. What does startx do exactly? [00:33] * ash_workz tries that [00:33] Bashing-om: Thanks! Yeah, it's a learning experience! I try and experiment around with new options to see if they make things better. [00:33] Also, apparently I have to install mawk first for the script to work, a sec.. [00:34] Bashing-om: We may not have found out the mystery of the resume, but at least we managed to make my system boot! Thanks for the help! :D [00:34] ash_workz: 1) if installed, dpkg -S `which command`; if not installed, `apt-file search command`. Also, the whole command-not-found stuff does some of this too [00:34] tangled_z: Back to the issue at hand . Able to reboot ? What happens ? [00:34] Pumamori: so do sudo apt-get install mawk. And startx is what you use to start xorg which will bring you to the GUI of the desktop [00:34] ash_workz: 2) not sure i undrerstand [00:35] Bashing-om: Yes, it manages to boot now. [00:35] hello [00:35] Bashing-om: So long as I shut it down. Not sure if it'll suspend, though [00:35] nacc: apt-file search /usr/bin/parallel has no output [00:35] tangled_z: I tell ya the truth . wwith cryptsetup and dm-0 and graphic' [00:36] ash_workz: have you run `apt-file update` as your user? [00:36] Hm, it doesn't upgrade the old version. And ah, I see. [00:36] nope [00:36] * ash_workz does that [00:36] ash_workz: then totally expected :) [00:36] ash_workz: just like apt itself [00:36] dumb question, I'm trying to install php5-fpm but when I run the apt-get command I get a "has no installation candidate error". How do I install this package? [00:36] scarybaby: what version of ubuntu? [00:36] 16.04 [00:36] scarybaby: 16.04 has no php5 support [00:36] ah [00:36] scarybaby: php-fpm (php7.0 based) [00:37] ty! [00:37] scarybaby: you can either use trusty in a container/vm or use ondrej's PPA [00:37] scarybaby: or migrate to php7 :) [00:37] It's for tooling around while I learn to PHP properly [00:37] s issues that you do not know the why of ---- I would give a lot of thought - as this is a fresh install - to doing a RE-install taking what you know now and applying it to this new installation , [00:38] scarybaby: ah, then definitely just use php7.0 :) [00:38] Is there any way I can just force to use the bootable media through grub...? It would simply so many things if I could get that thing to run.. [00:39] Bashing-om: hhmmmmmm that's a very good point. [00:39] nacc, if I run apt-get install php-fpm, will that give 7? [00:40] nacc: okay, that's done, what is the output of search telling me exactly? [00:40] scarybaby: yes; and it will track the correct version that is supported as you go forward [00:40] excellent, thank you so much! [00:40] ash_workz: `apt-file search ` searches the contents of all packages for any file matching '*filename*' [00:40] ash_workz: (as per `man apt-file` :) [00:40] Pumamori: You can't without it being mounted. There is a program I use that is basically a bootloader itself. It's called rEFInd. Might solve the issue of your boot paramaters, because it loads bootloaders, anything attached when your computer boots, it gives the option to boot into [00:41] Bashing-om: Yeah it'll have a think about it, it might be the way to go. Can't believe so many issues popped out of nowhere so early on! [00:41] I see [00:43] Does anyone know if different nvidia cards play well together on Ubuntu? [00:43] Like if I have two different types [00:43] Pumamori: Yeah, I can find the install instructions if you want, but grub-repair is what probably needs to be run to solve the issue you have now. Which you can do with a liveusb. Your issue isn't uncommon. [00:43] nacc: okay, I see a colon separated list, (ie: `pssh: /usr/bin/parallel-nuke`) ... so what is 'pssh' in that case? [00:43] jason_-: Proprietary drivers work just fine, in my experience. I have seen people with issues here and there though [00:44] ash_workz: a package name [00:44] Ah, alright. But I couldn't run any other liveusbs - how does that one differ? (Again, don't mean to sound rude, just asking because I don't know any better) [00:44] UserUS: Well I've been having issues with intel graphics + a quadro GPU. I thought maybe buying a cheap nvidia card for running displays would be an easier solution. [00:45] err not quadro, Tesla K40 [00:46] Pumamori: Yes you can use the grub shell to boot from other media, but at some point we need to figure out what your current configuration *is*. Boot info script will tell us that, and then hopefully from there we will be able to walk you throuhg fixing it. [00:46] Pumamori: Grub-repair is an application, not a liveusb [00:47] UserUS: Pumamori: I would recommend against using boot-repair if you have someone available that can determine what actually needs to be done rather han hoping the script's heuristics get it right. [00:48] ash_workz: note that also you can pass -F to apt-file so it treats the argument as a fixed string and not a regex [00:48] Jordan_U: Sure, troubleshoot other options first by all means. Jump in here. [00:48] tangled_z: It is your system, we are here to help in whatever you decide to try and do :) - If It ain't broke do not fix it . === SEHc0nd is now known as khloe727 [00:49] jason_-: Probably, the drivers are more common, but that's just a common sense judgment on my behalf === jq is now known as OpAbuser [00:49] Bashing-om: That's true too! :) It works fine at the moment. This does feel like one of those things that might get annoying in the future. I'll see how it goes for now and if the problems persist! [00:49] Bashing-om: Thanks again for the help :) [00:50] Alright, thank you. Not sure if I've mentioned it before, but mawk doesn't upgrade the files, since it's "the newest version available", thus not letting me run the scripts. And I am *terribly* sorry, but I've been at this for a while too and it's getting extremely late - I have to get up in 4 hours for university, and I want to get at least some s [00:50] leep in. Thanks for your help so far - I'll try to get all the requested files and then deliver those tomorrow (or rather, later today I suppose). I hope this doesn't seem ungrateful, I'm just really tired at this point. [00:50] tangled_z: My pleasure . Things like this make my day . Helps ne too on this steep curve of learning . [00:51] Pumamori: sudo apt install gawk [00:51] how do I search ubuntu repositories for a keyword in a package/command name? === OpAbuser is now known as jq [00:52] ash_workz: `apt-cache search ...` [00:52] ash_workz: apt-cache search keyword [00:52] Pumamori: Run chmod +x "scriptname" to get the script to run...and feel free to pm me later, I'll go on tomorrow to try and lend a hand at some time. [00:52] ash_workz: and now it's also `apt search ...` [00:52] nacc: apt-cache search seems search descriptions too [00:53] ash_workz: that of course is searching your local cache, not the repositories literally [00:53] Alright, I've run the script once: http://pastebin.com/Dci11s6n [00:53] ash_workz: you want to only search names? [00:53] ash_workz: `man apt-cache` ... --names-only [00:54] well, if I hear about the parallel command and I am thinking of installing it... I don't know that search all the descriptions is helpful [00:54] Bashing-om: :D glad to hear that I brought you a problem that you found interesting! [00:55] ash_workz: well, if it's a command it lives in bin, so i'd do `apt-file search parallel | grep bin` at least [00:55] ash_workz: but also, in this case, i'd probably first try `apt-cache show parallel`; and i woudl assume as it's a command i could do `apt-file search /usr/bin/parallel` [00:55] Pumamori: Please pastebin the output of "sudo efibootmgr". [00:56] ash_workz: as all packages that ship binaries for normal users put them there [00:56] Jordan_U: http://pastebin.com/BGKkeD3F [00:57] hmm I see [00:58] ash_workz: but more improtanly, if you didn't have moreutils on your sytsem, and had c-n-f (which i believe is present by default), and typed at yoru terminal 'parallel', cnf would tell you which packages provide that binary === mmmmmm is now known as bg25 [00:59] ash_workz: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24134135/ [00:59] Pumamori: OK, according to that, there are three boot entries that are tried before your machine will try to boot Windows. We can make Windows the first entry tried, or we can remove the other entries. [00:59] nacc: I see [01:00] I see - does removing the others entail cutting off all access? The intention originally was to boot up Windows when the Stick's not plugged in, while booting up Ubuntu when it is [01:01] ash_workz: and that's just the output from `/usr/lib/command-not-found parallel` [01:01] Reordering sounds like a good solution though [01:01] ash_workz: which is itself python and you can see how it does that :) === yaiyan is now known as Yaiyan [01:01] nacc: I am sometimes wary that when I am told about a command, that I might accidentally be on the hunt for the wrong package. [01:01] Pumamori: Well, if the drive the entries correspond to isn't available, it should be skipped. Let's see what drive is associated with each entry by looking at the output of "sudo efibootmgr -v". [01:02] Jordan_U: http://pastebin.com/yvajFr7N [01:02] ash_workz: it's relatively rare for a command to be in two packages [01:03] nacc: but is it relatively rare for a package name !== the name of the command it provides [01:03] ash_workz: no, and not every package provides commands [01:03] I see... So the second Ubuntu is Grub? (That's probably the most stupid way I could put it, but hey...) [01:04] ash_workz: but no one is trying to mislead you by their naming [01:04] no I know, but that might not be practical for the package... ie: moreutils [01:04] ash_workz: what might not be practical? [01:05] Hi i'm running ubuntu 16.10 and i just made an update and somethings broken. I have fstab entry that mounts /Mypool/var/lib/mysql to /var/lib/mysql. What ends up happening on boot is that the zfs pool doesn't get mounted at all but there's just a symlink /Mypool/var/lib/mysql. The zfs pool can't get mounted because "directory exists". If I remove fstab entry then everything mounts normally, except the /var/lib/mysql [01:05] Pumamori: OK, I'm starting to understand what happened. Your Ubuntu installation is on sdf5, but it was configured to use the EFI System Partition sda2. Let me think a bit how best to get this fixed. [01:05] this is the entry that I have in fstab - /Pearl/var/lib/mysql /var/lib/mysql none bind [01:06] I wonder how that happened in the first place. I'm sure I only used sdg (that's what it was back then) for the location of... well, everything. Bootloader too and formatting after hitting "install now" only referred to it too. [01:07] Jordan_U: You can change the UUID path [01:07] like, if I am told about gnu parallel and I try it and something fails (I realize that I should probably check to see if said command exists before I just try it, but...) and I go, "oh, I don't have the gnu `parallel` command" but as it turns out, the gnu parallel command is under the package gnutools, or gnu-parallel or something [01:07] (not just `parallel`) [01:07] Pumamori: OK, we could fix this manually, but there is enough wrong (or at least not ideal) that it's easiest to re-install, but do it properly.OCOCOCOCOCOCOCOC [01:08] Pumamori: It usually happens by not choosing "something else" and setting it manually. Jordan_U is right, if that is the issue, reinstall is best [01:08] ash_workz: sorry, i'm not sure what you are saying is the problem there? [01:08] ash_workz: you ran a command, it did not do what you thought it should [01:08] ash_workz: so you check the manpage -- that's weird, it doesn't mention options i expect to find [01:08] I see, but how would I get rid of grub before doing so? I suppose doing it "properly" would result in a live usb without the grub terminal each time... [01:08] hell i said to do that an 2 hours ago [01:08] ash_workz: so then you go and see if the same program is provided by something else [01:08] but sintre knows nothing lol [01:08] Well, I did choose something else, but I did screw up a bit with the Fat32 / Ext4 stuff. [01:09] Never said you didn't, I just figured there was a quick work around, since it does work - it was just a matter of getting rid of the grub terminal. My apologies if it came off as that. [01:10] ash_workz: and i think really, don't get hung up on paralle, which is a pathological case (afaict) [01:10] well you learned there isn't an easy fix after all so you learned something [01:10] Yay me. Haha. [01:10] nacc: pathological? [01:11] Pumamori: Well your issue won't allow that unfortunately. Cheers [01:11] Pumamori: It looks like you don't currently have any Ubuntu LiveUSB plugged in right now. Is that correct? [01:12] No, I have only the stick where I installed it in there [01:12] ash_workz: where two packages provide the same binary [01:12] ash_workz: same binary name [01:15] Pumamori: OK. Do you have another USB drive that you can put Ubuntu live on? [01:15] Yes, the same one I had it on earlier actually. I just need to put it on there again, because I tried several windows restore images today first [01:15] I'm getting a bad sector on an md array. can I easily find out which member disk houses the specific bad block? [01:16] * sintre remembers somebody saying to reinstall with NEW media and a new iso download sometime in last 24 hours hmm he ponders what could be [01:19] ash_workz: i'm stepping afk for the evening, but will be around tmrw [01:19] Pumamori: OK. Please plug that in and re run boot info script. [01:21] nacc: okay! I get how all these commands work together now [01:21] nacc: thanks a lot [01:22] hello guys.. stupid question: is it possible in any way to run a GUI inside a Ubuntu vps? [01:23] Is it safe to remove linux-generic after installing linux-generic-hwe-16.04? I have a machine with a somewhat small /boot that keeps filling up from all the recent kernel traffic. [01:23] Jordan_U: Thanks for helping out, but I gotta get up for university in less than 4 hours, so I'll be leaving for now... I'll try to check back in tomorrow. (Wrote you a message about that too~) Thanks everyone, have a wonderful day / night! [01:25] Nivex: only as safe as you trust the HWe kernel to be :) [01:26] quit === Guest86960 is now known as CrazEd === CrazEd is now known as Guest7265 [01:30] hi [01:32] nacc: this is the mentality, right? https://gist.github.com/ash-m/61aa32c71963be2032650c9e52dfadf3 [01:32] i just recieved a update it says error not enough space got this before i think i need to delete old kernels how do i using terminal [01:32] nacc: sorry, I just read the afk bit [01:32] nacc: thanks a lot [01:33] robbieusa: If ya have the operating head room now . try ' sudo apt autoremove ' . [01:33] robbieusa, apt autoremove [01:33] k [01:34] APT GET? [01:34] sudo apt clean && sudo apt auto-remove [01:34] says error [01:34] its apt-get [01:34] robbieusa, it is one word, autoremove [01:34] robbieusa, sure there is no space or is it mounted dirty = RO ? [01:34] quick question to anyone out there who has any idea: linux-image-4.8.0-41? [01:34] robbieusa: " sudo apt autoremove " . [01:34] can [01:35] oh, typo [01:35] can't find any information about it, but its being given as an update [01:35] sudo apt-get autoremove is working Bashing-om [01:35] google can't even find more than 3 references to it [01:35] seems strange [01:35] reboot after? [01:36] robbieusa: I would check package status ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade ; before re-booting . [01:36] also not in the ubuntu package listings [01:36] anyone knows what this is? [01:37] k [01:37] http://imgur.com/a/md0kM [01:37] command seems to work here [01:38] worked [01:38] this is on xubuntu 16.04.2 [01:38] ty [01:39] robbieusa: Happy2help :) [01:41] :) [01:43] K1rk: your solution is working perfect. 15.10 upgrade complete, 16.04 on its way! You rock :D [01:44] k1l: your solution is working perfect. 15.10 upgrade complete, 16.04 on its way! You rock :D [01:45] we got that the first time [01:45] :) [01:45] Hi, I need help to set up a wifi network from ubuntu 16.10 as an access point with a BCL4352 wireless card. I can get the master mode to work thus phones can't connect to the access point (which is my main goal). Does anyone has a clue on how to fix that? [01:47] Hola Bashing-om [01:48] n4no`: Hello . What is your ubuntu issue ? [01:49] No issue Bashing-om just saying hello.. A [01:50] Aper, BCL ? or BCM ? [01:50] BCM [01:50] Sorry for the typo [01:50] thx @OerHeks [01:51] Aper it should be possible with the STA driver http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-newbie-8/cannot-create-access-point-on-ubuntu-14-04-[wireless-card-bcm4352]-4175541929/ [01:53] That's the one I use I think (STA wireless driver from bcmwl-kernel-source) [01:59] @OerHeks, thanks I found a new ressource (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx) I'll give it a try [02:00] Aper, good, let us know :-) [02:00] sure :) [02:03] vhosts /cloak [02:04] [02:04] how to get a invite? [02:05] how to get a invitation? [02:05] missing a party? [02:06] depending on the channel I believe its a channel operator that can send invites [02:07] woju, invite to ?? [02:07] OerHeks: chat [02:07] #chat [02:07] woju, anyone can come in here for ubuntu support. [02:07] OerHeks: we need chat for a rest [02:08] woju i invited you to sintreland you didn't accept [02:08] woju, try #ubuntu-offtopic if you have no support issue. [02:09] OerHeks: ok [02:09] one thing is ubuntu-offtopic requires your nick to be registered [02:09] some if you licke that nick you might wanna reg it [02:10] !register [02:10] For information on registering your IRC nick, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - For any further help, ask in #freenode. [02:10] ubottu ok [02:10] You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-) === Guest69206 is now known as Kestrel-029 [02:20] hola === woju is now known as everlove === cigumo_ is now known as cigumo === Guest7265 is now known as CrazEd === CrazEd is now known as Guest31957 === everlove is now known as woju [02:46] hi, I have a file to which i want to append text with a cronjob. now this file could be read by a user input at the same time, will this be an issue, if yes what exaclty is the issue? no two writes will ever occur at the same time [02:50] ponA: sounds weird to write to a file from cron but no, it won't be an issue [02:50] hi [02:50] Anyone here know a lot about git? [02:51] BigMacs: the people in #git [02:51] hi [02:52] okay, thx Ben64, are you interested in what i am trying to achieve, maybe you could provide some input? [02:52] ponA: go for it [02:53] big Ubuntu update .. [02:56] okay, i have a RaspberryPi and i want to use several temperature sensors with it. The sensor values are written to some files on the pi, the files contain the Temperature but also much more. I now would like to gather the relevant info of these files (the temperature) into one CSV file. As i would like to get the values every Minute i would just run a Cronjob which executes the script that copies the temperature values over to my CSV. [02:56] ACTION PARSNIP [02:59] ponA: i'm sure there's a better way [02:59] well, i am sure, too, but i dont know any... got a hint for me? [03:00] ponA: maybe ask #raspberrypi [03:00] The current linux kernel version of 16.04 is 4.8 right? [03:01] okay, i'll do that, thx for the info anyway! [03:01] !linux-image-generic xenial | lurklord [03:02] !info linux-image-generic xenial | lurklord [03:02] lurklord: linux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (xenial), package size 2 kB, installed size 12 kB [03:02] there's also linux-generic-hwe-16.04 [03:05] Hello everyone [03:05] I have this problem when I try to boot into ubuntu with a usb [03:05] wheneveri try to do it, it just restarts my computer? [03:05] can anyone help me solve this issue? [03:06] the only other os i have on it is debian, and i installed that without a network mirror so its just a terminal [03:07] tragical , redownload iso and create usb again [03:08] i did that a couple times sintre [03:08] sounds like a copy error one one or both of those places [03:08] also use different media [03:08] can it possibly have to do with the fact that debian takes over the ret of space? [03:09] so i may have to free up space on that parititon [03:09] do you have another bootable usb stick that you can confirm that there is nothing wrong with the port? [03:09] no if your trying to boot into a livre session from usb [03:09] shouldn't even touch the hdd [03:09] oh ok mkes sense [03:09] ill look but i dont think i have another usb [03:10] it just flashes on the screen, the two options that restarts [03:10] then* [03:10] again gotta use different media different port [03:11] if not ubuntu any live linux distro to confirm its not hardware [03:11] go buy a stick tomorrow for 5 bucks [03:11] until thats ruled out nowhwreere to go [03:11] ok i found another usb stick [03:12] do i install different linux distro? [03:12] anything you want , i assume you want ubuntu [03:12] yes [03:12] if you've downloaded the iso multiple times i'd go with that [03:12] save time [03:13] if that doesn't work try different distro iso [03:13] what are you doing [03:13] to make these bootable sticks [03:13] program ? [03:13] im using mac usb loader [03:14] macl inux usb laoder [03:14] mac linux* [03:14] thats probally the problem [03:14] do you have a linux distro or windows [03:14] i don't know anythings about mac [03:14] no i dont :) [03:14] :) [03:14] but sure as hell know they aint gonna make window sor linux sticks work lol [03:14] lol [03:14] ok now we got a bigger problems [03:15] maybe not now but tomorrow [03:15] can you get access to a windows or linux system [03:15] would setting up a vm work [03:16] your mac bootable cd thing will most likely never make a function iso out of linux distro [03:16] so i have to buy another computer? [03:16] or lurk in the channel maybe somebody that has done it before could come around [03:17] no just find another comptuer to use [03:17] If anyone could help me I've having a little issue with privoxy and tor together [03:17] ok ill ask around [03:17] fk this [03:17] sry for abreviated bad words [03:17] here is what i'd do tragic [03:17] you go two sticks right [03:17] yep [03:18] go to a comptuer store and say you want to buy a new usb stick [03:18] tragical: Mac has the 'dd' tool that will make up a image from a .iso file . However, I do