=== not_phunyguy is now known as phunyguy | ||
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lordievader | Good morning. | 08:24 |
=== Piper-Off is now known as Monthrect | ||
kuku | hey guys, is there a way to have a list of logged for a specific user? | 09:43 |
ikonia | list of logged ? | 09:43 |
kuku | ikonia: i mean list off ssh connections for a specific user | 09:47 |
kuku | of* | 09:47 |
kuku | lastlog for example lists only the last connections for each user | 09:48 |
ducasse | is there a difference between the zfs.ko that comes with the kernel and the zfs-dkms package? both are the same version, afaict. | 09:59 |
ghone_ | Hello all, | 12:49 |
ghone_ | I'd like to ask you guys how do you cope with ubuntu server updates in environment where there is uat,dev,test,nfr (so all non-prod servers) and also prod servers. | 12:50 |
ghone_ | If I do an upgrade of i.e. UAT environment, leave it for testing for a week (or longer), then upgrade, NFR (and again leave it for a while) | 12:52 |
ghone_ | the whole process for non-prod servers might take a few weeks. By the time I get to prod servers there might be new packages released | 12:53 |
ghone_ | but we need predictable result so reach some level of updates across all environments before do next round. | 12:53 |
ghone_ | Red Hat has Satellite server where I can create channels snapshots. | 12:54 |
ghone_ | Is there any way I can upgrade ubuntu servers with all patches released before YYYY-MM-DD ? | 12:54 |
rbasak | Canonical has Landscape. | 12:55 |
rbasak | I believe there are various other third party tools you can use. | 12:55 |
rbasak | Or you can run your own mirror manually using reprepro or similar. | 12:56 |
ghone_ | rbasak: thanks :-) | 12:59 |
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coreycb | jamespage, ocata proposed tests passed for xenial-proposed and zesty-proposed, minus the volume boot charm issue | 13:20 |
jamespage | coreycb: I concur - promotion in progress | 13:29 |
jamespage | zul: is nova-lxd 13.3.0 in a queue somewhere? | 15:12 |
zul | jamespage: it should be | 15:13 |
jamespage | zul: don't see it here - https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/xenial/+queue?queue_state=1&queue_text= | 15:13 |
jamespage | zul: nm I'm blind - its there | 15:14 |
zul | jamespage: heh | 15:15 |
zioproto | hello guys. I am migrating in Mitaka from LBaaSv1 to LBaaSv2. I managed to do the migration and the horizon panels for LBaaS disappeared. Is this stuff packaged in ubuntu ? https://github.com/openstack/neutron-lbaas-dashboard | 15:34 |
zioproto | I always have 'enable_lb': True, in my horizon config | 15:40 |
zioproto | coreycb, jamespage who is familiar with the ubuntu packaging for Horizon ? | 15:46 |
frickler | zioproto: I don't think it is packaged, we install from pypi: http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/cookbook-openstack-dashboard/tree/recipes/neutron-lbaas-dashboard.rb | 15:46 |
zioproto | frickler: so I can add it with 'pip install ??' | 15:48 |
zioproto | frickler: all the infrastructure now is installed with .deb packages here ... I should not fish files with pip ... it is difficult to reproduce the deployment. | 15:48 |
frickler | zioproto: yes, you need to install version 1.0.0 for mitaka+newton and also get the panel file | 15:49 |
zioproto | what is the pip package name ? | 15:49 |
zioproto | neutron-lbaas-dashboard ? | 15:49 |
frickler | yes | 15:49 |
zioproto | but if I do 'pip install neutron-lbaas-dashboard' it will destroy half of my system ? :D | 15:50 |
coreycb | zioproto, frickler, neutron-lbaas-dashboard is packaged in ocata | 15:50 |
zioproto | I am afraid that 'include_recipe 'openstack-dashboard::horizon'' means destroy the already installed horizon :D | 15:50 |
zioproto | coreycb: yes but LBaaSv1 is dropped in Newton, and to have the web interface for LBaaSv2 we need that package ! :O | 15:51 |
zioproto | Looks like I will have to run a Ocata Horizon against a Mitaka cloud | 15:51 |
frickler | coreycb: ah, nice, but you'll need 2.0.0 for ocata I think | 15:52 |
zioproto | this LBaaS is the most unsupported feature ever in Openstack ! #rant | 15:53 |
jamespage | zioproto: frickler, coreycb: we can update the dashboard for lbaas v2 still | 15:53 |
frickler | coreycb: also I cannot find the package in UCA, is it in -proposed only? | 15:53 |
