
fossfreedom_jbicha: quick question about Ubuntu GNOME - how does UG handle sharing of printers?  The GCC printers applet doesnt have a share option.  The old system-config-printer-gnome applet had a share button.  Is printer sharing handled in a different way now?10:52
fossfreedom_jbicha: sorry only just saw your message yesterday about arc-theme.  Reluctant to push this at this late stage.  Upstream said he thought this version would work but wasnt willing to push a new version until GNOME had officially released the next increment.10:57
jbichafossfreedom_: I'm not sure that UI Freeze applies to flavors who don't have documentation12:05
jbichaif the changes are only for Cinnamon, then that's not even seeded12:06
jbichaGNOME doesn't really offer printer sharing yet: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=77788212:10
ubottuGnome bug 777882 in Sharing "Add Printer Sharing options" [Enhancement,New]12:10
jbichait needs a design and then a developer to implement it12:11
raniaexcuse me :D16:43
fossfreedom_rania: hi!16:44
raniahi fossfreedom_16:45
raniayour new banner request now available on github :)16:46
fossfreedom_just seen you banner.  thanks :)  I'll get HexCube to have a look as he usually does16:47
raniayeps, i'm so sorry about last banner release :(16:50
raniajust tell me, if hexcube need the source of the background. I create it in Krita and it have big size of file, so i don't include it.16:51
jbichafossfreedom: ^ borrowed from Ubuntu MATE (which sets their homepage to https://start.ubuntu-mate.org/20:59
fossfreedomjbicha: nice idea!  our default browser is chromium not firefox. will need to investigate if this is possible with chromium22:21
jbichachromium doesn't really have a homepage like that by default, right?22:23
fossfreedomjbicha: by default it opens on google's homepage22:26
jbichaa custom new tab page, right22:28
jbichafossfreedom: I was asked in #gnome-shell on irc.gnome.org whether it was the first or second part of https://git.gnome.org/browse/mutter/commit/?id=383ba566b that broke Budgie22:33
fossfreedomjbicha: out of the box - somehow opens two tabs - a google.co.uk (I'm in the UK) homepage and a second "getting started tab".  the first doesnt look like a custom home-page22:40
jbichafossfreedom: I'm in the US but this is my default: https://bicha.net/i/chromium-default.png22:44
fossfreedomjbicha: from the stack trace it looks like the second part - cogl_xlib_renderer_set_threaded_swap_wait_enabled or at least something deep within that function that calls something else.22:45
jbichafossfreedom: could you mention that on https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=77953822:46
ubottuGnome bug 779538 in general "SIGSEGV in __GI___pthread_mutex_lock() with mutter 3.23.91" [Critical,New]22:46

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