not know the Mac syntax . [03:18] buy a cheap 10 buck on from store but on the condition they allow you to test it by putting the iso on the other one [03:19] 1000% it'll be windows [03:19] hi i installed 16.04 for games on my dell, most things work ok, even in games, except keyboard lag. I watched lots of youtube but cant find a particular fix for this [03:19] ok ill try that, they're a couple stores around, thx sintre, and i'll try your method as well Hashing-om [03:19] so make them download https://rufus.akeo.ie/ [03:19] mikl, laptop/desktop? [03:20] right that link down [03:20] a dell xps 8300 desktop with nvidia gpu [03:20] if some reason that is down , try unetbootin [03:20] have you tried keyboard with other computer then? [03:20] yes i have a few computers, its not a keyboard problem [03:21] ok i will sintre [03:21] I honestly have no idea sorry [03:21] I'm not very experienced with issues like that [03:21] thx [03:21] tragical i'd also like to warn you about something [03:21] and I'm mainly here for a privoxy issue myself [03:21] if you use a mac apple doesn't help support rival os's in any way [03:22] thats ok, was hoping to find a config file or something, the program works well with lessor machine in win10 [03:22] so you may in the end have to get a new pc to use anew os [03:22] they don't provide any driver info or support to competittors [03:23] well, hopefully someone can help me with my privoxy issue tomorrow [03:23] I'm not very experienced atm [03:23] Sophie__, What is your issue [03:23] Mabey I can help [03:23] prioxy or privacy? [03:24] privacy [03:24] I'm trying to string together both privoxy and tor, right? [03:24] yes [03:25] oh ok ill look out for that sintre [03:25] specifically torsocks seems to be working in terminal [03:25] while I've set up the configs with privoxy for tor, I'm not even seeming to get privoxy doing anything [03:26] I don't know how to explain it very well because I'm not getting any sort of errors [03:26] I've tested the config page to test as well [03:26] nothing is going through [03:26] Are your routes setup corectly? [03:27] You can do "route" to find out [03:27] I'm booting my laptop back up [03:28] I've crosschecked on some of the guides for both [03:29] Loyal: ok what am I looking for? === Guest31957 is now known as CrazEd === CrazEd is now known as Guest56370 [03:30] Your default going to your proxy [03:31] as I said, I'm super inexperienced [03:32] I don't think default is going to anything [03:34] default-gateway [03:35] It should say somthing like this "default (Proxy Ip) UG 0 0 0 tun0" [03:35] i'm trying to figure out how to get my nexus 5x connected via mtp but to have access to the files via a standard path so i can access it easily via an existing script. ideas? [03:36] Nope, just default-gateway- [03:37] probably a stupid mistake I made early on [03:37] wouldn't surprise me [03:37] Hi there, I am making an OpenVZ template from a debian minimal install, and I noticed that all of the packages I installed are stored in .deb files at /var/cache/apt, and I wanted to know if these are safe to delete [03:37] I did run apt-get clean and apt-get autoclean, but this did not seem to remove the files. [03:37] So your proxy isn't routeing it's self. AKA Its not telling the computer to send internet via it. [03:40] sintre [03:40] yea [03:40] i got it to work :D [03:40] thats what I figured Loyal [03:40] Hashing-om [03:40] thank you so much [03:40] as I said, nothing is changing when I start the process/end it [03:40] dd worked perfectly [03:40] gratz tragical [03:41] i had to convert iso to image then use dd to convert === Darkness is now known as Guest12032 [03:41] never gonna try and install debian again lol [03:41] does anyone know if I can manually delete /var/cache/apt deb packages? [03:42] lol tragical , lets just hope it can make sall your hardware work correctly [03:42] I would say that is a error in the process, can you try it in a fresh vm? That will tell you if you set ip up wrong or the process isn't working right. [03:42] hopefully i dont have a mac as a my desktop so thats good [03:43] * sintre face palms at those apples [03:43] hmm wait [03:43] just manually started process again [03:43] tragical: Great , glad you got it worked out . bs=4m in the dd command ? [03:43] bs=1m [03:43] tragical: what does debian have that mac doesn't :p [03:43] default- etc etc [03:44] so now instead of 'gateway' [03:44] tragical: :) [03:44] :D [03:44] msg Jayly http://www.awesomescreenshot.com/showImage?img_id=2271064 [03:44] mac is cool, but the more customizable it is the better [03:44] So your proxy is trying to route. [03:45] tragical: it's pretty customizable ;) same backend, better UI, corporate backed [03:46] what should I do then? [03:46] i mean it has like 100 applications pre installed :P [03:46] ok lets let tragical decide what he wants to use his hardware for and when did this become a mac cheerleading room? [03:47] Install traceroute, then run "traceroute ubuntu.com' and see if it goes via your proxy [03:48] K I'm back internet droped [03:48] Install traceroute, then run "traceroute ubuntu.com' and see if it goes via your prox [03:48] well time to build my box up again, thx everyone for your help [03:48] what should have happened if it went via proxy? [03:48] gl tragical [03:48] oh wait [03:48] im dumb [03:49] thx, u too sintre, st3fann, and hashing-om [03:49] peace [03:49] so the first four where definitely in my area [03:50] but then it just went thru cogentco [03:50] Do you have the same proxy working on another computer right now? [03:51] just tried trace without process running and with [03:51] same results [03:51] I only have privoxy on laptop [03:54] Loyal: do you think you could help me in 20 hours? [03:54] I could try to be here. [03:55] Thank you, I'm not sure what my problem is and I'm definitely not sure how to fix it. [03:55] See you then === salem_ is now known as _salem [04:01] I just wnt to boot my server [04:02] and I have tho [04:02] this [04:02] https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/4J09CZid/ [04:02] Anyone have any thoughts on where to start with that... === coffeeguy is now known as honeypot === honeypot is now known as koffeeguy [04:23] is there any programs that turn ubuntu into windows [04:23] like functionally [04:25] @KDNSKDHFUESLLol Have you looked at "wine"? It allows you to install and run windows software on linux [04:26] Oh okay thank you, that makes sense. [04:27] never used it before i guess i just right a script or whatever to run at start up? [04:27] i guess i;ll figure it out [04:28] is there any problem with running a vpn on wine? [04:29] I'd personally use virtualbox instead of wine if possible [04:30] @KDNSKDHFUESLLol I'm not sure if that will work as I've never tried it. I would guess it's a better idea to install a vpn on Ubuntu (if your vpn has support for that.) [04:30] which vpn === Guest56370 is now known as CrazEd === CrazEd is now known as Guest31598 [04:31] it's not reliable to run one on virtualbox [04:31] ? [04:32] Could anyone point me to some info regarding how to add a hard drive to a mhddfs setup? [04:32] I am having a hard time finding anything [04:33] nothing compares to windows [04:33] it's so simple [04:33] @KDNSKDHFUESLLol Could you tell us a bit more about what you are trying to do? What are you going to use the vpn for? What Windows functionality are you looking for? [04:34] at what point is it not worth it to use *nix [04:35] when convenience is more important than security and knowing more precisely what is going on with your machine? [04:56] KDNSKDHFUESLLol: It's more about when you specifically need to run EXEs and there is not a software alternative for linux, such as Silverlight or video games [05:29] .. === Guest31598 is now known as CrazEd === CrazEd is now known as Guest41609 [05:44] Alright everyone, I just did a distro upgrade on a server from 14.04 to 16.04 - On reboot I get this... [05:44] https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/VhEOZj1b/ [05:47] tcpdump, sounds like you hit the new feature, predictable interface naming, no more eth0 but ensp0 https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/PredictableNetworkInterfaceNames/ [05:47] Is there a way to boot into a recovery console of sorts? [05:48] OerHeks: hmm, so any idea how to fix it? [05:48] lol [05:48] tcpdump, you cabn try to disavle this feature on the bootline with net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0 >> http://askubuntu.com/questions/803322/properly-disabling-predictable-interface-naming-on-xenial [05:48] -b [05:49] or change your network config and get used to it :-) [05:49] OerHeks: I use fedora normally, so Im already used to it. :D [05:49] but my server wont boot because of it. [05:50] Is there a safe mode of sorts? [05:50] where I can go in and fix things? [05:50] oke, boot ( hold shift @ boot) and grubmenu appears, choose recovery [05:51] how to install game in linux ? [05:51] manish_, open softwarecenter, search game, click install, enter password and go [05:51] hello, just want to report a bug. The bluetooth indicator in Xubuntu 16.10 is not working, I think. I wanted to turn bluetooth off. I am not able to. [05:53] I let my laptop die in the middle of a do-release-upgrade and now it wont boot. I have it dropped into some BusyBox recovery console. Is there a way I can mount my hard-drive and a flash drive and copy stuff out before reinstalling Ubuntu? Sorry if I'm a little panicked. [05:55] ldleworker: you could try a liveusb and chroot into your files perhaps [05:55] lotuspsychje, I can't do that from this busybox initramfs? [05:56] Hmm I see there are no tools on this thing. [05:56] !mount | ldleworker you can try [05:56] ldleworker you can try: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount [05:56] OK I'll get a liveusb going [05:57] ldleworker: and if things are totaly scrambled, there is photorec to rescue data also [05:59] huh I am able to see my files by mounting it [05:59] so now I just need to mount the usb disk right? [05:59] you boot from the disk then mount your dives discs [05:59] i mean you live media whatever that is usb or dvd [06:00] when is the next LTS release going to happen? [06:00] sintre, why do I need to boot a live distro? [06:01] lotuspsychje, this recovery environment doesn't seem to have fdisk. how can I mount the usb? [06:01] you said you wanted to recover data [06:01] might be a good idea [06:01] guys, can I test the next LTS release? [06:01] sintre, sure, but I also said I was able to mount the disk from the recovery busybox. [06:02] idleworker do whatever [06:02] WildPenguin: 18.04 is next [06:03] sintre, dunno why you're being this way [06:03] I mean, for example the fact this thing has no fdisk might mean I need a liveusb [06:04] ldleworker: can you try the recoverymode and fix the broken update? [06:04] It looks like 16.10 is somewhat unstable. [06:04] didn't know that was an option [06:04] WildPenguin: 16.04.2 you can try, if you like LTS [06:04] ldleworker: not sure it will work, but worth a try [06:05] !recovery | ldleworker [06:05] ldleworker: If your system fails to boot normally, it may be useful to boot it into recovery mode. For instructions, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode [06:06] I installed 16.10 because only in that I could open some pdf files that I couldn't open in LTS, despite trying everything. [06:06] I concluded that 16.10 comes with newer versions of packages. [06:06] lotuspsychje, hmm I don't have a (recovery mode) option [06:06] I have (safe mode)'s though [06:06] But, now this thing freezes frequently and I can't do anything but press the power button on my laptop. [06:07] WildPenguin: there are several pdf viewers to test on ubuntu [06:07] Really annoyed. [06:07] wildpenguin > you can update many packages thru backports , not sure about pdf in patiicular but many other programs you can also install [06:07] ldleworker: do you see ubuntu kernel (previous versions) ? [06:08] That pdf issue is an old one. I raised the query here sometime ago. [06:08] lotuspsychje, yeah I installed a couple kernels [06:08] Just none that read (recovery mode) [06:08] ldleworker: one should show ubuntu(recovery) also [06:08] Yeah it doesn't :( [06:08] lotuspsychje, maybe I can do it from a liveusb? [06:08] guys, is 16.10 a little unstable as compared to LTS and is it buggy? [06:08] ldleworker: ok mate, try the liveusb method then [06:08] haha sounds good [06:09] hell who would of thought of that [06:09] WildPenguin: please dont generalize things in support channel [06:09] * sintre face palms fourth time today [06:09] sintre, at least I understand the conditions why, which I prefer [06:09] I am a newbie. === acosonic_away is now known as acosonic [06:09] Don't know what to do with it. [06:09] WildPenguin: are you the same guy as crazytux? [06:09] lotuspsychje, can I use a liveusb from the version I wanted to upgrade to? or should I use 14.04? [06:10] ldleworker: any version should be able to rescue data from [06:10] yes. this is my other nickname. [06:11] I got changed automatically. [06:11] It* [06:11] WildPenguin: can you please stop trolling over and over with different nicknames === WildPenguin is now known as CrazyTux [06:12] WildPenguin: you have been asking the same questions to volunteers now, without learning from it [06:12] ok. I'll see that I appear only with this nick [06:12] Didn't get any workable solutions. [06:13] CrazyTux: you have been given alot of choices and solutions, still you come back here spamming the same questions [06:14] CrazyTux: if you keep doing this, it will get you banned, is that what you really want? [06:14] hello, sorry. there was a disconnection === CrazyTux_ is now known as CrazyTux [06:19] hello guys, there was a disconnection. [06:21] CrazyTux: please learn from the solutions we offered [06:21] ok. Please tell me what do I have to do to prevent that random freezing of the OS? [06:23] CrazyTux: you have asked that like tons of times [06:23] thats like asking us to have a magik ball [06:23] first thing you can do is check system resources [06:24] see whats eating up your physical ram and your swap file [06:24] one question. Does installing multiple DEs cause such a problem? [06:24] CrazyTux this are redundant questions [06:25] I don't have any technical knowledge about these. [06:25] then why did you install them? [06:25] Ok. Leave all that. I'll reinstall it. [06:26] CrazyTux i suggest sinse you've worn alot of peoples patience thin here don't go reinstaall then come back asking for support for them [06:26] We're not free esl practice partners [06:27] ok. let me sort that out myself. [06:27] thanks a lot for ur suggestions. [06:29] hello [06:29] need some NFS help, my autof setting for a NFS share are accepted fine and the autofs mount is listed on client, but I see no directory with the map name on the target [06:30] if I mount it expliitly with mount I see the mount working as expected [06:30] explicitly [06:30] this is my config https://gist.github.com/anddam/181bcae70288d319dc1ace4ed6964080 , the relevant part at least === Guest41609 is now known as CrazEd === CrazEd is now known as Guest18357 [06:41] Hello. On our Ubuntu 16.04 machine running perfecetly fine for weeks now, since today not a single user can run firefox. The error message is ExceptionHandler::GenerateDump cloned child 29685. Any idea what happened and how to fix it? [06:41] vlt, sounds like something you should ask mozilla? [06:41] #mozilla [06:42] cfhowlett: Thank you. [06:42] happy2help! vlt [06:44] Any idea why my service (upstart) /etc/init/what.conf is not visible? When running $ service what status it says unrecognized service / file not found [06:44] 16.04 [06:44] How to install game in ubuntu ?? [06:45] !systemd | platzhir1 [06:45] platzhir1: systemd is the default init system for Ubuntu 15.04 onwards. For information on transitioning from upstart to systemd, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SystemdForUpstartUsers For a guide to basic service management with systemd, see https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-use-systemctl-to-manage-systemd-services-and-units [06:45] !games [06:45] Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and http://www.penguspy.com/ [06:46] thx ubottu [06:46] I am trying to install libmysqlclient-dev in ubuntu16 but getting error sudo apt-get -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-overwrite" install lib32z1-dev [06:46] lotuspsychje: oh I knew it, thanks [06:46] lotuspsychje, I just booted into 16.04 [06:47] lotuspsychje, live USB [06:47] Errors were encountered while processing: /var/cache/apt/archives/zlib1g-dev_1%3a1.2.8.dfsg-2ubuntu4_amd64.deb E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) [06:47] I also tried google solutions but nothing working for this. [06:48] Neat 16.04 doesn't find my wifi card [06:48] Its 2003 all over again ^_^' [06:48] My touch screen works though!!! [06:49] idleworker start here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports [06:50] sintre, what will I be getting backports of? [06:50] upgraded packages of everything [06:50] programs drivers ect. [06:50] isn't 16.04 the latest ubuntu? [06:50] no [06:50] LTS? [06:50] IdleOne, IF and only if such things were backports [06:50] that lts long term support release [06:51] but most programs and other major things can be upgraded [06:51] wait I'm confused. the LTS release doesn't have the drivers but some other non-LTS release does? [06:51] And I should use backports to get the drivers. Correct? [06:52] newer version are work in progress long term support releases are just that meaning they';ll be supported long term software and all [06:52] sintre, also this is just liveboot. do you know what recovery option lotuspsychje was talking about [06:52] i honestly wasn't paying attention to your chat with that user [06:52] so i couldn't tell you [06:53] and honestly i still don't know what your main problem is [06:53] want to articulate it for me [06:53] sintre, Oh I accidentally let my laptop lose power when doing do-dist-updrade or whatever the exact command was [06:53] from 14.04 to 16.04 [06:54] and then it wouldn't boot saying it couldn't find /sbin/init [06:54] stupid I know :/ [06:54] ok so first thing from live i would do is get all data off of it that is 100% needed incase something goes wrong [06:54] !chroot | ldleworker [06:54] ldleworker: A chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot [06:54] he's trying to get his files back over a borked update system guys [06:55] lotuspsychje, hmm yeah the liveboot moutned my disk I see all my files. you're saying chroot the disk. then what? [06:55] get it to another disc or media [06:55] lol [06:55] ldleworker: if you can see all your files, just drag n drop to a backup media right [06:55] manish_: also http://playdeb.net [06:55] Oh I thought you were suggesting to use liveusb to "finish" the update or fix it or whatever [06:56] don't do anything till you recover your stuff [06:56] ldleworker: no, in most cases an interrupted update/upgrade will brake system [06:56] then we can try creatice solutions to your botched install [06:56] Alright, well then I guess the path forward is simple. [06:56] I suppsoe I should make sure that backports actually fixes the wifi driver first? [06:57] before going to 16.04? [06:57] and honestly after recovery try to fix the broke system would take 5x what a new install would [06:57] if it works [06:57] Yeah exactly [06:57] I'm find with wiping [06:57] i've broken mine plenty of times with every flavour of unbuntu [06:57] ldleworker, your system is unstable and highly likely to break. "fixing" a borked upgrade is highly unlikely. better to backup your data and clean install 16.04. [06:57] But is there a chance that 16.04 just wont have backports available for my wifi? [06:57] Its a dell XPS 15 [06:58] it will work [06:58] OK I'll try it in the live usb environment after backing up my stuff [06:58] guys, I think I found out the reason for that random freeze. [06:58] gonna be a long ass night [06:58] i have a 10 year old 1.4 core 2 duo and a 2 ghz 13 less than 5 months old [06:58] drivers found for both [06:59] sintre, sure but this laptop was available when 16.04 was made [06:59] I have Xubuntu 16.10 and Mint installed on my laptop. Allocated 4 GBs of swap during Mint installation. [06:59] idleworker the lts was made for all systems [06:59] sintre, I'll trust ya :) I appreciate your help [06:59] Hello. On ALL our Ubuntu 16.04 machines running perfecetly fine for weeks now, since today not a single user can run firefox. The error message is ExceptionHandler::GenerateDump cloned child 29685. Any idea what happened here to all machines at once and how to fix it? [06:59] pls just come back and tell us you backed you data up lol [07:00] Now I am using Xubuntu 16.10 and when I type sudo swapon --show in the terminal, it doesn't show any result. Does it mean no swap is allocated to Xubuntu? [07:00] How can I allocate the swap to Xubuntu now? [07:00] vlt you've said that and were directed to another channel less than 30 minutes ago [07:00] !swap | CrazyTux [07:00] CrazyTux: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info [07:01] CrazyTux join #Xubuntu [07:01] Hmm the USB disk I put the live CD on is 64 gigs. Is there anyway to put my backed up data onto it? It seems the total space reports 2.2 gig. [07:01] ok. When I type sudo swapon --show in Mint Terminal it show some result. But, in Xubuntu it doesn't. [07:02] I think it could be because of this that Xubuntu is freezing randomly. [07:02] idleworker get another usb drive or external drive [07:02] CrazyTux, sounds like xubuntu doesn't see that partition then. I think fstab is involved but I don't know what to do to reset it [07:02] if not available just call it a night [07:02] get one tomorrow [07:02] I am too new to Linux. Clueless now. [07:03] no clue whats going on with that flash drive [07:03] how to install ubuntu ? [07:03] CrazyTux i told you not to come back wanting support for unsupported thuithings [07:03] !install | manish_, [07:03] manish_,: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate [07:05] I don't understand the meaning of the "+auto.master" line in default /etc/auto.master file, checked auto.master(5) but the syntax between DESCRIPTION and FORMAT doesn't seem to be coherent [07:06] what is the best way to learn bash scripting ? [07:06] ask #bash manish_ [07:09] also check ##best [07:09] sintre: it happens on ALL machines! [07:09] sintre: I hadn’t realized this before. [07:10] vtt what is your firefox version [07:11] sintre, hmm how will I get the backports if I can't connect to the internet [07:12] Should I skip 16.04...? [07:12] why can't you get on the internet? [07:12] ldleworker, backports are the least of your issues. your present system is borked. reinstall it [07:12] sintre: 52.0+build2-0ubuntu0.16.04.1 [07:12] cfhowlett, sure, the question is what version of ubuntu install... [07:13] ldleworker, LTS. choose one. [07:13] sintre: There seems to have happened an (automatic) upgrade last night from 51* to 52*. [07:13] cfhowlett, if 14.04 is the last version that works out of the box it seems bad idea to upgrade [07:13] 16.04.2 will work fine [07:13] sintre, I'm running that in live usb right now [07:13] no network devices found [07:13] and sinse its on your stick just use that to install after you backup [07:13] ... [07:13] it doesn't find the network card. [07:14] 16.10 won't fix that [07:14] you need to figure out the network [07:14] How can I revert the Firefox upgrade that happened last night on my Ubuntu 16.04 machines? [07:14] sintre, I know what network I wanna connect to. [07:14] plug it into a physical router thru a cat five cable [07:15] stop worrying about the wifi now [07:15] and btw your stick can install it , it doesn't need the internet [07:15] in fact my advice is DON'T install upgrades thru the inter while upgrading to avoid problems such as your having [07:16] dude not all laptops have ethernet these days [07:16] like this one [07:16] ***this*** +! [07:16] vlt: its not recommended to revert packages to older ones [07:16] cfhowlett, ? [07:16] vlt: you can install a specific package version with apt-get install = [07:16] well if you bought some crappy revived version of a netbook nothing i can do for you [07:16] ldleworker, do not do a hot upgrade. clean install. as sintre suggested [07:17] cfhowlett, please stop repeating the same advice [07:17] I am willing to do a full install. [07:17] lotuspsychje: 46 users would like to run firefox now. [07:17] I want to. Not to a version of ubuntu that has no drivers for my wifi card. [07:17] idleworker if you won't let us help you we can't [07:17] lol how am I preventing you from helping me? [07:17] vlt: won't stop it from being automatically being upgraded again though, but hopefully there's a fixed version by then [07:17] geirha: Thank you. How to find out the exact version string? [07:17] apt-cache policy packagename [07:18] by reporting the details of the situation? you just acknoweldged that you understood the problem and that you can't help/ [07:18] seems unnessecary to accuse me of being difficult :( [07:18] yes i'm a idiot and your the one who has every exuse not to do what has been suggested [07:18] i'm done helping you [07:18] I didn't say you were an idiot?! [07:19] I said you acknowledged my problem [07:19] " well if you bought some crappy revived version of a netbook nothing i can do for you" [07:19] Thanks... [07:19] sintre: please remain calm and polite in support [07:19] nothing left for me to say so no problem [07:19] lotuspsychje, is the problem as bad as sintre says? [07:20] That if 16.04 doesn't have drivers for my wifi I'm screwed? [07:20] i never aid that [07:20] ldleworker: you cant generalize things too quickly, we find solutions in many cases [07:20] geirha: policy only shows the current 52* version of firefox and one 45*. How to get back the version 51* that worked perfectly fine until yesterday? [07:20] i said 16.04 is a lts release and is fully capable of supporting it [07:20] " well if you bought some crappy revived version of a netbook nothing i can do for you" [07:21] that was in reference to your exuse of not being able to hook your netbook up to a router via hard wire [07:21] Hey folks any solution for this Errors were encountered while processing: /var/cache/apt/archives/zlib1g-dev_1%3a1.2.8.dfsg-2ubuntu4_amd64.deb E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)? [07:21] vlt: Hm, that would mean it's gone from the repo already [07:21] sintre, which is absolutely true. It has no ethernet. [07:21] vlt: instead messing with older versions, help the community and start a new firefox bug? [07:21] vlt: /var/cache/apt/archives may still have the previous deb [07:21] So I'm confused as to how to get wifi or any kind of networking, if 16.04 doesn't have it out of the box. [07:22] or 16.10, etc etc [07:22] ldleworker: some systems need driver tuning before work [07:22] i have a 14 year old notebook and 216.04 picks it up [07:22] sintre, how does that help? [07:22] ldleworker: like installing restricted-extras for example [07:22] 16.04 and a new 6 month old notbook and its wifi can be picked up by 116.04 [07:22] something else is going on there [07:22] lotuspsychje, how can I install that. Would it be on the USB drive? [07:22] * ldleworker tries. [07:23] nope. :( [07:23] and somebody else is going to have to help you with it [07:23] ldleworker: first tell us wich chipset your wifi is? [07:23] lotuspsychje, do you know the command to figure that out? Something lspci? [07:23] ldleworker: sudo lshw -C network [07:23] looks like Broadcom Corporation BCM4352 [07:24] ldleworker: chipset and driver= loaded? [07:24] !pastebin [07:24] For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [07:24] full instructions for installing broadcom 43** wifi support: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx [07:25] sintre, doesn't say anything like that. says `configuration: driver=bcma-pci-bridge" [07:25] cfhowlett, nice! [07:25] ldleworker: but before you try to install wifi, wasnt you going for a data backup first and clean install? [07:26] lotuspsychje: First I have to let people work here. [07:26] lotuspsychje: I already used the "send crash report to mozilla" function. [07:26] lotuspsychje, the data is copying to the usb drive right now [07:26] vlt, might a workaround be in order until ffox gets sorted? chromium-browser works well [07:26] lotuspsychje, I'm trying to figure out if an upgrade to 16.04 is tennable. If not I'll reinstall 14.04. [07:27] vlt: does it crash with new profiles as well? [07:27] vlt: Firefox, that is [07:27] I'm thinking if it's related to the removal of npapi support for stuff other than flash [07:27] cfhowlett: Installing right now on all servers. The speed of the repo server is terrible :-/ What a morning! [07:28] cfhowlett: Thanks, btw. [07:28] hateball: Checking that ... [07:28] vlt, wait whut? you have - 46 servers? I would think setting your mirror would be a high priority? [07:28] happy2help! [07:29] cfhowlett, hmm, I'm not exactly sure what the page wants me to do [07:29] it seems the kernel driver "bcma-pci-bridge" is loaded [07:29] ldleworker, you do not have internet access. use the "no internet access" option [07:29] cfhowlett: It’s six servers in six locations, so a local mirror doesn’t make very much sense. [07:29] vlt, fair enough [07:30] cfhowlett, ah so get the proprietary drivers installed. Got it! [07:30] when a loop device gets partitioned, partitions are not updated and partx must be called manually, how to fix this ? [07:30] cfhowlett: There are working up to 20 people simultaneously on one Ubuntu machine. [07:30] untoreh: that's standard [07:30] vlt, impressive. most - impressive. (foreboding music plays) [07:31] cfhowlett: The repo bandwidth is equally 175 kB/s for all my current apt processes :-D (using sync’ed tmux panes) [07:31] cfhowlett: And the worst part is: There’s isn’t much working going on right now :/ [07:32] vlt, you should share this is #ubuntu-server. I would bet they have some nifty solutions [07:32] vlt: i would suggest a new firefox bug [07:32] lotuspsychje: As soon as the last of my users has a working browser running. [07:33] vlt: if more users encounter this problem, you will help the community === Guest18357 is now known as CrazEd === CrazEd is now known as Guest98089 [07:34] Any idea why there’s not a single deb file in /var/cache/apt/archives? [07:35] https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+search?text=firefox [07:35] vlt, because you ran sudo apt clean && sudo apt autoclean [07:35] manual report goes alot further then just a auto bug report [07:36] iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp -s ! -j ACCEPT , error can not have ! before -j ? [07:40] nice I got it working [07:41] Where can I find a deb file of the latest working firefox 51* to install manually? [07:42] https://support.mozilla.org/t5/Install-and-Update/Install-Firefox-on-Linux/ta-p/2516 [07:42] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion [07:44] vlt: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/f/firefox/ [07:44] EriC^^: Thanks! [07:45] vlt: np [07:53] Lubuntu 14.04 and the Opus audio codec has been busted since an update for like two weeks or more now [07:53] nothing, I cannot figure out why autof isn't creating the subdirectory in the mount point [07:54] Afshaal: elaborate [07:54] I sure hope libopus or whatever the problem library is gets fixed soon... [07:54] Pretty simple, any video or bare audio using Opus audio doesn't play back on all the players I've tried since a couple weeks ago now [07:55] conclusion: never update :p [07:56] Parole Media Player and VLC give some hints as to the problem at least at least [07:56] can't you reinstall the packages? [07:56] Maybe see if the older versions are still available [07:57] ( or build them if you can get into the git branches) [07:57] VLC thinks the format is "undf" and Parole tries to get you to install the missing decoder for audio/x-unknown [07:57] Afshaal: works here, must be you [07:57] what system and version Ben64? [07:58] 14.04 [07:58] My 16.04 desktop plays Opus fine [07:58] it's just this 14.04 laptop that's messed up [07:58] Afshaal: why don't you reinstall? [07:58] I've done nothing to my codecs recently so I can only conlude this happened in some sort of update [07:58] reinstall what? [07:58] Or did you try that already? [07:58] well it isnt an update [07:58] libopus [07:58] oh [07:59] hmmm [07:59] how? [07:59] sudo apt-get install libopus [07:59] it should update it if it isn't the newest [07:59] otherwise: sudo apt-get remove libopus [07:59] and then install [08:00] unable to locate package libopus, guess that's not actually what it's called >.> [08:00] Afshaal: install mplayer2, try to play file, pastebin output [08:00] even though that's what ffmpeg calls it [08:00] apt-cache search libopus gets you the package name [08:00] Got mplayer2 already [08:00] so do the rest of what i said [08:00] How do I make it spit out an output [08:00] oh run from terminal? [08:00] yeah [08:01] yeah always terminal :p [08:01] doesn't everyone run from terminal? [08:01] [mkv] Unknown/unsupported audio codec ID 'A_OPUS' for track 2 or missing/faulty [08:01] [mkv] private codec data. [08:02] pastebin [08:02] Afshaal, all .ogg report this error or just this one fil? [08:02] cfhowlett: sure, I ran automount verbosely to no avail [08:02] all media with Opus audio encoded [08:02] whether it's an .ogg audio file, .mkv video, etc. [08:04] afshaal: do the apt-cache search opus and check the lib you need [08:04] then reinstall [08:04] okay here's the pastebin http://pastebin.com/ia0ri5PU [08:06] Afshaal: can you upload the file somewhere [08:06] wow apt-get remove libopus0 is going to remove 36 other packages [08:06] this isn't going to break a ton of stuff that won't be fixed later is it... [08:07] dont remove it... [08:07] I guess, hold on Ben64 [08:07] okay here you go https://my.mixtape.moe/seswxd.mkv [08:08] isnt made properly [08:08] no way... [08:08] yep [08:08] I wonder if this is some new way to distribute viruses ;) [08:08] I encode Opus stuff all the time and this file runs fine on my 16.04 ubuntu :/ [08:09] later stuff must have added support [08:10] so it doesn't play for you? [08:10] nope, it isn't done properly to play here [08:10] and you have tested out other Opus files of your own on your system? [08:10] yep [08:10] hmmph [08:11] Hello all, [08:11] Afshaal: It plays on my vlc just fine [08:11] Could it have been an ffmpeg update that broke things... But why does it still play perfectly fine on my 16.04 system? [08:11] like i said, later stuff must have added support [08:12] This does not mean that it's made correctly.. it just might be what Ben64 is saying [08:12] like I said, I encode this stuff all the time in the same way I always have and it's always played fine on this 14.04 system before [08:12] What in the world could have changed? [08:13] Afshaal: what do you use to encode? [08:13] ffmpeg [08:14] Last night i migrated a computer from ubuntu 12.04 to 14.04, and then imported there some firefox and thunderbird profiles coming from lubuntu 12 or 14 [08:14] all is fine except some mail content and some internet pages parts that appear blank [08:15] when looking at source i see white square instead of normal characters, as if the used font wasnt defined or doesnt contain the character [08:15] what confuses me is that mount correctly lists "/etc/auto.nfs on /nfs type autofs (rw,relatime,fd=7,pgrp=9687,timeout=300,minproto=5,maxproto=5,indirect)" [08:15] it could be the system's default font : where is its config ? [08:15] and if I edit the auto.nfs content to an invalid server I have no complaint at all from automount [08:16] but the line in auto.nfs is correct, without typos, if I copy the remote path to an explicit mount command it's mounted just fine [08:16] what would prevent autofs from creating the subdirectories with key names from config files? [08:17] hi [08:19] I just don't understand what's going on here. ffmpeg's tools for decoding Opus audio work perfectly fine, I can reencode to other formats and check the file attributes with ffprobe with no problem. Yet media players that are literally based on ffmpeg can't open the file right? [08:20] Afshaal: how are you encoding exactly [08:20] hi all [08:20] ffmpeg -i vorbis.mkv -vcodec copy -acodec libopus opusreencode.mkv [08:20] typical syntax ^ [08:20] what is it "Hex Chat" ? [08:21] An IRC client that was forked from Xchat [08:21] Afshaal: where are you getting ffmpeg from [08:22] Canonical repo I think [08:22] nope [08:22] Oh? [08:22] 14.04 doesn't have it [08:23] ah, it's this one actually: http://ppa.launchpad.net/kirillshkrogalev/ffmpeg-next/ubuntu [08:23] there's your problem [08:23] I dunno, still doesn't explain why players based on ffmpeg can't recognize it [08:24] you're using a completely different ffmpeg version [08:24] VLC doesn't have an ffmpeg dependency [08:24] remember what i said about newer stuff [08:24] yeah but I didn't first encode this file on this system either [08:25] Afshaal: did you do the reinstall? [08:25] no [08:25] won't help [08:25] Was afraid to break a ton of programs [08:25] How can you be so sure? [08:25] 36 other packages to remove along with libopus0 [08:27] if you remove libopus0? [08:28] otherwise do: apt-get remove libopus0 > OhOh.txt [08:28] don't remove... [08:29] that way you save what packages were removed and can manually restore them in case a reinstall doesn't automatically install them [08:29] Ben64: you got this? [08:29] I know you have more experience :p [08:29] it's a bunch of programs it'll remove [08:29] in addition to libraries [08:30] Does this maybe have something to do with the avconv fork of ffmpeg and the removal/replacement in repositories [08:30] oh apparently avconv isn't in the repo either lol [08:31] libav-tools [08:32] what is best tutorial to learn bash script ? [08:33] manish_: /join ##bash and check the links in their topic === Guest98089 is now known as CrazEd [08:34] manish_: it's #bash === CrazEd is now known as Guest62150 [08:34] Ok thanks [08:35] I have no idea why avconv still exists, the ffmpeg project is back on track now [08:35] another poor soul lost to bash [08:35] Afshaal: you realize 14.04 is from 2014 right\ [08:35] yeah I:> [08:35] What's wrong with bash? [08:35] FISH shell is for cool people ;) [08:36] JP____: syntax, for me [08:37] I experienced problems upgrading my system [08:37] Well... I'm not too sure how to resolve this problem outside upgrading to 16.04 (which I'm not even sure I want to do) [08:38] does someone know what "some metadata was ignored due to errors" might indicate? [08:38] then I got "update-rc.d: warning: start and stop actions are no longer supported; falling back to defaults" [08:39] "Warning: Setting GRUB_TIMEOUT to a non-zero value when GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT is set is no longer supported." [08:40] "W: Can't drop privileges for downloading as file '/var/lib/update-notifier/package-data-downloads/partial/adobe-flashplugin_20170214.1.orig.tar.gz' couldn't be accessed by user '_apt'. - pkgAcquire::Run (13: Permission denied)" [08:41] wait, why do I even suddenly have a flash plug-in? I haven't installed that [08:41] I need sleep though, maybe I'll throw away hours of my time on this frustration again another time -_- [08:42] luckily I'm adept enough to just re-encode audio to something else in the mean time [08:42] Afshaal: use ogv instead [08:42] thanks for the help [08:42] ogg video? [08:42] yep [08:42] (or a better audio codec) [08:42] the container doesn't matter, this is a codec problem [08:42] wrong [08:42] Opus is the best :) [08:42] it isn't [08:42] yeah huh [08:42] but if you insist on using it, use ogv [08:43] I'll test that theory real quick [08:43] is .ogv the right extension? [08:43] indeed [08:44] having trouble moving it from .mkv to .ogv [08:44] moving? [08:44] oh right this is vp8 video [08:44] one sec [08:45] wow that works [08:45] very interesting [08:46] Afshaal: luckily i am adept enough..... LOL [08:46] Well atleast you got it working [08:46] What kind of video can ogv hold again [08:46] is it just theora? [08:47] Seriously though, what audio codec in particular do you think is better than Opus, Ben64? [08:48] this ain't like current video matches between VP9 and x265 or whatever; Opus is the king of the hill today [08:48] ogg, ac3, whatever the source is [08:49] ogg is a container to hold Vorbis or Opus audio ;) [08:49] aac was competitive with Vorbus, but Opus blows it away [08:49] (Opus being the next generation codec after Vorbis) [08:49] why are you re-encoding the audio anyway [08:50] compression of course [08:50] gotta keep things tidy for social media and such [08:50] so use a codec that actually works [08:50] Opus did D:< [08:50] h264/aac [08:50] works everywhere [08:52] I'd rather figure out what update broke most of my opus decoding [08:52] it wasn't an update [08:52] even busted in my web browser, which I know used to read em just fine [08:54] bonjour [08:55] helle every body [08:56] in thirst time, excuse me for my english written, and my poor level whit ubuntu [08:56] i try to use application using my sound board, and, i find this message: [08:56] Error, couldn't open /dev/audio [08:59] All right well goin to bed [08:59] i haven't got this repertory DEV/AUDIO [09:00] thanks for the help Ben64 and JP____, I have some more insight to investigate this again later === muaddib is now known as Guest15182 [09:04] hi === acosonic is now known as acosonic_away [09:09] oh shoot [09:09] I just had to try and access the subdirectory for autofs to mount it [09:09] yet it wasn't listed in ls /mntpoint and I thought there was some issue [09:09] and I was going crazy since I couldn't figure whatthe issue was [09:10] Hello. I am trying to install 16.04 from USB. The installation is a success, it tells me to restart the machine, and then I get a black screen with some text that says "No bootable devices afound." === stefa____ is now known as stefan____ === stefan____ is now known as sco01 [09:11] ldleworker: BIOS/UEFI setup, I guess [09:11] anddam, I don't know what that means [09:11] thekoko_: What did you do, what did you expect to happen and what happened instead? [09:11] that, in my opinion, there's an issue with the bootloader installed and your current firmware BIOS or UEFI setup [09:12] anddam, what would the issue be? I was booting into Ubuntu this morning. [09:12] ldleworker: I don't know, what partition table is the disk using? [09:13] I... don't know. [09:13] I have never had problem of this calliber installing Ubuntu. [09:13] I told Ubuntu to erase the disk and install === acosonic_away is now known as acosonic [09:14] I'm not ure how the graphical installer behaves with regard to the bootloader, I think it'll infer the proper type from the partition table and that should be GPT by default, but I'm not sure [09:14] anyway stick around, someone more apt to help will likely reply [09:19] ldleworker: you could try the https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair utility [09:21] tomreyn, I'll give it a try [09:21] I keep reading that I have to install Windows WTF? [09:22] ldleworker: where do you read that? [09:22] I've read it in multiple places [09:23] A comment here, http://askubuntu.com/questions/848315/no-bootable-device-found-after-ubuntu-installation-hangs [09:23] ldleworker: when you use boot-repair, be sure to unplug any disks / drives you did not have attached while you installed ubuntu. [09:23] Anyone familiar with bcache by chance? Just want to confirm this is correct going for systemd-boot and bcache + lvm on luks. backing device would be /boot (ESP) then P2 would be bcache, then lvm on luks on the bcache device || cache device would just be a bcache device (full disk) -- that look right? [09:24] tomreyn, its just a laptop, there's nothing === acosonic is now known as acosonic_away === vi is now known as Guest98323 [09:24] why doesn't ImageMagick run? [09:24] hey guys, is anyone having VPN connectivity issues after the latest round of NM updates yesterday? [09:26] ldleworker: okay. sometime people have extra usb storage devices attached and then it fails to boot. so it seemed like a good hint. ;) [09:26] tomreyn, just the one with ubuntu live on it [09:26] gonna try the tool [09:26] ldleworker: yes this should be fine. [09:26] I couldn't have imagined it it this hard to find an picture application on Linux that can do a simple crop operation :P [09:27] FManTropyx: imagemagick is a cli tool, in case you expected something else [09:27] then why is it in the menu? [09:28] FManTropyx: you can crop with GIMP, Krita, perhaps even in the default image viewer [09:28] there could be pop-ups to tell me what each program does [09:28] I looked at Krita, but did not find crop... [09:28] gimp