zioproto | guys I had to implement the alembic migration my self in neutron to upgrade from LBaaSv1 to LBaaSv2, a nightmare | 15:54 |
zioproto | now, what happens if somebody deployed a LBaaSv1 with ubuntu charms ? how to you do the migration to LBaaSv2 ? you also implemented a alembic migration for this in the charm ? | 15:55 |
zioproto | or... we can confirm I am the ONLY production user in the world for Openstack LBaaS ?? :) | 15:55 |
zioproto | jamespage: LBaaSv2 it is supported in the charm! :) https://github.com/openstack/charm-neutron-gateway/blob/master/templates/newton/lbaas_agent.ini | 16:01 |
zioproto | jamespage: do you have also a migration strategy ? | 16:01 |
zioproto | from LBaaSv1 ? | 16:01 |
jamespage | zioproto: yes its supported in the charm since lbaasv1 was removed | 16:01 |
jamespage | zioproto: no we don't have a migration strategy - I don't think there is one right? | 16:01 |
zioproto | jamespage: yes, there is one now ! I migrated today | 16:01 |
zioproto | I miss only the web panels | 16:02 |
jamespage | zioproto: yeah cause the dashboard does not have native support - needs the extra project | 16:02 |
jamespage | zioproto: is your migration approach something that could be contributed into lbaas? | 16:02 |
zioproto | jamespage: everything I did is summarized here: http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2017-March/113628.html | 16:03 |
zioproto | jamespage: there is a guy that contributed with a partial script for alembic migration. | 16:04 |
zioproto | I had to do some small patching to that script, and the migration worked, but it is not very robust | 16:04 |
zioproto | I tested on our staging cloud | 16:04 |
zioproto | it will be fun next week when I try the migration against the production db | 16:04 |
coreycb | frickler, jamespage, zul, yeah we could use a 2.0.0 update for lbaas-dashboard | 16:05 |
coreycb | for ocata | 16:05 |
zul | we could.. | 16:05 |
zul | coreycb: gimme a sec :P | 16:06 |
frickler | 1.0.0 is a year old and pretty buggy. I must admit that I haven't tested 2.0.0, though | 16:06 |
coreycb | frickler, well, 2.0.0 was released last month | 16:07 |
frickler | coreycb: yes, I was talking with johnsom at the time when trying to figure out which version to use for Newton. and he told me that 2.0.0 is for Ocata and 1.0.0 was for Mitaka, but since no new release was made for Newton, I should continue to use 1.0.0 there | 16:09 |
coreycb | frickler, ok thanks | 16:10 |
coreycb | frickler, i don't think we can provide the lbaas-dashboard to mitaka/newton without significant changes to openstack-dashboard | 16:11 |
coreycb | zul, jamespage ^ | 16:11 |
zul | coreycb: no we cant | 16:11 |
zioproto | I plan to run Horizon directly in Ocata even if the rest of the infrastructure is Mitaka/Newton. I dont see another solution | 16:12 |
zioproto | I will move Horizon to a different VM or Docker container ... | 16:12 |
zul | coreycb: we changed how horizon was installed didnt we? | 16:13 |
jamespage | zul: doing a run through vmware-nsxlib, vmware-nsx and neutron-taas for ocata release | 16:13 |
jamespage | they all popped out shortly afterwards | 16:13 |
grendal_prime | i got a werid one here...i have a kvm virt host that i also use as the router for several virtual and phisical legs of a network. the network is segmented so that if we need to change the media to connect to any of the legs, (ie put in a cellular mifi or wireless bridge) we can just change the route at the server to point to the different subnet. | 16:13 |
zul | jamespage: thanks one off my todo list | 16:13 |
zul | jamespage: i think neutron-taas is still a git snapshot though | 16:14 |
jamespage | zul: no there is a 1.0.0 release but its not up on tarballs.openstack.org | 16:14 |
jamespage | only in git | 16:14 |
grendal_prime | one of these legs goes through some calamp viper radios (ip over rf super slow but work) the come happens every 60 seconds and then fails, if i sniff the subnetwork at the router it continus to work.?? | 16:14 |
zul | jamespage: what about pypi? | 16:15 |
jamespage | zul: no cigar - I expect its a misconfiguration in project-config - I'll follow up afterwards | 16:16 |
zul | jamespage: ack | 16:16 |
jamespage | https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/ivxpiRQh/ | 16:17 |