probably takes an hour to start and I don't have weeks to learn how to use something that complicated :P [09:29] FManTropyx: in Krita it's under "Image" [09:29] crop to selection, for instance [09:29] maybe it's "picture" (I dont use english locale) [09:30] After making some cahnges to my evdev conf, how can I reboot evdev without rebooting X? [09:30] I'm running Ubuntu 16.04 [09:30] I have no crop under Image [09:31] FManTropyx: ah, it's called "Trim" in english [09:31] so it seems, so that's crop and it is called trim just to throw me off? :) [09:31] Krita also has a start-up pop-up, which has an empty button to close it [09:31] ok, it does not work [09:32] "Cannot use OpenGL" [09:32] she says she needs at least OpenGL 2.0 or ES 2.0 [09:32] FManTropyx: what ubuntu is that? [09:32] I have an up-to-date Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS [09:32] FManTropyx: What GPU/driver? [09:32] no idea [09:33] an older intel chipset will only have ogl 1.4 [09:33] FManTropyx: run "lspci -k" look for the VGA section [09:33] FManTropyx: lspci -nnk | grep -i vga -A3 | nc termbin.com 9999 [09:33] welp, this is a HP business PC from 2007 with integrated Intel chips [09:34] FManTropyx: you could try launching with "krita --graphicssystem raster" [09:35] or give gimp a try. === Guest62150 is now known as CrazEd [09:35] Yep, that too [09:35] hardware from 10 years ago is best placed in a museum, not on / below your desk. [09:35] lspci -nnk produces no output about vga === CrazEd is now known as Guest90023 [09:35] Hello guys! [09:35] why does Linux have to be so hard? [09:35] on Windows things just work [09:36] FManTropyx: please run my command and show the link here [09:36] No point ranting, it doesnt help fixing the problem [09:36] FManTropyx: and if you just complain and dont want to solve that issue, then this is the wrong place [09:36] I ran lscpi -nnk and it has no output about vga [09:36] Somebody can help me? I want to run a program two times on my ubuntu, on windows i use profilemanager for it. There is something like profilemanager on ubuntu? [09:37] dod_: what program? [09:37] there are lots of warnings [09:37] like a skype client [09:37] have you guys tried using Firefox 52 yet, do you like it, and is it worth installing. === acosonic_away is now known as acosonic [09:40] hey dod, theres a system manager [09:40] go to your unity button, system maneger, kind of like task manager [09:40] stratoscastorNM Realy ? okay i try to find it [09:40] doge-doge: that's not a support question. and you should install security updates no matter what. [09:41] or maybe system monitor [09:41] yea i got system monitor [09:41] can see tasks there? [09:41] yea a lot [09:41] i'm wondering if it's interfering with vpn connections since it has a new "captive portal detection" feature... [09:41] dont go on a killin rampage. what you looking to do? [09:41] what program two times? [09:42] its called vcc, its a telephone client [09:42] overwatch round brb [09:42] yeah, i suppose you can do that, seperate proceesss [09:42] whats it for? [09:42] well i want to login as admin, and as an user [09:43] and i have to launch the client twice for that [09:45] yay I got 16.04 installed === aihika is now known as newbee [09:49] doge-doge: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1307867#c7 [09:49] Mozilla bug 1307867 in Networking "How to turn off captive portal detection - detectportal.firefox.com/success.txt" [Normal,Resolved: worksforme] [09:50] doge-doge: which VPN client / mechanism do you use? [09:50] openvpn standard config [09:50] then it's unrelated [09:51] if i use two different user to run a program twice, is that possible ? [09:53] tomreyn, I use the terminal as well, can't be bothered by the NM [09:53] dod_: yes, that's generally possible. but you may not get to see both of their graphical interfaces unless you start them from separate X sessions (which you would need to initiate before you start those separate processes). [09:54] dod_: why would you like to login, to ubuntu (I assume) as an administrative and restricted (standard) user at the same time? [09:54] not in ubuntu, i have to launch the program twice, and log in as admin and as an user [09:54] in the program :) but i think i solved this [09:55] i test it and i write the result [09:57] doge-doge: to diagnose your VPN issues, you'd best review openvpn's log files, possibly altering log verbosity and restarting the client as needed as you go. you can also make the client run without detaching off your console so you can watch its output there. [09:58] I never detach the console and there isn't any apparent errors in the terminal window, everything just 404's after the latest updates lol [10:00] doge-doge: so maybe you need to increase your openvpn client's verbosity [10:00] On booting Ubuntu 16.04 I get the login screen, then an audio mute icon appears, then everything but the Ubuntu backdrop disappears and I'm stuck. Luckily I was able to hit CTRL+F1, login and type startx. How do I fix this? [10:01] good luck dod [10:03] dod_: i've never heard of a telephony software called "vcc", nor does a web search provide results for it. [10:05] tomreyn thanks for your help, its called virtual call center :) [10:05] well, i started it as root, and as an user, but thats not good [10:07] dod_: confirmed, that's not a good idea. [10:09] where should I file bugs against an ubuntu package ? [10:09] !bug | strk [10:09] strk: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs. === yourname is now known as n1ck3 [10:13] thanks [10:13] tomreyn i solved it, ubuntu use same profile manager like windows, you can use --no-remote -p -x command [10:16] I'm confused, bugs.launchpad tells me there's no "firefox-dev" package in ubuntu ? [10:16] but I have Installed: 51.0.1+build2-0ubuntu0.16.04.2 [10:17] Version table (from apt-cache policy) tells me: 500 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-updates/main amd64 Packages [10:17] does 500 mean not available ? or what ? [10:20] thanks for your help guys [10:20] bb [10:22] nice work dod!!! [10:23] he left. geez this software he uses ships private SSL certificates with the client. [10:23] how to make loop devices trigger udev rules ? [10:29] hi :) [10:42] Hi is there a way to get my fingerprint sensor working in ubuntu 16.04 dell E6420. I found some stuff on Google but it doesnt work :( [10:43] I installed fingerprint-gui but is doesn't see the sensor === yacc is now known as Guest62698 [10:57] theptr: do you know the exact model etc? [10:57] theptr: lsusb should show [10:57] for googling purposes [10:59] hateball, Bus 002 Device 003: ID 0a5c:5801 Broadcom Corp. BCM5880 Secure Applications Processor with fingerprint swipe sensor [11:00] hateball, i also have been searching but it seems like there is no driver [11:00] er === acosonic is now known as acosonic_away === acosonic_away is now known as acosonic [11:05] what's the EoL for 16.10? [11:06] hateball, the raster thing worked to start it - thank you! [11:16] FManTropyx: :) [11:18] I still don't know how to select an area and crop it, but maybe in the next few days I will find it out [11:18] FManTropyx: in krita? [11:18] Hi all... I've just upgraded from Trusty - 14.04 to Xenial - 16.04 and I am having problems with libcogl15 [11:19] FManTropyx: selection tools are on the bottom left, pick one that suits you [11:19] then just select the area you want to keep, and trim it [11:19] Many packages depend on libcogl20 which will not install because it breaks libcogl15 [11:20] I can't remove libcogl15 because various packages (including ubuntu-desktop) depend on it. === foddo is now known as foodo [11:20] theptr: yea, a quick google didnt turn up much useful info. seems the smartcard bit of the chipset is functional tho? === semeion is now known as mnemonic [11:22] biomorph: added ppa's of any kind? [11:22] is there something similar to mremoteNG for ubuntu? [11:22] lotuspsychj: Yes I did...... [11:23] lotuspsychje, in fact quite a few. [11:23] !ppapurge | biomorph perhaps try to fix this first [11:23] biomorph perhaps try to fix this first: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:/ » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html [11:23] I think I managed it... how can I launch the default image viewer from command line? [11:24] lotuspsychje, ubottu, Sorry - the upgrade process removed all PPAs, so i no longer have them [11:24] FManTropyx: xdg-open filename.jpg [11:26] two more thank you's, hateball! [11:26] lotuspsychje, ubottu, libcogl15 is the trusty version 1.16.2-1 [11:27] FManTropyx: :) [11:29] Hey guys, any idae why echo cset.uuid > /sys/block/bcache0/bcache/attach is tossing permission denied read only? I'm chrooted in during install and at beginning ran make-bcache -C [cache] -B [backing] then put in writeback mod and continued install, all working just saw somethin in wiki about attaching the first time being needed and it's throwing that [11:29] I am considering booting into non-graphical terminal and removing ubuntu-desktop, libcogl15 and then re-installing ubuntu-desktop. [11:30] Think that I may kill the system if I do that. [11:30] (also note that cset.uuid is actually the UUID haha) === CRogers_________ is now known as CRogers [11:35] hi guys any good irc chat client for ubuntu? [11:35] do you know any? [11:36] HI all [11:36] I use hexchat but I cannot configure it to have many windows [11:37] ethan-m43, hexchat is pretty nice - i think its the best one [11:37] In older versions of hexchat or xchat I had many windows [11:37] now I dont have many windows only one [11:37] ethan-m43: many windows? [11:37] what are you trying to do? [11:37] I mean on the same window I had tabs [11:37] and connected to many channels [11:37] press ctrl+t [11:37] and servers [11:38] I'm setting up Deja Dup with password protection for the first time. AFAIK, it uses gpg encryption and would need the private keys along with my passphrase to restore the backup. If my computers HDD crashes, isn't that key lost and the backup unaccessible? [11:38] it still has that feature iirc [11:38] ok I pressed c+T and opened new servers thanks [11:38] ethan-m43: np [11:39] how can I do settings and preferences? [11:40] I want to disable logs sounds etc [11:40] ethan-m43: there should be a menu at the top, file , settings ec [11:40] are you using unity/ubuntu? [11:40] I can't be th eonly person who's hit the libcogl15 problem. [11:41] I use ubuntu [11:41] with unity yes [11:41] ethan-m43: put the mouse on the very top and a menu will appear [11:41] oh i found it === nullbyte_ is now known as Guest98986 [11:48] If I add $HOME/bin to my $PATH variable, I have also included $HOME/bin/subdir, right? [11:48] no [11:48] Thanks [11:49] Is there a way to reload your $PATH without relogging? [11:49] if you added it to your variable already, it's already adjusted [11:49] I've just added it to my .profile [11:50] if by adding it to your $PATH you mean in .bashrc/.profile etc, then you need to rehash it [11:50] or set it manually for just now [11:50] . .profile # for example [11:50] FinalX: isn't rehashing for PATH? [11:50] . .profile # worked - thanks [11:51] Anthaas_: the point is bash has different setting for login/nonlogin shell, and there's an env inherited from the session [11:51] "." "sources" a script into your shell, .profile as argument then reads that file and processes it [11:51] Anthaas_: so where you set something is going to make a difference in having to login again or not [11:51] according to what shell your terminal emulator spawns [11:52] # is just a comment char, and it + any text following it are ignored by bash; I do it so if people copy/paste, the comment after it doesn't get interpreted [11:52] like using .bashrc is going to work right off since it's parsed by every instance [11:52] is anyone still using csh? [11:52] not me, I'm using zsh mostly now :P [11:52] FManTropyx: likely, the world is big [11:53] DejaDup/Backup, how does the encryption work? Is it a static GPG key in DejaDup? Is it a unique key that will be gone forever if my HDD crashes? Can I restore a DejaDup backup on a differenct machine with only the backup-files? [11:53] has any complained about failing vpn connections while I was away? [11:53] Ahhh, nah, I never copy/paste commands haha [11:53] Too many things can go wrong, including that new thing where people are hiding text in scripts they post online. [11:53] Anthaas_: yeah. though on IRC that's kinda hard to do :P [11:54] (technically not really possible... and on websites you can only do it with CSS tricks) [11:54] Habit :P [11:54] Still possible. [11:54] Its a good habit to get into for that reason. [11:55] eee [11:55] e [11:55] e [11:55] well, I'm glad you don't just copy/paste. I rather have people taking the time to at least get what they're doing. Typing it yourself makes your brain work differently than just copy/pasting, too. It's the same with learning anything. Reading something, memorizing it, is different than writing it out again right after, somehow it sticks better if you do. [11:55] #ubuntu mate [11:57] troller [12:00] does anyone have a vpn here and updated to the latest network-manager yesterday? [12:01] I use openvpn and network manager doesn't seem to have support for that, so haven't noticed any changes :P [12:01] but you updated it nonetheless? [12:02] I have no upgrades available on 16.04 now, so if it was out for that, then I guess :p [12:03] can you do me a favor and see if you updated yesterday [12:03] I'd have to reboot, currently in Windows to test stuff [12:04] so I'd rather not now :) [12:04] this morning there was a kernel & firefox update [12:04] I'm talking about network-manager specifically [12:04] hi i installed phantomjs on my ubuntu server.. not i want to check where it is intalled .. how can do ? [12:04] sonu_nk: perhaps with the whereis command? [12:04] sonu_nk: did you install it as a package ? dpkg -L will list the files installed by it [12:05] how to disable my touch screen? im try to use bash script using xinput but the id for touch screen changes occonisaly... [12:06] i installed using this command sudo apt-get install phantomjs [12:06] doge-doge: in my dpkg log: 2017-03-08 07:00:57 configure network-manager:amd64 1.2.6-0ubuntu0.16.04.1 [12:07] okay and your openvpn connection is working normally? [12:07] sonu_nk: dpkg -L phantomjs [12:07] will list the files. [12:07] doge-doge: dont use vpn sorry [12:07] that's what I'm interested in [12:07] FinalX, yes its working [12:07] doge-doge: have you tried a network-manager restart? === Jarwin is now known as roman [12:08] also one more thing .. using this command sudo apt-get install phantomjs ubuntu installed its lower version .. Why ??? but its have its new version on phantomjs site [12:09] how do I make a chrooted user have its own /etc/hosts file ? [12:09] just copying the /etc/hosts file to chrrotdir/etc/hosts doesn't work :/ [12:10] altin: you could set HOSTALIASES variable for the user, but other than that, not much. [12:10] have a look at http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/10438/can-i-create-a-user-specific-hosts-file-to-complement-etc-hosts perhaps [12:12] is anyone threr === sixtynine is now known as Guest11114 [12:12] so ? === roman is now known as Jarwin [12:13] what is this ? [12:13] !help | Guest11114 [12:13] Guest11114: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [12:13] !support [12:13] The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org and http://askubuntu.com [12:14] hey guys [12:14] thank you [12:15] Anybody have experience with restoring DejaDup backups? I'd want to know if there's a unique key that I have to backup as well. [12:15] oh wow I just discovered something with my vpn, it looks like just the dns isn't being brought over, I can ping IPs [12:15] how can i install a newer library from zesty onto xenial? === Guest11114 is now known as airsnow [12:15] bluez___: you don't [12:16] ok so i have to build it myself for xenial? [12:16] http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libavcodec-dev&searchon=names [12:16] i need the newer libavformat [12:16] user1 ALL=NOPASSWD: sudoedit... <-- here user1 is a user or group user1? [12:17] pagios: user [12:18] how would you manually set a custom dns server on a tun0 interface? [12:19] ben group is %? [12:21] pagios: check 'man sudoers' [12:21] hello. apt-mark hold package sets a package on hold. [12:21] still, apt update wants to update it [12:21] how to stop this? [12:23] apt update doesn't update anything [12:27] So git uses getnameinfo to resolve host, which lib contains this function so that I know to include it in my jail chrooted environment? [12:30] Anybody have experience with restoring DejaDup/Backup- backups to fresh machines? Does it require a stand-alone GPG key or does it need the password only? [12:32] Ben64, right, I mean apt upgrade [12:33] alright guys I have the guilty network-manager version [12:33] 1.2.6-0ubuntu0.16.04.1 [12:33] Ben64, user1 ALL=NOPASSWD: sudoedit /etc/network/interfaces <-- this means user1 can edit that file even if owned by root right? [12:34] Can anyone identify what might be causing this failure while I was running upgrades for Ubuntu 16.10 http://pastebin.com/QkgQ3DD7 [12:34] pagios: with sudo yes [12:35] he can only exec that command [12:37] /join #xps13 [12:37] oops :p [12:37] right Ben64 [12:37] ? [12:44] Hello. How do I file a new bug? I logged in with my lauchpad account but there I can't find any "new bug" button. [12:47] vlt: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug/ === _salem is now known as salem_ [12:55] Apparantly our new Ubuntu 16.04 machines run automatic upgrades. Where is this configured? How can I disable this? === mkramer is now known as Guest72712 [12:56] in my mountpoint for nfs I don't see the directories in the fs with ls, but if I access the specific key the content is there. How can I make autofs create all the subdirectories when mounting a target point? === CRogers_________ is now known as CRogers [12:59] vlt: I suspect it will be in Settings, Software & Updates, Updates tab [12:59] ok guys I figured out a vpn workaround for now, just setup your connection in the nm-applet and don't use the terminal to connect, lol! [13:00] DJones: I'm more looking for a config file in /etc. [13:00] vlt: ok, not sure about a config file [13:00] Hi everybody ! [13:01] Maybe /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/20auto-upgrades [13:01] have some problems with raspberrypi3 .. No sound and mozzilla doesn't works [13:02] can't help me , [13:06] nobody knows ? [13:07] hola todo mundo [13:08] puede ayudarme con raspberry ? [13:08] Bonjour tout le monde, quelqu'un peut-il m'aider avec la raspberry [13:08] ? [13:12] ligue, sound on the Pi-3, raspi-config has a setting to switch sound - hdmi or the 'phone port, Also the volume may need to be set. I forget the app. but it happened to me. [13:12] ligue, might be alsamixer [13:21] Woo. I launched xfce settings session and startup manager and tried testing a splash screen and I couldn't figure out how to stop the test. Is it supposed to totally lock up the session? [13:21] xfce does weird things [13:22] hi everyone [13:22] hello [13:22] there is an #xfce channel, btw [13:24] I'm still trying to figure out how to use Linux. Games don't work right (Path of Exile flickers constantly), pidgin is launching automatically and I dunno why, steam won't launch (missing drivers?)