jamespage | zul: awesome ^^ | 16:17 |
zul | jamespage: i get that all the time though especially with anything keystone related though | 16:18 |
coreycb | zul, yes we moved static assets from /usr/share/ to /var/lib | 16:19 |
coreycb | zul, and the additional dashboards always used /var/lib | 16:19 |
zul | coreycb: oic | 16:19 |
zul | coreycb/jamespage/anyone else: lbaas-dashboard is uploaded | 16:30 |
zul | jamespage: i tested ceph in my ppa i think its ok but i only smoked tested it | 16:31 |
jamespage | zul: push your stuff to git and upload to the staging PPA's we can smoke test if directly once in proposed | 16:32 |
zul | ack | 16:32 |
hh2010 | hello. i keep having issues managing two network interfaces on my Amazon AWS. i did a system reboot yesterday and now theres no incoming traffic coming through on eth1. any ideas what i should look into? | 16:40 |
hh2010 | ip route seems to be set up well. the second interface says it is up and running with private ip that works on loopback. but cannot connect to it from other hosts, even on the same network | 16:40 |
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patdk-wk | hh2010, nothing you said means anything, aws networking is NOT the same network, EVER | 16:48 |
hh2010 | hrmm the only reaosn i said that was that in the past ive been able to connect using SSH or do SCP to the private ip address | 16:48 |
hh2010 | from another AWS instance | 16:49 |
hh2010 | but i guess thats just because i was connected to both | 16:49 |
patdk-wk | aws is virtualized, aws could be having issues with their network, hosts, ... | 16:50 |
patdk-wk | or you could have applied a security policy to the instance, network, ... | 16:50 |
hh2010 | ok... do you have any thoughts on how i could test either of those? | 16:51 |
hh2010 | i feel like it might not be AWS becuase this happened after i did a system reboot yesterday | 16:51 |
hh2010 | wait... | 16:51 |
hh2010 | i think i got it | 16:52 |
hh2010 | the iprule for eth1 wasnt getting added on reboot | 16:52 |
hh2010 | because i added "metric 150" to eth1 in /etc/network/interfaces... for some reason that stops it from adding the ip rule to lookup the table for default gateway | 16:54 |
patdk-wk | heh | 16:55 |
patdk-wk | hh2010, best way to test for an aws issue, is to stop the instance, and restart it | 16:56 |
=== freakynl is now known as Guest63434 | ||
aesthetik | Finish Quest and get $110! | 19:10 |
aesthetik | https://richmondberks.com/?ref=rbd118972 | 19:10 |
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aesthetik | - Invite a friend and get 1$ as a gift ! | 19:10 |
aesthetik | - Comissions of 10% ! | 19:10 |
DammitJim | is there an appropriate place to place ssl certificates on an ubuntu server? | 19:17 |
sarnold | /etc/ssl/ ? | 19:18 |
DammitJim | thanks sarnold | 19:18 |
DammitJim | probably /etc/ssl/certs? | 19:21 |
DammitJim | it doesn't matter if they are provided or self signed, right? | 19:21 |
sarnold | and private/ for the key | 19:21 |
DammitJim | I do need keys, don't I? | 19:21 |
sarnold | it depends what you're doing with the cert | 19:22 |
DammitJim | a python application is going to be accessing these | 19:22 |
tomreyn | and do what with them? | 19:31 |
tomreyn | either way, /etc/ssl/{certs,private} is the right place to store X.509 certificates | 19:32 |
DammitJim | thanks | 19:40 |
=== JanC is now known as Guest31591 | ||
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC | ||
jgrimm | nacc, can you remind me the location of the file that showed intentionally skipped/bad autopkgtesting? .. context you noticed python-boto was in that list | 20:22 |
jgrimm | tho i'll note that python-boto seems to have 1) gotten demoted to universe 2) seems to have disappeared from 'update-excuses'? tho i just got a kindly nag note. | 20:23 |
jgrimm | nacc, doh i was looking at debian. never mind to #2 comment | 21:31 |
=== Guest63434 is now known as freakynl | ||
Doow | Hi, I'm trying to figure out why apache isn't starting automatically on my server (ubuntu server 16.10). It's enabled in /etc/rc2-5.d, but I can't find anything about it in the logs at all. It starts without problems if I start it manually | 22:10 |
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=== Piper-Off is now known as Monthrect |
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