... But hey, I got spybox--I mean dropbox to run. [13:24] I swear this laptop had a bluetooth device but it doesn't show up in the device list. [13:24] Are these problems specific to xfce? [13:25] XXXfce, no, it might be video driver issues [13:27] can someone help me, my lubuntu 16.04 boots very slowly after I installed kali linux and shared swap space [13:27] here is dmesg: http://pastebin.com/raw/zwEUTsXQ [13:31] Will ifconfig list a bluetooth adapter even if the driver isn't installed? How can I see if my laptop has a bluetooth adapter? [13:32] XXXfce: no [13:32] XXXfce: You could try lspci. [13:32] it wouldn't be ifconfig, that's for network devices [13:32] Hey, I want to see what ports are blocked at my high school so that I know what ports are open for me to use on my server and such. I know that I can use nmap to find out, but I also know that it is easily traceable. I'm wondering though if it would be obvious that I nmaped or if there is some way I can make it less obvious [13:33] Smarticles101: ask the networking person at the school [13:34] Aha, there's my bluetooth. Thanks, Vlt. [13:35] Now to figure out how to get it to work... [13:37] The bluetooth settings gui just doesn't work. I get a small window with nothing in it. And it won't even respond to normal attempts to close. [13:38] XXXfce: what is the output of 'rfkill list' ? pastebin it [13:39] Is it possible to get a higher resolution than 1024x768 using x11vnc on a headless box? Using a dummy driver or anything? [13:40] TheAmorphous: you can get any resolution you want [13:41] Hello what the best for laptop dual core and 3gb ram ubuntu 12 or 16? [13:42] Ben64 Any links to how I can accomplish that? It's maxing out at 1024x768, even though xrandr displays a maximum of 8192x8192 [13:42] !eol [13:42] End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades [13:42] TheAmorphous: check the man page for x11vnc [13:43] any help ? [13:43] I've got a weak wifi signal... Internetting is painful. [13:43] Ben64: I've been there as well as the ArchWiki. Couldn't find anything relating to headless resolutions. === foodo is now known as foddo [13:43] Can anyone identify what command(s) I need to give to resolve the error I am receiving when trying to update ubuntu 16.10? http://askubuntu.com/q/890891/453336 [13:44] TheAmorphous: why do you keep saying headless? it's just resolution [13:44] There's no monitor plugged into this box [13:44] that is irrelevant [13:44] When a monitor is plugged in I get the resolution of the monitor in the VNC session [13:44] With no monitor it defaults to 1024x768 === foddo is now known as fjordo [13:44] guys ubuntu 16 vs 12 for dual core laptop and 3 gb ram? [13:45] hackour: ubuntu 12.10 is dead, and 12.04 is dying next month, bad choice [13:45] hackour 16 is fine for you [13:45] hackour: My 2 cents: 16.04 will have support until 2021 [13:45] but ubuntu 16 is slow [13:45] there is no "ubuntu 16" [13:45] there is 16.04 and 16.10 [13:46] i mean the last one lts [13:46] hackour: You are going to have issues with the programs you use having conflicts and not be able to resolve them. [13:46] 16.04 isn't going to be any slower really, just use lubuntu xubuntu or ubuntu mate [13:47] i like unity :( [13:47] I think it's my network's dns. [13:47] hackour: I am running 16.10 for 4 gig of memory. You could resolve some of the slowness by a 7200 RPM hard drive or SDD [13:47] Ben64: Having trouble with pastebin, but only my wireless shows up in rfkill list [13:47] Ben64: http://pastebin.com/LQ7i8JC7 [13:47] hackour works well for me with quadcore and 4gb ram, should be fine for your system [13:47] alphastrom, you have quadcore i have dual core [13:48] hackour load avarage < 1 [13:48] XXXfce: unlikely to get bluetooth then [13:48] How hard is it to move from 16.04 to 16.10? [13:48] not [13:48] ok thx guys [13:48] Actually hackour [13:48] but why? 16.04 is supported until 2021, 16.10 is supported until july [13:49] hackour: You could try 16.04 using a live USB drive before installing to see about the speed issue [13:49] RonWhoCares, ok bro thank you :) [13:51] I dunno, just curious how easy it is to change versions. [13:52] XXXfce: You could do it in terminal without an issue, with an Internet connection [13:53] This computer behaves differently than my kubuntu computer with xfce installed later. [13:56] hey [13:57] I need popcorn time debian packecege [13:57] popcorntime not working my elementary os system [13:57] pls help me ? [13:57] !elementary | starsailor [13:57] starsailor: Elementary OS is an Ubuntu derivative which is supported in their IRC channel #elementary on irc.freenode.net - http://elementaryos.org/ for more information on this distribution. === DeadKaptain_ is now known as Dogs [13:59] Hello, i have the official bootloader unlock software of my mobile. It consist only of a very small set of bats and a fastboot exe meant to run in windows. is it posible to port this to ubuntu so i can unlock my phone from my ubuntu computer? This is the link of the download from BQ http://www.mibqyyo.com/descargas/2015/11/23/desbloqueo-del-bootloader/ (is only 600kb) in case some expert can take a look and tell me if could run this === Dogs is now known as DeadKaptain [14:00] wendico: ubuntu has fastboot in the repos and you can use fastboot without windows .exe === chrmhoffmann_ is now known as chrmhoffmann [14:02] wendico: and i guess xda-developers has some howto for unlocking the android device with running a linux [14:04] Hi k1l_ [14:04] k1l_: I am having a new error. Is there a simple explanation / resolution @ http://askubuntu.com/questions/890891 [14:06] RonWhoCares: did you manually remove kernel stuff on your system? [14:06] no === DeadKaptain is now known as Dogs [14:06] k1l_: Should I? [14:06] RonWhoCares: no. that is what the error says [14:06] I honestly didn't [14:06] mora carnagione scura coda di cava on macos I'm able to insert a newline in a GUI text field (multiline ofc) by using alt-enter, I figure this is a "return" or so, but how can I type the same in Unity? [14:07] RonWhoCares: "ls -al /lib/modules/ | nc termbin.com 9999" [14:07] the rationale is typing in a multiline entry in web chat [14:07] k1l_: http://termbin.com/617y [14:07] RonWhoCares: and please a "dpkg -l | grep linux-image | nc termbin.com 9999" [14:07] anddam: "ctrl-J" is the standard keybinding. Does that work in your program> [14:08] k1l_: http://termbin.com/bxsf [14:08] mcphail: but in GUI apps ctrl- shortcuts are usually bound to something [14:08] mcphail: in the case of firefox the focus jumps to the URL bar [14:08] anddam: then that is a bug in the GUI program. They shouldn't steal ctrl-J [14:09] RonWhoCares: ok, there seems to have been some more issues [14:09] yes [14:09] k1l_: A sudo apt-get update failed [14:10] mcphail: even gedit [14:10] k1l_: thank you, so could i just assume that because in the unlock . bat it only says: "fastboot oem unlock-go" i could do it on my ubuntu with same command? [14:10] RonWhoCares: "cat /var/log/apt/term.log | nc termbin.com 9999" [14:10] wendico: yes [14:10] mcphail: I figure gtk (and other GUI frameworks) won't respect that [14:10] Thank you very much. k1l_ [14:10] http://termbin.com/bu1g [14:11] isn't there a ctrl-enter, alt-enter kind of thing? [14:11] also how would I go in order to reassign a couple of keys like those, is this a Xorg config? [14:11] my wireless drivers are not working [14:12] k1l_: http://termbin.com/bu1g [14:15] RonWhoCares: "cat /etc/default/grub | nc termbin.com 9999" [14:15] k1l_: http://termbin.com/umck [14:16] RonWhoCares: ok, that is the issue. you did put the "intel_idle.max_cstate=1" manually there and it is totally at the wrong palce. [14:16] k1l_: AHH! Yes. That was from our dialogue a few days ago. Where should it be? [14:17] RonWhoCares: "sudo nano /etc/default/grub" then put the intel_idle.max_cstate=1 into the " " at the line before. [14:17] Did anyone's sound stop working recently? [14:17] RonWhoCares: after that run "sudo apt install -f" and a "sudo update-grub" after that [14:17] from an update? [14:18] do i need pulseaudio? becausei dont seem to have it, but my sound was working a day ago [14:19] professor_sadasd: only Lubuntu doesnt come with pulseaudio. the rest of the ubunut flavors do have that preinstalled [14:20] k1l_, mm thanks [14:21] k1l_: Both are done [14:21] RonWhoCares: did it bring errors? [14:22] mcphail: wanna laugh? the web app support shift-enter for that, I was going mad with U+000D et al. [14:22] k1l_: Look at lines 17 , 19-22 @ http://pastebin.com/PYNDE96C [14:23] hey guys, I'm trying to interpret oom-killer logs from `dmesg`, but having a hard time. Can anybody help me explain why the oom-killer killed the process? https://gist.github.com/TvL2386/6dd00e62bf6a1c7afc373df9fc03c226 [14:23] anddam: ha! [14:23] mcphail: any chance you're the autofs resident in da house? [14:23] what I'm trying to find out is how much RAM the process that got killed used and what the memory used/free status was at the moment [14:24] RonWhoCares: and please a "dpkg -l | grep linux-image | nc termbin.com 9999" [14:24] anddam: not me, I'm afraid [14:24] k1l_: http://termbin.com/2pqm [14:25] RonWhoCares: that worked now. all done [14:25] k1l_: Thank you very much [14:26] RonWhoCares: yes, in future dont just blindly put stuff into configs. look if that makes sense. === dreamon_ is now known as dreamon [14:31] HI [14:31] my chrome ask for my linux password on start up each time i turn on my pc [14:31] I have a java process running on a headless server with no GUI. How can I tell what launched it? [14:31] i am runing ubuntu 16.04 [14:32] KOF2000-DEAD: do you use autologin? [14:32] any help pleas [14:32] yes [14:32] KOF2000-DEAD: it asks to unlock your gnome passwort keyring, where chomre (and other programs) encrypt their saved passwords to. [14:32] it ask for the linux password [14:33] KOF2000-DEAD: yes, because its your linux users password manager [14:33] how to fix this [14:33] runing 16.04 [14:34] KOF2000-DEAD: well, since you dont login at startup but use autologin this is the expected behaviour. [14:34] yes have read it online but no solution for 16.04 [14:34] what i can find [14:35] KOF2000-DEAD: so you want to make all passwords used by that user can be read by anyone? [14:35] *everyone [14:36] KOF2000-DEAD: turn off autologon, and enter your password when you log in [14:36] ??? [14:36] how to fix this [14:36] KOF2000-DEAD: so you want to make all passwords used by that user can be read by anyone? [14:36] *everyone [14:36] KOF200-DEAD: what you get there is not bug. its a security feature. [14:36] i am the only user [14:37] understand what you mean [14:37] mcphail: too bad, I got autofs working but the subdirectories are not shown at fs level, that is by 'ls /nfs' [14:37] doesnt matter. with that settings disabled everyone can read your passwords from that on. [14:37] there is only 1 user and that is me [14:37] mcphail: I hoped someone would come out with "oh it's simple you just add the -show_on_fs=yes option to the config, but so far no luck. Seems autofs doesn't get much love around [14:38] how to do it === fjordo is now known as foddo [14:38] KOF200-DEAD: Either enter it at logon, or enter it later. Your choice. [14:38] no other way [14:39] KOF200-DEAD: No. [14:39] IDten -T error [14:39] KaiForce, do `sudo pstree -pa | less` you can see the hierarchy of processes [14:39] ok [14:39] KOF200-DEAD: i guess you can try to set your password to blank. look at the password and keys in system settings [14:39] let me think [14:39] KOF200-DEAD: but as already said, this is meant to happen to ask for the password. [14:39] maby it is good like this [14:39] it kind of protection [14:39] TvL2386: thanks, I can't imagine what launched java on that machine [14:40] there wash alos a other problem [14:40] i think i fixed with some commmends [14:40] my ethernet wash sometime not connecting [14:40] when start up the pc [14:40] then when i shutdown my pc and start it over again it was working [14:40] !enter [14:40] Please try and keep as much of your info as possible on ONE line - easier to follow for everyone. [14:40] before in windows 10 i dident have that [14:41] i did somthing in the ipv6 [14:41] Sombody know where this come from [14:42] KOF200-DEAD, it would be good if you could keep your questions brief, concise and clear... I really have no clue what you're talking about [14:42] KOF200-DEAD: there is no possible way from your description that anyone could know what caused that. [14:43] The ethernet sometimes dont work when start up the pc [14:43] TvL2386: beautiful, it worked. It was an application I forgot I loaded, thanks again. [14:43] I think his spell-checker was hacked [14:43] KaiForce, yw!!! [14:43] lol @ spellchecker [14:43] sounds plausible william_8086xi !!! [14:44] LAN dude somtimes not working when start up the PC when i shut down my pc and restart it again it works [14:44] ?? [14:45] Hey guys, quick question. I'm rather new to linux (xubuntu) and I'm trying to get my wacom bamboo fun tablet to work with linux. I added the repository and tried installing the package but it says the package can't be located. Any ideas? [14:46] E: Unable to locate package wacom-dkms [14:46] taway: after you added the repository, what did you do next? [14:46] sudo add-apt-repository ppa:doctormo/wacom-plus [14:46] sudo apt-get update [14:46] sudo apt-get install wacom-dkms [14:46] this is all I did [14:46] ok, i'm out of ideas, sorry! [14:47] I don't know how to check a package name against a repository [14:47] taway: what release are you on now? [14:47] how do I know? [14:48] !find wacom-dkms [14:48] Found: W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W: (and 19 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=wacom-dkms&searchon=names&suite=yakkety§ion=all [14:48] taway: what does cat /etc/issue say ? [14:48] k1l_: nice [14:48] Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS \n \l [14:48] that PPA only contains packages up to wily. so i guess its outdated [14:48] and doesnt have stuff fox xenial [14:49] stuff fox sounds like a ubuntu release [14:50] hmm so any ideas on what I can try or will it simply not work? [14:50] taway: I'm not sure if it will help, but there is a xserver-xorg-input-wacom package available in 16.04 [14:50] hey is their an ubuntu dev around? === mudo_ is now known as mudo [14:51] spacebear: depends on what the issue is [14:51] thanks guys! quick restart then I'll know if it worked [14:51] k1l_, https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1345438 [14:51] Mozilla bug 1345438 in General "FF crashes after update from 51 to 52 on Ubuntu 16.04" [Blocker,Unconfirmed] [14:51] firefox 52 is broken on ubuntu 16.04 [14:52] theirs a couple of us in the #firefox channel talking about it, it seems to be an ubuntu specific build issue [14:52] !bug | spacebear [14:52] spacebear: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs. [14:52] spacebear: Theres #ubuntu-mozillateam [14:53] ty Pici [14:53] hello, do i need a "boot" flag on my external sd card used just for data storage? i wanted to format it and used ubuntu gparted and i see a boot flag. [14:53] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/1671079 sounds like this bug [14:53] Launchpad bug 1671079 in firefox (Ubuntu) "Firefox crashes instantly after update from 51.0.1 to 52 on Ubuntu 16.04" [Undecided,New] [14:54] yup k1l_ [14:54] thats the bug [14:56] hey Pici who should I bug in the mozilla team room? [14:56] marking as affected helps to see the impact of the bug. [14:56] spacebear: no one in particular, they'll see it when they see it. [14:56] I wouldn't bug anyone unless I were paying them [14:56] don't think I have a launch pad acc [14:56] guess its time to make one === Lee_ is now known as larmet [14:59] Hi. I'm trying to increase the 'open files' limit for a user without success. Added "username - nofile 50000" to /etc/security/limits.conf, also added "session required pam_limits.so" to /etc/pam.d/common-session, and also changed the 'sysctl' file limits, and then restarted. When I check back after reboot with 'ulimit -Hn' and 'ulimit -Sn', soft is still 1024 and hard 4096. Any suggestions? Thanks! [14:59] Hey guys, I'm that guy that was asking about the bamboo tablet. Just restarted and now my keyboard + mouse won't work anymore in xubuntu? Any way to undo the changes? I can just reinstall linux but if I could just undo these past changes it would be a lot easier [14:59] hey all -- having trouble with a usb key i am inserting... dmesg says it shows up, but then nothign [15:00] may I paste the dmesg output? [15:00] larmet: use something like pastebin then post link [15:00] @wendico...thanks... will do right now [15:00] larmet, I'd create a gist, or as someone earlier posted: dmesg | nc termbin.com 9999 [15:02] http://pastebin.com/kRh67hQu [15:02] away0: do you have a machine you can remote into the box with? [15:02] larmet: "sudo parted -l" [15:03] I have another machine here if that's what you're asking, still new to this [15:03] larmet: wait, this is inside a vm? are you sure the host is not catching that usb? [15:04] larmet, whatever you are inserting is becoming /dev/sdb right according to dmesg, so: fdisk -l /dev/sdb [15:06] away0: so you probably didn't install ssh on the affected machine? [15:06] @TvL2386... it returned NOTHING [15:06] It's basically a fresh install [15:06] larmet, ls -l /dev/sdb ? [15:06] does it exist? [15:07] does not seem to... [15:07] It's not a big deal, I'll just reinstall xubuntu, I'm just wondering how installing one package can have such effects. [15:07] Iĺl just a fdisk -l [15:07] larmet: does it show up on parted -l? does the Host give the full usb directly to the VM you are using? [15:08] let me check parted -l [15:08] well, it's weird that dmesg says "[ 511.387217] sd 32:0:0:0: [sdb] Attached SCSI removable disk". This means /dev/sdb should have popped up [15:08] (please hold...) :) === donttrustem_ is now known as donttrustem [15:11] hey guys, I'm trying to interpret why the oom-killer killed a certain process. It's happened a few times now and I wonder if there's a memory leak somewhere: https://gist.github.com/TvL2386/6dd00e62bf6a1c7afc373df9fc03c226 [15:11] http://www.nbcnews.com/politics/first-read/gop-health-care-plan-critical-condition-n730586 [15:11] oopps sorry [15:11] wrong channel === AndroUser is now known as YYF [15:18] TvL2386: I thought I had a memory leak for a similar issue but I increased the RAM on the VM and watched the process it was killing and it needed more RAM than I was giving it. [15:18] how do I update my graphics driver? === programador is now known as lmaya [15:19] Adding RAM resolved my "memory leak." Just a possibility. [15:23] KaiForce, yeah thanks, it's just that my monitoring system is not reporting RAM increase. At 6:28 the process got killed and the measurement at 6:25 reported 2.318 MByte free. At 6:30 there was 2.570 MByte free. [15:24] and since this has happened 3 times now, I don't think it will stay away [15:24] btw: server has 4GB of RAM [15:24] purpose: glusterfs server (so oom-killing glusterfsd is painful) === PanicAtTheKernel is now known as jq === jackNemrod_ is now known as jackNemrod [15:26] TvL2386: that doesn't sound like my situation at all.. Seems to be a little chatter on the net about it, some of it is old though [15:27] hello, im getting ready to install on a free partition an os that will install grub but will make my ubuntu unbootable. im scared of this since i dont know how to set up grub only (my ubuntu always looks and set up grub for all my operating systems). what is the easiest way to reinstall grub to boot my 2 old operating systems plus the new one installed? thank you very much. [15:27] https://github.com/RightScale-Services-Cookbooks/rsc_gluster/issues/7 will stop it from happening, not sure if that is good idea or not === e01 is now known as Guest60656 [15:28] wendico: if you are nervous about it, I'd image the drive first. [15:29] wendico: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair [15:30] Thank you. Im gonna go ahead make an image just in case, any recomended software to do that? can ubuntu do it without a new software? im also reading boot repair link, thank you. [15:31] KaiForce, yeah thanks... I also thought about that, however I'm trying to interpret the conditions of the server when it decided killing was needed. I'm hoping the oom logs show how much glusterfsd was using at the moment, how much was free, how much was the process using that was trying to allocate more? Maybe the mkinitramfs which tried to allocate memory was already using more than needed? I also read that the oom-killer can be invoked when there's too muc [15:31] h fragmentation? Was that the case here? I don't know... I'm hoping some "oom-killer log guru" is around here :-) [15:31] if you have a drive you can duplicate to, dd can do it. else use something like gparted [15:31] i only have free space on a used external partition, so i can only do an image file. can gparted do it? [15:31] wendico: clonezilla is my preferred tool [15:32] do you have enough space to clone your whole internal drive to the external drive? [15:32] if so dd will work fine, if not, as Kai said, Clonezilla is a great tool [15:32] "sudo apt-get install clonezilla" done, reading manual. Thank u very much. [15:33] you could do something like dd if=/dev/sda | pv | dd of=/mnt/external/image.dd [15:33] ^ [15:33] hey wendico, not sure if recommended or particularly good, but what I always do is starting from a livecd and then dd the entire disk to something else (external usb hdd or through ssh to a server) [15:33] ^ yeah something like that :) [15:34] ok, i will look at this option aswell, i have a working live usb ubuntu 14, i suppose entire disk image is reduced on size to the real data usage, in that case i do have space on my external [15:35] if image requires total size of the hd, i dont have space for that [15:35] wendico, if you want to make it compressable [15:35] @k1l_.... I am sure the host isnt catching the usb [15:35] wendico: well a dd image will be the entire size of your drive, free space or not. it copies everything [15:35] lol, then i dont have space for that [15:35] wendico: clonezilla will compress (unless you choose dd option!) [15:36] wendico, dd if=/dev/zero of=/tmp/zero bs=1M ; rm /tmp/zero ; dd if=/dev/sda bs=1M | gzip > /mydisk.img.gz [15:36] so: write zeros to the disk, delete the zeroed file and then backup the entire disk and gzip it [15:36] TvL2386: damn. thats actually genius [15:36] ok, thank you, im gonna read some literature on it just in case before proceeding [15:36] well thanks :) [15:37] TvL2386: I do something similar with VMs I back up over a slow WAN link to NFS [15:37] dd if=/dev/sda bs=1M | pv | gzip > /mydisk.img.gz and get a status display [15:38] you could even do: pv /dev/sda | gzip > /mydisk.img.gz [15:38] The nice thing about Clonezilla is that it is fs aware and can (in some cases) copy only actual data, ignoring all the unused whether zeroed or not [15:39] the biggest drawback to Clonezilla is restoring a large disk to a smaller disk. It can only do that in limited circumstances [15:40] well not like dd handles that case any better [15:40] truth [15:40] then you're best bet is to take a file backup, good old tar. [15:41] KaiForce, funny thing about disk images is that you can actually mount them to a loop device using losetup and then partprobe (if I remember correctly) to just mount a partition [15:42] ya but that doesn't copy them back. [15:42] nevetheless im socked at seing this to be so complex, 15 years ago, i remember to do disk image ignoring unused space with a graphical interface tool of either partitions or full disk, i dont remember the tool name what it was so easy hehe [15:42] nope, but you can do file restore from a disk image [15:42] oh yes, that was norton ghost i thinkç [15:42] wendico: probably ghost [15:43] yes that was it [15:43] for windows only if I remember right [15:43] not really [15:43] bootable floppy [15:43] I always used "Hirens boot cd" for such things [15:43] but we didnt have this complex file systems that we use now [15:43] but since it's easy to accomplish, I'd like to do it myself :) [15:44] * Hiren Boot CD [15:44] is that tool still exist? [15:44] TvL2386: "Windows Server Backup" creates VHDs which can be mounted in Windows [15:44] i prefer to donwload an stock a tool like that, im so dumb at command prompt, scripting and codding [15:45] o yes, still exist, im gonna download and burn to usb just in case i find it easier hehe [15:45] http://www.hirensbootcd.org/download/ [15:46] yeah KaiForce I know, not a big windows fan or guru here :) [15:46] I've played with HyperV :) [15:46] im so ****** used to UI hehe [15:46] I loathe windows, but it feeds the kids [15:46] wendico: fwiw, it works fine (for me) to restore to a smaller drive using clonezilla with.. the option eludes me [15:46] lol KaiForce [15:47] wendico: so long as actual data is not more than the drive size obviously [15:47] wendico: and by default clonezilla uses partimag and not dd so it's only actual data saved [15:47] of course, nevertheless i installed clonezilla but then i didnt find any icon to launch it [15:47] Yes there is an option to do it, and since you have a drive image you can't really screw anything up [15:47] and i hate command prompt [15:48] wendico: put it on cd or USB [15:48] wendico: you dont want to do it from within your booted system, use clonezilla-live [15:48] ahhhh [15:48] okey, going for it! [15:48] wendico: it's an ncurses gui, like a wizard. not really very difficult [15:48] the most difficult step is picking "advanced" so you have the option to restore to a smaller drive [15:49] perfect, i think with ui is gonna be easy for me, i use gparted a lot and used ghost long time ago [15:49] like I said, it's ncurses. not a gui under X. but it works [15:49] if you realize that the first thing you do in Clonezilla is mount the source/target of your images, it makes sense [15:49] btw, last question, isnt a graphical live tool to modify-restore-install grub? [15:50] since that was really my biggest concern [15:50] there are various such "rescue" distros you can do that with. or just your Ubuntu install USB [15:50] you mean the boot repair thing? [15:50] yes [15:50] !fixgrub [15:50] GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 [15:51] ignore the bit about windows and only think of it as installing grub [15:51] I've used it and it hasn't failed me, but I never did what you are going to do. [15:51] o yes, that was the link from before, i had it open but forgot to read it [15:51] wendico: oh you are planning to only clone a partition, not a drive? [15:52] wendico, that's exactly the reason I simply "dd" the disk somewhere. When dd'ing it back you get exactly what you got, including grub or whatever else was on the disk. [15:52] im gonna clone all in a image just in case, long time i dont mess with my partitions, is being for real 10 years since i havent had any os problem [15:52] clonezilla offers that option as well, but then you probably need to run a grub-install afterwards yeah... [15:52] hi [15:52] if you use the full disk option, then clonezilla will do it for you [15:52] clonezilla will restore grub as well, in fact you have to uncheck an option if you don't want that [15:52] hi [15:53] yes sorry with full disk [15:53] hola [15:53] necesito una solucion [15:53] and of course, i may not have any problem now, but just in case, since im gonna try to install android on a spare partition [15:53] hola, este canal es en ingles, si no sabes, puedo ayudarte a traducir tu pregunta [15:53] a gracias [15:53] there's #ubuntu-esp i believe [15:53] muy amable, te comento que no logro entrar a la interfaz grafica de ubuntu, [15:54] !es | root____8 [15:54] root____8: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro. [15:54] wendico will translate for root [15:54] ah es [15:54] root is having problems to enter graphical ubuntu interface [15:55] wendico: Default settings is that X is not allowed to run [15:56] I was able to get a printout from lsusb -D... http://pastebin.com/LNhUtyua [15:56] still having issues with this usb [15:56] please help [15:56] pero root, da mas detalles. es una instalacion nueva? se ha estropeado de repente? o que ha pasado para que no te arranque el escritorio? [15:56] wendico: good, don't log in to x as root. [15:57] ducasse: !! [15:57] se estropeo de repente [15:57] justo antes de mostrar el escritorio se queda en pantalla negra [15:57] root: acuertade de que no tienes que logar en el escritorio como root, solo con tu usuario, root no puede abrir X por tanto no puede abrir el entorno grafico [15:57] !es [15:58] En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro. [15:58] y te quedas en la consola entonces? la consola si te funciona no? [15:58] a la consola llego por medio del grub [15:59] y no tengo problemas [15:59] que [15:59] he intentado instalar los drivers desde el modo de recuperacion [15:59] hablar ingles por favor [15:59] lol ubuntu no necesita drivers [15:59] in a minute, root dont know english and ubuntu-es sleeping, [15:59] ok escibiré en ingles, perdon si tengo mala redaccion [16:00] creo que los ops no quieren usar esta canal sin ingles. [16:00] what is the command to run X from console if login into ui dektop automaticly? [16:00] couldn't you help him en espanol in ubuntu-es just like you're helping him here? :P [16:00] what is "run X" [16:00] root entra al canal #ubuntu-es y yo escribo aqui en ingles [16:00] ? [16:01] understandable, i forwarded root to ubuntu-es [16:01] root____8: mueva a la canal ubuntu-es [16:01] desde aqui typeo #ubuntu-es? [16:02] escribe /join #ubuntu-es [16:02] so i cant help him myself hehe, he is not loggin into ui auto suddently, what is the command to launch the desktop ui? [16:03] i rarely run the UI, I think it was at one point startx [16:04] sudo startx right? [16:04] probably yes [16:04] wendico, you're not going to start the graphical user environment as root user right [16:04] everything is root then [16:04] oo yes right [16:04] so only startx [16:05] when I had gentoo ages ago, I would boot, login as my user and type startx [16:05] not root [16:10] i think he was trolling or something lol [16:10] who? [16:10] i meant root, the spanish speaking [16:10] ah :) [16:11] even though i bothered to help him, he can log and chat on irc only with console but he dont know how to type startx on console xd [16:11] lol [16:12] Hello. In most programs ctrl+w closes a window, tab or file. This doesn't work in inkscape since we changed from Ubuntu 12.04 to 16.04 LTS. Ctrl+w will create a new empty document there. Any idea how to fix this? [16:13] vlt: in many gtk applications you can change the shortcut by highlighting the menu option you want and pressing a new shortcut [16:13] Anyone know a good DB2 database or weird excel import issues IRC? [16:13] !alis | MediocreN [16:13] MediocreN: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http" [16:15] yeah, i didnt see anything i would even call close :/ [16:15] was hoping someone would have previous knowledge on another irc server [16:15] ducasse: No, I was wrong. Ctrl+w actually closes the window but simultaneously opens a new one. [16:15] im curious, what "ubottu" stands for? why ubottu is calle ubottu? xd [16:15] ubuntu bot i'd imagine [16:16] Ubuntu bot t[o] u (you) [16:16] ohh nice [16:16] I would imagine the closing occurs first and creating a new one after that, rather than simulatenously :) [16:19] Can i use ubuntu included "start up disk creator" to burn clonezilla, hirensboot and androidx86 to usb devices? or is just for burning ubuntu images? Thank you. [16:19] afaik its only use is for burning ubuntu images [16:19] use rufus, or unetbootin for the others. Or learn to do it manually [16:20] hehe ill go for unetbootin, cant do manually [16:21] Hello I have a shell file with a function to do something, how can I turn that function into an executable command? I want it to remain as a funtion as I import it else where. [16:22] S0bait: as in you have a bash script with a function in it? [16:22] MediocreN: Yes, and in another script, I source the file then run the function. However, I also want this function to be turned into a command which the user can run. [16:23] S0bait: so make another script with the function turned into a plain old script? [16:23] scottjl: Isnt that duplication? [16:24] S0bait: life's full of duplications. so what? [16:24] yeah, i was gonna say the same [16:24] cp function_script script.sh [16:24] done [16:24] then you can make an alias of script.sh [16:24] scottjl: Okay, another question. Can I run a command from shell by doing something like /bin/bash file FUNCTION? [16:24] to whatever you want [16:24] Like when I execute a shell script can I run a function specifically? [16:25] no [16:26] wendico, dd $img > usbdev :) [16:26] there it is again :) [16:26] S0bait, you define a function in some shell file and want to just call it on your shell??? [16:27] S0bait: source some_file.sh [16:27] that's what it sounds like TvL2386 [16:27] I think i know what he wants [16:27] and then call it [16:27] is there some reason you want to keep it in one single file? you're just making life more complex. [16:27] xd, i know u can do everything with the commands, but the only think u can do is understand how difficult is the shell, commands and scripting for an old man. Is as difficult as learning another speaking language. Imagine that i just tell u, learn german. so is as difficult for me to use commands as for you probably to learn german, i promise. [16:27] he has a script with multiple functions, i think he wants to be able to run like script.sh -c and only run his 1 function === Christer_ is now known as Christer [16:28] S0bait: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8818119/how-can-i-run-a-function-from-a-script-in-command-line [16:28] this isn't ubuntu specific in any case.. [16:28] scottjl: right I am doing that. [16:28] haha wendico, yeah sorry, I just couldn't resist :) [16:29] scottjl: Just going to add aliases in the bashrcs of users that sources then runs the function. Can I make aliases sudo only? === SEHc0nd is now known as khloe727 [16:29] i tried many times to learn, but just keep forgeting, i misstype and dont see where... and a long etc, as far as today i can just remember to "ls" and "cd" hehe [16:29] not that i know of S0 [16:29] MediocreN, I see... Never had or seen that use case before :) [16:29] even when i type for example "man cd" i dont even understand the manuals [16:30] TvL2386: me either, i'd just split the file and then call it again. But i know my coworker has sever OCD and has gone down that road a few times [16:30] severe* [16:30] wendico, no problem, we'll help with whatever question you have and am happy to do that :) [16:30] thank you very much [16:31] MediocreN, haha. Yeah just put the function in a file and source it, or put it in bashrc, or source it from there.... whatever.... :D [16:31] wendico: that will happen alot lol i highly recommend jumping into a few bash tutorials [16:31] they will just make traversing / running shell commands a little more intuitive if you have a concept of what your trying to accomplish [16:32] rather than, this needs to happen, somehow [16:32] Hi, I just installed Ubuntu 16.04 LTS fresh and updated it as a VMware VM. Gave it a reboot now, it's been hanging for over 5 minutes now on 'A start job is running for Unattended Upgrades Shutdown'. It's just been fully updated... Is this normal? It's a bare installed, removed open-iscsi (why is that running by default anyways?) and LVM (same question, don't use LVM) and nothing else yet. [16:34] freakynl: i don't have an answer to actually make it boot. But once it does i believe i know whats going on. [16:35] i believe if you: sudo crontab -e and enter: @reboot /etc/init.d/unattended-upgrades start === khloe727 is now known as khloe [16:35] if should start that service at boot, and no longer have this wait timer [16:38] freakynl, I've installed a lot of 14.04 and 16.04 servers, but have never seen that [16:38] also don't know what you mean with "updated it as a VMware VM" [16:40] freakynl, btw: I always do `apt-get purge ufw` as soon as I've installed LTS :) [16:40] i will look at some bash tutorials as suggested, see if i can understand something [16:43] wendico, good luck! If you have any questions regarding bash, don't hesitate to ask [16:43] ^ [16:43] bash can be a fickle bitch [16:43] ^ [16:44] HI I HAVE A HP SERVER D160 AND I WISH TO INSTALL UBUNTU 16.06 please help. it has two hard drives which i would like to mirror. [16:45] kidar_, BUMMER, THAT UBUNTU VERSION DOES NOT EXIST [16:45] !server | kidar_ [16:45] kidar_: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Xenial (Xenial Xerus 16.04.1) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide - Support in #ubuntu-server [16:46] is there a grub configuration tool for Ubuntu? [16:46] kidar_: check if you have a hw raid controller in that machine [16:46] I have FreeBSD installed on another partition. [16:50] hi yes it does [16:50] kidar_: ok it's a better option to mirror the disk with it [16:51] what i want to know is how to silence the fan and get the most of the system [16:51] i have mirrored using the raid card on that just wanted clarity if i did correct [16:52] MediocreN: ? this is on shutdown, I've disabled it now [16:52] basically i want to use this server as an ltsp server in a ubuntu traing envioroment [16:52] TvL2386: I installed a lot of them too. I've seen this on all my VMware VM's running Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. Literally *all* of them, think 10+ by now [16:53] freakynl: its probably from that service not being started at startup, so its not able to do its updates when you shutdown [16:53] MediocreN: Ah, that could be. When I give it a reboot remotely though I don't want unexpected wait times anyways so it's better to turn it off, but it shouldn't happen [16:54] kidar_: the machine is meant to be in a rack in a server room. i don't remember if you can silence it [16:54] http://pastebin.com/htvLK78e - this is my netstat info - can someone glance and tell me all my connections look ok? [16:54] i am perpetually being eavesdropped by the suicide squad [16:55] freakynl: in that case, you can just disable the unattended updates [16:55] thats a garauntee fix, however i believe my solution will work also === vonsyd0w_ is now known as vonsyd0w [16:57] i loaded ubuntu mate on it and it is running. this is what i want to use in the training. should i format and install ubuntu server and the guis or leave it as it is [16:58] if you're running a headless server, why install a gui? [16:59] so my netstat info looks normal? #ubuntu-women-project [16:59] http://pastebin.com/htvLK78e [16:59] you have all the required CIA snoop ports open. looks good. [17:00] i dont gaf about the CIA [17:00] i just wan to make sense of the info [17:00] Hello everybody! I'm running 16.04 on my laptop and I'm having trouble establishing a bluetooth connection with my phone: Neither does the laptop pick up the phone (or any other devices) and the phone can't see it either. As far as I can tell the bluetooth controller is up and running. But I don't really know hot to troubleshoot this further, most of the links that I've found so far deal with the actual pairing process but not with the [17:00] situation I'm facing, that is the bluetooth adapter apparently being recognized by the system but not working for some reason... Can you give me any advise? :3 [17:01] trailzzend: do you have an actual question? [17:02] my question would be, is it safest to run a live version than run from my harddrive bc my HD is definitely messed up [17:02] via DVD - than the HDD [17:03] trailzzend: well if your HDD is "definitely messed up" then the answer would be a definite probably [17:03] have you looked at smart info of the drive? [17:03] otherwise, i have noticed just weird files and folders. One is "sniffjoke" - [17:03] can i fix my HDD - it asks for the password when i reformat it [17:04] and i dont have it because someone root-kit this laptop [17:04] so - no idea if i can wipe it [17:04] um [17:04] if your HDD requires a password to reformat it, there is nothing we can help you with on this channel. [17:04] are you saying you need the sudo password? [17:04] what is the most simple and efficient way to "tail -f" an "ls -lt" if you know what I mean ? [17:04] I have 5 partitions and i dont want them anymore, but they all have passwords making them untouchable [17:05] so you can't boot a live DVD and wipe the HDD? [17:05] im very new but interested in learning what those letters mean. i wish i could take a class... self-instruction is kinda hard in this field [17:05] i am using a live DVD now of Kali [17:06] alexgr: why would you tail follow a static output? [17:06] I note that #ubuntu is for actual Ubuntu, not for random derivatives thereof. There is #kali-linux for Kali. [17:06] i cant delete or reformat any disks from booting into other OS - like Tails. [17:06] asks for Administrator Priviledged password [17:06] well [17:06] nacc:because I have processes creating files in that folder [17:06] i tried to find the kali-linux channel its +r [17:06] alexgr: do you mean you want to `watch` `ls -lt` ? [17:06] !register | trailzzend: that's not an excuse. [17:06] trailzzend: that's not an excuse.: For information on registering your IRC nick, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - For any further help, ask in #freenode. [17:07] oh i didn't know how to do [17:07] thanks [17:07] trailzzend: get a gparted live image, boot that, wipe hard drive. [17:07] !register #kali-linux [17:07] trailzzend: also, i believe just dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdX bs=4M will blank that out [17:07] like regardless [17:07] thanks for the tip with watch [17:08] how do you "wipe" [17:08] although that will blank out your partition running w/e your on now too, unless your on a live boot [17:08] MediocreN: add count=1024 or something. unless you want to wait for the whole drive to be zeroed [17:08] trailzzend: no, read the message from ubottu. [17:08] scottjl: thats his goal tho right? [17:08] trailzzend, do that in server textbox [17:08] MediocreN: who knwos. he came in here asking us to verify his netstat output [17:08] tks [17:08] trailzzend: do not run my ocmmand without knowing what it does [17:09] you will delete everything [17:09] make sure that is what you are trying to do [17:09] i am trying to delete everything, so thank you v m [17:10] i feel like i just deleted something important and im not even running commands :/ [17:11] MediocreN: that's what backups are for [17:11] what's a "backup"? [17:12] its a mythical thing told of in stories [17:12] isn't that when you `cp file file.old1` [17:12] MediocreN, oh that! like a unicorn [17:13] yeah, except unicorns exist in the wild [17:14] lol [17:15] what's a good screencast program that supports recording to RAM? I cannot record to disk, my disk is not fast enough [17:15] but I only need a few minutes of video [17:19] causative: record to ramdisk. [17:20] causative: then copy from ramdisk to secondary storage. [17:20] aotaointbin: long time no see. how's your crippled system doing? [17:20] lol [17:21] aotaointbin, then what's a good screencast program that lets me choose the location to store the screencast? kazam does not [17:21] causative, OBS Studio seems to have an option that might do what you're looking for (but i'm not sure): https://jp9000.github.io/OBS/features/replay.html [17:21] where does kazam store the screencast? [17:21] I'm not 100% sure but I think in ~/Videos [17:21] unless that's just where it puts final outputs, idk [17:22] back up your ~/Videos, replace it with a symlink to your ramdisk. [17:22] causative, it states that "as you start the buffer, OBS will start the recording but it wont save anything to your disk, until you press the "Save Replay Buffer" hotkey" [17:22] causative: yeah OBS should be exactly what your looking for [17:22] great program. [17:30] thanks, I used the ramdisk, worked fine [17:41] So I can choose between linux kernel 4.4 and 4.8 in ubuntu 16.04 right? [17:41] Right [17:42] I get it now, I was really confused. [17:42] !rollinghwe | lurklord [17:42] lurklord: Since the release of 16.04.2, the setup for the !HWE kernel has changed. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/RollingLTSEnablementStack [17:43] Hi, how can i hide a second identical gpu Witz the xen pciback driver? [17:43] isn't the 4.8 kernel part of some non-lts release? [17:43] pos: its the 16-10 kernel, yes [17:43] meaning it will be unmaintained in less than a year? [17:44] pos: look at hte bots link [17:51] what permissions are needed to prevent the user from renaming a directory (with mv)? currently for testing this, I create a directory with user root in the home directory of user foo and set the permissions to 000. The user can not cd into it but can still rename it! [17:52] cd linux [17:55] are there any plans to bring wpa_supplicant 2.6 to xenial? [17:56] you've upgraded networkmanager to 1.2.6, but unless you also upgrade wpa_supplicant to 2.6 a lot of those 1.2.6 features will be inert [17:58] hi guys === nat_ is now known as Natkeeran [18:02] hi all, I seem to have misclicked and as a result none of my windows are shown in the panel, instead there is an icon that i can pop up a list of windows on the far right [18:02] how do i change that back to the default behaviour? [18:03] hello [18:09] is there a channel for bash on terminal? [18:10] ##bash [18:10] thank you and one for terminal cli? [18:11] !alis | Wolfzrat [18:11] Wolfzrat: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http" [18:12] terminal cli ? terminal = cli [18:12] awesome thank you [18:13] lol i just wanted to say terminal @Oerhek [18:13] i really didn't understand the question. So to alis you go [18:14] thanks nicomachus =) [18:16] unfortunately there are no channels specifically for ncmpcpp, so I'm going to have to ask here. I created a new 'bindings' file for key binds and made a few changes, but the changes don't seem to be taking effect. not sure if I need to put the location of the bindings file in the ncmpcpp config or what... the documentation is kinda thin on this [18:36] Hi all.. is there an upstart pre-stop / post-stop equivalent that only fires on respawn? [18:37] I've got an conf that I want to sleep 60 seconds between respawn, but not wait 60 seconds to stop or start. [18:41] nicomachus: http://rybczak.net/ncmpcpp/faq/ ? file an issue on mantis? [18:45] nacc: I don't think it's bug though... [18:46] I think I'm just missing a step and the documentation doesn't really offer any clues as to what [18:46] nicomachus: i meant for support or anything -- i guess unless someone happens to know :) [18:46] Unless I file an issue saying that the documentation sucks [18:48] * Artarian feels welcomed. === ludi is now known as Guest12774 [18:56] how can i reassign the Alt+click+drag in unity? I wan [18:57] I want to do this because alt-click-drag in pycharm is not allowing me to do special select in the editor. [18:58] hi guys Do you know how to use "make install" to force overwrite old binaries in "/usr/local" ?? [18:59] xxco: completely depends on what you are building [19:00] hello all! I'm running budgie ubuntu and my pc takes a bit to boot(30-45s), also after i login into ubuntu it takes about 20s to display the desktop. any idea how to solve this? New install, HDD, 32gb ram, gpu gtx970 and a Xeon for a proccessor [19:00] *processor === iulian is now known as Guest71662 [19:02] hello, it looks like there was an 16.04 lts release today/yesterday but I am unable to find the release notes- are they in progress? https://uec-images.ubuntu.com/releases/16.04/release-20170307/unpacked/ [19:03] that directory normally has a release_notes.txt but it is empty [19:03] antoniobeyah: there was no release [19:03] hmm, there is a new ami out there in aws ami-2757f631 [19:03] antoniobeyah: hrm? those are cloud images, afaict? [19:04] anyone? [19:04] antoniobeyah: and not 'release' like normal -- i think they just get refreshed every so often [19:04] antoniobeyah: may want to ask in #ubuntu-server [19:04] nacc: ok, thanks [19:05] xryuu: See if 'blame' give ya any hints : http://www.dedoimedo.com/computers/systemd-blame.html . [19:05] xryuu, what does " systemd-analyze blame " give you ? [19:05] nevermind.... ccsm [19:05] and is your network wireless .. ? [19:05] antoniobeyah: maybe you mean this? http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/xenial/ [19:06] 0erHeks: can you remind me what the code for the pastebin is? so i can send you the link [19:06] actually nvm [19:06] k1l_: thanks, that might be the ticket [19:06] the top two giving 10s+ [19:06] looks like I may have been looking in the wrong place [19:07] 11.320s snapd.refresh.service and 10.394s NetworkManager-wait-online.service [19:07] hi, when I run ./configure it complains about not finding libraries that actually have been installed. how to solve this? [19:07] hi [19:07] !compile | maarhart [19:07] maarhart: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first). Also read !checkinstall [19:08] I can't manage to change java version [19:08] maarhart: you would need to read what config.log says and see what it is failing to find [19:08] even after I run: `sudo update-java-alternatives --set /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-oracle` [19:08] I still get: [19:08] https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/IlVrYzBd/ [19:08] java -version [19:08] java version "1.8.0_121" [19:08] elichai2: why would you pastebin something and then paste it in the channel? :) [19:08] it's a stupid client [19:09] my mistake [19:09] elichai2: what does `update-java-alternatives --list` say? [19:09] elichai2: afaik, /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-oracle is not from an ubuntu package, right? [19:09] https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/jyAkT8XY/ [19:09] maybe ... /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-oracle/jre/bin/java [19:09] it is [19:10] from oracle-java7-installer [19:10] how do i hold back kernel updates / or remove intermediary updates (i need 4.4.0 installed and used); also how do i enable the alt key to work in terminal as it is supposed to so i can switch windows in irssi [19:10] !info oracle-java7-installer [19:10] Package oracle-java7-installer does not exist in yakkety [19:10] elichai2: --^ what version of ubuntu? [19:10] https://launchpad.net/~webupd8team/+archive/ubuntu/java [19:11] a ppa [19:11] elichai2: right, not an ubuntu package [19:11] elichai2: ppa != ubuntu [19:11] ohh yes. I thought you meant from apt. sorry. [19:11] 0erHeks: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24140790/ the systemd [19:12] elichai2: you could try passing -v to update-java-alternatives --set to see if it tells you what it does [19:12] that's all: resetting java alternatives [19:13] elichai2: does `which java` still point into /etc/alternatives/java ? [19:13] no [19:13] elichai2: taht is `ls -ahl $(which java)` [19:13] /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/bin/java [19:13] elichai2: uh, then how do you expect alternatives to work? [19:14] elichai2: you forcibly pointed your java there [19:14] elichai2: which was wrong [19:14] not that I remember [19:14] elichai2: or maybe the PPA does [19:14] elichai2: in which case, contact the PPA team [19:14] how should I just change the ln? [19:14] Bashing-om: here's the systemd http://paste.ubuntu.com/24140790/ [19:14] (in /usr/bin/java and javac?) [19:14] elichai2: non-trivial, as you need to chagne all of them various links [19:14] wait, the ln is fine /usr/bin/java -> /etc/alternatives/java* [19:15] elichai2: you just said it wasn't? [19:15] that's the thing, 'which java' told me it wasn't but the /usr/bin/java is pointing to the right place [19:15] nacc: for instance, it doesn't find expat [19:15] elichai2: then you've mucked with PATH probably [19:15] but it is installed [19:16] xryuu: I will look, but on networking issues, do not hold your breath . [19:16] that may be right [19:16] maarhart: you'll need to read config.log and see exactly what it is trying to use to deduce expat [19:16] because of JAVA_HOME that some apps require [19:16] elichai2: don't do that unless you know what you're doing [19:16] Bashing-om: why's that? [19:16] nacc: wher is that log situated? [19:16] maarhart: when you run ./configure, it generates a config.log in that directory [19:16] the problem isn't knowing what i'm doing but *remembering* what i'm doing lol [19:17] elichai2: you should not need to set JAVA_HOME explicitly in general [19:17] xryuu, what is the outut of : systemctl status snapd.refresh.service [19:17] elichai2: and that still doesn't explain changing PATH in a non-good way [19:17] I had it inside the .profile file [19:18] export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle [19:18] and then added JAVA_HOME to the path [19:18] elichai2: well that is nonsensical [19:18] 0erHeks: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24140834/ here's the systemctl [19:18] elichai2: you should use update-java-alternatives to change the default java [19:18] yes. but what about apps that require JAVA_HOME? [19:18] nacc: http://paste.debian.net/918820 [19:19] and oracle themselves tells you to do that https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E19182-01/820-7851/inst_cli_jdk_javahome_t/ [19:19] hi there [19:19] when i issue ifconfig [19:19] elichai2: oracle != ubuntu [19:19] nacc: http://paste.debian.net/918821 [19:19] i did not show network interfaces excpet lo one [19:20] elichai2: did you add it before or after $PATH? [19:20] any help? [19:20] hi I am getting this when adding another interface on ubuntu16.04 service networking restart [19:20] Job for networking.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See "systemctl status networking.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details. [19:20] [19:20] nacc: http://paste.debian.net/918822 [19:20] nacc: after [19:20] maarhart: i didn't say i would help you debug it :) [19:20] maarhart: but also that's not the whole file, or something else is wrong [19:20] and I need to create an interface for use on the system [19:20] now I removed JAVA_HOME [19:20] looks like it worked [19:20] elichai2: the quite literal help you pointed me at, says to do it before [19:21] elichai2: so you weren't following oracle's guide [19:21] why do it before? [19:21] elichai2: i have no idea, but if your'e going to point at a guide as why you did something, and then not do what that guide says [19:21] nacc: it's not, but it's a big file [19:21] i have no interest in helping :/ [19:21] you already helped. thank you :) [19:21] maarhart: yes, it will be quite large [19:21] nacc: first half is http://paste.debian.net/918824 [19:22] maarhart: just use pastebinit [19:22] second half http://paste.debian.net/918825 [19:22] maarhart: but again, i didn't say i'd debug this ... [19:22] maarhart: part of building sofware from source implies you're willing to get it to build [19:22] maarhart: and none of it is supported in this channel, technically [19:22] okay, thanks nacc. [19:22] I'm willing, this is the third day in a row with this thing. [19:23] how do i hold back kernel updates / or remove intermediary updates (i need 4.4.0 installed and used)? [19:24] maarhart: you're building for 64-bit windows? [19:24] nacc: indeed [19:24] Heyo [19:24] maarhart: gl! :) [19:24] I'm trying to expand an existing volume that is a Ubuntu 16.04 server VM [19:24] nacc: thanks [19:24] genewitch: that's the GA kernel [19:24] xryuu, i see a lot of 2016 bugreports, network not ready when snapd service starts .. and should be fixed by now. can you start the service? sudo systemctl enable snapd.refresh.service [19:24] Why is it that you can't actuakllly expand an existing logocal partition? [19:24] or sudo systemctl start snapd.refresh.service [19:24] maarhart: your first paste has the issue [19:25] instead I have to create another partition and, and then it expands a logival partition [19:25] maarhart: $PKG_CONFIG --exists --print-errors expat failed [19:25] http://www.geoffstratton.com/expand-hard-disk-ubuntu-lvm [19:25] This is the first time ever I think Linux does something way worse than Windows [19:25] maarhart: you don't need expat but libexpat1-dev [19:25] nacc: i don't know what that means. I need 4.4.0 because more recent kernels my screen flickers badly and the bug hasn't been tracked down upstream yet [19:25] Windows Disk manager makes expanding a disc partition soooo easy [19:26] genewitch: what kernel are you on now? [19:26] Any idea of the cause of this error when running clamdscan? ERROR: Could not lookup : Servname not supported for ai_socktype [19:26] nacc: 4.4.0 [19:26] genewitch: and you wnat 4.4.0? [19:26] 0erHeks: the first command you send me had an output http://paste.ubuntu.com/24140897/ although the second command had no output [19:26] genewitch: i'm not sure what the issue is? [19:26] Zewwy: do you have a support issue? or just complaining? [19:26] xryuu, then my 1st command was false :-( [19:27] I don't understand the concept of why this is, more off alearnign to why its so difficult when another OS made it so easy [19:27] nacc: apt downloads and installs newer kernels, i want to remove 4.8.X and 4.9.X and stop it from installing those newer kernels automatically [19:27] xryuu, now chekc with status again ? systemctl status snapd.refresh.service [19:27] is there a way to see the previous commands given , I mean to move back in current session of terminal when a command covers the whole terminal ?? [19:27] 0erHeks: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24140911/ here [19:28] genewitch: then don't opt-in to the hwe kernel [19:28] !hwe | genewitch: just remove those metapackages [19:28] genewitch: just remove those metapackages: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack [19:28] fiter: `history` ? [19:29] fiter: shift+pageup [19:29] My main question still stands, why can't one actually expand an existing partition, instead have to create a new partition to expand a logical volume [19:29] ok, new problem :( [19:29] hi I am getting this when adding another interface on ubuntu16.04 service networking restart. Job for networking.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See "systemctl status networking.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details [19:29] I need to install openjdk7 on Yakkety. not Oracle jdk7 but OpenJDK7 [19:29] nacc: but I do have libexpat1-dev [19:29] !info openjdk-7-jdk yakkety | elichai2 [19:29] elichai2: Package openjdk-7-jdk does not exist in yakkety [19:30] k1l_: shift+pageup also moves up upto a certain limit . [19:30] https://www.brianchristner.io/how-to-resize-ubuntu-root-partition/ [19:30] a little better but still painful complared to windows [19:30] fiter: i dont really understand your issue there. [19:31] k1l_: seeI was using working in linux terminal [19:31] !info openjdk-7-jre yakkety [19:31] Package openjdk-7-jre does not exist in yakkety [19:31] elichai2: why do you need jdk7? [19:31] nacc: oh because i'm on 16.10 it's going to want to use 4.8. I guess i'll just manually edit grub and remove the packages. is there a way to disable kernel updates all-together? [19:32] compiling AOSP [19:32] Marshmallow [19:32] i have a feeling this issue isnt going to be fixed until lenovo complains [19:32] genewitch: oh you're on 16.10? [19:32] 0erHeks: any idea what to do now? [19:32] genewitch: that's tricky, because if you stay on the 4.4 kernel, then you're not really on 16.10 [19:32] nacc: well, everything works properly [19:32] genewitch: and that kernel is not getting security updates on 16.10, so you're now vulnerable to CVEs [19:32] hi all how do i migrate from ubuntu 14 to 16 [19:32] xryuu, i don't understand this, networking is up, .. [19:32] then I gave tree command to get tree for directories while in root directory and it gave long tree , now I am not able to see the previously given commands in the terminal [19:33] math-alpha: sudo do-release-upgrade [19:33] fiter: you can check your bash_history file [19:33] k1l_: ^^ [19:33] fiter: to see the commands, just hit up? [19:33] I have this error and no find a valid information: rsync error: some files/attrs were not transferred (see previous errors) (code 23) at main.c(1183) [sender=3.1.1] [19:33] nacc: be that as it may, i literally cannot use this machine with >=4.8 kernel [19:33] Any knows? [19:33] genewitch: then i suggest installing 16.04 :/ [19:33] which i did not know until after i upgraded [19:33] genewitch: easy enought to have verified with a live usb [19:33] thanks KIl_ [19:33] genewitch: or waiting until hwe comes out then testing, and then choosing to upgrade [19:33] fiter: expand the limit of scrollback in the terminal settings. or us uparrow to reuse the command [19:34] genewitch: trust me, you don't want to run a kernel that is prone to vulernabilities (potentially) [19:34] iirc 16.10 works fine on live USB, it's just installed it acts up [19:34] Zewwy: does windows allows to extend the space of non contiguous partitions? [19:35] yes [19:35] elichai2: I don't know what that is, but if you need jdk7, you should not have upgraded to 16.10 [19:35] right click partition in disk maanger, expand, next, next, next done [19:35] nacc: I does not only want the list of commands but also the their output on my terminal [19:35] math-alpha: PPAs disbled - graphics driver - 15.04 fully ipdated and in terminal do ' sudo do-release-upgrade ' . But why leave a LTS release ? [19:35] maarhart: run that command locally, doe sit work? [19:35] fiter: well, you didn't say that [19:35] didn't knew I'll need it [19:36] fiter: then you need to change your backscroll size [19:36] elichai2: sorry, no jdk7 available offiically in 16.10 [19:36] is there a channel for openjdk? [19:36] !alis | elichai2 [19:36] elichai2: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http" [19:36] nacc: how this can be done ? [19:36] Bashing-om how do you disable PPAs [19:37] !ppa-purge [19:37] To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:/ » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html [19:37] math-alpha: Desktop install then from software sources . [19:37] fiter: in gnome terminal it's edit -> profile preferences -> scrolling [19:39] ok but better if there was a written stuff its fast please [19:41] nacc: what do you mean with running it locally? go to its folder and run it with ./ ? [19:41] maarhart: run that command that failed [19:42] nacc: and while I make a change here , this will work when I start the terminal again ? [19:42] nacc: do you mean PKG_CONFIG --exists --print-errors expat ? [19:42] math-alpha: Fast and safe - no . Every system is different , You as the system admin have control . [19:43] Bashing-om i mean the tuto is a bit fast for me [19:43] :) [19:43] i think i am going to try updating the nvidia and intel GPU drivers outside of apt and see if that lets the 4.8 kernel work [19:44] pls help i created an interface using etc/network/interface. eth1 which is to use dhcp but ubuntu is saying unknown interface eth1 [19:45] math-alpha: Oh :) . Once you have done it a time or two is no big deal to revert the PPAs ( if any ) . [19:45] service networking restart is saying failed because control process exited with error [19:45] beeray: do you have two ethernet devices? [19:45] one nic [19:46] well there you go [19:46] just want to create another one to use for management with openvswitch [19:46] beeray: systemd ? see: https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/PredictableNetworkInterfaceNames/ . [19:46] fiter: presuming you change your default profile [19:46] maarhart: yes [19:47] please meaning of PPs [19:47] !PPA | math-alpha [19:47] math-alpha: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge [19:47] sorry PPAs [19:48] ok [19:48] Bashin-om: what can i do to make this work, bcos I have edit the grub to use ethX naming before [19:49] math-alpha: Bit again, consider why you would want to leave a Long Term Support release ( 5 years ) for 16.10 (9 months ) . [19:49] nacc: so no chance to get the previous commands in current session of terminal ? [19:50] nacc: with their output on screen [19:50] ?? [19:50] hmm Bashing-om i thought its the best :) [19:50] if any worry with it, i will not upgrade [19:51] fiter: increase the backlog of the terminal. then restart the terminal program. [19:51] beeray: Networking is not something I am good at . what release is this as 16.04++ there is no longer a ethX by default . [19:52] math-alpha: No worry .. just the headache to upgrade from 16.10 sooner . [19:52] 16.04.2, I have changed the grub to use ethX. I have eth0 now and I want to create eth1 [19:52] ok i will do it later then [19:53] Bashing-om i am also interested in os dev can you advise? [19:53] i think ubuntu is open source [19:54] beeray: In for a bit more work . to get the system to see eth one edits /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules . [19:54] ok let me do that [19:55] math-alpha: Well, as to OS development . Mostly over my paygrade . [19:56] you mean.. [19:57] Anyone here experienced with lxd containers with sqlite going from wal to memory mode and locking? [19:57] some research is leading me to believe it has to do with the VFS filesystem [19:58] i accidentally rm:ed a bunch of my files on an ubuntu server, i can't get in touch with the server administrator until tomorrow. is there some way i can check if the server utilizes som backup solution (to at least just ease my mind)? [19:58] Bashing-om: the file is not present on the directory [19:58] math-alpha: I use it - I confgure to suit my needs - I beat on it ; but mostly what goes on in kernel space is a mystery to me . [19:59] i've run 'apt list --installed | grep backup', which returns nothing [19:59] I only have 60-vboxdrv.rules present in the rules.d folder [19:59] Bashing-om can you give me some of your tricks ? [teach me ?] [20:01] beeray: Yepper . path changed .. see the tutorial for where to make the edit . [20:01] pls where is the tutorial [20:02] math-alpha: Teach you about what - particularly ? Open source one learns by doing . [20:02] hmmm [20:02] that's true [20:02] beeray: https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/PredictableNetworkInterfaceNames/ . [20:03] I have checked but dont even know which one to change [20:03] i mean i have checked the link [20:08] What is the mean of file has vanished? [20:08] In rsync [20:08] beeray: Best to work with systemd, but uf ya nust use the old naming convention, see the paragraph " I don't like this, how do I disable this? " . [20:09] dannyLopez: it means that it wasn't able to copy some files that it saw in the directory at the beginning of the transfer [20:10] either they were moved or deleted before it got to those files, or they were tmp files that were just purged [20:10] you can supress that error with the --exclude switch [20:12] Only in temp files? [20:13] dannyLopez: no, its ANY file that was there when it started to build the list of files to transfer, that was not there at the time it actually moved the files [20:13] dannyLopez: basically a file was in the directory when you pressed go, it was not there when rsync tried to copy them [20:14] usually, this is a tmp file [20:18] exit === KindTwo is now known as KindOne [20:23] MediocreN: Gracias, I read the mail and all files ends whit a ~ And see the folder, and keep the real file Eg file.xml file.xml~ [20:27] Bashing-om: still no success, [20:27] still not working [20:29] beeray: Sorry, network setup is not in my skill set . [20:31] ok, thanks so much. though still need it to be fixed === gigi is now known as Guest29226 [20:34] hi [20:34] what does /etc/sudoers.tmpes stand for? [20:35] ocx: looks like you changed that file and the editor created a backupfile [20:35] kil is it risky? [20:35] You didn't run visudo as root. [20:36] OerHeks: but the file is there an it has a content === Vampire0_ is now known as Vampire0 [20:37] is there a risk? [20:39] ocx: did you make changes at that file? [20:39] no [20:39] ocx: that file ist not a risk. [20:39] can an attacker use that file? [20:39] no [20:40] is it .tmp or really .tmpes ? [20:40] what is the worst that can happen [20:40] nothing. [20:40] beeray: what are you trying to do? [20:41] nacc: trying to add eth1 to ubuntu16.04.2 [20:41] and getting error [20:41] beeray: you don't generally add an ethernet device [20:41] beeray: that's what you have tried, what are you actually trying to do? [20:42] service networking restart [20:42] Job for networking.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See "systemctl status networking.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details. [20:42] that is the error [20:42] any sudi exploit? [20:43] ocx, if we know, we won't tell you but file a bugreport [20:43] so should you [20:43] ocx: no known exploit. [20:44] i edit etc/default/grub and update the grub and roboot, so i then have nic naming from enps025 to eth0. I now want to add another eth1 so that I can use it with sflow and ovswitch for management [20:45] beeray: again, that's what you did, what are you *trying* to do [20:45] beeray: ok, reading that now [20:46] nacc:want to create eth1 for ovs and slow for management === ddstreet_away is now known as ddstreet [20:47] beeray: i'm not sure i understand (or perhaps you need to do more research on ovs) [20:47] beeray: typically, you would tell ovs what devices to use [20:47] so i removed nouveau and installed the latest nvidia and intel GPU drivers, now i can't log in to desktop. It pops up, i type password, and it just goes black and pops the login screen up again [20:47] beeray: you don't add a new 'physical' device [20:48] beeray: unless you actually added a new physical device [20:48] oh i probaby need the xserver [20:48] beeray: what guide or whatever are yousing to setup ovs? [20:48] i did remove the xserver [20:48] i didn't add a new physical device [20:49] beeray: ok, then adding a new eth1 makes no sense [20:49] i followed the guide with sflow to be used with openvswitch [20:49] beeray: link? [20:49] -qeirwiz:#ubuntu- Hi there! Please note that AlexZ on #wikipedia-en is a child molester. [20:49] which xserver-xorg-video should i be using with the nvidia driver (although my intel GPU is the correct 2d gpu) [20:50] hello all [20:50] nacc:http://docs.openvswitch.org/en/latest/howto/sflow/ [20:50] -rkyio:#ubuntu- Hi there! Please note that AlexZ on #wikipedia-en is a child molester. [20:51] beeray: that guide requires two physical networks [20:51] beeray: "Two Physical Networks" [20:51] i'll be safe lol [20:51] i installed nginx and that works with no problems [20:52] nacc: I was thinking if it is possible to do all on a single host [20:52] but when I installed php and set up a test file, when i try to navigate to it, it keeps downloading the php file [20:52] beeray: having two physical networks has nothing to with the number of hosts [20:52] because I have virtual box with vm [20:53] scarybaby: wrong mime type [20:53] i'm a n00b, so i'm going to need a little more. is this an issue with the types listed in the nginx config file? [20:53] scarybaby: i.e. it's not executing php, so it's just a text file to the webserver [20:53] even if i installed php. [20:53] scarybaby: you need fastcgi or something like that installed too for nginx to serve php, ask in nginx or google "nginx php" [20:54] nginx itself doesn't execute php, scarybaby [20:54] right, but I updated the config file to use fastcgi and I pointed to the php .sock file [20:55] or is that not what I was supposed to do [20:55] ? [20:55] nacc:thanks, so there is no way around it [20:55] beeray: so it feels like you don't fully understand OVS, maybe -- you should first configure OVS and then you can configure sflow [20:55] also thank you [20:55] nacc:I have configure both [20:55] Question: Anyone here have experience with zend modules? Specifically in relation to OpenEMR? [20:55] stratocastorNM: zend as in php? [20:56] yeah [20:56] cant seem to get them going through apache [20:56] beeray: if you've configured ovs, then you shouldn't have an active eth0, you should have a br0 or so [20:56] beeray: bridging eth0 [20:56] nacc:I have even created bridge to use with the VM. I just want to use the sflow on the same host [20:56] stratocastorNM: you might ask in a php channel, was why i asked [20:57] nacc:yes bridging eth0 to the bridge i created [20:57] Good point... [20:57] Thanks [20:58] beeray: you might ask in #ubuntu-server, but the people i know that know ovs aren't necessarily online right now [20:58] beeray: or you might find an ovs channel [20:58] !alis | beeray [20:58] beeray: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http" [21:00] beeray: but afaict, it might work, if you just follow the same steps for host1 as on that page, but then do teh hostMon steps on the host [21:00] beeray: you could at least try that, it seems like [21:00] beeray: ah but that guide assumes you are setting the AGENT out on eth1 [21:00] beeray: um, not sure it's possible then === timetrex is now known as catbadger [21:02] nacc: i am thinking it is possible if I can add virtual interface eth1 , and I can then use it for the ovs sflow [21:02] php channel kinda dead, any other good php channels? [21:03] nacc: I want to ask that does that mean I can add interface to /etc/network/interfaces other than the default ones [21:03] beeray: you would have to *create* the veth interface for that [21:03] beeray: /e/n/i does not create interfaces, it configures them [21:04] stratocastorNM, my advise, be patient there in #php [21:04] stratocastorNM: if you are using ubuntu packages, you can ask here, too [21:04] Yeah, will do! thanks [21:04] nacc: any idea on how to do that [21:05] got everything installed ok, just a matter of configuration now [21:05] I used to work with linux many years ago, but my nursing career the last decade, lost some skills in computer land [21:06] I'm built my own server, will run my own electronic medical record system for me and my wife when we are done with FNP school in a year [21:07] I’m having a very weird issue here. A subfolder on one of my servers appears to mount root itself, though it's on a different volume on LVM. [21:08] as in… `/sub` is from `/dev/mapper/sub_vg` and `/` is on a “normal” disk as `/` from `/dev/sdx1`. [21:08] does Ubuntu have a terminal network configuration tool to auto-DHCP on boot up? [21:08] right now I have no network setup. [21:08] hello [21:08] i need just a little bit help... my bluetooth is not working on my linux mint 18 64bit MATE [21:08] ( i think is same as ubuntu more or less) [21:08] if i go to `/sub` i can see `/sub/bin`, `/sub/usr` etc even though they should be only on `/` [21:09] synaptic: taht's a shame, but this is not the Mint support channel. [21:09] even the kernel image is there. [21:09] toothe, you on wifi? [21:09] there's no symbolic link and fstab has nothing. it's very disconcerting. `/proc/mounts` also shows nothing. [21:09] any clues? [21:09] mcphail: i know, im there, but nobody answer, so if somebody can help me here, would be nice for me [21:09] stratocastorNM: no, network hardwire. Its a server. [21:10] synaptic: please read the /topic and do not ask fgor Mint support here [21:10] to be sincere, it's more like `/sub/some-folder/everything-that-should-be-on-root` [21:10] ok mcphail [21:10] i try again, [21:10] i need just a little bit help... my bluetooth is not working on my linux UBUNTU 18 64bit MATE [21:10] sudo ip link set dev eth0 down [21:10] sudo dhclient eth0 jsut replace whatever your card is identified by [21:11] then sudo ip link set dev eth0 up [21:11] synaptic: please play elsewhere [21:12] toothe https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkConfigurationCommandLine/Automatic [21:12] thank you! [21:13] welcome [21:14] How to read the data stream from a website? [21:14] dvdrw: e.g. using curl [21:16] synaptic you still here? [21:18] no bluetooth at all? http://askubuntu.com/questions/787023/bluetooth-not-working-on-ubuntu-16-04-lts [21:19] blutooth seems hit or miss , do you have anything under its profile ? [21:19] i use kubuntu mostly [21:20] what happend some how was it thought of itself as a blue tooth device [21:20] once i deleted it [21:20] hmmm [21:20] i could then sync other devices [21:20] apt-get install audit was unhelpful, finally I realized it is auditd. in the future is there some way to search? [21:21] quesker_: "apt search ...." or "packages.ubuntu.com" [21:21] thanks [21:22] No command 'apt' found... [21:22] 12.04 [21:22] quesker_: uh [21:22] what? [21:22] quesker_: then use apt-cache [21:22] that works. thanks [21:23] the "new" apt command was invented after 12.04 was released :) (btw 12.04 loses support next month) [21:23] that's funny because I am developing a big app for 12.04 specifically :) I love managers [21:24] quesker_: may as well port that to 14.04 or 16.04 [21:24] quesker_: uh [21:28] security compliance checklists are provided for a specific os/version combo === JanC_ is now known as JanC === G_ is now known as Guest58144 [21:53] #JOIN xubuntu [21:54] Guest58144, /join #xubuntu [21:58] hello, I have the following situation: I have no internet connection at my house, and I want to update my repositories information (just the packages info, not to upgrade them), so then I can select from synaptics which pacakges to upgrade or install. How would I accomplish this? [21:58] to update you need an internet connection [21:58] just like to upgrade [21:59] I forgot to say: to accomplish this through the usb memory [21:59] sounds like a waste of time mission [21:59] because you'd still need internet to get the files [21:59] if it was some how macgyver able to do [21:59] Right, but I have internet on my university. [22:00] *at my university [22:00] drag you pc over to somebodies house that has internet [22:00] notebook pc or desktop [22:00] drag either or there to campus , your paying for the internet [22:00] its a desktop. [22:01] just take a keyboard mouse and the tower [22:01] go to some cyber barissta [22:01] and just get to work lol [22:01] easier than expoecting someone hereto spend hours trying to figure out some covert usb version way [22:02] hello room [22:02] damn, thats sad xD [22:02] well, thanks anyway... [22:02] can anyone tell me how to access my /root dir on 14.04 using live CD. [22:02] it has filled up and i need to clean it and i cannot get my system to boot [22:03] ersoul > not to offend you but don't expect us to come up with some bizaree solution to your get in your car and do it [22:03] sintre, he is gone [22:04] sintre, there are solutions, and your sarcasm is out of place here [22:05] so 20 minute of effort on his part to go to his campus is worth hours of troubleshooting from other people? [22:05] if i'm not welcome i'll leave [22:06] sintre, if you have nothing useful to say, then dont add here, we dont put a clock or conditions on support here [22:07] actually bazhang i've done a nice job of troubleshooting people , i'd prefer THEM not to wste thier time as well [22:08] again if i'm not welcome i won't assist in channel [22:08] sintre, that's fine; but dont push others out if you have no solutions [22:08] sintre: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. See also APTonCD . [22:09] See also: apt-cache show apt-offline <- apt-offline can fully update and upgrade an APT based distribution without connecting to the network . [22:09] he said he had NO INTERNET ACCESS [22:09] not to mention sneakernet [22:09] sintre, yes, and there are plenty of solutions for that [22:10] and that is magick internet? [22:10] sintre, you should have a read of the ubuntu help pages and wiki before responding in future [22:10] dont suppose i could become a better topic [22:11] cd root [22:11] thesushimanoftao, ubuntu chroot livecd -> google those terms [22:12] <`evl> you need to mount the hard drive your OS is intalled on, from the live cd yes? thesushimanoftao [22:12] thesushimanoftao: Can you not boot to grub -> recovery -> clean (try to make free space) ? [22:13] i am getting a kernel man ic unable to mounf fs error [22:14] i have mounted the local HD from live cd am unable to access the /root so i can delete some image files [22:14] <`evl> even as root? [22:15] /root is not the same as / [22:15] <`evl> is the drive encrypted? [22:16] i am using a stock distro of ubuntu studio 14.04 lts [22:16] it set up a small partition that the upgrades use [22:17] i faile to do complete updates a couple times, failed to autoclean, and hosed myself [22:18] i have it mounted, just need to access and delete files [22:18] <`evl> sudo nautilus [22:19] <`evl> or gksudo nautilus [22:19] dont run sudo with gui [22:19] Hey, my cpu goes from 55 to 71 when working , 1~3 phpstorms, ff and chrome with multiple tabs . My laptop is being keepted above the ground about 10cm, was wondering if I would buy a cooling pad is there any chance that I can expect a increase in performance ? [22:20] kept* [22:20] <`evl> k1l, suggested to help access /root [22:20] Might help keep a little cooler, wont affect performace. Could tear it apart and replace thermal paste, blow out any dust, etc [22:21] <`evl> ^best responce Scoop7 [22:21] stratocastorNM, thats a ##hardware topic === ifro_ is now known as awayfro [22:22] Yeah, dont know enough to direct him to appropriate place [22:22] http://imgur.com/a/Xjpke [22:22] stratocastorNM, in future, use alis; /msg alis list hardware , for example [22:23] Scoop7, sounds like normal temps to me [22:23] check the specs of your cpu :-) [22:23] awesome, thanks bazhang [22:27] OerHeks: http://imgur.com/a/O4WEW [22:27] it's realy geforce 840m, but I think the gpu doesn't play a role here [22:27] i think the 16.04 lts is unstable [22:28] <`evl> seems normal === piercedwater is now known as pwater [22:28] <`evl> wait, no, i take that back, i recommend bazhang response now [22:29] <`evl> stratocastorNM, hows it working for you? [22:29] it's OS related guys! :D [22:29] what? amazon? [22:30] <`evl> huh? stratocastorNM [22:30] hows what working for me? [22:30] lol [22:30] <`evl> stratocastorNM, your issue with your system [22:30] intel i7 5500u Max. operating temperature 105 °C - lolz you can cook an egg on that [22:31] Scoop7, it might be the internal intel 5500 gpu [22:31] meh, on php channel now, not a lot of help there [22:31] * `evl not familiar enough with intel [22:32] I was told they do php development help only, no configuration, that I should rtfm. [22:32] !language [22:32] Please avoid any language that may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such - also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines || The main channels are English only, for other languages, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList [22:32] Scoop7, it is not os related, those nubers from your first photo looks fine to me [22:32] stratocastorNM, tried #ubuntu-server too ? [22:32] uh oh.. sry [22:32] <`evl> thesushimanoftao, did you figure out your issue... [22:33] sudo got me into nautilus [22:33] yeah, on there as well now, just built a new little server last night, going to trasnfer over DB and webfils over in the next couple of days [22:33] i remember on win10 getting blue screens when using torrent using wi-fi and nothing when using via ethernet cable. And the internet said that the problem is my wi-fi drivers or the hardware and the torrent just worked as a catalyzator, but when downloading anything on full speed via e.g. everything was fine even via wi-fi and on 8 was until the f [22:33] orced 10 update. On ubuntu don't have these wi-fi torrent problems :) [22:33] i may have deleted the wrong files [22:33] grrrr [22:33] <`evl> stratocastorNM, wait i guess i read the ame wrong, lol i meant to ask that to thesushimanoftao [22:33] thanks ev1 [22:33] lol [22:34] OerHeks: but I also have 840m geforce gpu, maybe I should try to switch to it :? [22:34] <`evl> stratocastorNM, yea, my bad lol [22:34] <`evl> thesushimanoftao, have you used bleachbit/ [22:35] only to scrub drives beyond comprehension. I am hoping i dont have to start over yet [22:36] do you guys also afraid to sudo apt-get update like me? :D [22:36] <`evl> bleachbit cleans the /tmp files for moany applications [22:36] Scoop7: apt-get update doesn't change anything except your local cache [22:36] <`evl> Scoop7, not on arch but ubuntu i was before i swithed lol [22:37] <`evl> dist-upgrade i assume you mean [22:37] yh dist [22:37] for the record i was using the software automatic update, i also do apt-get update [22:37] Scoop7: "sudo apt update" will only get the list from the repos. [22:37] it was when i did not select all that things went wonky [22:38] <`evl> i wrote my own update script for ubuntu [22:38] Scoop7: "sudo apt full-upgrade" will install the new updates, that were found on the repos. [22:38] thesushimanoftao, then fix it [22:38] Scoop7: and apt will not bring you from 16.04 to 16.10 on ubuntu. [22:38] Herr Oer guten abend [22:39] Scoop7: dist-upgrade isn't a release change, and isn't really needed anymore (as k1l is saying) [22:39] `evl: why would you do that? [22:39] i am working on fixing it now, thank you to the many [22:39] i am afraid it might mess any dependencies with my drivers or softwares for e.g. I am worry that my laravel project could break :/ [22:40] Scoop7: ubuntu doesnt change the version of a project once its released. [22:40] Yeah one of the main reasons i switched from Bill [22:40] <`evl> k1l, isner a package ignore option? [22:40] <`evl> is n't [22:41] <`evl> there [22:41] <`evl> omg, keyboard [22:42] `evl: you can manually hold packages, yes. but ubuntu only ships updates for security and heavy bugfix reasons. so the long run should be to install those updates. [22:42] <`evl> nacc my update script, was to for manual automation. it was to do all the actioans available automatically but only when i run the script [22:42] hey is there a guide for setting up sensord for ubuntu server? [22:42] `evl: there are two commands to run; did you really need to script them? [22:42] at the end win10 seemed like a annoying spyware/ad system with enforced updates and permission problems, forced restarts and on the other hand you couldn't last like 1 month without a restart on a win10 - mission impossible probably ..... [22:42] <`evl> autoclean and autoremove was in my script [22:43] `evl: autoclean on every update is ... overkill [22:43] <`evl> i only run it once a week [22:43] `evl: autoremove is probaby reasonable, or you can just have unattended-upgrades do it for you [22:43] `evl: you should be keeping your system up to date more often than once a week [22:44] <`evl> my script i only do once a week, forotherwise daily i mannually run update and upgrade [22:44] Q: how can I change first day of the week to monday? [22:44] `evl: oh i see, sorry, that wasn't clear before :) [22:44] Scoop7: where? [22:44] I searched all the settings with no results.... [22:45] in my ubuntu 16.04 lts built in calendar [22:46] <`evl> k1l, unattended-upgradesi havet used that before, does it require a manual run or? [22:47] `evl: as the name implies, unattended-upgrades is unattended [22:47] `evl: runs in the background as specified in its config [22:48] <`evl> wow, im blind as Fkkk today [22:48] Scoop7: afaik, that is set with the language settings standard. [22:49] <`evl> nacc, where is that confexactly? [22:50] <`evl> apperently i have this installed but its like it doesnt run === awayfro is now known as ifro [22:50] `evl: apt-file list or dpkg -L unattended-upgrades --> /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades [22:51] nacc: is his issue the wait timer on shutdown/bootup with unattended? [22:53] So, I'm reading https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkConfigurationCommandLine/Automatic [22:53] Is there a tool to configure this? [22:53] MediocreN: not that i know of [22:53] MediocreN: what issue is that? is there a bug filed? [22:53] toothe: network manager? [22:54] toothe: nmcli / nmtui [22:57] <`evl> apt-file i like... thanks [22:57] nacc: i havent seen one filed, but i've seen people have been having issues with it the last few days [22:58] just adding that service to start on boot fixes everything [22:58] MediocreN: always good to get a bug filed by one of those people, if possible [22:58] MediocreN: ah it's trying to stop a service it never started? [22:59] <`evl> i dint have apt-file installed.. [22:59] <`evl> lol [22:59] nacc: yeah, it sits there with a x/no limit timer too [22:59] its really shitty [23:00] `evl: not installed by default [23:00] <`evl> makes snese [23:01] MediocreN: oh i see, it's a oneshot on shutdown only [23:01] MediocreN: unattended-upgrades itself is not a service [23:02] MediocreN: looks like it logs, /var/log/unattended-upgrades/unattended-upgrades-shutdown.log [23:02] i believe if you: sudo crontab -e and enter: @reboot [23:02] /etc/init.d/unattended-upgrades start [23:02] it works as normal now [23:02] MediocreN: that's not necessary [23:02] MediocreN: something else is the actual root cause, i believe [23:02] oh, sorry didnt read your message [23:02] why messing with unattended updates at all? [23:03] MediocreN: as that service is what is waiting for an unattended upgrade to finish [23:03] OerHeks: dunno, i was just told there was a problem with it [23:03] hmm, so mine is merely a work around, and even then wouldnt work if you shutdown right after boot [23:04] MediocreN: right -- aiui, everything is working as designed, but for some reason there is a pending unattended-upgrade that your system was waiting on [23:04] i've seen 4-5 people in the last week with this issue, 2 of them being today [23:04] MediocreN: interesting [23:04] impatience .. happens all the time. [23:04] MediocreN: well, if they show up again, ping me, I'd liek to help debug it [23:04] i will do it was [23:04] hmm [23:05] he isnt in chat anymore nvm [23:05] freakynl was the users name [23:07] <`evl> naac apt-file list or dpkg -L unattended-upgrades [23:07] <`evl> Unknown option: L [23:07] <`evl> ohh, nvm [23:08] MediocreN: ack, thanks [23:08] `evl: sorry, was in a hurry [23:09] <`evl> its cool, i realzed the or after and was like, oh, facepalm [23:10] MediocreN, Yes ir ead him, vmware install, then claims It's a bare installed .. then 2 vm's .. then 10 vm's .. then differences between hyperv/vmware .. and on top of that: Server only has 256M .. /facepalm [23:31] Hey, I'm using Ubuntu 16.04 on my Asus Laptop and the sound is quite strange. Although the stereo works perfectly, my headphones only manage to produce some noises. How do I work this around? [23:31] thats odd [23:38] xet, i use clementine for music, excellent equaliser [23:38] OerHeks, what do you mean? [23:39] Any sound is noisy, distorted, from youtube videos to downloaded music :( [23:39] xet, standard settings are dull indeed [23:39] oh, no, that is not regular behaviour [23:40] I wish it was just poor sound quality from a music player :/ [23:40] I feel like I must be missing something. I have a service that starts via /etc/init/rc as a SysV init script. The upstart job that sets a sysctl I need seems to be running after it. Is there a simple way to fix that? Nothing coming up via google. [23:43] carlf: /etc/init is where upstart stuff is. /etc/init.d is where sysvinit stuff is [23:43] I know. The problem is that /etc/init/rc which runs the SysV stuff runs before procps which runs sysctl. I need sysctl to run before mysql starts. I'm trying to do this without editing packaged files but I haven't found a way thus far. [23:45] carlf, on what ubuntu version? [23:45] 14.04 === wlp1s1 is now known as [ic] === [ic] is now known as wlp1s1 [23:45] oh oke, no systemD situation [23:46] Yeah. We are working on switching to the next LTS but this box is not there yet. [23:47] is 16.10 stable yet? [23:48] Scoop7: i mean, it's released, yes [23:48] Scoop7: what do you mean by "stable yet"? [23:48] LTS is stable [23:49] Scoop7: 16.10 is stable since october 2016 [23:49] 16.10 is fine too, though [23:49] I m currently on 16.04 lts and wondering should I switch to 16.10 for better stability. security n even performance, better compabilty ? [23:49] Scoop7: no [23:49] Scoop7: Interim releases (non LTS releases) cannot really be considered stable, since they are for incrementally adding features which will be in the next LTS. Which might still be works-in-progress [23:49] Scoop7: it is not 'better' stability security or performance, I would argue [23:49] Scoop7: compatibility can be achieved with !hwe [23:49] Scoop7: without leaving LTS [23:49] Scoop7: if you leave 16.04 you will have to update to the next release every 6 months. [23:50] ok so I will stay i guess then :) Thanks for advices [23:51] detailed explanation*